CITING A SOURCE By: Vita Fitrianti FKIP of Universitas Mataram Trainee of researcher in LIPI, 2017 WHY CITING IS IMPORTANT? • To show the reader that you have done proper research • A kind of responsibility of work • A way to give honor/respect to other researcher and acknowledging their ideas • To allow the reader to track down the sources you used • To avoid PLAGIARISM CITATION STYLE • APA (American Psychological Association) Style common • • • • • used ACS (American Chemical Society) Style IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) Style MLA (Modern Language Association) Style FKIP Unram Style ? Etc, STANDARD ELEMENT • Author name(s) or company/organization name • Title of sources (book, articles, journals) • Date of publication • Others (page number, volume and issue number, place of publication/production) EXAMPLE OF CITATION STYLE Author: A. Sasekumar Title (article, journal): Distribution of Macrofauna on a Malayan Mangrove Shore, Journal of Animal Ecology Date of publication: Feb 1974 Others (pp no., vol & issue): 51-69, 43 & 1 EXAMPLE OF CITATION STYLE CITATION STYLES FORM OF CITATION APA Sasekumar, A. (1974). Distribution of macrofauna on a Malayan mangrove shore. Journal of Animal Ecology, 43 (1), 51-69. ACS Sasekumar, A. Distribution of Macrofauna on a Malayan Mangrove Shore. Journal of Animal Ecology 1974, 43, 51-69. IEE A. Sasekumar, “Distribution of Macrofauna on a Malayan Mangrove Shore,” Journal of Animal Ecology, vol. 43, pp. 51-69, Feb, 1974. MLA Sasekumar, A. “Distribution of Macrofauna on a Malayan Mangrove Shore.” Journal of Animal Ecology 43.1 (1974): 51-69. FKIP Unram Style Sasekumar, A. 1974. Distribution of Macrofauna on a Malayan Mangrove Shore. Journal of Animal Ecology: 51-69. Please note the use of italic word, capitalize letter, dot, coma, quotation and name arrangement in every citation style! RULE OF CITATION • You must cite : Uncommon fact, figures, ideas/theories, information, or knowledge 2. A person exact word (to show proper credit) • Put citing statement that refers to source or your bibliography/references (following the rule of each citation style) • You can use any of two types of citation (direct and indirect citation) • Avoiding PLAGIARISM (including the act of lying) 1. RULE OF CITATION Only cite uncommon fact, figures, ideas/theories, information, knowledge, or person exact word Common fact/knowledge Uncommon fact/knowledge Banyak karang rusak akibat pemutihan karang belakangan ini Pemutihan karang yang dipicu oleh peristiwa El-Niño sepanjang tahun 2014-2-17 menyebabkan 70% tutupan karang dunia mengalami kerusakan (Albright, 2017) Kebanyakan gastrpoda mangrove dapat ditemukan di wilayah mangrove yang terpapar cahaya Merujuk pada Sesakumar (1974), Hampir seluruh gastropoda mangrove ditemukan di wilayah yang mengalami waktu paparan sinar matahari diatas 90%, kecuali pada jenis Collumbella duclosiana, Stenothyra polita dan Nassarius spp. Wilayah tropis adalah tempat yang indah “Beauty of sunrise. The first hour of morning in the equatorial regions, posses charm and a beauty that can never be forgotten”- Alfred R. Wallace (1867) For some reason, you can support a common fact (as it your idea) by using uncommon fact(s) a scientific way RULE OF CITATION Put citing statement that refers to source or your bibliography/references APA (example) In text: According to Sesakumar (1974), almost all of gastropods found in mangrove forest occur in any region with over 90% exposure time, except for Collumbella duclosiana, Stenothyra polita, and Nassarius spp. In reference: Sasekumar, A. (1974). Distribution of macrofauna on a Malayan mangrove shore. Journal of Animal Ecology, 43 (1), 51-69. RULE OF CITATION There are two types of citation (direct and indirect citation) and you can use one of them to express a citation DIRECT • “Beauty of sunrise. The first hour of morning in the equatorial regions, posses charm and a beauty