Solar System Model Project For the past two weeks, we have been learning about Earth & Space. In order to show what you have learned, I would like for you to create your own solar system model to display at school. There are no limits to the project; you can use anything you like! Part 1 I encourage you to be creative and show what you have learned. There are some basic rules for your project: Part 2 You must have the Sun and all 8 planets! You must include the asteroid belt The Sun needs to be the biggest object. Try to keep the planets in proportion. In other words, Earth should not be larger than Jupiter. All objects in the solar system must be labeled correctly. You must include Earth’s moon – Luna, all others are optional. Remember the outer planets have many. You may use anything you like to do the project except. A coat hanger, a box, dowel rods, Styrofoam balls, food, etc. are examples of some items that you may use. There is a presentation aspect to this project. Aside from creating a model of our solar system you will also Compare and Contrast one inner planet with one outer planet and present that information to the class. A PowerPoint is not necessary, index cards and a visual representation (your model from part 1) would be enough. Below are the expectations for the presentation: Choose one inner planet and one outer planet Compare the properties of the inner and outer planet o Tell me what makes them similar Contrast the properties of the inner and outer planet o Tell me what makes them different A rubric is attached to help you know what project will deserve an “A”. If you lose the rubric, ask for a new one. Do your best on your model, because you never know who will see it! THIS PROJECT IS DUE OCTOBER 17TH! Solar System Project Rubric Oral Presentation Planets Labels Excellent Good Fair Poor 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points Student is able to accurately compare/ contrast one inner and one outer planet from their solar system`. Student made 12 mistakes when comparing/ contrasting one inner and one outer planet from their solar system. Student made 3+ mistakes when comparing/ contrasting one inner and one outer planet from their solar system. Student did not compare/ contrast one inner and outer planet from their solar system. Chose 2 inners or 2 outers instead. All planets are accounted for in the correct order and are roughly proportional to each other. All objects are accurate and clearly labeled. 1 planet is missing and/or not correctly proportional or in order. 2 planets are missing and/or not correctly proportional or in order. Most objects are accurate and clearly labeled. Three or more objects are inaccurate and not clearly labeled. 3 or more planets are missing and/or not correctly proportional or in order. Objects are inaccurate and not clearly labeled. Points Earned Total points earned = ______ / 15. Standards: SC.5.E.5.2 Recognize the major common characteristics of all planets and compare/contrast the properties of inner and outer planets. SC.5.E.5.3 Distinguish among the following objects of the Solar System -- Sun, planets, moons, asteroids, comets -- and identify Earth's position in it.