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Facts About Cloves: Origin, Uses, and Benefits

Facts About Cloves
1) The name cloves comes from the Latin word: clavus meaning what? Nail
2) Whole cloves are the dried, unopened, nail-shaped flower buds (part) of a
tropical evergreen tree.
3) Where did clove trees originate? Cloves are believed to have originated
from the Molucca Islands of Indonesia.
4) What aromas and flavors are mainly associated with cloves? It is pungent,
strong and sweet with a bitter astringent flavor that is can described
as hot.
5) What are some common uses for whole cloves? Some common uses of
cloves are garam masala, biryanis, ketchup and pickles. It also works
as a seasoning for meats and cookies.
6) The spices which combine well with cloves are: Citrus Peel, Star Anise and
Sichuan peppercorns, Cinnamon, Allspice
7) What are some health benefits of cloves? It can aid in treating gum diseases,
aids digestion, reduces inflammation, help controls blood pressure,
and can aid in preservation.
8) What occupational field has been known to use cloves in their practice for years?
I believe the food, agriculture, cosmetic and pharmaceuticals uses
cloves in their products.
9) What is a pomander and how did it originate? A ball or container filled with
sweet- smelling substances like herbs and spices to protect against
infections or cover up bad smells. It originated in in Europe in the
middle ages to cover up bad smells probably caused by the black
10) Name one health benefit of whole grains. It can lower the risk of diabetes.