International Journal of Library Science Volume 04; Issue A11; Year 2011 ISSN 0975-7546; Int. j. lib. sci. Copyright © 2011 by IJLS, CESER Publications Library 2.0 Technology in Academic Libraries, a Case Study of Librarian use and perception: Pakistan Perspective Sameem Kardar NED University of Engineering and Technology, Pakistan ABSTRACT At a time the term “Library 2.0” has attracted an attention in the professionals and academic Library. This study proposes a new vision of Academic Library 2.0 based on Web 2.0 applications. In this paper the knowledge creation for Academic Librarians will be highlighted. It needs to understand how librarians in the Pakistan region have implemented Web 2.0 technologies – blogs, RSS feeds, wikis, or the use of services like Flickr, YouTube, de.lici.ous. Key Words: Web 2.0, Emerging Technology, Library 2.0, Librarian 2.0, Social Network, Open Source, Academic Libraries, Information Technology Library Science Classification Number: T58.5 INTRODUCTION The internet and its most common manifestation in the form of World Wide Web have made a profound contribution to modern life. Increase in web usage continue to be dramatic with, today, more than 900 million users of a tool that has really only existed for a decade. Web 2.0 The term web 2.0 has been in use since the late 90s. The current concepts of Web 2.0 were adopted at an O’Reilly/Media Live Conference. Dale Dougherty proposed the name to represent the things that typified post dot-com web companies as compared to companies that did not survive the bursting of the dot-com bubble. Definitions of Web 2.0: Web 2.0 is the network as platform, spanning all connected devices; Web 2.0 applications are those that make the most of the intrinsic advantages of that platform: delivering software as a continually-updated service that gets better the more people use it, consuming and remixing data International Journal of Library Science from multiple sources, including individual users, while providing their own data and services in a form that allows remixing by others, creating network effects through an "architecture of participation," and going beyond the page metaphor of Web 1.0 to deliver rich user experiences. Ref: Web 2.0, refers to a supposed second generation of Internet-based services that emphasize online collaboration and sharing among users. Web 2.0 Services includes: i- Social Networks (Flickers, YouTube, 43things, Slideshare) ii- Web-based Applications (Google Docs, Time Tracker) iii- Wikis (Wikipedia) iv- Blogs, Photo logs or Podcasts (Blogger) v- Subscription Systems (Bloglines) vi- Searchers Based on tags (Flicker, Technorati) Library 2.0: Library 2.0, in its most practical and focused expression, is about using new web technologies to connect and establish relationships with patrons. Web 2.0 is a term coined to describe the emerging Internet technologies. Hence the birth of the phrase “Library 2.0 to describe use of these new web applications within library systems. Definition of Library 2.0: Library 2.0 is all about library users -- keeping those we have while actively seeking those who do not currently use our services. It's about embracing those ideas and technologies that can assist libraries in delivering services to these groups, and it's about participation -- involving users in service creation and evaluation. Library 2.0 is an operating model that allows libraries to respond rapidly to market needs. This does not mean that we abandon our current users or our mission. It is a philosophy of rapid change, flexible organizational structures, new Web 2.0 tools and user participation that will put the library in a much stronger position, ready to efficiently and effectively meet the needs of a (Michael Casey) Ref: 40 larger user population. International Journal of Library Science Library 2.0 Applications: i- Wikis: x A website that allows users to add update content on the site which is mainly created by collaborative effort of site visitors. ii- Instant Messaging: x Enables a real time Communication between students and Librarians x Reference Management Training x Online Seeking Assistance iii- Podcasts: x “A series of digital media files which are distributed over the internet using syndication feeds for playback on portable media players and computers” (Wikipedia) x Library Guides x Conferences x Lectures x Book Reviews iv- Social Networking: x Range of Web-based software programs that allows users to interact and share data with other users x Staff Collaboration x Student Collaboration x Creating lists of Popular Books x Promoting Library Events or Services 1- Background of the Study: There has been considerable excitement and speculation about the emergence of a global ‘participatory culture’ facilitated by so called Web 2.0 technologies. The Web 2.0 and social software explosion has the capability to transform the online profile of libraries and help reach out to tech-savvy young users to whom the library may otherwise be invisible. Libraries can now easily collaborate and create online communities, as well as explore new ways in which to communicate with, educate and 41 International Journal of Library Science attract new users - and also to market themselves. As students, staff and faculty move their lives online, university libraries must choose whether to move with them or get left behind. By using social networks and other web-based technologies, libraries can become a value-added member of their community— both online and in person. By using these new tools, librarians can once again hover by their reference stacks with an offer to help that's just a click away. 2- Purpose of Study: This study is conducted to evaluate the Expertise and Skills of Academic Librarians towards Web 2.0 Technology: Pakistan Perspective. 