AGUILAR, REGINA PASION, MAECY SAGUIPIL, ESTHER TAGALOG, JOJEMAY USANA, KARLA BSN 2 – G THE VINE AND THE BRANCHES (JN. 15:1-17) “I am the vine, you are the branches: He that stays in me, and I in him, the same brings forth much fruit: for without me you can do nothing. If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned” THE VINE AND THE BRANCHES Jesus tells his disciples that he is like a vine and God is the caretaker of the vineyard. God cuts off all the branches on the vine that don't grow grapes. The branches that do produce grapes, though, he prunes and trims, so that they can make even more beautiful, delicious grapes. Everyone wants to be a delicious grape. Without Jesus, the branches can't grow at all. If people don't believe in him, their branches will be cut off from the vine and end up dead and withered. Branches like that are usually gathered up and thrown in a bonfire. WHAT WE CAN LEARN Through telling the parable of the vine and its branches, the Lord Jesus told us that it is very important to establish a proper relationship with God. The Lord compared us to the branches and compared Himself to the vine. Our relationship with the Lord is like the relationship between vine branches and the vine. Away from the vine, the branches will lose the supply of life and get withered and then die. Only by constantly living before God, reading His words and having a proper relationship with Him, can we be watered and fed by the Holy Spirit and bear the fruit of life. Conversely, if we often stray far from God, cling to the world and live in the enjoyment of the flesh and material benefits, but seldom read God’s words or pray to Him, then we will have no proper relationship with Him, nor do we have the work of the Holy Spirit. It is like those branches will wither if they are away from the vine. Having no work of the Holy Spirit, we may still perform religious ceremonies and keep rules such as attending the meetings, reading and studying the Bible and praying outwardly, but in fact all that we do bears no relation to God. It is because we still live in sin involuntarily, leading a life of sinning in the day and confessing in the evening, let alone give our hearts to God to have a true communion with Him. Because we don’t have a place for God in our hearts, nor do we have hearts of revering Him, we often speak and act according to our own ideas, naturalness and arrogant disposition, and it is difficult for us to act in harmony with His will. Failing to keep the Lord’s way, we have no joy and peace in our hearts. No matter how much effort we make or no matter how much we suffer, it is useless; no matter how many years we follow the Lord, we can’t gain life. It can be seen that establishing a proper relationship with God is the foundation for entering into life. A branch that is truly connected to the vine is secure and will never be removed. But one that only appears to be connected—one that has only a superficial connection—will be removed. If it does not have the life of the vine flowing through it, it will bear no fruit. A GRAPEVINE: Feeds the branches. Our spiritual nourishment comes to us through the Savior. Both individually and as a church, if we do not abide in Him, we can do nothing—nothing, that is, that would be fruitful for us or the world in terms of helping people return to Heavenly Father and become what He desires us to become. BRANCHES OF A GRAPEVINE: Bear fruit. As we abide in Christ, we bring forth the fruits of the gospel—Christ-like attributes in our lives, service to our fellowmen, peace and joy in our hearts, the preaching of the gospel, repentance and conversion in ourselves and others, sacred covenants with God, happiness in our families and communities, and much more. Bear more fruit if they are carefully pruned. When grapevines are properly tended and pruned, the bunches that form on the branches have large and numerous grapes. If we are teachable and will endure correction, we will bring forth fruit abundantly. But if we are willful, prideful, and “grow wild,” we no longer abide in Christ and will not be as fruitful. Trained to grow off the ground so they’ll be most healthy and fruitful. Christ’s gospel and His Church help us overcome the tendency of the natural man to sag in sin and selfishness and to wallow in worldly things that harm us spiritually. By living the gospel and keeping covenants, we are lifted up to greater joy, peace, and service. References: Gospel of John. (n.d.). Retrieved on October 11, 2019 from Yingying. (2017). The Relationship Between Vine Branches and the Vine. Retrieved on October 11, 2019 from