Kim V. Steier Wilkes University SPANISH AND ENGLISH LANGUAGE COMPARISON The Spanish Language Spanish is a Romance language, descended from Latin and belonging to the Indo-European language family (Grolier, 1991, p. 143). Historically, it has been spoken mainly in Spain and Latin America, but today is the first language of an increasing number of ELLs in the United States. This language comparison presentation examines the similarities and differences between Spanish and English from the perspective of explaining the types of language errors made by L1 Spanish speakers and the resulting instructional implications for ESL classroom settings. The Spanish Alphabet The Spanish language is written using the Spanish alphabet, which is the addition of one letter, eñe (ñ), to the Latin alphabet. This difference in alphabets does not present a problem for native Spanish speakers learning English. While there are many similarities between the Spanish and English consonant systems, the differences between the vowel systems and sentence stress present significant difficulties for ELLs. Coe (1987) defines the vowel differences as follows: Spanish has 5 pure vowels and 5 diphthongs. The length of the vowel is not significant in distinguishing between words. This contrasts with English, which has 12 pure vowel sounds and 8 diphthongs. The length of the vowel sound plays an important role. It is not surprising, therefore, that Spanish learners may have great difficulty in producing or even perceiving the various English vowel sounds. Specific problems include the failure to distinguish the sounds in words such as ship/sheep, taught/tot, fool/full or cart/cat/cut (p. 91). Consonant Sounds Although less problematic, there are some difficulties that L1 Spanish speakers may have with consonant sounds when learning English. These include: failure to pronounce the end consonant accurately or strongly enough, problems with the /v/ sound, difficulties in sufficiently distinguishing words such as see/she or jeep/sheep/cheap, the tendency to prefix words beginning with a consonant cluster on s- with an /ε/ sound, and the swallowing of sounds in other consonant clusters (next becomes nes and instead becomes istead). (Coe, 1987, p.95) Intonation Patterns Spanish is considered a syllable-timed language. This results in Spanish speakers often transferring the intonation patterns of their mother tongue into English, which is a stress-timed language. The resulting speech may be barely comprehensible to native English speakers. Spelling There is a strong correspondence between the sound of a word and its spelling in Spanish. The irregularity of English causes problems when Spanish learners write a word they first encounter in spoken language or say a word first introduced in written language. A specific problem concerns the spelling of English words with double letters. Spanish has only 3 doubleletter combinations- cc, ll, rr. English, in comparison, has 5 times as many. Spanish learners often reduce English double letters to a single one, or overcompensate by doubling a letter unnecessarily. (Coe, 1987, p.99) Grammatical Differences Numerous grammatical differences between the two languages result in other examples of negative transfer. For instance, a native Spanish speaker may say “I have 43 years,” because the verb used for expressing age in Spanish is translated to the English verb have. “The term transfer is used to describe the process whereby a feature or rule from a learner’s first language is carried over to the IL [interlanguage] grammar.” (O’Grady, 2010, p. 393). The easiest way to illustrate these interlanguage grammar challenges for ELLs is by looking at the data analysis journal of an L1 Spanish student. Data Analysis The data analysis journal that follows documents and analyzes written and spoken language usage and errors made by an adult English language learner attending ESL classes at Vista Adult School in Vista, California. The student, Rafael Z., is a 43year-old native of Mexico City whose first language is Spanish. Rafael has been living and working in the United States for ten years. He began taking ESL classes three years ago, starting in the Low Preliteracy class (Level 1) and is presently in the HighBeginning class (Level 4). Collection of Data A list of language errors has been compiled by utilizing writing samples obtained from Rafael’s classroom journal, notebook and other written assignments. Additional data was collected from recorded oral interviews that have been transcribed. These written and spoken errors have been categorized in the following chart, providing a visual means to assist in the detection of error patterns. Category of Error Student Samples Adjective-Noun Order I like the food Chinese. You like the food Mexican? Auxiliary Verbs (missing) I __ no(t) like the hamburger. __ You like drink the coffee? Category of Error Student Samples Orthographical Errors The childrens injoy legolan_ Sentence Structure/Awkward Today is a