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Análisis de Poemas: Lawrence y Enfoque TAC

A Spiritual Woman
Close your eyes, my love, let me make you blind;
They have taught you to see
Only a mean arithmetic on the face of things,
A cunning algebra in the faces of men,
And God like geometry
Completing his circles, and working cleverly.
I’ll kiss you over the eyes till I kiss you blind;
If I can—if any one could.
Then perhaps in the dark you’ll have got what you want to find.
You’ve discovered so many bits, with your clever eyes,
And I’m a kaleidoscope
That you shake and shake, and yet it won’t come to your mind.
Now stop carping at me.—But God, how I hate you!
Do you fear I shall swindle you?
Do you think if you take me as I am, that that will abate you
Somehow?—so sad, so intrinsic, so spiritual, yet so cautious, you
Must have me all in your will and your consciousness—
I hate you.
David Herbert Lawrence
TAC Approach main guidelines
(1) Timeframe:
1min: brief Presentation of your commentary plan (abstract including the chosen literary approach)
Minutes 2: brief introduction of the 2 expects to be commented
In the following minutes you comment with your partner the two texts chosen by developing the selected literary
Min 3-5: contextual elements (similarities and differences found)
Min 5:51 to 8:59: linguistic elements (FoS, LD, RT, and metric and rhyme patterns)
9 – 11:59: semantics aspects (your own interpretation commented with your partner resorting to, at least, two
literary critics or commentators).
12 to 13: conclusion of your contrastive speech
(2) Introduction to your analysis
Presentation of the plan to be followed before starting the speech/the paper
Hello everyone, my name is Jenifer and my name is Giancarlo.
We are students of surcolombiana university, and today in this videos we are going to analyze two
poems. (
The first poem is “a spiritual woman” by David Herbert Lawrence
the second poem is “the spatial coast” by
With those poems we are going to give you a clear understanding of them, and to summarize you
this is what we are going to analyze. (show a table of content)
(3) Contextual framework
Brief presentation of the author:
The son of a miner, the prolific novelist, poet, and travel writer David Herbert Lawrence was born
in Eastwood, Nottinghamshire, in 1885. He attended Nottingham University and found
employment as a schoolteacher. His first novel, The White Peacock, was published in 1911, the
same year his beloved mother died and he quit teaching after contracting pneumonia. The next
year Lawrence published Sons and Lovers and ran off to Germany with Frieda Weekley, his former
tutor’s wife. His masterpieces The Rainbow and Women in Love were completed in quick
succession, but the first was suppressed as indecent and the second was not published until 1920.
Lawrence’s lyrical writings challenged convention, promoting a return to an ideal of nature where
sex is seen as a sacrament. In 1928 Lawrence’s final novel, Lady Chatterley’s Lover, was banned in
England and the United States for indecency. He died of tuberculosis in 1930 in Venice.
Brief presentation of the text to be commented (movement, school, genre, subgenre)
Women in Love was written during World War I, and while that conflict is never mentioned
in the novel, a sense of background danger, of lurking catastrophe, continually informs its
drama. Lawrence was a powerful, prophetic writer, but in addition he brought such
delicacy to his treatment of the human and natural worlds that E. M. Forster’s claim that
he was the greatest imaginative novelist of his generation does him too little justice rather
than too much.
Who is the masterpiece intended for? (what kind of readers)
Women in Love is a novel by British author D. H. Lawrence published in 1920. It is a sequel to
his earlier novel The Rainbow (1915) and follows the continuing loves and lives of the
Brangwen sisters, Gudrun and Ursula. Gudrun Brangwen, an artist, pursues a destructive
relationship with Gerald Crich, an industrialist. Lawrence contrasts this pair with the love that
develops between Ursula and Rupert Birkin, an alienated intellectual who articulates many
(5) Semantic framework
Other’s opinions about the reading (critics or external quotes to other authors)
Selected by the Modern Library as one of the 100 best novels of all time
With an Introduction by Joyce Carol Oates
foreword by the author
Commentary by Carl van Doren, Rebecca West,
Aldous Huxley, and Henry Miller
It is . . . the world of the poets and the preponderance of the poet in [Lawrence] that is the
key to his work. He magnified and deepened experience in the manner of a poet,” wrote
Anaïs Nin in 1934.
Privately printed in 1920 and published commercially in 1921, Women in Love is the
novel Lawrence himself considered his masterpiece. Set in the English Midlands, the novel
traces the lives of two sisters, Ursula and Gudrun, and the men with whom they fall in
love. All four yearn for fufillment in their romantic lives, yet struggle in a world that is
increasingly violent and destructive. Commenting on the novel, which was composed in
the midst of the First World War in 1916, Lawrence wrote, “The bitterness of the war may
be taken for granted in the characters.” Rich in symbolism and lyrical prose, Women in
Love is a complex meditation on the meaning of love in the modern world.
To the critic Alfred Kazin, “No other writer of [Lawrence’s] imaginative standing has
in our time written books that are so open to life.”
"No dudemos más en anunciar que las pasiones y misterios sensuales son
igualmente sagrados que los misterios y pasiones espirituales", escribió DH
Lawrence en Mujeres enamoradas, su obra maestra que anuncia la conciencia
erótica del siglo XX. Lawrence explora el amor, el sexo, la pasión y el matrimonio a
través de los ojos de dos hermanas, Gudrun y Ursula Brangwen. Inteligentes,
incisivas y observadoras, las dos hermanas muy diferentes persiguen asuntos
emocionantes y tórridos con sus amantes, Rupert y Gerald, mientras buscan
relaciones emocionales más maduras. En un contexto inquietante de minas de
carbón, fábricas y una clase trabajadora asediada de la Primera Guerra Mundial,
las diferencias de temperamento de Gudrun y Ursula provocan un debate en curso
sobre su sociedad, sus vidas internas y los misterios entre hombres y mujeres.
Sumérgete en una provocativa historia de la mayoría de edad que desafió los
vestigios de las costumbres sexuales de la era eduardiana de Inglaterra. Una
continuación de un arco ficticio que DH Lawrence comenzó en una novela
anterior, The Rainbow , Women in Love, explora los enredos románticos y las
relaciones amorosas de las hermanas Ursula y Gudrun Brangwen.
la novela alcanzó el éxito comercial, sorprendiendo a los lectores con su franca
discusión sobre la sexualidad y el deseo físico de las mujeres. The Rainbow es la
primera de las dos novelas de la familia Brangwen, cuya historia concluye
en Women in Love .
Women in Love comienza un floreciente día de primavera en Inglaterra y termina
con una terrible catástrofe en la nieve de los Alpes. Ursula y Gudrun son hermanas
muy diferentes que se enredan con dos amigos, Rupert y Gerald, que viven en su
ciudad natal. Los lazos entre las parejas se vuelven rápidamente intensos y
apasionados, pero no está claro si esta pasión es creativa o destructiva.
En esta asombrosa novela, ampliamente considerada como la mejor obra de DH
Lawrence, explora lo que significa ser humano en una era de conflicto y
confusión. Fue escrito durante la Primera Guerra Mundial, y aunque ese conflicto
nunca se menciona en la novela, una sensación de peligro de fondo, de una
catástrofe al acecho, informa continuamente su drama de dos parejas que luchan
dinámicamente entre ellas y con ellas. limitaciones intratables de la vida.
Lawrence fue un escritor poderoso y profético, pero además aportó tanta
delicadeza a su tratamiento del mundo humano y natural que la afirmación de EM
Forster de que era el novelista más imaginativo de nuestra generación le hace muy
poca justicia en lugar de demasiado.
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