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PATTS College of Aeronautics
AMTE 414 – 3B
Maintenance Management and Organization
Orantia, Carl Angelo F.
Tacocong, Robert B.
Valderrama. Adriane Paul G.
Instructor: Mr. Carpio
Table of Contents
PART 1: Fundamentals of Maintenance
Chapter 1 Why do we have Maintenance
Thermodynamics Revisited
A Saw Blade Has Width
The Role of the Engineer
The Role of the Mechanic
Two Types of Maintenance
Failure Rate Patterns
Other Maintenance Considerations
Establishing a Maintenance Program
Chapter 2 Development of Maintenance Programs
The Maintenance Steering Group (MSG) Approach
Process-Oriented Maintenance
Task-Oriented Maintenance
The Current MSG Process – MSG-3
The Maintenance Program Documents
Maintenance Intervals Defined
Changing Basic Maintenance Intervals
Chapter 3 Definitions, Goals and Objectives
Definitions of Important
Inherent Reliability
Mechanics, Technicians, Maintenance, Engineers
Word Pairs used in Aviation
Goals and Objectives of Maintenance
Maintenance Program Content
Goals and Objectives of Maintenance
Maintenance Program Content
Discussion of the Five Objectives
Chapter 4 Aviation Industry Certification Requirements
Aircraft Certification
Delivery Inspection
Operator Certification
Certification of Personnel
Aviation Maintenance Certifications
Aviation Industry Interaction
Chapter 5 Documentation for Maintenance
Manufacturer's Documentation
Regulatory Documentation
Airline-Generated Documentation
ATA Document Standards
A Closer Look at the TPPM
Chapter 6 Requirements for a Maintenance Program
Aviation Maintenance Program Outlined (AC 120-16E)
Summary of FAA Requirements
Additional Maintenance Program Requirements
Chapter 7 The Maintenance and Engineering Organization
Organization of Maintenance and Engineering
Organizational Structure
The MAE Organizational Chart
General Groupings
Manager Level Functions-Technical Services Directorate
Manager Level Functions-Aircraft Maintenance Directorate
Manager Level Functions Overhaul Shops Directorate
Manager Level Functions Materiel Directorate
Manager Al Functions Maintenance Program Evaluation Directorate
Summary of Management Levels
Organizational Structure and the TPPM
Variations from the Typical Organization
Part II: Technical Services
Chapter 8 Engineering
Makeup of Engineering
Mechanics and Engineers
Engineering Department
Engineering Order Preparation
Chapter 9 Production Planning and Control
PP&C Organization
The Production Planning Control Department
Function Forecasting Production
Planning Production
Control Other Scheduled Work Feedback for Planning
Chapter 10 Technical Publications
Functions of Technical Publications
Airline Libraries Control of Publications
Document Distribution
Chapter 11 Technical Training
Training Organization Airline Maintenance
Training Maintenance
Resources Management.
AirTran Manufacturer's Training Courses
Supplemental Training
Part Ill:
Aircraft Management, Maintenance, and Materiel Support
Chapter 12
Aircraft Maintenance
Management Introduction
Aircraft Maintenance Management Structure
The Role of Management in Aviation Manager of Aircraft Maintenance
Front Line Supervisor Management
Management Areas of Concern in an Airline Manager of Overhaul Shops
Chapter 13 Line Maintenance (on-Aircraft Introduction Functions that Control Maintenance
Maintenance Control Center Responsibilities
Line Maintenance Operation-General
Aircraft Logbook Ramp and Terminal Operations
Other Line Maintenance Activities
Line Station Activities Maintenance
Crew Skill Requirements
Chapter 14
Hangar Maintenance (on-Aircraft Introduction Organization of Hangar Maintenance
Problem Areas in Hangar Maintenance
Hangar Maintenance Activity - A Typical "C" Check
Morning Meetings Support and Overhaul Shops Organization
Types of Shops Ground Support Equipment Shop (GSE)
Ground Support Equipment
Outsourcing of Shop
Maintenance Work
Operation of Overhaul Shop
Shop Data Collection
Chapter 15
Materiel Support
Organization and Function of Materiel
Materiel Management
Support Functions of Materiel
Other Material Functions
Part IV:
Oversight Functions Chapter 16 Quality Assurance
Requirement for Quality Assurance (QA)
Quality Audits
SO, 1000 Quality Standard Technical Records
Other Functions of QA Chapter 17 Quality Control
PART 1: Fundamentals of Maintenance
Chapter 1: Why do we have Maintenance?
Maintenance is a way of inspecting and making sure that aircrafts are airworthy. It’s also a
way to routinely examine parts of a machine; an aircraft in particular. We do maintenance
to ensure proper working conditions of the parts and systems of an aircraft.
Routine checks, inspections and repairs can save lives. It keeps the aircraft flying safely,
which improves the operator’s bottom line while protecting the people who use the planes
with peace of mind.
Thermodynamics Revisited
Thermodynamics is the branch of the branch of physical science that deals with the relations
between heat and other forms of energy (such as mechanical, electrical, or chemical
energy), and, by extension, of the relationships between all forms of energy.
Thermodynamics, then, is concerned with several properties of matter; foremost among
these is heat. Heat is energy transferred between substances or systems due to a
temperature difference between them, according to Energy Education. As a form of energy,
heat is conserved, i.e., it cannot be created or destroyed. It can, however, be transferred
from one place to another. Heat can also be converted to and from other forms of energy.
For example, a steam turbine can convert heat to kinetic energy to run a generator that
converts kinetic energy to electrical energy. A light bulb can convert this electrical energy to
electromagnetic radiation (light), which, when absorbed by a surface, is converted back into
The amount of heat transferred by a substance depends on the speed and number of atoms
or molecules in motion, according to Energy Education. The faster the atoms or molecules
move, the higher the temperature, and the more atoms or molecules that are in motion, the
greater the quantity of heat they transfer.
Temperature is "a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a sample of
matter, expressed in terms of units or degrees designated on a standard scale," according to
the American Heritage Dictionary. The most commonly used temperature scale is Celsius,
which is based on the freezing and boiling points of water, assigning respective values of 0
degrees C and 100 degrees C. The Fahrenheit scale is also based on the freezing and boiling
points of water which have assigned values of 32 F and 212 F, respectively.
