URBAN WATER SYSTEM DESIGN VDB 3083 SEPT 2017 Semester GROUP PROJECT URBAN DRAINAGE SYSTEM DESIGN Lecturer: Dr. Husna Binti Takaijudin Civil & Environmental Engineering Department Group Member:Name Student ID Course HO JIAN QIN 0021578 Bachelor in Engineering (Hons), Civil, 3rd Year 2nd Sem 0021976 Bachelor in Engineering (Hons), Civil, 3rd Year 2nd Sem 0021876 Bachelor in Engineering (Hons), Civil, 3rd Year 2nd Sem 0021793 Bachelor in Engineering (Hons), Civil, 3rd Year 2nd Sem 0021739 Bachelor in Engineering (Hons), Civil, 3rd Year 2nd Sem AZRA ZULAIKHA BT AHMAD ZULFIKRI MUHAMMAD HANIF BIN AHMAD TALHAH NUR SHAHIRA FAZIRA BINTI SHAMSUL ARIFFIN MUHAMMAD NUR HAQIM BIN ARIFFIN Submitted on: 27th November 2017 Signature TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION/ BACKGROUND STUDY ................................................................................... 3 2.0 ORGANIZATION CHART/ WORK DIVISION: ............................................................................. 4 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION........................................................................................................................... 5 4.0 SITE TOPOGRAPHY .......................................................................................................................... 7 5.0 RESULTS AND FINDINGS ................................................................................................................ 8 5.1. SELECTION OF CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ............................................................................... 8 5.2 DETERMINATION OF DRAINAGE AREA ................................................................................ 9 5.3 DETERMINATION OF RAINFALL INTENSITY ...................................................................... 9 5.3.1 Rainfall Estimation ...................................................................................................................... 9 Average Recurrence Interval .................................................................................................... 9 Time of Concentration .............................................................................................................. 9 5.3.2 Rainfall Intensity Calculation .................................................................................................... 11 5.4. DETERMINATION OF PEAK FLOW ....................................................................................... 11 5.4.1 Runoff Coefficient, C................................................................................................................. 11 5.5 DETERMINATION OF INVERT LEVEL. ................................................................................. 13 5.6 TABLE OF DESIGN AND CALCULATION.............................................................................. 13 6.0 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................... 14 7.0 RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................................................................... 15 APPENDIX 1.0: SITE DRAWING OF PROPOSED DRAINAGE PROJECT……………………...15 APPENDIX 2.0: DRAINAGE LENGTH AND SUMP PIT LABEL………………………………….15 APPENDIX 3.0: DIVISION OF SUB-CATCHMENT AREA………………………………………...15 APPENDIX 4.0: DRAINAGE LOOP AND NETWORK…...…………………………………………15 APPENDIX 5.0: OVERLAND FLOW LENGTH ...………………………………....……………..…15 2 1.0 INTRODUCTION/ BACKGROUND STUDY Drainage is known as the natural or artificial removal of sub-surface water from an area. Without an effective drainage system, problems may be encountered such as flooding. Hence, it is vital for an area to have an efficient system to carry these sub-surface water away to prevent any unwanted problems. Apart from flooding, not having a proper drainage system could also cause structural problems to the foundation of a building which in the future, could collapse if neglected. Concrete would begin to crack and crumble when it has been exposed to water for a prolonged period of time. As the consulting engineers of the project, we are required to propose and design a drainage system for new mosque complex at Bandar Tun Razak, Jengka, Maran, Pahang Darul Makmur. The proposed area is approximately about 2 ha which located nearby Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM). The total sump available in this project are 67 sumps with total area of 69. We are using the Rational Method and the drain type used are reinforced concrete pipe (RCP). Throughout this project, we are required to determine the drainage area, rainfall intensity, peak flow and invert level. By identifying the proposed area, we are required to calculate the percentage of pervious and impervious area available in between the respective area. Impervious area are known mainly as artificial structures such as pavements that are covered by impenetrable materials like asphalt, concrete, brick, stone and rooftops. The Annual Recurrence Interval (ARI) we used in this project are 10 years. The fitting constants for the IDF Empirical Equation is based on JPS Temerloh in order to calculate for the rainfall intensity. 3 2.0 ORGANIZATION CHART/ WORK DIVISION: Ho Jian Qin (Group Leader) - Planning, managing details and distributes tasks evenly to all members. - Monitoring the tasks to ensure that all members have completed their tasks according to schedule. - In charged of the calculations for area 1- 15. Azra Zulaikha - In charged of the calculations for area 16 - 29 Nur Shahira Fazira - In charged of the calculations for area 30 - 43 4 Muhammad Hanif - In charges of the calculations for area 44 - 56 Muhammad Nur Haqim - In charged of the calculations for area 57 - 69 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION Bandar Tun Razak, Jengka formerly known as Bandar Pusat Jengka or Jengka Town Centre is a main town in Maran District, Pahang, Malaysia. Bandar Tun Razak is the centre of the Jengka Triangle which is known as FELDA Jengka. The Jengka Triangle which is the largest FELDA settlement in Malaysia is one of the successful Malaysian government's projects to eradicate poverty among its citizen. For our project, we have been asked to design a drainage system at Bandar Tun Razak, Jengka, Maran, Pahang, Darul Makmur. The proposed area is approximately about 2 ha which located nearby Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM). Based from our drawing, the project was to be started at February 2015. From the drawing, we can obtain data between two consecutive areas at which there is an increase in slope from south-west area that is 72.50m above sea level to north-east area that is 75.00m from sea level. So from here it can be assumed that the flow of the water in the drainage was flowing naturally under the gravitational force due to difference of elevation between two reference points. Also, it is best to take the slope of the site location to be in range of 1-5 percent, which indicated that the site location mainly have mild slopes. For certain location with steeper slopes, the slope is taken to be in range of 5 – 12percent. Based on the drawings, we have also made assumption that water will flow from upper elevation to lower elevation, some of which will be flowing into existing drains (“Pipe Yang Sedia Ada”) and some part of the flow into the On Side Detention Pond (“Kolam OSD”) that will slowly release the water from the outlet. It is done so due to the reason that on actual site, not all water will be flowing into the OSD Pond due to the drainage design proposed by Project Architect and the difference in site elevation. The area of our site was approximately about 2 ha which located nearby Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM). Site location shown below is the satellite projection of new mosque complex at Bandar Tun Razak, Jengka, Maran, Pahang Darul Makmur. 