This article was downloaded by: ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] On: 29 April 2013, At: 05:53 Publisher: Taylor & Francis Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part C Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: Mathematical Modeling, Optimization, and Quality Control of High-Pressure Ethylene Polymerization Reactors a a Costas Kiparissides , George Verros & John F. Macgregor b a Department of Chemical Engineering, Chemical Process Engineering Research Institute Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, P.O. Box 472, Thessaloniki, 54006, Greece b Department of Chemical Engineering, McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4L7, Canada Published online: 23 Sep 2006. To cite this article: Costas Kiparissides , George Verros & John F. Macgregor (1993): Mathematical Modeling, Optimization, and Quality Control of HighPressure Ethylene Polymerization Reactors, Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part C, 33:4, 437-527 To link to this article: PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Full terms and conditions of use: terms-and-conditions Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae, and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand, or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material. Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 J.M.S-REV. MACROMOL. CHEM. PHYS., C33(4), 437-527 (1993) Mathematical Modeling, Optimization, and Quality Control of High-pressure Ethylene Polymerization Reactors ' COSTAS KIPARISSIDES and GEORGE VERROS Department of Chemical Engineering Chemical Process Engineering Research Institute Aristotle University of Thessaloniki P.O. Box 472, Thessaloniki 54006, Greece JOHN F. MacGREGOR Department of Chemical Engineering McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4L7, Canada 1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438 1.1. High-pressure LDPE Process Technology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440 1.2. LDPE Reactor Modeling: Literature Review. . . . . . . . . . . 441 2. REACTION KINETICS AND RATE FUNCTIONS.. . . . . . . . . 2.1. Kinetics of Ethylene Polymerization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2. Polymerization Rate Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3. Kinetics of Ethylene Copolymerization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4. Copolymerization Rate Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ 'To whom correspondence should be addressed. 437 Copyright @ 1993 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. 443 443 451 457 459 KIPARISSIDES, VERROS, AND MacGREGOR Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 438 3. THERMODYNAMIC, PHYSICAL, AND TRANSPORT PROPERTIES. . . .......................... 3.1. Ethylene Th nd Transport Properties 3.2. Physical and Thermodynamic Properties of LDPE.. . . . . . 3.3. Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Comonomers and Solvents. ....................... 3.4. Calculation of the Thermodynamic and Transport Pr of the Reaction Mixture.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465 465 47 1 472 475 4. MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF HIGH-PRESSURE LDPE REACTORS ........................... 479 4. I . The Modeling of Tubular Reacto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480 4.2. Comprehensive Tubular Reactor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483 487 4.3. Simulation Results on Tubular Reactors 493 4.4. The Modeling of Vessel Reactors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5. Comprehensive Vessel Reactor Model . . . . 499 4.6. Simulation Results on Vessel Reactors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501 5. SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS, OPTIMIZATION, AND QUALITY CONTROL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1. Sensitivity Analysis. . ................ 5.2. Optimization of LDPE Reactors.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3. Multivariate Statistical Quality Control ........... 503 507 5 10 515 ......................... 52 1 NOMENCLATURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522 REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524 6. CONCLUSIONS.. . 1. INTRODUCTION Polyethylene (PE) is the most widespread polymer and also the most studied by macromolecular scientists. In 1990, polyethylene world production was estimated at approximately 25 x lo6 tonnes per year: 65% of this was lowdensity, made in high-pressure reactors, and 35 % was high-density homopolymer and linear low-density polyethylene produced in low-pressure reactors. Density and degree of branching are the most important physical and molecular characteristics of PE, respectively. PE of density ranging from 0.91 to 0.925 g/cm3 is classified as low-density polyethylene (LDPE). Mediumdensity polyethylene (MDPE) has a density in the range of 0.926 to 0.94 Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 HIGH-PRESSURE ETHYLENE POLYMERIZATION REACTORS TUBULARTECHNOLOGY 439 VESSEL TECHNOLOGY FIG. 1. Schematic representation of LDPE molecular structure. g/cm3, and high-density polyethylene (HDPE) has a density in the range of 0.941 to 0.965 g/cm3. The density of PE is determined by the degree of shortchain branching (SCB). The lower the degree of SCB, the higher the density of PE. Figure 1 shows schematically the chain structures of the various polyethyleneproducts [ 11. It is interesting to note that the branching type (long or short), functionality, shape, and the degree of branching distribution (DBD) are strongly related to the polymerization process and reactor operating conditions employed. Typical branching frequencies in LDPE are 10-40 SCB and 0.3-3 LCB per one thousand backbone carbon atoms, respectively. PE is commercially produced by both free-radical (high pressure) and ionic (low pressure) addition ethylene polymerization processes. The free-radical high-pressurepolymerization processes essentially employ two types of reactors: tubular and stirred autoclave. Ethylene free-radical polymerization is conducted at very high pressures (1000-3500 atm) and high temperatures (140-330 “C) in the presence of free-radical initiators such as azo compounds, peroxides, or oxygen. Under the reaction conditions employed in high-pressure processes, LDPE is produced as a result of short-chain branching formation. Low-pressure ionic ethylene polymerization processes have been developed more recently for the production of MDPE, HDPE and “linear low-density polyethylene,” LLDPE. Ionic ethylene polymerization is carried out at relatively low pressures (8-80 atm) and temperatures less than 150°C using a transition metal catalyst of the Ziegler-Natta or Phillips type. Developments in transition metal catalyzed ethylene polymerization have been described in a review paper by Choi and Ray [ 2 ] .Today, low-pressure polyethylene is produced by three polymerization processes: 1) solution process, 2 ) suspension (liquid slurry) 440 KIPARISSIDES, VERROS, AND MacGREGOR process, and 3) gas-phase process. LLDPE with a wide range of densities (0.88-0.95 g/cm3) is produced in low-pressure polyethylene reactors by regulating the amount of an a-olefin comonomer. Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 1.l. High-pressure LDPE Process Technology A high-pressure process includes three units: 1) the compression unit, 2) the reactor@),and 3) the product separation system [3]. A tubular LDPE reactor consists of a spiral-wrappedmetallic pipe with a large length-to-diameter ratio. The total length of the reactor ranges from 500 to 1500 m while its internal diameter does not exceed 60 111111. The heat of reaction is partially removed through the reactor wall by a heat transfer fluid which flows through the reactor jacket. Only approximately one-half of the heat of reaction is usually removed through the reactor wall. This results in a nonisotherrnal reactor operation. In relation to the heat requirements of the process, the reactor can be divided into a number of zones, including a preheating zone, the reaction zones, and the cooling zones. The conversion achievable with this technology ranges between 20 and 35% per pass. The polymer produced in these reactors can have a density ranging from 0.915 to 0.93 g/cm3 and a melt flow index varying in the range of 0.1 to 150 g/10 minutes. A schematic diagram of a two-zone LDPE tubular reactor is shown in Fig. 2. A commercial reactor line may consist of 3-5 reaction zones and several cooling zones. The reactor usually includes a number of monomer, initiator, and chain-transfer agent side-feed points. The temperature and flow rate of each coolant stream entering a reaction/cooling zone is used to control the temperature profile in the reactor. Ethylene, a free-radical initiator system, and solvent@)are injected at the reactor inlet. Additional amounts of ethylene, initiators, and chain transfer agents may be fed along the reactor length. A vessel reactor is a constantly stirred autoclave which operates under controlled temperature and pressure conditions [3]. These reactors are usually long vessels with length-to-diameter ratios as high as 20 to 1. In some cases they are well agitated with a high degree of directional flow imposed, depending on the product to be produced. The reactor may be subdivided into multiple reaction zones. In this case it is called a “multizone vessel.” Reaction conditions (i.e., temperature, pressure, initiator concentration, etc.) can be adjusted separately in each zone to give polymers of a wide molecular-weight range [3]. LDPE resins produced in vessel reactors are more hazy than those produced in tubular reactors. However, LDPE resins produced in autoclave reactors are more suitable for extrusion coating and molding applications. A schematic diagram of a typical autoclave reactor is shown in Fig. 3. The reactor is separated into three zones and is provided with a vertical stirrer shaft. Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 HIGH-PRESSURE ETHYLENE POLYMERIZATION REACTORS at I ZONE 1 ZONE 2 441 + FIG. 2. Schematic representation of a two-zone high-pressure tubular LDPE reactor: (1) Reactor feed, (2) quenching stream, (3) and (5) coolant inlet, (4)and (6) coolant outlet, and (7) initiator feed. A low temperature initiator is fed to the first zone which is well agitated, and a uniform temperature is maintained in the zone. In the second zone an intermediate temperature initiator is fed. In this zone the end-to-end mixing is reduced and a temperature gradient is established. Finally, in the third zone a still higher temperature initiator is injected. This zone is well mixed to establish and control the reactor exit temperature. 1.2. LDPE Reactor Modeling: Literature Review In the past 20 years, several mathematical models have been developed for high-pressure LDPE reactors with varying degrees of complexity. Table 1 summarizes the main publications on the modeling of LDPE reactors. As can be seen from Table 1, a large number of computer models have been published in the open literature. These models provide a sound basis for the mathematical description of commercial high-pressure LDPE tubular and vessel reactors. However, it should be pointed out that careful consideration should be given to the modeling assumptions in relation to a commercial process. In particular, emphasis should be placed on the following aspects of a computer model: Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 442 KIPARISSIDES, VERROS, AND MacGREGOR I FIG. 3. Schematic representation of a three-zone high-pressure vessel LDPE reactor: (1) Reactor feed, (3) quenching stream, and (2), (4), and (5) initiator feed. 1. Physical state of the reaction mixture (one-phase versus two-phase system) 2. Kinetic mechanism and the selection (estimation) of the values of the kinetic rate constants 3. Reactor flow conditions and mixing effects 4. Variation of the physical properties of the reaction mixture Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 HIGH-PRESSURE ETHYLENE POLYMERIZATION REACTORS 443 A steady-state computer model consists of a set of nonlinear differential equations (tubular reactors) or algebraic equations (vessel reactors) describing the conservation of various molecular species, total mass, energy, and momentum in the reactor. The model equations are usually coupled with a set of algebraic equations describing the variation of kinetic, physical, and transport parameters with respect to reactor operating conditions. A sufficiently comprehensive model should permit calculation of monomer conversion, initiator consumption, reaction temperature, the moments of radical and polymer size distributions, the degree of long-chain and short-chain branching, and the number of unsaturated double bonds in polymer chains as affected by initiator concentration, temperature, pressure, concentration of chain transfer agent, heat-transfer coefficient, and other design and operating variables of the process. In Section 2 of this review paper we deal in detail with free-radical ethylene homopolymerization and copolymerization kinetics. The dependence of the physical, thermodynamic, and transport properties of the reaction mixture on reactor operating conditions (i.e., temperature, pressure, and composition) must be known in any comprehensive modeling study. In addition to the variation of these properties, appropriate expressions are needed for the calculation of the overall heat transfer coefficient and friction factor in LDPE tubular reactors. These topics are discussed in Section 3 of the paper. In Section 4, a unified mathematical framework is developed for modeling tubular and vessel LDPE reactors. Simulation results are presented to demonstrate the ability of these models to predict molecular weight and other structural properties of PE in high-pressure reactors. Finally, in Section 5 we examine the optimization, sensitivity, and statistical quality control of high-pressure LDPE reactors. 