CAS 3 Fall 2007 Notes Contents 1 Statistics and Stochastic Processes 3 1.1 Probability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.2 Point Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.3 Hypothesis Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.3.1 Hypothesis Tests for Normal Means . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.3.2 Testing Variances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.3.3 Chi Square Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.3.4 UMP Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.3.5 Likelihood Ratio Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.4 Regression: Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.5 Regression: Goodness of Fit Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.6 Markov Chains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1.7 Poisson Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1.8 Random walk and Martingale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 1.9 Brownian Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2 Life Contingency 12 2.1 Survival Distribution: Survival Probabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.2 Survival Distribution: Moments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2.3 Survival Distribution: Recursions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2.4 Survival Distribution: Mortality Laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2.5 Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.6 Annuities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.7 Premiums: Equivalence Principle and Loss at Issue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2.8 Premiums: Percentile and Variance of Loss at Issue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2.9 Reserves: Prospective and Retrospective Formulas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2.10 Reserves: Other Formulas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 2.11 Reserves: Variance and Recursive Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 1 CONTENTS CONTENTS 2.12 Multiple Lives: Probabilities and Moments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 2.13 Multiple Lives: Premiums and Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2.14 Multiple Lives: Reversionary Annuity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2.15 Multiple Decrements Models 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Financial Economics 28 3.1 Forwards and Prepaid Forwards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 3.2 Put-Call Parity and European and American Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 3.3 Binomial Option Pricing Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 3.4 Black-Scholes Formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 3.5 Delta Hedging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 3.6 Exotic Options: Asian Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 3.7 Exotic Options: Barrier Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 3.8 Exotic Options: Compound, Gap and Exchange Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 3.9 Lognormal Model for Stock Prices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 3.10 Bonds and Interest Rate Caps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 3.10.1 Pricing Bond Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 3.10.2 Pricing Interest Rate Caps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 3.10.3 Pricing Forward Rate Agreements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 3.11 Interest Rate Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 2 1 1 STATISTICS AND STOCHASTIC PROCESSES Statistics and Stochastic Processes 1.1 Probability Definitions and Formulas Moments Related What? Equation What? Equation µn E(X − µ)n Kurtosis µ4 σ4 MGF, MX (t) E(etX ) Coefficient of variation σ/µ What? Equation Skewness µ3 σ3 Iterated Conditional Identities EX (X) = EY EX (X|Y ) Var(X) = VarY (EX (X|Y )) + EY (VarX (X|Y )) Iterated Expectation Iterated Variance Expected Value of Various Distribution and Nonnegative RV • For X ∼ N (µ, σ 2 ), what is E(eX )? eµ+0.5σ • Mixture distribution: fZ (z) = P i 2 wi fZi (zi ) where sum of wi is 1. What is the k th moment? E(Z k ) = X wi E(Zik ) i • For nonnegative N , discrete or continuous, E(N ) is the sum of its survival function from 0 to ∞. E(N ) = = ∞ X nP(N = n) = n=0 ∞ X ∞ X n ∞ X X ∞ Z sN (n)∂n ∞ k=1 ∞ X P(N > k) k=0 ∞ Z = 0 P(N ≥ k) = P(N = n) = k=1 n=k Z P(N = n) n=0 k=1 ∞ X fN (y)∂y∂n Z0 ∞ Zny = Z ∂nfN (y)∂y = 0 0 ∞ yfN (y)∂y = E(N ) 0 Random sum Given random N and random sample X1 , . . . , XN , find the expected value and variance of S defined by S= N X Xk k=1 E(S) = X E(S|N = n)P(N = n) = n Var(S) X n 2 = E(N )Var(Xk ) + Var(N )E(Xk ) 3 nE(Xk )P(N = n) = E(Xk )E(N ) (1) by iterated variance formula (2) 1.2 Point Estimation 1 STATISTICS AND STOCHASTIC PROCESSES Order Statistics X(k) is the k th largest value of the sample X1 , X2 , . . . , Xn . What is the PDF of X(k) ? fX(k) (x) = n! [F (x)]k−1 f (x)[1 − F (x)]n−k (k − 1)!(n − k)! (k − 1) of the values smaller than, (n − k) values larger than, and 1 value equal to X(k) . Constant is the number of ways of ordering the sample. Chi-square, t Distribution, and F distribution • If Zi are standard normal, what is distribution of n X Zi2 ? i=1 χ2n • If Xi are normal with mean µ and variance σ 2 , what is the distribution of 2 n X Xi − µ i=1 σ ? χ2n 2 • If Xi are normal with unknown mean µ and variance σ , what is the distribution of 2 n X Xi − X̄ i=1 σ ? χ2n−1 • If Z is standard normal and X is χ2r , then Z ∼ tr T =p X/r • If X is χ2r and Y is χ2s , then X/r ∼ F (r, s) Y /s 1.2 Point Estimation Type of Estimators 1. MoM (Method of Moments). Set E(X k ) = n−1 n X Xik and solve for θ. i=1 2. MLE (Maximum Likelihood). Find θ that maximizes the likelihood L(θ) or log-likelihood `(θ). Invariance property: If θ̂ is MLE of θ, so is T (θ̂) of T (θ). 3. Equivalence of the two when the underlying distribution is: binomial with fixed n, Poisson, negative binomial with fixed r, exponential, gamma with fixed α, and normal when estimating both parameters or just σ with fixed µ. Evaluating Estimators 1. Bias: E(θ̂) − θ. Unbiased if equals to 0. Asymptotically unbiased if bias converges to 0. 2. Consistency: lim P(|θ̂ − θ| > ) = 0. n→∞ 2 3. MSE: Bias + Var(θ̂). If MSE converges to 0, consistency follows. 4. UMVUE: No other unbiased estimators have a lower variance. To find one, find T (θ̂) that is an unbiased estimator of θ and θ̂ is also sufficient and complete (find in exponential families). 4 1.3 Hypothesis Testing 1.3 1 STATISTICS AND STOCHASTIC PROCESSES Hypothesis Testing Definition and Notation 1. Θ0 and Θ1 are the sets of parameters specified in null and alternative hypothesis respectively. 2. Significance level: Probability of rejecting H0 (size of the critical region). Denoted α. 3. P-value: Probability of data observations given that the null hypothesis is true. Reject H0 if p-value < α. 4. Power: Probability of rejecting H0 when H0 is false. Denoted β(θ) for θ ∈ Θ1 . 5. Type of errors: Type I, rejecting H0 when it is true and Type II, rejecting H1 when it is true. Following relations hold: P(Type I Error) = α 1.3.1 and P(Type II Error | θ ∈ Θ1 ) = 1 − β(θ) Hypothesis Tests for Normal Means • Given one sample (X1 , . . . , Xn ) normally distributed with known variance testing H0 : µX = µ0 , H1 : µX > µ0 , use Z test. • Given one sample (X1 , . . . , Xn ) normally distributed with unknown variance testing H0 : µX = µ0 , H1 : µX > µ0 , use T test and estimate variance with sample variance. • Given two samples, (X1 , . . . , Xm ) and (Y1 , . . . , Yn ), they are assumed to be normally distributed with the same variance. To test the hypothesis: H0 : µX = µY , calculate t statistic X̄ − Ȳ T = q 1 s m + 1 n (m−1)s2 +(n−1)s2 x y where s is the sample pooled standard deviation, square root of s2 = . Have to m+n−2 assume same variances for it to work. Test it against a t-distribution has n + m − 2 degrees of freedom. • Given two samples and normally distributed with different variance and large samples, we can approximate to normal. X̄ − Ȳ Z=r s2y s2x + m n 1.3.2 Testing Variances • Given unbiased sample variance S 2 , what is its distribution? 