Scientists worldwide, however, use the Kelvin (K with no degree sign) scale, named after
William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin, because it works in calculations. This scale uses the
same increment as the Celsius scale, i.e., a temperature change of 1 C is equal to 1 K.
However, the Kelvin scale starts at absolute zero, the temperature at which there is a total
absence of heat energy and all molecular motion stops. A temperature of 0 K is equal to
minus 459.67 F or minus 273.15 C.
Specific heat
The amount of heat required to increase the temperature of a certain mass of a substance
by a certain amount is called specific heat, or specific heat capacity, according to Wolfram
Research. The conventional unit for this is calories per gram per kelvin. The calorie is defined
as the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water at 4 C by
1 degree.
The specific heat of a metal depends almost entirely on the number of atoms in the sample,
not its mass. For instance, a kilogram of aluminum can absorb about seven times more heat
than a kilogram of lead. However, lead atoms can absorb only about 8 percent more heat
than an equal number of aluminum atoms. A given mass of water, however, can absorb
nearly five times as much heat as an equal mass of aluminum. The specific heat of a gas is
more complex and depends on whether it is measured at constant pressure or constant
A Saw Blade Has Width
What is a saw blade? A saw is a tool consisting of a tough blade, wire, or chain with a hardtoothed edge. It is used to cut through material, very often wood though sometimes metal
or stone. The cut is made by placing the toothed edge against the material and moving it
forcefully forth and less forcefully back or continuously forward.
Why kerf width is important
When cutting parts on a CNC plasma or laser machine, you want to produce accurate cut
parts, with final dimensions as close as possible to the programmed shape. So, if you
program a 6” by 6” square, and the plasma arc removes 0.200” of material, as it cuts, then
the resulting part is going to be 5.8” by 5.8”. So, the actual tool path has to be compensated
by 0.100” to the side of the programmed path, all the way around the part.
Rather than re-program the part at a different dimension, the CNC will take care of this
automatically just by telling it which direction to offset, and by how much. Most modern
CNCs take the actual kerf amount and automatically offset the tool path by 1/2 of that
amount, so that the finished part comes out very close to the programmed dimensions. That
is why the kerf value is often referred to as “kerf offset”.
The Role of the Engineer
An engineer is defined as a person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or
public works.
In the aviation industry an engineer also has those roles or responsibilities. In particular,
engineers are the ones who has the proper knowledge or know-how of certain designs or
systems and some machines.
Performing Maintenance
Aircraft maintenance engineers ensure safety across assigned aircraft. In order to do this,
they perform maintenance, both scheduled and emergency. This can include dismantling,
inspecting, testing, repairing and reassembling aircraft engines; installing electrical circuits;
testing aircraft communication equipment, aircraft instrumentation, and electronic systems;
replacing and testing aircraft oxygen system components; assembling parts and
subassemblies of aircraft frames; and conducting routine preflight inspections of engines
and mechanical systems. They are also required to keep detailed records of the
maintenance performed.
Maintain Facilities
Aircraft maintenance engineers are required to maintain their company’s facilities and
equipment as directed by the leadership team. This includes ordering parts and supplies as
Uphold Safety and Security Measures
Aircraft maintenance engineers must be familiar with all relevant safety and security rules
and procedures. Aircraft engineering is a critical safety function with a direct link in the
chain of events that could lead to any kind of aircraft incident, making it imperative that all
applicable licensing and procedures are held at the highest standard. By upholding safety
and security measures, successful aircraft maintenance engineers will be prepared for any
FAA inspections.
Two Types of Maintenance
Aircraft maintenance is divided into two sections called “Planned Maintenance” and
“Unplanned Maintenance”.
Standard planned maintenance is further divided into three types of checks called ‘A
Checks’, ‘C Checks’ and ‘D Checks’. (The B Check got absorbed into the others for more
modern aircraft.)
Line Maintenance
Carried out every 100 flight hours. In line maintenance, crew inspect things like wheels,
brakes and fluid levels (oil, hydraulics) and any running repairs. Most aircraft would receive
about 12 hours of line maintenance per week. These happen around the world and around
the clock.
Hanger Maintenance
The A Check
Carried out every eight to 10 weeks, filters will be changed, key systems (like
hydraulics in the ‘control surfaces’ that steer the aircraft) will be lubricated and a
detailed inspection of all the emergency equipment (like inflatable slides) is
completed. A typical A Check on B737 takes between six and 24 hours.
The C Check
Happens every 18 months to two years or 1,800 flight hours, or 2,000 cycles
(depending on type of aircraft) and takes three weeks.
C checks can be further subdivided into C1, C2, C3, and C4 where the level of
maintenance increases.
During C Check, in-depth systems checks, inspection for corrosion, cracks, structural
defects, in depth lube of all fittings and cables are carried out.
The D Check
Also known as a C4 or C8 check depending on the aircraft type. This check is
performed every six years and the entire aircraft is basically dismantled and put back
together. Everything in the cabin is taken out (seats, toilets, galleys, overhead bins)
so engineers can inspect the metal skin of the aircraft, inside out. The engines are
taken off.
The landing gear is removed and overhauled with the aircraft supported on massive
jacks. All of the aircraft systems are taken apart, checked, repaired or replaced and
Each D Check costs several million dollars and takes about three to six weeks, but it’s
almost like a brand-new plane by the end of it.
Reliability engineering is a sub-discipline of systems engineering that emphasizes
dependability in the lifecycle management of a product. Reliability, describes the ability of a
system or component to function under stated conditions for a specified period of time.
Failure Rate Patterns
An aircraft is a complex machine composed of many interrelated parts, components and
systems. When electrical and mechanical systems are designed there is an expected life
length, where length refers to time units (hours) of use. As the aircraft and systems age and
their use accumulates, they gradually degenerate until they are no longer able to perform
the functions for which they were designed. That is, the system is in a failed state. The
failure rate is the probability of failure at a point in time. When a part, component or system
is not functional it can be upgraded through replacement or repair, and the condition of the
aircraft is restored to some degree. Maintenance can be based on condition, that is, items
are repaired when they fail. Failure during operation can have serious consequences, so
detection of items with a high probability of failure through periodic inspection is a major
component of maintenance. The most comprehensive maintenance is the D check. This
major overhaul is a depot maintenance procedure that includes significant teardown of the
aircraft, structural sampling for corrosion and cracking, detailed systems testing, and the
replacement of worn components.
