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Ten Mile Comprehension Questions
p. 146
1. The Central Pacific team had the challenge of laying through what mountain range?:
2. How are the events in the story organized:?
3. How many times their normal wages were the men paid for volunteering to work on the 10 Mile
4. How much money did the railroad workers average in a month?
5. Immigrants: People who move to the U.S. but are not originally from here are called..
6. Name two places most of the immigrants working on the railroad came from:
7. What is the difference between formal and informal writing?
8. What is the setting of the story "10 Mile Day?"
9. What material were the rails of the track made out of?
10. What was the amount of the bonus money offered if the men completed the challenge?
11. What was the job of the boss or "foreman"?
12. What was the previous record set by the Union Pacific team for most amount of track laid in one
13. What was the purpose of the transcontinental railroad?
14. Who were the foreman and his right hand man on the Central Pacific team?
15. Why did each rail take longer to lay after lunch?
16. Why did the men name their lunch stop "Camp Victory?"
17. Why does the foreman sing a song while the men are working one the railroad?