DIFFUSION Food, water, and other substances are made of different kinds of particles, such as molecules and ions. Particles are always moving, like dancers on a crowded dance floor. You can tell how particles will tend to move if you know how crowded they are. Concentration refers to how crowded particles are. A juice concentrate is a very strong form of juice. It has many more juice particles than regular juice does. When you mix the In a concentrate, the concentrate with juice particles are very water, the juice crowded. particles spread out in the water. •They tend to move away from places where they are concentrated Thus, the particles become less concentrated. Particles will continue to move from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration until they reach equilibrium. •This process is called diffusion. Watch the demonstration with food coloring in water, then answer the following: Explain why the ink spreads out in the water. Use the words concentration and diffusion in your answer. The dye is very concentrated when it enters the water. The dye diffuses through the water to lower concentrated areas until equilibrium is reached. Temperature Density of the Diffusing Substance Medium of Diffusion Concentration Gradient Factors affecting diffusion