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Cause and Effect Essay Outline Template

Cause and Effect Outline
Remember that you need either:
1. One cause and three effects OR
2. One effect and three causes
I. Introduction (hook, question, scenario, background)
Transition to thesis ________________________________________________________
Thesis statement with argument and points: ____________________________________
II. Paragraph 1: Cause or Effect #1
1. Supporting Point #1
2. Evidence for Supporting Point #1 to show how it supports the topic
sentence and thesis
Concluding sentence: ________________________________________________
III. Paragraph 2: Cause or Effect #2
1. Supporting Point #2
2. Evidence for Supporting Point #2
Concluding sentence: ________________________________________________
IV. Paragraph 3: Cause or Effect #3
1. Supporting Point #3
2. Evidence for Supporting Point #3
Concluding sentence: ________________________________________________
V. Paragraph 3: Cause or Effect #4
1. Supporting Point #4
2. Evidence for Supporting Point #4
Concluding sentence: ________________________________________________
III. Conclusion (summary of thesis, points, and final thoughts: prediction, evaluation,
recommendation, quote)
In conclusion, ____________________________________________________________