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Investment Analysis Course Outline, North Western University

North Western University, Khulna
Exam Semester: Fall-2019
BBA 4 Year 1st Semester (Major: Finance)
Course Outline
Course Conductor: S. M. Misbauddin, Department of Business Administration, North
Western University, Khulna.
Course Information:
Course Name: Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
Course Code: FIN-4105
Credit Hours of the Course: 03
Course Evaluation:
Class Attendance:
Class Test:
Assignment / Presentation:
Semester Final:
Books Recommended:
1. Prof. Dr. M. Abu Misir: Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, any latest
2. S. Kevin: Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, any latest version
3. Reilly/Brown: Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, any latest version
Course Objectives:
The purpose of this course is to provide the students with the necessary skills and tools to
make investment decision. Securities market play a crucial role in a capitalistic economy. At
the end of this course, students are expected to have knowledge and perform the management
of investments in different assets like shares, stocks, bonds, debentures which are traded in
the securities market. In order to provide a useful treatment of these topics in an environment
that is changing rather rapidly, it is necessary to stress the fundamentals and to study some
important applications. The topics to be covered are: Security analysis, economy analysis,
industry analysis, risk and return calculation, security valuation and efficient market
Lecture Schedule:
Number of Lectures
Lecture 1- 3
Chapter 6 and
Chapter 7
Lecture 4
Lecture 5 – 6
Contents of the Chapter
Economy Analysis and Industry Analysis:
Fundamental analysis, Inflation, Determinants of
stock price, Industry life cycle, Characteristics
Chapter 8 and
Chapter 9
Company Analysis and Technical Analysis: Stock
price movements, Analysis of company variables,
Technical indicators, Dow theory
Lecture 7
Class test 1
Lecture 8 - 10
Chapter 5
Risk and Return: Patterns of return, Measurement of
returns, Portfolio Standard deviation, Beta
Calculation, Correlation Coefficient, Residual
Lecture 11 - 12
Chapter 11
Debt Market Securities: Bond Yield and Prices,
Bond duration, Bond volatility, Yield to Maturity,
Yield to Call, Spot Interest Rate
Lecture 13
Class test 2
Lecture 14 - 15
Chapter 12
Lecture 16 - 18
Chapter 18 and
Chapter 19
Signature of the Course Conductor
Equity Market Securities: Common Stock
Valuation Models, Preferred stock, Forms of
Dividend, Dividend Policy, Valuation of share,
Capital Asset Pricing Model and Efficient Market
Theory: Capital Market Line, Security and Capital
Market line, Pricing of capital assets, Efficient
Capital market, Efficient Market hypotheses