GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN I NATIONALTRANSPORT RESEARCH CENTRE PLANNING COMMISSION I I' t'/f H til v' I I I I MANUALOF SIGIUS, SIGNALS& ROADMARKINGS .jffi*ltfc.r issnance ilniy for R.*f,ris*ec M. SADIO SWATI, SeniorChief. BASHIRAHMED, Deputyctri*. Ju!y, 1989 PREFACE Traffic Signs,Signalsand Road Markingsare essentialelementsof highway -['hey engineeringrequired for guiding the motorists with speed apportion the right-of-way at points of conflict and provide information with regard to traffic conditions prevailingaheadto enablethe driver to take timely In order for these devicesto be effective, trnlo conditions are imperative. First, these should be of standardand consistentdesign in terms of their sizes, shapes,colours and location, etc. Secondly,they should convey simple unambiguousmessage, by alt road userswithout the which should be understandable requirementof high academicqualifications. In Pakistan,signs, signalsand road markingsinstalledin the past on the roads and highwaysneeda lot to be desired. They did not fullfill thetwo fundanrental conditions even remotely. The signswere put up in odd strapes,sizes and colours. Some of the signs were even not so ingeneousinvention of the person installingthe.n, in terms of message to be conveyed. There were a number of reasonsfor this, the most important being the absenceof a proper Manual outlining the warrants and other detailsessentialfor putting up proper silns" The problem was further exaceberatedby the dearth of qualifiedtr'affic'engineers, fully conversantwith the art and scienceof traffic signs. As a result, the field engineerswere left to their own wish with regardto designand installingof the road signs" In the past, very rudumentary efforts have been made in this regard. Howsrer, with the creation of Highway Safety Wing in the Ministry of Comrnunications in 1977, seriousefforts were initiated. As a first step,HighwayCodewas preparedin which the U.N. Signsas per GenevaConventionof 1968were incorporated and given legal cover. Followingthis, the U.N. Conventionon Road Signs was ratified. The instrument of ratification, under the signatureof the Chief Executive was deposited with the U.N. in 1979 and became effective from 14-01-1981. Next the Manualwas drafted in 1981 and arrangementwere madefor its printing. However,as soon asthe first proof was prepared,indications were received from the highest.authority that the preferenceshould be given to the Europeon signs. Since this could only be done under proper legal cover, which was absent,further work was held in abeyanceto await statuterydevelopnent, which nevermaterialized.After the event of August, 1988, it was therefore decidedto go aheadwith the original document. By this time, the platesprepared by the Printing Corporation of Pakistanhad been destroyedand it took long time to sort out the matter of revisedcost and adjustmentof the expenditure alreadyincurred. The job of porper road signing, etc, in Pakistan is rather diff icult for two reasons. First, in most developedcountries,large sign manufacturingfirms o<ist who specializedin the field, carry a sizeableinventory of standard signs and supply to a wide geographicalarea. In comparison,the road signingin Pakistan is still very much a cottage, industry without the benefit of proper in most developed equipment and machinery. Secondly,eventhe local languages countries, use english alphabets and for the purposesof road signs,etc these in termsof their shape,size, letters,capitalaswell assmallhavebeenstandardized stock width, height and spacing. Templates are then provided for each letter which makesthe job of sign compositionvery easy. On the other hand, the same connot be done for Urdu languagedue to distinct stylesof caligraphy,which is This makesit imperativethat special basicallymore of an art than anything-else. care must be taken while composingsignsin