Datamation > Arti cial Intelligence > What is Arti cial Intelligence?
What is Arti cial Intelligence?
By Samuel Greengard, Posted May 24, 2019
Learn how arti cial intelligence (AI) uses software-driven systems and
intelligent agents to make decisions that approximate human cognitive
Download the authoritative guide: Arti cial Intelligence Leaders: Top AI
The term arti cial intelligence (AI) refers to computing systems that perform
tasks normally considered within the realm of human decision making. These
software-driven systems and intelligent agents incorporate advanced data
analytics and Big Data applications. AI systems leverage this knowledge
repository to make decisions and take actions that approximate cognitive
functions, including learning and problem solving.
AI, which was introduced as an area of science in the mid 1950s, has evolved
rapidly in recent years. It has become a valuable and essential tool for
orchestrating digital technologies and managing business operations.
Particularly useful are AI advances such machine learning and deep learning.
See our list of the top arti cial intelligence companies
It’s important to recognize that AI is a constantly moving target. Things that
were once considered within the domain of arti cial intelligence – optical
character recognition and computer chess, for example – are now
considered routine computing. Today, robotics, image recognition, natural
language processing, real-time analytics tools and various connected
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Helping develop AI are the many cloud companies that offer cloud-based AI
services. Statistica projects that AI will grow at an annual rate exceeding
127% through 2025.
By then, the market for AI systems will top $4.8 billion dollars. Consulting rm
Accenture reports that AI could double annual economic growth rates by
2035 by “changing the nature of work and spawning a new relationship
between man and machine.” Not surprisingly, observers have both heralded
and derided the technology as it lters into business and everyday life.
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Arti cial intelligence has broad applications across many areas of business.
History of AI: Duplicating the Human Mind
The dream of developing machines that can mimic human cognition dates
back centuries. In the 1890s, science ction writers such as H.G. Wells began
exploring the concept of robots and other machines thinking and acting like
It wasn’t until the early 1940s, however, that the idea of arti cial intelligence
began to take shape in a real way. After Alan Turing introduced the theory of
computation – essentially how algorithms could be used by machines to
produce machine “thinking" – other researchers began exploring ways to
create AI frameworks.
In 1956, researchers gathering at Dartmouth College launched the practical
application of AI. This included teaching computers to play checkers at a
level that could beat most humans. In the decades that followed, enthusiasm
about AI waxed and waned.
In 1997, a chess-playing computer developed by IBM, Deep Blue, beat
reigning world chess champion, Garry Kasparov. In 2011, IBM introduced
Watson, which used far more sophisticated techniques, including deep
learning and machine learning, to defeat two top Jeopardy! champions.
Although AI continued to advance over the next few years, observers often
cite 2015 as the landmark year for AI. Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services,
and Microsoft Azure and others began to step up research and improve
natural language processing capabilities, computer vision and analytics
Today, AI is embedded in a growing number of applications and tools. These
range from enterprise analytics programs and digital assistants like Siri and
Alexa to autonomous vehicles and facial recognition.
AI Takes Different Forms
Arti cial intelligence is an umbrella term that refers to any and all machine
intelligence. However, there are several distinct and separate areas of AI
research and use – though they sometimes overlap. These include:
General AI. These systems typically learn from the world around them
and apply data in a cross-domain way. For example, DeepMind, now
owned by Google, used a neural network to learn how to play video
games similar to how humans play them.
Natural Language Processing (NLP). This technology allows machines
to read, understand, and interpret human language. NLP uses statistical
methods and semantic programming to understand grammar and
syntax, and, in some cases, the emotions of the writer or those
interacting with a system like a chat bot.
Machine perception. Over the last few years, enormous advances in
sensors — cameras, microphones, accelerometers, GPS, radar and
more — have powered machine perception, which encompasses
speech recognition and computer vision used for facial and object
Robotics. Robot devices are widely used in factories, hospitals and
other settings. In recent years, drones have also taken ight. These
systems — which rely on sophisticated mapping and complex
programming—also use machine perception, to navigate through tasks.
