FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING PROJECT ANALYZING FIRMS IN THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY Company A (US) vs. Company B (Switzerland) vs. Company C (UK) vs. Company D (France) vs. Company E (Japan) vs. Company F (Israel) I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. II. 1. IMPORTANT NOTES The Excel file FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING PROJECT EXCEL WORKSHEETS contains the financial statements of companies. These are real companies with actual financial statements. The companies have been disguised to prevent downloading solutions from the web. The Raw Income Statement (IS) and Raw Balance Sheet (BS) have been provided for each of the firms for two consecutive years. Also, to ensure consistency of answers, classification of some operating (OP) and nonoperating (NO) elements is provided. Use your judgment on the others. In the Raw IS and Raw BS indicate what items are operating (OP) and what are nonoperating (NO). Your team should consist between 4-6 students. Each student will pick a company to analyze. If you have less than six members in your team, you can choose any of the above six firms. The group will make one submission. For questions marked “Group”, you will work together and provide one response. For questions marked “Individual”, you will do the work individually. The group will make ONE submission – in Excel on Canvas. The first worksheet of the Excel file, “Team Members”, will have the names of the students and the names of the firms they are analyzing Since you will be calculating ratios, you do not have to convert the statements into US dollars. Each group will submit the following: i. Individual responses to Parts 1 & 2 (in Excel). Each individual student will have 5 worksheets: “Firm Name – Raw IS, “Firm Name – Raw BS”, “Firm Name – Template IS, “Firm Name – Template BS” “Firm Name – Analysis”. ii. Group responses to Part 3 (in Excel) – “Group Analysis” Make sure that the Excel worksheets are appropriately formatted so that they look professional. Ensure there is consistency of format across all firms. Use formulas with cell addresses, not numbers. INSTRUCTIONS (Individual) One challenge of comparing firms, even within the same industry, is that the firms use different formats and classifications in preparing their financial statements. One way to address this situation is to convert the financial statements of firms into a standard format before undertaking financial analysis. For each firm, convert the Income Statement and Balance Sheet of the firm into the standard format shown in Appendix A. Indicate in the Excel spreadsheet how you mapped the items from the financial statements to the standard format. In addition, Also, indicate the items in the Income Statement you tagged as non-recurring (with reasons for doing so) and hence did not include in the standard format. Note: You cannot make any changes to the template. 2. (Individual) For each firm, using the model developed in Module 4 of the text, disaggregate ROE into its operating and nonoperating components. Discuss the impact financial leverage has on firm’s ROE. Further, disaggregate RNOA into its components and analyze each of the components further to gain insights into the factors driving firm’s performance. Using the disaggregation analysis, comment on the firm’s performance (use the Excel worksheet – “Firm name – Analysis” Using appropriate ratios, analyze the riskiness (short-term liquidity and long-term solvency) of the firm. 3. III. (Group) Compare and analyze the profitability and risk of the four/five/six firms. Calculate the trailing PE ratio for each of the firms as of the fiscal year-end. Based on your analysis in (2) above and the PE ratio, which of the companies is the best investment to buy. Why? OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1. You need to calculate ratios only for 2018 (not 2017), since you cannot calculate averages for 2017. 2. For students who have Company C, I would recommend taking the average tax rate of the previous 5 years (2014-2018), calculated as follows: *Took average of five years (2014-2018) due to 15% tax rate in 2018 alone Year Provision for tax Income before tax Tax rate 2014 2,222 7,891 28.16% 2015 1,304 3,157 41.31% 2016 2,220 7,625 29.11% 2017 1,922 6,600 29.12% 2018 1,019 6,647 Average 3. 15.33% 28.61% Students who have Company F will notice that the tax rate for both years is negative. I would recommend taking a tax rate of 1.72% for 2018, calculated as follows: *Took average of five years (2014-2018) due to negative tax rate in 2018 Year Provision for tax 2014 166 Income before tax 2,203 7.54% 2015 283 3,646 7.76% 2016 127 2,956 4.30% 2017 -137 1,819 -7.53% 2018 -43 1,250 -3.44% Average Tax rate 1.72% 4. If you believe a team member did not devote his or her fair share of time and effort to the project or if the team member did not submit their company analysis in Excel on time, then the team members who have a complaint and jointly send me (at and my TA (at a confidential email describing the complaint. If you believe all members did their fair share, you don’t need to send an email. IV. APPENDIX A Template for Income Statement Income Statement Sales (Net) Cost of Goods Sold Gross Profit R&D Expense SG&A Expense Other Operating Expenses (Net) EBIT (=Operating Income) Net Non-Operating Expense/Income EBT (Earnings Before Taxes) Income Taxes Net Income before Nonrecurring Items Preferred Dividends Net Income (available to common) Current fiscal Year Past fiscal year Note: If your firm has Minority Interest in Earnings, ignore it in the calculation of Net Income Template for Balance Sheet Balance Sheet Operating Cash Short-term Investments Receivables Inventories Other Current Assets Total Current Assets PP&E (Net) Investments Intangibles Other Long-term Assets Total Assets Current fiscal year Prior fiscal year Current Portion of Debt Accounts Payable Income Taxes Payable Other Current Liabilities Total Current Liabilities Long-Term Debt Other Long-term Liabilities Total Liabilities Preferred Stock Paid in Common Capital (Net) Retained Earnings Total Common Equity Total Liabilities & Common Equity Note: If your firm has Minority Interest take it as part of Common Shareholder’s Equity Include Deferred Tax Assets and Deferred Tax Liabilities as Other Long-term Assets and Other Long-term Liabilities respectively. Consider as Operating.