2 n X Xi − X̄ i=1 σ = (n − 1) 2 S ∼ χ2n−1 σ2 This can be used to test hypotheses involving S 2 and form confidence intervals for S 2 . If µ is known, the chi square distribution has n degrees of freedom. • Describe a test that compares two variances. Look at ratio of sample variances and perform hypothesis test (or confidence intervals) using F distribution. If testing H1 : σx2 > σy2 , reject for large F . 5 1.4 Regression: Basics 1.3.3 1 STATISTICS AND STOCHASTIC PROCESSES Chi Square Tests One dimensional Chi-sqare test: testing cell probabilities are equal. For n observations, Oi in k categories and probability of each category pk , compute Q= k X (Oi − npi )2 npi i=1 and test for χ2k−1 . Two dimensional chi-square test: test cell probabilities distributed among classes (2 sets of categories). Let R be the number of categories in the row class and C be the number of categories in the column class and pr and pc be respective categories probabilities. Calculate Q= R X C X (Orc − npr pc )2 npc pr r=1 c=1 and tests for χ2(R−1)(C−1) . 1.3.4 UMP Test • Definition of UMP test? A hypothesis test in class of hypothesis tests, C, and with power β(θ), is a uniformly most powerful test of size α if β(θ) ≥ β 0 (θ) for every θ ∈ Θ1 and every power function β 0 (θ) in C. • State the Neyman-Pearson Lemma (NP Lemma). Testing simple hypothesis H0 : θ = θ0 , H1 : θ = θ1 , a test with critical region (rejection region) R that satisfies L(θ0 ) R = all the X such that LR = ≤ k for any 0 ≤ k ≤ 1 and P(X ∈ R | H0 ) = α L(θ1 ) is a UMP level α test. If H1 is a composite hypothesis, such a region may not exist. • How to apply NP Lemma? Want LR to be as small as possible since it would mean H1 is more likely. If the ratio is a monotonically decreasing function of T (X), some statistic defined on X, R can be of the form {x : T (x) > k}. The inequality reverses otherwise. 1.3.5 Likelihood Ratio Test Likelihood ratio is λ= maxΘ0 L(θ) maxΘ L(θ) Form of the likelihood ratio test is λ < k for 0 ≤ k ≤ 1. If H0 and H1 are simple hypotheses, LRT reduces to NP Lemma. 1.4 Regression: Basics Assumptions of simple linear regression: • In the model Yi = β0 + β1 Xi + i , Xi are fixed. IID • i ∼ N (0, σ 2 ) 6 1.5 Regression: Goodness of Fit Tests 1 STATISTICS AND STOCHASTIC PROCESSES • β0 and β1 are fixed. The problem: min β0 ,β1 n X 2 [Yi − β0 − β1 Xi ] ≡ i=1 n Y [Yi − β0 − β1 Xi ]2 max exp − β0 ,β1 2σ 2 i=1 What is the least squares solution (maximum likelihood estimator)? P P (Xi − X̄)(Yi − Ȳ ) i Xi Yi − nX̄ Ȳ P βb0 = Ȳ − βb1 X̄, βb1 = i P = 2 2 2 (X − X̄) i i i Xi − nX̄ What are the variances of the least squares estimates? σ2 2 i (Xi − X̄) Var(βb0 ) = σ 2 Var(βb1 ) = P 1 X̄ 2 +P 2 n i (Xi − X̄) Other relevant facts: • Sum of residuals is zero. So P • i (Xi − X̄) = 0 1.5 P i (Yi − Ybi ) = 0 Regression: Goodness of Fit Tests Notations and Formulas • SSE, SSR, SST represent sum of squares error, sum of squares regression, and sum of squares total. In formula X X X SSE = (Yi − Ŷi )2 SSR = (Ŷi − Ȳ )2 SST = SSE + SSR = (Yi − Ȳ )2 i i i • Shortcut for SSR: SSR = β̂12 X (Xi − X̄)2 i • Variance of the regression: SSE n−q q is degree of freedoms lost. For two-variable model, q = 2. s2 = • Coefficient of determination: R2 = SSR/SST . It is the percentage of variability in Yi explained by the variability in Xi . Goodness of Fit Tests for Regression 1. F-test to test the significance of the entire regression. Calculate SSR/1 F1,N −q = SSE/(n − q) 2. T-test to test the significance of only one particular coefficient. To test: H0 : β = b, calculate β̂ − b T = SEβb If σ 2 is known, then we use Z instead of T . 7 1.6 Markov Chains 1.6 1 STATISTICS AND STOCHASTIC PROCESSES Markov Chains Notation • Qn : transition matrix at time n • Mn : the state of chain at time n. • k Q: transition matrix after k periods, k Qn : transition matrix from time n to time n + k. (i) • k P (i) : probability of staying in i for next k periods given currently in i, k Pn : is the same but current time is n. What? Homogeneous Nonhomogeneous Transition probabilities depend on time? No Yes Transition matrix after k periods Staying probability for k periods (in state i) kQ kP (i) = Qk k = Q(i,i) k Qn (i) k Pn = Qn Qn+1 · · · Qn+k−1 (i,i) (i,i) (i,i) = Qn Qn+1 · · · Qn+k−1 Table 1: Markov Chain Comparison Absorbing Chain If Q has an absorbing state S and starts in non-absorbing state i, the probability k Q(i,S) is the probability of starting from i and going to S within k periods and not during period k. Sum Triple Product Actuarial present value can be calculated as summation of a product of three values: probability of cashflow occurring, values of cashflow and discount factor. 1.7 Poisson Processes Definition and Notation • What is a counting process and what properties must a process Nt satisfy o be a counting process? Counting process represents the total number of arrivals by time t. Nt ≥ 0, Nt is integer-valued, if s < t. then Ns ≤ Nt , and for s < t, N (t) − N (s) represents the number of arrivals in the interval (s, t]. • What does ‘independent increments’ and ‘stationary increments’ mean? A process has independent increments if number of arrivals in two disjoint periods of time are independent of each other. A process has stationary increments if the distribution of Ns+t − Ns is independent of s or t. • Let Xk be the time the interarrival time between (k − 1) occurrence and k th occurrence. Define Wn = X1 + X2 + . . . + Xn for n > 0 This is the waiting time until the occurrence of the nth arrival • What is a Poisson Process and its properties? Poisson process is a counting process with exponential interarrival times (i.e. Xk are exponential), independent increments and stationary increments. Other properties include 8 1.7 Poisson Processes 1 STATISTICS AND STOCHASTIC PROCESSES 1. N0 = 0 2. P(Nh = 1) = λh + o(h) 3. P(Nh ≥ 2) = o(h) Homogeneity means the process has constant intensity λ. • The intensity of a nonhomogeneous Poisson Process is a function of time, denoted λ(t). What is the mean number of arrivals between time a and b? b Z λ(t)∂t a Interarrival times What is the distribution of Wn for Poisson Process? Since Xk is exponential for a Poisson Process with intensity λ, Wn is Gamma with parameters n and 1/λ. Fewer arrivals means waiting time is longer. More arrivals means waiting time is shorter. Therefore, Wn ≤ t ⇔ Nt ≥ n Combining, Mixing and Thinning a Process What do we get from combining two independent Poisson Processes and from selecting a fraction of arrivals, p, from a Poisson process? The latter is called thinning a process. Combining two independent Poisson Processes with intensities λ1 and λ2 gives a Poisson Process with intensity λ1 + λ2 . Thinning a Poisson Process gives a new Poisson Process with intensity pλ. What’s the difference between mixing and thinning? Thinning a process is decomposing arrivals into subsets of arrivals from a main process with intensity λ. Mixing a process is having different sets of arrivals but they are not obtained from decomposing down a larger process. For example, if we think of arrivals as claims, mixing involves different types of insured: high risk, average, low risk and thinning involves different types of claims: claims over 50k and claims under 50k. Most important difference is that the number of arrivals in a mixed process follows a mixture of two Poisson distributions and is not a single Poisson. In mixing, λ differs by risk and thus it is random. For problems like this, they may require Baye’s Theorem to solve. Number of Different Arrivals • Given n independent Poisson Processes with intensities λ1 , · · · , λn , what is the probability the first arrival comes from process k? λk n X λi i=1 • Given 2 independent Poisson Processes with intensities λ1 and λ2 , what is the probability of seeing n events from process 1 before k events from process 2? It is equal to the probability of seeing AT LEAST n events from process 1 before the (n + k)th arrival. Sum up the binomial probabilities from n to n+k −1 using success probability, λ1 /(λ1 +λ2 ). • Given n independent Poisson Processes with intensities λ1 , · · · , λn , what is the probability of seeing 9 1.8 Random walk