2. REACTION KINETICS AND RATE FUNCTIONS 2.1. Kinetics of Ethylene Polymerization The industrial importance of the high-pressure ethylene free-radical polymerization process has led to very extensive studies of the kinetic mechanism of the polymerization. A large number of papers, books, and patents have been published on this subject: Ehrlich and Pittilo [34], Ehrlich and Mortimer (351, Luft [36], Marano and Jenkins [37], Yamamoto and Sugimoto [38], Goto et al. [13], Luft et al. [39, 401, Ogo [41], Beasly [42]. The free-radical ethylene polymerization mechanism includes the following elementary reactions. PFR 6. Lee and Marano [ l l , 121 PFR PFR PFR Vessel Vessel PFR PFR 8. Donati et al. [14, 151 9. Hwu and Foster [16] 10. Hollar and Ehrlich [I71 11. Marini and Georgakis [18, 191 12. Feucht et al. [20] 13. Gupta et al. [21] 14. Kiparissides and Mavridis [22, 231 PFRivessel PFR 5. Chen et al. [lo] 7 . Goto et al. [13] Vessel Vessel PFR PFR/vessel ~ Reactor type 2 . Van der Molen and van Heerden [7] 3. Mercx et al. [8] 4. Agrawal and Han [9] 1. Thies and Schoenemann [4-61 References Summary and comments An excellent series of papers. Experimental and theoretical results on x, T, M,, M,, LCB, SCB, and DB Kinetics and initiator efficiency Effects of residence time distribution on initiator productivity Effect of axial mixing on the reactor performance. Prediction of x, T, M,,, and M , Use of double moments to predict x , T, M,,, M, and LCB. Variation of physical properties with reaction conditions Prediction of molecular properties (i.e., M,, M,). Sensitivity analysis of reactor performance with respect to operating conditions Computer model for vessel and tubular LDPE reactors. Comparison of experimental and theoretical values of x, ME, M,, LCB, SCB, and DB Effects of fluid pulsed motion on axial mixing, pressure drop, and heat transfer Prediction of reactor fouling using time-series analysis Investigation of residual reaction in cooling zones. Prediction of runaway conditions in LDPE reactors Investigation of mixing phenomena in LDPE vessel reactors. Prediction of initiator productivity and polymer quality A detailed mathematical model on autoclave reactors. Prediction of molecular properties of LDPE A comprehensive model on an LDPE tubular reactor. The effect of multiple intermediate feeds is investigated Sensitivity analysis of product quality and reactor performance with respect to operating conditions. The optimization of tubular LDPE reactors is examined in the second publication TABLE 1 High-pressure LDPE Reactor Models Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 0 G) 8rn (u iz 0 z b -$ < z rn P v) rn r; W D z G u, ir P Vessel PFR PFR PFR PFR PFR PFR Vessel PFR PFR 15. Villermaux et al. [24] 16. Yoon and Rhee [25] 17. Shirodkar and Tsien [26] 18. Brandolin et al. [27] 19. Azevedo and Howell [28] 20. Tilger and Luft [29] 21. Zabisky et al. [30] 22. Chan et al. [31] 23. Kiparissides et al. [32] 24. Verros et al. [33] The shrinking aggregate and the IEM models are applied to high-pressure vessel reactors to account for partial aggregation of initiator feed stream The plug flow model includes the axial dispersion term. An optimal temperature policy which maximizes the exit monomer conversion is determined A computer model is developed to study the polymerization of ethylene in a one- or two-zone tubular reactor. The sensitivity of product molecular properties to various process variables is also investigated A mathematical model for ethylene polymerization in a multizone tubular reactor is proposed. The model allows good prediction of x, M,,, M,, and LCB for different reactor configurations A second-order model is developed for high-pressure LDPE tubular reactors including mass and thermal diffusion effects A two-dimensional dynamic model is developed for a highpressure LDPE reactor. Variation of the physical properties along the reaction coordinate is also considered A copolymerization model for tubular reactors is proposed. The model is used to simulate the operation of commercial reactors A copolymerization model for vessel reactors is developed. Two-phase kinetics and gel formation from crosslinking reactions are taken into account. The model is used to simulate the operation of commercial reactors A comprehensive mathematical model is developed for the homoploymerization of ethylene in a two-zone tubular reactor with intermediate feed A mathematical model based on double moments is employed to calculate the molecular weight and compositional changes for the copolymerization of ethylene in a two-zone tubular LDPE reactor Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 I] g 8 P R 20 RD z 5 5 N 5a P< 'c1 z m r < rn -I I a m C 0, u) m KIPARISSIDES, VERROS, AND MacGREGOR 446 1. Initiation (peroxides, azo compounds, or oxygen): O2 - 2R'; kd02 + MI I kd 2R' Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 2. Chain initiation reactions: R' - + MI kI 1 Rl 3. Propagation: R, kP --Rx+l + Ml 4. Termination by combination: Rx ktc + Ry Dy+x 5. Termination by disproportionation: R, -D, + D, + Ry krd 6 . Chain transfer to monomer: R, + MI ktm D, + RI 7. Chain transfer to solvent or chain transfer agent: R,+S kts D,+R' 8. Chain transfer to polymer (intermolecular transfer): R, + D, ktP Dx + Ry 9. Intramolecular transfer (backbiting): R, kb R, HIGH-PRESSURE ETHYLENE POLYMERIZATION REACTORS 447 10. Scission of radicals: Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 11. Retardation by impurities (or oxygen): R, + impurities (0,) kr D, 12. Decomposition of ethylene: - 2C2H4 C2H4 kdec kdec 2C 2C + 2CH4 + heat + 2H2 + heat where the symbols R, and D, denote “live” radicals and “dead” polymer chains of chain length x , respectively. 2.1.1. Initiation The initiation process in free-radical ethylene polymerization is much like other vinyl polymerizations when common free-radical generators such as peroxides and azo compounds are used to initiate the polymerization. Buback [43] studied the thermal initiaton of ethylene. His experimentalresults on pure ethylene, carried out at temperatures of 180 to 250°C and pressures up to 2500 atm, showed that a very slow thermally initiated reaction to high molecular weight PE could be established. The actual mechanism is not known but it can be expressed as an overall third-order reaction: In general, the rate of thermal initiation will be lower than the corresponding rate obtained by chemical initiation. Oxygen has been a traditional initiator for the high-pressure PE process. However, the mechanism by which oxygen initiates the formation of radicals does not appear to be well understood. In general, oxygen initiation is considered as a multistep process where at low temperatures the rate-controlling step is a reaction of oxygen with ethylene to form peroxides. The peroxides formed Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 448 KIPARISSIDES, VERROS, AND MacGREGOR can subsequently generate normal chain radicals which initiate the polymerization. At high temperatures the radical chain initiation reaction becomes the rate-controlling step. The kinetics of oxygen-initiated polymerization of ethylene at high pressures up to 2200 atm and temperatures between 60 and 250 “C was investigated by Tatsukami et al. [44]. They found that above temperatures of 19O”C, no induction period exists in the polymerization. The rate equations for oxygen and monomer consumption were derived by considering a retardation by oxygen reaction in addition to initiation, propagation, and termination reactions. 2.1.2. Short-Chain Branching Intramolecular chain transfer produces short-chain branches by Roedel’s [45] “backbiting” mechanism, according to which the growing radical curls back on its own chain, occasionally transferring the radical to the third or fifth carbon from the growing end. The formation of short-chain branches in PE has received considerable attention. Willbourn [46] used infrared and mass spectroscopic analysis of model compounds and found that LDPE contained ethyl and butyl short-chain branches at a ratio of 2 : 1 in favor of the ethyl branches. Similar studies have been reported by Dorman et al. [47], Randall [48], Bovey et al. [49], and Cudby and Bunn [50]. All investigators agree that the principal type of short branching in LDPE is n-butyl and ethyl, with possibly n-amyl and n-hexyl in smaller proportions. Ethyl branches are also believed to be present and could be accounted for by a second backbiting reaction of the branched polymer radical formed during the first backbiting reaction. Short-chain branching is well known to be particularly critical in its effects on the morphology and solid-state properties of semicrystalline PE. LDPE molecules can contain 10-40 SCB per thousand carbon atoms. Short-chain branching controls the density of LDPE and its crystalline melting point. The effects of synthesis conditions on the SCB of LDPE and its crystalline melting point have been investigated experimentally by Luft et al. [51]. They reported that SCB increases with increasing temperature and decreases with increasing pressure. On the other hand, density and crystalline melting point decrease with increasing SCB. HIGH-PRESSURE ETHYLENE POLYMERIZATION REACTORS 2.1.3. 449 Lang-Chain Branching Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 Long-chain branches in LDPE are formed by an intermolecularchain transfer reaction. Long-chain branching (LCB) probably arises from abstraction by a growing radical of a hydrogen atom from the backbone of a polymer chain, followed by monomer addition to the new radical site. Long-chain branching has been identified experimentally in LDPE, and it is mainly responsible for the broad MWD and its rheological behavior (i.e., solution viscosity, viscoelastic properties) (Mullikin and Mortimer [52] ; Small [53,54]). In measuring LCB, such methods as size exclusion chromatography (SEC), viscosity measurements, and C-13 NMR have been utilized. In particular, SEC coupled with automatic viscometry or low-angle laser light scattering (LALLS) measurementsappears to be the most suitablemethod. Since 1953 a great deal of work has been directed toward the estimation of LCB in LDPE. The more important studies on LCB in LDPE have been summarized by Yamamoto [%I. Luft et al. [5 11 reported the effects of synthesis conditions on LCB. In general, LCB increases with increasing temperature and decreases with increasing pressure. 2.1.4. Formation of Unsaturated Structures In general, for the formation of the vinyl groups (-CH=CH2) the following elementary reactions can be considered: 1) termination by disproportionation, 2 ) chain transfer to monomer, 3) &scission of sec-radicals. However, we can assume that the rate of formation of vinyl groups by &scission reactions will be higher than the rates of formation by termination and transfer to monomer reactions. Note that when an a-olefin such as propylene is used as a solvent, vinyl groups can also be formed by a transfer to solvent reaction. 450 KIPARISSIDES, VERROS, AND MacGREGOR Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 Similarly, the formation of vinylidene groups (>C=CH2) can be explained by the scission reaction of tertiary radicals: The formation mechanism of the trans-vinylene groups (-CH=CH-) has not been sufficiently clarified. Holmstrom and Sorvic [56]considered that the reactions 1) p-scission of sec-radicals that branch at the a-position, 2) ally1 migration of vinyl groups, and 3) disproportionation of see-radicals explain the formation of (-CH=CH-) groups. The trans-vinylidene content in LDPE is lower than that of the other two unsaturated bonds. The total unsaturation per lo3 CH2 of any sample is obtained by summing the contents of (-CH=CH2), (-CH=CH-), and (>C=CH2) determined by IR analysis. The total unsaturation content per lo3 carbon atoms in LDPE is usually less than 0.5. It is unclear how important P-scission is to the determination of the molecular weight distribution under usual polymerization conditions. The LCB and /?scission reactions compete, one building up molecular weight and the other narrowing the high molecular weight tail. 2.1.5. Other Reactions Control of molecular weight necessitates control of the amount of any material that acts as a chain-transfer agent (CTA). In the commercial production of LDPE, hydrocarbons, alcohols, ketones, and esters are usually employed as chain-transfer agents. Note that the addition of small amounts of an inhibitor can have marked effects on the free-radical polymerization of ethylene. For example, acetylene, in amounts between 1.5 and 2.5 mol%, completely stops the polymerization. Ethylene is known to undergo a highly exothermic decomposition at high temperatures and pressures. It has been established that decompositionreactions lead to the formation of carbon, hydrogen, and methane (Beady [42]). The decomposition of ethylene is exothermic with an energy of activation of about 125 kJ/mol. Therefore, once initiated, it proceeds rapidly, consuming ethylene and causing large temperature and pressure increases. Decomposition of ethylene may be caused by hot spots in the reactor. 2. I.6. Kinetic Rate Constants The dependence of the rate constants upon temperature and pressure is given by Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 HIGH-PRESSURE ETHYLENE POLYMERIZATION REACTORS 45 1 where AE,AV, P, T, and R are the activation energy (cal/mol), the activation volume (cm3/mol), pressure (atm), the absolute temperature (K), and the ideal gas constant, respectively. Notice that a negative activation volume implies that the corresponding rate constant increases with pressure. Typical values of kinetic rate constants related to ethylene polymerization are listed in Table 2. It should be noted that the decomposition rate constants of peroxides will also have activation volumes associated with them. Although a great number of papers have been published on the modeling of LDPE reactors, a consistent set of rate constants has not been established in the open literature. This may be attributed to the complexity of the reaction mechanism, the large number of kinetic parameters to be identified experimentally, and the wide range of experimental conditions over which the kinetic parameters are estimated. It should be pointed out that under normal experimental conditions the absolute values of kp and kr cannot be obtained. Therefore, while most investigators agree on the value of the kp/kp5 parameter, the reported values for kp and k, show a large variation. This means that one of the two parameters must be estimated by another independent method. Indeed, Takahashi and Ehrlich [57] and Luft et al. [39] obtained absolute estimates of propagation (kp)and termination (kJ rate constants using the rotating sector method. The problem of estimation of kinetic rate constant is also discussed in Section 4.3 of this review. Detailed kinetic information on high-pressure polymerization of ethylene is given in the articles of Ehrlich and Mortimer [35],Luft and coworkers [39, 401, Goto et al. [13], and Lorenzini et al. [58, 591. The most complete set of reaction constants has been reported by Goto et al. [13]. The reported values were estimated from experimental measurements on monomer conversion, number- and weight-average molecular weights, amount of unsaturated double bonds, and total methyl content per lo3 carbon atoms. The measurements were obtained from an autoclave reactor operated under typical industrial conditions. 