Urdu. The only helpful hintwhich can be given in this regard is that personcomposingthe sign must do so in such a way thatthe Urdu versionis in harmonywith the englishmessage. -! iiii* i -l'ilr :lsLi"r.u c* 'ilt_rl'i :'a; Fi*fl;i'tree (iii) TABLE OF CONTENTS S. No. Page Definitions : AccessControlledHighway 18 Ambulance 18 Animal DrawnVehicles 18 Arterial Highway ArticulatedVehicle 18 18 Authorized EmergencyVehicle 18 Axle Weight 18 BackPlates Barricade 18 't8 BarrierLine 18 BarricadeWarningLight 18 Buffer 18 Builtlp Area 18 9utton 19 Carriageway 19 CentreLine 19 ChannelizingLine 19 Contoller 19 CrossWalk 19 CYcle 19 Clcle Track 19 Delineator 19 Detector 19 Direition of Traffic 19 DividedHighway 19 Driver 19 EOgeLrne 19 Foot Path 19 Give-Way 19 GoodsVehicle 19 Gore 20 HeavyTransportVehicle 20 InformationSign 20 TABLE OF CONTENTS(contd). Intersection Page 20 lnterval 20 InvalidCarriage 20 Kerb 20 Ladenweight 20 Lane 20 LaneControlSignal 20 LaneLine 20 Legend 20 LevelCrossing 20 Light Trailer 20 Major/MainHighwaY/Street Median Moped Motor Car Motor Cycle Motor Way Zone No Passing Object Markings OpticalUnit 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 Ovenaking 21 Parking 2',1 Pavement 21 Pedestrian 21 Pedestrian Crossing 21 PedestrianDetector 21 PedestrianRefuge 21 PedestrianSignal 21 SignalIndication Pedestrian 21 MaximumWeight Permissible 21 PowerdrivenVehicle 21 Pre-timedSignal 22 PublicHighway 22 PublicParkingArea 22 fublic Place 22 tublic ServiceVehicle 22 RaisedBars 22 TABLE OF CONTENTS(contd.). S.No. -a Ramp 22 RegisteredAxle Weight 22 RegisteredLadenWeight 22 RegulatorySign 22 Right-of-way 22 Road/Sreet 22 RoadVehicle 22 Rural Area 22 RuralPrimaryHighway 22 RuralSecondaryHighway 22 SchoolBus 22 Semi-trailer 23 Shoulder 23 Signal 23 SignalFace 23 SignalHead 23 SignalIndication 23 SignalInstallation 23 SignalLens 23 SignalSupport 23 SignalSystem 23 Standing 23 Stop Line 23 ThroughHighway 23 Tirhe CWle 23 Tractor 23 Traffic 23 TrafficActuatedSignal 23 Traffic ControlDevices .. Page 24 Traffic lsland 24 Traffic Markings 24 Traffic Phase 24 Signal Train-Approach 24 Trailer 24 TransportVehicle 24 UnladenWeight 24 UrbanArea 24 Street UrbanResidential 24 UrbanCollectorStreet 24 UrbanArterialRoads 24 W a r n i n gS i g n 24 ZebraCrossing 24 TABLE oF CONTENTS(corttd't t. Introduction : Obligationof the ContractingParties Ratificationof Convention 28 Needfor Manual 29 -Design 29 -Placement 29 -Operation 29 -Maintenance ll. Page 25 ZJ -Uniformity 30 EngineeringStudy Required 30 Interpretationand Revisionof Standards 30 GeneralSpecifications: Functionof Signs 33 LegalAuthority 33 Standardizationof Application 33 Classification of Signs 33 -Warning Signs 33 -RegulatorySigns 33 -Road Markings 33 -Road Markings 34 Standardizationof Signs 34 Design u SignColours 34 -Red 34 -Bfack 34 g -White -Blue 34 -Yellow 34 Symbols 34 Word Messages 35 Lettering 35 llluminationand Reflectorization 35 Meansof lllumination 35 Meansof Reflectorization 35 Sign Borders 36 Standardizationof Location 36 OverheadSlgn In*allations 36 Height 37 LateralClearance 37 T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S( c o n t d . ) lll. Page Positionof Signs 38 Erection 38 Postsand Mountings 38 Bridgesfor SignSupports 39 Maintenance 39 SignFabrication 39 W a r n i n gS i g n s: App!icationof WarningSigns 41 Designof WarningSigns 41 Placement of WarningSigns 42 C UR V ES I G N S 44 R E V E R SC E U R V ES I G N S 47 S T E E PG R A D I E N TS I G N S 50 PAVEMENT NARROWS IGNS 53 D R A WB R I D G ES I G N 56 R I V E RB A N KS I G N 58 B U M P YR O A DS I G N 60 H U M PS I G N 62 D I PS I G N 64 R O A DS I G N. SLIPPERY 66 L O O S EG R A V E LS I G N 68 F A L L I N GR O C K SS I G N 70 PEDESTR I A N C R O S SNI G S I G N 72 C H I L D R E NC R O S S I N S GI G N 74 B I C Y C L EC R O S S I N S GI G N 74 A N I M A LC R O S S I NS GI G N 77 R O A DW O R K SS I G N 80 