5 Figure 1. Satellite Projection of Proposed Site Location Figure 2 Satellite Projection of Proposed Site Location with respect to other landmark 6 4.0 SITE TOPOGRAPHY Bandar Tun Razak, Jengka, Maran, Pahang Darul Makmur has a tropical topography with a central atmosphere and a year-round moistness of not less than 75%. It is warm and muggy during the time with temperatures going from 21 °C to 33°C. The precipitation data found was 200 mm from month to month, a substantial extent of which happens amid the upper east monsoon. Precipitation is the most reduced in March, with a normal of 22.25 mm. In October and November, the precipitation achieves its top, with a normal of 393 mm. The most blazing month in Pahang is May when the normal greatest temperature is 33°, normal temperature is 28° and normal least temperature is 24°.At good country ranges, the temperature can fluctuate from 23 °C amid daytime to 16 °C amid evening. In this project, the proposed area for the new mosque complex is on an uneven and slopping soil which has distinctive stature of ground surface. The water seepage will streaming following to the slant range from the higher incline to bring down slant. The water will then stream to the most reduced piece of the proposed territory, which is the maintenance lake and to the existing drainage pipeline. Storm water from the maintenance lake will exit through the outlet sump and to the main drain. All in all, topography and slope ought to be considered when drawing up site anticipates any development venture. Thought of the incline of the land is vital to diminish development costs, limit dangers from common perils, for example, flooding and avalanches, and to limit the effects of proposed advancement on normal assets, for example, soils, vegetation and water framework. 7 5.0 RESULTS AND FINDINGS 5.1. SELECTION OF CONVEYANCE SYSTEM Based on the available conveyance system, namely line drain and swale system, our group have chosen to adapt Line Drainage Design instead of swale drainage due to its simplicity and practicality in term of conveying storm or drain water. A good drainage system can prevent water stagnation and accumulation that can lead to flooding by directing the water away from the respective catchment area. The reason we chose line drainage design over swale design is because: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Swale drainage requires constant maintenance due to growing of vegetative cover. Trapping of urban pollutant by vegetative cover of swale drainage may cause clogging and stagnation of water over time. Line drainage of Reinforced Concrete (RC) requires less maintenance. Line drainage of Reinforced Concrete (RC) have smooth finishing that reduce flow friction. Rigidity and durable characteristic of Reinforced Concrete (RC) Drain ensure long serviceability. Simplicity in calculation of line drainage and availability of various drain shape (triangular, rectangular & trapezoidal) For our drainage design we have chosen the material of construction to be Reinforced Concrete Drain and of Rectangular in shape. The initial assumption for the sizing of our drainage is based on Chapter 14: Drain and Swales Design, MSMA 2nd Edition, at which we have a width of 1.00m and a depth of 0.6m including a freeboard of 0.05m according to the design manual. As we are designing for an open drainage system, the dimension of lined open drain have been limited due to interests of public safety and to facilitate ease of maintenance. For open drainage, the maximum allowable depth is 0.6m whereas the width may varies from 0.5m to 1.2m. Figure 3 Dimension Limits for Open Drain based on Chapter 14 Drain and Swales Design, MSMA 2nd Edition 8 5.2 DETERMINATION OF DRAINAGE AREA Based on the design drawings obtained, we have separated the proposed construction area to a total of 69 Catchment areas, both in unit of square meter (m2) and in hectare (ha). Each catchment area will contribute the overland flow of water to a particular drain labeled from one sump point to another. For underground culvert drain, no area is contributed to the particular drain as it is buried underground and only carries the flow from the adjacent drainage. (Refer Appendix 3: Division of Sub-Catchment Areas) 5.3 DETERMINATION OF RAINFALL INTENSITY Rainfall intensity were calculated and identified based on procedure speculated on Chapter 2: Quantity Design Fundamentals, MSMA 2nd Edition. 5.3.1 Rainfall Estimation Rainfall data and its respective characteristics are the diving fore behind all storm water studies and designs. Sufficient and adequate rainfall design is a necessary prerequisite for preparing a satisfactory urban storm water management design projects. We will need to determine and identify the frequency, duration and intensity of rainfall data. Average Recurrence Interval For this particular project, the design Average Recurrence Interval (ARI) is taken as less than or equal to 10 years (≤ 10 years). This ARI was selected on the basis of economy and level of risk protection that the designed drain should offer. This data shall be used in the subsequent part for determination of Rainfall Intensity (mm/hr) together with time of concentration. Time of Concentration Time of Concentration is defined as the time required for the water/ runoff flows to travel from the most hydraulically remote area of the catchment area, usually upstream, to downstream point of consideration. Time of concentration is of importance as it is required for determination of peak flow because it is assumed that rainfall occurring during the time of concentration is directly related to the peak flow rate. For our project, the time of concentration (tc) will be the sum of overland flow time (to) and the time of travel in drain flow (td). Equations needed to calculate both the overland flow time and drain flow time are obtain from Table 2.1 (QUDM, 2007) from Chapter 2: Quantity Design Fundamentals, MSMA 2nd Edition. Overland flow time were calculated by first determination of slope, pervious and impervious area of the particular catchment area. Then Horton’s Roughness Coefficients were assigned based on the land use and the overland flow length (the longest distance of the catchment area) was identified. It is then calculated by using the following equation: 9 Where L n* Edition S ππππππππππππππππ πΉπΉπΉπΉπΉπΉπΉπΉ ππππππππ, π‘π‘ππ = 1 107 ππ πΏπΏ3 1 ππ 5 to = Overland Flow Time (minutes) = Overland Flow Length (meter,m) = Horton’s Roughness Coefficient based on Table 2.2 Chapter 2, MSMA 2nd = Slope of overland surface (%) As for Drain Flow Time, the drain flow time equation will be used to determine the td for the flow of water along the drain. The design assumption for the open drain are as speculated above where Area, Wetted Perimeter and Hydraulic Radius together with the friction slope are calculated. Where π·π·π·π·π·π·π·π·π·π· πΉπΉπΉπΉπΉπΉπΉπΉ ππππππππ, π‘π‘ππ = to L n ππ πΏπΏ 2 1 60π π 3 ππ 5 = Drain Flow Time (minutes) = Drain Length (meter,m) = Manning’s Roughness Coefficient based on Table 2.3 Chapter 2, MSMA 2nd Edition = Slope of overland surface (m/m) = Hydraulic Radius, A/P S R Land Surface Horton’s Roughness, n* Paved 0.015 Bare Soil 0.0275 Poorly Grassed 0.035 Average Grassed 0.045 Densely Grassed 0.060 Table 3.1 Extract of Values of Horton’s Roughness n* from Chapter 2, MSMA 2nd Edition Drain/ Pipe Manning’s Roughness, n* Lined Drain Concrete - Smooth Finish 0.015 - Rough Finish 0.018 Table 3.2 Extract of Values of Manning’s Roughness Coefficient (n) from Chapter 2, MSMA 2nd Edition 10 