Has the quality of modern day heroes diminished in contrast to medieval heroes? Medieval heroes are considered the greatest personification of heroics and nobility in human history, regardless of whether they are based in myth or not. There are many similarities and differences between medieval heroes and heroes of modern day. Ronald Reagan is widely considered to be the best Republican president of the past 50 years and played a significant part in the downfall of the Soviet Union. Sir Gawain was the youngest of the Round Table Knights, but was also the bravest and most eagerly prove himself, as well as checking off all the other qualities expected of a knight. Some of the similarities and differences between medieval and modern day heroes are their charisma, their unorthodox rise to greatness, and the impact they had on the worlds they lived in. Both Gawain and Reagan were incredibly charming people. Gawain is the friendliest and most likable of the round table knights, and it is reinforced by his strong sense of honor and loyalty. People are less inclined to dislike of him because of how true to his word and loyal he is. He follows the knights’ code, among which chivalry is a quality expected but his truthfulness and politeness made him extremely like able to all people. Reagan was an extremely pragmatic but charismatic president. His fame before entering the presidency made him widely known among the general population but his charisma and charming personality is what won him the presidency. One of his most well known statements is issued after a failed assassination attempt; Reagan is wheeled into the hospital for treatment for the gunshot wound and says to the doctors that will be performing on him “I hope you’re all Republicans”. Even when nearly on his deathbed he stayed brave and cracked jokes. The two have a very different “sense” of charm; as Gawain is young and trustworthy and wanting to impress people, Reagan had proved himself and was simply looking to get the job done. Reagan’s acting career helped allow him to become such a charismatic man. Reagan was a well known actor before he became president in 1880, and was extremely well known. When he first announced his run at the presidency no one expected much of him much less to win, but he has become the greatest republican president since Teddy Roosevelt. In this way him and Gawain are similar. Gawain was almost granted his position by Arthur by blood relation and people did not expect much of him and only knew of him because of that, similar to Reagan’s fame and money arising from acting not politics. Reagan’s policies bolstered the economy and he was a significant contributor to the fall of the Soviet Union. Gawain grew in fame and power through his many trials such as the Christmas game with the Green Knight. Both heroes started with very few people expecting them to be successful but their impact is still felt after their deaths. Reagan’s trickle down economics initially boosted the economy but did not last long term but are still viewed as his greatest accomplishment, for better or for worst. Easily the greatest moment of his career was in his speech where he famously says “Mr. Gorbachev…tear down that wall!” about the Berlin Wall to Mikael Gorbachev, leader of the Soviet Union. The collapse of the Soviet Union for which that speech partially led to impacted world history significantly, and improved the world economy. Gawain, however did not have much lasting impact on Camelot. Since he is a fictional character, his impact cannot be felt but the scale of his quests is not nearly as impactful as any of Ronald Reagan’s accomplishments. Even his most renowned quest, in which he faced off against the Green Knight to complete the Christmas game had no real downside; it was just a game made up by a shapeshifter to test the honor of a famous knight. Modern day and medieval heroes are similar and different in many aspects, from their charisma, to their unorthodox rise to greatness, or the impact they had on the worlds they lived in. Both Gawain and Reagan were extremely charismatic men in different manners. They were honorable, friendly men who were trusted by the masses. Ronald Reagan became the best republican president of the latter half of the 20th century out of an acting career and Gawain became the most renowned knight on the round table after being appointed by family relation. Ronald Reagan’s impact on America and the world at large is much more significant than Gawain’s impact on Camelot. Although Gawain’s stories are examples of true heroes, Reagan’s accomplishments rid the world of a world power that was a threat to peace. Modern day heroes do not pale in comparison to medieval heroes, in fact medieval heroes pale in comparison to modern day heroes; as seen by the comparison of Reagan and Gawain, Gawain’s impact and accomplishments are dwarfed by those of Reagan.