Types of Virus Hepatitis A ssRNA (Single Strand) Enterovirus Hepatitis B dsRNA (Double Strand) Hepadna-virus Sources of Virus Feces Transmission Fecal-Oral Route Blood Blood derived body fluids Parenteral, Sexual Contact Perinatal Percutaneous Permucosal Incubation Period (days) Illness 15-40 50-180 Mild Very low mortality Full Recovery usual No Young Significant Risk of chronicity and mortality Yes Any Age IgM anti HAV antibody HBsAg HBcAg Carriers Patient Susceptibility Serological Markers Hepatitis C ssRNA Flvavirus Hepatitis D Circular Defective ssRNA Requires the presence of HBV Hepatitis E ssRNA virus Blood Blood derived body fluids Parenteral Intranasal (Cocaine use is a risk factor) Percutaneous Permucosal 40-55 Feces Blood Blood derived body fluids Parenteral Percutaneous Permucosal Fecal-Oral Route 50-180 30-50 Often Asymptomatic Significant Risk of chronicity and mortality Yes Any Age Mild Yes Any Age No risk of Chronicity High Mortality in pregnancy No Any Age Anti-HCV antibody HCV RNA IgM and IgG antibodies HDV-RNA serum Hepatitis D Antigen (HDAg) in liver Yes Anti-HEV Antibody No Pre and Post Exposure Immunization Ensure Safe Drinking Water Chronic infection Prevention No Yes Yes Pre and Post Exposure Immunizatio n Pre and Post Exposure Immunization Blood Donor Screening Blood Donor Screening