and Martingale 1 STATISTICS AND STOCHASTIC PROCESSES at least one of each type before time t? P(every process with at least one arrival by t) = = n Y i=1 n Y P(at least 1 arrival from process i by t) 1 − e−λi t i=1 Compound Poisson Process Suppose now for each arrival, we get a process pair (Ns , Ys ). Ys can be anything, for example, for arrival of claims, Ns , Ys can be claim amount. This is a compound poisson process. What is the expected value and variance of the aggregate value of Y 0 s, S, over a period of t units? This is a random sum problem. Using formulas (1) and (2), we have Var(S) = λtE(Y 2 ) E(S) = λtE(Y ) 1.8 Random walk and Martingale • What is a random walk? What is a symmetric random walk? Let Xt be 1 with probability p and −1 with probability 1 − p for non-negative integers t. Then Pt St = i=1 Xt is a random walk. A symmetric random walk is a random walk with p = 0.5. • What is a martingale? A random process is a martingale if the conditional expected value of a future value given the current is the current. E(Xn+1 | Xn ) = Xn . Example: Symmetric random walk. E(Sn+1 | Sn ) = E(Sn + Xn−1 | Sn ) = Sn + E(Xn+1 | Sn ) = Sn 1.9 Brownian Motion Standard Brownian Motion • Standard Brownian Motion Z(t) satisfies what basic properties? Z(t) is continuous, Z(0) = 0, Z(t + s) − Z(t) ∼ N (0, s), and Z(t + s1 ) − Z(t) is independent of Z(t) − Z(t − s2 ). • What is the distribution of Z(t)? √ Z(t) ∼ N (0, t) • What is the relationship between Standard Brownian Motion and a symmetric random walk? √ Take a symmetric random walk, take m steps of size 1/ m and each step takes time 1/m. As m → ∞, it approaches a Standard Brownian Motion. √ √ Let ∂t represents the time in between steps so ∂t = 1/m. Thus, each step √ is size 1/ m = ∂t. Then, for a symmetric random walk with each step requiring ∂t and size dt, we have a standard Brownian Motion on (0, 1). So, √ ∂Z(t) = St ∂t and is also a martingale. Arithmetic and Geometric Brownian Motion 10 1.9 Brownian Motion 1 STATISTICS AND STOCHASTIC PROCESSES • How to write Arithmetic Brownian Motion X(t) in terms of Z(t)? X(t) = µt + σZ(t), µ is called the drift and σ is the volatility. • Arithmetic Brownian Motion X(t) satisfies what properties? It is continuous, has independent increments and X(t + s) − X(t) ∼ N (µs, σ 2 s). • X(t) is a Geometric Brownian Motion if log X(t) is a .....? What is the distribution of log X(t) − log X(0)? X(t) is a Geometric Brownian Motion if log X(t) is an Arithmetic Brownian Motion. X(t) log ∼ N ((µ − 0.5σ 2 )t, σ 2 t) X(0) • Geometric Brownian Motion X(t) satisfies what properties? √ X(t) is continuous, X(t + s)/X(t) is lognormal with parameters µs and σ s, and ratios of disjoint time intervals are independent. 11 2 2 LIFE CONTINGENCY Life Contingency 2.1 Survival Distribution: Survival Probabilities Notations: 1. X is the age at death. T (x) is the number of years until death for (x) (also known as complete survival time). 2. t px = P(X > x + t X ≥ x) is the probability that (x) survives an additional t years. 3. t qx = 1 −t px is the probability that (x) dies within t years. 4. t|u qx = P(x + t < X ≤ x + t + u X ≥ x) 5. `x is the expected number of lives in year x and dx is the expected number of deaths in year x. Z ∞ 6. µx is the mortality rate given survival to age x. Valid if µx ∂x = ∞. 0 Formulas: What? t px = Relations to Equals to `x `x+t `x qx `x dx `x+1 − `x = `x `x t qx s(x) s(x) − s(x + t) s(x) t|u qx `x µx s(x) t px µx u px · t px+u `x+t − `x+t+u = t px − `x t+u px f (x) ∂ =− log s(x) s(x) ∂x x+t Z exp − µx ∂x x Z t|u qx µx , x+t+u Z t px x+t t|u qx − ∂ t px ∂t qx+t , x+t+u fT (t)∂t = t px t px x+t t px µx , t px · u qx+t t px µx+t 12 · µx+t ∂t 2.2 2.2 Survival Distribution: Moments 2 LIFE CONTINGENCY Survival Distribution: Moments Notations 1. e̊x = E[T (x)]: mean number of years until death for (x). Also known as complete life expectancy. 2. e̊x:n̄ = E[min{T (x), n}]: mean number of years lived within the next n years. Also known as n-year temporary complete life expectancy. 3. ex = E[K(x)]: mean future lifetime not counting last fraction of year (number of complete years lived). Formulas The first and second moments can be derived using integration by parts. Z ∞ Z ∞ 4 e̊x = t · t px µx+t ∂t = −tt px ]∞ + t px ∂t 0 0 know this 0 ∵ lim t · t px = 0 t px ∂t t→∞ 0 know this = ∂ t px = t px µx+t ∂t ∞ Z = 4 E T (x)2 ∵− Z ∞ t · t px ∂t 2 0 n Z 4 e̊x:n̄ t · t px µx+t ∂t + n · = n px 0 know this n Z = t px ∂t 0 2 4 E[min{T (x), n} ] know this = Z n t · t px ∂t 2 0 4 e̊x know this 4 e̊x know this 4 ex:n̄ know this = = = ω−x if the remaining lifetime for (x) is uniform 2 ω−x If the remaining lifetime for (x) is beta α+1 n−1 X k k| qx + n n px = k=0 4 E[min{K(x), n}2 ] know this = n−1 X k px k=1 k2 2 k| qx + n n px = k=0 2.3 n X n X (2k − 1) k px k=1 Survival Distribution: Recursions Notations Z ∞ 1. Tx is the total future lifetime of a group of `x individuals. Tx = `x+t ∂t 0 2. n Lx is the total future lifetime of a group of `x individuals over the next n years. Z n Lx n `x+t ∂t ≈ = 0 n−1 X k=0 13 `x+k + `x+k+1 2 2.4 Survival Distribution: Mortality Laws 2 LIFE CONTINGENCY 3. mx , also known as central death rate, is the number of deaths divided by the average number alive during the period. Also, n mx is the average death rate for n years. For n > 1, it is smaller than n qx since the latter is the total death rate. In general, n mx = n dx n Lx 4. a(x) is the fraction of the year lived by those dying during the year. Lx − `x+1 dx a(x) = 5. Percentile π of survival time is time t that satisfies t px = 1 − π. Life Expectancy Identities What? Using Equals to e̊x quantities from notations above Tx `x e̊x:n̄ quantites from notations above n Lx `x Recursion Identities Formulas for recursive computations of life expectancies. Use when mortality changes. e̊x = e̊x:n̄| + ex = ex:n̄| + n px n px ·e̊x+n · ex+n ex:n̄| = m px · ex+m:n−m| for n 6= 1 (4) p (1 + e x x+1 ) ex:m| + (3) for n = 1 for 1 < m < n (can be replaced by e̊x ) (5) px 1 + e x+1:n−1| for n = 1 Think of life expectancy being broken into two pieces: (1) life expectancy for first n years, in addition, (2) life expectancy at (x + n) weighted by the probability of surviving n years. 2.4 Survival Distribution: Mortality Laws Mortality Laws: Parameterized models for X 1. Exponential, F (x) = 1 − e−µx (has memoryless property: probability of survival from age x to x + t is the same as from 0 to t). As a result, µx = µ is constant. 2. Uniform(0, ω), F (x) = x ω ⇒ µx = 1 ω−x . This is the basic De Moivre Law. 14 2.4 Survival Distribution: Mortality Laws 2 LIFE CONTINGENCY α . Beta distribution with parameters θ = ω, a = 1, b = α. ω−x 3. Generalized De Moivre Law. µx = 4. Gompertz: Death rate is the sum of age dependent factors: µx = BC x . Makeham states that it is the sum of independent and dependent factors: µx = A + BC x . 5. Weibull: F (x) = 1 − exp{(− xθ )τ } Uniform Distribution of Deaths (UDD) Assumes a uniform distribution of deaths within each year of age. For 1 ≥ s ≥ 0, `x+s = `x − s · dx In words, the meaning: Number of remaining lives after s years for (x) decreases linearly with time on a unit time interval. Using this, it can be shown that s qx = sqx and s px = 1 − sqx for 0 ≤ s ≤ 1. − µx+t = d (t px ) qx dt = p 1 − tqx t x Other formula: s qx+t = sqx 1 − tqx for 0 ≤ s + t ≤ 1 DeMoivre’s Law Different from UDD. Uniform not on unit intervals [x, x + 1] but on an entire lifetime [0, ω]. The force of mortality for the uniform case and in general is µx = 1 ω−x and α ω−x µx = Constant Force of Mortality Force of mortality is constant, µx = µ and the survival probability is exponential, i.e. t px = exp{−tµ} What? DeMoivre’s Law s(x) ω−x ω µx 1 ω−x 1− t px ex n· n px t ω−x + n 2 ω−x ω α α ω−x 1− ω−x 2 e̊x e̊x:n Modified DeMoivre’s Law t ω−x ω−x α+1 · Exponential e−µx µ α e−µt 1 µ n qx ω−x−1 2 Table 2: Mortality Formulas for DML and Constant Mortality 15 2.5 Insurance 2.5 2 LIFE CONTINGENCY Insurance Notations Z is the actuarial present value of the benefit paid out by a life insurance policy. bt and vt are the benefit and discount rate at time t respectively. K(x) is the curtate future lifetime of (x). This is the discrete version of T (x). Z ∞ n For payment at time of death: E(Z ) = bnt vtn px µx+t ∂t 0 For payment at end of year: E(Z n ) = ∞ X bnk v n(k+1) P(K = k) = k=0 ∞ X bnk v n(k+1) k| qx k=0 Life Insurance Symbol for E(Z) Z (at death) Z (end of year) Whole Āx vT v K+1 n-year term Ā1x:n̄| v T if T ≤ n, 0 otherwise v K+1 if K < n, 0 otherwise n-year deferred n| Āx v T if T > n, 0 otherwise v K+1 if K ≥ n, 0 otherwise n-year deferred m-year term n|m Āx v T if n < T ≤ n + m, 0 otherwise v K+1 if n < K ≤ n + m, 0 otherwise v n if T ≥ n, 0 otherwise same v min{T,n} v K+1 if K < n, v n otherwise n-year pure endowment n-year endowment 1 Ax:n̄| or n Ex Āx:n̄| Table 3: Table assumes bt = b = 1. For end of year payment insurance, there are no bar on top of A. What? DeMoivre’s Law Exponential Āx aω−x ω−x µ µ+δ Ax aω−x ω−x 1 µ+δ āx Table 4: Insurance and Annuity Formulas for DML and Constant Mortality Useful Facts and Identities • What is variance of the present value variable Z? Actuarial present value at double the force of interest, 2δ, minus the square of actuarial present value at δ. • A whole life end-of-year payment insurance is the sum of n-year term and (x + n) whole life endof-year insurance discounted back n years. 