S I G N A LA H E A DS I G N 80 L O WF L Y I N GA I R C R A F TS I G N 83 C R O S S . W I NSDI G N 85 T W OW A Y T R A F F I CS I G N 85 M I N O R R O A DC R O S S T R O ASDI G N S 88 J U N C T I O NS I G N S 92 SIGNS L E V E LC R O S S I N G 95 U . T U R NS I G N 98 T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S( c o n t d . ) N A R R O WB R I D G ES I G N lV. Page 98 R O U N D . A B O US TIGN 101 M E R G ES I G N 103 M A " ' O RR A O b A H E A DS I G N S 105 T U N N E LS I G N 108 O T H E RW A R N I N GS I G N S 110 RegulatorySigns: Applicationof RegulatorySigns 44t I to Designof RegulatorySigns 113 Classification of RegulatorySings 113 -Priority RegulatorySiqns 113 -Prohibitory RegulatorySigns 113 -Mandatory RegulatorySigns 113 P R I O RI T Y R E G U L A T O R S YIGNS 113 - S T O PS I G N -Warrantsfor Stop Sign -Location of StoPSign - G I V E - W A YS I G N 113 115 115 116 -Warrantsfor Give-WaySign 116 -Location of Give-Way Sign 118 R O A DS I G N PRIORITY 118 P R O HI B I T O R YR E G UL A T O R YS I G N 120 _ S L O WS I G N 120 - R O A D C L O S E DS I G N 122 _ E N T R YP R O HBI I T I O NS I G N S 122 _ V E H I C L ES I Z EL I M I TS I G N S _ W I D T HL I M I TS I G N 134 '134 - H E ] G H TL I M I TS I G N 134 - L E N G T HL I M I TS I G N 134 V E H I C L EW E I G H TL I M I TS I G N S 138 - G R O S SW E I G H TL I M I TS I G N 138 _ A X L E W E I G H TL I M I TS I G N 138 T U R NP R O H I B I T I OSNI G N S 141 - N O R I G H TT U R NS I G N 141 _ N O L E F TT U R NS I G N 141 - N O U . T U R NS I G N 141 O V ER T A K I N GP R O HBI I T I O NS I G N S 145 (contd.) TABLE OF CONTENTS S P E E DL I M I TS I G N a Vl . 148 -Location of SpeedLimit Sign 150 -Night SpeedSign 150 NI G N H O R NP R O H I B I T I O S 151 CHECKPOSTSIGNS 151 P A R K I N GP R O H I B I T I O S NI G N . . . 155 E N DO F R E S T R I C T I OSNI G N S. . . 157 C O M P U L S O RD Y I R E C T I O NS I G N S 162 L A N E C O N T R O LS I G N S 173 D I V I D E DH I G H W A YS I G N S 176 -Divided HighwayBeginSign 176 -Divided Highway End Sign 176 C O M P U L S O R Y T R A C K S I G N. S .. V. Page 179 InformationSignsr -Colour of lnformation Signs 183 -Size of Information Lettering 183 -Amount of Legend 184 -Arrows and Symbols 184 -Categoriesof lnformation Signs 185 A D V A N C ED I R E C T I O NS I G N S 185 D E S T I N A T I O NS I G N 185 -Warrantsfor DestinationSign 185 -Location of DestinationSign 187 ADVANCE ROAD CLOSEDSIGN 187 SIGNS DIRECTION 189 P L A C EI D E N T IF I C A T I O NS I G N S 189 CONFIRMATORY SIGNS 189 O T H ER I N F O R M A TI O N S I G N S 196 O N EW A Y S I G N S 209 B U SS T O PS I G N 214 P A R K I N GS I G N 214 SIGN G E N E R A LI N F O R M A T I O N 217 RoadMarkings: Jtandardization of Application 223 -Materials 223 -Colours 224 -LongitudinalPavement Markings 224 _ W H I T EL I N E S 224 _ Y E L L O WL I N E S 224 , T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S( c o n t d . ) Page -Width and Patternsof LongitudinalLines 224 -Warrantsfor LongitudinalLines 225 -Normal BrokenWhite Line 225 -Normal SolidWhite Line . . -Double SolidWhite Line . . -Combinationof NormalBrokenand SolidWhite Lines 225 -Normal Dotted Line 226 -Solid Yellow Line 226 -Double SolidYellow Lines 226 -Types of LongitudinalLines 226 C E N T R EL I N E -Warrants for the C,entreLine N O P A S S I N GL I N E S 225 225 227 227 227 -Warrantsfor No-Passing Lines 231 - R a n g eo f - V i s i o n 231 T R A F F I CL A N E M A R K I N G S 232 -Traffic Lane Lines 232 -Outside Built-upAreas -Within Built-upAreas 232 232 PAVEMENT E D G EM A R K I N G S 235 M E D I A NL I N E S 2!5 - M e d i a nL i n e s 235 -ObstructionMarkings 235 -Guide Marking 235 O T H ER L O N G I T U D I N ALLI N E S 235 - R e v e r s i b l eL a n eM a r k i n g s 235 - E x c i u s i v eT u r n L a n e 235 T R A N S V E R SM EARKINGS 245 S T O PL I N E 245 -Stop Lines G I V E . W A YL I N E S 245 247 -Give-Way Lines 247 C R O S SW A L K M A R K I N G S 247 -Cross-walk at Intersections 247 -Non- IntersectionalCross-wa Ik 247 C R O S S . W A LW K I T H T R A N S V E R S EL I N E S 252 C R O S S . W A LW K I T H L O N GI T U D I N A L L I N E S 252 T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S{ c o n t d . ) Page C R O S S . W A LW K I T H D I A G O N A LL I N E S 252 -PavementReductionMarkino 252 C Y C L I S TC R O S S I N G S 254 B O XJ U N C T I O NM A R K I N G 254 -A Box JunctionMarking . . . 