INTRODUCTION TO VB Two mark Questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. What is Visual Basic? When and who developed Visual Basic? Which are the three editions of Visual Basic? Expand COM and DCOM? Define IntelliSense? What is the use of ADODC control? What are Addins? What do you mean by Title Bar? What do you mean by Menu Bar? What do you mean by Tool bars? What is a Option Button? What is a List box? What is a Combo box? What is a Timer? What is Drive List box? What is Dir List box? What is Form Layout Window? What is a Resource File? What is a Project File? What is ActiveX Control File? Five marks Questions: 1. Explain the three editions of Visual Basic? 2. Describe any four features of Visual Basic? 3. Explain any three IDE components of Visual Basic? 4. Explain any three controls of Visual Basic? 5. Name the different types of projects that can be created in VB? 6. What are the different options available in Menu bar? 7. How is the Immediate Window used in VB? 8. Explain the function of Properties Window? 9. Explain the function of Project Window? 10. Define IntelliSense? Mention its features? Ten marks Questions: 1. What is IDE? Discuss the features of Visual Basic IDE? 2. Explain the different Windows available in Standard EXE project of VB? 3. Explain the important features of VB? 4. Explain briefly the usage of any five controls in the Toolbox? 5. Create a VB program to input two numbers add display their sum? UNIT 3: PROGRAMMING IN VB Two Mark Questions 1. Name the three special values in Visual Basics. 2. What is an Empty Value? 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. What is a Null Value? Name any two Visual Basic functions for data type conversions. Which function is used to find the data type of an argument? What is a local variable? What is a global variable? Which keyword is used to preserve the value of a local variable? What are the two types of constants? How are system-defined and user-defined constants declared? Name the three types of operators in Visual Basics. Name any two arithmetic operators. Name any two relational operators. Name any two logical operators? What is REM statement? What are the decision structures available in Visual Basics? Name the looping structures in Visual Basics? What are entry-controlled loops? What are exit-controlled loops? What is an END statement? What are user-defined data types? Define array. What is multi-dimensional array? Define a function. What is an event? What is a general procedure? Define event procedure What is an argument? How do you declare an array in Visual Basic? 30. How do you force a variable declaration? Five Marks Questions 1. What are other similar functions like IsNull() function to check a variable’s data type? Explain. 2. What does VarType () do? Write its syntax. 3. Give an example to illustrate the usage of VarType () functions. 4. What is an REM statement? Write its syntax and an example. 5. What is If-Then-End If structure? Write its general form with an example. 6. What is If-Then-Else-End If structure? Write its general form. 7. What is Select Case? Write its general syntax. 8. Write the description and usage of the Do-loop statement. 9. Write the description and usage of the While-wend statement. 10. Write the description and usage of the For-Next statement. 11. Write the description and usage of the For Each-Next statement. 12. List any 4 different forms of End statement. 13. Explain user-defined data type with a syntax. 14. What are multi-dimensional arrays? 15. Explain the concept of dynamic arrays? 16. Briefly explain event procedure with syntax? 17. Differentiate between general procedure and event procedure. 18. What is a function? How is it declared and called? 19. What is the difference between function and a procedure? Ten Mark Questions 1. What are the three special values? Explain each one of them with syntax. 2. List all the conversion functions in Visual Basics and write their usage. 3. Write the scope and lifetime of a variable. 4. Write a VB program to find the largest of three numbers along with the form design. 5. Write a VB program to process the grades of a student along with the form design. 6. Write all the looping structures of VB and give their description and usage as well. 7. Write a program to find the GCD of two integers using the different looping structures. 8. Write a program to count the number of Labels, Text Boxes and command Buttons in the form. UNIT 4: FORM OBJECT AND CONTROLS Two marks questions 1. Define a form object. 2. What is a menu? 3. What is the need of control array? 4. What are the advantages of control arrays? 5. What are events? Give an example. 6. What are methods? Give an example. 7. What are Intrinsic controls? 8. List the common properties of a command button. 