5.3.2 Rainfall Intensity Calculation After all the perimeters have been identified, we can now compute the rainfall intensity by mean of Empirical Equation in order to minimize the error in estimating the rainfall intensity values. The Empirical Formula is as follow: Where ππ = i T d S ππ, ππ, Θ , ππππππ ππ ππππ ππ (ππ + ππ)Θ =Average rainfall intensity (mm/hr) = Average Recurrence Interval (ARI) = Storm Duration (hours) = Slope of overland surface (m/m) = Fitting constants dependent on the raingauge location (Table 2.B1 Appendix 2.B, Chapter 2 MSMA 2nd Edition) For this particular project, since the project location it is located at Bandar Tun Razak, Jengka, Maran, Pahang Darul Makmur, the nearest raingauge to Jengka is JPS Temerloh. Hence, the fitting constants for JPS Temerloh Station is adopted. Constants State No. Station ID Station Name PAHANG 8 3424081 JPS Temerlorh ππ 73.141 k 0.173 ππ 0.577 Θ 0.896 Table 3.3 Extract of Fitting Constants for JPS Temerloh Station for design ARI of 2 to 100 years 5.4. DETERMINATION OF PEAK FLOW For this design project, we are utilizing the Rational Method for peak flow estimation as it is the most frequently used technique in Malaysia and many parts of the world. It gives satisfactory result for small drainage catchment. The formula is as follow: Where Qp C i A ππππ = πΆπΆ. ππ. π΄π΄ 360 = Peak Flow (m3/s) = Average Runoff Coefficient = Average Rainfall Intensity (mm/hr) = Drainage/ Catchment Area (ha). 5.4.1 Runoff Coefficient, C Before utilizing the aforementioned Rational Method to determine the peak flow, it is extremely essential to have good estimation and identification of the runoff coefficient, C. In general, the value of C depends on the landuse of the catchment and varies with soil type, soil moisture 11 condition, rainfall intensity etc. Therefore, we need to evaluate the actual catchment condition for logical value of C to be used. The Runoff Coefficient is determine by the following equation: Where Cavg C Aj m πΆπΆππππππ ∑ππ ππ=1 πΆπΆππ π΄π΄ππ = ππ ∑ππ=1 π΄π΄ππ = Average Runoff Coefficient, C = Runoff Coefficient of segment, I; = Area of Segment i (ha) = Total number of segment The value of Runoff Coefficient are based on Table 2.5: Recommended Runoff Coefficient for Various Landuses from Chapter 2: Quantity Design Fundamentals, MSMA 2nd Edition. The table is as below: After determination of the Runoff Coefficient, together with the rainfall intensity (mm/hr) obtained from the previous section, peak flow in m3/s can be computed by using Rational Method. Subsequently Cumulative flow, Qcum can be calculated based on the flow direction and the drainage loop pre-determined. (Refer Appendix 4: Drainage Loop and Network) 12 5.5 DETERMINATION OF INVERT LEVEL. Invert level is the level of the bottom of the drain normally of the inside of the drain. It is calculated in order to determine the level of the drain during construction work at site and to ensure that the water can flow in the particular drainage without causing stagnation or accumulation of water in the drain. For this design project, the following equation is used: Where S H1 and H2 L m 1 π»π»1 − π»π»2 = ππ πΏπΏ = Slope of drain = Level of Inlet Sump and Outlet Sump (m) = Length of Drain (m) = Total number of segment 5.6 TABLE OF DESIGN AND CALCULATION - The data calculation sheet for the drainage design is as attached behind of this report. - Based on the drawings, a total of 12 loop of drainage were identified according to the flow assigned and the drainage design. (Refer Appendix 4: Drainage Loop and Network). - For the flow of water, flow from Loop 1 will be carried by the drainage system in Loop 2 and subsequently it will exit through the drainage located after Sump 15 according to the drawings. As the existing drawings does not specify which flow of water will be contributing its flow to the On Site Detention Pond (“Kolam OSD”), hence, the water from the mosque area will all flow out and discharge through the outlet at Sump 15. The same goes to flow from Loop 12, where the water will flow from Sump 61 and discharge at Sump 15. - As for flow from Loop 3, it will flow downwards in south-east direction towards Sump 28 where it will be separate into 2 equal half when it reach Sump 28 to flow into Sump 32 and Sump 40 respectively forming Loop 5 and 9. - Water from Loop 4 will then join together with Loop 5 before dispersing into 2 separate half to Sump 61 and continue flowing down to Sump 34. At sump 34, it will further disperse into 2 equal flow to Sump 35 and Sump 56 of Loop 6 and Loop 10. - Subsequently, flow from Loop 6, 7 and 8 will eventually join with the flow from Loop 9 and they will be discharge at Sump 55 to the existing drain located outside the perimeter for this project. The same will goes to Loop 10 that will be discharge at Sump 55 to existing drain. - Flow from Loop 11 will end up at the On Site Detention Pond and accumulated together with the other water at the pond. The pond will slowly release the water at a constant rate and will eventually discharge at Sump 55 as well. 13 - The Q Capacity of the design drainage were calculated based on Chapter 14: Drains and Swales, MSMA 2nd Edition. πΈπΈ = π½π½ ππ π¨π¨ 1 1 2 Where π£π£ = ππ 2 π π 3 ; ππ π΄π΄ = (π΅π΅ + ππππ)π·π· = 1.0 π·π· D (m) 0.55 0.60 0.65 A (m2) 0.55 0.60 0.65 P (m) 2.1 2.2 2.3 ππ = π΅π΅ + 2π·π· R (m) 0.2169 0.2727 0.2826 V (m/s) 1.25 1.46 1.49 Q (m3/s) 0.688 0.874 0.970 The initial design assumption of the rectangular drain with Width x Height of 1m x 0.60m were able to cater the flow from the catchment area. Hence it is adopted for the drainage design. 6.0 CONCLUSION From the project executed, we are able to understand the challenges faced by site civil engineers and consultant when they are doing the design work for an urban drainage system as it involved a lot of steps and complex calculation as well as data gathering. Consulting engineers should do a proper site survey and understand thoroughly all the specification, drawings, documents and information related to the project such that he or she can minimized the rate of errors while doing an assumption and calculation. All the assumptions made must be accordance to the fact and data available at such the assumptions made are suitable for the construction and site condition. Work together with other peers to have discussion in order to get a clearer view and wider perspective regarding the project. All in all, the design project have been successfully completed despite certain hiccups during the process. Results were tabulated in the form of as excel sheet and table, underground culvert size were adopted according to table provided whereas other information was gather from various sources and the main reference to our design project was MSMA 2nd Edition Design Guideline. 14 7.0 RECOMMENDATIONS There are a few parameters that could have been improved in order to make the drainage system more efficient such as: 1. When groundwater cannot be effectively removed or intercepted by surface drainage, subsurface is used. Subsurface drainage by providing tile drainage for wet areas. Wet areas should be located before construction. 2. Install a single drain tile at the base of slopes leading to low-lying areas. Drains should run perpendicular to the water flow direction. 3. It is advantageous to plan and install the drainage system before construction. 4. Avoid excessive compaction during construction. 5. Correct problems as soon as they occur since the drainage will worsen and the soil and turf will be damaged if water is allowed to stand on or in the soil. 6. Keep drains, inlet and outlet screens clear. 