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Comparison & Contrast Worksheet

Name ___________________________
Comparison and Contrast Scaffolding Exercise
Paragraph 1: Introduction: Tell the reader that you will be comparing and
contrasting two topics (describe the topics)
___________________ and ________________________ are ___________________
There are many similarities and differences between these two, such as:
Paragraph 2: Explain the important similarities to the reader
First, _____ and _____ are similar in many ways.
For example, __________________________________________________________
Another similarity is ____________________________________________________
And finally, ___________________________________________________________
Paragraph 3: Explain the important differences to the reader
First, _____ and _____ are different in many ways. For example,
Another difference is ___________________________________________________
And finally, ___________________________________________________________
Paragraph 4: Explain the important similarities to the reader
First, _____ and _____ are similar in many ways.
For example, __________________________________________________________
Name ___________________________
Another similarity is ____________________________________________________
And finally, ___________________________________________________________
Paragraph 5: Explain the important differences to the reader
First, _____ and _____ are different in many ways. For example,
Another difference is ___________________________________________________
And finally, ___________________________________________________________
Paragraph 6: Conclusion: Summarize what you compared and contrasted. Leave
a final thought.