day very hard for Word Order the saturday. I need speack more inglish. School is tree hours. me. I was all day Sunday at home. Category of Error Student Samples Subject-Verb Agreement My uncle go to the Use of Articles (omitted or inserted) church. My friend drink too much. My uncle is _ teacher in the church. We go to the Walmart. I go __ church the Sundays. Category of Error Student Samples Use of Prepositions I live on Vista ___ about (incorrect or omitted) Verb Tense ten years. The sons of my uncle go __ the park for ride bicycle. My uncle is in home now. I __ going now. I eat fish yesterday. I __ from Mexico. Category of Error Student Samples Word Usage (incorrect) We drink a cup a beers __ the weekend. Too much peoples go at the party. I have 43 years. Miscellaneous My boss no pay me nothing one month. Types of Error Patterns and Causes of Errors There are several patterns of errors made by Rafael that are common among English language learners with Spanish as their native language. Therefore, I believe that the majority of his errors can be attributed to language interference. In the first category (adjective-noun order), adjectives follow nouns in the Spanish language, hence we see the reversed order. Use of the auxiliary verb “do” is difficult to acquire because there is not an equivalent Spanish word used in forming questions nor in making negative statements. Spelling errors Many of Rafael’s orthographical errors are due to substituting the Spanish spelling for English vowel sounds, writing a word the way he pronounces it (“tree” instead of “three”), following L1 capitalization rules (days of the week and languages are spelled in Spanish with the initial letter in lowercase), or by over generalizing newly learned spelling patterns (applying the ending “-ck” incorrectly in the word “speack”). Word order Spanish syntax is generally more flexible than English syntax, which often leads English language learners to use awkward sentence structures or word order, even when they are otherwise grammatically correct. 3rd Person Another area of confusion concerns the third-person singular verb form. Spanish verb conjugation is the same for the subjects “you”, “he”, and “ she”, whereas in English an –s must be added to the ending for “he,” “she” and “it”. Articles The use of articles in English can be very confusing for Spanish speakers. For example, in English, one must say, “I am a teacher,” but the Spanish equivalent translates literally as “I am teacher.” A student “thinking in Spanish” may incorrectly express “on Sundays” as “the Sundays”, and even when saying the specific name of a store (versus “the store”), the Spanish equivalent is “the Sears” or “the Walmart.” Prepositions “Apostrophe-s” Prepositions are very tricky as well, The “apostrophe- s” is not used at all in especially since the Spanish preposition “en” can be translated as “in” or “on”. Spanish, so it is common for native Spanish speakers to say “the (something) of (someone)” to indicate possession (“the sons of my uncle” instead of my uncle’s sons). Verb and Miscellaneous Errors Verbs that are irregular in the past tense are problematic because they must be memorized. Even though the present continuous is formed the same way in English as in Spanish, students such as Rafael may tend to omit the verb “be” because they often perceive “I’m going” as “I going.” The verb “tener” (have) is used to express age in Spanish, hence “I have 43 years.” Rafael heard someone say “a couple of beers” and wrote “a cup a beers.” He also incorrectly made “people” plural, as one might add an “s” to change “person” to “persons.” “Much” and “many” is essentially interchangeable in Spanish, the Spanish word “a” can be translated as “to” or “at”, and the double negative is correct to use in Spanish grammar. Language Interference The research I did for my language comparison paper served mainly to confirm the conclusions I had already reached regarding the reasons for the L1 Spanish student’s errors. Having previously studied for a degree in Spanish language and possessing the ability to use both languages, I was already able to analyze the errors caused by language interference. Instructional Implications I think it would be useful to integrate L1/L2 comparison study into ESL lessons so that students could better anticipate what errors might be made (and repeated), and learn to self monitor their use of English. Visuals/charts featuring common English errors and correct usage could be created to display in the classroom. Students could make flashcards with the correct usage for practice. References Coe, N. (2001) Speakers of Spanish and Catalan. In M. Swan & B. Smith (Eds). Learner English. Cambridge University Press, 2001. Cambridge Books Online 08 Romance Languages. (1991) In Grolier (Ed.), Grolier Encyclopedia of Knowledge (Vol.16, p.143) O’Grady, W., Dovrolsky. M., & Aronoff, M. (Eds.) (2004). Contemporary Linguistics: An Introduction (5th Edition). Boston, MA: Bedford/ St. Martin’s.