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ACT 2.1.2 TEST ... MAG... 12

NAME: ________________________________________________ GRADE & SECTION: _______________ DATE: ________________
TEST… MAG… 1 2 (Testing for Evidence of Magnetism)
I. Objectives:
•Identify the forces (attraction/repulsion) between:
a. two magnets, and
b. a magnet and magnetic/nonmagnetic materials.
•Distinguish a magnet (permanent or temporary) from a non - magnet object.
II. Materials: • pair of 3”- 6” bar magnets •6-10 objects made of different materials from inside the room •activity sheet and pen
Safety Precautions: • Handle magnets with care so as not to drop those. These might break, chip off, and weaken upon impact. •
Keep magnets away from computer units/screens, memory storage drives and disks, magnetic tapes, mechanical watches,
and the like.
III. Procedure: 1. Use a bar magnet and explore the possible effect/s it can have on the other hanged magnet when made to
interact. On your activity sheet, record the observed force effect/s. Answer also the guide questions.
Table 4. Interaction between two permanent bar magnets
( attracted or repeled)
The north pole of a magnet is placed near the north pole of
the other magnet
The north pole of a magnet is placed near the south of the
other magnet
The south pole of a magnet is placed near the south of the
other magnet
The south pole of a magnet is placed near the north of the
other magnet
Guide question:
1. Which interaction made a magnet attract another magnet?
2. Which interaction made a magnet repel another magnet?
2. This time, use only one bar magnet and explore its possible effect/s on ten different objects found inside the classroom. Record
the observed effect/s on a table similar to Table 5. (Exclude record on objects with no observed interaction with the magnet.)
Table 5. Interaction of a bar magnet with other objects
Objects that interacted with the magnet
Observed effect/s (attracted or repeled)
3. In general, what conditions with observable effects make magnets interact with non-magnet materials?
4. What type/s of force can a magnet exert on another magnet?
5. What type/s of force can a magnet exert on non-magnet objects?
6. How will you distinguish magnets from non-magnet magnetic materials?