Other Maintenance Considerations
A review of all maintenance man hours shows that over the life of the aircraft up to 20
hours of maintenance is delivered for each flying hour of aircraft utilization, of course this
increase over time, and a new aircraft requires considerably less maintenance than more
mature aircraft. How do we know these man hours are invested wisely?
Delivering “more” maintenance does not necessarily bring the most effective outcome
rather we should consider are we doing the “correct” maintenance. This is a question which
we are able to answer using reliability data and analysis.
In essence we can consider maintenance as either planned or unplanned, unplanned arising
from defects and damage in service.
Reliability is designed into the aircraft and the two reasons we perform maintenance in a
MSG environment is in respect of either safety or economic benefits. We may in fact
consider a significant part of this as preventative maintenance, means to preempt failure by
timely maintenance activity, and to reduce the incidence of in-service failure.
Establishing a Maintenance Program
The Approved Maintenance Program or AMP is developed by the Engineering of an
operator and considered the main reference for airworthiness management it has to be
available for every aircraft and it needs to be consulted with regards to every maintenance
action to be performed.
The aircraft maintenance program includes the minimum scheduled tasking/interval
requirements for derivative or newly type -certificated (TC) aircraft and powerplant and
certification maintenance requirements.
When a new aircraft is being designed and produced, the aviation authority, the
manufacturer, and selected industry participants form groups called maintenance steering
groups (MSG) and industry steering committees (ISC). These groups, through numerous
meetings determine the frequency and scope of aircraft inspections to be performed. This
information is provided to another group called the Maintenance Review Board (MRB). The
MRB will issue their final recommendations to the manufacturer on how an aircraft should
be maintained (Maintenance Review Board Report MRBR). The manufacturer then publishes
this information in Maintenance Planning Documents (MPD) to be provided to the
customer. For small private aircraft the aircraft owner usually follows the inspections and
maintenance practices published by the manufacturer. For airline or commercial operators,
the recommendations of the MRB and subsequent MPD are used to develop Airworthiness
Maintenance Program (AMP), which is then approved by the operator local authority.
Chapter 2: Development of Maintenance Program
A maintenance program is effective when it targets critical production equipment and puts
emphasis on minimizing risk, which will lead to improved reliability, availability and
resource utilization
The Maintenance Steering Group (MSG) Approach
Maintenance Programs should be developed in a way that it can cope up with new
technology that also develops modern aviation. There are a lot of ways on how we can
develop maintenance programs and that depends on its different characteristics.
MSG-3 (Maintenance Steering Group) ‘Operator/Manufacturer Scheduled Maintenance
Development’ is a document developed by the Airlines for America (A4A) (formerly ATA). It
aims to present a methodology to be used for developing scheduled maintenance tasks and
intervals, which will be acceptable to the regulatory authorities, the operators and the
manufacturers. The main idea behind this concept is to recognize the inherent reliability of
aircraft systems and components, avoid unnecessary maintenance tasks and achieve
increased efficiency. The underlying principles are that:
Maintenance only effective if task applicable
No improvement in reliability by excessive maintenance
Needless tasks can also introduce human error
Few complex items exhibit wear out
Monitoring generally more effective than hard-time overhaul - Condition-based
maintenance (sometimes known as CBM)
Reliability only improved by modification
Maintenance may not be needed if failure cheaper
MSG-3 is widely used to develop initial maintenance requirements for modern commercial
aircraft which are published as a Maintenance Review Board Report (MRBR). It has two
Volumes (1 for Fixed Wing Aircraft and 2 for Rotorcraft), and its application will proceed
alongside the Type Certification process.
Process-Oriented Maintenance
Process-oriented Maintenance is a way of maintaining certain aircrafts within their
manufacturer’s conditions or based on the manufacturer’s manuals. It is also a process of
adhering to manufacturer’s instructions.
Task-Oriented Maintenance
A Task Oriented Program consists of specific tasks, selected for a given functional failure
consequence based on actual reliability characteristics of the equipment they are
designed to protect. Tasks are selected in a hierarchy of difficulty and cost, from lowest to
highest. Each task must also pass the applicability and effectiveness criteria. Depending on
the on the consequence of failure (safety, operational, economic, hidden safety and
hidden non-safety) a single or combination of tasks will be selected.
The Current MSG Process – MSG-3
MSG-3 (Maintenance Steering Group) ‘Operator/Manufacturer Scheduled Maintenance
Development’ is a document developed by the Airlines for America (A4A) (formerly ATA). It
aims to present a methodology to be used for developing scheduled maintenance tasks and
intervals, which will be acceptable to the regulatory authorities, the operators and the
manufacturers. The main idea behind this concept is to recognize the inherent reliability of
aircraft systems and components, avoid unnecessary maintenance tasks and achieve
increased efficiency. The underlying principles are that?
Maintenance only effective if task applicable
No improvement in reliability by excessive maintenance
Needless tasks can also introduce human error
Few complex items exhibit wear out
Monitoring generally more effective than hard-time overhaul - Condition-based
maintenance (sometimes known as CBM)
Reliability only improved by modification
Maintenance may not be needed if failure cheaper
MSG-3 is widely used to develop initial maintenance requirements for modern commercial
aircraft which are published as a Maintenance Review Board Report (MRBR). It has two
Volumes (1 for Fixed Wing Aircraft and 2 for Rotorcraft), and its application will proceed
alongside the Type Certification process.
The Maintenance Program Documents
Maintenance Program Documents is a document containing the maintenance requirements
or tasks that needs to be carried out on an aircraft in order to ensure its continuing
Maintenance Intervals Defined
Scheduled maintenance is any maintenance that is arranged to be done ahead of time and
within a predetermined period. It can either be a recurring task done at regular
time intervals or a one-time task. Scheduled maintenance includes inspections, adjustments,
regular service, and planned shutdowns.