1 Ax = A1x:n̄ + vn px Ax+n = A1x:n̄ + Ax:n̄| · Ax+n = A1x:n̄ + (Ax:n − A1x:n̄ ) · Ax+n 16 2.5 Insurance 2 LIFE CONTINGENCY • Rules for actuarial PV notations The bar over A indicates payment at the moment of death. No bar means payment at end of year. Subscript to the left of A indicates deferral period. The superscript 1 right on top of n pays a benefit only if T > n. To the left of n means benefit is paid only if T ≤ n. • How to find the variance of n-year endowment? PV of endowment (Z) is the sum of the PV of n-year term insurance (Z1 ) and PV of n-year pure endowment (Z2 ). Then apply definition for a variance of a sum. So, Z = Z1 + Z2 ⇒ Var(Z) = Var(Z1 ) + Var(Z2 ) − 2E(Z1 )E(Z2 ) since Z1 and Z2 are disjoint • What is the distribution of Z for a large group of insured? Find E(Z) and Var(Z) for one person and apply Central Limit Theorem. • How to find percentile of Z? Assume benefit is level. P(Z < z) = p ⇒ P(v T < z) = p ⇒ P(T > z ∗ ) = p So 100p percentile of Z is 100(1 − p) percentile of T . For Z, a monotonic function of T , t that satisfies t px = p is 100(1 − p) percentile of T and 100p percentile of Z. To calculate 100p percentile for n-year deferred insurance, find x > n such that P(n ≤ T ≤ x) = 1 − p. In figure 1, if we want to find 80th percentile of Z, let v t equal to the value of Z that is exceeded by only 20% of the values of Z. Then find t such that 5 px − t px = 0.20. Another way to derive FZ (z) for Figure 1 is to realize it’s equal to 5 qx + t px . Recursive Formulas Ax = vqx + vpx Ax+1 ends until px = 0 Ax:n̄ = vqx + vpx Ax+1:n−1 ends until x + n − 1 n| Ax = vpx n−1| Ax+1 ends when deferral period ends The term vqx is the term insurance for 1 year. For continuous payment insurance, replace A with Ā and vqx with Āx:1̄| . Increasing and Decreasing Life Insurance n-year increasing insurance pays k if death occurs in year k until year n. n-year decreasing insurance pays n if death occurs in year 1, (n − 1) in year 2, etc. The symbols are (IA)1x:n̄ and (DA)1x:n̄ for n-year increasing and decreasing term insurance. Some recursive identities: (IA)1x:n̄ (DA)1x:n̄ = A1x:n̄ + vpx (IA)1x+1:n−1 = nA1x:1̄ + vpx (DA)1x+1:n−1 17 2.5 Insurance 2 LIFE CONTINGENCY Z (t,z) 5 t T Figure 1: Pain graph of 5-year deferred life insurance. (DA)1x:n̄ = nA1x:1̄ + vpx (DA)1x+1:n−1 nA1x:1̄ (DA)1x+1:n−1 Figure 2: Rectangle shortcut to derive recursive relation for increasing/decreasing insurance 18 2.6 Annuities 2.6 2 LIFE CONTINGENCY Annuities Formulas and Notes for Continuous Annuities • Denote actuarial present value for annuities by E(Y ) • n-year certain and life annuity is the sum of n-year annuity certain and n-year deferred life. • For āx , ∞ Z āx āt̄| · t px µx+t ∂t (Expectation formula) = Z0 ∞ = v t t px ∂t (Current payment technique) 0 • āx = 1 − Āx:n̄| 1 − Āx and āx:n̄| = . So, δ δ n| āx = āx − āx:n̄ = Āx:n̄| − Āx δ Life Annuity Symbol Description Payment logic Whole āx Pays until death T 1, ∀t ≤ T n-year temporary āx:n̄ pays until earliest between T and n 1, ∀t ≤ min(T, n), 0 otherwise n-year deferred n| āx starts after n years until death 1, ∀n < t ≤ T, 0 otherwise n-year deferred m-year temporary n|m āx starts after n years and ends n + m in years 1, ∀n < t ≤ n + m and t ≤ T 0 otherwise n-year certain and life āx:n̄| Until latest date between n and death 1, ∀t ≤ max(T, n) Table 5: Summary of life annuities with continuous payments. Formulas and Notes for Discrete Annuities Type Whole Annuity-Due äx = ∞ X v k−1 k−1 px äx:n̄| = n X ax = ∞ X v t t px t=1 k=1 Temporary Annuity-Immediate v k−1 k−1 px ax:n̄| = n X v t t px t=1 k=1 Table 6: Discrete Annuities: Current Payment Technique 19 2.6 Annuities 2 LIFE CONTINGENCY • Useful Identities ax:n̄ = äx:n+1| − 1 ax:n̄ = äx:n̄| − 1 + äx:n̄ = äx − sx:n̄ = Ex+n s̈x:n+1| − sx:n̄ = s̈x:n̄| + 1 − n Ex 1 n Ex 1 n Ex n Ex äx+n • Shortcuts for Whole Life Annuity-due and immediate: For K, curtate lifetime, äK+1| = 1 − v K+1 . Take expected value to get actuarial present value. d äx = For whole life annuity immediate, denoted aK̄ = vax = 1 − Ax d 1 − vK . So, i v − Ax ⇒ iax = 1 − (1 + i)Ax i • Temprary Life Annuity-due and immediate: For temporary life annuity-due, 1 − Ax:n̄| d Temporary life annuity-due by definition of expectation: äx:n̄| = äx:n̄| = n X äk̄| k−1 px qx+k−1 + än̄| · n px k=1 k−1 px qx+k−1 is the probability of living k − 1 full years and fewer than k full years. For temporary life annuity-immediate (don’t memorize), ax:n̄ + 1 −n Ex = äx:n̄| = 1 − Ax:n̄| 1 − (1 + i)Ax:n̄ + in Ex 1 − Ax:n̄ + iA1x:n̄ ⇒ ax:n̄ = = d i i • Annuity-due, in general: E(Y ) = ∞ X bt v t−1 t−1 px , bt is payment in beginning of year t. t=1 • Accumulated Values s̈x:n̄| = äx:n̄| n Ex Variance of Annuities Use the shortcut definition for calculating life annuities (involving insurance). Var(āT ) = Var 1 − vT δ 2 = Āx − Ā2x δ2 The same applies to n-year temporary life annuity (use shortcut definition with endowment). For annuitydue, the denominator is d2 . 20 2.6 Annuities 2 LIFE CONTINGENCY Percentile of Annuities Y , the present value of annuities, increases with T . So percentile p of Y is percentile p of T . Therefore to find the percentile of Y , first find the same percentile of T , call it t. Then plug in t into the formula for Y , i.e. 1 − vT Y = δ to get the percentile of Y . Recursive Formulas • Whole Life Annuities ax = E(v K | K ≥ 1)P(K ≥ 1) + E(v K | K < 1)P(K < 1) = (v + vax+1 )px + 0 · qx = vpx + vpx ax+1 äx = E(v K+1 | K ≥ 1)P(K ≥ 1) + E(v K+1 | K < 1)P(K < 1) = (1 + väx+1 )px + 1 · qx = 1 + vpx äx+1 āx = āx:1 + vpx āx+1 • Temporary Life Annuities ax:n̄| = vpx + vpx ax+1:n−1| äx:n̄| = 1 + vpx äx+1:n−1| āx:n̄| = āx:1 + vpx āx+1:n−1| • n-year certain and life annuities: If death occurs, annuity-certain payments. If no death, recurse further. ax:n̄| = v + vqx an−1 + vpx ax+1:n−1| äx:n̄| = 1 + vqx än−1 + vpx äx+1:n−1| āx:n̄| = ā1 + vqx ān−1 + vpx āx+1:n−1| • Best to work out these formulas from graphs than to memorize them. Take following as example. äx:n äx+1:n−1 1 1 1 1 1 Figure 3: Annuity recursion picture shortcut. Suppose n = 5 We know 1 is the first payment of äx:n . So äx:n = 1 + something. From the picture, the future expected payment (consists of all payments in the future) is äx+1:n−1 , if (x) survives the current year. So we discount äx+1:n−1 by the probability of surviving the current year and interest rate. 21 2.7 Premiums: Equivalence Principle and Loss at Issue 2.7 2 LIFE CONTINGENCY Premiums: Equivalence Principle and Loss at Issue Definition • Equivalence Principle: Actuarial present value of benefit premiums must equal to the actuarial present value of death benefits. • Fully continuous insurance: Death benefit is paid at the moment of death and the premiums are payable continuously. • Full discrete insurance: Death benefit is paid at the end of year and the premiums are payable at beginning of the year • Loss at issue: Mathematically it is 0L = APV(Benefits) − APV(Premiums) So the random variable is the excess of benefits over premiums or how much the insurer is expected to lose. Equivalence