KINDRED By Octavia Butler PROLOGUE- MAKING PREDICTIONS “I lost my arm on my last trip home. My left arm. “And I lost about a year of my life and much of the comfort and security I had not valued until it was gone. When the police released Kevin, he came to the hospital and stayed with me so that I would know I hadn’t lost him too” (Butler 9). 1. What is the tone of the first few lines of the book? 2. What do you think happened to her arm? 3. Who do you think Kevin is? 4. Why do you think the police had him? WRITE DOWN 3 QUESTIONS YOU HAVE WHILE YOU READ THE PROLOGUE. IF IT IS ANSWERED LATER IN THE TEXT, WRITE DOWN THE ANSWER. Prologue 1. If you were Dana, what would you do next? THE RIVER 2. Would you have believed her if you were Kevin? 3. What do you think pulls Dana back to the past? 4. What do you think pulls hers back to the future? KINDRED By Octavia Butler TURN AND TALK: We ended our last reading session with Dana at Rufus’ house, having just saved him from a fire. Why do you think she keeps getting pulled back to him? Pg 21 3 0 WHAT IS YOUR INITIAL OPINION OF RUFUS? WHY DO YOU THINK THIS? Quick Write pg 25 THE FIRE SECTION 2 1. What did Dana find out about Rufus and his friend Alice? 2. Describe the setting of this section. 3. Where does Rufus send Dana? Why does he send her there? 1. Why did Dana hide from the men on the horses? THE FIRE SECTION 3 2. Why did the men on horses whip the man who was in the cabin? KINDRED By Octavia Butler 1. Why was Alice’s mom afraid of Dana in the beginning? 2. Why does the man who got whipped not have a pass to visit Alice and her mother? 3. Why did one of the men beat up Dana? Why do you think he had come back to the house? THE FIRE SECTION 4 THE FIRE SECTION 5 & 6 1. Make a list of 5 items you would put in your bag if you were Dana. Tell why you would include them. 2. Find textual evidence from sections 5 & 6 that express the following emotions for Dana. Afterwards, write 2-3 sentences analyzing the evidence and how it expresses that emotion. a) Scared b) Relieved c) Frustrated