254 O T H ER T R A N S V ER S EM A R KI N G S 254 -Arrow Markirys 254 -Symbol Markings 258 -Word Markings 258 O B J E C TM A R K I N G S 258 DELINEATORS 265 -Designof Delineators 265 -Del i neatorApplications 265 -DelineatorPlacement 266 Vll. Sipals: -Basisof lnstallation 267 -Traffic Control Signals 267 -Area of Control Signals 267 -Advantagesand Disadvantages of Traffic Control Signals -Portable Traffic Control Signals 267 268 -Meaningof SignalIndications 268 .. -Green 268 -Vellow 269 -Red 269 -Flashing 269 -FlashingRed 269 -FlashingYellow 270 -Application of SignalIndications 270 -Circular Red 270 -Circular Yellow 270 -Circular Green 270 -Arrow 270 -Number of Lensesper signalface 272 -Size ard Designof SignalLenses 272 -Arrangementof Lensesin SignalFaces 273 -lllumination of Lenses 273 -Shieldingof SignalFaces 274 -Number and Locationof SignalFaces 274 -Height of SignalFaces 276 T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S( c o n t d . ) Page -TransverseLocatiqnof Traffic Signals '276 -Vehicle ChangeInterval 277 -UnexpectedConflictsduringGreen Interval 277 -Coordinationof TrafficControlSignals 278 -FlashingOperation 278 -Continuity of Operation 278 -Signal Operationmust relateto Traffic Flow 279 -Traff ic SignalsnearLevelCrossing 279 -EmergencyOperationof Signals 280 -Maintenance of Signals 280 -Paintingof Signals 281 -Vehicle Detectors 281 -Auxilliary Signs 282 -Flemovalof Confusing AdvertisingLights 282 -Warrantsfor Signals 282 -Warrantsfor Traffic Signals 283 - W a r r a n t 1 - M i n . V e h i c u l aV r olume 284 -Warrant 2-lnterruption of ContinuousTraffic 285 -Warranr 3 -Minimum Pedestrian Volume 285 -Warrant 4-School Crossing 286 -Warrant 5-ProgressiveMovement 286 -Warrant 6-Accident Experience 287 -Warrant 7-SystemsWarrant 287 -Warrant 8-Combinationof Warrants 287 -Factors GoverningSelectionof Type of Control 288 -Pedestrian,Actuated Control 288 -Pedestrian Signals 288 -Meaningof Pedestrian Indications 288 -Appl icalionsof Pedestrian SignalI ndications 289 -Location 289 -Detectors 290 -Pedestrianlntervals 290 -Hazard ldentificationBeacon 291 -Speed Limit Sign Beacon 292 -l ntersectionControl Beacon 292 -Stop SignBeacon 292 -General Designand Operationof Beacons 293 -Hazard ldentificationBeaconLocation 293 10 TABLE OF CONTENTS(contcld}. .-. - Page -l ntersectionControl Beacon L o c a t i o n 293 -Lane Use Control Siqnals 294 -Meaning of Lane-UseControl Signal lndications 294 -Designof Lane-Use ControlSignals 294 -Location of Lane-Use ControlSignals 295 -Operationof Lane-Use Signals 295 -Traff ic Signals at Draw.Bridges 296 -Applicationof Drawbridge Signals 296 -Design of Drawbridge Signals 296 -Location of Drawbridge Signals 297 -Operation of Drawbridge Singals 297 -Traffic Signalsfor EmergencyVehicles 298 - A p p l i c a t i o n o f E m e r g e n c yT r a f f i c S i g n a l s 298 -Design of EmergencyTraffic Signals 298 -Operation of Emergency-TrafficSignals 298 -Train-Approach Signalsand Gates 299 Signals {pplicationof Rail LevelCrossing 11 259 L I S TO F T A B L E S S.No. Page: 1. SignHeight 37 2. l-ateralClearance of Signs 38 3. Positionof WarningSigns 42 4. CurveSignSizes 44 5. ReverseCurveSignSizes 47 6. SteepGradientSignSizes 50 7. PavementNarrowsSignSizes 53 8. Draw BridgeSignSizes 56 9. RiverBank SignSizes 57 Bumpy RobdSignSizes 60 10. 