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Research Folio - Aerofoils and Stability

SACE Number: 916525E
To what extent does airfoil shape affect the
stability of a hobby grade remote control plane?
SACE Number: 916525E
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SACE Number: 916525E
Stage 2 Research Project – 2019
School Assessment Cover Sheet for
āž¢Assessment Type 1: Folio
SACE Registration Number:
9 1 6 5 2 5
Research Question: To what extent does airfoil shape
affect the stability of a hobby grade remote control plane?
Goals & plan for the
Journal Entry
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SACE Number: 916525E
Term 2
Topic Choice
Topic Refinement
Question choice &
During these three weeks, I have brainstormed possible research ideas, however, I plan
on doing my research project on aviation. I have done some background research
through which I have considered focussing on airfoil. I plan on making an in-depth lotus
diagram as well as a mind map. I have had an interest in aviation for some time and
the research project is a great way to explore this interest. Initially, my plan is finding a
few airfoil shapes I can 3D print and test in the wind tunnel. I could also build these
airfoils out of foam. The goal is test differences between airfoils in general aviation and
military aviation and find out how these differences affect flight.
During this week, I contacted some people in online forums who participate in active
discussions regarding planes and aviation in general. They listed a few variables I could
change in my testing. After this, I decided to change my research question to something
more achievable. I changed it to “To what extent does airfoil design (symmetry and
camber) affect the flight characteristics (lift, speed, stability) of a remote-control hobby
grade airplane”.
Term 3
Panel Presentation/Topic
I also had to do a panel presentation on my topic question which was comparing GA
aircraft to military. I thought this was not practical and later that week I changed my
question to focus on RC planes. I used a lotus diagram to brainstorm some topics and
decided on how to make a stable RC plane. This was a more realistic and achievable
target. I had to restart my mind map as I changed my question.
Online Research
This week was crucial as I decided not to conduct the experiment till week 9. I
discussed with my teacher the materials I will need for my experiment which was
foamboard. I did some research and watched tutorial videos. I found a plan for a
plane which was simple to build. This was a base model which I would make changes
to test how stability could be improved.
During this week, I focussed mainly on conducting some research into creating good
interview questions. As I decided to postpone my experiment to week 9, I decided to
use the interviews as tool to gain more knowledge into what variable I could compare
in my experiment which could be a measure of stability. Overall, this week was
productive, and I created a good list of engaging questions.
Internet research and
interview contacts
response analysis
Finalising the folio
During these three weeks, I focussed mainly on reading articles and researching. At
this point in my folio, I realised that I wanted to make explore the aerodynamic
properties that affect stability of an RC plane. I found some very interesting sources
that discussed aerodynamics or RC planes. Some of them were quite old but they
were still credible and useful as the information on aerodynamics has not changed.
Later, I compiled a list of ten questions which I emailed to the author of a book I found
while researching. I also contacted some people in forums who had a lot of
experience in building RC planes.
In this week, I listed the most relevant sources I had used to far. I completed an indepth analysis for these sources and the key findings I had discovered from reading
them. I focused on reading these important sources and understanding some of the
aerodynamics. I also thought about the outcome of this research and the experiment.
I also received responses from people I had contacted for interview. After reading
them, I discovered I need to focus on one flight characteristic which was stability. This
is the most important factor for a beginner just like me.
This week, I focused writing reflections on skills and capabilities I developed in the
different sections of the folio. I had to reflect on my research processes and thinking
which and write how I developed the chosen capability and other skills. After doing
that, I just fixed up errors and formatting of the folio. I also fixed up the bibliography
and added any missing references.
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SACE Number: 916525E
Topic Choice – Question Refinement
Lotus Diagram
I used this tool to brainstorm initial
areas of interest which allowed me
to get generate ideas and questions.
My interest was around aviation and
using this tool, I narrowed it down to
design aspects. I brainstormed
about different design aspects that
affect lift, speed and stability. I
expanded on different aspects such
as winglets, wing surface etc but
decided to focus on air-foil shape.
This was because air-foil shape is
an easily controllable test variable
and the affects on flight
characteristics would be more
apparent compared to testing
variables such winglets or surface
area in a small-scale model aircraft.
Mind Map
A mind map is also a powerful tool to visualise and organise information and the hierarchical nature of a mind map shows
relationships among differing concepts. As I already had a focussed question, I used a mind map to further expand on the
question to brainstorm my experiment design and what possible variables I can examine. I brainstormed in depth about
different types of air-foil shapes and how they affect lift, speed and stability of an aircraft. This mind map allowed me to refine
my question to mainly what factors of the wing impact stability of an RC plain and my goal was to investigate how this can
affect flight experience. My focus capability was Critical and Creative thinking as I had to generate ideas, inquire about them,
form speculations and reflect on thought processes.
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4. Literature Review & Source Analyses
Source: Experimental Airlines. (2011). Easy Foamboard Wing Airfoil: The Basic Version. [Online Video]. 10 September 2011.
Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJZoqGHAIDE. [Accessed: 8 August 2018]. (YouTube video)
Key finding and analysis: This video provided great insight on how to construct an “Armin Wing” which has semi symmetrical airfoil shape
which provides stability to the aircraft. I learned how to accurately manipulate and bend the foamboard to get the desired shape. The video
shows exact instructions such to apply glue and bend the foamboard. It also shows how to place a spar and formers in the wing to increase
strength of the wing along with providing ways to laminate the wing surface. Overall, I learnt how to properly bend the foamboard into the
shape of the airfoil I want.
The YouTube channel Is run by an active hobbyist who has been scratch building planes for a long period of time. He also has experience
working for American Airlines and possesses knowledge of aviation. Experimental Airlines YouTube channel is popular amongst the online
RC plane community and receives appreciation for its subtle and effective airfoil and wing designs. The purpose of the videos is to educate
the viewers and how to construct similar designs and there are no promotion of products or placed advertisements. Experimental Airline’s
sole purpose is to design and build RC airplanes out of passion which means it is a credible source considering the experience of the person
running the YouTube channel.
Experimental Airlines does not criticize other competing YouTube channels and considers designs from its viewers. The purpose is only to
educate, and it does not promote any products or other channels. In this video Experimental Airlines compares its Armin wing design to
competitor FliteTest and educates the viewer on how to construct a similar wing. The video acknowledges other designs and hence is not a
biased source.
This video was used for guidance on how to construct an airfoil that would provide stability to the aircraft. It was uploaded in 2011 which is
quite recent in the RC plane hobby community as no significant changes have been made to the Armin wing design. The design showed in
the video gained appreciation and popularity amongst the community and is still used in a range of RC planes. Overall, the information is not
outdated as the design is still used in various planes and is often referenced by another YouTube channels in the RC plane community.
This video was found after doing google searches under “RC plane airfoils”. It is relevant to the topic being researched as It is a tutorial for
building Armin wing which is stable and provides great strength to the wings of an airplane. The instructions are comprehensible and concise
which makes it very good source for educational and learning purposes. It provides insight on how a plane with this wing would fly which I
can use in my experiment to compare to another type of airfoil.
In conclusion, this is a highly useful source as it taught me how to use foamboard and fold it into a desired shape to create a stable airfoil.
This will be important if I choose this design in my experiment as now I have learnt how to build it and will save time later. I also learned
about some of the characteristics of this foil which is useful as it allows me to narrow down the testing variables and make my experiment
accurate. Overall, this source was an interesting watch and gave be great basis information on constructing stable semi-symmetrical airfoils
out of foamboard.
Source: The cause of the aerodynamic lifting force is the downward acceleration of air by the airfoil..." Weltner, Klaus; IngelmanSundberg, Martin, Physics of Flight – reviewed, archived from the original on 2011-07-19 (Archived article)
Key finding and analysis: This article discussed the physics of flight and the properties of aerodynamic lift of an airfoil. The article talks
about how the explanations of aerodynamic lift in textbooks is based on Bernoulli’s law and how this is an incomplete explanation. It
discusses how physics of flight is a topic which is very interesting but neglected in European textbooks due to this perception of an
incomplete theory. Overall, this article was informative and insightful, and I gained knowledge on how there are alternate theories to
Bernoulli’s principle and how airflow over an airfoil generates lift. The conventional explanation of aerodynamical lift based on Bernoulli’s law
and velocity differences mixes up cause and effect. The faster flow at the upper side of the wing is the consequence of low pressure and not
its cause. The generation of lift by an airfoil can be explained correctly and simply taking the downward acceleration of air into consideration.
The article provides the Publisher and lists the name of the authors. Information on the authors, Klaus Weltner and Martin InglemanSundberg is easily available and they are generally respected for their ideas on the reformation of the fluid aerodynamics curriculum in
universities. The article was published by Department of Physics, University Frankfurt which is legitimate and credible department. The
information can be verified as the article provides a list of sources used as well as using intext references. The article is also cited by other
authors and has no spelling or grammatical errors which adds to the credibility. Although the article is presenting controversial information,
the purpose of it is to educate the audience and teach them about how lift is produced.
The article is published by a university and does not seem to promote the use of certain products or services. The information conveyed is
solely for education. The article is credible and does not contain any biases.
Although the article is not current (published in 2005) the information is still usable as there have not been any new discoveries regarding
how lift is generated. The article simply states the principles and how airflow pushing the back of the wing down needs to be considered into
the Bernoulli’s principle.
The article was found by searching for “airfoil aerodynamics”. The text has a lot of scientific words and complicated mathematical formulas.
The descriptive text is somewhat useful in visualizing how airflow over the wing pressing down on the trailing edge helps with lift generation.
The purpose of this source was to educate the reader on lift and it is not particularly useful in answering my research question. Although, it
provides an on how airflow generates lift over an airfoil. Overall, it is a mildly relevant source for answering my research question, but it did
provide me with much needed information.