Changing Basic Maintenance Intervals
Sometimes operators use reliability data to justify the escalation of task intervals within the
maintenance program. This is perfectly acceptable as the escalation process requires
statistical evidence based on factual data collected from operational experience. However,
maintenance task escalations related to critical systems or components must be scrutinized
from system safety point of view. System design must be reviewed carefully and risk-based
decisions must be made to avoid catastrophic failure. Alaska Airlines MD83 Crash in Jan
2000 [NTSB, 2002], which was due to a failed stabilizer jackscrew, is a typical example of
how such maintenance tasks escalations crucially affect airworthiness of the aircraft.
Chapter 3 Definitions, Goals and Objectives
Definitions of Important terms
Aerodynamic Coefficient – non-dimensional coefficients for aerodynamic forces and
Air Traffic Clearance – an authorization by air traffic control to prevent collision
between multiple aircraft and for an aircraft to proceed under specific traffic
conditions within controlled airspace.
Autorotation – a rotorcraft flight condition where the lifting rotor is driven by the
action of the air while in flight.
Auxiliary Rotor – a rotor that is used to counteract the effect of the main rotor
torque or to maneuver about one or more of the three principal axes.
Brake Horsepower – the power delivered at the propeller shaft of an aircraft engine.
Calibrated Airspeed – the indicated airspeed of an aircraft, corrected for position and
instrument error.
Ceiling – the height between the earth’s surface and the lowest layer of clouds.
Critical Altitude – the maximum altitude at which it is possible to maintain a specified
power or specific manifold pressure.
Final Approach Fix (FAF) – the beginning of the final approach and the point where
final descent may begin.
Flap Extended Speed – the highest speed permissible with wing flaps in an extended
Load Factor – the ratio of a specified load to the total weight of the aircraft.
Manifold Pressure – absolute pressure as measured at the appropriate point in the
induction system.
Minimum Descent Altitude (MDA) – the lowest altitude specified in an instrument
approach procedure.
Over-The-Top – above the layer of clouds or other obscuring phenomena forming a
Pilotage – navigation by visual reference to landmarks.
Pitch Setting – the propeller blade setting as determined by the blade angle
measured in a manner, and at a radius, specified by the instruction manual for the
Reference Landing Speed – the speed of the airplane at the point where it descends
through the 50-foot height in the determination of the landing distance.
Reporting Point – a geographical location in relation to the position of the aircraft
Stop way – an area beyond the takeoff runway able to support the aircraft during an
aborted takeoff without causing structural damage to the aircraft.
Aileron – increases or decreases lift asymmetrically to change roll and move the
aircraft left or right while in flight.
Booms – contains fuel tanks and a supporting structure for external ancillary items.
Cockpit – holds the command and control section of the aircraft.
Cowlings – the removal cover of an aircraft engine.
Elevator – increases or decreases lift on the horizontal stabilizer symmetrically in
order to control the pitch motion of an aircraft.
Fairings – an added structure used to streamline an aircraft and reduce drag.
Flap – adjusts the camber of the wings, increasing lift.
Fuselage – the main body of an aircraft that holds the crew, passengers, and cargo.
Horizontal Stabilizer – helps maintain stability while in flight.
Landing Gear – the wheels or pontoons that the aircraft rests on while not in the air.
Nacelles – the outer casing of an aircraft engine.
Rudder – the hinge that allows the plane to turn left and helps in controlling the
direction of the aircraft.
Slat – adjusts the angle of the wings, increasing lift.
Spoiler – adjusts the camber of sections of the wings, decreasing lift.
Vertical Stabilizer – prevents lateral movements of the aircraft.
Wing – helps with balancing and maintains the aircraft’s stability during flight.
The technical meaning of maintenance involves functional checks, servicing, repairing or
replacing of necessary devices, equipment, machinery, building infrastructure, and
supporting utilities in industrial, business, governmental, and residential installations. Over
time, this has come to include multiple wordings that describe various cost-effective
practices to keep equipment operational; these activities take place either before or after a
Together, these functions are referred to as Maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO). MRO
is also used for Maintenance, repair and operations.
Over time, the terminology of maintenance and MRO has begun to become standardized.
Inherent Reliability
The inherent reliability is a measure of the overall "robustness" of a system or piece of
equipment. It provides an upper limit to the reliability and availability that can be achieved.
In other words, no matter how much inspection or maintenance you perform, you will never
exceed the inherent reliability.
Mechanics, Technicians, Maintenance, Engineers
Aircraft mechanics also called airframe mechanics, power plant mechanics, and avionics
technicians, service and/or repair, and inspect airplanes for commercial airlines, private
firms, and the military. Line maintenance crews work at airports, making quick repairs on
planes that are scheduled to take off.
Aircraft Technician refers to a licensed qualification for carrying out aircraft maintenance.
AMTs inspect and perform or supervise maintenance, preventive maintenance, and
alteration of aircraft and aircraft systems.
Aircraft maintenance is the performance of tasks required to ensure the continuing
airworthiness of an aircraft or aircraft part, including overhaul, inspection, replacement,
defect rectification, and the embodiment of modifications, compliance with airworthiness
directives and repair.
Aviation engineering is the science of designing, developing, and assembling aircraft.
Aviation engineers focus on airspace development, airport design, aircraft navigation
technologies, and aerodrome planning.
Word Pairs used in Aviation
Aviation can affect our lives in many different ways.
For some of us, seeing an airplane means that we are off on holiday or vacation. This can be
exciting but also a little stressful to organize!
For others, maybe it means work. If you are a pilot and you sit inside a plane everyday it’s
just another day for you and perhaps not as thrilling!
Whatever the case, there are so many words associated with the process of flying. We’ve
compiled some of the most common terms below with useful definitions, examples and
dialogues so that you can fly with confidence in your English.
The words we have for you are:
Landing gear
Goals and Objectives of Maintenance
Maintenance is the function whose objective is to ensure the fullest availability of
production equipment, utilities and related facilities at optimal cost and under satisfactory
conditions of quality, safety and protection of the environment. Also called breakdown
maintenance, palliative or curative maintenance.
Maintenance Program Content
The maintenance program must be produced for each aircraft type by the Operator (AOC
Holder) and subsequently approved by the NAA. For Commercial Air Transport (CAT) and
Large Airplanes with MTOW above 13000 Kg, Maintenance Program is initially developed
based on the Maintenance Review Board Report (MRBR) and Maintenance Planning
Document (MPD).
