Uploaded by Hannah Holloway

Appendix 1-Written communication feedback rubric


Appendix 1: Written Communication Feedback Rubric



Very Good




Marginal Pass

(5 – 5.9)

Does not achieve learning outcomes < 5

o Outstanding use of design elements to enhance document’s readability, support argument, and promote writer’s credibility o Exceptionally follows appropriate format o Outstanding design consistency that clearly enhances document coherence o A maximum of one design error that does not affect the document’s readability and coherence o Excellent use of design elements to enhance document’s readability, support argument, and promote writer’s credibility; minimal errors that do not affect users’ experiences; a maximum of one error that does not affect users’ experiences o Correctly follows appropriate format with minimal errors that do not affect the document; a maximum of two errors that do not affect document o Consistent use of design elements; a maximum of two errors o Good use of design elements to enhance document’s readability, support argument, and promote writer’s credibility; few errors in document design; a maximum of two errors o Uses appropriate format but with few errors; a maximum of three errors o Consistent design with a few flaws; a maximum of three errors o Some use of design elements to enhance document’s readability, support argument, and promote writer’s credibility; clear errors in document design; from three to five errors o Uses appropriate format but with major errors; from four to five errors o Inconsistent design that reflects poorly on document coherence; from four to five errors o Minimal use of design elements to enhance document’s readability, support argument, and promote writer’s credibility; more than five errors o Does not use appropriate format

(memo, formal report, informal report, etc.….) and/or has more than five errors o Inconsistent design that reflects poorly on document coherence; more than five errors o Content is exceptionally adapted to meet audiences’ needs by using an appropriate reader’s view attitude: “You View” o Clear purpose and exceptionally articulated argument o Uses compelling, appropriate, and relevant content o Demonstrates an exceptional ability to analyze and synthesize information o All claims are supported by exceptionally relevant and credible evidence; missing a maximum of one supporting evidence o Content is well adapted to meet o audiences’ needs by using an appropriate reader’s view attitude:

“You View” o Clear purpose and well-articulated argument

Content is relevant to subject and purpose; missing minor parts o Demonstrates a good ability to analyze and synthesize information o Claims are mostly well supported with relevant and credible evidence; missing a maximum of two supporting evidence o Attempts to adapt content to audience, but misses some opportunities to address audiences’ needs and to adopt

“You View” o Purpose needs more clarity o Some content is not relevant to subject and/or purpose o Demonstrates satisfactory ability to analyze and synthesize information o Some claims are supported with relevant and credible evidence; missing from three to five supporting evidence o Clearly misses opportunities to adapt content to audience; o mostly does not use “You View” o Unclear purpose o Content is mostly irrelevant to subject and/ or purpose o Demonstrates minimal ability to analyze and synthesize information o Claims are mostly not supported with relevant and credible evidence; missing from six to seven supporting evidence o o o o

Does not attempt to adapt to audience and use “You View”

Purpose is irrelevant to task

Content is irrelevant to subject and/ or purpose

Does not demonstrate ability to analyze and synthesize information o Claims are not supported with relevant and credible evidence; missing more than seven supporting evidence o Outstanding use of organization strategies to achieve purpose and support argument o Outstanding use of transitions to link sentences and ideas; a maximum of one ineffective or missing transition o Outstanding use of topic sentences o Outstanding use of introduction, body, and conclusion to achieve purpose and meet audiences’ needs. o Exceptional ability to organize to persuade. Argument is exceptionally supported with the order and grouping of content. o Outstanding ability to communicate precisely and concisely; a maximum of one error o Exceptional use of bias-free language o Exceptional use of appropriate tone (formal, informal, upward, etc.….); a maximum of one error o Exceptional, consistent use of active voice o (uses passive voice strategically) o Exemplary use of punctuation and grammar; a maximum of one error o Free of typographical errors o Excellent use of organization strategies to achieve purpose and support argument o Excellent use of transitions to link sentences and ideas; a maximum of two missing or ineffective transitions o Excellent use of topic sentences; a maximum of one missing or ineffective topic sentence. o Excellent use of introduction, body, and conclusion to achieve purpose and meet audiences’ needs o Excellent ability to organize to persuade. Argument is well supported with the order and grouping of content o Excellent ability to communicate precisely and concisely; a maximum of two errors o Consistent use of bias-free language; a maximum of one error o Excellent use of appropriate tone

(formal, informal, upward, etc.….); a maximum of two errors. o Consistent use of active voice o (uses passive voice strategically); a maximum of one error o Excellent use of punctuation and grammar; a maximum of two errors. o Minimal typographical errors; a maximum of one error o Mostly uses appropriate organization strategies to achieve purpose and support argument o Good use of transitions to link ideas and sentences. Few missing transitions; a maximum of three missing effective transitions o Most paragraphs have effective topic sentences; a maximum of two missing or ineffective topic sentences o Satisfactory use of introduction, body, and conclusion to achieve purpose and meet audiences’ needs o Satisfactory ability to organize to persuade. Misses opportunities to support argument through ordering and grouping of content o Major errors in using appropriate organization strategies to achieve purpose and support argument o Misses opportunities to link ideas and sentences; missing from four to six effective transitions o Many paragraphs do not have effective topic sentences; missing from three to five effective topic sentences o The introduction, body, and conclusion do not support purpose and meet audiences’ needs; missing introduction or conclusion. o Misses opportunities to organize to persuade. Order or grouping of content is not clear o Good ability to communicate precisely and concisely; from two to three errors o Mostly uses bias-free language; from two to three errors o Good use of appropriate tone

(formal, informal, upward, etc.….); from two to three errors o Inconsistent use of active voice

(passive voice is not used strategically); from two to three errors o Few punctuation and/or grammar errors; a maximum of three errors o o Occasional typographical errors; two to three errors o Some ability to communicate precisely and concisely; from four to five errors o Frequent use of biased language; from four to five errors o Minimalistic use of appropriate tone (formal, informal, upward, etc.….); from four to five errors o Frequent use of passive voice

(passive voice is not used strategically); from four to five errors. o Frequent punctuation and/or grammar errors; from four to five errors o Frequent typographical errors; from three to five errors o Does not use appropriate organization strategies to achieve purpose and support argument

(like using indirect writing approach when the direct writing approach is most effective) o Mostly misses opportunities to link ideas and sentences; missing more than six effective transitions o Paragraphs do not have effective topic sentences; missing more than five effective topic sentences o Unclear structure; missing introduction and conclusion and/or has an undefined body. o Unacceptable ability to organize to persuade. Order and grouping of content are not clear o Does not demonstrate ability to communicate precisely and concisely; more than five errors o Frequent use of biased language; more than five errors. o Inappropriate tone (formal, informal, upward, etc.….); more than five errors o Frequent use of passive voice

(passive voice is not used strategically); more than five errors o Frequent punctuation and/or grammar errors; more than five errors o Frequent typographical errors; more than five errors o Outstanding ability to draw on information from various sources

(five or more sources are cited) o Exemplary documentation of sources; accurate use of APA documentation style. Two-part documentation system with in- text citations and entries in references o Very good ability to draw on information from various sources

(at least four sources are cited) o Minor errors in APA documentation. Two-part documentation system with minor errors in in-text citations and/or entries in references o Satisfactory ability to draw on information from some sources

(at least three sources are cited) o Some major errors in APA documentation. Two-part documentation system with errors in in-text citations and/or entries in references o Minimal ability to draw on information from a few sources

(one or two sources are cited) o Significant errors in APA documentation. Does not follow the two-part documentation system o Unacceptable ability to draw on information from literature. No sources are cited. o No citations provided