15 J L L G E L K G RR 'SET RR L BAC M K' 3 G L G L E G K RR RR G RJ T2 wc b tap T1 up 150 D1 P5 T2 up 150 dn 50 dn 50 R DAPU H BASA 0 T2 AL: 0.15 Tile enous Homog BILIK 3 TIDUR 00 AL: 0.2 enous Tile SETOR dn 50 D1 Homog D1 0 AL: 0.20 Tile b enous Homog D2 BILIK NA GU SERBA D1 AL: 0.200 enous GAN Tile Homog D1 0.20 enous Homog W2 dn 50 AL: wc Tile D2 BILIK 2 TIDUR 0 W2 sh AIAN AMPenous 1 sh TANDAS enous ULAN b Homog Tiles Homog Tiles AL: 0.150 b G RUAN N MAKA D4 T2 up 150 AS TAND 2 dn 50 bip tap ft. tap sh wc AL: 0.100 W3 D2 dn 50 up 150 D1 0 AL: 0.20 Tile TIDUR BILIK MA UTA 0 enous Homog up 150 AL: 0.20 Tile enous G RUAN TAMU Homog W1 W1 up 150 D3 G G ANJUN KERETA L TA KERE G ANJUN up 150 W1 D3 up 150 enous Homog Tile 0 AL: 0.20A UTAM UR TID BILIK TAMUG RUAN GAN b dn 50 D1 W3 D2 Tile 0 b AL: 0.150 AMPAIAN ft. W2 AS 1 TAND tap W2 enous Tile Homog 0 b bip tap ft. tap sh NA GU SERBA IK BIL wc AL: 0.20 D1 ULAN Tiles enous Homog s Tiles genou sh Homo wc F enous sh AL: 0.100 tap AL: 0.20 tap enous Homog D2 W1 N MAKA G RUAN dn 50 D4 up 150 Tile Homog AL: 0.20 0 2 TIDURIK BIL dn 50 D1 D2 2 AS TAND enous D1 Tile Homog AL: 0.20 dn 50 0 Tile 0 AL: 0.15 b wc sh tap ft. bip tap AL: SETOR dn 50 enous Homog up 150 H BASA R DAPU D1 enous Homog Tile 0.200 3 TIDUR BILIK W1 D1 up 150 =H = TC TC tc PL P3 P TC PL G P3 jj 50 P RR TN2 M2 TN2 RR Q G 26 jj 50 P3 PL PL P ft. M2 L Q L RJ 39 C PL jj 50 P3 jj 50 P G L tap tap tap RR A G RR G M2 RR 9 G Q L 10 F LG AL0 .05 0 kt jh F W1 sh tap ft. bip tap b wc 9 TN2 M2 C G L Q N P up 150 G Q TN2 C T P J L J RR dn 50 6M ' BACK RR G TN2 M2 A L G L G MP L Q L L =H= C P J RR Q C N C RR L C P X RR N 55 30 L Q Q 31 L L L Q G B BIL IK AIR PL B cTCt PL P TC P L L B B TAND AS OK U PL P jj 100 Q P1 RJ L 2 G L RR L ft. L L RJ 'SET N P T MH J P J 13 12 RR C L G RR 24 Q N L 26 A 48 4 G J G RR E RR K 8 BANGUNAN PEJABAT & KAFA (PEMBINAAN AKAN DATANG) DARI PAIP SEDIADA P L RJ G N RJ E L X D L Q T L J J L K L S Q E P G 23 Q 52 51 49 L Q G L 40 1 K N 11 G E RR L L RR RR K 9 F R G L G M2 G L L K 35 TN1 J L G RR E RJ K L G B 1 F G C L L G RR L G Q TC tc G L Q B B C Q L L G E TC ct RR 50mm jj Q L G L L 'SET G N A L PL Q RR BAC Q 4 L F G 6 Q C Q G 5 M K' 6 RR L PL L 3 7 L SETORsimen an K/L lepa TN1 G K TC Q L L S G N L B R K J L RR K J E J L K K L L RR G L J G G G E F L K L L L D L RR G L F H APPENDIX 1: SITE DRAWING OF PROPOSED DRAINAGE PROJECT RR APPENDIX 2: DRAINAGE LENGTH AND SUMP PIT LABELING 23 1 2 3 24 22 4 5 6 21 7 25 8 20 9 19 18 26 10 27 17 11 28 16 30 29 31 32 13 40 12 61 33 62 63 14 64 34 15 56 35 57 41 65 66 36 42 58 67 38 39 37 45 43 59 48 60 49 46 50 47 51 52 53 54 55 44 APPENDIX 3: DIVISION OF SUB-CATCHMENT AREAS 2 2 2 2 3 4 2 24 22 2 5 6 2 23 1 2 2 2 21 7 25 2 2 8 2 2 20 2 2 9 2 19 2 18 26 2 2 10 2 27 17 2 11 2 28 2 2 2 16 2 30 29 2 31 2 32 13 40 2 12 61 2 33 2 2 62 2 63 2 14 2 2 64 34 15 2 56 2 35 57 2 2 2 36 2 2 67 41 2 65 66 2 58 38 39 42 2 37 45 2 2 2 43 59 48 2 2 2 2 49 60 2 46 2 2 50 47 2 51 52 2 53 54 2 55 2 2 2 44 APPENDIX 4: DRAINAGE LOOP AND NETWORK 23 1 2 3 24 22 4 5 6 21 7 25 8 20 9 19 18 26 10 27 17 11 28 16 30 29 31 32 13 40 12 61 33 62 63 14 64 34 15 56 35 57 41 65 66 36 42 58 67 38 39 37 45 43 59 48 60 49 46 50 47 51 52 53 54 55 44 APPENDIX 5: OVERLAND FLOW LENGTH 23 1 2 3 24 22 4 5 6 21 7 25 8 20 9 19 18 26 10 27 17 11 28 16 30 29 31 32 13 40 12 61 33 62 63 14 64 34 15 56 35 57 41 65 66 36 42 58 67 38 39 37 2 45 43 59 48 60 49 46 50 47 51 52 53 54 55 44 Details No. Area No. Sump to sump label Catchment Area Drain type Catch.area Catch.area Drain Length Length of Drain Overland Flow Length of Drain % Impervious Impervious Horton's Area Roughness % Pervious (n) ha Pervious Area (mm) 4961.00 (m) 4.96 ha 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 1.00 0.0038 Horton's Avg. Horton's Overflow Land length Roughness (n) Roughness (m) 10.26 0.060 0.030 Slope Overland Time (%) 5.00 (min) 5.06 Manning's Roughness Coeff. (n) Drain Type 0.015 Area (B x Y) Wetted Perimeter (2Y+ B) Time of Conc. Hydraulic Radius, R Friction Slope, Drain Time S tc Post-dev Rainfall Intensity tc Post-dev Constants λ Π θ Θ Runoff Coeff. Annual Recurrece Interval (ARI) Rainfall intensity Post-dev ΣCA Flor Rate, Q Q=CiA/360 Qcum Designed Drain Characteristic Slope Drain area Velocity Perimeter R Depth (m) 1 Rectangular (sqm) 0.550 (m) 2.10 (m) 0.217 (m/m) 0.0027 (min) 0.07 (min) 5.12 (hours) 0.085359 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 157.56 V= π π 0 π 2 3 Qcapacity (m3/s) 0.002 (m3/s) 0.000667 0.0846 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 1 A1 1-2 RCP 2 A2 2-3 RCP 115.28 0.011528 12532.00 12.53 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 1.00 0.0115 0.060 0.030 15.25 3.00 6.39 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.17 6.56 0.109274 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 152.63 0.046 0.019551 0.1042 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 3 A3 3-4 RCP 232.96 0.023296 13782.00 13.78 0.75 0.0175 0.0150 0.25 0.0058 0.060 0.038 21.35 2.50 9.27 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.18 9.45 0.157515 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 143.62 0.100 0.040058 0.1442 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 4 A4 4-5 RCP 235.08 0.023508 15063.00 15.06 0.20 0.0047 0.0150 0.80 0.0188 0.060 0.038 21.21 2.50 9.25 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.20 9.45 0.157457 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 143.63 0.087 0.034676 0.1789 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 5 A5 5-6 RCP 97.29 0.009729 6659.00 6.66 0.25 0.0024 0.0150 0.75 0.0073 0.060 0.038 15.85 2.50 8.39 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.09 8.48 0.141324 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 146.52 0.005 0.002123 0.1810 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 6 A6 6-7 RCP 110.29 0.011029 7848.00 7.85 0.05 0.0006 0.0150 0.95 0.0105 0.060 0.038 15.78 2.50 8.38 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.10 8.48 0.141388 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 146.51 0.005 0.002154 0.1832 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 7 A7 7-8 RCP 237.63 0.023763 18537.00 18.54 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 1.00 0.0238 0.060 0.030 22.16 2.50 7.51 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.25 7.75 0.129224 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 148.77 0.010 0.003928 0.1871 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 8 A8 8-9 RCP 53.86 0.005386 15067.00 15.07 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 1.00 0.0054 0.060 0.030 13.09 2.50 6.30 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.20 6.50 0.108314 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 152.83 0.002 0.000915 0.1880 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 9 A9 9-10 RCP 942.23 0.094223 21682.00 21.68 5.00 0.4711 0.0150 0.50 0.0471 0.060 0.038 48.62 2.50 12.19 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.29 12.48 0.208023 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 135.31 0.061 0.022842 0.2109 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 10 A10 10-11 RCP 573.14 0.057314 16500.00 16.50 0.85 0.0487 0.0150 0.15 0.0086 0.060 0.038 40.92 2.50 11.51 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.22 11.73 0.195519 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 137.27 0.042 0.016105 0.2270 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 11 A11 11-13 RCP 732.75 0.073275 25021.00 25.02 0.65 0.0476 0.0150 0.35 0.0256 0.060 0.038 41.38 2.50 11.55 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.33 11.89 0.198129 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 136.86 0.054 0.020366 0.2473 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 12 A12 12-13 RCP 19.76 0.001976 8202.00 8.20 0.70 0.0014 0.0150 0.30 