1 1 . Hump SignSizes 62 1 2 . Dip SignSizes 64 1 3 . Slippery Roadwhen Wet SignSizes 66 1 4 . LooseGravelSignSizes 68 FallingRocksSignSizes 70 1 6 . PedestrianCrossingSiEnSizes 72 15. 1 7 . ChildrenCrossingSignSizes 74 1 8 . BicycleCrossingSignSizes 74 1 9 . Animal CrossingSign Sizes 77 20. RoadWorksSign.Sizes 80 2 1 . MinimumVisibility Distance 80 22. SignalAheadSignSizes 83 23. Low Flying Aircraft SignSizes 83 24. Cioss-WindSignSizes 85 25. Two-WayTraffic SignSizes 85 26. Ooss.RoadSignSizes 88 2 7 . Junction Sign Sizes 92 28. LevelCrossingSignSizes 95 29. U-Turn SignSizes 30. Narrow BridgeSignSizes 98 101 3 1 . Roundabout SignSizes 101 32. MergeSignSizes 103 33. Major RoadAhead SignSizes 105 u. T u n n eSl i g n S i z e s . . . " . 108 35. OtherWarningSignsSizes 110 36. Stop SignSizes 115 ?7' 116 Give-WaySignSizes 12 o S .N o . .a L I S TO F T A B L E S( c o n t d . ) Page JO. P r i o r i t yR o a dS i g n 120 ?q SlowSignSizes 120 40. Road ClosedSign Sizes 122 4 1 . Entry Prohibition Sign Sizes 124 42. 134 D i m e n s i o n sL i m i t i n g S i g n S i z e s 4 3 . Weight Limit Sign Sizes 138 4 4 . T u r n P r o h i b i t i o nS i g n S i z e s 141 4 5 . Overtaking Prohibition Sign Sizes 148 46 Speed Limit Sign Sizes 150 47. H o r n P r o h i b i t i o nS i g n S i z e s i51 48. Parking Prohibition Sign Sizes 155 49. End of Restriction Sign Sizes 157 5 0 . Compulsory Direction Sign Sizes 162 5 1 . Lane Control Sign Sizes 173 tr., Divided Highway Sign Sizes 114 53. Cornpulsory Track Signs Sizes 179 54. Advance Road Closed Sign Sizes 189 66 One-way Sign (Guide Sign Series)Sizes 209 56. Bus Stop Sign Sizes 214 5 7 . ParkingArea Sign Sizes 217 58. Rangeof Vision 251 59. Delineator Spacing 265 13 LIST OF FIGURES S.No. Page. 1. CurveTowardsRightSign 2. CurveTowardsLeft Sign 45 46 3. Left ReverseCurveSign 48 4. Right ReverseCurveSign 49 5. UpgradeSign 51 6. DowngradeSign 52 7. LaneEndsSign 54 8. RoadwayNarrowsSign 55 9. DrawbrigdeSign 57 10. RiverBankSign 59 11. Bumpy RoadSign 61 12. H u m pS i g n 63 13. DipSisn 65 14. SlipperyRoadSign 67 15. LooseGravelSign 69 16. FallingRockSign 71 17. PedestrianCrossingSign 73 18. ChildrenCrossing Sign 75 19. BicycleCrossing Sign 76 20. CattleCrossingSign 78 21. Wild Animal Crossing Sign 79 22. RoadWorksSign 81 29. SignalAheadSign 82 2;. Low Flying Aircraft Sign u 25. Cross.Wirrd Sign 86 26. Two-WaysTraffic Sign 87 27. Minor RoadCrossingat Right Angle 89 28. Minor RoadCrossing.withan Offset 90 29. Minor Roadon one sideonly 91 30. Junction Sign 93 3 1 . JunctionSign 94 32. LevelCrossirigwithout Gates 96 trt. 94. LevelCrossingwith Gates 97 U-Turn Sign 99 3 5 . Narrow BiidgeSign 100 l4 S. No. L I S T O F F I G U R E S( c o n t d . ) Page' 36. Round-AboutSign 102 37. MergeSign 104 3&39.MajorRoadAheadSign 40, TunnelSign 106-107 't09 41 . Other DangerWarningSign 111 42. AdvanceDangerSign 43. Stop Sign 112 "114 M. Give-WaySign 117 45. Priority RoadSign 119 46- Slow Sign 121 47. RoadClosedSign 123 48. No Entry Sign 125 49. No Cars 126 50. No Bicycles 127 51. No Motor Cycles 128 52, No Trucks 129 53. No Pedestrians 130 54, No Tongas 131 55. No Handcarts 132 56. No Tractors 133 57. Width Limit Sign 135 58. HeightLimit Sign 136 59. LengthLimit Sign 137 60. Gro'ssWeight Limit Sign 139 61. Axle Weight Limit Sign 140 62, No Right Turn Sign 142 63. No-l-eft Turn Sign 143 M. No U-TurnSign 144 65. AII OvenakingPro_hibition Sign 146 66. HearryVehicleOrartakingProhibitionSign 147 67. SpeedLimit S,n",, 149 68. , Horn ProhibitionSign 69. PoliceCheckPostSign 153 70. CustomCheckPostSign 154 71. ParkingProhibitionSign 156 72. End of SpeedRestrictionSign 158 152 15 L I S T O F F I G U R E S( c o n t d . ) S.No. Page 73. End of OvenakingRestriction Sign 159 74. End of Priority RoadSign 160 75. Endof all restrictions Sign 161 76, Proceed to the rightonly Sign 163 77. Proceedto the left onty Sign 164 78. ProceedStraightAheadonly Sign 165 79. Turn to the right only Sign 80. Turn to the left only 81. Proceedstraightor rightonly Sign 168 82. Proceedstraightor left only 169 83. Keepleft Sign 170 166 .167 84. Keepright Sign 171 85. Proceed. clockwise 172 86-87.LaneControlSigns 174-175 ' 88. DividedHighwayBeginsSign 177 89. DividedHighwayEndsSign 178 90. CompulsoryCycle Track Sign 180 91. CompulsoryFoot PathSign 181 92. CompulsoryTruck LaneSign 182 93. DestinationSign 186 94. AdvanceRoad ClosedSign 188 95-96.DirectionSigns . .. -; 1 9 0 - 1 9 1 Beginning of MunicipalLimit 192 98. End of MunicipalLimit 193 99. Beginning of Motorway 194 97. 