Converting AC Distribution Lines to DC to Increase Transfer Capacities and DG Penetration Srinath.N.S March 12, 2019 Srinath.N.S Converting AC Distribution Lines to DC to IncreaseMarch Transfer 12, 2019 Capacities 1 / 14 and Outline 1 Overview 2 Existing Distribution systems 3 Conversion Methodology 4 Merits 5 Conclusion & De-Merits Srinath.N.S Converting AC Distribution Lines to DC to IncreaseMarch Transfer 12, 2019 Capacities 2 / 14 and Overview Transfer capacities of existing AC distribution lines needs to be increased to meet the increase in load demands. On the other hand large scale integration of dispersed renewable sources poses a challenge to voltage control So improving the transfer capacities considering the accomodation of DG sources can be taken as an issue to be addressed Srinath.N.S Converting AC Distribution Lines to DC to IncreaseMarch Transfer 12, 2019 Capacities 3 / 14 and Existing Distribution System Distribution lines in urban areas are generally close to each other At times of fluctuating load conditions,power tends to change continuously For two adjacent lines, if one line is lightly loaded and other one is heavily loaded,power losses and voltage deviations will be high in heavily loaded line. Loads needs to be shed in-order to avoid over-loading DG curtailment needs to be performed in lightly loaded lines to avoid over-voltage problems Flexible power shift between two adjacent lines will address this issue effectively to increase the overall transfer capacity Srinath.N.S Converting AC Distribution Lines to DC to IncreaseMarch Transfer 12, 2019 Capacities 4 / 14 and Conversion Methodology Base line configuration Conversion of AC line to DC is constituted based on the fact that 3 AC wires are used as positive DC wire,negative DC wire and a neutral wire respectively. Configuration types 1 Symmetrical configuration with neutral wire 2 Symmetrical configuration without neural wire 3 Asymmetrical configuration with a neutral wire Configuration examples Srinath.N.S Converting AC Distribution Lines to DC to IncreaseMarch Transfer 12, 2019 Capacities 5 / 14 and Conversion Methods DC Voltage calculation Generally in urban distribution networks 3-core underground cables with double circuit configuration is widely used to limit corridor spaces. When converting AC cable to DC operation for symmetrical configurations,total DC voltage is 2UDC = √ 2 U AC (1) Since both ’+’ve and ’-’ve poles are with in the same cable,maximum dc voltage is √ UDC = 2/2UAC (2) For asymmetrical configuration, the DC voltage is √ √ UDC = 2/ 3UAC Srinath.N.S (3) Converting AC Distribution Lines to DC to IncreaseMarch Transfer 12, 2019 Capacities 6 / 14 and DC Line Resistance The resistance of DC lines are smaller than those of AC lines due to skin effect(ys )andproximityeffect(yp )whichcanbegivenby rAC = rDC (1 + ys + yp ) (4) where ys = 0.02&yp = 0.001respectively . Therefore DC Resistance is rDC = 0.98rAC Srinath.N.S (5) Converting AC Distribution Lines to DC to IncreaseMarch Transfer 12, 2019 Capacities 7 / 14 and DC Current Current dissipation capacity of both AC and DC conductor is the same, 2 2 IDC ∗ rDC = IAC ∗ rAC (6) Therefore maximum allowed DC Current is IDC = 1.01IAC Srinath.N.S (7) Converting AC Distribution Lines to DC to IncreaseMarch Transfer 12, 2019 Capacities 8 / 14 and Maximum Transfer Capacities for Single Circuit OH and UG Cables Srinath.N.S Converting AC Distribution Lines to DC to IncreaseMarch Transfer 12, 2019 Capacities 9 / 14 and Maximum Transfer Capacities for Double Circuit OH and UG Cables Srinath.N.S Converting AC Distribution Lines to DC to Increase March Transfer 12, 2019 Capacities 10 / 14 and Network Losses Power losses of a conductor depends on the heat dissipation capability of the conductor. Maximum allowed losses for AC system in given by 2 P AC loss = (Pl2 + Ql2 /UAC )rAC (8) Since there is no reactive power in DC system,full current rating can be used to transfer real power. Therefore power loss in DC lines for configurations a,b and c are 2 P DC loss = (Pl2 /2UDC )rDC DC 2 P loss = (Pl2 /4UDC )rDC 2 P DC loss = (2Pl2 /3UDC )rDC (9) (10) (11) Using the above equations and considering a power factor of 0.9, the ratio of losses between AC and DC are 0.794,0.397,0.794 respectively for 3 cases. Srinath.N.S Converting AC Distribution Lines to DC to Increase March Transfer 12, 2019 Capacities 11 / 14 and Voltage Drop AC voltage drop under Pl canbecalculatedas ∆UAC = (Pl .rAC + Ql .xAC )/UAC (12) For DC, voltage drop for configurations a,b& c are as follows : ∆UDC = (Pl /2UDC )rDC (13) ∆UDC = (Pl /4UDC )rDC (14) ∆UDC = (2Pl /3UDC )rDC (15) The ratio of voltage drop between DC and AC using above equations are 0.539,0.27 & 0.311 respectively for 3 cases. Srinath.N.S Converting AC Distribution Lines to DC to Increase March Transfer 12, 2019 Capacities 12 / 14 and Merits Through the conversion,the maximum power transfer can be increased by 83.2% for symmetrical configuration single circuit cables For double circuit cables,maximum transfer capacity is increased by 58.7% Hybrid AC/DC networks have flexible power scheduling and power balance Transient currents can be avoided through the hybrid configuration thus giving better performance than AC Srinath.N.S Converting AC Distribution Lines to DC to Increase March Transfer 12, 2019 Capacities 13 / 14 and Conclusion & De-Merits Proposed method analyses and quantifies the capacity increases of various methods to convert AC lines to DC Major contributions includes: 1. Large utilization of line capacity 2. Along with VAR optimization, active power optimization is designed to accommodate DG’s and maximize load supply Also major drawbacks includes: 1.Electro-Magnetic interference(EMI) 2.DC Stress of materials designed for AC 3.Creepage on Insulators 4.Corrosion of structures in absence of return conductor failing to provide current path return Srinath.N.S Converting AC Distribution Lines to DC to Increase March Transfer 12, 2019 Capacities 14 / 14 and