2.2. Polymerization Rate Functions To describe the conservation of various molecular species present in a reactor, we need to know their corresponding net production rates. The expressions for these rate functions can be obtained by combining the various elementary reactions describing the generation and consumption of initiator(s), monomer(s), solvents, and “dead” and “live” macromolecules. Let r, and r,* denote the net rate of production of “dead” and “live” polymer chains Agrawal et al. [9] Chen et al. [lo] Lee and Marano [ll, 121 Goto et al. [13] Donati et al. [14, 151 Feucht et al. [20] Gupta et al. [21] Shirodkar and Tsien [26] Brandolin et al. [27] 2.2 x loLo 1.6 x lo9 1.075 X lo9 8.33 x 10' 3.1 X 10' 9.7 x los 1.6 x lo9 2.8 X 10' 3.0 X 10' 7800 + 0.5P 709 1 7099.5 - 0.556P 10520 - 0.447P 6164 - 0.6P 8880 7091 7769 - 0.52P 5245 1.25 X 10' 2.95 x 10' 5.887 x lo7 1.56 X 10' 3.1 x lo4 4.8 x 10' 2.95 x lo7 5.8 x lo7 1.0 x lo6 kldl (L/gmol/s) EP (caligmol) (Llgmolis) krdO + - - - - 0 720 0.121P (cal/gmol) Erd Termination by disproportionation loo0 0.244P 2400 298.05 - 0.3398P 3.246 X 10' 3000 0.3148P 750 720 9.7 x 10' 2400 1.3 x 10' 298 + 0.0243P 3950 + E*c (cal/gmol) Termination by combination kpo (L/gmol/s Propagation Kinetic Constants Related to Free-Radical Polymerization of Ethylene TABLE 2 Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 14080 + 0.1065P 4.86 x 10' 1.7 X lo6 9.0 x lo5 7.5 X lo6 4.4 x lo6 Goto et al. [13] Donati et al. [14, 151 Feucht et al. [20] Gupta et al. 1211 Shirodkar and Tsien [26] Brandolin et al. [27] 8492 - 0.038P 9500 9000 4680 - 9Ooo 7704.11 - 0.484P 9 x 105 4.116 X lo5 Agrawal et al. [9] Chen et al. [lo] Lee and Marano [l 1, 121 - EP (cal/gmol) kPQ (L/gmol/s) Chain transfer to polymer 5.823 X lo5 (L/gmol/s) knd - 11050 - 0.484P - - (cal/gmol) Em Chain transfer to monomer 6.445 X lo6 3.41 x 10' 3.306 X lo7 kI3a (L/gmol/s) - - 9400 (continued) 10032 0.484P 12820 0.4722P E* (cal/gmol) Chain transfer to solvent (n-hexane) Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 4.6 X lo6 2.95 X lo8 1.3 x lo9 1.56 x lo9 - 5500 9417 9935 - 13030 - 0.569P - - 7.3 X lo6 2.36 X lo7 11315 - b - - - - a 1.61 X 10' kB*,O (s -3 15760 0.5473P EB" (cal/gmol) p-Scission of tert-radicals - 14530 - 0.447P - 4' (cal/gmol) 2.72 x 10" 2oooO 6 -9 kB,O P-Scission of sec-radicals "kB.= 2.315 x 1022exp(-33576/RT)/{8.51 X 1010exp(-13576/Rl) + 5.821 x 101'exp(-14665/RT)}. bkB. = 1.583 X 1Ouexp(-34665/RT)/{8.51 X 1010exp(-13576/RT)+ 5.821 x lO"exp(-14665/RT)}. D o ~ teti al. [14, 151 Feucht et al. [201 Gupta et al. [21] Shir0dka.rand Tsien [26] Brandolin et al. [27] Agrawal et al. [9] Chen et al. [lo] LeeandMarano[ll, 121 Goto et al. [13] Eb (cal/gmol) km (s-9 Intramolecular chain transfer TABLE 2. Continued Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 HIGH-PRESSURE ETHYLENE POLYMERIZATION REACTORS 455 with a degree of polymerization x , respectively. Based on the kinetic mechanism of free-radical polymerization of ethylene described in the previous section, the following general composite rate functions for rx and r,” can be derived: 2Jkdcd + (k,~, + Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 i= 1 + k,C,[R(x - 1) - R(x)] m m x= 1 L x=2 i=l x=l ’ It should be noted here that, for modeling purposes, it is not practical to solve the resulting infinite system of differential equations describing the conservation of macromolecular species in the reactor. As a result, one has to resort to modeling techniques such as the method of moments (MM), the instantaneous property method (IPM), and the property moment method (PMM) to obtain information on the polymer quality. In recent articles by Konstadinidis et al. [60]and Achilias and Kiparissides [611, these modeling methods are reviewed in detail. The method of moments is based on the statistical representation of the molecular properties of interest (e.g., M,,, M,) in terms of the leading moments of the respective distributions (Arriola [62]). Accordingly, the leading moments of the total number chain length distributions (TNCLDs) of “live” and “dead” polymer chains are defined as m m x=l x=2 KIPARISSIDES, VERROS, AND MacGREGOR 456 Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 where R(x) and D(x) denote, respectively, the concentrations of “live” and “dead” polymer chains of length x. Accordingly, one can define the corresponding moment rate functions of the total number chain length distributions of “dead” and “live” polymer chains by multiplying each term of Eqs. ( 2 ) - ( 3 ) by x n and summing the resulting expressions over the total variation of x: n i=O + To break down the dependence of the n-moment rate function on the (n 1) moment, Lee and Marano [l 1, 121 noticed that the sums of the moment (r,) 1} and { ( rh)2 ( r p ) 2 }were only dependent on rate functions { ( rA)l the zeroth and first moment of the live radical distribution. By assuming p1 = A, p I and p2 = A2 p2, they were able to express the reaction rates for b,XI,po, (Al + p l ) , and (A, p2) in a closed form. Following Lee and Marano’s approach, Eq. (6) can be further simplified to + + + + ‘ 1=0 + i=l / c n + ( 1 / 2 ) k,, i=O (?)&Anpi, n = 1, 2 (7) HIGH-PRESSURE ETHYLENE POLYMERIZATION REACTORS Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 2.3. 457 Kinetics of Ethylene Copolymerization At high pressures and temperatures, ethylene will undergo free-radical copolymerization in the presence of a comonomer such as vinyl acetate, methyl acrylate, ethyl acrylate, acrylic acid, and methacrylic acid. The reactivity ratios of ethylene with various comonomers are given in Table 3 (Beady [42]). Note that both reactivity ratios of ethylenehinyl acetate (EVA) are approximately equal to 1 (rl = r2 = 1). This means that EVA with constant composition can easily be produced in either vessel or tubular reactors. Comonomers can also promote transfer to monomer reactions, thus reducing the molecular weight of the polymer. When a-alkenes are employed, their transfer activity combined with a much lower propagation rate tend to limit the amount of comonomer that can be incorporated into the copolymer. A fairly general kinetic mechanism describing the free-radical copolymerization includes the following elementary reactions. 1. Initiation (by peroxides or azo compounds): I kd 2R 2. Chain initiation reactions: R' + M, klj R$-j,j-]; j = 1, 2 3 . Propagation reactions: Ri,q + Mj kpij Ri+2-j,q+j-l; i = I , 2 and j = 1, 2 4. Chain transfer to monomer reactions: 5 . Chain transfer to solvent (chain transfer agent) reactions: 6. Chain transfer to polymer: KIPARISSIDES, VERROS, AND MacGREGOR 458 TABLE 3 Reactivity Ratios of Ethylene with Various Comonomers Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 Comonomer Propylene Butene- 1 Vinyl acetate Acrylic acid Methacrylic acid Methyl acrylate Ethyl acrylate RS.4 + DXJ - kpl2 lkpl 1 kp2 1 4 7 2 2 3.1 f 0.2 3.4 f 0.3 1.07 0.06 0.02 0.1 0.05 0.04 0.77 f 0.05 0.86 f 0.02 1.09 f 0.02 4 6 8 15 . ktpij + Dp,q; RJX,, Pressure (arm) Temperature ("C) 1030-1720 1030-1720 1010 1180-2070 140-226 1380 2070 130-152 180 i = 1, 2 a n d j = 1, 2 7. Termination by disproportionation: Rk,q + Ri,, ktdij Dp,q + D,,,; i = 1, 2 and j = 1, 2 8. Termination by combination: Rb.q + Ri,, k, - Dp+x,q+y; i = 1, 2 a n d j = 1, 2 9. Intramolecular transfer (short-chain branching): Ri,q - Rk,q or R{,q; kbi i = 1, 2 10. &Scission of see- and tert-radicals: R6,q - DP7q + R'; kpi i = 1, 2 In the above mechanism the subscript i stands for the ethylene (i = 1) and the comonomer (i = 2), and the superscripts refer to the ultimate monomer unit in the polymer chain. The above mechanism is sufficiently general and Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 HIGH-PRESSURE ETHYLENE POLYMERIZATION REACTORS 459 describes most high-pressure ethylene copolymerizations. Besides initiation and propagation reactions, it includes termination by both combination and disproportionation, molecular weight control by transfer to monomer and modifier, long-chain branch formation by transfer to polymer, short-chain branch formation by intramolecular transfer, and double bond formation by &scission. In the above kinetic mechanism it is assumed that no depropagation reactions occur and the penultimate effect is negligible. 2.4. Copolymerization Rate Functions To identify a copolymer chain, we introduce a general notation Gp,qwhich denotes the concentration of “live” or “dead” polymer chains having p units of monomer 1 (M,) and q units of monomer 2 (M2) in a polymer chain. It should be noted that the ultimate monomer unit in a “live” copolymer chain can be of either the MI or M2 type. As a result, two different symbols, P and Q, are introduced to identify the live copolymer chains ending in an M1 or an M2 monomer unit, respectively. Let rGbe the polymerization rate of various species present in the reaction mixture [i.e., initiator(s), monomer(s), solvent(s), “live” polymer chains of type P or Q and “dead” polymer chains, D]. These rate functions can be obtained by combining the rates of the various elementary reactions describing the generation and consumption of “live” and “dead” copolymer chains based on the general kinetic mechanism of ethylene copolymerization described above. For simplification, we choose to work with the bivariate number chain length distributions (NCLDs) of the polymer chain populations, P@,q), Q(p,q) , and D(p,q). Accordingly, we write the following generalized expressions describing the net rates of appearance/disappearanceof individual molecular species [33, 611. Initiator consumption rates: Primary radical formation rate: Monomer(s) consumption rate (propagation rate) : KIPARISSIDES, VERROS, AND MacGREGOR 460 Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 Net formation rate of “live” polymer chains: - ktp2iQ@jq) m m p=l q=l C C qD@,q) Net formation rate of “dead” polymer chains: Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 HIGH-PRESSURE ETHYLENE POLYMERIZATION REACTORS 46 1 and Poo and Qoo denote the concentrations of “live” polymer chains of type “p,, and ‘Q,” respectively: om p=l q=l p=l q=l Based on the above definitions of rate functions and the fundamental reactor design equation for a plug-flow reactor (PFR) or a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR), one can derive a low-order system of molar balance equations using the method of moments. This system of differential equations can be solved numerically to obtain desired information on molecular weight and compositional developments in a high-pressure copolymer reactor. The leading moments of the bivariate number chain length distributions of “live” and “dead” macromolecules can be defined as (Arriola [62], Achilias and Kiparissides [61]) m w p=l q=l m m m m p=l q=l Accordingly, one can obtain the corresponding rate functions for the moments of the bivariate number chain length distributions of “dead” and “live” polymer KIPARISSIDES, VERROS, AND MacGREGOR 462 Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 chains by multiplying each term of Eqs. (12)-(14) by the term pmqnand summing the resulting expressions over the total variation of p and q: i=O k=O m n j=O k=O HIGH-PRESSURE ETHYLENE POLYMERIZATION REACTORS 463 It should be pointed out that when transfers to polymer reactions are included in the kinetic mechanism, the n-order polymer moment equations will depend on the (n 1)-order moments. This is due to the fact that the polymerization rate function for the transfer to polymer reaction depends on the total degree of polymerization, x . To break down the dependence of the moment equations on higher order moments several closure methods have been proposed [ 11, 30,631. The closure method of Hulburt and Katz [63] has been used in several model developments. This technique assumes that the molecular weight distribution can be represented by a truncated (after the first term) series of Laguerre polynomials by using a gamma distributionweighting function, chosen so that the coefficients of the second and third terms are zero. By assuming that the first three terms of the Laguerre polynomials are sufficient for representing the molecular weight distribution, Hulburt and Katz derived the following approximation for the third moment, p 3 : Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 + P3 = P2 - (2P2PO PlPO - P:) Assuming that the molecular weight distribution of polyethylene produced in high-pressure tubular reactors follows a log-normal distribution, Zabisky et al. [30] proposed an alternative approximation for the third moment, 1.13: However, a comparison of model predictions with experimental results [30] showed that only the geometric mean of Eqs. (24)-(25) was in satisfactory agreement with the experimental data. Lee and Marano [ l l , 121 proposed an alternative way to break down the dependenceof the “dead” polymer moment equationson higher order moments. By adding Eqs. (21) and (22) to the corresponding moment rate function of “dead” polymer chains, Eq. (23), one can obtain the following expression for rPmnwhich is independent of the higher order moments: KIPARISSIDES, VERROS, AND MacGREGOR Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 464 n m n k=O j=O k=O m n j=O k=O The other rates of interest will be given by the following expressions. Long-chain branching formation rate: rLcB = ktpiiGopio + k t p i 2 Go p 0 1 + ktp2ih%p10 + ktp22~%p01 (27) Short-chain branching formation rate: rSCB = kblh& -k kb2h% (28) Rate of @-scissionof sec-radicals: rp, = kp,lh& + kp,J$ (29) Rate of &scission of rerr-radicals: rot, = kp-,X&, + k,.,h& (30) HIGH-PRESSURE ETHYLENE POLYMERIZATION REACTORS THERMODYNAMIC, PHYSICAL, AND TRANSPORT PROPERTIES 3. Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 465 The dependence of thermodynamic and transport properties of the reaction mixture (i.e., density, specific heat, viscosity, thermal conductivity)on pressure, temperature, and composition must be known in any comprehensive modeling study. Furthermore, the values of the overall heat transfer coefficient and the friction factor must be computed at each point along the reaction length. In what follows, a detailed discussion on the calculation of the thermodynamic and transport properties of the reaction mixture is presented. Ethylene Thermodynamic and Transport Properties 3.1. 3.1.1. SpeciJic Volume of Ethylene According to Benzler and Koch [64], the reduced volume of the ethylene gas phase can be related to the reduced temperature (T, = T/TJ and pressure (P, = P / P J by P, = u + b(Tr - 1 ) + c ( T , - 1 ) 2 (31) The coefficients a , b, and c are functions of the reduced density ( p , = p / p c ) and will be given by: 1) for p r < 1: a = 1 - (1 + O.445pr)(p, - 1)4 + 1 . 4 4 8 ~ ~0.603~;) -6.55~; + 2.077p:(4.31 p,) b = 3.555(1 c = 2) for p r - > 1: a = 1 + p;(p, - 1)4[1.331 - O.692(pr 1) b = 6.55 i- P ; ( p , - 1)[7.4 - 2.8(pr - 1) + 1.282(pr - 1 ) 2 - O.312(pr - 1)31 c = 16.65 + 3 0 . 2 2 ~-~ 15.01~; + 1.6~: + 0.126(pr KIPARISSIDES, VERROS, AND MacGREGOR 466 The above equations can be solved numerically by a Newton-Raphson routine to calculate the value of reduced density for given values of T, and Pr. In Fig. 4 the specific volume of ethylene is plotted with respect to temperature at different pressures. Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 3.1.2. Specific Enthalpy of Ethylene Benzler and Koch [64] proposed the following equation for the estimation of the specific enthalpy of ethylene: + %P r- 2 ( 1 - + ) j G Pr d p r where Ho is a constant reference enthalpy and C , represents the isochoric heat capacity of an ideal gas, J/(kmol.K). c, =A + B exp ( - C I T D ) -R (39) whereA = 3.925E+04, B = 1.155E+05, C = 1.234E+03, D = 1.0977, and R = 8.314E+03; J/(kmol-K). The expressions for a, band c will be given by Eqs. (32)-(37). Finally, Pc and V, denote the critical pressure and critical specific volume of ethylene, respectively. In Fig. 5 the specific enthalpy of ethylene is plotted against temperature at different pressures. 