that can never be forgotten”- Alfred R. Wallace (1867) • in On the Climate & Vegetation of the Tropic, Alfred R. Wallace (1867) said: “Beauty of sunrise. The first hour of morning in the equatorial regions, posses charm and a beauty that can never be forgotten” INDIRECT • The tropical region is best known for its beauty of the sunrise and charm and its beauty will never be forgotten since the first of his morning in the equatorial regions (Wallace, 1867). • According to Wallace (1867), the tropical region offers charm and beauty that will never be forgotten by him since the first morning he arrived in the equatorial regions INDIRECT CITATION You can cite more than one source (that has same idea or combine different idea) in a single indirect citation sentence Examples: Sources Indirect citation • (Pochon et al, 2004) menggunakan analisis rDNA diketahui terdapat 8 klad zooxanthellae • (LaJeunesse et al, 2018) menggunakan analisis rDNA diketahui terdapat 8 klad zooxanthellae Berkat analisis filogeni menggunakan rDNA, kini diketahui bahwa terdapat 8 klad zooxanthellae yag menjadi inang beragam jenis invertebrata (Pochon et al, 2004; LaJeunesse et al, 2018). • (Goreau, 1964) perubahan salinitas secara ekstremmemicu pemutihan karang • (Muscatine et al, 1991) perubahan suhu perairan ekstrem menyebabkan pemutihan karang • • Beberapa faktor lingkungan diduga menjadi pemicu terjadinya peristiwa pemutihan karang, seperti perubahan salinitas dan/atau suhu perairan secara ekstrem (Goreau, 1964; Muscatine et al, 1991). Beberapa faktor lingkungan diduga menjadi pemicu terjadinya peristiwa pemutihan karang, seperti perubahan salinitas (Goreau, 1964) dan/atau suhu perairan secara ekstrem (Muscatine et al, 1991). RULE OF CITATION • Avoiding PLAGIARISM • Plagiarism: “an act of borrowing any word, data or idea and (pretend) to acknowledge that it was yours” the act of stealing and lying • You must also avoid lying (ex: giving fake data) • Plagiarism and lying a very serious offense and cause different consequences (mostly heavy) HOW TO AVOID PLAGIARISM? • Make sure you have taken the data/idea from valid source(s) to avoid lying • Make sure you put citing statement that refers to the source of the data/idea • In indirect context, make sure you convert the data/idea into your own words/sentences without copying the exact words/sentences and changing its true meaning • In indirect context, do not copying/repeat the same sentences, even if its your own words creativity is really appreciated AVOIDING PLAGIARISM Example: Source (Direct) “..Other animal, including several species of polychaetes and grapsid crabs, occur in areas with over 90% exposure time..” - Sesakumar (1974) Example (Indirect) • Polychaetes and grapsid crabs are easily found in mangrove area with over 90% exposure time (Sesakumar, 1974) • Area mangrove yang memiliki rentang waktu terpapar matahari hingga lebih dari 90% merupakan tempat bagi beberapa polychaeta dan kepiting grapsid (Sesakumar, 1974) • Several species of polychaetes and grapsid crabs, occur in areas with over 90% exposure time (Sesakumar, 1974) • Beberapa spesies polychaeta dan kepiting grapsid ada di wilayah dengan waktu paparan sinar matahari melebihi 90% (Sesakumar, 1974) Comment UNIQUE UNIQUE PLAGIARISM UNIQUE CITING AND REFERRING IN MICROSOFT WORD 1. Click References Insert Citation Add New Sources To change citation style New Create Source window will appear CITING AND REFERRING IN MICROSOFT WORD 2. Fill the Create Source window Selected citation source Selected citation style Click for more field options CITING AND REFERRING IN MICROSOFT WORD 3. Now your Citing statement appears CITING AND REFERRING IN MICROSOFT WORD 4. Now, lets create a reference. Click ReferencesBibliography, you can select between Bibliography or Works Cited CITING AND REFERRING IN MICROSOFT WORD 5. Now, your reference is ready Better citing rather than fall in a sin! THANK YOU