9. Give the common events used in command button 10. Give any three events relatede to list box 11. What do you mean by OLE control? 12. List out some important microsoft common controls 13. What is a tool bar? 14. What are the advantagesof the tool bar? 15. What do you mean by MDI form? Five marks questions 1. Give the naming conventions of any 3 controls. 2. Explain the form related events of visual basic. 3. Explain the form related methods of visual basics. 4. How are controls created and removed? 5. Explain loading and unloading of the forms. 6. Explain any 3 properties of a Form object. 7. Describe the basic properties of a textbox 8. Describe any three methods used in command button 9. Explain any three common properties of a control 10. Describe frame control with an example 11. Describe the checkbox control 12. Describe option button with an example 13. Differentiate between checkbox control and optionbutton control 14. Explain the salient features of listbox. 15. Explain the salient features of combobox. 16. Give the difference between data time picker control and timer control. 17. Describe the salient features of a toolbar 18. How is timer control used? 19. Describe the properties of scrollbar. 20. Explain the events and methods of a scroll bar 21. What are the advantagesof the tool bar? how is it differ from a menubar. Ten marks questions 1. Explain the common dialog control in visual basic 2. How is a control array created at design time and run time? 3. Compare listbox and combobox 4. Give the difference between image box and picture box controls 5. What is menu? Explain the steps of creating a menu with a suitable example. 6. Explain the usage of list box and combo box with suitable examples. 7. What is an MDI form and what are its properties? explain with an example. 8. Outline a visual basic program for displaying the grade of the student in a text box based on then marks of a student as follows: Marks >90 80-90 70-79 60-69 50-59 <50 Grade S A B C D E 9. Write a visual basic program to simulate a calculator. 10. Create an application program to accept employee information and display it using message box. Give the design, properties and code. UNIT 5: DATABASE CONNECTIVITY Two Marks questions 1. What are the features of ADO Data Control? 2. Explain data aware controls? 3. List any three properties of ADO data control? 4. List any three events of ADO data control? 5. What is the function of data combo control? 6. How's the Data Grid control used in VB application? 7. Explain the different types of Record Sets? 8. What are the advantages of an ActiveX data object? 9. Explain the top level objects of an ADO object model. 10. What is a connection object? 11. Explain the Command Type property. 12. What is a Command object? Explain. 13. What are the most common methods used with the command object? 14. What is a RecordSet? Explain. 15. List some common properties of a Record Set object? 16. What is a field? Give some common properties of a field object. Ten Marks Question 1. What are the differences b/w a Combo box and the Data Combo control? Explain with an example. 2. Differentiate b/w a List Box and a Data List control. Illustrate with an example. 3. Explain any three controls used in VB to manipulate data retrieved from tables. 4. Discuss the open method for an ADO connection. 5. Explain the open method for a Record Set. 6. Explain the execute method. 7. Write a VB program to print the discount based on the category. 8. 9. 10. 11. category Discount 1 50% on MRP 2 40% on MRP 3 30% on MRP 4 20% on MRP Develop a VB program to display records from database using ADODC control. Write the steps to add, delete, and search data using an ADO Control. Design and code an application to accept the employee information and display it using Message Box. Write a VB program to accept data through a form and store the following in a database: student No., name and marks. Also display student scoring marks more than fifty. QUESTION BANK BCA 605: VISUAL BASICS PROGRAMMING UNIT 1 1. What is a visual basic? Explain Visual Basics Features. 2. Explain Visual basics IDE. 3. Write note on User interface design. 4. Draw user interface for Student Information. 5. What is event driven programming? Explain it. 6. Explain mouse press event and double click event. 7. Explain Form designer and Properties window. 8. Write note on Form designing. 9. Describe Showing and Hiding. 10. What is GUI? Mention Its Importance In visual basics. 11. What is IDE? Discus the following components of IDE i.e. Project Window, Property window, Form Window and Code Editor Window UNIT 2 1. Discuss the file System controls and data controls. 2. Explain control statements in VB. 3. What is variable? Explain Variable with is types. 4. Explain arrays with its types. 5. Write note on collections and procedures. 6. Explain Control flow statements. 7. Explain if-then, select case, looping statements. 