In conclusion, this is a source is good for background research and understanding the concept of lift, but it is not extremely useful in
answering my research question. It mostly discusses mathematics behind the physics and analyses other shapes rather than an airfoil. The
information is also complicated to understand but the abstract and summary sections are easy to understand and highly useful. Overall it is
useful for background information but not for answering the research question as it does not discuss airfoils in RC planes.
D2- In-depth analysis of information and exploration of ideas to develop the research
Reflection – I focused on analyzing 3 key sources in depth and compiling key findings in the “literature review” section. This
was to evaluate whether these sources were appropriate and usable. Overall, these 3 sources shared a common theme of
educating the reader. There was no promotion of products or product placement which made them highly credible. The video
of the “Armin Wing” was very useful as it showed how to build a wing and place the electronics on it. The source which went
into detail about aerodynamic lift was an insightful read and a much-needed source for basics and understanding. Lastly, the
journal article was useful as it had detailed descriptions of airfoil analysis and experimentation. There were a range of other
sources used which will be analyzed in the “Research Development” section.
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Source: Hedge, Nayak, Chavan and R, K. (2014). A Systematic Approach for Designing, Analyzing and Building a Model
RC plane. International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, 3(12), pp.681-687.
Key finding and analysis: This article was published in an engineering journal and goes in depth about the design factors
of an RC plane. The most important factor I learnt that if the fuselage of the plane is “longitudinally static” a small increase in
the angle of attack will occur which will cause the plane to fly in a slightly pitched up position. To counter this, the airfoil must
be mounted on an incidence angle. The plane built in this article had a symmetrical airfoil to allow for acrobatics. The article
also explains a range of aspects including surface area, wing loading and airfoil analysis.
The article is published in International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology which is a peer-reviewed, online international
journal published monthly by ESRSA Publication. IJERT is a highly-selective journal, covering topics that appeal to a broad readership of
various branches of engineering, science and related fields. The IJERT has many benefits all geared toward strengthening research skills
and advancing academic careers. Journal publications are a vital part of academic career advancement. The information can be verified
as the article provides a list of references and has intext referencing. The structure, grammar and spelling are correct, and the article
properly formatted. Overall, the purpose of the article is to inform, give facts and data, teach and explain which makes it a credible source.
The article is a practical report/design investigation into the process of making an RC plane and hence does not contain any biases. It is a
verified source of information checked for errors and any biases. It does not promote any products and the purpose is to educate the
This source was published in 2014 which makes it a current source of information. The software used to design the airfoil is available on
the internet. The site of the article is well maintained as it is an online journal. The testing done in the article can be done for any airfoil
shape using the software which makes it a current source.
The information provided is very helpful in understanding how to compare airfoil shapes and aspect ratios of the wings. The process of
designing is explained in depth and the testing data and method can be a bit hard to follow but re-reading it makes it clearer. Overall, this
is a very relevant source due to the in-depth analysis of design factors and complicated but clear communication of the method.
In conclusion, this is a source is extremely useful is it analyses design factors that affect RC airplanes. It explains different factors that
affect flight and presents the reasons behind them. The analysis of the symmetrical airfoil used is very important for answering my
research question and it was a great base for my research.
My focus will be to investigate how the various types of air-foil shapes and design factors affect the aerodynamic
characteristics of model RC aircrafts. I have developed a list of characteristics that could affect the aerodynamic characteristics
of RC planes which include Camber, Aspect Ratio, Taper Ratio, Angle at which stall occurs, Swept wing and wing loading.
How did you move from a big idea to this question? – outline processes used.
The initial interest was that I wanted to model a plane using foam (EPO, EPP, EPS) and learn to fly it. I have been wanting to
learn how to design RC model aircrafts. For RP I decided to investigate the mechanics that allow flight. By narrowing down the
topic, I decided to focus on just the air-foil element which is crucial for lift of an aircraft. I also went on aviation forums and
subreddits and asked knowledgeable people about what aspects of air-foil can affect lift. I got recommended to compare the
differences between commercial and military aircrafts and investigate how the specific traits required (for e.g. agility) requires
design changes in the air-foil.
What was your inspiration?
I have a prolong interest in flight mechanics especially lift. I want to get a deeper understanding of how aircrafts produce lift.
Even small changes in the design can affect lift of an aircraft and I want to learn more about how the shape of air-foil affects air
pressure around the wing surface and how this produces lift. RP will allow me to conduct in-depth research about this
phenomenon and learn about the maths behind it. I was also inspired by another student who is investigation surface material
of wings and how that affects lift and I would like us to compare our findings at the end of the project. Overall, this topic will
allow me to understand air-foil design and lift in a great level of depth.
How will you research this question? What research methods will you use? Why are they the best methods? How
have you ensured that you can manage the research process? - how will you ensure you are successful? - e.g.:
completing journal entries!