100. End of Motorway 195 101. FirstAid Station 197 102. Auto RepairShop 198 103. PhoneService 199 104. PetrolPump 200 105, Hotel/Motel 241 106. Restaurant 202 107. Cafeteria 203 108. PicnicSite 204 1 0 9 . H i k i n gT r a i l 205 110. CarvanSite 206 t6 L I S T O F F I G U R E S( c o n c l d ) . Page S .N o . - - 1 1 1 . G m p i n gS i t e 207 11 2 . Y o u t h H o s t e l 'I 13. DeadEnd Sign 208 1 1 4 . H o s p i t aSl i g n 211 Ahead 115. One-Way 212 to the right Sign 116. One-Way 213 117. BusStop Sign 215 1 ' l8 . P a r k i n gS i g n 216 11 9 . G e n e r aIln f o r m a t i o nS i g n 218 120. Other InformationSigns 219-221 121. CentreLine 228 1 2 2 . N o P a s s i nOg n es i d e 229 Both Sides 123. No Passing 230 124. Trattic LaneLine 233-234 1 2 5 . E d g eM a r k i n g 236 126. No Parking ' 1 2 7 .N o S t o p p i n g 237 1 2 8 . M e d i a nL i n e s 239 129-130.ObstructionMarking 240-241 . arking 1 3 1. G u i d eM 242 LaneMarkings 132. Reversible 243 Turn Lane 133. Exclusive 244 134. Stop Line 246 135. Give-WayLine 248 210 238 Lines with Transverse 136. Cross-walk 249 with LongitudinalLines 137. Cross-walk 250 138. Cross-walk with DiagonalLines 251 ReductionMarking 139. Pavement 253 140. CVclistCrossing 255 1 4 1 . B o x J u n c t i o nM a r k i n g 256 142. Arrow Markings 257 143-144.SymbolMarking 259-2ffi 145. Word Markings 261-264 l7 8l 'Mel Aq pautlap astMlaqlolo',qcns se palsod-u6rs A;lercadss]!xo pue sauluo q]!M eale ue sueal4l-:eaty-dn-41ng '11q]l/!^saplllocr{clqrvt alctLla^Aue do}s ro }cal}ap ol peu6rsapeuoz Alales e,to puo qceo.rddeaq] ]e alnlcnlls V -:JalJng 'seaJe-)roM acueuoluteupue uotlcnllsuoc ul spje -zeqlo suorlcnllsqo o] 6urqsel; apoul Jo ulnq ApeelsaLll Jaqlto ur pasn1q6r; )Jer! posolcuaue lo asual-pelelado-lamodolqeuod y -:1t1611 6u1ute111 apeJrJJeg '6urssedpue 6ur1e1-.rono +o sasodlnd rol aurl aql ssotc lou lsnu clllell lle ]eql salectput'au!l JallJeq Jaqloup o1 lo 'aull ai'pl lo aJluac e ol 1a;;eledpaceld uaqm 'qctqm autl V -:au!j JauJeg 'crlleJ] Jelncrqanol Aerrn-1o-1q6;.r 1o uorl.rode ro lle asolc o] posn'sbutlteu ]calqo burneq tarJJeqpaxr] lo alqeuod V -:apelJJeg 'suorlecrpur ;eu6rs aq] rojr puno.rblceqalqe]rnsaprnold o1 6ursnoqleuDrse +o.ssplslle uo ece; leubrs aql o] 1a;;eredpremlno Durpualxa letJaleu u!q1 +o dr.rr V -:sa4efi-4ceg uooraq^acelrns aq]o+arxeleq] ol paqoeue sroar{^ rera^as "t;H;?ij,ffiL31l lq6tennlelo] aq] olclqa^ e ]o alxe ue o] uollelol ut suea6 -:lt1QaX4 alxy bur^eq ro ^poqcrlqndaqrAqL{cns sercrqa^ sepaleublsop recr+Jo o.r,il3TlJl,.',l1# :o A11ecr;qnd laqlo Llcnspue paumo Allecrlqndare se sacuelnquJepue salctLla^ acflod 'solctqan]ueullJedap alt+ r{cns -:aprLlaA Acuafuau4 pazJotllnv 'olcrLlaA Jolour aql o] pa;dnocJaltell-ruaspue olctqan Joloul e 6utst.tdt-uoc salctLlaA+o uotleutquoc e sueau\l-:atc!rlaA patelnillJV 'sAennqbrq ro slaarls+o ualsns leuaue ..tofeute +o ued sesuot]crpsun['anr]cadsar Jraq] utq]rM sa!]lloq]nelecol Aq pale -ubtsapAerrnq6rq ro laoJls letluaJarruncirc lo lerpel lo[ey1 -:Aenaq6rglet)a]rV 'sleujtuesrlsatxop oJoul Jo auo Aq Alalos pallado.rdst pue spoo6io suoslad DurAllecto; Alueurld palcnrlsuoc pue peu6rsepolorqan peol e sueal4 -:saptqaA uA uO pLuluv 'sleuiluelo suosledpllelu! lo papunom'Icrs +o abeulec aq] lo+ peuBrsapalctqane sueo6 -:acuelnguv 'Aenn 'AeMpeoJ.lo ]aells -qbrqqcnsJaAouotlctpsun[ DurneqAll.roqlnecr;qnd eqr Aq pautrtJa]apaq Aeut