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CANoe Software Overview: Analysis, Simulation, Testing

By GP team 2020 presented to Eng.Kerlos karam
GP'2020 ASU CAN Case
What is CANoe?
CANoe is a development and testing software tool from Vector Informatics GmbH.
The software is primarily used by automotive manufacturers and electronic control unit (ECU)
It supports network designers, development and test engineers throughout the entire development
process – from planning to system-level test
CANoe supports CAN, LIN, FlexRay, Ethernet and MOST bus systems as well as CAN-based
CANoe is used to create simulation models that simulate the behavior of the ECUs. Throughout the
further course of ECU development, these models serve as a base for analysis, testing and integration
of the bus systems and ECUs. Data is displayed and evaluated in either raw or symbolic format
GP'2020 ASU CAN Case
CANoe Applications
GP'2020 ASU CAN Case
CANoe users can analyze the multi-bus communication of ECUs and entire
number of smart windows:
system through a
Trace Window : for listing all bus activities.
Graphics Window :for graphical online display for values transmitted in messages and diagnostic requests.
Statistics Window :for displaying useful network and node statistics.
Data Window : for displaying preselected data.
State tracker :for displaying states and bit signals .
Measurement Setup :for graphical display and parameterization of function blocks and evaluation functions.
Scope Window :for offline display of bit level measurements recorded with the Option .Scope
Interactive Generator :for stimulating the buses and for easy sending of modified signals.
Signal Generator :for generating signal waveforms.
Logging/Replay :for logging and later analysis or replay of measurements.
Trigger and Filter :for specific reactions to bus events.
Write Window :for system messages and user-specific outputs from CAPL programs.
GP'2020 ASU CAN Case
CANoe may be used both as a diagnostic tester and to simulate ECU
diagnostics. In addition a complete OBD-II Tester is integrated in CANoe.
CANoe can also implement the diagnostic simulation of ECUs. In
addition, the included Test Feature Set allows you to perform automated
tests programmed in CAPL, XML,. NET.
CANoe can also automatically generate a test report in XML and HTML
format on request.
GP'2020 ASU CAN Case
-A simulation can be generated manually or automatically from the underlying communication data
base. This remaining bus simulation of communication behavior of complete networks or individual
ECUs is the basis for the subsequent analysis and testing phases.
-The CANoe simulation can be adjusted to the requirements of the respective OEM. Such an OEMspecific remaining bus simulation is the basis for the function development,where different scenarios
can be implemented.
SIL (Software-in-the-Loop) – Execution of ECU code with vVirtual target.
MIL (Model-in-the-Loop) – Integration of MATLAB/Simulink models.
HIL (Hardware-in-the-Loop) – Execute simulation in real time with real hardware
like VT system.
-CANoe with the hardware “CANoe RT Rack” options for executing real-time
relevant simulation.
The CANoe RT Rack is an industrial PC with a real-time operating system that is
optimized for CANoe RT operation.
GP'2020 ASU CAN Case
-The CANoe can be used to test functionality of ECUs by sending signals that will elicit
responses from ECUs.
-CANoe offers many different ways to stimulate ECUs in the network. The bandwidth
ranges from pre-defined user interfaces to different programming options:
CAPL or .NET programs for setting signal and variable values.
Visual Sequencer to create command sequences easily
Signal Generator and Signal Replay for generating signal
responses (sinusoidal, ramp, pulse, value list, etc.)
Interactive Generator or Frame Panel for stimulating the
buses and conveniently sending modified signals
Panels for users to create customized graphic user interfaces.
GP'2020 ASU CAN Case
-CANoe is an ideal testing tool supporting impressive performance on ECUs
tests, Module tests, Integration tests, Conformance tests, Regression tests,
Testing of ECU prototypes.
-CANoe has a Test feature integrated in it , It performs both application-specific tests
and standardized conformance tests.
-CANoe can operate as HIL “hardware-in-loop” on increased real-time requirements.
-The CANoe RT mode, real-time relevant simulation and test functions are executed
on a dedicated computer, this offers you an easy way to increase the overall system
performance if necessary. Additionally it results in shorter latency times and more
precise timers.
GP'2020 ASU CAN Case
CANoe and CAN
CANoe can be used for the simulating, analyzing and testing of CAN networks, The
CANoe multibus concept allows to operate CAN (FD), LIN, Ethernet, FlexRay, and
MOST simultaneously, provided the corresponding option is applied.
CANoe and CAN Features
Diagnostics support for CAN (FD)
AUTOSAR support for CAN (FD)
Simulation, analysis and test of CAN
(FD) systems
Easy integration of CAN FD specific
functions as an extension to CAN
GP'2020 ASU CAN Case
CANoe and CAPL
-CAPL or CAN Access programming language is a programming language base on C.
-It is used exclusively inside PC-based tool environments of CANoe and CANalyzer.
-With CAPL programs involved, measurement and analysis is greatly extended for
CAN communication. One area that the tool cannot perform without CAPL is analysis
that involves timing. CAPL can make analysis more efficient with the help of timers.
-CAPL has a subset “visual sequencer “ which is used as GUI for CANoe.
GP'2020 ASU CAN Case