3.1.3. Spec$c Heat Capacity of Ethylene The isobaric and isochoric heat capacities of ethylene can be calculated by Eqs. (40)-(41) (Benzler and Koch [64]): The partial derivatives of VE with respect to temperature and pressure are given by ( a v E / a p ) T 1= ( P ~ / V , ) [ U+~ b f ( T r - I ) + C ~ T ,- 1 ) 2 /r ~ ] (42) HIGH-PRESSURE ETHYLENE POLYMERIZATION REACTORS 0.0024 467 1 Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 0 0022 - 0 0020 - 00018- - 00016- 0.0014 1 3000 n ! Temperature (K) FIG. 4. Specific volume of ethylene versus temperature. where a ’ , b ’ ,and c ’ denote the first derivatives of a, b, and c (see Eqs. 32-37) and the partial derivative ( d P / d T ) will be equal to In Fig. 6 the specific heat of ethylene is plotted against temperature at different pressures. 3. I . 4. Ethylene Thermal Conductivity The thermal conductivity of ethylene at high pressures can be calculated from the Stiel and Thodos correlation (see Ref. 65) based on the corresponding- Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 KIPARISSIDES, VERROS, AND MacGREGOR 200 - 100 - 200 2000 a m 2500 n 3000 300 n 400 500 600 700 Temperature (K) FIG. 5. Specific enthalpy of ethylene versus temperature (reference conditions: 2000 atm, 300 K). states principle. From data on 20 nonpolar substances, Stiel and Thodos established the following analytical approximations: ( A - Ao)I'zs = (14.0 x 10-8)(e0.535pr- 1); where: A = dense gas thermal conductivity A' = low-pressure gas thermal conductivity r = ~:/6&fl12p-2/3 c pr < 0.5 (45) HIGH-PRESSURE ETHYLENE POLYMERIZATION REACTORS - 087 Y \ ul -. 7 m v V al - 469 2000 atm 3000 n c al Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 7 2 07- 4 W e 0 - n d 0 m a m u 0.6 - c) m al I -0 e 0 al a UJ - 05 I I 1 I T e m p e r a t u r e (K) FIG. 6. Specific heat of ethylene versus temperature. The low-pressure value of thermal conductivity, A', can be expressed by Xo = 10-6(14.52Tr - 5.14)2'3 ( c p l r ) , cal/cm.s.K (48) In Fig. 7 the thermal conductivity of ethylene as calculated by the Stiel-Thodos correlation is plotted with respect to temperature at 2000,2500, and 3000 atm. 3. I . 5 Ethylene Viscosity The viscosity of ethylene at high pressures can be calculated from the Stiel and Thodos correlation reported in the textbook on R e Properties of Gases andfiquids by Reid, Prausnitz, and Sherwood [65]. Stiel and Thodos established the following correlation for nonpolar gases: KIPARISSIDES, VERROS, AND MacGREGOR 4 500e-4 - L Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 4 000e-4 - \ 3 500e-4- 3 000e-4 2 500e-4 - --t 2000 atm 2500 n 3000 n 2 000e-4 FIG. 7. Thermal conductivity of ethylene versus temperture. [(q - 7')E where: q '71 4 + l]0.25= 1.023 + 0 . 2 3 3 6 4 ~+~ 0.58533~; - 0.40758~: +O.O9332p; (49) = dense gas viscosity = low-pressure gas viscosity =~ ~ / 6 ~ - 1 / 2 p ~ - 2 / 3 M = molecular weight The low-pressure gas viscosity (q') for nonpolar gases can be calculated by = 4.61Tr -2.04e-0.449Tr + 1.94e-4.058Tr+ 0.1 (50) Note that the above correlation will be valid for values of p r in the range 0.1 < p r < 3. In Fig. 8 the viscosity of ethylene is plotted with respect to temperature for different pressures. HIGH-PRESSURE ETHYLENE POLYMERIZATION REACTORS --O- 471 2000 atm . e - 0) m Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 0 2 00e-3 a v - n u m c 100e-3- -na S d W I 0 OOe+O200 300 400 500 600 700 T e m p e r a t u r e (K) FIG. 8. Ethylene viscosity versus temperature. 3.2. Physical and Thermodynamic Properties of LDPE The density of polymer can be calculated from Eq. (51) [66]: pp + = (9.61 x 1 0 - ~ 7.0 x ~ o - ~-T5 . 3 x I O - ~ P ) - ' (51) Bogdanovic et al. [67] calculated the thermodynamic properties of different grades of polyethylene (i.e., linear and branched) using the Tait state equation: where Vpo and V, represent the specific polymer volume at atmospheric pressure and pressure P , respectively. C ( = 0.985) is an empirical constant for the polymers considered in the study [67]. Bogdanovic et al. [67] found that the parameter B can be expressed as KIPARISSIDES, VERROS, AND MacGREGOR 472 B = bo exp (-b,T) (53) where the numerical values of bl and bo are given in Table 4. The specific volume of polymer at atmospheric pressure (Vpo)is adequately represented by Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 VPo = Cexp @In (54) where the value of ul is also reported in Table 4. To derive the other thermodynamic properties (i.e., internal energy, enthalpy, and entropy), the approach of Maloney and Prausnitz [68] can be followed. In Figs. 9 and 10, calculated values of specific volume and specific enthalpy of PE, respectively, are plotted as a function of temperature at different pressures. The specific heat capacity of polyethylene is given by Chen et al. [lo] gave the following approximation for the specific heat capacity of polyethylene: c,, = 1.041 + 8.3 x 10-4T; ca1ig.K (56) Finally, the thermal conductivity of LDPE can be assumed to remain constant [4.0 x l o p 4 cal/(cm-s.K)] according to the work of Eiermann [69]. 3.3. Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Comonomers and Solvents For the prediction of the thermodynamic properties of comonomers and solvents, a generalized thermodynamic correlation based on Pitzer's threeparameter corresponding states was employed. Lee and Kesler (see Ref. 65) developed a method of representing analytically the various thermodynamic properties based on Pitzer 's three-parameter corresponding states principle. The properties include: densities, enthalpy departures, entropy departures, fugacity coefficients, isobaric and isochoric heat capacity departures, and the second virial coefficients. To facilitate the analytical representation of the thermodynamic properties, the compressibility factor of the fluid is expressed in terms of the compressibility factor of a simple fluid z(O)and the compressibility factor of a reference fluid z(') as follows: Linear PE Branched PE Ultrahigh MW linear PE 179.04 179.45 170.53 b, (Mpa) X 4.661 4.699 4.292 6 , (IiK) lo’ 0.9172 0.9399 0.8992 8.50 Vm (m’/kg) x 7.80 7.34 a , (l/K) x lo4 Numerical Values of the Constants in Eqs. (52)-(54) TABLE 4 Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 5 N 5a ? 4 in z rn TI m KIPARISSIDES, VERROS, AND MacGREGOR 474 000130 --O- h \ m W Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 n 0 -C . d v 000120- 2000alm 2500 3000 x 3) J e 0 a -: > -0 0 000110- L 0 m n (0 000100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Temperature (K) FIG. 9. Specific volume of LDPE versus temperature. where w is the acentric factor of the fluid. By using a modified Benedict-WebbRubin equation of state, the compressibility factors (z ( r ) , z ( O ) ) are expressed by the following equations: 30 Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 HIGH-PRESSURE ETHYLENE POLYMERIZATION REACTORS 200 300 400 Temperature 500 600 475 700 (KI FIG. 10. Specific enthalpy of LDPE versus temperature (reference conditions: 2000 atm, 300 K). The values of the b, c, d, /3, and y constants are given in Table 5. From &. (58), one can easily derive expressions for the thermodynamicdeparture functions of enthalpy, isochoric heat capacity, and isobaric heat capacity. Thus,for the calculation of a thermodynamic quantity at a given temperatureand pressure, one needs to know the critical properties T,, P,, and o of the fluid of interest. The thermal conductivity and viscosity of the various comonomers and chain-transfer agents can be calculated by using expressions similar to those reported in Subsection 3.1. 3.4. Calculation of the Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of the Reaction Mixture The specific volume, specific enthalpy, and specific heat as well as the thermal conductivity of the reaction mixture can be calculated by a simple addition rule. KIPARISSIDES, VERROS, AND MacGREGOR 476 TABLE 5 Constants in the Lee-Kessler Equation of State [65] Constant b, Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 4 b3 b4 CI c2 c3 c4 d, x lo4 d2 x lo4 P Y c Simple fluid Reference fluid 0.1181193 0.265728 0.154790 0.030323 0.0236744 0.0186984 0 0.042724 0.155488 0.623689 0.65392 0.060 167 0.20266579 0.33151 1 0.027655 0.203488 0.03 13385 0.0503618 0.016901 0.04 1577 0.48736 0.0740336 1.226 0.03754 N P, = WjPi i= I where P,,, is the property of the mixture, wi is the weight fraction of the i component, and PI denotes the corresponding property of the i component. 3.4.1. Solution Viscosity of Ethylene-LDPE For the calculation of the solution viscosity of ethylene-LDPE, the work of Ehrlich and Woodbrey [70] seems to provide the best available experimental (semiempirical) approach. Ehrlich and Woodbrey measured the relative viscosity of moderate concentrated solutions of LDPE in ethane experimentally and reported the following correlation: where is the relative viscosity of the solution (ql,/qO,ethane) is the viscosity of pure ethane q s is the viscosity of the ethane-LDPE solution [q] is the intrinsic viscosity of LDPE measured in p-xylene at 105 "C [Cj represents the concentration of polymer in g/dL qr,ethane qO,ethane HIGH-PRESSURE ETHYLENE POLYMERlZATlON REACTORS 477 Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 Ehrlich and Woodbrey found that the relative viscosity of LDPE in ethylene, qr,eth,was related to the relative viscosity of LDPE in ethane, qr,ethane, by the following simple equation: Furthermore, they found that the relative viscosity of LDPE in ethane depends on the temperature and concentration of LDPE: qr,ethane - qr,ethane,l5O0C exp According to the work of Ehrlich and Woodbrey, the intrinsic viscosity [ q ] of LDPE in p-xylene can be expressed in terms of the viscosity-average molecular weight, M,, using the well-known Mark-Houwink correlation: [q] = 2.347 X 10-3@556 (66) Substituting Eqs. (64)-(66) into Eq. (63), we obtain the following semiempirical correlation for the relative viscosity of LDPE in ethylene: In qr,eth = 2.00 + 0.912 x 10-3@556[Cj + Assuming that M, can be approximated by the number-average molecular weight of polymer (28pl/h), and the mass concentration of polymer can be expressed in terms of the first moment of MWD ( p , ) , one can write Eq. (67) as follows: E, = -500 + 5 6 0 ~ ~ ; cal/gmol (69) KIPARISSIDES, VERROS, AND MacGREGOR 470 Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 It is important to point out that Ehrlich and Woodbrey carried out their experiments at conditions similar to the industrial operating ones (i.e., temperature, 150-270 "C; pressure, 1400-2000 atm; LDPE concentration, 50-200 g/L). It is interesting to note that Chen et al. [lo] reported an expression similar to Eq. (68) for the calculation of the relative solution viscosity of LDPE in ethylene: In Fig. 11 the solution viscosity of the reaction mixture as predicted by Eqs. (68) and (70) is plotted with respect to the temperature. 3.4.2. Calculation of the Overall Heat Transfer Coeficient The calculation of the overall heat-transfer coefficient may be based either on the inside or outside diameter of the tube at the discretion of the designer. Accordingly, the inside overall heat transfer coefficient, Ui, can be expressed as For the calculation of the inside film heat transfer coefficient, hi, typical correlations for Newtonian fluids can be used. Thus, for fully developed turbulent flow, hi can be obtained from the following empirical relation: Nu = 0.027Re0~8Pr0~33(q,/~~,,,)o~14 (72) where Nu (= hiDi/X,) is the Nusselt number Re (= psuDi/r,) is the Reynolds number Pr (= cpsq-s/Xs)is the Prandtl number All properties are evaluated at bulk temperature conditions of the fluid, except the solution viscosity v,, which is evaluated at the wall temperature. 3.4.3. Calculation of the Friction Factor As discussed in Section 2.1 of this review, the kinetic rate constants vary with pressure. It is therefore necessary to know the pressure at each point of the reactor. For the calculation of pressure drop in the reactor, the Fanning friction factor must be known. The friction factor can be calculated by the following equations: HIGH-PRESSURE ETHYLENE POLYMERIZATION REACTORS 100 ! - ---e 01 In \ 7 0 a v - - eq ( 6 8 ) eq ( 7 0 ) 10: 3 Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 479 . a In 0 0 In 7 > S 0 c 4 3 1: 0 cn W a 0 1 1 100 200 I I 300 400 T e m p e r a t u r e (‘C) FIG. 11. LDPE solution viscosity versus temperature (pressure 2000 atm, C,,,, = 10 gIdL, M, = 45,000). f = 16/Re; Re < 2100 (1/fl1’’ = 4.0 log (Ref”’) - 0.4; 4. (73) 2.1 X lo3 < Re < 5 X lo6 (74) MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF HIGH-PRESSURE LDPE REACTORS If detailed information on the molecular structure of the polymer is required, the reaction steps outlined in Sections 2.1 and 2.3 must be considered. The need to include a reaction step in a kinetic model will depend on the final use of the reactor model and the required information on the molecular properties KIPARISSIDES, VERROS, AND MacGREGOR 480 Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 of the polymer. Needless to say, the number of kinetic parameters to be determined experimentally increases as the complexity of the reaction mechanism increases. To model a high-pressure LDPE multizonc reactor, the following balance equations have to be established: 1. 11. ... 111. iv . V. vi. vii. ... v111. ix. A total mass balance for the reaction mixture Molar balances for initiators, monomers, solvents (CTA) Molar balances for “live” radicals Molar balances for “dead” polymer Molar balances for SCB and LCB An energy balance for the reaction mixture An energy balance for the cooling (heating) fluid A momentum balance Energy balances at the quenching points In the following sections, the most common assumptions related to the modeling of high-pressure tubular LDPE reactors are examined as well as the design equations describing the operation of these reactors. 4.1. The Modeling of Tubular Reactors In Table I , a number of computer models for high-pressure LDPE tubular reactors is listed. The most common modeling and computational assumptions made in these models are 1. One phase flow 2. Plug flow conditions and absence of axial mixing 3. Stationary flow conditions and constant fluid velocity 4. Constant reactor pressure 5 . Constant wall temperature 6 . Quasi-steady-state approximation (QSSA) for radicals 7. Constant initiator efficiency 8. Rate constants are independent of viscosity 9. Negligible heat of reaction due to chain initiation, termination, and transfer reactions 10. Constant physical properties Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 HIGH-PRESSURE ETHYLENE POLYMERIZATION REACTORS 481 As can be seen, the number of assumptions employed in a computer model of a high-pressure LDPE tubular reactor can vary considerably. A model description can include as many details of the real reactor as present knowledge of the system allows. However, it should be pointed out that even the most detailed model description will largely depend on a number of kinetic and physical parameters which are not always possible to measure precisely. A model builder should keep in mind that one must often compromise model detail and complexity with available information and final use of the model. Subsequently, an attempt is made to examine the validity of each of the modeling assumptions outlined above. 