se Jouueurqcnsur pue Aluo slutod qcnsleldocxo outesaql uoll lo o] ssacce1o +q6r.r spuelEulnnqe sluednccoJo sJaul o t{ctLlm}o ;e6a1ou aneq suosJgdlaqlo pup 'AeanqbrqAlen3 -; rro Aeutldrlq pailonuoC ssaJJV ]cadsal ut Aennpeorro']aarls -: salrnbalastMraqlo]xaluoc aq] uoqm ldacxa'lenue6 or4] ued lo slqf ul ulaql o] paqrJcseAlanrtcadsarsbulueeu aq] oneq 'lenuenl eql ;o esod -lnd aqt rol 'lleqs suo!]cos6urnno11ol aql ul pouUapseserqdpue spJom aql sNo|ltNtJSct Button:- A rounded reflecting object extending above the normal pavement surfacefor the purposeof channelizingtraffic movement. Carriageway."-Meansthe part of a road normally used by vehiculartraffic, a road may comprise severalcarriagewaysclearly separatedfrom one another by, for example,a dividingstrip or a differenceof level. Centie Line :-A line indicatingthe division of the roadwaybetweentraffic travellingin oppositedirections. ChannelizingLine:- A line which directstraffic alonga desireddirection and indicatesthat traffic should not crossbut may proceedon either side. Controller:- A complete electrical mechanism mounted in a cabinet for controllingthe operationof a traffice control signal. Cross-Walk:-That part of a roadway at an intersectionincludedwithin the connectionsof the lateral lines of the foot path on oppositesidesof the highway measuredfrom the kerbs or in the absenceof kerbs, from the edgesof the traversableroadway. Cycle|- Meansany vehicle which has at least two wheelsand is propelled solely by the muscular energy of the personson the vehicle, in particular by meansof pedalser hand-cranks. Cycle Tnck'- Meansthe portion of vehicularroadspartitionedby curbings, use. guardrailsor other similar structuresset asidefor bicycle passage Delineator:- A light-reflectingdevice mountd at the side of the roadway, in serieswith others,to indicatethe alignmentof the roadway. trolley buses,or pedeDetector:- A ilevice by which vehicles,street-cars, strians are enabledto registertheir presencewith a traffic-actuated controller. Direction of Traffic:- Meansthe left-handside if, under domesticlegislation, the driver of a vehiclemust allow an on-comingvehicleto passon his right. Divided Highway:- A highway with separateroadwaysfor traffic in opposite directions. Driver:- Meansany personwho drivesa motor vehicleor other vehicle(includinga cycle,or who guidescattle, singly or in herds,or flocks. or draught, pack or saddleanimalson a road. Edge Line:- A line which indicatesthe edgeof the roadway. Foot Path:- Meansthe portion of a road partitionedby curbings,guardrails or other similar structuresintended for pedestrianpassageuse. Give-way:- Meansthat the driver must not continue or resumehis advance or manoeuvreif by so doing he might compel the driversof other vehiclesto cnangethe direction or speedof their vehicleabruptly. Goods Vehicle:- Meansany Motor Vehicle constructed or adapted for use for the carriageof goods,or any Motor Vehicle not so constructed or adapted when usedfor the carriageof goods,solely or in addition to passengers. 19 0z 'Jnoq J.aduJ) lou,paads uDrsapr!nu/txeul p pue OO 0g 6urp_aacxa gg 6utpaacxa]ou Allcedec.rapur;Ace 6urneqaurbueuorlsnqtrloc leuJslu!ue qilrur pol]!+ s! qclqtvtalctLla^palaaqm-aorqtro palaaqM_om]Aue suee61_:padoyl ' ' ul culul ro1 s^e', pala^pleq1 'urleredasAennqorq papr^rp, ,..";;!*tt"?!3;i!soddo 'clJ+el]ielncl-qel ]o arIJnloA.rofeuraq] 6urAllecA1;erluouuot]casJs]ul ue ]e saqceoldde lo qceoldde Aennpeolarl! -:laartgiAervqfiill uleyyTiteyy -ocxa]ou ]qoramurnurxptrr a;qrssrrured e ;o rarrerrnrr r(r3l^019, ::),;:l r';u!;""" .," Aeaqrer epuepeor euaa^laq uo!]|1?j:e]ilr'ij^li'i.1"'S",JilIfi7rX;y,';t,' s6ugueer.u cr;rcadsJanocol su6rsuo pasns;oqr-uAs lo sabessaLu proM -: pua6a1 aures aLfl ur Dur;;anarlc!