8. Explain while-wend, Nested Control Statements. 9. Discuss the following with examples1. 1. Do-Loop 2.For-Next 2. 3. While-Wend 4.Nested Control 10. Explain Argument passing with Examples. 11. What is the difference between passing argument by value and by reference? Unit 3 1. Explain Active X Control in detail. 2. Describe Building Blocks of Visual basics. 3. Explain control text box and list box. 4. What is a Combo box? List its properties and methods 5. What is common dialog control? Explain all methods and properties. 6. Explain Common Dialog Controls. 7. What is Scrollbar? Explain the properties and methods 8. Explain List View control with its properties and methods. 9. Write note on Following Command 1. File open 2.File save 3. Print Help 4.Font 10. Write a program in VB for digital clock in VB. 11. Write program to change back color of a shape using timer control. Unit 4 1. Explain Components of Visual basics. 2. Explain graphics Control in Visual basics. 3. Write note on Graphics methods1. Text drawing 2.Lines and Shapes. 4. What is error handling? Explain there types. 5. Explain Error handling methods and functions. 6. Write note on 1. Filling shapes 2.Grid methods 7. Explain Drawing Methods in VB using Graphics Control. 8. Explain multiple Document interface. 9. Write note on Coordinate Systems. 10. Describe Image handling in Visual Basics. Unit 5 1. Explain Data bound controls. 2. Write techniques use for storing and retrieval of information. 3. Write note on Database programming With Visual Basics. 4. Write a program to update database with the help of VB form. The Form Contains The name of Employee, his date of birth, total pay, total deduction and his home address. 5. Explain ADODC control in details. 6. How the makes connectivity with database. 7. Describe ADODC controls methods and properties. 8. Implement the VB program to maintain the employee information using MS ACCESS and ADODC1 control ( empno, ename, dept-no, salary, HRA, TA, DA and net salary ) 9. Why ADODC Control is necessary for Database connectivity. 10. Write note on Visual basics data manager. ******************** Model Question Paper BCA III Sem Visual Programming QI: Answer any ten of the following 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What is an object? Define polymorphism? What is abstraction? Describe any four features of Visual Basic? Define array with syntax and example. What is Select Case? Write its syntax. What is Function? Write its general syntax. List all operators in VB. 10*2=20 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. What is the use of ADODC control in VB. What is a Combo box? List its properties and methods Write the properties of DATA1 control. What are data aware controls? What is recordset? List some file controls. What is MS Flexgrid control? QII : Answer any six of the following 6*5=30 16. Implement program to illustrate polymorphism concept in VB. 17. Explain IDE in VB. 18. Explain all data types in VB. 19. Implement VB program to checking an element present in an array or not by using required control. 20. What is Scrollbar? Explain the properties and methods 21. Implement the program generate the Fibonacci series 22. Write the steps to create the connection with the database MS Access 23. Explain the MDI Form. QIII : Answer any three of the following 3*10= 30 24. Explain Object oriented analysis and Object Oriented Database. 25.Explain all looping statements in VB with simple example. 26. Write a VB program to process the grades of a student along with the form design. 27.What is common dialog control? Explain all methods and properties with example 28. Implement the VB program to maintain the employee information using MS ACCESS and ADODC1 cntrol( empno, ename, dept-no, salary, HRA, TA, DA and netsalary PART- A 1. Answer any TEN questions. 10 x 2=20 a) Mention the different types of events b) What are the types of inheritance? c) What is Aggregation? d) Why VB is called Event-Driven programming language? e) What are the important features of VB? f) What is the purpose of variant data type? g) Describe While-Wend in VB. h) Differentiate between function and procedure. i) Give any four events of Combo box. j) How to declare a variable in VB? k) What are the features of ADO Data Control? l) What are connection objects? m) Mention different navigation methods of DAO? n) Mention the properties of Field Object. o) Mention any four data bound controls. PART-B 2. Answer any Six of the following 6 X 5 = 30 a) Explain the features of object oriented programming. b) Explain IDE in VB. c) Explain the different data types in VB. d) What is a Dynamic array? Explain with an example. e) Explain tree view and list view controls. f) Write a VB application to encrypt and decrypt the text. g) Briefly explain DAO objects. h) Explain the basic structure of SQL with an example.