4.1.1. Reactor Flow Conditions (assumptions I , 2, and 3) One common assumption made by most investigators refers to the physical state of the reaction mixture. Under many industrial operating conditions a single ethylene-polyethylene (E-PE) phase exists. Figure 12 (Buback [43]) shows that an E-PE system is homogeneous in an extended pressure and temperature region above 1500 bar and 150 "C, respectively. The critical curve (CC) for the E-PE system separates the homogeneous region from the two-phase region. Note that the precise form of the CC depends on the molecular weight distribution. The melting pressure curve (MPC) of PE limits the homogeneous region to lower temperatures. If separation of the polymer phase from the ethylene phase occurs, a two-phase reactor model must be considered. The process conditions which determine the existence of oneor two-phase system are discussed in the following references: Ehrlich 1711, Bonner et al. [72], Harmony et al. [73], Bogdanovic et al. [74], and Walsh and Dee 1751. In tubular reactors the pressure is lowered periodically for a short time by means of a control valve so that the corresponding increase in the velocity tears away any polymeric deposits on the tube wall. Some investigators have argued that this pulsed motion inside an LDPE reactor can be described by a plug flow with axial mixing model. However, more recent studies (Donati et al. 1141, Yoon and Rhee [25], and Tilger and Luft [29]) have shown that the effect of axial mixing on polymerization is minor and can be neglected. Under typical industrial flow conditions of very high Reynolds numbers, an ideal plug flow model can be used to describe the reactor flow behavior. Thies [6] investigated the influence of unsteady-state flow conditions on temperature, conversion, and molecular properties. He reported that ethylene KIPARISSIDES, VERROS, AND MacGREGOR 482 300 n 0 250 - -- CCCUPE) 0 Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 U m 200 L = 4 a L m a E l- 15010050 MPC I I I 0 FIG. 12. Phase diagram for ethylene-polyethylene (Buback [43]). conversion and product properties are not affected significantly by the process dynamics, and he concluded that the stationary hypothesis for tubular LDPE is justified. Many investigators assume a constant flow velocity along the tube length. However, velocity changes as the density of the reaction mixture, which depends on pressure, temperature, and composition, varies along the tube length. Therefore, the additional effect of variable velocity has to be considered in a comprehensive reactor model. 4. I . 2. Reactor Operating Conditions (assumptions 4 and 5) Most of the models published in the open literature do not take into account the variation of pressure along the reactor. This variation is not negligible (200-300 atm). It is well known that pressure has a profound effect on the polymerization rate and molecular properties of LDPE. Therefore, in a comprehensive reactor model, it will be important to calculate the pressure profile along the reactor length. Although the assumption of constant wall temperature is not well justified, it has been extensively used by many investigators. The change of the wall HIGH-PRESSURE ETHYLENE POLYMERIZATION REACTORS 483 temperature can be modeled by including in the reactor model the appropriate energy balances for the cooling (heating) fluid in the jacketed reactor. Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 4. I. 3. Kinetic Assumptions (assumptions 6, 7, 8, and 9) The molecular weight moment equations can be considerably simplified by application of the quasi-steady-stateapproximation (QSSA) for ‘‘live” radicals. The QSSA is accurate under many operating conditions and should be used whenever possible. It should be noted that our computer simulations [23] have shown that the errors resulting from the application of the QSSA in the computed values of conversion, M,, and M,, are not significant. In free-radical polymerization, the bimolecular termination step can become diffusion-controlledat high monomer conversion. This process causes a lower than expected rate of termination and a much higher rate of polymerization than expected, especially at high monomer conversions. This diffusioncontrolled termination is caused by a decrease in the mobility of the polymer chains due to the increase of the viscosity of the reaction medium. Goto et al. [131 suggested that the termination rate was controlled by the segmental diffusion of polymer chains, and they calculated a diffusion-controlledtermination rate constant by considering the effect of excluded volume. With respect to initiator efficiency, most investigators assume a constant value. However, initiator efficiency can significantly vary with polymerization temperature as van der Molen and van Heerden [7], Goto et al. [131, and Luft et al. [76] pointed out. One way to model the variable initiator efficiency is to include a side reaction leading to the deactivation of generated initiator primary radicals in addition to the main primary radical production mechanism. Notice that the heats of reaction of all but propagation reactions are usually neglected. 4. I.4. Constant Physical Properties (assumption 10) In general, this assumption will not be valid and the dependence of the physical properties on the polymerization conditions must be taken into account. This is discussed in detail in Section 3 of this review. 4.2. Comprehensive Tubular Reactor Model To describe the conservation of individualpolymer chains in a high-pressure plug flow ethylene copolymerization reaction, an infinite set of partial differential equations of the general form KIPARISSIDES, VERROS, AND MacGREGOR Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 484 is required. G denotes the various species present in the reaction mixture (i.e., initiator(s), monomer(s), solvents(s), “live” polymer chains of type P or Q and “dead” polymer chains D). The indices p and q can vary from 1 to a very high degree of polymerization (i.e., lo4). At steady-state the first term of Eq. (75) is dropped. Application of the general design Eq. (75) to the various molecular species present in the reactor results in a prohibitively large set of differential equations which must be solved numerically to obtain information on the desired molecular properties of polyethylene. In an attempt to reduce the high dimensionality of the numerical problem, several mathematical techniques have been developed to recast the “infinite” set of differential equations into a lower order system which can be easily solved. These techniques have been reviewed by Tirrell et al. [77] and include the use of generating functions (Ray [78]), z-transforms (Mills [79]), and the continuous variable approximation (Coyle et al. [80], Ellis et al. [81], Gonzalez-Romero and Rodriguez [82], and Baillagou and Soong [83]). In the present paper a comprehensivemathematical model for a multizone tubular reactor is developed based on the general copolymerization mechanism described in Sections 2.3 and 2.4 and assumptions 1 , 2 , 7 , 8, and 9. Accordingly, the steady-state mass, molar, energy, and momentum balances are written as follows. Total mass balance: (76) Initiatior(s) molar balances: d(Cd,u)/dx = -rdi; i = 1, 2, ..., Ni (77) i = I, 2 (78) Monomer(s) molar balance: d(C,p)/dx = -rpi; Solvent(s) (CTA) molar balances: (79) HIGH-PRESSURE ETHYLENE POLYMERIZATION REACTORS Moment balances for ‘‘live” radicals: d(X;,u)/du = r!mn Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 d(X$,u)/& = rQ hmn Moment balances for “dead” polymer: d(pmnU)/& = rpmn Balance on long-chain branching: ~(CLCBU) = ~LCB Balance on short-chain branching: d ( CSCBU = rSCB Balance on double bonds: d ( CVNLU) = ~VNL d ( CVNDU) /& = ~ V N D Energy balance for fluid in the reactor jacket: dT,/& = - TDU( T - T,) / (m,~,,) Energy balance for the reaction mixture: d(Tpc,u)/A = (-AHr,T)trpl + + + ( - A H r , ~ f 2 r p 2 4U(T,. ( d In p-’ld In T ) , ( d P / & ) Momentum balance: dP/& = -4fpu2/2D At the quenching points, the temperature of the reaction mixture is lowered by the addition of fresh ethylene (Fig. 2 ) . At these points, the following mass, KIPARISSIDES, VERROS, AND MacGREGOR 486 molar, and energy balances must be established in order to calculate the initial conditions at the inlet of the following reaction zone: Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 Total mass balance: where is the mass flow rate, Q is the volumetric flow rate, and p is the density of the corresponding stream. Component mass balances: where wi is the weight fraction of the i component and Ciis the concentration of the i species (Cmip Csi, Cdi, Pmn, CSCB,CLCB). Energy balance: h3H3 = mlH1 + m2Hz (92) where His the specific enthalpy associated with a stream. Finally, the cumulative monomer conversion, ycum,is calculated by and Fm0,2 are the molar flows of monomer at the inlet of the first where Fmo,l and second reaction zone, respectively, and ym,land ym,2are the corresponding fractional monomer conversions. The molecular weight averages, the SCB and LCB per 1000 carbon atoms, as well as the cumulative copolymer composition can be expressed in terms of the moments of the bivariate NCLD of “dead” polymer chains as follows: Number-average molecular weight: Mtl = (MWlPlO + MW2POIYPCL00 (94) Weight-average molecular weight: (95) HIGH-PRESSURE ETHYLENE POLYMERIZATION REACTORS 487 Long-chain branches per 1000 carbon atoms: (LCB/1000C) = + 5oOc~c~/(p10 poi) (96) Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 Short-chain branches per 1000 carbon atoms: (SCB/lOOOC) = 5oOcs~~/(p10 + pol) (97) Cumulative copolymer composition: cc = ~ 1 0 / ( ~ 1+0 Pol) (98) Vinylene double bonds: (VNL/1000C) = 500[VNL]/(pol + pie) Vinylidene double bonds: (VND/1000C) 4.3. = SOO[VND]/(pol + plo) Simulation Results on Tubular Reactors One of the most difficult problems in simulating the operation of industrial high-pressure LDPE reactors is the selection of appropriate values of the various kinetic rate constants. In spite of the great number of papers published on the modeling of LDPE reactors (see Table l), a consistent set of rate constants has not yet been established in the open literature. Many investigators have proposed full sets of kinetic rate constants obtained by fitting model predictions to industrial or pilot-plant operating data (Shirodkar and Tsien [26], Brandolin et al. [27]). However, by assuming that 1) the long-chain hypothesis (LCH) and the quasi-steady-stateapproximation (QSSA) are valid and 2) the velocity gradient is negligible, one can show (Verros et al. [33]) that the reactor model equations will not depend on the absolute values of kinetic rate constants but on the ratios “eg, defined as ” KIPARISSIDES, VERROS, AND MacGREGOR 488 TABLE 6 Numerical Values of the c j Parameters" k0 Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 (L/gmol/s or s-') 2500 10-~ 3.11 6.45 X 0.218 0.169 1.034 8 AE (cal/gmol) AV (cm3/gmol) 7594 -26.2 - - 3560 3560 2300 4010 5241 25 10 ~ Kiparissides et al. Odian 1841 Goto et al. [13] Present work Goto et al. [13] 24.1 24.1 0.2 0 2.9 3.8 ~~ Ref. >> >, 1. ~~~ ac = k o e - ( A E + P A V ) / R T , 'Tubular reactor. Yessel reactor. As a result, one cannot obtain independent estimates of the absolute values of the individual kinetic rate constants from simple industrial reactor data. In Table 6 the values of the kinetic parameters used in the simulation of ethylene polymerization are reported. For simplicity, the ratio of ktd/k,c was taken as equal to 1. For our simulation studies, the reactor geometry shown in Fig. 2 was employed. The reactor consists of two reaction zones. Each zone has a total length of 150 rn and the internal tube diameter is 3.8 cm. The mass flow rate of ethylene at the inlet of the first zone and at the side quenching point is 11.O and 4.1 kg/s, respectively. The initiator mixture contains equal amounts per weight of tert-butyl peroctoate (TBPO), tert-butyl perpivalate (TBPP), and tertbutyl perbenzoate (TBPB). The kinetic constants for the initiators are given in Table 7. For reasons of simplicity it was assumed that the initiator concentration at the inlet of each reaction zone was the same. In all simulations runs the temperature of the reaction mixture at the inlet of each reaction zone was set at 192 "C. A fouling factor equal to 0.24 cal/cm2/K was assumed for both reaction zones. The coolant flow was considered to be 50 kgls and its outlet temperature was set at 127 "C in each zone. The nominal reactor inlet HIGH-PRESSURE ETHYLENE POLYMERIZATION REACTORS 489 TABLE 7 Kinetic Constants for Initiators [85]" Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 KO TBPO TBPB TBPP ak d (s-9 AE (cal/gmol) AV (cm3/gmol) 5.75 x 10" 2.89 x 1017 7.95 x 1013 26,112 38,440 28,024 6.11 5.02 3.45 k -(At+PAV)lRT, - Oe - 320 W 270 v 0) L d 3 m i al a 5 t 220 - Cdo = 2.E-5 Kgrnol/rn3 Dimensionless A x i a l L e n g t h FIG. 13. Effect of the initial initiator concentrationon the reactor temperature profile. Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 KIPARISSIDES, VERROS, AND MacGREGOR 01 - Cdo = 2 E-5 Kgmol/m3 I CdO = 00 00 02 04 06 4E-5 08 >> 10 Dimensionless A x i a l Length FIG. 14. Effect of the initial initiator concentration on the ethylene cumulative conversion. pressure was 2900 atm and the TBPO nominal concentration was 4.E-5 kgmol/m3. The reactor model equations together with the appropriate algebraic equations describing the variation of thermodynamic, physical, and transport properties of the reaction medium were numerically solved to calculate the monomer and initiator concentrations, temperature and pressure profiles, as well as the variation of molecular properties of LDPE (i.e., M,,, M,, LCB, SCB, etc.) along the reactor length. A modified Adams-Moulton routine was employed for the numerical integration of the stiff differential equations of the model. Figures 13-2 1 illustrate some representative model results obtained for different initial molar concentrations of TBPO as a function of the dimensionless axial length (x/L).The molar concentrations of the other two initiators are calculated in terms of the molar concentration of TBPO, assuming that the weight fraction of each initiator is equal to 1/3. HIGH-PRESSURE ETHYLENE POLYMERIZATION REACTORS 491 70000 -t- Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 60000 coo = 2.E-5 Kgmol/rn3 Cdo = 4.E-5 D Coo = 6.E-5 n 50000 40000 30000 20000 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 .o Dlmensionless A x i a l Length FIG. 15. Effect of the initial initiator concentration on the number-averagemolecular weight. Figure 13 shows that as the initial concentration of TBPO increases, the peak temperature increases while its position shifts to the inlet of the reaction zone. An increase in the initial initiator concentration results in an increase of monomer conversion (Fig. 14), weight-average molecular weight (M,) (Fig. 16), LCB (Fig. 17), and SCB (Fig. 18). Note that the number-average molecular weight (M,) decreases with initial initiator concentration (Fig. 15) since a higher initiator concentration results in the formation of a larger number of polymer chains. Similarly, the polydispersity index ( = M,,,/M,) increases from 9 to 13 as the initial initiator concentration of TBPO changes from 2.0 kgmol/m3. x lop5to 6.0 x The initiator concentration also has a significant effect on the long-chain branching and short-chainbranching of LDPE. Both types of branching increase with initiator concentration (Figs. 17 and 18). The calculated values of LCB (= l.0/103 C) and SCB (= 25/103 C) are in good agreement with KIPARISSIDES, VERROS, AND MacGREGOR 500000 Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 400000 I 1 f-- 300000 200000 100000 --3- 0 Cdo = 6E-5 n I Dimensionless A x i a l Length FIG. 16. Effect of the initial initiator concentration on the weight-average molecular weight. experimental results on molecular structure analysis of LDPE produced in industrial reactors [26]. Figure 19 illustrates the variation of the Reynolds number in the two-zone reactor of Fig. 2. It is interesting to note that the Reynolds number exhibits a significant decrease from lo6 to 6 X lo4 along the reactor length. Under these flow conditions the plug flow assumption is fully justified. Figure 20 illustrates the variation of the inside film heat transfer coefficient with respect to the reactor length. Note that as the initiator concentration increases, the inside film heat transfer coefficient decreases due to the higher solution viscosity of the reaction mixture caused by an increase of monomer conversion. It should be noted here that the ethylenehinyl acetate copolymer composition remains almost constant along the reactor length (Fig. 21). Actually, simulation results show that the weight copolymer composition is independentof the peak HIGH-PRESSURE ETHYLENE POLYMERIZATION REACTORS 493 14 1.2- Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 1.0- 08- 0.6- "1 t , , . , 00 00 02 04 . 7 06 COO = 2.E-5 Kgmol/m3 Cdo = 4.E-5 1) C:=6€[5 b, 08 , 10 Dimensionless A x i a l L e n g t h FIG. 17. Effect of the initial initiator concentration on long-chain branching. temperatures (Fig. 13) and equal to the weight fraction of vinyl acetate in the feed stream. This behavior can be explained by the fact that the values of the reactivity ratios (kp121kpland kp21/kp22)are approximately equal to 1. 4.4. The Modeling of Vessel Reactors Vessel reactors operate at temperatures and pressures similar to those of tubular reactors, but their operation is more like that of a continuous stirred tank reactor. The vessel reactor may have a length to diameter ratio as high as 20 to 1. Mixing is provided by a shaft running down the center of the vessel with several impeller blades of various types. The heat transfer through the wall is small, so the reaction is essentially adiabatic. The inflow of monomer and initiator at several points down the reactor (Fig. 3) provides satisfactory temperature control although the temperature may vary down the length of the reactor. KIPARISSIDES, VERROS, AND MacGREGOR Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 26 24 22 20 18 - --t- --t- Cdo 2 E - 5 Kgmol/m3 CdO = 4 E - 5 x CdO = 6.E-5 n 16 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 I I 0.8 1 .o Dimensionless A x i a l Length FIG. 18. Effect of the initial initiator concentration on short-chain branching In Table 1 a number of computer models for high-pressure LDPE vessel reactors are presented. The most common modeling and computational assumptions made in these models are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. One-phase versus two-phase model Ideal versus nonideal mixing conditions Constant initiator efficiency Constant reactor pressure and temperature Quasi-steady-state approximation for ‘‘live’’ radicals Rate constants are independent of viscosity Negligible heat effects due to chain initiation, termination, and transfer reactions 8. Constant physical properties HIGH-PRESSURE ETHYLENE POLYMERIZATION REACTORS 495 lo6 Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 -t- Cdo = 2 E - 5 Kgrnol/m3 CdO = 4E-5 z lo5 lo4 1031 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 .o Dimensionless A x i a l Length FIG. 19. Effect of the initial initiator concentration on the variation of the Reynolds number in the reactor. We have already discussed assumptions 5-8 in relation to the modeling of tubular reactors. In the following subsections, emphasis will be placed on assumptions 1-3. 4.4.1. Two-PhaseModel (assumption 1) Under certain operating conditions (see Fig. 12), the polymer may precipitate out from the monomer phase, forming a two-phase system. As a result, polymerization occurs in two phases, namely, a monomer-rich phase and a polymer-rich one. Reactions involving growing macromolecules (i.e., termination, transfer to polymer) may become diffusion-controlled in the polymer-rich phase. Therefore, PE produced under heterogeneous kinetics can differ significantly from the polymer produced in a one-phase system. As KIPARISSIDES, VERROS, AND MacGREGOR - 12000 Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 10000 t CdO = 2E-5 Kgrnol/m3 I Cdo = 4.E-5 u aooo 6000 4000 2000 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 .o Dimensionless Axial Length FIG. 20. Effect of the initial initiator concentration on the inside film heat transfer coefficient. discussed before, if separation of the polymer phase from the ethylene phase occurs, a two-phase reactor model must be considered. Such a model should take into account the partition of all species (i.e., monomers, initiators, polymer) in the two-phase system as a function of reactor operating conditions. 4.4.2. f i e Effect of Mixing on Reactor Performance (assumption 2) Two main features characterize the operation of vessel reactors: 1) the very high power input per unit volume required to maintain good mixing conditions in the reaction zone, and 2) the absence of appreciable heat exchange, so that the reactor can be considered practically adiabatic. Several authors have shown that the degree of mixing affects the behavior of high-pressure LDPE vessel reactors (Mercx et al. [8], Marini and Georgakis [18, 191, Villermaux et al. [24], Donati et al. [15]). The importance of end-toend mixing Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 HIGH-PRESSURE ETHYLENE POLYMERIZATION REACTORS 0.0 0.2 0.4 --.--C 2%VA --Q- 5%VA -f- 0%VA 0.6 0.0 497 1 .o Dimensionless A x i a l Length FIG. 21. Effect of the initial vinyl acetate concentration on the copolymer weight composition. was stressed in a patent by Christl and Roedel[86]. The critical feature of this invention was to make a uniform product by providing constant conditions for polymerization. To obtain proper end-to-end circulation and to maintain temperature differences between any two points in the autoclave below 5 "C, Christl and Roedel defined a mixing number as where NC is the number of circuits, G, is the end-to-end circulation mass rate, and Gf is the inlet mass rate of monomer. They reported that for NC values greater than 100, sufficient end-to-end mixing was achieved in the vessel. KIPARISSIDES, VERROS, AND MacGREGOR Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 498 o l 100 I I I I 150 200 250 300 Polymerization Temperature ("C) FIG. 22. Effect of the initiator type on initiator consumption: (I) tert-butyl peroctoate, (11) di-tert-butyl peroxide, (111) tert-butyl perpivalate, and (IV) diisononanoyl peroxide (residence time, 65 seconds; pressure, 1700 bar; C, = 40 mol ppm). 4.4.3. Initiator Productivity {assumptions 2 and 3) The effectiveness of organic peroxides as initiators in the polymerization of high-pressure polyethylene has been investigated by van der Molen and van Heerden [7], Luft et al. [76], and Goto et al. [13]. Luft and his coworkers camed out a large number of experiments with 10 different peroxides at various temperatures (e.g., 110-300°C). It was found that the organic peroxide consumption per kilogram of polyethylene produced exhibited a minimum with respect to the reaction temperature. Luft et al. [76] investigated the effects of polymerization temperature, pressure, initiator concentration, mean residence time of the reactor, and stirring rate on the initiator productivity. The initiator consumption with respect to polymerization temperature for various types of initiators is plotted in Fig. 22 (Luft et al. [76]). Apart from the level of minimum consumption and the corresponding temperature, the different forms of the consumption curves should be considered. Peroxides with a broad consumption curve, such as tert-butyl perpivalate, have a constant consumption over a wide temperature range. Therefore, they are particularly suitable for polymerization in tubular reactors where the temperature changes Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 HIGH-PRESSURE ETHYLENE POLYMERIZATION REACTORS 499 considerably along the reaction tube. In addition, the shape of the curve affects the operating behavior of the reactor and particularly the temperature profile. That is, if the operating conditions of the reactor lie below the minimum temperature on a steep curve branch, then a slight reduction in the reactor temperature causes a rapid increase in the initiator consumption, and this then leads to a further decrease of the reactor temperature without any external intervention. Conversely, if the temperature increases, the initiator consumption drops drastically, and the temperature then rises to the optimal minimum temperature. This process bears a certain similarity to the extinction-ignition processes observed in exothermic CSTRs and catalytic reactions. Several investigators have tried to explain these important phenomena observed in continuous LDPE reactors. Marini and Georgakis [18, 191 considered an imperfectly mixed reactor model to show that increases in the initiator consumption with polymerization temperature are due to mixing limitations at the initiator feed. Goto et al. [13] introduced a variable initiator efficiency by assuming, in addition to the main radical initiation mechanism, a competitive side reaction which consumes initiator without producing any active free radicals. Finally, Villermaux et al. [24] considered two different partial segregation models, namely the shrinking aggregate model and the interaction by exchange with the mean model, to describe the phenomena related with the variable initiator productivity in commercial reactors. 4.5. Comprehensive Vessel Reactor Model To describe the dynamic operation of a high-pressure vessel ethylene polymerization reactor, assuming one-phase flow, a set of nonlinear differential equations of the general form is required, where Fa and F, denote the corresponding inlet and outlet molar flow rates of various molecular species (i.e., monomer, solvent, initiator, moments of “live” and “dead” polymer chains, etc.). At steady-state, the left-hand side term of Eq. (106) is dropped. Accordingly, the steady-state molar, mass and energy balances are written as follows. Total mass balance: mo = m (107) KIPARISSIDES, VERROS, AND MacGREGOR 500 Initiator molar balances: QoCdjo- QCdi = rdi; i = 1, 2, ..., Ni (108) Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 Monomer molar balance: Q0Cmio - QC,, = rpi; i = 1, 2 (109) Solvent (CTA) molar balances: QoCsj0- QC,; = r,,; i = 1, 2 , ..., N, Moment balances for “live” radicals: Moment balances for “dead” polymer: QPmn = rpmn Balance on long-chain branching: Balance on short-chain branching: Balance on double bonds: Energy balance for the reaction mixture: (110) HIGH-PRESSURE ETHYLENE POLYMERIZATION REACTORS 501 All reaction rates appearing in the above balance equations are given by Eqs. (5)-(7) for the homopolymerization case and by Eqs. (21)-(30) for the copolymerization case. Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 4.6. Simulation Results on Vessel Reactors For our simulation studies, a single isothermal stirred tank reactor was considered. As discussed above, the initiator consumption rate does not remain constant with the polymerization temperature (see Fig. 22). To model this variable initiator consumption rate, Goto et al. [13] assumed a competitive side reaction consuming initiator radicals in addition to the free radical formation reaction. experimental 8- theoretical 6- 4- 2- . ... 01 0 100 I I 150 200 I 250 300 350 Polymerization Temperature ("Cl FIG. 23. Effect of the polymerizationtemperature on initiator consumption. (Initiator, DTBP; experimental conditions as in Fig. 22.) KIPARISSIDES, VERROS, AND MacGREGOR Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 502 Typical values of the kinetic rate constants kd and k, are reported in the original paper of Goto et al. [ 131. In the present work, a di-tert-butyl peroxide (DTBP) was used as initiator. Figure 23 illustrates the effect of temperature on initiator consumption as calculated by the present model (continuous curve). The discrete points represent experimental measurements obtained by Luft et al. [76]. Note that initiator consumption decreases with temperature until it reaches a minimum value. After that point, initiator consumption increases with temperature. 