This question will require me to conduct in depth qualitative research. I plant to predominantly use journal articles and case
studies to understand the scientific and mathematical concepts that are involved with lift and the air-foil design aspects. These
will the backbone of my understanding of the concept. Then I plan on conducting and experiment which will compare the
camber profiles of jet vs commercial aircrafts. I will use EPP foam which is durable type of foam of which most RC plane wings
are made off. If the wind tunnel is available, I will use that to test airflow and collect data. If not, I will use coloured smoke to
visualise how air flows around the wing surfaces and how that can affect lift, speed and agility of aircrafts.
You should also be able to show your timeline at your presentation – How will you ensure you keep to this?
I plan on using a table-based timeline and making a list of tasks I will need complete. I will make tasks for each week up to the
end of the research project. This will allow me to focus at on a few tasks at a time which will increase the quality of research
along with the recording of research findings. I will also reflect at the end of each weak on whether if I have done the work to a
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good standard. This way I can keep up the attention to detail all the way to the end unlike last year where I stopped using the
timeline which was crucial to stay up do date.
What special considerations does your project have? - do you need to contact experts early? Do you need to go
offsite? What do you need to do to ensure that you research in an ethical way? What safety concerns are there? - erg
Risk Assess How will you manage these concerns? - e.g. Introductory letter, permission slip.
My project does not require any special safety or ethical considerations. My experiment is relatively safe, and I only need to
follow workspace procedures. My project also does not have any ethical concerns as I am not using any research methods
that involve other people such as survey’s or experiments that require participation. If I end up conducting an interview, I will
make sure to follow proper etiquette and respect the privacy of the person. I will keep their commitments in mind and make
sure that the interview is not extensively long.
What results do you expect to get from your research? How will you analyse them? How will you know if your
research is significant…? how will you identify the KEY FINDINGS? What is the format of your outcome e.g. report,
scientific magazine article, video etc.
I am expecting to conduct an experiment which will allow me to measure quantitative data which I can represent through
graphs, tables and charts. I will construct model wings which with different air foil designs and compare them to analyze how
design factors include aerodynamic characteristics. I will also use secondary sources in the form of journal articles, scientific
papers, case studies which are valid sources of information. This will allow me to compare my data to already existing data on
aerodynamic testing which will judge the validity of my experiment. Not only that, but I will gather useful information on air-foil
design and aerodynamics which is the focal point of my research project. The outcome will most likely be a design
investigation as I have learnt how to write a design investigation in year 10. Overall, a design investigation will be best suited
my research project.
Timeline- Research project planning
This Gantt chart was a tool I used to plan out my research project. I postponed the experiment from week 5 to after week 8.
This was because I decided to use the experiment for my outcome as I focused more on developing my research in the folio.
In the outcome, I will finish building the plane and possibly use the wind tunnel to test a few airfoil shapes.
7. Research Methodologies
Methodologies Overview
My research question essentially requires me to investigate whether if changes made to the airfoil of an RC plane, affects the
flying characteristics. These include lift, speed and most importantly, stability of the aircraft in the air. The purpose of this
question is to find out if a beginner RC pilot should worry about what airfoil type or shape their aircraft. My goal is to find out If
the change in airfoil characteristics affects the flying experience of an RC plane significantly and if so, what changes can be
made to the airfoil to maximise stability and insure a smooth flight. I have chosen to initially conduct secondary research in the
form of reading and analysing journal articles. I will also watch YouTube videos which are tutorial based. This will help me
build my plane accurately and save time. I also will conduct email interviews with people who are qualified in the field of
aviation or aerodynamics. I will ask them questions about airfoils and then use this information to form speculations and
hypothesise how my alternate wing is going to behave in the air. This will allow me to learn more about the intricate
mechanics of airfoil aerodynamics and apply them on my design. Finally, the experiment will require me to use range of skills
such building with foamboard, using the laser cutter, setting up the electronics and learn to fly the plane.
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Qualitative Research – Journal Articles, YouTube tutorials, Instructive Articles, Studies
Internet research was critical for me to gain an
understanding of the different concepts that are
involved in aviation. I found some very useful and
reliable journal articles which were cited by range
of studies. This provided quality information on
the research question. The authors of the
sources had a strong background in aviation
which added to the credibility. The feedback
received from teachers and panel presentation
was to use highly credible journal articles instead
of websites. I acted on this feedback and this
contributed to my knowledge of the topic. The
information was which helped me explore my
question in depth. Overall, internet-based
research was a highly effective method of
acquiring information and allowed me to gain an
understanding of the scientific concepts.
Skill Development
The most prominent skill I developed from internet-based research was
absorbing key information from a dense journal article. I was able to list
key findings after reading journal articles which was very helpful to show
research development. I initially developed this skill in year 10 which
allowed me to use it again, even more effectively this year. I also
developed the skill of following complicated instructions which was the
main source of information in instructive articles. This was useful in the
experimentation for which I had to build an RC plane.