3- Problem Statement: “Are the academic librarians well known about Library 2.0 based on Web 2.0 Technology?” 4- Scope of Study: To assess the Knowledge of Academic Librarians about the Library 2.0 based on Web 2.0 Technology. ii- To Evaluate the Services related to Library 2.0 used by Academic Librarians. i- 5- Research Design and Methodology: The Library 2.0 Survey targeted librarians and information professionals that work in Academic Libraries of Pakistan and use Web 2.0 tools and applications in their professional duties and personal lives. It aimed to obtain some snapshots of how Academic librarians use Web 2.0 tools and applications, to identify their values and impact, and to detect various issues associated with the implementation of Web 2.0 applications in Academic libraries. The survey was originally designed in English and mounted at Survey Monkey. The survey was distributed in various online library forums and groups. Individual email addresses from library web sites were gathered and the survey was distributed via email to many librarians in the hope that more would participate in the survey. Thirty people responded to the survey. However, three of these were either library school students or graduate student that used an academic library. So those responses were ignored and remained twenty seven were taken as valid responses. Whenever a response was not clear, the surveyor went to the library's Web site to double-check if the library's name was given in the survey. 6-Findings: 6.1 Librarians Response: An on-line Questionnaire developed on “Survey Monkey” was sent to the Academic Libraries through their individual E-Mail address and also distributed the web link of On line survey Form through Yahoo Groups. The author also contacted the librarians personally distributed the questionnaire in printed form. Librarians were also personally contacted and distributed the questionnaire in Printed Form. Responses from different Institutes were also received as per following detail: 42 International Journal of Library Science Universities 15 Institutes 12 6.2 Social Networks: x x In technology, the next big thing after Google is Social Networking. Social networking could enable librarians and patrons not only to interact, but to share and change resources dynamically in an electronic medium. According to data collection the surveyor found the interest of Librarians in different Social Networks. The interest of the librarians is indicated in the following table: 6.3 Web 2.0 Services using by Librarians: According to the data collection this researcher found that a large no. of the Academic Librarians are using YouTube and Blogger for sharing information. They are 40.74% out of the total participants. Only one user is the daily user of 6.4 Librarians expertise to use the Web 2.0 Tools According to the data collection Maximum no. of Librarians found to use the Wikipedia for reading. They are 48.14% out of the total participants. Very few no. of participants use the Wikipedia to add entries. Same no. of librarians are using the Flicker to add and sharing pictures. They are 11.11% out of total participants. The detail is given below. 6.5 Purpose of using Social Software According to the Data Collection most of the Librarians are using Social Software for sharing information. They are 48.14% of the total participants. Less no of librarians are using Distributing Search Alerts, Staff Collaboration and Creating Lists of Popular Books. They are 11.11% of total participants. 6.6 How the librarians are benefited for Library 2.0 Most of the librarians found these social networks beneficial for receiving news updates. They are 44.44% of total participants. Some of them found it helpful to locate Information Resources. They are 18.51% of total participants. 6.7 Role of Library Professionals in the age of Web 2.0 as Librarian 2.0: Suggestion of Librarians. Some of the Librarians have given their valuable comments about the Role of Library Professionals in the age of Web 2.0. Most of them suggest to be aware of the emerging trends in modern Libraries. 43 International Journal of Library Science 6.8 Vision of Librarians about future aspects of Web 2.0 Technology In the reply of Question about future aspects of Web 2.0 Technology this researcher found very clear distribution of the views of the participants. Equal no. of Librarians showed their views and securities about the Confrontation between Technological Group and about the Corporate and government restrictions on open source sites. They are 33.33% of total participants. Some of them showed their views and securities about the Confrontations between social groups. They are 18.51% of total participants. 