1 Illumination Engineering J. Gregorio I. L IGHT & L IGHTING F UNDAMENTALS Light is ”the part of the electromagnetic spectrum sandwhiched between ultraviolet (U.V.) & infrared (I.R.). The visible portion of this spectrum has a wavelength between 380 nm to 780 nm. Formally, light B. Infrared Radiation Infrared radiation has wavelengths slightly longer than that of visible light. the C.I.E. has also divided the I.R. region into three sections: IR-A (780nm-1400nm) IR-B (1400nm-3000nm) IR-C (3000nm-106 nm) C. Types of Lighting Fig. 1. The visible light spectrum There are four major types of lighting used in Illumination Engineering: • Direct Lighting • Indirect Lighting • Indirect/Direct Lighting • Mellow Lighting 1) Direct Lighting: In direct lighting, light falls from luminaires on the ceiling directly onto the workplace. It is highly directional & glare suppression should be considered under flat angles. The ceiling under this conditions may appear dark, this is called the ”cave effect”. is defined by the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (I.E.S.N.A.) as ”a radiant energy that is capable of existing in the retina & producing a visual sensation”. This statement implies that light, is not only a form of energy nor that it is only a visual sensation, but is a combination of both. A. Ultraviolet Radiation U.V. has wavelength shorter than that of visible radiation. The Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage (C.I.E.) divides U.V. radiation into three categories: UV-A (400nm-315nm) The most common type of U.V. radiation. Sometimes overlaps with the shortest wavelengths in the visible portion of the light spectrum. UV-B (315nm-280nm) What is effectively the most damaging U.V. radiation from the sun, as it can penetrate the atmosphere & injure biological tissue. UV-C (280nm-100nm) Even more damaging than UV-B, it comes from the sun but is blocked by the ozone layer. Fig. 2. Direct Lighting 2) Indirect Lighting: In indirect lighting, the light is directed at the ceiling and the walls instead of the workplace, allowing the reflected light from these areas to illuminate the workplace instead. This creates a diffuse effect on the workplace and makes the ceiling seem to increase in height. The light in these areas would be glare-free and there is a certain flexibility in where the 2 workstations here can be arranged. This does come at the cost of energy efficiency, however. Fig. 3. Indirect Lighting 3) Indirect/Direct Lighting: A combination of the two previous lighting schemes, it boasts pleasant room visuals & high user acceptance. It also a lot more flexible when layouting the workplace thanks to the indirect lighting share of the area of about > 60%. It gives us a good combination of energy efficiency & lighting quality. Fig. 4. Indirect/Direct Lighting 4) Mellow Light: Direct & Indirect lighting combined in a single ceiling mounted luminaire. The use of these allow for a free workspace layout without glare & while still maintaining energy efficiency & lighting quality. D. Basic Concepts in Optics When light encounters a surface, it can either be reflected or refracted. There are three types of reflection a ”ray” of light experiences when it hits a surface: Specular where light is reflected away from the surface at the same angle as the incoming light’s angle. Spread where light, when hitting an uneven surface, reflects at more than one angle (but with eachangle being the same as the incident angle) Diffuse a.k.a. Lambertian scattering. In this case, light reflects in many angles. Refraction, on the other hand, is the effect of a material on the velocity & direction of the light as it passes through the material. It is dependent on two major factors: the angle of incidence (q), & the material’s refractive index (n). ”n” is computed by dividing the speed of light in a vacuum by the speed of light in the material. 