GEOGRAPHY POSTER - QATAR (MEDC) vs CHAD (LEDC) BY: KIARA Mc KERRY, NONDUMISO MADI AND SINOTHANDO NZAMA SANITATION - CHAD HEALTHCARE - QATAR Their healthcare system is available to all whether you are a national of the country or expatriate or tourist. The country has an excellent standard of healthcare and medical services. Qatar citizens are covered by a National Health Insurance scheme. ·Offers most advances medical equipment and highly qualified staff. Has a country wide network of hospitals and healthcare centres ·Qatar health system has been ranked 5th best in the world and 1st in the middle east Improved life expectancy of 79 years and better health outcomes ·The country has one of the highest number of obesity and diabetes (over $4.7 million invested in healthcare as of 2014 Their hospitals are very developed and have waiting rooms. Infant mortality rate is very low. · Diarrheal diseases caused the deaths of around 19,200 children under five years old in Chad in 2008 ·Inadequate access to safe water and sanitation services, coupled with poor hygiene practices, kills and sickens children every day in Chad, and leads to impoverishment and diminished opportunities for them ·Chad has one of the lowest rates of access to safe drinking water and sanitation services in the world. HEALTHCARE - CHAD Maternal and child mortality are significant problems. Chad has the highest maternal ratios in central Africa ·Constrained by inadequate health sector financing and by inefficient and poorly distributed human resources for healthcare ·A combination of poor service, accessibility, affordability and quality has resulted in very low use of existing healthcare services ·They don’t have the necessary infrastructure and resources to improve healthcare ·Ranked 37th among 47 in the Sub Saharan African region. Overall score is well below the regional and world averages ·In 2004 - 4 physicians , 15 nurses per 100 000 people ·Public healthcare expenditure were 2.9.1 of their GDP SANITATION - QATAR EDUCATION QATAR 6 years of primary education is compulsory, all stating schooling is free. 3 years of middle school then follow There are ±185 private schools that learners are enrolled in Children go to school with bus service or parents hire private drivers ·Department of training and vocational development supplies the nation’s skilled and semi-skilled requirements EDUCATION CHAD School attendance is compulsory until age 12 Limited facilities and it’s difficult for the education system to provide adequate instruction Teachers have only marginal qualification Lack sufficient facilities for technical and vocational education to train needed intermediate-level technicians – no university ·The Qatar Public Works Authority has decided to develop a modern gravimetric sanitation network composed of large underground collection networks. · All of Qatar’s population has access to clean water and sanitation services · Qatar ranks number one in the world in access to water, sanitation and hygiene