0.0006 0.060 0.038 6.87 2.50 6.35 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.11 6.46 0.107685 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 152.95 0.000 0.000084 0.0001 0.0833 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 6.948 3.82150 13 A13 13-14 846.95 0.084695 29235.00 29.24 0.77 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.39 12.09 0.201417 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 2.50 5.04 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.08 5.12 0.085402 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 0.000199 0.2726 0.2728 0.550 6.71 0.067 0.000 0.0027 0.00 136.34 157.55 0.025207 6.26 0.038 0.030 0.550 6261.00 0.060 0.060 Rectangular 0.001139 0.0195 0.0011 0.015 11.39 0.23 1.00 11.70 14-15 0.0150 0.0000 2.50 A14 0.0652 0.0000 42.91 14 RCP RCP 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 15 A15 16-17 RCP 803.52 0.080352 23601.00 23.60 0.75 0.0603 0.0150 0.25 0.0201 0.060 0.038 53.56 2.50 12.59 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.31 12.91 0.215116 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 134.23 0.062 0.023242 0.0232 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 16 A17 17-18 RCP 1155.17 0.115517 17316.00 17.32 0.60 0.0693 0.0150 0.40 0.0462 0.060 0.038 54.64 2.50 12.68 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.23 12.91 0.215124 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 134.23 0.084 0.031322 0.0546 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 17 A18 18-19 642.54 0.064254 13205.00 13.21 0.25 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.18 12.48 0.207969 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 0 0.00 0.015 Pipe Culvert 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.16 0.16 0.002626 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 0.000000 0.0669 0.0669 0.550 0 0.033 0.000 0.0027 0 135.32 177.57 0.012357 11.83 0.038 0.000 0.550 11826.00 0.060 0 Rectangular 0.0050 3.640 5.03 0.724 1.8 3.801 13.83527 19 A20 20-21 RCP NO AREA 0.065432 0.0482 0.0000 0.015 NO AREA 654.32 0.75 0 12.30 19-20 0.0150 0 2.00 A19 0.0161 0.0000 43.68 18 RCP RCP 13689.00 13.69 0.45 0.0294 0.0150 0.55 0.0360 0.060 0.038 53.08 1.00 15.08 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.18 15.26 0.254372 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 128.53 0.041 0.014739 0.0817 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 20 A21 21-22 205.27 0.020527 9530.00 9.53 0.65 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.13 11.69 0.194896 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 2.50 7.24 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.13 7.37 0.122847 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 0.000717 0.0832 0.0839 0.550 10.20 0.004 0.002 0.0027 0.50 137.37 149.98 0.001564 9.50 0.038 0.038 0.550 9495.00 0.060 0.060 Rectangular 0.008525 0.0072 0.0043 0.015 85.25 0.35 0.50 11.57 22-1 0.0150 0.0150 1.00 A22 0.0133 0.0043 23.96 21 RCP RCP 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 22 A23 23-24 RCP 45.61 0.004561 11427.00 11.43 0.10 0.0005 0.0150 0.90 0.0041 0.060 0.038 12.09 2.50 7.67 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.15 7.82 0.130331 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 148.56 0.002 0.000677 0.0007 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 23 A24 24-25 RCP 59.68 0.005968 14545.00 14.55 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 1.00 0.0060 0.060 0.030 15.10 2.50 6.61 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.19 6.80 0.113315 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 151.83 0.002 0.001012 0.0017 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 24 A25 25-26 RCP 109.50 0.01095 26177.00 26.18 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 1.00 0.0110 0.060 0.030 26.51 2.50 7.97 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.35 8.32 0.138629 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 147.01 0.004 0.001797 0.0035 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 25 A26 26-27 53.84 0.005384 14637.00 14.64 0.00 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.20 6.81 0.113525 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 2.50 6.62 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.19 6.81 0.113466 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 0.001181 0.0044 0.0056 0.550 15.18 0.002 0.003 0.0027 0.00 151.79 151.80 0.000911 14.37 0.030 0.030 0.550 14373.00 0.060 0.060 Rectangular 0.00701 0.0054 0.0070 0.015 70.10 1.00 1.00 6.62 27-28 0.0000 0.0000 2.50 A27 0.0000 0.0000 15.18 26 RCP RCP 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 27 A16 16-29 RCP 1128.49 0.112849 17005.00 17.01 0.40 0.0451 0.0150 0.60 0.0677 0.035 0.025 63.68 1.00 10.68 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.23 10.91 0.181808 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 139.49 0.070 0.027095 0.0271 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 28 A30 29-30 RCP 338.82 0.033882 4704.00 4.70 1.00 0.0339 8.02 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.06 8.08 0.134678 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 147.74 0.032 0.013210 0.0403 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 RCP 9.74 0 0.0000 0.000 0 0 0.00 0.015 Pipe Culvert 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.13 0.13 0.002162 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 177.70 0.000 0.000000 0.0403 0.005 3.640 5.03 0.724 1.8 3.801 13.83527 A28 28-32 RCP NO AREA 0.015464 9735.00 30 NO AREA 154.64 0.035 0.000 2.00 30-32 0.0000 0.0000 40.82 A31 0.00 0 0.025 29 0.0150 0 21085.00 21.09 0.10 0.0015 0.0150 0.90 0.0139 0.060 0.038 21.64 2.50 9.31 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.28 9.59 0.159833 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 143.22 0.007 0.002764 0.0056 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 31 A32 31-32 RCP 13.94 0.001394 3220.00 3.22 0.30 0.0004 6.42 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.04 6.46 0.107641 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 152.96 0.001 0.000335 0.0003 0.0683 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 6.292 3.46036 0 0.00 0.015 Pipe Culvert 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.24 0.24 0.003919 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 5.03 0.724 1.8 3.801 13.83527 0.65 0.0242 0.060 39.50 2.00 11.90 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.30 12.20 0.203281 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 34 A36 34-35 RCP 142.37 0.014237 7941.00 7.94 0.30 0.0043 0.0150 0.70 0.0100 0.060 0.038 24.58 1.00 11.67 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.11 11.77 0.196198 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 137.17 0.007 0.002686 0.0059 0.0113 0.0083 3.640 0.0150 0.000 0.022 0.005 0.35 177.22 136.05 0.000000 22.57 0.000 0.038 0 22572.00 0.0000 0.0130 0 33-34 NO AREA 0.037181 17.65 A35 NO AREA 371.81 17649.00 33 RCP RCP 0.060 0.000 2.50 32-33 0.0010 0.0000 7.08 A33 0.70 0 0.038 32 0.0150 0 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 35 A38 35-36 RCP 141.13 0.014113 12855.00 12.86 0.20 0.0028 0.0150 0.80 0.0113 0.060 0.038 17.60 1.00 10.44 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.17 10.61 0.176812 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 140.32 0.006 0.002365 0.0107 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 36 A39 36-39 RCP 47.38 0.004738 3974.00 3.97 0.20 0.0009 0.0150 0.80 0.0038 0.060 0.038 20.04 1.00 10.90 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.05 10.95 0.182536 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 139.37 0.002 0.000789 0.0115 0.0076 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 2.099 1.15430 37 A40 