100 150 200 250 300 350 P o l y m e r i z a t i o n Temperature ('CI J?IG. 24. Effect of the polymerization temperature on ethylene conversion. (Initiator, DTBP; residence time, 40 seconds; Ca = 40 mol ppm; pressure, 1700 atm.) HIGH-PRESSURE ETHYLENE POLYMERIZATION REACTORS 503 100000 ' 0 Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 80000 - 60000 - 40000 - 20000 - & - experimental theocellcal 0 , P o l y m e r i z a t i o n Temperature ('C) FIG. 25. Effect of the polymerization temperature on the number-average molecular weight. (Experimental conditions as in Fig. 24.) Figures 24-28 depict the effect of polymerization temperature on monomer conversion (Fig. 24), number-average molecular weight (Fig. 25), polydispersity index (Fig. 26), and short- and long-chain branching (Figs. 27 and 28). It can be seen that monomer conversion, SCB, and LCB initially increase with temperature until they reach a maximum value, after which they decrease with temperature. This behavior can be explained by the fact that higher temperatures favor the competitive side reaction which reduces the effective number of primary radicals and thus the initiation of new polymer chains. It is important to point out that the present simulation results are in satisfactory agreement with the experimental data reported by Luft et al. [51, 881 5. SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS, OPTIMIZATION, AND QUALITY CONTROL In the LDPE industry there is considerable economic incentive to develop real-time optimal policies that will increase production and improve the PE KIPARISSIDES, VERROS, AND MacGREGOR 504 Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 6 100 150 200 250 300 350 P o l y m e r i z a t i o n T e m p e r a t u r e ("C) FIG. 26. Effect of the polymerization temperature on the polydispersity. (Experimental conditions as in Fig. 24.) quality. One of the most important problems in the operation of PE reactors is the selection of optimal operating conditions that maximize the reactor productivity at the desired product quality. It is well known that the structure of polymer molecules can be described in terms of the following molecular properties: Molecular weight distribution, MWD Number-average molecular weight, M,, Weight-average molecular weight, M, Degree of branching distribution, DBD Long-chain branching, LCB Short-chain branching, SCB Copolymer composition distribution, CCD Number of vinyl and vinylidene groups Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 HIGH-PRESSURE ETHYLENE POLYMERIZATION REACTORS 505 P o l y m e r i z a t i o n T e m p e r a t u r e ("C] FIG. 27. Effect of the polymerization temperature on the short-chain branching. (Experimental conditions as in Fig. 24.) A number of PE end-use properties such as density, melt index, impact strength, rigidity, tensile strength, etc. can be related through some semiempirical relationships to the molecular structure of polymers. In fact, several quantitative correlations have been published in the open literature relating enduse properties to the molecular structure of PE. On the other hand, for a given reactor configuration, the molecular properties will strongly depend on the operating conditions. Therefore, the production of polymers with specified enduse properties will be closely related to the optimal control of molecular properties during production. A general approach to the optimization of polymerization reactors will encompass four aspects: reactor modeling, optimal design, on-line measurements, and optimal control. The modeling of high-pressure LDPE reactors has been discussed in previous sections of this review. Problems related with on-line KIPARISSIDES, VERROS, AND MacGREGOR 04experimental Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 0.3 theoretical - 02- 01- 0.0 1 I I I FIG. 28. Effect of the polymerization temperature on the long-chain branching. (Experimental conditions as in Fig. 24.) measurements and control of polymerization reactors were recently reviewed by MacGregor et al. [89] and Chien and Penlidis [90]. In the present review we focus our attention on the optimal design problem. In particular, in Subsection 5.1 we analyze the sensitivity of molecular properties of LDPE produced in a tubular reactor with respect to variations in the nominal operating conditions. Subsection 5.2 deals with the optimization of high-pressure LDPE reactors. Finally, in Subsection 5.3 we discuss the application of multivariate statistical methods to high-pressure LDPE reactors. Statistical methods are used in the development of models from process data. These models are employed for prediction of molecular properties and monitoring the process performance. HIGH-PRESSURE ETHYLENE POLYMERIZATION REACTORS Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 5.1 507 Sensitivity Analysis To optimize the operation of an existing LDPE reactor or to design an optimal reactor system, it is necessary to know the sensitivity of system responses to deviations of system operating parameters from their nominal values (Kiparissides and Mavridis [22]). It is well known that polymerization reactors are very sensitive to changes in operating conditions and kinetic parameters. Most reactor instabilities and upsets occur because of poor mixing of the initiator stream and “gel” formation due to polymer holdup at the wall of tubular reactors. Therefore, it is very important to know the underlying relationships between the system outputs and the model parameters. The high-pressure polymerization of ethylene in a tubular reactor can be described in terms of the set of differential equations (Eqs. 76-89). This can be written in vector form as: where y is a vector of dimensionless system variables and the vector p includes the design, operating, and kinetic parameters of the reactor model, e.g., A means of assessing the effect of parameter uncertainties on the model output variables is the sensitivity coefficient. The sensitivity coefficient, pg, is defined as the rate of change of the value of the output variable yi with respect to perturbations in the parameter pP ‘pij = ayi/apj; i = 1, 2, ..., Ny and j = 1, 2, ..., Np (122) The sensitivity coefficient, Eq. (122), indicates the magnitude and direction of change of the output variable yi caused by deviations of the parameter p j from its nominal value. By differentiation of Eq. (122), one can obtain the corresponding sensitivity differential equations in terms of the model nonlinear functions f(y,p): KIPARISSIDES, VERROS, AND MacGREGOR 508 d'pkj = dr afk i=l j = 1, 2, Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 pii + -;ah k = 1, 2, ..., N,and apj aYj ..., Np The initial conditions of these Eqs. (123) are Cpij(0) = 0 if pj is not an initial condition (i.e., U , D) 6 , if p j is an initial condition (i.e., C,, Cso) (124) The total number of sensitivity equations will be equal to the number of state variables times the number of model parameters (N, x N J . The variation of the sensitivity coefficients along the reactor is determined from the numerical integration of the sensitivity Eqs. (123) and the model Eqs. (76)-(89). It should be noted that the sensitivity equations are extremely stiff. Thus, extra care must be taken in integrating these equations. Accordingly, a multistep predictor corrector method suitable for stiff differential equations should be used. Typical results of the sensitivity analysis for a single zone high-pressure LDPE tubular reactor are shown in Figs. 29-31 (Kiparissides and Mavridis 1221). In these figures the normalized sensitivity coefficients are plotted as a function of reactor length. The reason for plotting the normalized sensitivity coefficient, piJ, instead of (oii is to show the relative influence of various parameters on the state variables. Note that for a positive sensitivity coefficient, a positive change of the corresponding parameter from its nominal value will result in an increase of the output variable. On the other hand, a negative sensitivity coefficient indicates that a positive change in the parameter will cause a decrease in the output variable. The effect of perturbations in the overall heat transfer coefficient U on the system responses is shown in Fig. 29. It can be seen that the system responses are very sensitive near the hot-spot temperature. It is interesting to note that the sensitivity coefficients for M,,, M,, and T change sign along the reactor length. This means that, depending on the location in the reactor, a positive variation in U might cause either a decrease or an increase in these variables. The final values of the normalized sensitivity at the reactor exit can be obtained from Fig. 29 for x/L = 1. These HIGH-PRESSURE ETHYLENE POLYMERIZATION REACTORS 509 Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 40 2.0 0.0 -2.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 .o Dimensionless A x i a l Dtstance FIG. 29. Effect of perturbations in the heat-transfercoefficient on system responses. values show that as the heat transfer coefficient increases, the exit monomer conversion, M,,, M,, and PD increase while the temperature of the reaction fluid at the reactor exit decreases. This implies that conversion improvements due to heat transfer can be made. However, the degree of improvement of monomer conversion will depend on the initiator system used for the polymerization. These results of the sensitivity analysis are in good agreement with earlier results reported by Lee and Marano [12], Chen et al. [lo], and Gupta et al. [21] The effect of perturbations in the reactor tube diameter D on the system responses is shown in Fig. 30. It can be seen that perturbations in D have exactly the opposite effect on the output variables to that obtained by deviations in the overall heat transfer coefficient U . This is explained by the fact that both parameters affect the rate of heat transfer. Thus, an increase in D will bring about a decrease in the exit monomer conversion, M,,, and M,, and will cause KIPARISSIDES, VERROS, AND MacGREGOR 510 Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 31 -5 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.o Dimensionless Axial Distance FIG. 30. Effect of perturbations in the tube diameter, D , on system responses. an increase in the exit temperature of the reaction fluid. The results of Fig. 30 indicate that a small reactor diameter will improve the heat transfer characteristics of the process and will increase the final monomer conversion. Finally, the effect of solvent perturbations on the system variables is shown in Fig. 3 1. It is clear from these results that solvent perturbations have no effect on monomer conversion, initiator conversion, or reaction temperature. On the other hand, solvent variations do affect the number-average and weight-average molecular weights. In fact, a positive variation in C,, will cause a decrease in the output variables M,, and M,,,. 5.2. Optimization of LDPE Reactors The diverse uses and forms of polymer products require different physical, chemical, and mechanical properties that are difficult to express in a single objective function. Fortunately, it is often possible to correlate the properties of a polymer product with some relatively easy measured quantities, i.e., M,, Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 HIGH-PRESSURE ETHYLENE POLYMERIZATION REACTORS -0.50 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 511 1.0 Dimensionless Axial Distance FIG. 31. Effect of perturbations in the initial solvent concentration, CSo,on system responses. and PD. Because the MWD of a polymer for a given reactor configuration is a function of the reaction variables, namely, concentrations of initiators, solvents, pressure, temperature, etc., the final properties of a polymer will depend on the precise control of these variables. With respect to the more specific problem of optimization of high-pressure LDPE reactors, very little work has been published in the open literature although a number of LDPE plants are equipped with process computers. In an interesting paper by Marini and Georgakis [181, the modeling, optimization, and control of a vessel LDPE reactor are discussed. Yoon and Rhee [25]applied the maximum principle to determine an optimal temperature policy that would maximize the exit monomer conversion in an LDPE tubular reactor. However, no product quality specifications were considered. Mavridis and Kiparissides [23] developed an optimization procedure Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 512 KIPARISSIDES, VERROS, AND MacGREGOR for selecting the optimal wall temperature and the initiator and chain transfer agent concentrations in a fixed-size high-pressure PE tubular reactor in order to maximize the reactor productivity at the desired product quality. Finally, Brandolin et al. [91] examined the optimization problem for fixed-size LDPE tubular reactors through the maximization of production by using several operational policies. The usefulness of some of these policies, as well as the feasibility of their practical implementation, was also examined. 5.2.1. Classijkation of Control Variables For a given PE reactor configuration, the polymer production and the molecular properties of polymer chains will depend upon a large number of control variables. These can be classified into 1. Initiator variables: namely type of initiator, number of initiators, number and location of initiator feed points, initiator feed rates. 2 . Solvents (chain-transfer) variables: namely, type and number of chaintransfer agents, number and location of feed points, chain-transfer feed rates. 3. Heat transfer variables: feed temperature, number and length of heating-cooling zones in LDPE tubular reactors, inlet temperature of the cooling-heating fluid in each zone or jacket, the heat transfer coefficient in each zone. 4. Reaction variables: that is, polymerization temperature, pressure, degree of mixing, monomer feed concentration and rate, number and location of monomer side feed points. As can be seen, the number of possible control variables is very large. Obviously, the final selection of the control variables will be related to the specific design of a process, its operational modes, the sensitivity of the particular process to manipulations of the control variables, and the optimization objective function. 5.2.2. Dejinition of the Objective Function Many optimization problems in polymerization have been studied by defining a single scalar objective function which combines all identifiable performance measures with weighting factors chosen a priori. However, the combination of several terms in a single objective function is not always easy in the sense that some controlled variables may react in opposite directions to manipulations of a control variable. An objective function reflects the optimization objectives HIGH-PRESSURE ETHYLENE POLYMERIZATION REACTORS 513 Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 of a problem. In general, these objectives will fall into the following categories: economic objectives, safety, environmental constraints, product specifications. Let us assume that we desire to operate a high-pressure LDPE tubular reactor at a maximum production rate to obtain a polymer with desired molecular properties (i.e., Mnd, Pod). These two optimization objectives can be combined into a single objective function of the following form: J = w,y, + w, (- Mn - 1), Mnd + w3(E - l), pDd Subsequently, we must select the nominal values of the weighting factors wl, w,, and w3.It is obvious that there are practically no limitations on the exact form of the objective function. The above performance index is an implicit function of the control variables. Therefore, the general static optimization problem becomes one of maximizing (minimizing) the objective function subject to model equations describing the quantitative relationships between state and control variables. Mavridis and Kiparissides [23] considered the optimization of a tubular reactor.The tubular reactor was divided into three heat-transfer zones of specified length. The preheating zone had a length of 0.4L. The other two zones, the reaction and the cooling zones, had lengths of 0.1L and 0.515,respectively. The wall temperature in each zone was unknown. The reaction feed consisted of ethylene, two initiators, and a chain-transfer agent. The decision variables of the problem were six: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The reactor wall temperature in the first zone, T,, The reactor wall temperature in the second zone, Tw2 The reactor wall temperature in the third zone, Tw3 The initial concentration of the first initiator (Cd,o) The initial concentration of the second initiator (Cao) The ratio of the chain-transfer agent feed rate to the monomer feed rate, S The objective function was written as in Eq. (126). The values of the weighting factors were w , = 1 and w2 = w3 = 100. The desired M d at the reactor exit was set to 25,000, and the final polydispersity was assumed to vary in the range of 3 to 7. They used a random search optimization method [92] and the mathematical model of the process to determine the optimal control variables that maximized the objective function (Eq. 126). They found that, in principle, one can obtain a polymer with specified molecular weight characteristics by proper manipulation of the control variables. KIPARISSIDES, VERROS, AND MacGREGOR Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 514 W' OI 2 c 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.o DIMENSIONLESS LENGTH FIG. 32. Optimal temperature profiles as a function of final polydispersity index. The optimal temperature, initiator, monomer, and number-averagemolecular weight profiles are plotted in Figs. 32, 33, 34, and 35, respectively. In Fig. 32 the temperature profiles (2) and (3) exhibit two peak temperatures that correspond to the total consumption of the first and second initiator (Fig. 33). On the other hand, the temperature profile (1) shows a single temperature peak since only the first initiator is competely consumed. In this case the conversion of the second initiator at the reactor exit is limited to 2.84%. In Fig. 34 the conversion profiles are plotted for different values of POd. Note that the final conversion values are very close to those obtained in industrial reactors. At the end of the preheating zone, the monomer conversion does sharply increase to a point at which the first initiator is completely consumed. Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 HIGH-PRESSURE ETHYLENE POLYMERIZATION REACTORS 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 515 1.0 DIMENSIONLESS LENGTH FIG. 33. Optimal initiator conversion profiles as a function of final polydispersity index. After this point the monomer conversion continues increasing as a result of the decomposition of the second initiator. A final conversion value is obtained before the reaction exit due to the complete consumption of initiators . The number-average molecular weight profiles are plotted in Fig. 35. Note that M, continuously decreases up to a final value that corresponds to the desired value of M,. The procedure developed by Mavridis and Kiparissides 1231 is fairly general and provides a systematic way for selecting the optimal initiator, solvent, and heat-transfer conditions that maximize monomer conversion at a given product quality in a fixed sized reactor. 5.3. Multivariate Statistical Quality Control In high-pressure tubular and vessel reactors it is extremely difficult to measure on-line such fundamental product properties as Mn,M,, LCB, SCB, KIPARISSIDES, VERROS, AND MacGREGOR 1 1 1 I Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 0.2 02 0.1 0 .c 00 0.2 0.4 06 0.8 10 DIMENSIONLESS LENGTH FIG. 34. Optimal monomer conversion profiles as a function of final polydispersity index. etc. These molecular product properties, which are closely related to the melt index and density of PE, are usually measured infrequently and off-line. However, many indirect on-line process measurements of the temperature profile and the initiator and solvent flow rates are made on a frequent basis. In this section we look at the use of multivariable statistical methods which utilize the available process data to build models which are capable of predicting fundamental molecular properties, monitoring the process performance, detecting process operating problems, and diagnosing assignable causes for these problems. More details can be found in Skagerberg et al. [93]. HIGH-PRESSURE ETHYLENE POLYMERIZATION REACTORS I I I Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 M,d = 25,000 I 517 + !'2 PD=3 POX5 )3:PD=7 - - - DIMENSIONLESS LENGTH FIG. 35. Optimal number-average molecular weight profiles as a function of final polydispersity index. 5.3.1. Inferential Models for Polymer Properties Inferential or predictive models for the product properties Y = (Mn,M,, LCB, SCB, ..., ) T in a high-pressure LDPE reactor would be of great value. Nonlinear dynamic models developed from fundamental material and energy balances could be used to develop a nonlinear state estimator such as the cxtended Kalman filter to obtain estimates of unmeasured molecular properties from online measurements of temperature, initiator and solvent flow rates, etc. Although this approach is an optimal one, it is very time-consuming and would still require KIPARISSIDES, VERROS, AND MacGREGOR 518 Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 the estimation of some model and filter parameters to match plant data. An easier and more practical approach is to build empirical models directly from the process operating data. The general form of these models would be for the ith property variable. The process variables used in the model can be the temperature profile measurements (T, in each section of a tubular reactor, the coolant temperature (T,) in each zone, and the feed rates of monomer (Fm), solvent ( F s ) ,and initiators (FJ to each zone. The process data (X) contains the information necessary to provide good predictions of all molecular properties (Y) of the polyethylene. The major difficulties associated with building empirical process models arise from the ill-conditioned nature of the process data and from the way in which the process data are collected (Kresta et al. [94]). To overcome this problem, Skagerberg et al. [93] used multivariate partial least squares or projection to latent structures (PLS) methods to develop inferential models for an LDPE tubular reactor. PLS is a multivariable regression method based on projecting the information in high dimensional spaces (X, Y) down into low dimensional subspaces defined by a small number of latent vectors (ti, t2, ..., t,). Such latent variables are linear combinations of original variables and express the dominant patterns in the data. These new latent vectors summarize all the important information contained in the original data sets. The scaled matrices of process (X) and product property (Y) measurements are then modeled in PLS by means of a series of principal components like bilinear decompositions according to Eqs. (128) and (129): n X = tip: +E i= I n Y = C uiqT+ F i= 1 where ti and ui are the latent vectors in X and Y, and pi and qi are the loading vectors that express the contribution from each X and Y variable toward defining the new latent variables ti and uir respectively. E and F are matrices of residuals. The final PLS prediction models can always be expressed in the form of the original variables as HIGH-PRESSURE ETHYLENE POLYMERIZATION REACTORS 519 Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 where the vector of regression coefficients is given by P, Q , and W are the corresponding loading and weight matrices calculated by the PLS algorithm [93]. Skagerberg et al. [93] investigated the application of PLS to LDPE reactors by simulating a single zone tubular reactor using the model of Kiparissides and Mavridis [22,23]. Process measurements considered to be available were the reactor wall temperature, 20 temperatures along the reactor, and the chain-transfer agent feed rate. In spite of unmeasured variations in the initiator feed rates, the wall heat transfer coefficient, and the substantial measurement errors in the product properties (Y), good predictions of all polymer properties were obtained (Figs. 36 and 37). The PLS loading vectors p and q also provided considerable insight into which groupings of process variables were important in predicting the various properties. 5.3.2. Process Monitoring via Multivariate SPC Charts Statistical process control charts such as the Shewhart or CUSUM chart are well-established statistical procedures for monitoring and detecting problems with stable univariate processes. These charts are usually applied to the final product property measurements and do not utilize the large volumes of process data that are avadable on a much more frequent basis. Kresta et al. [94] proposed the use of multivariate control charts in the low dunension space defined by the dominant latent vectors (ti, i = 1, 2, 3) calculated from a PLS analysis of the process data. These latent variables are determined from the frequently available process measurements, but contain the information relevant to inferring the finalproduct properties. If an LDPE process is operating in a stable and acceptable fashion, new “observations” of the latent variables should continue to fall inside a target region defined by past periods of good operation, and the squared prediction errors (SPE) of new process measurements should remain small. For the LDPE tubular reactor study described by Skagerberg et al. [93], a threedimensional SPC chart ( t l , tz, SPE) is shown in Fig. 38. Under normal operation the process observations are clustered in a well defined region close to the (tl-tz)plane with small values of SPE. When problems occur, such as 1) a gradual fouling of the reactor tube wall, 2) a change in the level of impurities or in the initiator efficiency, or 3) coolant overheating, these affect the process temperature profile and result in large changes in the latent vectors and the SPE. KIPARISSIDES, VERROS, AND MacGREGOR Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 520 Calculated (Mw)' x lo6 FIG. 36. Observed versus calculated values of the reciprocal weight-average molecular weight, M,. /' 36 U w t 32 VI Y 30 28 28 NVrn 30 32 34 36 Calculated SCB FIG. 37. Observed versus calculated values of short-chain branching, SCB. HIGH-PRESSURE ETHYLENE POLYMERIZATION REACTORS 52 1 I I I g ? Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 I I ad I I I FIG. 38. Multivariate monitoring chart for the LDPE reactor. The points within the reference set represent normal operating conditions ( o ). The following abnormal events are depicted: 1) fouling ( 0 ), 2) coolant overheating ( a ) , and 3) impurities ( 4). In each case an alarm is provided by the multivariate chart (Fig. 38). Although the charts do not provide direct information on the source of the problems, diagnosis of possible causes is usually possible through further analysis of the PLS model. 6. CONCLUSIONS This paper reviews recent modeling, optimization, and statistical quality control developments for high-pressure LDPE tubular and vessel reactors. A unified mathematical framework is developed for modeling high-pressure vessel and tubular LDPE reactors. This methodology is based on the most general kinetic mechanisms for ethylene homo- and copolymerization. Advanced thermophysical correlations describing the variation of physical and transport properties of the reaction mixture are presented. To predict the molecular and structural developments of LDPE in high-pressure reactor, the method of moments is employed. Application of QSSA and the LCH to the moment Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 522 KIPARISSIDES, VERROS, AND MacGREGOR equations of “live” polymer chains shows that ethylene copolymerization lunetics will depend on the values of cij ( = ku/kpi)parameters. This means that one cannot obtain individual estimates of the kinetic rate constants by fitting model predictions to lunetic data obtained from an industrial reactor. Model predictions for tubular and vessel reactors are in good agreement with reported experimental data on conversion and molecular properties of LDPE obtained in laboratory and in industrial reactors [26]. To analyze the effects of design, operating, and kinetic parameters on the reactor performance, a systematic procedure based on sensitivity analysis is presented. The main aspects of optimizing the performance of LDPE reactors are also discussed. Finally, the use of multivariate statistical process control methods for prediction of polymer properties and monitoring the process performance is briefly reviewed. It should be noted that the models and procedures developed in this work are both realistic and general and can lead to a more systematic design and operation of industrial LDPE reactors. NOMENCLATURE E” f f concentration (gmol/L) specific heat capacity (cal/g/K) ideal specific heat capacity of ethylene (cal/g/K) inside tube diameter (cm) “dead” polymer chains having p ethylene and q comonomer monomer units activation energy for viscous flow (cal/gmol) Fanning friction factor (dimensionless) initiator efficiency (dimensionless) end-to-end circulation mass rate (g/s) inlet mass rate of monomer (g/s) ethylene specific enthalpy (l/g) inside film heat transfer coefficient (cal/cm2/s) rate constant for intramolecular transfer (l/s) rate constant for p-scission of sec radicals (1/s) rate constant for @scission of tert radicals (l/s) rate constant for dissociation of initiator ( U s ) propagation rate constant (L/gmol/s) termination by combination rate constant (L/gmol/s) termination by disproportionation rate constant (L/gmol/s) Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 HIGH-PRESSURE ETHYLENE POLYMERIZATION REACTORS 523 rate constant for chain transfer to monomer (L/gmol/s) rate constant for chain transfer to polymer (L/gmol/s) rate constant for chain transfer to solvent (L/gmol/s) reactor length (m) mass flow (g/s) viscosity-average molecular weight number of circuits Nusselt number reactor operating pressure (am) critical pressure of ethylene (atm) Prandtl number reduced pressure of ethylene (dimensionless) volumetric flow rate (m3/s) universal gas constant (cal/gmol/K) Reynolds number “live” polymer chains having p ethylene and q comonomer monomer units temperature (K) critical temperature of ethylene (K) reduced temperature of ethylene (dimensionless) fluid velocity (m/s) reactor volume (m3) LDPE specific volume (L/g) ethylene specific volume (L/g) axial distance weight fraction cumulative monomer conversion fractional conversion of the j component Greek Letters activation energy (callgmol) propagation reaction enthalpy (cal/gmol) activation volume (cm3/gmol) characteristic kinetic ratio defined by Eqs. (101)-(104) intrinsic viscosity (dL/g) ethylene viscosity (g/m/s) ethylene-polyethylene reduced solution viscosity (dimensionless) 524 % 17SW x L n Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 05:53 29 April 2013 Pmn P Pc ‘pij KIPARISSIDES, VERROS, AND MacGREGOR ethylene-polyethylene solution viscosity (g/m/s) viscosity at the wall temperature (g/m/s) thermal conductivity (cal/cm/s/K) moments of the bivariate NCLD of “live” copolymer chains (gmo1/m3) moments of the bivariate NCLD of “dead” copolymer chains (gmol/m3) reaction mixture density (kg/m3) critical density of ethylene (kg/m3) sensitivity coefficient Subscripts 0 C di LCB m SCB S si VNL VND conditions at the inlet of the reaction zone coolant “i” initiator long-chain branching monomer(s) short-chain branching solution “i” solvent vinyl groups vinylidene groups REFERENCES 1. D. Romanini, Polym. Plast. Technol. Eng., 19(2), 201 (1982). 2. K. Y . Choi and W. H. Ray, J . Macromol. Sci.-Rev. Macromol. Chem. 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