principle determines the premium to ensure E(0 L) = 0. Premium Formulas by Equivalence Principle Name Fully Continuous Whole Life P̄ (Āx ) = Āx āx Fully Discrete Px = Ax äx = Āx āx:n n Px = Ax äx:n n-year Endowment P̄ (Āx:n ) = Āx:n āx:n Px:n = Ax:n äx:n n-year Term P̄ (Ā1x:n ) = Ā1x:n āx:n 1 Px:n = A1x:n äx:n n-payment Whole Life n P̄ (Āx ) Other Premiums Formulas by Equivalence Principle Deferred Insurance: n-year deferred insurance assuming payments are made during the deferral period only, n| Āx P̄ (n| Āx ) = āx:n Deferred Annuity: n-year deferred annuity assuming payments are made during the deferral period only, P̄ (n| āx ) = n| āx āx:n Premium Refunds For an insurance that refunds all premiums without interest, then the refund of premiums forms an increasing insurance. If π is the premium and lasts forever, APV(Death Benefits) = Ax + π(IA)x 22 2.8 Premiums: Percentile and Variance of Loss at Issue 2 LIFE CONTINGENCY If there are only n payments of π, then APV(Death Benefits) = Ax + π[(IA)x:n̄ + n · 2.8 n| Ax ] Premiums: Percentile and Variance of Loss at Issue Percentile of Loss at Issue By definition, a 100p percentile of 0 L, L0 satsifies P(0 L < L0 ) = 1 − p (6) 0L decreases as T increases. For level non-deferred insurance, the probability (6) corresponds to finding t of (t, L0 ) such that 1 − p = P(T ≤ t) = 1 − P(T > t) = 1 − t px Variance of Loss at Issue The variance of loss at issue for continuous case is Var(0 L) = 2 Āx − Ā2x 1+ π 2 δ Var(0 L) = 2 Āx − Ā2x 1+ π 2 d For the discrete case, These work for only endowment and whole life insurance. Derivation: 0L ⇒ Var(0 L) π π = v T − πāT = v T 1 + − δ δ π 2 = Var(v T ) 1 + δ = 2.9 2 Āx − Ā2x 1+ π 2 δ Reserves: Prospective and Retrospective Formulas Definition • t L represents the prospective loss after t. It is the excess of the APV of death benefits after t over the APV of premiums that will be received after t. • E(t L | T > t) = t V is the reserve after t. It’s how much to save for years after t. In other words, the reserve and the APV of the premiums should be enough to cover the APV of death benefits. APVt (Premiums) + t V = APVt (death benefits) • Prospective loss is always correct in calculating reserves. • Retrospective loss at t is the accumulated value of benefit premiums minus the accumulated cost of insurance to time t. If premiums determined through equivalence principle, reserves may be calculated retrospectively. • t kx is the accumulated cost of the past insurance. In most cases, t kx = 23 A1x:t| t Ex 2.10 Reserves: Other Formulas 2 Type of Reserves Prospective k Vx Whole Life LIFE CONTINGENCY Retrospecitve = Ax+k − Px äx+k k Vx = Px s̈x:k − k kx Endowment k Vx:n̄ = Ax+k:n−k − Px:n̄ äx+k:n−k k Vx:n̄ = Px:n̄ s̈x:k − k kx Term k Vx:n̄ 1 = A1x+k:n−k − Px:n̄ äx+k:n−k k Vx:n̄ 1 = Px:n̄ s̈x:k − k kx h-pay whole life h k Vx:n̄ = Ax+k − h Px äx+k:h−k k<h h k Vx:n̄ A x+k k≥h = h Px s̈x:k − k kx h Px s̈x:h − k−h Ex+h k kx k<h k≥h Table 7: Reserves Prospective and Retrospective Formula 2.10 Reserves: Other Formulas • Premium Difference Formula: Factor out the annuity from the prospective formula. For example, h i t V̄ (Āx:n| ) = P̄ (Āx+t:n−t| ) − P̄ (Āx:n| ) āx+t:n−t| • Paid Out Insurance Formula: Factor out the insurance from the prospective formula. For example, # " P̄ (Āx:n| ) Āx+t:n−t| t V̄ (Āx:n| ) = 1 − P̄ (Āx+t:n−t| ) • Three Premium Principle Given two insurances with identical death benefits through time n, difference of benefit reserves at time n is the actuarial AV at time n of their benefit premiums. Note that 1/s̈x:n = Px:n1 . Between Endowment and term Endowment and whole life Endowment and n-pay life n-pay life and whole life n-pay life and term whole life and term Formula 1 (Px:n − Px:n )s̈x:n = 1 (Px:n − Px )s̈x:n = (1 − n Vx ) (Px:n − n Px )s̈x:n = (1 − Ax+n ) (n Px − Px )s̈x:n = (Ax+n − n Vx ) 1 (n Px − Px:n )s̈x:n = Ax+n 1 (Px − Px:n )s̈x:n = n Vx Table 8: Three Premium Principle • Annuity ratio and Insurance Ratio Works for whole life insurance and endowment with premiums rated under equivalence principle. äx+t:n−t annuity ratio äx:n̄ Ax+t:n−t − Ax:n̄ insurance ratio 1 − Ax:n̄ t Vx:n = 1− t Vx:n = 24 2.11 Reserves: Variance and Recursive Definition 2.11 2 LIFE CONTINGENCY Reserves: Variance and Recursive Definition Variance of prospective loss Under equivalence principle, Var(t L | T (x) ≥ t) 2 P = Var(Z) 1 + δ 2 = 2 = Ax+t − A2x+t (1 − Ax+t )2 general whole life Ax+t:n−t − A2x+t:n−t (1 − Ax+t:n−t )2 endowment Recursion Works for fully discrete reserves only: Reserve up to t accumulated to t + 1 must be enough to cover for deaths during t + 1 and those who die after (t + 1). (t V + πt )(1 + i) | {z } reserve accumulated from t to t + 1 = qx+t · bt+1 + | {z } pay bt+1 if death px+t · t+1 V | {z } keep rest for survivors Rearrange and get t+1 V = (t V + πt )(1 + i) − qx+t (bt+1 − (bt+1 − t+1 V 2.12 Multiple Lives: Probabilities and Moments t+1 V ) ) is net amount at risk and t V + πt is the initial reserve during [t, t + 1]. Notation • Joint life probability pxy or px:y • Last survivor probability pxy or px:y t pxy t qxy What under independence under independence t pxy t qxy t|u qxy t|u qxy e̊xy T (xy) + T (xy) T (xy) · T (xy) Equals to t px t py 1 − t px t py t px + t py − t pxy t qx t qy p − p t xy t+u xy or t pxy u qx+t:y+t t pxy − t+u pxy e̊xy +e̊xy = e̊x +e̊y T (x) + T (y) T (x) · T (y) Table 9: Multiple Lives Probabilities and Moments Properties Other Formulas ∞ Z e̊xy = Z t pxy dt e̊xy = 0 Z e̊xy:n̄ = ∞ t pxy dt 0 n Z t pxy dt Var[T (xy)] = 2 0 0 25 ∞ t t pxy dt −e̊2xy 2.13 Multiple Lives: Premiums and Insurance 2 LIFE CONTINGENCY Cov(T (xy), T (xy)) = Cov(T (x), T (y)) + (e̊x −e̊xy )(e̊y −e̊xy ) Derivation of covariance formula: Cov(T (xy), T (xy)) = E[T (xy) · T (xy)] − ET (xy)ET (xy) = E[T (x) · T (y)] − ET (xy) · E(T (x) + T (y) − T (xy)) = E[T (x) · T (y)] − (e̊xy e̊x +e̊xy e̊y −e̊2xy ) +e̊x e̊y −e̊x e̊y = Cov(T (x), T (y)) + (e̊x −e̊xy )(e̊y −e̊xy ) Caution! Wrong Formulas for Last Survivor Probabilities 1. t+u pxy 2. t|u qxy 2.13 = t pxy u px+t:y+t = t pxy u qx+t:y+t Multiple Lives: Premiums and Insurance Multiple Lives Identities for 1. Discount factor v v T (x) + v T (y) = v T (xy) + v T (xy) 2. Annuity āx + āy = āxy + āxy 3. Insurance Āx + Āy = Āxy + Āxy For non whole-life insurance, put cap symbol on top of xy in Āxy to represent that x and y are treated as a joint status. Endowment as an example: Ax:n̄ + Ay:n̄ = A xy :n̄ + Axy:n̄ Note: Above works for all kind of insurance and shortcut formulas for annuity and insurance still work in multiple lives. 2.14 Multiple Lives: Reversionary Annuity Reversionary annuity pays an annuity to one status after another status has failed. Annuity that pays (y) after (x) has died is ax|y ax|y = ay − axy Other kind of annuities: Paying while either one of them is alive: ax + ay Paying while one of (x) and (y) is alive and the other is dead: ax|y + ay|x 26 2.15 Multiple Decrements Models 2.15 2 LIFE CONTINGENCY Multiple Decrements Models Notation • J (or j) represents type of failure or decrement. (j) • t qx is the probability of (x) failing within t years due to decrement j. If t = ∞, it’s te probability of ever failing due to decrement j. • p(τ ) is the probability of surviving all the decrements. • Distribution function FT,J (t, j) = P(T ≤ t and J ≤ j) (j) • bt is benefit paid at time t for decrement j Formulas What Equals to (j) t−1| qx (τ ) (j) t−1 px qx+t−1 t Z (j) t qx (τ ) (j) s px µx+s ∂s 0 ∞ X single benefit premium X (j) (j) ) v t t−1 p(τ qx+t−1 bt x t=1 j Z t (τ ) exp − µx+s ∂s (τ ) t px 0 Table 10: Multiple Decrement Model Formulas Caution! (τ ) t px Z t (τ ) = exp − µx+s ∂s BUT NOT: (j) t px Z t (j) = exp − µx+s ∂s 0 0 Formula Derivation (j) t−1| qx = (τ ) (j) t−1 px qx+t−1 Comments: Must survive all decrements first before dying due to (j). First probability represents the probability of surviving all decrements for t − 1 years. ∂FT,J (t, j) ∂j (j) µx+t = f (t, j) (τ ) t px (j) = P(T ≤ t and J = j) = t q0 (j) = ∂ t qx ∂t 1 (τ ) t px ⇒ (j) t qx Z = t (τ ) (j) s px µx+s ∂s 0 Comments: f (t, j) is the joint pdf of T and J and is also the derivative of F (t, j). Second equation derived from definition of force of mortality. 