3 ∗ 108 n= v For all practical purposes, do note that since air has a negligible effect on the speed of light travelling through it, we will be assuming that it’s index of refraction (n) is 1. Snell’s law is defined by the equation: n1 sinθ1 = n2 sinθ2 A table of the index of refraction of common materials follows below: Fig. 5. Table of Index of Refraction Values for Common Materials Due to the different wavelengths comprising white light, a phoenomenon called dispersion occurs when it passes through a material. Shorter wavelengths of light bend more than the longer ones. Another phoenomenon light experiences is transmission. Transmission describes the effect of the material which light passes through to the ray of light itself. Absorbption, on the other hand, is where all the colours of light save for some select wavelengths are absorbed (and usually turned into heat). 3 3) Illuminance (E): The Illuminance is a quantity which describes the amount of light which falls on a surface. It is measured in lux (lx). Illuminance can be computed using the formula: E(lx) = Fig. 6. Light passing through a material luminousf lux(lm) area(m2 ) Illuminance is affected by the inverse square law, which states that the luminous flux falling on a surface is indirectly proportional to the square of it’s distance from the light source. 4) Luminance (L): Luminance is the lighting parameter which describes the brightness of the surface as cd perceieved by the eye. It is measured in m 2 . Luminance is mainly affected by the reflectance of the object the light falls on. E. Basic Parameters used in Lighting There are four basic parameters used in describing lighting: • • • • Luminous Flux (φ) Luminous Intensity (I) Illuminance (E) Luminance (I) 1) Luminous Flux (φ): Luminous flux is the quantity of light emitted by a light source. It is measured in lumens (lm). An important quantity related to this is the Luminous Efficiency, which is measured in lm W . The luminous efficiency is a good indicator of a lamp’s economic efficiency. 2) Luminous Intensity (I): The Luminous Intensity describes the quantity of light radiated in a particular direction. It is measured in candelas (cd). It is of particular use when talking about directed lighting fixtures & can be described by the use of the Luminous Intensity Distribution Curve (L.D.C.). Fig. 8. The different light Paramters II. S OURCES OF A RTIFICIAL L IGHT Fig. 7. A Luminous Intensity Distribution Curve Electric light sources are probably the most commonly used piece of electrical equipment. It serves to convert electrical energy to light energy. Residential, Commercial, Industrial, & Institutional facilities all require different lights to accommodate their needs. In selecting a light source, the following should be considered: • Installation Requirements • Life-Cycle Cost • Colour Qualities • Dimming Capability • Other Required Effects Some commonly used types of lamps include: 4 Incandescent Lamps which produce light by passing an electric current through a filament, heating it up to incandescence. Electric Discharge Lamps which pass an electric current through a vapor/gas, intiating discharge to flouresce. Some electric discharge lamps include: • Low Intensity Discharge (s.a. Fluorescent Lamps) • High Intensity Discharge – Mercury Vapor – Metal Halide – High Pressure Sodium – Low Pressure Sodium A. Colour Characteristics of Artificial Light Sources White light is comprised of a mixture of wavelengths which we percieve as colour. The combination of such wavelengths determine whether we percieve an environment as warm or cool, and determines how well people and furnishing inside a room look. Some important quantities to consider when talking about colour characteristics are: • Colour & Efficiency • Colour Rendering • Colour Rendering Index (C.R.I.) • Colour Temperature (Chromacity) III. L IGHT S OURCES In Pre-heat operation, the fluorescent lamp’s electrodes are heated prior to initiating the discharge. A starter switch closes and allows current to flow between the electrodes, heating them up. Once the electrodes are heated, the switch is then allowed to cool down, opening it and simultaneously triggering the supply voltage to initiate the discharge. No auxillary power is applied across the electrodes during the operation. In Rapid Start operation, on the other hand, the lamp’s electrodes are heated before & during operation. The ballast xformer also has two special secondary windings to supply the proper low-voltage values to the electrodes. Finally, Instant Start operation lamps forgo the preheating process and instead, have the ballast provide a high (when compared to pre-heat & rapid start lamps) starting voltage. In general, we can describe a fluorescent lamp as a glass tube containing argon, krypton & a small amount f mercury gas. This glass tube has an internal coating of phosphor as well. The electrodes (a.k.a. cathodes) are located on each end of the tube. When a suitable enough voltage is applied to these terminals, an electric arc is produced, exciting the gas inside and producing light. This also vaporizes the mercury in the tube, making it emit U.V. light which is then converted to visible light when it strikes the phosphor coating inside the tube. Statisctically, discharge lamps comprise of about 80% of the total artificial lighting needs. 