6.9 Open Source effect in Computer Environment: Future Challenges for Librarians. In the reply of the question about the impact of open source software and subsequent technologies and the changes occur in the way people interact in computer environments. Different visionary responses were received. This researcher found maximum and equal distribution of the participants voted for the Innovative and Creative environment, Social Networking and Lifelong learning. They are 37.03% out of total participants. DISCUSSION: Web 2.0 Technology is now a necessary part of Librarianship in this age. Library Professionals are not well aware about this technology in Pakistan. They should seriously think about the challenges of new era and must overcome their weaknesses related to the Web 2.0 Technology. CONCLUSION: The study reveals that in the Pakistan, academic Librarians have taken applications of Web 2.0 Tools and Techniques in their Personal Use. From the responses received to the surveys, it appears that Web 2.0 tools are slowly being introduced among the Academic Librarians for a variety of uses. However, given the small sample size, it is difficult to predict whether the use of Web 2.0 tools portends a growing trend in Academic Libraries or merely represents a passing fad. The responses received from a few Academic Librarians it shows that most of the librarians are not well informed about this Technology or not aware by the importance of the Web 2.0 Technology. Not every Web 2.0 Technology has been embraced: Blogs (40.74%), Wikipedia (37.03%) and YouTube (40.74) are most popular to date. Facebook (40.74%) is the most popular Social Networking Software to date. It is emphasized in these research results that librarians do not perceive Library 2.0 to be presenting new paradigm. 44 International Journal of Library Science Acknowledgement: All Survey Participants Relevant Literature: Noa Aharony: "Web 2.0 use by librarians". In: Library & Information Science Research 31 (2009) 1, pp. 29 – 37 Phil Bradley: How to Use Web 2.0 in Your Library. Facet Publ. 2007 Nancy Courtney (ed): Library 2.0 and beyond. Innovative technologies and tomorrow's user. Westport: Libraries Unlimited 2007 Paul Miller: "Web 2.0: Building the New Library". In: Ariadne 45 (2005) David Parkes / Liz Hart: Web 2.0 and Libraries. Impacts, technologies and trends. Oxford: Chandos 2007 Patrick Danowski: "Library 2.0 and User-Generated Content. What can the users do for us?". World library and information congress: 73rd IFLA general conference and council, 19 - 23 August 2007, Durban, South Africa 45 International Journal of Library Science APPENDIX i- Social Network Usage Ratio of Academic Librarians. S. No. Social Network Registered Member 01 02 03 04 My Space Facebook Friendster Others Yes 01 11 03 02 Ratio 3.7 % 40.74 % 11.11% 7.40% ii- Web 2.0 Services using by Librarians. S. No Web 2.0 Service Period of Use Daily 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 15 16 18 Flicker You Tube Slideshow Google Docs Time Tracker Wikipedia Bloggers Digg Meneame Fresqui Meebo Bloglines RSS Feeds 1 4 3 4 5 2 1 1 - After 2/3 days 1 3 2 Nil 2 5 2 Ratio Weekly Monthly Total 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 1 - Nil 2 Nil 1 1 1 1 - 03 11 6 6 10 11 1 3 2 2 11.11 40.74 22.22 22.22 37.03 40.74 3.7 11.11 7.40 7.40 iii- Librarians Expertise to use the Web 2.0 Tools S. No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Questions Do you read blogs? Do you add posts to blogs? Do you read entries in Wikipedia? Do you add entries to Wikipedia? Do you edit entries in Wikipedia? Do you take pictures from Flickr™? Do you add pictures to Flickr? Do you use RSS? Do you participate in a social network? Do you think that you will use Web 2.0 applications in the days to come 46 Yes 13 05 12 02 01 03 03 5 10 Ratio 48.14 18.51 44.44 7.40 3.70 11.11 11.11 18.51 37.03 13 48.14 International Journal of Library Science iv- Purpose of using Social Networks: S. No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Social Networking Promoting Library Event Services Contacts with Friends Student Collaboration Profiling Preferred Searches Distributing Search Alerts Staff Collaboration Creating Lists of Popular Books Sharing Information Transferring Data Saving Data Online Yes 08 09 07 06 03 03 03 13 06 06 Ratio 29.62 33.33 25.92 22.22 11.11 11.11 11.11 48.14 22.22 22.22 v- How the librarians are benefited for Library 2.0: S. No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 Questions Help to Create Friendships Increase my motivation Interested in receiving new updates Increase my enjoyments Increase my confidence Increase quality of Group works Increase quality of Independent work Help me to communicate my colleagues (Other Professionals) I would benefit using Library 2.0 Help me locate Resources Help Learning Agree 11 09 12 07 08 07 10 08 11 05 11 Ratio 40.74 33.33 44.44 25.92 29.62 25.92 37.03 29.62 40.74 18.51 40.74 vi- Vision of Librarians about future aspects of Web 2.0 Technology S. No 01 02 03 04 05 06 vii- Questions Virtual reality addictions Confrontations between social groups Confrontations between technological groups Corporate and government restrictions on open source sites Digital divide (information and technology available to some, not all) Loss of individual privacy Agree 06 05 09 09 Disagree 22.22 18.51 33.33 33.33 08 29.62 08 29.62 Open Source effect in Computer Environment: Future Challenges for Librarians. S. No Questions Agree 01 Innovative, Creative environment 10 02 Social Networking 10 03 Participate in an open and shared environment; users 08 provide content and value 04 Same information several ways (different multimedia 07 formats) 05 Instant access 08 06 Lifelong learning 10 07 Other Specify ------------------------------------------ 47 Ratio 37.03 37.03 29.62 25.92 29.62 37.03 Nil