37-38 200.60 0.02006 13651.00 13.65 0.30 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.18 11.67 0.194532 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 31.49 1.00 12.67 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.09 12.76 0.212653 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 0.010 0.012 0.0038 0.45 137.43 134.60 0.003791 6.59 0.038 0.038 0.550 6589.00 0.004439 0.0082 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 39 A42 39-48 RCP 16.64 0 0.0000 0.000 0 0 0.00 0.015 Pipe Culvert 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.22 0.22 0.003695 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 177.28 0.000 0.000000 0.0197 0.005 3.640 5.03 0.724 1.8 3.801 13.83527 A51 48-49 RCP NO AREA 0.012244 16638.00 40 NO AREA 122.44 0.060 0.060 0.000 Rectangular 0.020038 0.0140 0.0110 0.0000 0.015 200.38 0.70 0.55 0 11.49 38-39 0.0150 0.0150 0 1.00 A41 0.0060 0.0090 23.48 38 RCP RCP 7274.00 7.27 0.10 0.0012 0.0150 0.90 0.0110 0.060 0.038 17.76 1.00 10.47 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.10 10.56 0.176079 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 140.44 0.006 0.002150 0.0219 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 41 A52 49-50 279.93 0.027993 11262.00 11.26 0.20 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.15 11.74 0.195653 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 1.00 8.95 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.14 9.09 0.151456 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 0.0272 0.0303 0.550 11.10 0.014 0.008 0.0027 0.10 137.25 144.69 0.005336 10.36 0.038 0.038 0.550 10360.00 0.060 0.060 Rectangular 0.006386 0.0224 0.0057 0.015 63.86 0.80 0.90 11.59 50-51 0.0150 0.0150 1.00 A53 0.0056 0.0006 24.09 42 RCP RCP 0.0087 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 2.245 1.23501 43 A48 45-46 686.51 0.068651 24467.00 24.47 0.80 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.33 13.60 0.226719 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 1.00 8.71 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.14 8.85 0.14748 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 0.021866 0.0202 0.0421 0.550 10.24 0.055 0.054 0.0027 0.10 132.49 145.40 0.020212 10.24 0.038 0.038 0.550 10237.00 0.060 0.060 Rectangular 0.005451 0.0137 0.0049 0.015 54.51 0.20 0.90 13.28 46-47 0.0150 0.0150 1.00 A49 0.0549 0.0005 36.23 44 RCP RCP 0.0508 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 5.426 2.98430 45 A29 28-40 RCP 82.29 0.008229 21500.00 21.50 0.15 0.0012 0.0000 0.85 0.0070 0.060 0.030 20.03 3.00 7.00 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.29 7.28 0.121414 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 150.26 0.004 0.001625 0.0044 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 46 A43 40-41 RCP 1276.47 0.127647 45947.00 45.95 0.85 0.1085 0.0150 0.15 0.0191 0.060 0.038 55.83 2.00 13.35 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.61 13.96 0.232712 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 131.61 0.094 0.034533 0.0389 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 47 A44 41-42 RCP 222.75 0.022275 7900.00 7.90 0.30 0.0067 0.0150 0.70 0.0156 0.060 0.038 29.17 1.00 12.35 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.11 12.46 0.207611 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 135.38 0.109 0.041106 0.0801 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 48 A45 42-43 RCP 378.38 0.037838 16688.00 16.69 0.20 0.0076 0.0150 0.80 0.0303 0.060 0.038 32.68 1.00 12.83 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.22 13.05 0.21751 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 133.86 0.019 0.007035 0.0871 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 49 A46 43-44 RCP 47.17 0.004717 18016.00 18.02 0.10 0.0005 0.0150 0.90 0.0042 0.060 0.038 16.05 1.00 10.12 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.24 10.36 0.172683 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 141.01 0.009 0.003481 0.0906 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 50 A47 44-47 RCP 120.17 0.012017 28200.00 28.20 0.10 0.0012 0.0150 0.90 0.0108 0.060 0.038 23.57 2.00 10.02 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.38 10.39 0.173188 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 140.93 0.005 0.001869 0.0924 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 51 A50 47-51 RCP 81.54 0.008154 21001.00 21.00 0.10 0.0008 0.0150 0.90 0.0073 0.060 0.038 20.13 1.00 10.91 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.28 11.19 0.186568 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 138.72 0.003 0.001331 0.1358 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 52 A54 51-52 RCP 10.21 0.001021 7901.00 7.90 0.10 0.0001 0.0150 0.90 0.0009 0.060 0.038 7.20 1.00 7.75 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.11 7.85 0.130859 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 148.46 0.001 0.000402 0.1665 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 53 A55 52-53 RCP 78.87 0.007887 22807.00 22.81 0.10 0.0008 0.0150 0.90 0.0071 0.060 0.038 23.01 1.00 11.41 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.30 11.72 0.195281 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 137.31 0.003 0.001120 0.1676 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 54 A56 53-54 81.93 0.008193 23924.00 23.92 0.10 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.32 11.90 0.198334 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 2.00 7.45 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.08 7.53 0.125468 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 0.000035 0.1690 0.1691 0.550 9.69 0.004 0.000 0.0027 0.10 136.83 149.48 0.001406 6.01 0.038 0.038 0.550 6005.00 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 56 A37 34-56 RCP 19.07 0 0.0000 0.000 0 0 0.00 0.015 Pipe Culvert 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.25 0.25 0.004234 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 177.13 0.000 0.000000 0.0056 0.005 3.640 5.03 0.724 1.8 3.801 13.83527 A60 56-65 RCP NO AREA 0.019146 19066.00 57 NO AREA 191.46 0.060 0.060 0.000 Rectangular 0.002117 0.0074 0.0019 0.0000 0.015 21.17 0.90 0.90 0 11.58 54-55 0.0150 0.0150 0 1.00 A57 0.0008 0.0002 24.05 55 RCP RCP 15207.00 15.21 0.90 0.0172 0.0150 0.10 0.0019 0.045 0.030 26.06 2.00 8.29 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.20 8.49 0.141461 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 146.49 0.011 0.004273 0.0099 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 58 A68 65-66 RCP 307.08 0.030708 24562.00 24.56 0.20 0.0061 0.0150 0.80 0.0246 0.045 0.030 31.23 1.00 10.11 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.33 10.44 0.173931 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 140.80 0.018 0.007089 0.0170 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 59 A69 66-67 60.96 0.006096 4775.00 4.78 0.20 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.06 9.90 0.164971 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 2.00 13.89 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.84 14.74 0.245604 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 0.022077 0.0180 0.0400 0.550 62.92 0.002 0.061 0.0027 0.90 142.33 129.76 0.000965 63.27 0.030 0.038 0.550 63268.00 0.045 0.060 Rectangular 0.160745 0.0049 0.0161 0.015 1607.45 0.80 0.10 9.83 67-55 0.0150 0.0150 1.00 A58 0.0012 0.1447 28.76 60 RCP RCP 0.004 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.523 0.83742 61 A59 56-57 RCP 166.06 0.016606 7940.00 7.94 0.20 0.0033 0.0150 0.80 0.0133 0.045 0.030 32.31 1.00 10.22 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.11 10.33 0.172164 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 141.10 0.010 0.003861 0.0039 