27 3 3 FINANCIAL ECONOMICS Financial Economics 3.1 Forwards and Prepaid Forwards No dividend Discrete Dividend Continuous Dividend 3.2 Forward (F0,T ) S0 erT rT S0 e − FV(Dividends) S0 e(r−δ)T P Prepaid Forward (F0,T ) S0 S0 − PV(Dividends) S0 e−δT Put-Call Parity and European and American Options Put-Call Parity No strike asset: P C(S, K, T ) − P (S, K, T ) = F0,T − Ke−rT Exchange options (want to purchase S1 with S2 as strike): P P C(S1 , S2 , T ) − P (S1 , S2 , T ) = C(S1 , S2 , T ) − C(S2 , S1 , T ) = F0,T (S1 ) − F0,T (S2 ) Currency options: Similar to exchange options in that there’s a currency rate you want to purchase and one that serves as strike rate. For S0 in the prepaid forward pricing, use the spot exchange rate x0 . For a C1 -denominated option on C2 , strike price and premiums are in the currency C1 and C2 is the rate getting purchased. Early exercise or sell American Options For non-dividend paying stocks, it is not better to exercise an American call early (as opposed to selling it). Put-call partiy shows that the American call premium is strictly greater than the early exercise payoff at time t, St − K. For dividend paying stocks, it is possible that it is more optimal to exercise early. Again, put-call parity shows this. For American put options, there is a possibility that it is optimal to exercise early regardless of whether dividends are paid. For calls, dividends are the reason to receive stock early and for puts, interest on the strike is the reason to receive the strike price early. Different Strike Price Assume strike prices K1 < K2 < K3 . Here are three inequalities that apply to option premiums (for non-arbitrage to hold). 1. C(S, K1 , T ) ≥ C(S, K2 , T ) P (S, K1 , T ) ≤ P (S, K2 , T ) Arbitrage opportunity: If first not true, buy low-strike call and sell high-strike call. If second not true, buy high-strike put and sell low-strike put. 2. C(S, K1 , T ) − C(S, K2 , T ) ≤ K2 − K1 P (S, K2 , T ) − P (S, K1 , T ) ≤ K2 − K1 Arbitrage opportunity: If first not true, sell low-strike call and buy high strike call. If second not true, buy low-strike put and sell high strike put. 28 3.3 Binomial Option Pricing Models 3 FINANCIAL ECONOMICS 3. Interpretation: Call premiums decrease at a decreasing rate as strike increases and put premiums increase at an increasing rate as strike increases. C(S, K1 , T ) − C(S, K2 , T ) K2 − K1 P (S, K2 , T ) − P (S, K1 , T ) K2 − K1 ≥ ≤ C(S, K2 , T ) − C(S, K3 , T ) K3 − K 2 P (S, K3 , T ) − P (S, K2 , T ) K3 − K2 Arbitrage opportunity: If either condition were not true, then there is an asymmetric butterfly spread with positive profits at all prices. 3.3 Binomial Option Pricing Models Notation 1. S0 is price of stock at time 0. Sω is stock price after a sequence of movements ω ∈ 2{u,d} . B: amount that we lend at period 0. ∆: number of shares invested inside the replicating portfolio. r is the risk-free rate and δ is the continuous dividend rate. σ is the volatility (standard deviation) of stock movements annualized. p∗ is risk neutral probability. C is the option premium or also known as arbitrage-free price. 2. u and d are up and down factors that satisfy d < e(r−δ)h < u. Cω after movements ω. If binomial model is built using forward rates, then for a h-year binomial model, u = e(r−δ)h+σ √ h and d = e(r−δ)h−σ √ h It ensures no arbitrage will occur. 3. γ is the true discount rate for the option when risk-neutrality is not used (p the true probability is used). α is the discount rate of the stock (or the expected return on a stock). Formulas: What? Single Period ∆, ∆ω B, Bω Cu − Cd S0 (u − d) uCd − dCu u−d −δh N -Periods e e−rh Cω,u − Cω,d Sω (u − d) uCω,d − dCω,u u−d e−δh e−rh p∗ e(r−δ)h − d u−d e(r−δ)h − d u−d C (option premium), Cω S0 ∆ + B = e−rh [p∗ Cu + (1 − p∗ )Cd ] e−rh [p∗ Cω,u + (1 − p∗ )Cω,d ] Table 11: For an European option with h-year periods Derivation for Formulas of ∆ and B Solve the equations ∆uS0 eδh + Berh = Cu and ∆dS0 eδh + Berh = Cd 29 3.3 Binomial Option Pricing Models 3 FINANCIAL ECONOMICS Options on Futures Contracts and Currency Futures contract pay dividends. A futures contract of T years has price F = S0 e(r−δ)T . Also, √ does not 1−d ∗ u, d = exp(±σ h) and p = u−d . For currency, S0 is the spot exchange rate and dividend yield is the foreign (currency you are buying) risk-free rate. Discount Rate of Options under p What is the formula for true probability of going up? S0 eαh = (uS0 )eδh p + (1 − p)(dS0 )eδh ⇒ p = e(α−δ)h − d u−d What is the formula for the true discount rate of a replicating portfolio? The discount rate for replicating portfolio is weighted average of the discounting rates of the stock and bond. So eγh = ∆S0 B eαh + erh ⇒ Ceγh = ∆S0 eαh + Berh ∆S0 + B ∆S0 + B (7) Difference from using p or p∗ and different discount rates? The value of the option is the same whether one uses risk neutral probability with r as discount rate or uses true probability p with γ. Schroder Method Given an asset with fixed dividends, the stock may end up negative in a binomial model. To avoid that, Schroder method suggests using the pre-paid forward price as the new starting value in binomial tree. What is the starting price and the formula for σF , volatility of pre-paid forward? Also how about u, d, p∗ ? F = S − PV(Dividends) and S σF = σS F Calculations for u, d, p∗ remain the same. How to find the call premium Cw ? For an American call option, the real stock price at ω is S 0 = Sω + PV(dividends) and Cω = max{(S 0 − K)+ , e−r E∗ (Cω+1 )} For an European call option, the stock price remains the same and Cω = e−r E∗ (Cω+1 ) where E∗ (Cw+1 ) = p∗ Cω,U + q ∗ Cω,D 30 3.4 Black-Scholes Formula 3 FINANCIAL ECONOMICS Other Topics √ 1. Cox-Ross-Rubinstein Tree: u, d = exp{±σ h}. Arbitrage won’t happen for small h. √ 2. Lognormal Tree: u, d = exp{(r − δ − 0.5σ 2 )h ± σ h}. Arbitrage happens only for very large values of σ and h. 3. To estimate volatility σ, find the unbiased sample variance of log(St /St−1 ). To annualize, find σ 2 h, where h is the number of observations that would be gathered in a year. Square root that to get the estimated volatility. 3.4 Black-Scholes Formula Black-Scholes Formula The call and put premiums are given by C(S, K, σ, r, t) = F P (S)Φ(d1 ) − F P (K)Φ(d2 ) where and P (S, K, σ, r, t) = F P (K)Φ(−d2 ) − F P (S)Φ(−d1 ) √ P F (S) 1 σ h d1 , d2 = √ log ± F P (K) 2 σ h • For an option on a t-year future contract and forward price F , F P (S) = F e−rt . Greeks (Definition, Formula, Graph) 1. ∆ Def: Increase in option price as stock price increases. Formula: ∂C ∂S Can be interpreted as number of shares necessary to replicate the option. A call can be replicated through purchasing ∆ = e−δt Φ(d1 ) shares of stock and buying Ke−rt Φ(d2 ). The signs of d1 and d2 reverse for put options. 2. Γ 2 Def: Increase in ∆ as stock price increases. Formula: ∂∂SC2 Always positive and hump shaped. So call and put options are convex. 3. Vega Def: Increase in option price for every percentage point increase in volatility. Formula: 0.01 ∂C ∂σ Hump usually to the left of strike price. Longer the period to expiration, usually larger the Vega. 4. θ 1 −∂C Def: Increase in option price as time to expiry t decreases. Formula: 365 ∂t Mostly negative for calls with short expiration (especially at-the-money). Usually negative for puts unless in-the-money. For longer expirations, θ as function of S is flatter than shorter expirations: gradual decrease unless δ is large. 5. ρ Def: Increase in option price as r increases. Formula: 0.01 ∂C ∂r ρ is positive for call and negative for put. As function of stock price, it is increasing (the more in-the-money, it’s worth more). 