CONTACT CENTER POLICIES & PROCEDURES Incident Report Instructions EFFECTIVE DATE: January 25, 2013 REVISION DATE: April 4, 2018 OVERVIEW The MHA- NYC’s Incident Report is to be completed as per the Incident Review/Quality of Service Policy and Procedure. GUIDELINES FOR COUNSELORS This form should be completed by the Counselor who handled the call and emailed to the Quality Improvement Manager and Administrative Assistant on the same day as the incident. The incident report form includes a mixture of drop-down and text boxes. Below is an explanation of what information needs to be completed for each section. Field Program name Incident Location Date of Occurrence Time of Incident CRN People Involved Relationship to Program Type of Incident Description of the Incident Actions Taken Was Anyone Hurt 1 Description Enter the Line the call came in on The address where the abuse occurred Date the call was placed to the Call Center Time the call was placed to Call Center Call Report Number Include the name of the Counselor that handled the call. List all key people involved including alleged abuser, victim etc. If you don’t know the name of the key people it is not necessary to list them. For a child abuse report, the LDSS2221a is attached to the Incident Report so the reviewer will be able to see that you didn’t know the names of the key people. This should be ‘staff’ for the Counselor and ‘consumer’ for anyone else. This is typically ‘abuse’ for our purposes. If the incident is not related to abuse select ‘other’. Describe who the caller is and what they reported. Include the relevant information regarding the suspected abuse that documents why your actions were necessary. Include the CRN here. Describe the actions taken by the Counselor. This is typically calling APS or the SCR as well as what other interventions (referrals, EMS, MCT etc) were provided. Document here only if the caller described a specific injury related to the incident. CONTACT CENTER POLICIES & PROCEDURES Who Was Notified Reporter Name & Credentials Signature Date Include all of the details that are relevant and that you have knowledge of – who was hurt, what the injury was, and the treatment provided. This section isn’t always relevant to the call and will sometimes be left blank. The name of the person accepting the report (at the Statewide Central Register or APS), the agency name, and the date the report was placed. Also include any shift supervisors notified of incident. The person completing the form/the name and credentials of the Counselor who handled the call Initials of the Counselor who handled the call The date the report was completed. Email the form to the Quality Improvement Manager and the Administrative Assistant. 2