Capability Development
Inquiring, identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas.
Internet based research exposed me to a large amount information
which required me to identify the key points. This helped me develop the
underlined aspect of Critical and Creative Thinking because I had to
organise and process a lot of research and compress it into usable
information for my research question. Reading from a range of sources,
I also had to critically analyse and write a literature review. Overall, I
have improved in inquiring, identifying, exploring and organising
information and communicate ideas in a concise manner.
Qualitative Research - Primary Source of Information – Interviewing Experts and Hobbyists
Advantages of Interviews
After getting familiar with concepts I decided to
conduct some interviews. This was to expand my
understanding further by asking experts and
hobbyists about RC planes and what factors
affect flight characteristics. Interviews are
manageable and save time as they allow for
direct interaction. Interview provides good
information on questions which are quite difficult
and time consuming to research. You can also
ask an interviewee their opinion. Their opinion
can be of great value if they have a background
and experience in the field.
For a purposeful interview, the questions need to
be intriguing for the interviewee. The questions
also need to be unique to discover insightful key
findings. Generating questions allowed me to
think deeply about my topic which further
strengthened my understanding of the basic
aerodynamics of RC planes. Overall, interviews
were very effective for my topic as they allowed
me to get opinions on design from people with
vast experience in the RC plane hobby.
Participant Name or background
Stephen Tanner – Active member
of RC planes subreddit frequently
answers RC plane related
questions. Resides in
Christiansburg Virginia, USA.
Jason Mersh – Active member of
RC planes subreddit.
Jon Dansie – Writer of the
guidebook used throughout the folio
Skill Development
Interviewing people requires a range of skills to produce quality results
in the form of key findings. Initially, I had to research my topic in-depth,
so I could generate unique and interesting questions. My questions were
mainly focussed on design factors that influence flight characteristics. I
watched a lot of YouTube videos to learn about designing and building
planes which broadened my understanding. Secondly, I had to design
questions which were engaging. I did research on how to write good
interview questions which developed my interviewing skills. Overall, the
skills I developed was generating questions and doing background
research relevant to the questions.
Capability Development
Generating Ideas, possibilities and actions
I developed this aspect of C&CT as I had to pose questions to critically
analyze complex issues and abstract ideas. I had to critically construct
questions which indulged the interviewee. I also had to summarize the
interviewee’s answers and create a list of key findings which were
relevant. I asked the interviewee on opinions on variables of the wing I
should test on and this was useful as I got some feedback on possible
outcomes for my experiment. Overall, I had to generate questions and
consider possible outcomes of my experiment which part of C&CT.
Active hobbyist/Participant of online RC
plane forums and discussion
Achievements- 3 years of flying drones
and RC planes. Part 107, ham radio
license, has qualified for wing races
30+ hours in private aircraft experience for
reading prefight checklists. 8 years of
active RC experience. Scratch-built 3
planes, and kit built 12+, and have
Author of Concept2Creation model RC
plane guide book
Software developer and
commercial drone pilot for a
research institute
Undisclosed- experience in
flying photography drones and
Aerospace engineer.
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1. Research Development – Internet Research
Figure 1
Figure 2
Source- Model Aircraft Design A
teaching series for secondary students
(guide book)
Source 1
Key findings and analysis
Incidence angle is the angle at which the wing is installed. Ordinarily a wing
would be straight along the body of the aircraft, but sometimes the wing is angled
upwards, so that the front edge is higher on the fuselage than the back edge as
seen in fig.1. Fig.2 illustrates angle of attack which is the angle between the wing
and the incoming airflow. If an aircraft tilts back to climb, the angle of attack
increases, and if it tilts forward to dive the angle of attack decreases. During
cruise, an aircraft must maintain a certain amount of lift to fly level. It may be that
the airfoil chosen for the wing will only produce enough lift when the angle of
attack is greater than zero and to do this, the whole aircraft would have to fly at
angle. To solve this problem, the wings of the aircraft are mounted on an angle
called the “incidence angle”. Setting the
wing at a positive incidence angle can also reduce the drag from the fuselage. In
designing my RC plane, I could take the angle of incidence into consideration,
but it will be challenging to mount the wing on angle. My aircraft’s purpose is to
fly smooth and since the drag does not affect the flight of a plane of this scale
due to the lower speeds, so this is not a necessary step.
Validity and Usefulness
The information is reliable as it is part of
Concept2Create curriculum. It is reviewed by the
education system and used as resource to teach
classes. The author has a degree in aviation and has
experience in working in the field. He compiled this
guide book from the information he learnt in university. It
follows an easy to understand structure of the
components that make up RC planes. The information
is highly usable due to the clarity and the in-depth
insight into each component for example wing, fuselage
and tail.