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 62 A61 57-58 RCP 159.83 0.015983 11239.00 11.24 0.20 0.0032 0.0150 0.80 0.0128 0.045 0.030 27.02 2.00 8.39 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.15 8.54 0.14225 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 146.35 0.008 0.003334 0.0072 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 63 A62 58-59 405.69 0.040569 16119.00 16.12 0.20 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.21 9.86 0.164402 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 1.00 9.55 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.19 9.73 0.162206 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 0.006932 0.0148 0.0218 0.550 26.31 0.019 0.017 0.0027 0.10 142.43 142.80 0.007636 13.94 0.030 0.030 0.550 13940.00 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 65 A34 33-61 RCP 7.90 0 0.0000 0.000 0 0 0.00 0.015 Pipe Culvert 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.11 0.11 0.001754 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 177.81 0.000 0.000000 0.0029 0.005 3.640 5.03 0.724 1.8 3.801 13.83527 A64 61-62 RCP NO AREA 0.027312 7900.00 66 NO AREA 273.12 0.045 0.045 0.000 Rectangular 0.035843 0.0325 0.0323 0.0000 0.015 358.43 0.80 0.90 0 9.65 59-60 0.0150 0.0150 0 1.00 A63 0.0081 0.0036 27.16 64 RCP RCP 14184.00 14.18 0.70 0.0191 10.36 0.015 Rectangular 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.19 10.55 0.175762 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 140.50 0.026 0.009960 0.0129 0.0027 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.6 1.251 0.68801 RCP 21.09 0 0.0000 0.000 0 0 0.00 0.015 Pipe Culvert 0.550 2.10 0.217 0.0027 0.28 0.28 0.004684 73.14 0.173 0.577 0.896 10.00 177.01 0.000 0.000000 0.0129 0.005 3.640 5.03 0.724 1.8 3.801 13.83527 A66 63-64 69 A67 64-15 RCP RCP NO AREA 0.027713 0.019142 1.8478 21093.00 68 NO AREA 277.13 191.42 18477.90 0.060 0.000 2.00 62-63 0.0082 0.0000 26.06 A65 0.30 0 0.038 67 0.0150 0 14418.00 18786.00 14.42 18.79 0.60 0.30 0.0166 0.0057 0.0150 0.0150 0.40 0.70 0.0111 0.0134 0.060 0.060 0.038 0.038 26.71 21.71 1.00 1.00 11.99 11.19 0.015 0.015 Rectangular Rectangular 0.550 0.550 2.10 2.10 0.217 0.217 0.0027 0.0027 0.19 0.25 12.19 11.44 0.203108 0.19074 73.14 73.14 0.173 0.173 0.577 0.577 0.896 0.896 10.00 10.00 136.08 138.04 0.025 0.006 0.009523 0.002235 0.0224 0.0247 0.0027 0.0158 0.550 0.550 2.10 2.10 0.217 0.217 0.6 0.6 1.251 3.026 0.68801 1.66433 Taking Free Board = 0.05m and Water level to be 0.55mm Friction Slope, S taken as 1/370 mm/hr (m3/s) 1 2 (sqm) 38.10 SUM: (ha) 0.00381 Drain Flow 0.008325 0.003062 A= (B x Y) Remarks Loop 2 (Qcum of Loop 1 will flow to Sump 1 of Loop 2) Loop1 (Flow will contribute to Loop 2) Loop 3 (Flow from Loop 3 will divide into equal half to Sump 29 and Sump 40) Loop 4 (Flow will contribute to Loop 5) Loop 5 (Flow from Loop 5 will divide into equal half to Sump 35 and Sump 56) Loop 6 (Flow will contribute to Loop 7) Loop 7 (Flow will contribute to Loop 9) Loop 8 (Flow will contrivute to Loop 9) Loop 9 (Flow will discharge at Sump 55 to existing drain) Loop 10 (Flow will discharge at Sump 55 to existing drain) Loop 11 (TO OSD POND) Loop 12 (Flow will discharge at Sump 15 to existing drain) INVERT LEVEL CALCULATION DATA SHEET No. Sump to sump 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-11 11-13 12-13 13-14 14-15 16-17 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 22-1 23-24 24-25 25-26 26-27 27-28 16-29 29-30 30-32 28-32 31-32 32-33 33-34 34-35 35-36 36-39 37-38 38-39 39-48 48-49 49-50 50-51 45-46 46-47 28-40 40-41 41-42 42-43 43-44 44-47 47-51 51-52 52-53 53-54 54-55 34-56 56-65 65-66 66-67 67-55 56-57 57-58 58-59 59-60 33-61 61-62 62-63 63-64 64-15 Area (sqm) 38.10 115.28 232.96 235.08 97.29 110.29 237.63 53.86 942.23 573.14 732.75 19.76 846.95 11.39 803.52 1155.17 642.54 NO AREA 654.32 205.27 85.25 45.61 59.68 109.50 53.84 70.10 1128.49 338.82 NO AREA 154.64 13.94 NO AREA 371.81 142.37 141.13 47.38 200.60 200.38 NO AREA 122.44 279.93 63.86 686.51 54.51 82.29 1276.47 222.75 378.38 47.17 120.17 81.54 10.21 78.87 81.93 21.17 NO AREA 191.46 307.08 60.96 1607.45 166.06 159.83 405.69 358.43 NO AREA 273.12 NO AREA 277.13 191.42 Area (ha) 0.00381 0.011528 0.023296 0.023508 0.009729 0.011029 0.023763 0.005386 0.094223 0.057314 0.073275 0.001976 0.084695 0.001139 0.080352 0.115517 0.064254 NO AREA 0.065432 0.020527 0.008525 0.004561 0.005968 0.01095 0.005384 0.00701 0.112849 0.033882 NO AREA 0.015464 0.001394 NO AREA 0.037181 0.014237 0.014113 0.004738 0.02006 0.020038 NO AREA 0.012244 0.027993 0.006386 0.068651 0.005451 0.008229 0.127647 0.022275 0.037838 0.004717 0.012017 0.008154 0.001021 0.007887 0.008193 0.002117 NO AREA 0.019146 0.030708 0.006096 0.160745 0.016606 0.015983 0.040569 0.035843 NO AREA 0.027312 NO AREA 0.027713 0.019142 Drain type RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP RCP Length of Length Drain of Drain (mm) 4961.00 12532.00 13782.00 15063.00 (m) 4.96 12.53 13.78 15.06 6659.00 6.66 7848.00 18537.00 15067.00 21682.00 16500.00 25021.00 8202.00 29235.00 6261.00 23601.00 17316.00 13205.00 11826.00 13689.00 9530.00 9495.00 11427.00 14545.00 26177.00 14637.00 14373.00 17005.00 4704.00 9735.00 21085.00 3220.00 17649.00 22572.00 7941.00 12855.00 3974.00 13651.00 6589.00 16638.00 7274.00 11262.00 10360.00 24467.00 10237.00 21500.00 45947.00 7900.00 16688.00 18016.00 28200.00 21001.00 7901.00 22807.00 23924.00 6005.00 19066.00 15207.00 24562.00 4775.00 63268.00 7940.00 11239.00 16119.00 13940.00 7900.00 14184.00 21093.00 14418.00 18786.00 7.85 18.54 15.07 21.68 16.50 25.02 8.20 29.24 6.26 23.60 17.32 13.21 11.83 13.69 9.53 9.50 11.43 14.55 26.18 14.64 14.37 17.01 4.70 9.74 21.09 3.22 17.65 22.57 7.94 12.86 3.97 13.65 6.59 16.64 7.27 11.26 10.36 24.47 10.24 21.50 45.95 7.90 16.69 18.02 28.20 21.00 7.90 22.81 23.92 6.01 19.07 15.21 24.56 4.78 63.27 7.94 11.24 16.12 13.94 7.90 14.18 21.09 14.42 18.79 ILin (m) 77.43 77.42 77.38 77.35 77.30 77.29 77.27 77.22 77.17 77.12 77.07 77.70 77.00 76.92 77.70 77.64 77.59 77.55 77.52 77.48 77.46 77.70 77.67 77.63 77.56 77.52 77.70 77.65 77.64 77.48 77.64 77.42 77.37 77.31 77.29 77.26 77.7 77.25 77.23 77.19 77.17 77.14 77.70 77.63 77.48 77.42 77.30 77.28 77.23 77.18 77.11 77.05 77.03 76.97 76.90 77.31 77.26 77.22 77.15 77.14 77.26 77.24 77.21 77.16 77.37 77.35 77.31 77.26 77.22 ILout (m) 77.42 77.38 77.35 77.30 77.29 77.27 77.22 77.17 77.12 77.07 77.00 77.00 76.92 76.90 77.64 77.59 77.55 77.52 77.48 77.46 77.43 77.67 77.63 77.56 77.52 77.48 77.65 77.64 77.42 77.42 77.42 77.37 77.31 77.29 77.26 77.23 77.66 77.23 77.19 77.17 77.14 77.05 77.63 77.11 77.42 77.30 77.28 77.23 77.18 77.11 77.05 77.03 76.97 76.90 76.89 77.26 77.22 77.15 77.14 76.89 77.24 77.21 77.16 77.13 77.35 77.31 77.26 77.22 76.90 DEPTH (m) 0.013 0.034 0.037 0.041 0.018 0.021 0.050 0.041 0.059 0.045 0.068 0.700 0.079 0.017 0.064 0.047 0.036 0.032 0.037 0.026 0.026 0.031 0.039 0.071 0.040 0.039 0.046 0.013 0.221 0.057 0.220 0.048 0.061 0.021 0.035 0.030 0.037 0.018 0.045 0.020 0.030 0.087 0.066 0.524 0.058 0.124 0.021 0.045 0.049 0.076 0.057 0.021 0.062 0.065 0.016 0.052 0.041 0.066 0.013 0.249 0.021 0.030 0.044 0.038 0.021 0.038 0.057 0.039 0.317 DEPTH (ft) 0.044 0.111 0.122 0.134 0.059 0.070 0.164 0.134 0.192 0.146 0.222 2.296 0.259 0.056 0.209 0.154 0.117 0.105 0.121 0.084 0.084 0.101 0.129 0.232 0.130 0.127 0.151 0.042 0.726 0.187 0.722 0.156 0.200 0.070 0.114 0.098 0.121 0.058 0.147 0.064 0.100 0.286 0.217 1.718 0.191 0.407 0.070 0.148 0.160 0.250 0.186 0.070 0.202 0.212 0.053 0.169 0.135 0.218 0.042 0.818 0.070 0.100 0.143 0.124 0.070 0.126 0.187 0.128 1.039 DIA. DIA. (m) (ft) 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 - 3.94 3.94 3.94 3.94 3.94 3.94 3.94 - GRADIENT REMARK (1:x) 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0833 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0225 0.0027 0.0683 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0076 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0087 0.0027. 