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Atoms and the Periodic Table

Quarter 2 Bellwork 10/16/19
Answers must be complete!
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Bellwork should be started as soon as you get into class
1.Because we will be studying the unit of Atoms and
the Periodic Table, why do you think the Periodic
Table was invented?
2.What can we find on the Periodic Table?
3.What is the Periodic Table used for?
Bellwork 10/17/19
1. Who were the 7 main people who
contributed to the discovery of the
Atoms and the Periodic Table
Democritus (400BC)
Proposed that matter was formed of small pieces that could not be
cut into smaller parts called atomos.
In modern terms, an atom is the smallest particle of an element
John Dalton (1803)
Conducted many experiments centered on atoms and inferred that
all atoms had certain characteristics:
Elements consists of atoms that can’t be divided
Atoms of the same element are alike and have the same mass
Atoms of an element can’t be changed into a different element
Compounds are formed by combining more than one element
JJ Thomson (1897)
Discovered that atoms contain negatively charged particles called
an electron, but also proposed that atoms contain some sort of
positive charge
Ernest Rutherford (1911)
Conducted Gold Foil Experiment which concluded that the atom is
mostly empty space but has a dense, positive charge at its center
called the nucleus
He called a positively-charged particle in the nucleus, a proton
Niels Bohr (1913)
Suggested that electrons move only in specific orbits with fixed
energies around an atom’s nucleus
Erwin Shrodinger (1924)
Developed the electron cloud model in which there is a cloud-like
region where electrons can be found
James Chadwick (1932)
Discovered the existence of neutrons, which are particles with no