The information is reliable as it is accurate coming from a credible
author. The guide book provides a range of sources for further
reading as well as referencing. It also provides tools from NASA
which have numerous airfoils presents with precise
measurements of the airfoils. I could use this source as a part of
my experiment. The email of the author is listed at the end of the
book and I emailed him for an interview. He accepted and has
provided his background which is aviation and teaching. Overall,
this is a reliable source.
Source- AE2780: Introduction to Aerospace Design
Spirit in the Sky Report 2
Key findings and analysis
Source 2
The selected airfoil shape in this report was the AG-25 (Fig.3).
It has a high coefficient of lift curve and low drag. This is
important as I could do further research on this shape find out
if other designers have used it in their RC planes. The
information on this airfoil shape will be easy to find online. The
report provided graphical analysis of power and thrust require
for this airfoil shape which were also useful. The primary goal
in selecting wing and tail designs was to maximize stability
and low speed performance. To accomplish this, the aspect
ratio was maximized along with wing surface area. Testing
several different configurations, a wingspan of 60 inches and a
wing surface area of 4 square feet were selected, allowing for
a wing aspect ratio of 6.25. A higher aspect ratio wing has a
lower drag and a slightly higher lift than a lower aspect ratio
wing. Because the glide angle of a glider depends on the ratio
of the lift to the drag, a glider is usually designed with a very
high aspect ratio. This is critical information as the plane I am
building needs to be easy to fly for a beginner and to do that, it
must have a high wing aspect ratio to insure smooth flight at
low speeds which is exactly what beginner needs. AG-15 is
also flat on the bottom which will make it easy to build.
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
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Validity and Usefulness
This report was useful as it can serve as a guideline for my
experiment. This is the most in-depth analytical report I
have read for answering my specific question as their goal
was also to design a lower speed but stable and easy to
control plane suited for beginners. The information is valid
due to it coming from a credible source. The air foil analysis
of AG-25 was very useful as it used wind tunnel testing to
test a range of parameters such as max velocity at level
flight, max climb angle and rate of climb.
Figure 6
Source- Model Aircraft Aerodynamics by
Martin Simmons
Source 3
The information is published by University of Missouri Science
and Technology by Department of Mechanical and Aerospace
Engineering. It is also a current source of information as it was
published in May of 2017. The report provides data on AG-25
airfoils shape which was collected through wind tunnel testing
and calculation through formulas. This testing was conducted
in a university and hence proper procedures were followed to
insure accurate data collection. This makes report a highly
reliable source of information.
Key findings and analysis
This book discusses the aerodynamics of model aircrafts in detail. This
specific section explained aspect ratios of different types of wing shapes.
The aspect ratio is the most important factor in reducing vortex drag. The
source explains that a rectangular wing is the easiest to build as there are
no awkward joints in the leading or trailing edges. Although, the
rectangular shape is not the most aerodynamically efficient. The
rectangular wing also has a safe stalling character as there is no tendency
for the tips of the wing to drop first. The elliptical wing provides for
minimum induced drag for a given aspect rate though its stall
characteristics in some respects, are inferior to the rectangular wing. It is
also comparatively difficult to construct. To preserve the aerodynamic
efficiency of the elliptical wing, rectangular and tapered wings are
sometimes "tailored" through use of wing twist and variation in airfoil
sections until they provide as nearly as possible the elliptical wing's lift
distribution. While it is true that the elliptical wing provides the best lift
coefficients before reaching an incipient stall, it gives little warning of a
complete stall, and lateral control may be difficult because of poor aileron
effectiveness. Overall, a rectangular wing is well suited to a beginner.
Validity and Usefulness
This source was recommended to me by someone who I
was initially going to interview who was studying aviation in
Adelaide University. They explained to me how this book
was very useful in understanding aerodynamics and is
considered the best source for basics. The information is
credible as the author Martin Simons has published
numerous articles and several books on model flying and
was the editor of Australian Gliding magazine for ten years.
The information provided was quite detailed and often used
aviation terms. I googled the basic terms and the
information turned out to be very useful in understanding
wing shapes and their characteristics.
The book is highly rated and is quite popular even though it
was published initially in 1978. The book is easily available for
purchase on the internet and receives positive reviews from
readers online. The book also has numerous editions which
add more information. The information is credible and relevant
even in today’s model aircraft design. The purpose of the book
is to educate the reader as it compares the aerodynamic
properties of a range of different designs for example, airfoil
shape and wing shape. The 5th edition of the book was
published in 2015 which shows that it is a current source of
Capability Development
I developed several elements that make up Critical and
Creative Thinking. The main aspects were Inquiring
(identifying, exploring and organising information and
ideas), Analysing reasoning and Reflecting on thinking
processes. I posed questions, identified and clarified
Skill Development
I developed a range of important skills from conducting
internet-based research. These skills helped me compile my
key findings and analyse if the source is reliable. I used
Wikipedia and other less credible sites as a table of contents
for finding popular sources about an idea rather than the using
them as the single most definitive source. The links at the
bottom of a Wikipedia entry are useful jumping-off points to
find more credible sources such as journal articles. This was
very helpful is understanding the basic concepts and then
moving on to the more comprehensive sources such as
journal articles and studies. This research method helped me
develop the skill of filtering useful information from a source
which might contain a range of irrelevant information.
information and ideas through reading and researching
and finally organized my research in the form of key
findings. I had to analyses a range of sources for
reliability and credibility which developed the analyzing
aspect of C&CTT. I read a range of sources and
selected a few which were relevant for answering my
research question and had to apply logic and reasoning
to draw conclusions in the key findings section.
evaluate procedures and outcomes.