0.0508 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0040 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0158 - Loop 2 Loop 1 Loop 3 Loop 4 Loop 5 Loop 6 Loop 7 Loop 8 Loop 9 Loop 10 Loop 11 (TO OSD POND) Loop 12 Runoff Coefficient , C ∑ππ ππ=1 πΆπΆππ π΄π΄ππ πΆπΆππππππ = ∑ππ ππ=1 π΄π΄ππ No. Area No. Sump to sump label 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22 A24 A23 A25 A26 A27 A16 A30 A31 A28 A32 A33 A35 A36 A38 A39 A40 A41 A42 A51 A52 A53 A48 A49 A29 A43 A44 A45 A46 A47 A50 A54 A55 A56 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-11 11-13 12-13 13-14 14-15 16-17 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 22-1 23-24 24-25 25-26 26-27 27-28 16-29 29-30 30-32 28-32 31-32 32-33 33-34 34-35 35-36 36-39 37-38 38-39 39-48 48-49 49-50 50-51 45-46 46-47 28-40 40-41 41-42 42-43 43-44 44-47 47-51 51-52 52-53 53-54 Runoff Coefficient, C Total Catch. Area (ha) 0.003810 0.011528 0.023296 0.023508 0.009729 0.011029 0.023763 0.005386 0.094223 0.057314 0.073275 0.001976 0.084695 0.001139 0.080352 0.115517 0.064254 NO AREA 0.065432 0.020527 0.008525 0.004561 0.005968 0.010950 0.005384 0.007010 0.112849 0.033882 NO AREA 0.015464 0.001394 NO AREA 0.037181 0.014237 0.014113 0.004738 0.020060 0.020038 NO AREA 0.012244 0.027993 0.006386 0.068651 0.005451 0.008229 0.127647 0.022275 0.037838 0.004717 0.012017 0.008154 0.001021 0.007887 0.008193 Roads and Highway C 0.95 Area, A 0.00344 0.95 0.95 0.06315 0.0001 0.95 0.95 0.0282 0.00042 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0 0 0 0 0 0.0451 0.03388 0.95 0.95 0.00076 0.00042 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.0130 0.00427 0.00282 0.00095 0.0060 0.0090 0.95 0.0056 0.95 0.95 0.05492 0.00029 0.95 0.1085 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.00757 0.00047 0.00055 0.00064 0.0001 0.00079 CA 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.060 0.000 0.000 0.027 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.043 0.032 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.012 0.004 0.003 0.001 0.006 0.009 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.005 0.000 0.052 0.000 0.000 0.103 0.000 0.007 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.001 Commercial Open Space (Grass Cover) C 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 Area, A 0.0038 0.1153 0.0094 0.2121 0.0071 0.0093 0.0238 0.0054 0.0481 0.0187 0.0248 0.0002 0.0193 0.0011 0.0200 0.0462 0.0482 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.0360 0.0072 0.0043 0.0041 0.0060 0.0110 0.0054 0.0070 0.0677 0.4 0.4 0.0139 0.0010 0.4 0.0242 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.0110 0.0224 0.0057 0.0137 0.0049 0.0070 0.0191 0.0156 0.0303 0.0042 0.0108 0.0073 0.0009 0.0071 0.0074 CA 0.002 0.046 0.004 0.085 0.003 0.004 0.010 0.002 0.019 0.007 0.010 0.000 0.008 0.000 0.008 0.018 0.019 0.000 0.014 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.004 0.002 0.003 0.027 0.000 0.000 0.006 0.000 0.000 0.010 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.004 0.009 0.002 0.005 0.002 0.003 0.008 0.006 0.012 0.002 0.004 0.003 0.000 0.003 0.003 C Area, A 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.10374 0.00229 0.00265 0.00176 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.04616 0.03862 0.04852 0.00014 0.06536 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.06039 0.00615 0.0150 0.9 0.9 0.0001 0.00091 0.9 0.00074 0.9 0.9 0.00122 0.0056 0.9 0.05492 0.9 0.00091 0.9 0.00757 CA 0.000 0.000 0.093 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.042 0.035 0.044 0.000 0.059 0.000 0.054 0.006 0.014 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.005 0.000 0.049 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.007 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Sports Field, Park & Agriculture C Area, A CA 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.3 0.0100 0.003 0.3 0.0113 0.003 0.3 0.0038 0.001 0.3 0.0140 0.004 0.3 0.0110 0.003 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ΣCA Residential C 0.8 Area, A 0.1085 CA 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.087 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.046 0.100 0.087 0.005 0.005 0.010 0.002 0.061 0.042 0.054 0.000 0.067 0.000 0.062 0.084 0.033 0.000 0.041 0.004 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.004 0.002 0.003 0.070 0.032 0.000 0.007 0.001 0.000 0.022 0.007 0.006 0.002 0.010 0.012 0.000 0.006 0.014 0.008 0.055 0.054 0.004 0.094 0.109 0.019 0.009 0.005 0.003 0.001 0.003 0.004 πΆπΆππππππ 0.400 4.000 4.310 3.697 0.536 0.480 0.400 0.400 0.645 0.737 0.731 0.100 0.786 0.400 0.776 0.727 0.512 0.000 0.631 0.200 0.202 0.360 0.402 0.402 0.401 0.399 0.620 0.950 0.000 0.449 0.565 0.000 0.593 0.495 0.430 0.430 0.495 0.593 0.000 0.450 0.500 1.193 0.800 9.932 0.473 0.740 4.907 0.500 1.884 0.397 0.424 0.954 0.372 0.451 Rainfall Intensity Q=CiA/360 (mm/hr) 157.60 152.71 143.70 143.71 146.56 146.55 148.87 152.92 135.42 137.36 136.98 153.00 136.48 157.60 134.34 134.31 133.38 177.67 128.59 137.42 150.04 148.62 151.92 147.16 151.88 151.89 139.58 147.77 177.78 143.35 152.98 177.37 136.16 137.21 140.39 139.39 137.50 134.63 177.42 140.48 137.31 144.75 132.60 145.46 150.38 131.82 135.41 133.94 141.11 141.08 138.82 148.50 137.42 136.94 (m³/s) 0.0006672 0.0195607 0.0400792 0.0346960 0.0021238 0.0021543 0.0039308 0.0009151 0.0228599 0.0161141 0.0203846 0.0000842 0.0252329 0.0001994 0.0232611 0.0313418 0.0121802 0.0000000 0.0147450 0.0015643 0.0007169 0.0006771 0.0010128 0.0017987 0.0009113 0.0011814 0.0271118 0.0132123 0.0000000 0.0027667 0.0003347 0.0000000 0.0083321 0.0026864 0.0023666 0.0007889 0.0037926 0.0044401 0.0000000 0.0021501 0.0053384 0.0030629 0.0202294 0.0218743 0.0016269 0.0345873 0.0411179 0.0070391 0.0034836 0.0018709 0.0013316 0.0004019 0.0011209 0.0014070 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 A57 A37 A60 A68 A69 A58 A59 A61 A62 A63 A34 A64 A65 A66 A67 54-55 34-56 56-65 65-66 66-67 67-55 56-57 57-58 58-59 59-60 33-61 61-62 62-63 63-64 64-15 0.002117 NO AREA 0.019146 0.030708 0.006096 0.160745 0.016606 0.015983 0.040569 0.035843 NO AREA 0.027312 NO AREA 0.027713 0.019142 0.95 0.95 0.0060 0.0107 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.0350 0.0070 0.0040 0.0060 0.0053 0.95 0.0172 0.95 0.0107 0.000 0.000 0.006 0.010 0.000 0.033 0.007 0.004 0.006 0.005 0.000 0.016 0.000 0.010 0.000 0.4 0.0002 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.0120 0.0199 0.0061 0.0700 0.0080 0.0110 0.0340 0.0311 0.4 0.0094 0.000 0.000 0.005 0.008 0.002 0.028 0.003 0.004 0.014 0.012 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.004 0.9 0.0102 0.9 0.9 0.0167 0.0023 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.009 0.000 0.015 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.011 0.018 0.002 0.061 0.010 0.008 0.019 0.017 0.000 0.026 0.000 0.025 0.006 0.040 0.000 0.548 0.590 0.400 0.381 0.593 0.513 0.476 0.488 0.000 0.934 0.000 0.909 0.305 149.51 177.29 146.58 140.93 142.35 130.04 141.14 146.41 142.51 142.88 177.88 140.57 177.19 136.15 138.13 0.0000349 0.0000000 0.0042752 0.0070956 0.0009648 0.0221247 0.0038619 0.0033350 0.0076402 0.0069356 0.0000000 0.0099650 0.0000000 0.0095284 0.0022370 APPENDIX IIB: Pipe culvert properties Gradient Inlet pipe Outlet pipe Culvert Diameter Type (mm) 1: x C1 375 RCP* 1 : 200 Sump Sump C2 600 RCP* 1 : 200 Sump Sump C3 750 RCP* 1 : 200 Sump Sump C4 900 RCP* 1 : 200 Sump Sump C5 1200 RCP* 1 : 200 Sump Sump C6 1350 RCP* 1 : 200 Sump Sump C7 1500 RCP* 1 : 200 Sump Sump *RCP: Reinforced Concrete Pipe