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Grade 9 annual plan (Sara)

Al Kamal American International School Halwan
Academic Year: 2019-2020
Term 1
1 September – 12 December 2019
(15 Weeks)
Biology ( MCGraw Hill)
Unit / Lesson / Page numbers
Chapter 2: Cellular structure and Function
Section 1: Cell Discovery and Theory p38-40
Section 2: The plasma membrane p43-45.
Section 3: structure and organelles p47-50
Section 4: cellular transport p57-59
Biology ( MCGraw Hill)
Chapter 3: The Digestive System
Section 1: The Digestive system p74-77
Section2:Nutrition p 79-85
Section 3: The endocrine system p85-89
Annual Plan grade 9
Department: Biology
Term 2
5 January – 26 March 2020
(12 Weeks)
Term 3
9 April – 2 July 2020
(12 Weeks)
Biology ( MCGraw Hill)
Biology ( MCGraw Hill)
Unit / Lesson / Page numbers
Unit / Lesson / Page numbers
Chapter4: Integumentary, skeletal and
Muscular system.
Section 1: Integumentary System
Ch6:Nervous System
Sec 1: Structure of the nervous system
Sec 2:Organization of the nervous system
Sec3: the senses
Section 2:Skeletal system
Section 3:Muscular system
Biology ( MCGraw Hill)
Chapter 5: Circulatory, Respiratory, and
Excretory System.
Section 1: Circulatory System.
Section 2: Respiratory System.
Section 3: Excretory System.
Biology ( MCGraw Hill)
Chapter 8: Sexual Reproduction and Genetics
Section 1:Meiosis
Section2: Mendelian Genetics
Section 3: Gene linkage and Polyploidy
Vision: Innovative education for a knowledge, pioneering, and global
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