Chapter 4 Aviation Industry Certification Requirements
A type certificate is issued to signify the airworthiness of an aircraft manufacturing design or
"type". The certificate is issued by a regulating body, and once issued, the design cannot be
changed. The certificate reflects a determination made by the regulating body that the
aircraft is manufactured according to an approved design, and that the design ensures
compliance with airworthiness requirements. The regulating body compares design
documents and processes to determine if the design meets requirements established for
the type of equipment. Requirements established by a regulating body typically refer to
Minimum Operating Performance Standards (MOPS) and related documents (such as DO178 series, DO-160 series and DO-254 series), which are developed jointly by RTCA, Inc. and
EUROCAE. Once issued, the aircraft "type" meets appropriate requirements. The
determination process includes a step called "First Article Inspection", for it and for each of
its subassemblies. This is a quality control assessment whereas those prior to it are part of
quality assurance.
Aircraft Certification
A type certificate signifies the airworthiness of a particular category of aircraft, according to
its manufacturing design ('type'). It confirms that the aircraft is manufactured according to
an approved design, and that the design ensures compliance with airworthiness
Delivery Inspection
Certificates of Airworthiness (CoA) are issued for individual aircraft to certify compliance to
their type design. In theory, a Certificate of Airworthiness issued by the Design Acceptance
Representative (DAR) could be issued purely on the basis of an extant and valid Certificate
of Airworthiness issued by a recognized National Airworthiness Authority (NAA). Based on
past experience, however, Defense must exercise a duty of care requirement before adding
individual aircraft to the Defense register. This is particularly true for used aircraft, where
records of usage, maintenance, modifications and repairs may not be to the standard
normally required by Defense. This annex contains specific considerations for inspection of
both used and new aircraft for the purposes of establishing airworthiness.
Operator Certification
An air operator's certificate (AOC) is the approval granted by a national aviation authority
(NAA) to an aircraft operator to allow it to use aircraft for commercial purposes. This
requires the operator to have personnel, assets and system in place to ensure the safety of
its employees and the general public. The certificate will list the aircraft types and
registrations to be used, for what purpose and in what area – specific airports or geographic
Certification of Personnel
The latter – which is referred to as maintenance certification or maintenance release – can
only be done by a person holding an appropriate EASA Part-66 license. And if this was not
enough, a company internal authorization is still required, as the license alone does not
constitute sufficient proof that the license holder has received sufficient recurring training
and has been involved in a proper amount of maintenance activities in the last period (at
present, at least six months of actual work in each 2 year period is considered a minimum)
nor that he or she is adhering to Part 145 procedures while performing the work.
So, to keep a long story short: you don’t need a license to work an aircraft, but someone
with a license will need to certify that what you did was correct and complete.
Chapter 5 Documentation for Maintenance
Airworthiness of aircraft maintained in service within the effective safety management
system (SMS) developed by the aircraft operator. Recent developments have shown that
there are a number of "white spots" in guidance concerning a safety documents evolution
from an aircraft type design documentation to operator's SMS documentation system
required by ICAO Annex 6 to Chicago Convention. The paper outlines some results in
airworthiness principles and methods for the development and use of the aircraft operating
and continuing airworthiness documentation during the aircraft design and operation that
have been included in the world-wide known ICAO Airworthiness Manual (Doc 9760).
Discussed areas are: aircraft airworthiness methodology and design documentation;
regulatory aspects of aircraft and operator's documentation development and usage;
documentation language and flight safety.
Manufacturer's documentation.
With the manufacturer's documentation (generally the operation instructions),
the manufacturer of machinery and systems provides operating companies with all
information on safe and proper use for the service life of the equipment.
Regulatory Documents
Regulatory Documents means all regulatory documents and filings, correspondence
with Regulatory Authorities, annual reports and amendments thereto related to a Licensed
Airline-Generated Documentation
We have two sorts of documentation:
Controlled Documents
Used for operation and/or support of the flying machine as per FAA regulations have
constrained conveyance inside carrier and oblige standard updates and must
incorporate rundown of corrections, dynamic and revoked page numbers in record
Non-controlled Documents
Furnished via carrier and producer
ATA Document Standards
ATA 100 contains the reference to the ATA numbering system which is a common
referencing standard for commercial aircraft documentation. ... The Joint Aircraft
System/Component (JASC) Code Tables was a modified version of the Air Transport
Association of America (ATA), Specification 100 code.
Chapter 6 - Requirements for a maintenance program
Maintenance Program is a document containing the maintenance requirements/tasks that needs to
be carried out on an aircraft in order to ensure its continuing airworthiness.
Aviation maintenance program outlined ac 120-16e
The maintenance program must be produced for each aircraft type by the Operator (AOC Holder)
and subsequently approved by the NAA. For Commercial Air Transport (CAT) and Large Airplanes
with MTOW above 13000 Kg, Maintenance Program is initially developed based on the Maintenance
Review Board Report (MRBR) and Maintenance Planning Document (MPD).
However, as the MRBR for such aircraft is developed based on MSG-3 Logic, the Operator must
monitor the effectiveness of its maintenance program(s) by developing and running
a Reliability Program. This requires the collection of item removal rate and failure data, plus analysis
to identify trends and/or substantiate assumptions. This will lead to the resolution of reliability
issues by taking effective corrective actions, such as amendments to the maintenance program to
alter task frequencies. Therefore, over a period of time, an Operator’s maintenance program evolves
based on its own operational experience. In terms of the actual work program, each package of work
is prepared based on:
Flight program i.e. schedule of the operator
Maintenance program requirements – the approved maintenance schedule
Routine work
Component change
Non routine work (deferred defects)
Modifications and special inspections
Summary of FAA Requirements
1. You must be
o at least 18 years old;
o Able to read, write, speak, and understand English.
2. You must get 18 months of practical experience with either power plants or airframes, or 30 months
of practical experience working on both at the same time. As an alternative to this experience
requirement, you can graduate from an FAA-Approved Aviation Maintenance Technician School.
