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Notetaking 2

ACAD Speaking & Listening
Note-taking 2 Class 6
Semester 1 – Week 7
Review Abbreviations and Symbols
1) The percentage of people living in cities is increasing each year.
% ppl live cty
evry yr
Activity 1.1
i) Make notes on these
three sentences using
abbreviations and
symbols where possible.
2) If you eat too much chocolate it will lead to a lot of health problems because of the high
amount of sugar found in sweet food.
If eat 2 mch choc  hlth probs ∵ 2 mch sgr
3) Her English level is very low, therefore she studies for one hour every morning before
going to class.
Her eng lvl v low ∴ she stdy 1hr evry morn b/4 uni
Analysis Landscape Architecture
Activity 2.1
i) What are your initial impressions of this students’ work?
ii) Choose either three bad points or three good points.
Activity 2.2
These two men have different perspectives .
Activity 2.3
i) What are the missing words?
ii) Do they have the same meaning?
A section drawing of a house.
This newspaper has 7 sections .
General Listening Locative Language
Part 1 (0:00 – 5:51)
Activity 2.4
i) What language is used to describe each of the four parts?
ii) Take appropriate notes whilst listening.
1) Perspective in the middle (of the sheet).
2) Bottom perspective / perspective down the bottom.
3) Right hand side (plan).
4) (The drawings ) at the top two sections.
Grammar Relative Pronouns
Relative clauses give extra information
and lecturers often use them to
explain ideas or to expand on them.
Activity 3.1
1) The woman
visited me in the hospital was very kind.
2) Elephants,
are the largest land mammals, live in herds of ten or more adults.
3) Do you remember the place
4) The umbrella
5) The man
we caught the train?
I bought last week is already broken.
stole my backpack has been arrested.
Grammar Relative Pronouns
Activity 3.2
1) The woman who visited me in the hospital was very kind.
2) Elephants, which are the largest land mammals, live in herds of 10 or more adults.
3) Do you remember the place where we caught the train?
4) The umbrella that I bought last week is already broken.
5) The man who stole my backpack has been arrested.
Relative Pronouns
Part 1a (0:00 – 0:57)
i) Which relative pronouns can you hear Dan use?
ii) What information follows the relative clause?
Activity 3.3
Okay, we're going to give some feedback about this project called
skate park with mount. As your title suggests, the topic of your
landscape design is about designing a skate park. When you say
mount, that's usually short for mountain. Calling outside a
mountain is a bit of an exaggeration. We tend to refer to the site
as a mound or hill, as it has a small hill on it. But sometimes in
design, it's okay to exaggerate. If you want to create a strong
impression about something. But anyway, it's clear to see that
your project is based on designing a skate park.
Grammar Relative Pronouns
Activity 3.4
a) Today we will
be discussing the
main artistic styles
of Van Gough
b) There were
several aspects
to poster and
logo design
Listen carefully for the relative
pronouns as the information which
follows it will be very important.
c) Urbanism
is one of the
main ideas
d) One of the
key areas
1)________________, which is why we are going to spend four lectures analysing this topic.
2)________________, who as you know was one of the most influential figures in the
history of Western art.
3) _______________that has changed the way we think about landscape architectural
design in cities since the 1960’s.
4) _______________where academics disagree is the issue of sustainability.
Grammar Relative Pronouns
Activity 3.4
1) There were several aspects to poster and logo design, which is why we are going to spend
four lectures analysing this topic.
2) Today we will be discussing the main artistic styles of Van Gough, who as you know was
one of the most influential figures in the history of Western art.
3) Urbanism is one of the main ideas that has changed the way we think about landscape
architectural design in cities since the 1960’s.
4) One of the key areas where academics disagree is the issue of sustainability.
Relative Pronouns
i) Besides ‘that’ which two other relative pronouns can you hear?
ii) What did the student use AutoCAD and Sketch-up to make?
Part 1b (00:58 – 2:05)
iii) What does Dan say about the use of photoshop?
Activity 3.5
If we go straight into your talking about your perspective, in the middle of
your sheet. The one that shows the skate park, we can see that you've made
a good effort at modelling the skateboarding landscape for the level you're
working at. And you've started, and I can tell that you've started an AutoCAD
taking it to sketch up, where you've done the 3d modelling three dimensional
modelling. Then taking it into Photoshop to finish it, which is a very good way
of working using the different software together. However, the final effect of
this perspective is not that great. You know, the finishing of it in Photoshop
could be a lot a lot better. But also the modelling of it. And the 3d modelling
and sketch up could have been done better as well, that as I said, this is quite
a hard design to model and to draw, so you've made a good attempt.
Activity 4.1
will now
to three
write down
Choose one note-taking system.
the reason.
Practice: Note-taking
Part 2a (2:06 – 2:52)
Activity 4.2
Comparing that perspective we were just talking about to
the bottom perspective brings up some questions,
especially around the visual approach to your
communication of your project. This perspective down the
bottom is very different style is a very different style
compared to the other perspective. And compared to the
other drawings on the sheet, which is a bit of a problem.
It's good to try different styles of drawing and approaches
to drawing. But for the final work, we wanted something
that had a strong visual consistency.
Practice: Note-taking
Part 2a (2:06 – 2:52)
Listening to feedback:
1) Perspective of drawing
1) Btm persp
2) Diff style 2 rest
3) No vis consistncy
Practice: Note-taking
Part 2b (2:56 – 3:41)
Activity 4.3
Talking about the plan, which is on the right-hand side,
the second image down, It's just a lot. It's just way too
small. The plans and important drawing, it's much too
small. It's also missing, you're supposed to tell us the
scale of the plan. And You can also tell us which direction
is north can have a North error. And also with the
sections they're missing scale. So This leads us to see that
you're missing some of the fundamental standards
related to doing architecture, architectural or landscape
architectural drawings.
Practice: Note-taking
Part 2b (2:56 – 3:41)
Listening to feedback:
1) Plan
-R side
- 2 small
- No scale / N
-Misin imp stndrds
Practice: Note-taking
Part 2c (3:42 – 4:57)
Activity 4.3
Let's talk about the layout of your sheet, the drawings at the top The
two sections. And This is probably not the best drawing to choose to
introduce your project. Usually We start with the site location, or
something about analysing the site, or sometimes something about
your concept. But don't usually start with the section drawings. So you
need to put more thought into the arrangement in the sequence of
In terms of action plan, Just one more point, The plan and the sections
have box or rectangle around them. This was from illustrator or CAD
AutoCAD. This doesn't need to be in your final drawings. So just make
sure that when you bring your final drawings into the final layout, that
you take away the things you don't need in terms of the action plan,
Practice: Note-taking
Part 2c (3:42 – 4:57)
Shd b location /analysing/
concept – not SD
Plan +
Section =
Bad order
Ai / CAD