6. Ψ Def: Increase in option price as δ increases. Formula: 0.01 ∂C ∂δ As a function of stock price, it is decreasing. Negative for calls and positive for puts. 31 3.5 Delta Hedging 3 FINANCIAL ECONOMICS Change in Portfolio Value To find the change of a position due to change in r, δ, or σ, multiply the respective greek to the percentage change in r, δ or σ. So change in option value due to 2% change in r would be ρ × 2. Put-Call Parity and Greeks Put-call parity can be used to derive formulas involving greeks between calls and puts. For ∆: C − P = Se−δt − Ke−rt ⇒ ∆C − ∆P = e−δt after taking partial derivative with respect to S As a result, ΓC = ΓP . Useful Measures • Greek of a portfolio: Greeks are linear in nature: Greek of portfolio is sum of Greeks of individual derivatives. • Elasticity: The ratio of percent change in option price to the percent change in stock price. Let be change in stock price. ∆/C ∆S = E= /S C • Option Volatility: σC = σS |E| • Risk Premiums and Sharpe Ratio: Risk premium is the excess of return rate of an asset over the risk free rate. For stock, it’s α − r and for option it is γ − r. From (7), (γ − r) = E(α − r) Sharpe ratio is the risk premium over the volatility. E(α − r) α−r γ−r = = σC EσS σS Miscellaneous Topics • Profit on options before maturity A N -day European option that is h days old is the same as an N − h day European option. The profit of the option after h days is CN −h − FV(CN ) compounded over h 365 years • Calendar Spreads Calendar spread is an option spread where the options you sell and buy have the same strike price on the same underlying stock but with different expiration dates. The one that is purchased has a longer expiration date. Usually a desirable option strategy is the market is neutral, that is the stock price is not very volatile. If the market is neutral, value of the calendar spread increases with time; the shorter option expires without value and the long option gains profit. 3.5 Delta Hedging Basic Delta-Hedging If a market maker sells a call, he can hedge his position by purchasing ∆ shares because of fears stock rises in price. This is delta-hedging. It is also possible to sell a put and that position is hedged by shorting ∆ shares of underlying stock. • Steps of delta-hedging? Delta hedging follows 3 steps: 1. Sell an option (in some cases buy an option) 32 3.5 Delta Hedging 3 FINANCIAL ECONOMICS 2. Purchase δ shares of underlying stock 3. Borrow money for the first two transactions • Overnight profit of delta-hedging? The overnight profit of delta-hedging is −[C(Sh ) − C(S0 )] + ∆(Sh − S0 ) − erh/365 − 1 (∆S0 − C(S0 )) (8) • How to approximate change in option value using Delta-gamma-theta approximation? Use Taylor series with f (x) = C(S) around x0 = S0 . Then include the effects of time on option premium, θh. θ has to be given on per-year basis. The Delta-gamma-theta approximation states 1 C(Sh ) − C(S0 ) = ∆(Sh − S0 ) + Γ(Sh − S0 )2 + θh 2 (9) • What is market maker profit from delta-hedging using Delta-gamma-theta approximation? For small h, erh/365 − 1 = rh. Then, the profit is 1 −rh(∆S0 − C(S0 )) − Γ(Sh − S0 )2 − θh 2 (10) This can also be used to approximate profit in general. Suppose we are not delta hedging, but bought and sold a call at time 0. Then −rh(∆S0 − C(S0 )) in equation (10) can be replaced by the accumulated interest on the difference in the call premiums paid and received at time 0. • For what stock price does the market-maker break even? √ One standard deviation up or down in stock price for a delta-hedged position. S ± Sσ h • What is the Black-Scholes equation? √ Set (10) to 0 and let (Sh − S0 ) = S0 σ h. 1 rC(S0 ) = r∆S0 + σ 2 S02 Γ + θ 2 (11) • Why can’t we gamma-hedge or theta-hedge with stocks? What can we use to hedge with other Greeks and how? Greeks are defined as partial derivatives with respect to stock price and time so Greeks for the stock are all zero except for ∆ which is 1. To hedge other Greeks, buy options as well as stocks. Suppose we purchased option P and want to delta-gamma hedge it with option Q and stock. We need to equate the Greek of the hedged position to the Greek of our portfolio (which contains P ). To equate ∆, number of stocks · ∆S + number of options · ∆Q = ∆P and to equate Γ, number of stocks · ΓS + number of options · ΓQ = ΓP with ∆S = 1 and ΓS = 0. Rehedging Assume market-maker has written a call, delta-hedged by buying ∆ shares of stock and rehedged at regular time intervals h. If stock √ price moves Z standard deviations over a time period of length h, in other words, Sh = S0 ± ZS0 σ h, then the market maker profit is 1 2 2 σ S0 Γh(1 − Z 2 ) 2 33 3.6 Exotic Options: Asian Options 3 FINANCIAL ECONOMICS So the variance of the profit is 2−1 (σ 2 S02 Γh)2 . In a total time period of s during which market-maker rehedges s/h times, the variance of the total profit is the sum of the variance in each individual periods of length h. So the variance would be s 2 (σ 2 S02 Γh)2 (σ 2 S02 Γh)2 h = sh h 2 2 So more frequent market maker rehedges, the variance of total profit decreases. 3.6 Exotic Options: Asian Options Two ways to average stock price n X Arithmetic average: n−1 Sk Geometric average: n Y k=1 k=1 !1/n Sk Remember not to include S0 in the average. Differences between average price option and average strike option • In payoff: Payoff of average price option is based on the average price of the asset over a period of time and the strike is set. Average strike option has no set strike. The payoff is the difference between the final price of the asset and the average price. So the strike is the average price for an average strike option. Payoff Average Price Average Strike Call (A(S) − K)+ (S − A(S))+ Put (K − A(S))+ (A(S) − S)+ Table 12: Payoff of Asian option • Value compared to European option: Average price options worth less than European options since average prices are less volatile than stock price. Geometric average is less than arithmetic average. So geometric average price calls worth less than arithmetic average price calls. The opposite is true for average price puts. Geometric average strike calls worth more than arithmetic average strike calls. The opposite is true for average strike puts. Binomial Model for Asian Options Trees do not recombine because of the averaging. For a N period binomial model, consider all 2N end nodes. Calculate the probability of reaching each node using the risk neutral probability e(r−δ)h − d u−d Then find the expected payoff through weighting (using risk neutral probabilities as weights). Then present value the expected payoff back N periods. 3.7 Exotic Options: Barrier Options • Knock-out options: Up-and-out means if price rises to the barrier, the option doesn’t pay. Down-and-out means if price falls to the barrier the option doesn’t pay. 34 3.8 Exotic Options: Compound, Gap and Exchange Options 3 FINANCIAL ECONOMICS • Knock-in options: Unlike before when the option won’t pay if the asset hits the barrier, this type of options pays only if the asset hits the barrier. • Rebate options: Pays a fixed amount if the barrier is hit. Payment can be made end of year or immediately when it’s hit. Most important: Down-and-in and down-and-out call/put options having the same barrier and strike K correspond to having a normal call/put option. Same for up-and-in and upand-out options. For which type of knock-in/knock-out options is worth more, consider which makes more money for the buyer. The more it can make, it’s worth more. For example, a knock-out call gets more expensive as barrier increases. 3.8 Exotic Options: Compound, Gap and Exchange Options Definition and Notation • Compound option is an option to buy/sell another option which expires at a later time. • 4 types of compound options? PutOnCall (sell call option), PutOnPut (sell put option), CallOnCall (buy call option), CallOnPut (buy a put option) • K strike price on the stock, x strike price of compound option, σ volatility of underlying stock, t1 expiration date of compound option, T expiration date of underlying option • K2 is trigger of gap option Compound Option Parity and Pricing American Options Compound options can be priced by a binomial option pricing model but also can be priced by put-call parity. CallOnCall − PutOnCall = C(S, K, σ, r, t, σ) − xe−rt1 CallOnPut − PutOnPut = P (S, K, σ, r, t, σ) − xe−rt1 Compound options can be used to price American call option with one discrete dividend. Assume a stock pays a single dividend of D at time t1 prior to expiration T of the American call option. At the time of dividend payment, we can either exercise the option at strike K and receive St1 + D or not exercise the option. If we don’t exercise the option after dividend payment, we don’t exercise it until T . At the time of dividend payment t1 , what is the value of the American