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SACE Number: 916525E
Research Development – Interviews
The participants chosen were contacted online who were active in RC plane community. They are active hobbyists
and have experience in building and flying planes. There was only one participant contacted through email (Jon
Dansie) who’s guide book was used in this folio for background research key findings. The questions were mainly
related to designing and building an RC plane so asking hobbyists was justified due to their experience and
To what extent does dihedral matter in an RC
plane? Is it necessary for smooth flight?
Background Research
The angle that an airplane's wing tips are pointed
upward from the horizontal position is called
dihedral. Dihedral provides self-correction which
can help pilots.
The reason I wanted a person with experience to
answer this question was, so I can get their
opinion on how important this characteristic is. I
knew it provided correction but is that necessary
for a beginner trainer?
“Wing dihedral (that is, the tips higher than the roots)
causes greater aircraft stability. If an aircraft starts to roll,
the lowered wing will generate more lift than the other one
due to side slip. This means the aircraft will correct itself
quickly (i.e. roll back to level flight) without any control
input, and so the pilot does no work to achieve smooth
flight. So, dihedral will help achieve smooth flight, but there
are other ways to increase stability.
Key Finding
I learnt how the dihedral works and the reason behind the
increased stability. I learnt that dihedral is not necessary for
a beginner pilot, but it does have advantages. Although, the
plane I am building does have a dihedral.
For a beginner RC pilot, what type of air foil is
best suited, symmetrical, semi-symmetrical or
high camber?
Background Research
After researching, I thought semi-symmetrical
would be better suited but high-camber is also
useful for slower planes which need high lift
generation. This makes them easy to control in
stalls as the plane can gain lift easily.
I wanted to ask this question as it was the most
important for my research topic. Asking someone
with flying experience would be an easy way to
gain more knowledge about what airfoil is best for
someone starting out like me.
Response and key findings
“For a beginner pilot, there isn't really a go-to airfoil I could
definitively call "best", but a flat-bottom wing with some
dihedral or semi-symmetrical seems to be common in a lot
of trainers because of its' wide flight envelope and
predictive stall tendencies. Another option is high-camber
airfoil because generates higher lift for the same angle of
attack compared to the other airfoils”
Key Findings
This question was critical towards helping me answer my
research question. The response was as I expected
favoring high-camber or flat bottom airfoil as its beginner
friendly and easy to control. Interviewees did not
recommend symmetrical as it is for faster planes and more
maneuverable although sacrifices control and stability.
Which type of air foil is the easiest to design
with foamboard out of the 3?
Response and key findings
“Clark Y that's popular for model aircraft. It's high camber,
and the bottom surface is almost flat, so many people just
leave it flat. Then you only must shape one side and it will
sit on a surface nicely. To shape it, you might like to contact
local RC aircraft groups or even hacker/makerspaces to
see if anyone there has built an automated foam cutter”.
Key Findings
This was very useful as the answer provided an airfoil
shape which is high-camber and easy to build. Clark Y is a
flat bottom which has a high camber profile which will
provide high lift even at lowered powered flight.
Background Research
Initial research from watching build videos showed
semi symmetrical to be easy to construct. Highcamber is also achievable. The hardest to build
seems to be symmetrical as the foam must be
bent equally.
This question was to get insight on building the
airfoil and understanding if it is difficult to
construct different shapes of airfoil.
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SACE Number: 916525E
Should a beginner RC pilot fly a plane with a
high or low aspect ratio?
Background Research
In aeronautics, the aspect ratio of a wing is the
ratio of its span to its mean chord. It is equal to the
square of the wingspan divided by the wing area.
Thus, a long, narrow wing has a high aspect ratio,
whereas a short, wide wing has a low aspect ratio.
This question was to learn more about what
factors can make my plane produce more lift and
require lower power. I chose the design of the FT
Simple Storch which has a mid to high ratio which
should make it a smooth flyer
“For beginners, a higher aspect ratio provides wanted drag
during landing and some self-braking properties when
cutting throttle. I would recommend mid to high with a
lighter wing load”
Key Findings
A higher aspect ratio glides more and can slow down better
without stalling. The plane I am has a medium-high ratio
which would make it slower but have more control. After
doing more research I learnt that higher aspect ratio wing
has a lower drag and a slightly higher lift than a lower
aspect ratio wing. Glider wings are very long and thin,
which makes them efficient. They produce less drag for lift
they generate.
