Justin Hester-Torres Dr. Lau Case Study 20 1. Allen has fulfilled his need for intimacy, when he decided to get married to his high school sweetheart sue. Although their first child wasn’t planned, sue and Allen embraced their child with open arms as well as their family members. Allen and sue then decided to move in together into a small apartment. While sue stayed home with the children, Allen worked overtime to pay the bills, provide for his family, and eventually save to buy a house. They worked hand and hand to be able to provide and make ends meet. On the other hand, Allen's need for achievement has not been met. Allen's goal was to become a grade school teacher, but given certain circumstances growing up, he wasn’t able to finish school. However, he still views himself as a great father and a good husband, therefore it shows that he has fulfilled his need for self-regard. He has also fulfilled positive regard, due to the facts that others see him as a strong worker, good father and husband, he always seeks to provide. 2. Allen's perceived self is that he was a "good worker, a good father, and a good husband". However, for his ideal-self, his desire was to become a teacher, and to become a mentor for the young children. 3. Allen's perceived-self differed from his ideal self because growing up he was focused on pleasing his parents and others around him, rather than pleasing himself. Which in this case was finding a job, instead of finishing college. His parents were against getting a college education they felt like it was a waste of time, so they pushed for him to get a good paying job with great benefits so that he would be able to help his parents out. This influenced Allen to stop going to school. 4. The co-worker relates to the Rogerian therapist by showing unconditional positive regards, by being acceptant of Allen's goals, when nobody else would. Allen's co-worker was very authentic and empathetic while Allen expressed his feelings to him. This is due to the fact that the coworker had similar feelings in that regards. 5. Allen would have to go back to school to get his degree in teaching. This would help him fulfill his need for achievement, and would also help him stop seeking approval from others and do what makes him happy