3. You must pass three types of tests;
o a written examination
o an oral test
o a practical test
Additional Maintenance Program Requirements
(1) When applicable, the procedures for the supplemental inspections required by § 129.109;
(2) When applicable, the special inspections and procedures for operations at increased zero fuel
and landing weights required by § 129.23;
(3) When applicable, the repair assessment guidelines required by § 129.107;
(4) When applicable, records of Aging Airplane inspections required by § 129.105;
(5) Fuel tank maintenance system program required by § 129.113; and (6) Electrical wiring
interconnection system (EWIS) maintenance program required by
TC Holder recommendations should form the basis of the operator’s maintenance Program
The Operator is responsible for monitoring effectiveness of the maintenance Program and the
process should be audited
The maintenance Program process brings together maintenance and design
The maintenance compliance and inspection standards play a significant role in an effective
Maintenance Program and should be audited
Reference: https://www.skybrary.aero/index.php/Maintenance_Programme
Chapter7 - The maintenance and Engineering Organization
Organization of Maintenance and Engineering
Organizational Structure Span of Control, Grouping of Similar Functions, Separation of Production
and Oversight Functions the Maintenance and Engineering Organizational Chart Organization
Structure and the TPPM (Technical Policies and Procedures Manual) Variations from the Typical
Organization Summary
Organizational Structure
The M&E Organizational Chart
General Groupings
Manager Level Functions Technical Service Directorate
Manager Level Functions Aircraft Maintenance Directorate
Manager Level Functions Overhaul Shops Directorate
Manager Level Functions Material Directorate
Manager Level Functions Maintenance Program Evaluation Directorate
Summary of Management Levels
Organizational Structure and the TPPM
Variation From the Typical Organization
Chapter 11 – Technical Training
Proper training of all personnel
Flight crews
Cabin cress
Ground handling crews
Aircraft maintenance technicians (AMT)
Computer operations
Administrative personnel
Training Organization
Airline training organization
Training department
Corporate level school
Separate organization
-Training instructor, coordinator, manager
Airline Maintenance
 FAR 121.375 requirement
-Comprehensive training program
Director of training
- Works with DOM & DQM
Types of training
- Organizational
-Equipment operation/safety
 Accomplished before hire
-FAA approved school
-Appropriate license
Technical/trade school
-Arrange for necessary test
Military service
Organizational training
Airline policies/procedures/paperwork
General policy manual
Organizational manual
Corporate structure
Symbols Rules/regulations
Maintenance practices
- Full courses for each airframe/system
-Deferral program
-Maintenance duty time limitations
Organizational training
Airline policies/procedures/paperwork
-QC/QA functions
-Internal audit program
-Reliability program
-Cold weather operations
-Natural disasters
-Aircraft body
- Air conditioning system/avionics
-Auditing procedures/techniques
-Inspection techniques
-Tool/equipment calibration
Refresher training
-Special training (airline or outside organization)
- In conjunction with classroom training
-Specialized hands-on
-With experienced AMT
-Sign-off processes
Equipment operation/Safety Training
-How to use equipment
-Report broken/out-of-service equipment
Refresher Training
-Reverify certain skills
-Understand systems
-How to troubleshoot
- “As necessary” basis
Maintenance Resource Management (MRM)
- Human factors in maintenance
-AC 120-72
-Develop, implement, reinforce requirements
- Improve
-Safety in maintenance operations
Airframe Manufacturer Training
-Certain number of training slots
-Usually instructors Create airline version of course “
-As necessary” basis
Specialized courses
Supplemental Training
-Fleet type/differences
- Environmental/hazardous materials
-Dangerous goods Values and ethics
-Fire safety Hearing conservation
-Aircraft taxi/towing
Training media
-Formal instructor, classroom
-Video, power-point
-Workshop-type training
-As needed
Reference: http://slideplayer.com/slide/9250906/release/woothee
Chapter 12
Chapter 12 Aircraft Maintenance Management
Introduction World War II involved specialized aircraft produced in large numbers by various
combatant nations, and many makes of familiar names domestically became known
internationally. WII spurred aircraft production, the aircraft were not available in the
beginning of the war. There were many efforts to prevent war, but the militaristic goals of a
few countries pulled other countries into conflict. WWII was worldwide with concentrations
of fighting in Europe and the Pacific. Hitler wanted to acquired more living space which he
tried to do by taking starting war with other countries.
Management DOM Base or station manager Front line supervisors
Investigating infractions Unsatisfactory performance Employee conduct Serious incidents
Offenses Attendance Hate-related crimes Aircraft accidents Introduction World War II
involved specialized aircraft produced in large numbers by various combatant nations, and
many makes of familiar names domestically became known internationally. WWI spurred
aircraft production, the aircraft were not available in the beginning of the war. There were
many efforts to prevent war, but the militaristic goals of a few countries pulled other
countries into conflict. WWII was worldwide with concentrations of fighting in Europe and
the Pacific. Hitler wanted to acquired more living space which he tried to do by taking
starting war with other countries.
Management Structure Manager DOM
Oversees all stations Pg. 146ManagerDirects/coordinates department activities
Disseminates policy Deadlines to ensure completed on time Reviews/analyzes Reports
Records Directives Department Activities Introduction World War II involved specialized
aircraft produced in large numbers by various combatant nations, and many makes of
familiar names domestically became known internationally. WWI spurred aircraft
production, the aircraft were not available in the beginning of the war. There were many
efforts to prevent war, but the militaristic goals of a few countries pulled other countries
into conflict. WWII was worldwide with concentrations of fighting in Europe and the Pacific.
Hitler wanted to acquired more living space which he tried to do by taking starting war with
other countries.
Management Manager Monitor Costs Prepare Evaluate Employees Reports
Budgets Records on maintenance departments Evaluate Policies/procedures/practices
Develop objectives Implement/supervise development Employees Hiring, promotion,
discharge Introduction World War II involved specialized aircraft produced in large numbers
by various combatant nations, and many makes of familiar names domestically became
known internationally. WWI spurred aircraft production, the aircraft were not available in
the beginning of the war. There were many efforts to prevent war, but the militaristic goals
of a few countries pulled other countries into conflict. WWII was worldwide with
concentrations of fighting in Europe and the Pacific. Hitler wanted to acquired more living
space which he tried to do by taking starting war with other countries.
