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Inquiry in the key concept “Form” Lesson Plan - Soha Saad

Inquiry in the key concept “Form”
What does “Form” Mean?
Objectives: Language Arts: Story Elements
* Deepen the students’ understanding of the
form concept and make connection to language
* Identify the story elements
Bring in a toy or an object that attracts the
students’ attention. Ask them to tell you
how it looks like? Create a mind map as
they describe it, then tell the students that
the form of something is how it looks like.
Investigate / Activate:
Tell the students that they will play a carousel game,
they will go around 5 stations, where they will find a
focus card/picture, they will have only 30 seconds at
each station and they will have to write as many words
as they can to describe each picture, they can’t repeat a
word that was already used by the previous group
What do you
understand about the
concept “Form”?
Read (Goldilocks and the Three Bears) or
any other story of your choice. Ask the
students if they can tell you how to
describe the “FORM” of the story.
Investigate / Activate:
Ask the students to choose a story, and in a group,
identify the story elements
Post one new thing
you learned about
the “Form” concept
to the form poster
 Write about the story elements
 Sequence pictures and write simple words or a
Literacy Concepts: Story elements
Tell the students that you can use the story
elements to understand how the author
organized the story
Objectives: Language Arts: Characters
* Deepen the students’ understanding of the
form concept and make connection to language
* Describe the character traits and feelings
Choose 2 characters from stories that the
students are familiar with. Create a big
poster of both characters (laminate if
possible, as they will be used frequently).
Literacy Concepts: Character traits
Ask the students if they can tell you how to
describe the “FORM” of the characters
Differentiation: describe the character using
 Simple words
 Sentences
Objective: Math:
Tell the students that they inquired about
the form concept, and today, they will
inquire about the form concept in Math
Investigate / Activate:
Station 1: The form of the clock
Station 2: The form of an addition sentence
Station 3: Numbers in different forms (tens and ones,
ten frame, symbol, written)
* Deepen the students’ understanding of the
form concept and make connection to Math
Investigate / Activate:
Ask the student to create labels / sentences that
describe the characters and stick them around the
You can introduce the word “adjective” here
Why is it important
to learn about the
key concept “form”?
Post one new thing
you learned about
the “Form” concept
to the form poster
Post one new thing
you learned about
the “Form” concept
to the form poster