call? PV(max[St1 + D − K, C(St1 , T − t1 )]) By put-call parity, C(St1 , T − t1 ) = St1 − Ke−r(T −t1 ) + P (St1 , T − t1 ). So h i max[St1 + D − K, C(St1 , T − t1 )] = St1 + D − K + max 0, P (St1 , T − t1 ) + K 1 − e−r(T −t1 ) − D Present value back to time 0, the call premium is h i S0 − Ke−rt1 + CallOnPut S, K, D − K 1 − e−r(T −t1 ) 35 3.9 Lognormal Model for Stock Prices 3 FINANCIAL ECONOMICS Gap Options Gap options pay when the stock price is either higher or lower than the trigger K2 . Can have a negative payoff. Gap Options Payoff Option Premium d1 , d 2 Call Put S − K if S > K2 K − S if S < K2 Se−δT Φ(d1 ) − K1 e−rT Φ(d2 ) K1 e−rT Φ(−d2 ) − Se−δT Φ(−d1 ) same except use the trigger as strike in the formula Table 13: payoff and premiums of gap options Exchange Options Instead of a strike price, exchange options use a strike asset and compares that to the underlying asset. The option pays off if an underlying asset outperforms the strike asset. If S and Q are the underlying and strike assets, then the payoff of a exchange call is (ST − QT )+ at time T . Black-Scholes formula: Se−δS T Φ(d1 ) − Qe−δQ T Φ(d2 ) for call Volatility of exchange option is q p 2 − 2ρσ σ Var(S − Q) = σS2 + σQ S Q 3.9 Lognormal Model for Stock Prices Let R be the continuously compounded return from 0 to t. So St /S0 = eR ⇒ log(St /S0 ) = R R is expected to be (α − δ)t. Suppose its variance scales with time, i.e. σ 2 t. Black-Scholes formula is derived under the assumption stock price is modeled by Geometric Brownian Motion. So R follows an Arithmetic Brownian Motion. In other words, St R = log ∼ N ((α − δ − 0.5σ 2 )t, σ 2 t) S0 Questions • Why subtract 0.5σ 2 ? So that the expected value of R comes out to be (α − δ)t. St S0 E(St ) = √ exp{(α − δ − 0.5σ 2 )t + σ tZ} √ E exp{σ tZ} = S0 e(α−δ−0.5σ 2 )t = S0 e(α−δ−0.5σ 2 )t 0.5σ 2 t e = S0 e(α−δ)t • What differential equation does an Arithmetic and Geometric Brownian Motion satisfy? For St = S0 + (µ − δ)t + σZt , differential is dSt = (µ − δ)dt + σdZt . For log(St ) = log(S0 )+(µ−δ −0.5σ 2 )t+σZt , the differential is d(log(St )) = (µ−δ −0.5σ 2 )dt+σdZt or dSt = (µ − δ)St dt + σSt Zt 36 3.10 Bonds and Interest Rate Caps 3 FINANCIAL ECONOMICS • What’s dt × dt, dZ × dt, dZ × dZ? dZ × dZ = dt, rest are 0. • What is Ito’s Lemma? If C(St , t) is a twice-differentiable function of S and t then dC = ∂C ∂C ∂2C dS + 0.5 2 (dS)2 + dt ∂S ∂S ∂t • What is the Sharpe ratio for two processes based on the same dZ? Equal 3.10 Bonds and Interest Rate Caps Notation • Pt (T, T + s): price to be paid at time t to purchase a zero-coupon bond for 1 issues at time T maturing at time T + s. If t = T , subscript t can be left out, e.g. P (T, T + S). • Ft,T [P (T, T + s)]: forward price at time t for agreement to purchase a bond at time T maturing at T + s. • Let RT be interest rate during year T + 1 and K be the interest rate cap 3.10.1 Pricing Bond Options What is the formula for Ft,T [P (T, T + s)]? P (t, T )Ft,T [P (T, T + s)] = P (t, T + s) Right-hand side is how much to pay at time t to receive a bond that matures for 1 at T + s. Another way to get 1 at T + s is to enter a forward agreement at time T for a bond that matures at T + s - by paying Ft,T [P (T, T +s)] at time T . To accumulate that much at T , we pay the quantity on left-hand side at time t. What is the premium of an option at time 0 to buy/sell a bond at time T which matures at time T + s? Prepaid forward prices are P (0, T )F , where F = F0,T [P (T, T +s)] and similarly prepaid strike is P (0, T )K. So, where d1 , d2 = 3.10.2 Call premium = P (0, T )[F Φ(d1 ) − KΦ(d2 )] (12) Put premium = P (0, T )[KΦ(−d2 ) − F Φ(−d1 )] (13) log(F/K) σ √ √ ± h and h is number of years until maturity. 2 σ h Pricing Interest Rate Caps • What is an interest rate cap? Provides someone with a variable rate loan protection against increases in interest rates. 37 3.10 Bonds and Interest Rate Caps 3 FINANCIAL ECONOMICS • How to price it using Binomial Tree? RT − K The payoff at the beginning of year T + 1 (end of year T ) is max 0, . 1 + RT To value the cap using binomial tree, calculate payoff at each node (not just the leaf nodes), multiply each payoff by their path probabilities, and sum the products. • What is a caplet? Caplets are individual payments of an interest rate cap. For a cap bought over n years, its payment is the sum of the caplet payments: payment at time 0, after year 1, . . . , after year n − 1. • How to price a cap using Black Formula? Price individual caplets using Black Formula and sum up the values. Caplet is a put on a 1-year bond; caplets pay interest for 1 year which is like selling a bond with maturity 1, equivalently, is a put on a 1-year bond. Mathematically, payoff of a caplet is RT − K 1 + Rt + = 1 + RT − (1 + K) 1 + Rt + = (1 + K) 1 1 − 1+K 1 + RT + So it is equivalent to (1 + K) puts with strike 1/(1 + K). To calculate its premium, use Black Formula for bond puts and then multiply by (1 + K). 3.10.3 Pricing Forward Rate Agreements Standard Forward Rate Agreement A standard forward rate agreement is an agreement to pay for the difference a prevailing rate and a forward rate R, R(t, T ) − R, priced so that the expected value of the agreement is 0. A standard FRA settles at maturity and end of the year. So the forward interest rate is the implicit forward rate. So R= P (0, t) −1 P (0, T ) Eurodollar-style forward agreement Pays R(t, T ) − R at time t, the time load is made, instead of at time T . If rates are modeled by a binomial tree, Discounted[R(t, T )] R= P (0, t) 38 3.11 3.11 Interest Rate Models 3 FINANCIAL ECONOMICS Interest Rate Models • Binomial Tree A binomial tree model for interest rates can be used to price zero coupon bonds or options on zero coupon bonds. Assume N period binomial tree with period of length h. Denote Rt be the interest at period t. What is value of zero coupon bond paying 1 that matures at N h? ( E ∗ exp −h N −1 X )! Rt (14) t=0 In words, sum the rates to every end node, derive the bond price for every end node, and find the expected bond price (multiplying each bond price by path probabilities). How to find the value of a n-period option on a zero coupon bond that matures in N − n periods? Start pricing zero coupon bonds using (14) from period n. Then calculate the option premium under the usual binomial tree procedure. • Discrete Time Model: Black-Derman-Toy Builds Binomial Tree model for interest rates based on observed yields to maturity and volatility, so it is a model calibrated to real world data. A tree of effective annual rates rather than continuously √ compounded rates. Upper node larger than lower node by a factor of exp{2σ h}. Path probabilities assumed to be 1/2. Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 √ 4σ2 h Rh e2σ1 R0 √ R2h e h √ 2σ2 h R2h e Rh R2h Figure 4: Black-Derman-Toy. Rates are effective rates. • Equilibrium Interest Rate Models Notation – r is the short term interest rate and P (r, t, T ) is the price of a zero-coupon bond purchased at time t maturing at time T with short term interest rate r. – Pr = ∆ and Prr = Γ are derivatives of P (r, t, T ) with respect to r. – Hedge ratio, N , is the amount of the second bond needed to be purchased to hedge the first bond. 39 3.11 Interest Rate Models 3 FINANCIAL ECONOMICS Rendelman-Bartter Yes Yes No dr = ardt + σrdZ not derived in text Nonnegative interest rates Volatility varies by interest rates Mean reversion property Differential Solution to equation B(t, T ) Greeks: ∆ and Γ not derived in text Vasicek CIR No Yes No Yes Yes Yes √ dr = a(b − r)dt + σdZ dr = a(b − r)dt + σ rdZ P (r, t, T ) = A(t, T ) exp (−B(t, T )r(t)) āT −t:a ∆ = −BP (r, t, T ) and Γ = B 2 P (r, t, T ) Table 14: Equilibrium Interest Models • What is the Sharpe ratio of a Vasicek bond pricing model? It is constant, independent of r or t. If we write the model as dP (r, t, T ) = α(r, t, T )dt + q(r, t, Y )dZ P (r, t, T ) then Sharpe ratio equals to φ(r, t) = α(r, t, T ) − r α(r, t, T ) − r = q(r, t, Y ) −B(t, T )σ(r) • What is the hedge ratio for duration hedging and delta hedging? For duration hedging: N = − T1 P (r, 0, T1 ) T2 P (r, 0, T2 ) For delta hedging: N = − Pr (r, 0, T1 ) Pr (r, 0, T2 ) T2 is the maturity of the bond you are using to hedge. 40