Management Manager People skills Communication Listening
Good relationship with supervisors/workers Learn to deal with organized chaos Introduction
World War II involved specialized aircraft produced in large numbers by various combatant
nations, and many makes of familiar names domestically became known internationally.
WWI spurred aircraft production, the aircraft were not available in the beginning of the war.
There were many efforts to prevent war, but the militaristic goals of a few countries pulled
other countries into conflict. WWII was worldwide with concentrations of fighting in Europe
and the Pacific. Hitler wanted to acquired more living space which he tried to do by taking
starting war with other countries.
Management Front Line Supervisor Day-to-day managerial duties
Delegate work Results oriented Safety conscious Inform upper management Out-of-service
aircraft Emergencies Unexpected occurrences Work well under stress Aware of industry
trends/new developments Introduction World War II involved specialized aircraft produced
in large numbers by various combatant nations, and many makes of familiar names
domestically became known internationally. WWI spurred aircraft production, the aircraft
were not available in the beginning of the war. There were many efforts to prevent war, but
the militaristic goals of a few countries pulled other countries into conflict. WWII was
worldwide with concentrations of fighting in Europe and the Pacific. Hitler wanted to
acquired more living space which he tried to do by taking starting war with other countries.
Management Overhaul Shop Managers Management concerns
Synchronize with aircraft checks Kept informed of daily progress Work progress Materials
used/needed Management concerns Aircraft out-of-service Prioritize daily challenges
Creative decision-making Introduction World War II involved specialized aircraft produced in
large numbers by various combatant nations, and many makes of familiar names
domestically became known internationally. WWI spurred aircraft production, the aircraft
were not available in the beginning of the war. There were many efforts to prevent war, but
the militaristic goals of a few countries pulled other countries into conflict. WWII was
worldwide with concentrations of fighting in Europe and the Pacific. Hitler wanted to
acquired more living space which he tried to do by taking starting war with other countries.
Reference: https://slideplayer.com/slide/16197853/
Chapter 13
Line Maintenance (on Aircraft)
Functions that control Maintenance
Maintenance Control Center
Responsibilities Line Maintenance Operation – General Aircraft Logbook Ramp & Terminal
Flight Handling
Other Line Maintenance Activities
Line Station Activities
Maintenance Crew Skill requirements
Morning Meeting Summary
Line Maintenance refers to that done when aircraft is in service (without removing from
flight schedule) Daily, 48 hr, & transit checks. Usually one crew performs all Line
Maintenance Organization.
MCC (Maintenance Control Center) coordinates all Flt line activities home & away
Ramp & Terminal (local home base activities) Outstations (coordinates maintenance
activities at outstations whether owned by airline or not)
Functions that Control Maintenance
PP&C is the Center of Airline Maintenance Inputs Scheduled Maintenance,
Modifications/Upgrades, ADs, SBs, SL, Deferred Maintenance Outputs Directs Maintenance
to MCC, Hangar, Overhaul/Shop Maintenance Coordinates/Communicates EVERYONE ALWAYS!!
Functions that Control Maintenance
MCC is the Center of Line Maintenance Coordinates Scheduled Maintenance or
Unscheduled Maintenance for all aircraft in service with M&E Units & Ops
Involved/Coordinates All aircraft in the flight schedule, coordinates all maintenance whether
performed by airline or outsourced Communicates EVERYONE - ALWAYS!! (PP&C – aircraft
discrepancies, rescheduling of maintenance actions & aircraft status; OPS - delays, down
times cancellations)
Heart of Line Maintenance Responsibilities:
Maintenance Control Center Responsibilities Heart of Line Maintenance Responsibilities:
Ensure daily checks are complete prior to first flight of the day Perform transit/turnaround
maintenance on all transit aircraft Coordinate servicing of these aircraft Food, water, waste,
fuel Troubleshoot maintenance problems & schedule repairs (if possible) in the allotted
turnaround time or defer maintenance Coordinate with materiel, engineering, inspection,
planning & other M&E units for resolving maintenance problems
Responsibilities: Maintenance Control Center Responsibilities
Coordinate with flight operations for the maintenance or deferral whenever the
schedule may be affected
Track all aircraft during flight to determine location, maintenance requirements &
Coordinate maintenance at outstations w/other airlines or outsourced parties
Collect & forward logbook pages, QC write-ups, mechanical reliability reports or
other reports required by airline or FAA
Must have adequate facilities
Maintenance Control Center Responsibilities Must have adequate facilities Centrally located
Tracking boards or displays (by aircraft type & tail #) for flight schedules, durations, current
location of aircraft, & maintenance needs – should indicate maintenance status & due date
of next scheduled maintenance checks MCC should be on top of everything happening with
all aircraft in service MCC must have sufficient communications Phones, handhelds, fax
machines, computers Extensive technical library Most important – sufficient, qualified staff
(licensed mechanics)Essential to the airline’s reliability program MCC responsible for
identifying & reporting all delays & cancellations of aircraft – investigate & resolve problems
Repeat discrepancies ( i.e. procedure, mechanic, environmental conditions, bad parts)
Line Maintenance Operations - General
Two possible maintenance scenarios Fig pg. 147Note both sign-off of all discrepancies (or
deferrals) & servicing of the aircraft must be completed prior to returning the aircraft to
flight service
Aircraft Logbook Flight crew maintains logbook for each flight and flight leg Contains – flight
crew names, flight number, route, & flight times (arrival & departure – total flight hours &
cycles)Section for crew to annotate discrepancies during flight Section for deferred
maintenance (date repair to be accomplished per the MEL)Crew aware of current status of
aircraft Collected at end of each flight day & those at outstations will fax to MCC
Information will be entered into computer for use by M&E, QA, QC, & reliability for various
actions & future reference Logbook will be returned to aircraft - ready for next day’s flights
Ramp & Terminal Operations
Transitioning of aircraft is a short, fast paced coordinated maintenance action Flight
handling, servicing, & maintenance chores must be accomplished Flight handling Move
