ONLINE SHOPPING “Our Project is An E-Commerce Website. The goal of this Online shopping website is to facilitate the customers to buy products online with ease of “Click N Buy”. It ‘s a process of implementing all the activities of the Shopping in an electronic and computerized automated way to fasten the performance with ease” Group Members: Aroos Fatima Jawaria Shahid Romana Noor Samina Safdar Objectives: This project provides the Website for ONLINE SHOPPING. The main objective of this website is to provide easy assistance to both the customer and merchant to interact with each other for business purpose through a platform. It provides a system which controls the selling of items and user can buy items sitting anywhere and anytime. It is a 365/24 Service. The system is user friendly and easy to use .All the data is store in database and avoids any miscalculations. Framework Overview: Website provides the following facilities to the customers: Facilitates easy shopping online from anywhere and payment (conditions apply) Provides information about the products in categories Customers are provided with up to date information on the products available Mange and view items in cart The customers register with their details and get authentication. Name of Our Website: Name and logo of our website is: Structure Of Project: Module Description: The Module Description of the proposed system is as following: In the proposed system, we have different sections for each type of product related to a specific category which provides ease to customer for finding their desired product. We have following sections: 1. Fashion Men 1.1.1. Clothes 1.1.2. Shoes 1.1.3. Watches 1.1.4. Other Accessories 2. Women 1.2.1. Clothes 1.2.2. Shoes 1.2.3. Jewellery 1.2.4. Bags 3. Kids 1.3.1. Clothes 1.3.2. Shoes 1.3.3. Toys 1.3.4. School Stuff Electronic Items Smart Devices 1. Mobiles 2. Laptops and Desktop Computers 3. Tablets 4. Cameras Sporting and Goods Health and Beauty 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Technology to Be Used: Technology to be used in this website is: 1. Front End: 1. 2. 3. 4. 2. HTML CSS Java Script JQuery Back End: 2. PHP MySQL 3. 3. 1. OS : Windows XP and Higher Future Scope Of Our Project: Purchasing and selling products and services over the internet without the need of going physically to the market is what online shopping all about that is the main objective of our project. In addition to this, a lot more options are available when shopping is done online. Our customer will get a lot of information on the variety, pricing and quality of products which are available. The online transactions are more secure our system will ensure that.