Java The Basics of Java Java is a high level computer programming language. It is simple, concurrent, class-based and graphics oriented. Java is a programming language created by James Gosling from Sun Microsystems (sun) in 1991. Sun Microsystems was acquired by Oracle Corporation in 2010. Oracle now has the ownership of Java. Java is an Object Oriented Programming . Object Oriented Programming is a programming environment where an application system is considered as a collection of objects. Java Development Kit(JDK): It is a programming environment for developing java programs and applications. Java Runtime Environment (JRE): It consists of all the programs and files required to run applications in the java programming language Class is a template which has certain properties and behaviours and objects customise these properties and behaviours. Object is an instance of a class. Symbols used in Java { }: Curly braces: They are used to specify the block of code. ( ): Parenthesis: They are used to identify a method. [ ]: Square Brackets: They are used to identify an array. Program execution begins from the main( ) method. Public: which specifies if the method can be used by other members of the program. Static: It does not create any instance of the class. Void: There’s no return value. Main: This is the beginning point of execution of the program. String args: Argument to this method must be an array of Strings, and the array is called args. System: It is an inbuilt class. Out: It is the object of the class, System Println: Tells the compiler to print the message on the screen in a new line. Text in quotes: A message which needs to be printed Formula to calculate Simple Interest and Amount Mathematics SI = P X R X T 100 Java si = (p * r * t) / 100 amt = si + p AMT = SI + P Variable A variable is a named storage location in memory that can store any value. To calculate simple interest in java , you require the following values from the user; Principal, Rate of Interest and Time. For declaring a variable, the computer memory needs to know the name of the variable and the type of data or information the variable will store. Data Type A data type specifies the type and size of data that can be stored in a variable. Examples of Data Types 1. Int : This data type is used to store Integer values. Examples are: 1,2, 3, 4 …. Etc. 2. Float: This data type is used to store floating point numbers, they can take decimal values. Examples are: 13.45, 8.79 …. Etc. 3. Double: This data type is used to store Big floating numbers, Examples are, 85342.4433. 4. Char: This data type stores single character value, Example are, a, b, C, D 5. Boolean: This data type is used to store either true or false. Operator An Operator is a symbol that tells the compiler to perform the specific logical or mathematical operations. Using operators, you can perform operations on variables. Arithmetic Operators perform mathematical calculations. Relational Operators compare two or more expressions. They give the result as either true or false. Assignment Operator (=) assigns a value to a variable. It is used to modify the current value of the variable. Operator Description Operator + Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Modulo == != < > <= >= * / % Arithmetic Operators Equal To Not Equal To Less Than Greater Than Less Than or Equal To Greater Than or Equal to Relational Operators Logical Operator The logical operator, && and ||, are used when comparing two expressions to obtain a single relational result. The logical operator ‘!’corresponds to NOT, which is used to inverse the resultant value. 1. && = AND; yields true if both statement are true. 2. || = OR; yields true if any of the expression is true. 3. ! = NOT; returns true if the expression to the right evaluates to false. Returns false if the expression to the right is true.