Ecology Poster Rubric Name/ecosystem _____________________________ Exceeds Expectations CATEGORY 20 Graphics -Clarity Graphics are all in focus and the content easily viewed and identified from 6 ft. away. In color. Meets Expectations Does not Meet Expectations Score 16 14 12 Most graphics are in focus and the content easily viewed and identified from 6 ft. away. Most graphics are in Many graphics are focus and the not clear or are too content is easily small. No color. viewed and identified from 4 ft. away. Format All 6 components of the poster follow the correct format 5 components of the 4 components of the Less than 4 poster follow the poster follow the components of the correct format correct format poster follow the correct format Captions and Headings All items of importance on the poster are clearly labeled with labels that can be read from at least 3 ft. away. Almost all items of importance on the poster are clearly labeled with labels that can be read from at least 3 ft. away. Several items of importance on the poster are clearly labeled with labels that can be read from at least 3 ft. away. Labels are too small to view OR no important items were labeled. Content – Accuracy(biome All 6 components are 5 components are displayed on poster displayed on the poster. 4 components are displayed on the poster. Less than 3 components are displayed on the poster. Quality of Information Descriptions are extremely clear, complete and concise. Descriptions are mostly clear, could be a little more concise. Descriptions are missing important info to make them clear and concise. Descriptions are not clear, incomplete, not concise. Attractiveness The poster is exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness. The poster is attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness. The poster is acceptably attractive though it may be a bit messy. The poster is distractingly messy or very poorly designed. It is not attractive. Grammar/ Spelling There are no mistakes on the poster. There is 1-3 mistakes on the poster. There are 4-6 mistakes on the poster. There are more than 6 mistakes on the poster. Writing Extremely well written and organized, easy to follow Well written and organized, somewhat easy to follow. Adequately written and organized, reasonably easy to follow. Poorly written and organized, hard to follow. overview, adaptations, symbiotic relationships, food webs, predatorprey, environmental issues) Notes: Total 160