How do flight characteristics of High, low and
medium winged planes differ? Does it make a
difference in speed and stability of RC planes?
Background Research
A high wing is a configuration with the wings set
on the top of the airplane's body. Low wing
airplanes are more stable than mid-wing
airplanes, but not as much as high-wing airplanes.
The wings on FT simple Storch are mounted on
top of the fuselage which makes it a high winged
plane. In the build video’s it is mentioned that it
has self-stabilizing tendencies. I wanted to find out
if this characteristic is helpful to beginners.
The differing characteristics for high, mid, or low wing
designs will move the axial CG further toward the wing spar
and will add to or detract from the self-leveling tendency if
that is a design aspect you want. Mid and low wing keep
the axial CG closer to the axial centerline which gives the
aircraft faster roll rate and sportier flight properties. Speed
isn't proportional to the wing placement though, mores a
factor of drag, thrust, and wing loading.
Key Finding
High wings tend to be self-stabilizing on roll (just like
dihedral) because the fuse is below the pressure on the
wings. Having the wings mid fuse makes the plane better
for 3D flying.
Does having a larger wingspan than fuselage
length provides any benefits?
Background Research
In aerodynamics, wing loading is the loaded
weight of the aircraft divided by the area of the
wing. The faster an aircraft flies, the more lift is
produced by each unit of wing area, so a smaller
wing can carry the same weight in level flight,
operating at a higher wing loading.
I did not know much about wing loading so I
wanted to ask a question that could help me learn
about why increasing the wingspan produces a
lighter wing load.
“One of the main effects of fuselage length is how far it
places the horizontal tail from the wing center of pressure
and the aircraft center of gravity. The longer this distance,
the greater the tail's effect at pitching the aircraft. It also
provides slower roll rate, and generally a lighter wing load”.
Key Findings
After researching more about this I learn that airliners
typically have high wing loading, and smaller airplanes
have much lower wing loading. Aircraft with low wing
loading can far out turn an aircraft with a higher wing
loading. They can fly a tighter circle and have much greater
turn radius. Overall, a longer wingspan decreases wing
load and increases lift as it increases wing surface area.
The interviews mostly developed the creative thinking
aspect of C&CT. I wanted to learn more about the
personal opinions of experience designers on how they
would make a stable plane. This allowed me to combine
previous knowledge learnt from research to the ideas of
the interviewees for building a plane which would be
stable and easy to fly for a beginner. I posed insightful
questions and analyzed the responses which a part of
C&CT. is
Skill development
Before conducting the interview, I researched on how to write
good interview questions. I developed the skill of writing
engaging questions which incorporate the opinion of the
interviewee. I focussed on not to write questions which had a
yes or no answer to make the interviewee think. Most of the
questions were opinion based as the interviewee was giving
their opinion on what design factor they believe can help
make a plane easier to fly. I also practiced communication
skills and respected the interviewee’s personal commitments.
Page 11
SACE Number: 916525E
Source Analysis
Experimental Airlines. (2011). Easy Foamboard Wing Airfoil: The Basic Version. [Online Video]. 10 September
2011. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJZoqGHAIDE. [Accessed: 8 August 2018]. (YouTube
The cause of the aerodynamic lifting force is the downward acceleration of air by the airfoil..." Weltner, Klaus;
Ingelman-Sundberg, Martin, Physics of Flight – reviewed, archived from the original on 2011-07-19 (Archived
Hedge, Nayak, Chavan and R, K. (2014). A Systematic Approach for Designing, Analyzing and Building a Model RC plane.
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, 3(12), pp.681-687.
Research Development
Source 1
Dansie, J. (2013). Model Aircraft Design. Concept2Create, pp.18-25.
Source 2
Kitchen, Seth & Broils, Bria & Foster, Isaac & Mazzoni, Zach. (2017). Design of an RC Aircraft.
Source 3
Simons, M. (1994). Model Aircraft Aerodynamics. 5th ed. Argus Books, pp.64-78.
Other Research
Johnson, C.L., 1940. Wing loading, icing and associated aspects of modern transport design. Journal of the
Aeronautical Sciences, 8(2), pp.43-54.
Rhie, C.M. and Chow, W.L., 1983. Numerical study of the turbulent flow past an airfoil with trailing edge separation.
AIAA journal, 21(11), pp.1525-1532.
Jones, R.T., 1946. Properties of low-aspect-ratio pointed wings at speeds below and above the speed of sound.
Lennon, A., 1996. Basics of R/C Model Aircraft Design: Practical Techniques for Building Better Models.
Motorbooks International.
Robinson, R.K. and Tomlinson, H.M., Nasa, Robinson Robert K and Tomlinson Harry M, 1982. Fuselage structure
using advanced technology fiber reinforced composites. U.S. Patent 4,310,132.
Army, F. and Force, F.A., Fieseler Fi 156.
Page 12