Worksheet for Chapter 3 Name: ____________________ A. Translate these words 1. Puer 7. Vir 13. Subito 2. Qui 8. Servus 14. In piscinam 3. Eadem 9. Multi 15. Cadit 4. In horto 10. Laborant 16. Abite, molesti 5. Clamant 11. Solus 17. Gemit 6. Rident 12. Iratus 18. Minime B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Fill in the Blanks with correct form of sunt/est. AND translate. Servi ________________. (______________________________) Puella _________________. (_______________________________) Sextus _____________ non puella. (___________________________________) Sextus et Marcus _____________ amici. (___________________________________) Viri _______________ in villam. (_________________________________) Pueri ______________ in Italia. (__________________________________) C. Circle the correct word 1. Puer/Pueri 2. Vir/Viri 3. Puella/puellae 4. Equus/Equi 5. Servus/Servi 6. Lectus/Lecti D. Write an ‘S’ if the word is Singular and ‘P’ is the word is Plural. 1. Puella 9. Amici 2. Pueri 10. Amica 3. Romana 11. Defessi 4. Vir 12. Solus 5. Servi 13. Puellae 6. Marcus 14. Romani 7. Amicae 15. Puer 8. Amicus 16. Vir E. Short Answer 1. Where do verbs go? What is the exemption? ________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. How can you tell if the verb is singular or plural? ____________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. How does a yes and no question start? ____________________________________________ 4. How do nouns and adjectives have to agree? _______________________________________ F. Write F if the word is feminine or M if the word is masculine. 1. Gallina _______ 10. Strenua _______ 2. Villa _______ 11. Strenuus _______ 3. Amicus _______ 12. Servus _______ 4. Puer _______ 13. Magnus _______ 5. Vir _______ 14. Romana _______ 6. Puella _______ 15. Magna _______ 7. Pila _______ 16. Iratus _______ 8. Fundus _______ 17. Ramus _______ 9. Rivus _______ 18. Molesta _______ G. Change these nouns and adjectives from singular to plural. Translate. 1. Amicus solus ______________________ (__________________________________) 2. Puella Romana _____________________ (__________________________________) 3. Puer laetus ________________________ (__________________________________) 4. Vir defessus ______________________ (__________________________________) 5. Servus iratus _____________________ (__________________________________) H. Change these nouns and adjectives from plural to singular 1. Amici laeti _____________________ 4. Pueri soli _______________________ 2. Puellae iratae ___________________ 5. Servi strenui ____________________ 3. Viri Romani ____________________ 6. Puellae defessae _________________ I. Make each sentence plural. Change all subjects, verbs, and adjectives. Translate 1. Puella ridet __________________________________________ (____________________________________________) 2. Servus laborat _______________________________________ (____________________________________________) 3. Puer est laetus _______________________________________ (____________________________________________) 4. Puella est irata _______________________________________ (____________________________________________) 5. Vir clamat. __________________________________________ (____________________________________________) J. Make each sentence singular. Change all subjects, verbs, and adjectives. Translate 1. Puellae clamant. __________________________________________ (____________________________________________) 2. Servi ambulant. _______________________________________ (____________________________________________) 3. Puellae sunt strenuae. _______________________________________ (____________________________________________) 4. Pueri sunt strenui. _______________________________________ (____________________________________________) 5. Viri rident. __________________________________________ (____________________________________________) K. Change each word to work with the opposite gender (keep same number) EX. Amicus Amica 1. Multi ______________ 8. Amica __________________ 2. Sola _______________ 9. Iratus __________________ 3. Iratae ______________ 10. Soli __________________ 4. Defessa ____________ 11. Multus ________________ 5. Amici _____________ 12. Stenui ________________ 6. Strenua ____________ 13. Iratus _________________ 7. Defessi ____________ 14. Romani _______________ L. Underline the subject and choose the correct verb. Translate. 1. Marcus in agris (currit/currunt). (____________________________________________) 2. Sub arbore servi (sedet/sedent) et non (laborat/laborant). (_____________________________ _______________________________________) 3. Viri ad pueros (legit/legunt). (____________________________________________) 4. Hodie puer (ridet/rident). (____________________________________________) 5. Hodie in agris puellae et pueri (ambulat/ambulant). (_______________________________ _______________________________) M. Each sentence has a linking verb. Fill in the correct ending for the compliments. 1. Cornelia est puell___ Roman___. 2. Marcus est puer___ Roman____. 3. Marcus et Sextus sunt puer___ Roman____. 4. Cornelia et Flavia sunt puell___ Roman____. 5. Servi sunt deffess____. N. Translate each sentence into Latin 1. Davus is a British man. _______________________________________________________ 2. Marcus and Sextus are happy friends. ____________________________________________ 3. The boys are happy. _________________________________________________________ 4. The servants are working. _____________________________________________________ 5. The boys are annoying. _______________________________________________________ 6. The servants are not happy. ___________________________________________________ O. Write the questions to these answers. Circle the part that makes it a yes and no answer. EX. Yes, the boys ran. Currunt ne pueri? 1. No, the girls did not write. ________________________________________________ 2. Yes, the man walks. _____________________________________________________ 3. Yes, the slaves are laughing. _______________________________________________ 4. No, Marcus is not a girl. __________________________________________________ 5. Yes, the slaves are working in the fields. _____________________________________ P. Write a Latin sentence for each of the pictures. (Use the number of words indicated) (2 words) 1. (6 words) 2. (6 words) 3. (4 words) 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. Q. Roman Dress Aurelia wears a simple blue tunic called a ________________. The ___________worn over the tunic says that she is a Roman citizen. What does Cornelius tunic have to indicate that he is a senator? ______________________ The toga with a purple border that they were to say that they are Roman citizens is called a ____________________________. R. How to translate from English into Latin. First write the sentence in English, then draw an arrow under the first word, ask yourself what it is doing in the sentence (subject, verb, etc.) and translate it into Latin. Repeat with the second word and the third and so on. After you translate all the words, rewrite it in Latin making sure the verb is last. Example. The girls are in the fields. The girl is in the house. a. Rewrite the sentence in English: v b. Draw an arrow under the first word and (NT) Puella est in (NT) villa translate.(NT means Not Translated) c. Rewrite in Latin with the verb unless it Puella est in villa. is sunt or est at the end 1. 2. 3. 4. The boys are running in the garden. The angry man shouts because the statue falls into the fishpond. Many slaves work in the fields but the boys do not work in the fields. Davus groans because Davus works, but Sextus and Marcus do not work. 1. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ S. How to translate from Latin into English. First write the sentence in Latin, then draw an arrow under the first word, look at the ending and ask yourself the gender and number and job and translate it into English. Repeat with the second word and the third and so on. After you translate all the words, rewrite it in English making sure the verb comes after the subject. And make sure you put the and a and an in your English sentences. Example. Flavia in villa habitat. Flavia in villa habitat a. Rewrite the sentence in Latin: v b. Draw an arrow under the first word and Flavia in country house lives translate. c. Rewrite in English with the verb after Flavia lives in the country house. the subject and put in the, a, and an. 1. 2. 3. 4. Puer est in eadem horto solus. Marcus et Sextus sunt amici quo in horto clamant et rident. Multi servi in agris, in horto, et in villa laborant. Pueri subito in piscinam cadiunt. 1. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________