Social intelligence. Autonomous vehicles, robots, and digital assistants
such as Siri and Alexa require coordination and orchestration. As a
result, these systems must have an understanding of human behavior
along with a recognition of social norms.
AI Methodologies
There are a number of approaches used to develop and build AI systems.
These include:
Machine Learning (ML). This branch of AI uses statistical methods and
algorithms to discover patterns and “train” systems to make predictions
or decisions without explicit programming. It may consist of supervised
and semi-supervised ML (which includes classi cations and labels) and
unsupervised ML (using only data inputs and no human applied labels).
Deep Learning. This approach relies on arti cial neural networks
(ANNs) to approximate the neural pathways of the human brain. Deep
learning systems are particularly valuable for developing computer
vision, speech recognition, machine translation, social network ltering,
video games and medical diagnosis.
Bayesian Networks. These systems rely on probabilistic graphical
models that use random variables and conditional independence to
better understand and act on the relationships between things, such as
a drug and side effects or darkness and a light switch turning on.
Genetic Algorithms. These search algorithms tap a heuristic approach
modeled after natural selection. They use mutation models and
crossover techniques to solve complex biological challenges and other
AI in the Real World
There is no shortage of compelling use cases for AI. Here are some leading
Arti cial intelligence in healthcare can play a leading role. It enables health
professionals to understand risk factors and diseases at a deeper level. It can
aid in diagnosis and provide insight into risks. AI also powers smart devices,
surgical robots and Internet of Things (IoT) systems that support patient
tracking or alerts.
AI is now widely used for crop monitoring. It helps farmers apply water,
fertilizer and other substances at optimal levels. It also aids in preventative
maintenance for farm equipment and it is spawning autonomous robots that
pick crops.
Few industries have been transformed by AI more than nance. Today,
quants (algorithms) trade stocks with no human intervention, banks make
automated credit decisions instantly, and nancial organizations use
algorithms to spot fraud. AI also allows consumers to scan paper checks and
make deposits using a smartphone.
A growing number of consumer-facing apps and tools support image
recognition, voice and natural language processing and augmented reality
(AR) features that allow consumers to preview a piece of furniture in a room
or o ce or see what makeup looks like without heading to a physical store.
Retailers are also using AI for personalized marketing, managing supply
chains, and cybersecurity.
Travel, Transportation and Hospitality
Airlines, hotels, and rental car companies use AI to forecast demand and
adapt pricing dynamically. Airlines also rely on AI to optimize the use of
aircraft for routes, factoring in weather conditions, passenger loads and other
variables. They can also understand when aircraft require maintenance.
Hotels are using AI, including image recognition, for deploying robots and
security monitoring. Autonomous vehicles and smart transportation grids
also rely on AI.
AI Benefits and Risks
For businesses, it’s not a question of whether to use AI — many organization
already taps into it on a daily basis —it’s a question of how to maximize the
bene ts and minimize the risks.
As starting point, it's essential to know how and where AI can improve
business processes and build a workforce that understands what arti cial
intelligence is, where it ts in and what opportunities it offers. This may
require workers to have new knowledge and skills – and AI salaries are
competitive – along with a rethinking of service providers, work ows and
internal processes.
Arti cial intelligence serves up other challenges. One of the biggest
stumbling points for AI, including machine learning and deep learning, is
poorly constructed frameworks. When users train models with bad data or
construct awed statistical models, incorrect and even dangerous outcomes
often follow.
AI tools, while increasingly easy to use, require data science expertise. Other
important factors include: ensuring there’s enough computing power and the
right cloud-based infrastructure in place, and, mitigating fears about job loss.
In any case, arti cial intelligence is introducing bold opportunities to create
smarter and more powerful machines. In the years ahead, AI will certainly
further transform business and life.
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October 3, 2019
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organizations are
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And the benefits of
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