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Grade 4 Weekly Newsletter: Oct 27-31, 2019

Al Qemma Cycle 1 School
Dates: Oct 27-31, 2019 Week: 9
Grade 4 Weekly Newsletter
*Homework may vary slightly by class. Based on students’ needs, teachers may modify or add assignments.
English ‫اللغة اإلنجليزية‬
Math ‫الرياضيات‬
Science ‫العلوم‬
I am learning to ‫سأتعلم‬:
Read short, simple texts on familiar topics.
Write short, simple sentences on familiar topics
I am learning to ‫سأتعلم‬:
Multiply with one digit numbers
Sight words ‫الكلمات البصرية‬:
Vocabulary ‫المفردات‬:
.Distributive property , partial products , regroup
I am learning ‫ سأتعلم‬:
How do plants respond to their environment
Practical test to be conducted with all grade four
students in the lab , an example will be posted in
Vocabulary ‫المفردات‬:
Stimuli, tropism, tropical rain forest, temperature forest
Example ‫مثال‬:
Example ‫مثال‬:
Challenge question:
Write two multiplication expressions that have a product
of 20,000
Challenge question:
How camels can survive in a hot desert?
Run, fast, sand, tree
Vocabulary ‫المفردات‬:
Goat, fox, camel, snake, horns, oryx, hump, grass
Key expressions/structure:
Speak using basic language structures
Unit 3: The UAE desert
Lesson 1,2,3
Challenge question:
What’s the weather like today?
‫الواجب المنزلي‬
Sunday ‫األحد‬
Page 105
and page 117
Solve homework
pages after finish
teaching lesson .
Tuesday ‫الثالثاء‬
Write sentences using sight
words and vocabulary
Maths pages
Solve homework pages
after finish teaching
lesson .
Thursday ‫الخميس‬
English quiz – Complete
sentences using sight words
and vocabulary words.