Uploaded by Juan Pablo Zorrilla

TJMUN Moderator & Chair Guideline: Debate Procedures

TJMUN Moderator’s and Chair’s Guideline
*do this in the beginning of all sessions*
1. Avisos.
*read paper given to moderator or chair by their undersecretary​.
2. Roll Call.
- Moderator: “We will now proceed with the roll call. When you hear your country’s name please say
present​ or ​present and voting​”.
*important to know which countries are only ​present​ since they are not allowed to vote on any
3. Open Session.
-Moderator: “Delegates, is there any point or motion in the floor at this time?”
- Delegate: “​Motion to open session​”.
*this motion is always in order at the beginning of the sessions*
​ oderator: “Yes delegate, you are in order. Who seconds the motion? Votes in favor, against,
abstentions. The motion clearly passes, the session is now open”.
Setting Agenda
*do this only once to set topic of debate*
1. Set Agenda.
- Delegate: “​Motion to set agenda​”.
*this motion is the only motion allowed after opening session and is in order only during the 1st
session when a topic has to be opened*
​ oderator: “Yes delegate, you´re in order. On what topic?
- Delegate: Topic A/B.
- Moderator: Is there a delegate wishing to speak against topic A/B?
(A country raises their placard)
-Moderator: The delegate of ________wishes to speak against. Please, delegate of __________,
please come to the front to speak in favor of topic A/B for 1-2 minute/s. ​(Delegate speaks) Thank you
delegate, you may take your seat. Delegate of __________, you are recognnized to speak at the front against
topic A/B for 1-2 minutes. Thank you delegate, you may take your seat.
-Moderator: We will now proceed with the voting. Delegates in favor of opening topic A/B, please
raise your placards. ​(count number of placards) Delegates against opening topic A/B. ​(count number of
Topic A/B is now open.
*​If no one wants to speak against you proceed with voting straight away.
Flow of Debate
1. Open Speaker’s List.
- Delegate: “​Motion to open speaker’s list​”.
- Moderator: “You are in order. For how long? Who seconds the motion?”.
*delegate who proposed the motion and delegate who seconded the motion must go up front and
speak for the selected duration. Any others who wish to be added to the list can raise their placard
only at that instance or may send a note to request it. There must always be countries in the speaker’s
list. The speaker’s list always remains open*
2. Moderated Caucus.
- Delegate: “​Motion to open a moderated caucus​”.
-Moderator: Yes delegate you´re in order, for how long? Who seconds the motion? Votes in favor,
against, abstentions. The motion clearly passes/ the motion did not pass.
*in order after 5 delegates have spoken at the speaker’s list. Delegate who proposed the motion and
delegate who seconded it will speak first, the next speakers are selected. Max. 20min*
3. Extended Moderated Caucus.
- Delegate: “​Motion to extend the moderated caucus​”. Yes delegate you´re in order, for how long?
Who seconds the motion? Votes in favor, against, abstentions. The motion clearly passes/ the motion did not
*original moderated coccus must end in order to make an extension. Extension has to be for a shorter
duration than the original. You can´t extend an extended moderated caucus.*
4. Unmoderated Debate.
- Delegate: “​Motion to open an unmoderated caucus​”. Yes delegate you´re in order, for how long?
Who seconds the motion? Votes in favor, against, abstentions. The motion clearly passes/ the motion did not
*in order until the 4th or 5th session, or when the debate is approaching a viable solution. Must be
seconded. Delegates must remain diplomatic and speaking in English. Max. 25min. Moderator or
chair should patrol delegates to ensure this. The unmoderated caucus can be extended after it has
ended for a shorter duration than the original. You can´t extend an extended unmoderated caucus.*
*do this in the end of all sessions*
1. Adjourn/Close Session.
- Delegate: “​Motion to adjourn session​”.
*adjourning session should happen in the end of all sessions except for the last session. The last
session must be closed (​Motion to close session​). If delegates do not propose these motions, the chair
or moderator should be aware of the time and recommend it to the delegates*
*1 final resolution per topic*
1. Moderated Caucus.
*the delegates should be reaching agreements or solutions first in order to be allowed to open an
unmoderated caucus*
2. Unmoderated Caucus.
*allowed until the 4th or 5th session or until solutions are being formed. Delegates should start
writing a working paper (draft resolution)*
3. Working Paper.
*written during unmoderated caucuses, needs 3 sponsors, signatories and points of the solution with
clauses. Must be presented by the sponsors during a moderated caucus and voted on for approval by
the committee to be turned into the final resolution paper. If there are multiple working papers, they
are all present in the same way and the committee votes to choose 1. When they are presented,
questions can be made*
​ elegate: “​Motion to present working paper​”.
4. Resolution Paper.
*Final draft of the working paper, written formally and cleanly. Once finished it must be presented
during a moderated caucus and voted on for final approval. During the presentation, the Under
Secretary of the committee must be present to make questions alongside the moderator, chair, and
delegates. Roll call is made and delegates vote ​yay​ or ​nay​ depending on their position. If the solution
is approved it is then presented in the General Assembly to be approved*
​ elegate: “​Motion to present resolution paper​”.
5. General Assembly.
*once the committee approves the solution, it is presented in general Assembly. the 3 sponsors and
Under Secretary must go to present it. While this is happening, the delegates must keep debating on
the same topic. If the resolution is approved, the second topic is automatically opened*
1. Avisos
2. Roll call
3. Open session
4. Speaker’s List (once it is opened it remains; it can’t be closed or opened again)
5. Moderated caucus
6. Unmoderated caucus
7. Working Paper
8. Resolution
9. Adjourn/Close Session