Kuta Software - Infinite Geometry Name___________________________________ Rotations Date________________ Period____ Graph the image of the figure using the transformation given. 1) rotation 180° about the origin 2) rotation 180° about the origin y y P F V K x x J N R 3) rotation 90° counterclockwise about the origin Y 4) rotation 90° clockwise about the origin y y Y K B Bx x U X N 5) rotation 90° clockwise about the origin 6) rotation 180° about the origin y y V x K x P J T K ©K S2q0n1U26 pKPuttVak bSKoufGtCwEarrLeF GLqLBCj.J x 9A6lAl4 srRiQgmh1tQsd 7r9eWsCe3rQv8eGd3.F d 9MUaKdBeG 4wUiUt2hY 3IFnRf3iQnNiftpe1 9Glexo2mLeYtCr2yT.J Q -1- Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Write a rule to describe each transformation. 7) 8) y y K B' Z' A' K' N H B P' K K' x A H' Z P 9) x N' 10) y y S X' N T' M T U' x N' x V' U X V M' 11) S' 12) y Y' y S' N' C' R I' Ix x R' C N S Y ©M R20041K2Y XKzuWtcaF 1SXozfitLwJaGrce0 yLmL8Cp.c 5 bAtlnlD jrpizgKhGtSs4 DrIe5syeZrHvne4dY.f a UM9ajdAeZ wwqibtQhL 7I1nKfxiwnyiat8eu yG9e2oBm6emtyrdyc.z -2- Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Geometry Name___________________________________ Rotations Date________________ Period____ Graph the image of the figure using the transformation given. 1) rotation 180° about the origin 2) rotation 180° about the origin y y P Y' R' N' F J' K' V K V' x x J F' N R Y P' 3) rotation 90° counterclockwise about the origin 4) rotation 90° clockwise about the origin y y Y K B Bx x U' U X X' Y' B' N K' B' N' 5) rotation 90° clockwise about the origin 6) rotation 180° about the origin y y Q' T' J' P' V K' x K K' x P J T V' K ©9 Z2K0k1b2m pK3u6tpaF CSgoZfZtQw6aRr8eL CLFLtCr.3 9 IAGlAlS ArmiygPhlt6sA 4rlegsfeGrAv2eEdI.a P lM0aldVeb XwZitt8h8 fIKnyfTi4nYiJtfeu IGueJofmfedtcrPyZ.l Q -1- Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Write a rule to describe each transformation. 7) 8) y y K B' Z' A' K' N H B P' K K' x A H' Z P rotation 90° clockwise about the origin 9) x N' rotation 180° about the origin 10) y y S X' N T' M T U' x N' x V' U X V M' S' rotation 90° counterclockwise about the origin 11) 12) y Y' rotation 180° about the origin y S' N' C' R I' Ix x R' C N S Y rotation 180° about the origin rotation 180° about the origin Create your own worksheets like this one with Infinite Geometry. Free trial available at KutaSoftware.com ©h P2y0j1n2z 4KCuEtrar MSzoGf9tewsa9r3ei 3LpLzCi.C S gAOl6lu Nrwi7g8hxtcs7 Trxeus2exrHv8egdg.T g OMJaWdUeO 4wsiPtxhv JIrnlfUiFngiLtNep cGHeEoAmieTtyreyS.P -2- Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC