ISSN:2249-877X Vol. 6 Issue 5 May 2016 Impact Factor: SJIF 2013=4.748 P ublis he d b y: S out h A s ia n A c ade m ic R es e arc h J our nals SAJMMR: South Asian Journal of Marketing & Management Research ( A D o u b le B l i n d R e fe r e e d & R e v ie we d I nt e r na t io na l J o ur na l) A REVIEW ON THE INNOVATION DIFFUSION MODELS FROM 19602010 WITH THEIR APPLICATION ON DRAM INDUSTRY Geet Kalra*; Nirali Kansara** Downloaded From IP - on dated 24-Oct-2019 Members Copy, Not for Commercial Sale * Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani. ** Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani. ______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT The cases of Television sets generations(LCD, LED), computer generations and many more, the penetration of such products in their target market follows a nonlinear trend with time. It can be seen as function of set of numerous variables affecting price, time, placement and publicity.The modelling of diffusion of innovations has remained the hot topic for market researchers since 1960’s when Fourt and Woodlock(1960) gave their very first, primitive market research tool on the volume of consumer purchases per year. Bass model has been considered as the most basic model which was later modified to include several other factors in the basic model. In this paper different cases of models have also been considered which includes diffusion of single innovation in a market, multiple market and diffusion across generations. Different type of S-shaped functions have also been mentioned keeping into consideration the S-shaped nature of the cumulative adoption function of an innovation. Four different S-shaped functions which includes Gompertz model, Log-logistic function and Generalized bass model have been used to find the best fit curve in the case of DRAM industry. Generalized Bass model has been found to be the best among the other models with high R-squared values across all the generations of the DRAM products. KEYWORDS: Innovation, Diffusion, Bass model, DRAM, Gompertz, Log-logistic, Pricing South Asian Academic Research Journals 6 ISSN:2249-877X Vol. 6 Issue 5 May 2016 Impact Factor: SJIF 2013=4.748 INTRODUCTION At the end of 2014, almost 5 billion people are using mobile phones. Being invented in Scandinavian countries, this innovation is said to have its first purchasers located in these countries only. In many of the developed countries, the mobile phones have penetrated to such an extent that every unit of the population carries at least one mobile phone containing sometimes more than one sim cards. The case of mobile phones is not an exception. We have seen the cases of Television sets generations(LCD, LED), computer generations and many more. The penetration of such products in their target market follows a nonlinear trend with time. It can be seen as function of set of numerous variables affecting price, time, placement and publicity. Downloaded From IP - on dated 24-Oct-2019 Members Copy, Not for Commercial Sale The modelling of diffusion of innovations has been a topic of practical and academic interest since 1960βs when Fourt and Woodlock(1960) gave their very first, primitive market research tool on the volume of consumer purchases per year based on the households which make trial purchases of a product and households which make a repeat purchase within a first year. The model given by the authors is expressed as π = (π»π» π ππ π ππ) + (π»π» π ππ π ππ π π π π π π) HH : Total number of households MR : Measured Repeat RR : Repeat RepeatersTR : Trial rate TU : Trial Units RU : Repeating Units This model marked the beginning of the more complex models of innovation, revisiting and revamping many of them in the subsequent years. The knowledge of Innovation Diffusion is important for a firm to decide various factors and determinants related to the product release. The previous models were made keeping in mind the assumption of homogeneous target markets. However, with the course time new models were developed that revisited each of these assumptions along with the inclusion of parameters which directly or indirectly affect the diffusion process. Consumer Psychology Any innovation can be divided into two categories. 1) Forced innovation – It is a case where the innovation is forced upon the consumers by a third party. For example –Upgradation of windows version in a school laboratory from Windows 8 to Windows 10. 2) Convenient adoption of an innovation – It is a case where a consumer deliberately adopt an innovation without any force from anyone through any mode of communication. South Asian Academic Research Journals 7 ISSN:2249-877X Vol. 6 Issue 5 May 2016 Impact Factor: SJIF 2013=4.748 There has been many theories of psychology on consumer learning, one of the most used is that of Horward(1963) who proposed the following consumer brand choice learning function. ππ = π(1 − π −ππ‘ ) Pa = Probability of Purchasing brand T = number of reinforced trials M = Maximum attainable loyalty K = learning rate The exponential function stated above has various implications related to the volume of sales of a particular product. However, the learning rate varies for an individual to individual but in our case it is safe to assume a constant learning rate for all the individuals within a population to aid our further research. Downloaded From IP - on dated 24-Oct-2019 Members Copy, Not for Commercial Sale LITERATURE REVIEW The introduction of models for the diffusion of innovations marked their beginning back in 1960 when Fourt and Woodlock gave their market research tool to predict volume of sales based on households. Then there were several many models that tried to explain the phenomenon in the subsequent years. Some of them were Mansfield(1961), Floyd(1962) and finally Bass(1969). Till 1969, there were primitive models which wither completely eliminated with the introduction of new models or not have a significant existence these days. Bass Model(1969) “Bass model is one of the most quoted aggregated model used in marketing literature which has a large acceptance in the field of innovation diffusion” (Mahajan, Muller and Winf, 2000). There have been several attempts to revamp the basic model to a more appropriate model by the inclusion of desired marketing variables in the past 30 years. The basic Bass model assumes two kind of population within a target market. Innovators and Imitators. Bass is known to have followed the concept given by Everett Rogers and gave mathematical formulation to it. The basic model formulation can be given as π π π‘ =π π−π π‘ ππ‘ +π π(π‘) [π − π π‘ ] π Where N(t) is the cumulative number of adopters till time „tβ, m is the initial market size, p and q are the innovation and imitation coefficients respectively. Few literature studies also depict Bass model in the form of market proportions which can be illustrated as πΉ π‘ = π(π‘) π South Asian Academic Research Journals 8 ISSN:2249-877X Vol. 6 Issue 5 May 2016 Impact Factor: SJIF 2013=4.748 Downloaded From IP - on dated 24-Oct-2019 Members Copy, Not for Commercial Sale Using this model number/proportion of the adopters can be calculated at any time „tβ. The value of the coefficients of innovation and imitation can be calculated based on the historical data of the same or the similar products. Many studies safely assume the coefficients to be constant with successive product generations within a same product category(Norton and Bass model) which gives similar shapes for the diffusion of products in the successive generations. However, this assumption is contradicted based on various factors related to product placement, profits and investment for a consumer(Meade 1985). Mansfield(1961) had also said that the technology which involves higher profit and lower investment for a consumer diffuses much faster and this usually happens in the products of later generations than earlier generations. There have been many generalizations related to the value of p and q. Lawrence and Lawton(1990) said that the value of p+q always lies within the range of 0.3-0.7. Studies of Sultan(1990) have reported that the average value of p is approximately around 0.03 and that of q is 0.38. The coefficients of innovation itself tells many a things about the proportion of the population which would like to innovate with the new technology. Similarly bass model classified the entire population into five adopter categories namely Innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority and laggards. The curve is said to follow normal distribution with successive standard deviations dividing the entire region into adopter categories (Rogers 1983). The diffusion of single innovation in a market After Bass model, which was purely based on homogenous assumption of the market, many studies did follow which assumed target markets to be heterogeneous in terms of various factors including behaviour and income. Bonus(1973) suggested that the given the income distribution within a population is bell shaped and price decreases monotonically, then this would result in S shaped distribution curve which is in accordance to the Bass and earlier models. Many authors also did try to relate the model with the Gini curve of income distribution to obtain an S shaped diffusion curve with various assumptions. There have been theories that suggest that for an innovation to be self-sustainable, it must be adopted at least by the critical mass. The definition of critical mass varies for different kind of products. Incubation time of a product is defined as the time interval between the completion of the product development and beginning of the substantial sales. Kohli, Lehmann and Pae(1999) hypothesized the incubation time with various factors related to sales and diffusion determinants. They found a positive association between incubation time and time to peak sales but a negative association between incubation time and coefficient of innovation. South Asian Academic Research Journals 9 ISSN:2249-877X Vol. 6 Issue 5 May 2016 Impact Factor: SJIF 2013=4.748 Similarly heterogeneity in terms of geographical locations, socio-economic factors also gathered attention after the works of Goldenberg et al(2000). All these models were more or less the extensions of the basic Bass model. Authors have also tried to include various environmental variables like GDP per capita(Tanner 1974), advertising and pricing (Mahajan and Peterson, 1978) into the basic Bass model. Robinson and Lakhani(1975)for the very first time included pricing to the Bass model. They formulated it as ππΉ(π‘) = π + π − π πΉ π‘ − ππΉ π‘ ππ‘ 2 . π −πππ (π‘) Downloaded From IP - on dated 24-Oct-2019 Members Copy, Not for Commercial Sale where Pr(t) is the price. K= coefficient and rest is the same as was used in the Generalized basic Bass model. In 1994, the latest Generalized Bass model with pricing was developed by three researchers named Frank Bass, Trichy Krishnan and Dipak Jain. π(π‘) = π + ππΉ π‘ π₯(π‘) 1 − πΉ(π‘) x(t) is the function of percentage of price change or other variables that majorly included pricing and advertisement. Similarly Kalish et al(1983) modelled the effects of the factors such as advertising on the basic Bass model. They revamped it as β π‘ = π½0 + π½1 πΉ π‘ + π½lnβ‘ (π΄ π‘ ) here the β0 corresponds to the effects of publicity whereas β1 and β word of mouth and advertising respectively. Modelling diffusions across nationalboundaries Generally for modelling diffusion in different countries, data pertaining to the leading country is used to estimate the coefficients of the lagging country. For example – If mobile phones were first purchased in South Korea and after 2 years of adoption within the country it was adopted in Scandinavian countries, then the model is expected to replicate in the case of Scandinavian countries with small changes with respect to the national differences. There have been many studies conducted by authors like Takada and Jain(1991), Ganesh and Kumar(1996) and Kumar and Krishnan(2002). They all had concluded that the success of the adoption of the new product South Asian Academic Research Journals 10 ISSN:2249-877X Vol. 6 Issue 5 May 2016 Impact Factor: SJIF 2013=4.748 depends upon the performance of the same product in the leading countries. If the product has performed well in leading countries then the risk associated with innovation in the lagging countries would automatically gets reduced. Gatignon(1989) also modelled the effects on the innovation and imitation parameters for a particular product in different countries which can be illustrated as. ππ = π½π,π,0 + π½π,π.π ππ,π + ππ,π π Where pi is the coefficient of innovation, Zi,k represents the cultural variable and ep,I is the disturbance term. Downloaded From IP - on dated 24-Oct-2019 Members Copy, Not for Commercial Sale Modelling of diffusion across generations of technology The Fisher-Pry substitution model(1971) is one of the earliest models to study the demand relationship across different generations of a product. The Fisher and Pry made three basic assumptions and expressed the relationship as ππ =π 1−π π ππ‘ Where f corresponds to the proportion of the market already captured by the new market whereas (1-f) depicts the proportion of the market still held by the older technology. b is the initial rate of adoption associated with particular technology. The model was created keeping in mind the basic assumption of natural competition, market interventions were assumed to be absent. Norton Bass model(1987) is one of the most popular models in the marketing literature to model demand in successive technological generations. It was an extension of Bass(1969) model and is able to predict demand across successive generations quite satisfactorily(Johnson and Bhatia 1997). For a single generation with no successor, the sales model is given by simple Bass model π π‘ = ππΉ π‘ Assuming the sales of ith generation product in the time period „tβ is given by S i(t), the mathematical form can be given as π1 π‘ = πΉ1 π‘ π1 [1 − πΉ2 π‘ − π2 ] Norton and Bass model suggests that the growth phase of the later generations are lesser as compared to the early generations. But one of the major limitations of the Norton Bass model was that it assumed the coefficients of innovation and imitation to be constant with the South Asian Academic Research Journals 11 ISSN:2249-877X Vol. 6 Issue 5 May 2016 Impact Factor: SJIF 2013=4.748 successive generations. However, the subsequent models like Islam and Meade(1997) relaxed the constant coefficient assumption across generations. Mahajan and Muller(1996) introduced the concept of skipped generation i.e. the adopters of first technology would skip the second generation and would adopt the third generation directly. Pricing across generations Padmanabhan and Bass(1993) studied optimal pricing across generations and have found that skimming price policy was consistent with the Bass parameters1. If the price of the product during earlier generations is reduced, this leads to the greater take up of the earlier as well as later generations. Similarly the bell shaped curve of the pricing during a particular generation increases the sales for a particular generation and adds value to the successive generations. Downloaded From IP - on dated 24-Oct-2019 Members Copy, Not for Commercial Sale ALTERNATE S-SHAPED DIFFUSION MODELS Xt is a function of cumulative number of adopters at time t. a denotes saturation level for a case. The additional parameters which are adopted by b and c. 1. Cumulative lognormal π‘ ππ‘ = π 0 ln π¦ − π2 expβ‘ ( ππ¦ 2π 2 π¦ 2ππ 2 1 2. Cumulative normal π‘ ππ‘ = π 0 y − π2 expβ‘ ( ππ¦ 2π 2 2ππ 2 1 3. Gompertz ππ‘ = πππ₯π(−π exp −ππ‘ ) 4. Log Reciprocal 1 ππ‘ = πππ₯π( ) ππ‘ 5. Logistic 1 Meade, N.. "Modelling and forecasting the diffusion of innovation - A 25-year review", International Journal of Forecasting, 2006 South Asian Academic Research Journals 12 ISSN:2249-877X Vol. 6 Issue 5 May 2016 Impact Factor: SJIF 2013=4.748 ππ‘ = π 1 + πππ₯π(−ππ‘) 6. Log-logistic ππ‘ = π 1 + πππ₯π(−πππ π‘ ) 7. Flexible logistic models ππ‘ = π 1 + πππ₯π(−π΅ π‘ ) 8. Modified exponential Downloaded From IP - on dated 24-Oct-2019 Members Copy, Not for Commercial Sale ππ‘ = π − πππ₯π −ππ‘ 9. Weibull ππ‘ = π(1 − exp π‘π π ) APPLICATION OF MODELS ON THE SALES DATA OF DRAM INDUSTRY DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory) is a type of random access memory that stores every bit of data in a separate capacitor which can be charged or discharged in an integrated circuit. It is also known as the main memory(RAM) in the case of personal computers. The manufacturing of DRAM requires very advanced technologies and significant capital expenditures. The industry has seen many up as well as down trends with Samsung being the biggest player in the market since 1990. 2005-06 onwards has been a depressing decade for the DRAM industry with its ever decreasing sales. For our analysis we have considered the time period from 1974-1998. This is so because during this period there were not many complex factors that governed the sales of a product in the global market. In this paper, we will compare different models on the sales data of the Dynamic Random Access Memory industry and would try to find out the best nonlinear curve fit. For convenience we have considered four types of models in our analysis namely Gompertz curve, log-logistic curve and Generalized bass model. The cumulative adoption data of dram industry(4k,16k,64k,256k,1M and 4M) have been taken into consideration with time period ranging from 1974-1998. The data was used for nonlinear curve fitting using the above mentioned curves. R-square and other parameters were calculated for each generation and analyzed with other generations to draw various conclusions. South Asian Academic Research Journals 13 ISSN:2249-877X Vol. 6 Issue 5 May 2016 Impact Factor: SJIF 2013=4.748 Gompertz curve estimation Type Parameter Estimate Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval R-Squared Lower Bound b 16506383.77 0.008881763 3763202022 0.128222926 -8368430250 -0.276816719 8401443017 0.294580245 c 72626.71081 16157915.55 -37187593.36 37332846.78 b 0.00576051 0.12939018 -0.292613779 0.3041348 c 928036.9671 125142924 -269426813.5 271282887.5 64k b c 256k b 0.007169013 42245.15765 0.005462912 0.080513467 7687285.844 0.112411408 -0.166769758 -17347603.58 -0.248829361 0.181107784 17432093.89 0.259755184 c 51794.03421 6761610.344 -14680489.33 14784077.4 b 0.005612986 0.078109935 -0.164573942 0.175799914 c 23040.00138 4377330.831 -9879170.292 9925250.295 b 0.005038422 0.107120665 -0.237285357 0.247362201 c 4k 16k Downloaded From IP - on dated 24-Oct-2019 1M Members Copy, Not for Commercial Sale Upper Bound 4M 0.04 0.03 0.045 0.042 0.039 0.029 Table 1 : Gompertz curve parameters estimation Log-logistic curve estimation Parameter Estimates Parameter Estimate Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound 4k 16k 64k 256k 1M 4M Upper Bound c 3898.950017 8398983.622 -18710202.78 18718000.68 b 1.192990593 307.8561404 -684.7532366 687.1392178 c 703.0566638 2021187.213 -4660163.014 4661569.127 b 0.834195642 378.7139128 -872.4816534 874.1500447 c 1060.410516 1765139.61 -3812291.876 3814412.697 b 0.939481851 219.2150622 -472.6458675 474.5248312 c 908.6811399 2064388.178 -4669061.823 4670879.185 b 0.863009883 333.0662778 -752.5852562 754.3112759 c 499.2232672 756576.4468 -1647939.246 1648937.692 b 0.8085999 222.2516366 -483.4361174 485.0533172 c 671.9402839 1569602.856 -3550016.403 3551360.283 b 0.784110553 343.9117063 -777.1982192 778.7664403 R-squared 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.001 Table 2 : Log-logistic curve parameters estimation South Asian Academic Research Journals 14 ISSN:2249-877X Vol. 6 Issue 5 May 2016 Impact Factor: SJIF 2013=4.748 High standard errors for the estimates of parameters in the case of Gompertz curve explains the insignificance of these estimates. Also a highly insignificant R-square value suggests that this model cannot satisfactorily explain the cumulative diffusion of products in the DRAM industry. Bass model curve Parameter Estimates Parameter Estimate Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound 4k Downloaded From IP - on dated 24-Oct-2019 Members Copy, Not for Commercial Sale 16k 64k 256k 1M 4M R-squared Upper Bound p 1.181144495 2.089334597 -3.474183096 5.836472086 q 304.8008215 17.67443269 265.4197313 344.1819116 p q p 0.029317321 0.710749039 -0.004750578 0.018055101 0.133061961 0.006936546 -0.012317816 0.403907607 -0.019736074 0.070952458 1.017590471 0.010234918 q 1.089508043 0.066965061 0.944838824 1.234177261 p 0.018684515 0.010250128 -0.004502886 0.041871916 q 0.780731581 0.078892767 0.602263742 0.959199419 p q p q 0.012417995 0.602846881 0.021091299 0.798084519 0.004935949 0.036904156 0.016536925 0.131767111 0.001663486 0.522439632 -0.016317824 0.500006604 0.023172505 0.68325413 0.058500422 1.096162433 0.967 0.781 0.953 0.916 0.957 0.803 Table 3: Bass model curve parameters estimation CONCLUSIONS AND FURTHER RESEARCH: The studies in the past 50 years have resulted in hundreds of models that differ in objectives and its parameters. Each and every model is unique in its kind and calls for further revamp as a broader research topic. The models like Bass and Norton-Bass have gathered recognition and forms the basis of many subsequent models. With the changing scenario, there have been inclusion of many external and environmental variables to forecast the sales of the products. If not the deep details of the forecast, but many models apply in different situations to estimate the time of peak sales and this helps in optimal pricing of the products and the right time of release. The marketing managers have been using such models for many years to make estimates for different quantities under sales forecast. The further research on the topic would include studying of the models in various fields based on different approaches and objectives. The final objective is to find the correlation between value South Asian Academic Research Journals 15 ISSN:2249-877X Vol. 6 Issue 5 May 2016 Impact Factor: SJIF 2013=4.748 creation and innovation diffusion. What are the impending effects of innovation diffusion on the creation of value for a firm/product. In the case of DRAM industry Generalized Bass model has been found to fit much better than Gompertz and Log logistic curves with parameter estimations depicted in the table above. The Rsquared for Generalized Bass model has decreased in the successive generations which is mainly because of the new factors in the market that affect the sales of the products directly or indirectly which majorly includes pricing and advertisement. Based on our analysis, we can conclude that Generalized Bass model can best predict the sales in the case of DRAM industry. To consider the effect of other variables Generalized bass model can be used as basis to modify the model accordingly. 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