95% of these are low pressure mercury discharge lamps. Fluorescent lamp sizing can be computed by their ”TX” designation, where the diameter can be computed as: A. Low-Intensity Discharge Lamps Commonly referred to as Fluorescent Lamps, these gas discharge lamps produce a good quantity of light for little enrgy cost. Fluorescent lamps have various operating modes, which mainly depend on how the electrodes are brought up to their operating temperature. These modes are: • Current controlled pre-heating in choke/starter mode. • Voltage controlled pre heating with additional xformer windings in ”rapid start” mode. • ”Cold Start” ( no pre-heating ) Thanks to the use of the ”Electronic Ballast” ( a device which controls the starting voltage and operating currents of a lighting device ), a high working frequency (between 35kHz & 50kHz) is achieved from the mains (50Hz/60Hz), thus, removing any discernable flicker in the fluorescent lamp. Fluorescent lamps have three designations: • Pre-heat • Rapid Start • Instant Start Diameter = X 8” What follows is a list of common fluorescent diameters: TX T12 T10 T8 T5 T2 D(in) 12/8” 10/8” 8/8” 5/8” 2/8” D(mm) 38mm 32mm 25mm 16mm 7mm B. Linear/Tubular Fluorescent Lamps Linear fluorescent lamps can easily be identified according to their designation code, which is broken down below: F − 40 − T 12 − ∗CW − /ES − /RE7 − 35 5 Lamp Type Wattage Diameter Lamp Colour* Energy Saving* C.R.I.* Colour Temperature* F/L - Fluorescent, FB/FU U-Bent Lamp, FT - Twin tube T5 40 T12 CW - Cool White, WW Warm White, etc ES - Energy Saving, HO High Output, VHO - Very Hugh Output RE7 (rare earth phosphors) achieves a CRI of 70. 3500 K Therefore, for a lamp designated as L18W/930, we can say that this is a fluorescent lamp rated for 18W with a CRI of 90% and a colour temperature of 3000 K. Some technical advantages of these types of lamps include: • • • • Lower depreciation of Luminous Flux High Luminosity Large selection of light colours & Optimum colour rendering More environmentally friendly 1) Colour Temperature: Color temperature is a metric by which we can measure the degree of colour of a light source. It is based on the Kelvin temperature required for a black body to give off light of the same colour as the sample. The table below shows the different temperature ranges for common whites. Color Temperature Light Appearance 2000K -3000K Warm White 3100K 4500K Cool White - 4600K 6500K Daylight IV. C ALCULATIONS IN I LLUMINATION E NGINEERING (1) Luminous Flux (φ/F) -the light energy radiated out per second from a luminous body in the form of waves. Measured in lumens. φ = I(∆W ) ∆W is defined as ”a solid angle subtended @ the center of a sphere. ∆W = 4πr2 A = 2 = 4πsteradion(Sr) 2 r r ∆φ = 4πI (2) Luminous Intensity -candle power of source in any direction (cd) ∆φ lumen I= ∆W Sr (3) Mean Spherical Candle Power φ lumen M SCP = 4π Sr (4) Mean Hemi-Spherical Candle Power φ lumen M HSCP = 2π Sr (5) Illumination/Illuminance (E) -is a measure of how much light falls on an area, its units are dependent on the unit for area used. lumen • 1lux (lx)= 1 m2 lumen • 1footcandle (fc) = 1 f t2 lumen • 1 Phot (Ph) = 1 cm2 For light falling on a horizontal surface: I cos(θ) d2 For light falling on a vertical surface: E= I sin(θ) d2 (6) Efficiency (Specific Output) E= lm 4πM SCP = W W (7) Principle of Photometry η= Eα where r is also d E= Fig. 9. Colour Temperature Scale I r2 kI r2 where k is: • k = 1 (direct) • k = cos(θ) (Horizontal) • k = sin(θ) (Vertical) • θ = angle of incidence beween Ep and the Normal Line 6 A. The Lumen Method E= N ∗ φ ∗ CU ∗ LLF A where: • E = Illuminance • N = No. of lamps • φ = lamp lumens • CU = Coefficient of Utilization • LLF = Light Loss Factor • A = Workplace Area