1. Create new Function Group IDFI_CGI_DMEE a) Start the transaction SE37 (you should be logged in with English) b) In Menu choose Goto->Function Groups->Create Group c) Fill in following values: Function group: DMEE EXIT for CGI Short Text: Package: IDFI_CGI_DMEE ID-FI-REU-PAYM d) Save your changes by pressing OK button or press [Enter] 2. Create new DDIC object - domain BATCH_BOOKING (if the domain doesn't exist on your system) a) b) c) d) Start the transaction SE11 Check radio-button Domain and write there BATCH_BOOKING Click on Create button or press [F5] Fill in following values: Short Description: Domain for Batch Booking field in structure FPM_CGI On Properties tab Package: ID-DMEE Original language: EN On Definition Tab Data Type: CHAR No. of Places 6 Decimal Places 0 Output Length 6 Case-sensitive X On Value Range Tab Fixed value Short Desription trueIf Batch Booking is true false If Batch Booking is False e) Activate domain BATCH_BOOKING. 3. Create new DDIC object - data element BATCH_BKNG (if the DDIC object doesn't exist on your system) SAP Note No. 0 26.09.2019 Page 2 ________________________________________________________________________ a) b) c) d) e) Start the transaction SE11 Check radio-button Data type and write there BATCH_BKNG Click on Create button or press [F5] Select radio button Data element and press [Enter] Fill in following values: Short Description: Execute Batch Booking On Attributes tab Package: ID-DMEE Original language: EN On Data Type tab Check radio-buttons: Elementary Type and Domain BATCH_BOOKING Domain: On Field Label tab Short: 10 BatchBookg Medium: 20 Batch Booking Long: 40 Batch Booking Heading: 55 Batch Booking f) Activate data element BATCH_BKNG or press [Ctrl+F3] 4. Change structure FPM_CGI a) b) c) d) Start the transaction SE11 Check radio-button Data type and write there FPM_CGI Click on Change button or press [F6] At the end of the structure add new line with: Component Typing Method Component Type --------------------------------------------BATCH_BOOKING 1 Types BATCH_BKNG e) Activate structure or press [Ctrl+F3]