aircraft, passengers, baggage, cargo off and onto the aircraft Park aircraft, position stairs or
gateway ramp, & opening doors Maintenance, ground handling crews, flight & cabin crews,
terminal personnel, & the FAA tower personnel Baggage & cargo equipment & crews are
next wave
Ramp & Terminal Operations
Servicing Refueling, adding potable water, & all food & beverages for next flight as well as
removing trash & waste Maintenance Checked logbooks, discuss w/crew any problems,
verify gripes, troubleshoot & repair or defer maintenance Advance warning – maintenance
can meet crew with solution Maintenance completed or deferred will be noted in logbook
All deferred maintenance must be handled IAW the MEL and the pilot has FINAL say If
deferment is NOT allowed MCC must coordinate with Ops about delay or cancellation of the
flight Those at outstations must coordinate with MCC
Other Line Maintenance Activities
Daily & 48 hr checks outlined in the Ops Specs Table 13-1 pg. 150 – Typical 48 hr Check
Transit Checks Typical Transit Check Any down time between flights (wide gaps, days to
nights)Deferred maintenance, ‘A’ checks, special inspections, simple modifications/upgrades
Tasks that require panel removals, components, may be relegated to hangar or shop
Line Station Activities
Line station/outstation Same activities but limited personnel & skills, availability of parts &
supplies, limited facilities (stands, hangar space, GSE)More chance for deferred
maintenance Communication crucial with home MCC To provide or arrange for parts,
supplies, or maintenance personnel Outsource or other airline service May ferry to another
location for service Pilot may have authority to contract maintenance
Maintenance Crew Skill Requirements
Hangar & overhaul shops employ specialists Line Maintenance must be well verse in all
aspects of the aircraft Often different aircraft & wide range of problems Verse in FAA rules
& regulations & airline’s policies & procedures Know what specialists apply Administrative
skills for logbooks & plethora of reports Multiple crews may be needed to accomplish task
(day & night)
One of the most important activities
Morning Meetings One of the most important activities Addresses current maintenance
status: Day’s flight schedule Maintenance status of each aircraft in service Specific needs of
maintenance (parts, supplies, personnel, GSE etc..)Significant problems or changes which
may affect day’s flight & work schedules Hangar or facility issues Line station or outsourcing
issues Purpose: Keep all involved abreast of everything that in the maintenance area &
address any problems that may arise
Line Maintenance (on Aircraft)
Functions that control Maintenance
Maintenance Control Center Responsibilities
Line Maintenance Operation – General Aircraft Logbook Ramp & Terminal Operations
Flight Handling
Other Line Maintenance Activities Line Station Activities Maintenance Crew Skill
Requirements Morning Meeting Summary
Reference: https://slideplayer.com/slide/7462460/
Chapter 14
Hangar Maintenance (on Aircraft)
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Hangar Maintenance (on Aircraft)
Chapter 14
Hangar Maintenance (on Aircraft)
Organization of Hangar Maintenance Problem Areas in Hangar Maintenance Non-Routine
Items Parts Availability Parts robbing (cannibalization)Maintenance Support Shops Ground
Support Equipment (GSE)Summary
Hangar Maintenance refers to that done when aircraft is out of service Scheduled checks
above “A” (i.e. C, D etc.) Modifications to aircraft or systems by SB, AD, or EOS special
inspections required by airline, FAA, or operational conditions Painting of aircraft
Aircraft interior modifications
Introduction PP&C schedules the activities & coordinates with Ops & maintenance activities,
materiel etc. Hangar shops, supply points, parts storage, aircraft parking (esp.
type/model/series), tools & GSE Hangar space adequate, & hangar maintenance must be
planned, scheduled, & controlled to ensure work is completed on time…TIME is MONEY
Organization of Hangar Maintenance
Hangar Maintenance is a position under director of aircraft maintenance Aircraft
maintenance Responsible for all hangar maintenance activities Controls flow of aircraft into
& out of check, maintenance crews, coordinates with overhaul & support shops, materiel,
PP&C, flight line maintenance & OPS regarding aircraft in hangar GSE and facilities All GSE
required, & hangar facilities & flight line maintenance Support Shops Welding shops,
avionics, engine, mechanical, upholstery, seats & interior
Problem Areas in Hangar Maintenance
Non-routine Items Routine Maintenance has a fixed amount of time & are listed in the
Maintenance Planning Document (MPD)ASSUMES all will go well with no delay or
maintenance induced problems etc. Non-routine (unscheduled) requires best “guess-time”
& need to keep PP&C in the loop the time will be noted for future performance of “like”
non-routine tasks. important for planning purposes Parts Availability Must have a parts
staging area & plan ahead for the “out-of-service” maintenance Parts ordering, pick up &
delivery needs to be efficient to minimize down time of maintenance crews…
Problem Areas in Hangar Maintenance
Parts Robbing (cannibalization)Necessary evil in maintenance Mission oriented – must
always deliver airworthy vehicles to Ops to meet the flight schedule Rules to consider:
Cannibalization should be discouraged unless necessary Parts must be ordered even if part
is available on another aircraft Only be performed with consent of management and
approval of director of maintenance responsible for both aircraft Always try to reduce the
redundancy of labor
Maintenance Support Shops
These support shops don’t require FAA licenses refurbish or repair aircraft panels Fabrics &
interior shops Aircraft seat shops Work is NOT directly part of the scheduled maintenance
although an intricate part May be required by work card, SB, AD, or EO
Ground Support Equipment (GSE)
“that equipment that is required to support the operation & maintenance of the aircraft &
all its airborne equipment” Two basic categories: Equipment to support servicing & handling
of operational aircraft while engaged in flight turnaround & ground movement activities
Equipment used to facilitate maintenance at turnaround, scheduled or unscheduled
downtime Pg. 161 list of equipment & usage Must procure GSE & tooling appropriate for
new type/model/series – 9 – 12 months prior Acquire type & level of maintenance to be
performed, # of multiple units, GSE personnel is responsible for general maintenance &
upkeep of GSE (PMs, MRCs, licensing etc.)
Hangar Maintenance (on Aircraft)
Introduction Organization of Hangar Maintenance Problem Areas in Hangar Maintenance
non-routine Items Parts Availability Parts robbing (cannibalization)Maintenance Support
Shops Ground Support Equipment (GSE)Summary
Reference: https://slideplayer.com/slide/4672871/
Chapter 15