+J.erl+o saueronnl Durleredaseur; v -'au!j "I3ft",tP 'euel cr++er]relnsrqa^+o uollcarlp aq] lenpr^!purue ur luor.r,a^our crrrrrerl Aemqorq'V-:pu66 loJtuos auel forluoc o] palca-rasr qcrqru\;eu6rs 'salcAcJolour ueq] Jorllos_alc!qa^ Jolorlr+o autl 6urnou auo lo+ q6noue oplnrts! qc!qM'sburlreut.peor leutpnlt0uol]q paul+ap]ou ro .raqreqnn,e;ilrsrnrp sr Aennabeurec aql r{crqmolur sdr.rlsleurpn}r6uo;eqi-1o euo Aue sueaw -:auel n aql q]l^ papeor searcrL{a^ oq}+orqbrann ren}ce fffi "u, ":'i"r"i:;;"1:;e a6paaql6ururlappueouo;eA;;elauab Jaqrlaurburdolslo lpcluo^,'!T:- Merc "'o pasn.pue ^lruqesrp e.uos uro.r1 ur,rlittrl3tSrl3ltr';tl'j;fifjlfr +orcolap leclsAqd 'peldepe AlaraLx]ou pue palcnrlsuoc pue paubrsap'rriftpaos'D)Od1 paacx6rou saop qclqM ]o lqblannuapelunaq+,a1crqa1 Jolo6 e suea6 -:a6eute3 p!pAul 'abueqc ]ou op suotlectpur qcrqnn elcAc aurl or.l]+o suorsrnrplelanosaql +o auo iuy -.,prua1u1 " ;eu6rs '1.ro1 aql6upnlcur ," ,:li"?ii,;1""T"'Hi,'?#ii'iif SJ"'il1J;H,i2Li,"jl7,""oo ,sacrnlas.rr"rr*r'pu?.!l:!j:iil laqlo pue]saJalut lern]lncJo lpcrqdeJboeb ,toslulod 'suolleullsop 'suol1eu6!sop alnol Moqso] pasnu6rsy -:u66 uolrcuttogil qcrqM paralsr6a.r uaper aqiro,suer6o;r>r 1o1q61ann 000,9,t:ji?:",l"irt^i'i"tiffilJi ' 'e;crqan afxp paJalsr0a;aql uodsuel] e sueatl -:aptLlaA yodsual' Aiea11- ^Xp€eunoq 'sAennpeor o*l +ouorlecrn'q orontiqtloriroJr;il,'lii"r::3e:d]] "u* adaptedor usedto carry Motor Car:- Meansany Motor Vehicleconstructed, excludingdriver not usedfor hire or reward,but out more than six passengers or a moped doesnot includemotor cycle,invalidcarriage Motor Cycle:- Meansany two wheeledvehicle,with or without a side-car, with a propelling engine. whichis equipped designedand built for motorvehicles Motor Way:- Meansa roadespecially which doesnot servethe propertiesborderingon it exceptat specialpointsand for the two directionsof the traffic and doesnot cross hasseparatecarriageways tramway,cycletrac8 or foot path. Accesto and level road, railway, with any at from highwayis providedwith properrampsfor exit and entrance. by the publicbody or Zone:- A sectionof highwaydebignated No-passing passing or drivingto the and where overtaking one as official having-jurisdiction hazardous. rightof the roadwaywould be especially Abiect Markings:- Markingsintendedfor use on obstructionswithin or adjacentto the roadway, Opticat lJnit:- An assemblyof a lens, reflector,light sourceand other supportingparts to be usedfor components if required,with the necessary providing a signalindication. the sideof Ovenaking.'- Meansthat in the casewhen a vehicle,etc. passes to the front of anothervehicle,etc. by changingits course,and then proceeding the saidvehicle,etc. Parking:- A vehicleis said to be parked,if it is stationaryfor any reason or collisionwith with bnotherrpad-user other than the needto avoidinterference if the periodduring an obstruc,tionor to comply with traffic regulations,'bnd which the vehicleis stationaryis not limited to the time neededto pick up or setdown personsor goods. Pavement:'fhat par,t of roadway having a constructedsurfacefor the facilitationof vehiculartraffic. Pedestrian:=Any personon foot. PedestrianCrossing:- Meansthat portion of a road markedby road signs to use. or road markingsand sei asidefor pedestrians PedestrianDetector:- A detector,useallyof the push-buttontype, installed nearthe roadwaycapableof beingoperatedby hand. Pedestrian trians. An islanddesigned for the useand protectionof pedes- PedestrianSignal:- A traffic control signalwhich is erectedfor the exclusive purposeof directingpedestrian locations. traffic at signalized Pedestrian Signal device. or equivalent signallens The illuminationof a pedestrian Permissible Maximum Weight:- Means the maximum weiqht of the laden vehicledeclaredpermissibleby the competentauthority of the district in which the vehicleis registered Power-drivenVehicle:- Meansany self-propelledroad vehicle,other than a moped in the territories of Contracting Partieswhich do not treat mopeds as motor cycles,and other than a rail-bornvehicle. zz 'il#r?il -rlsl6au e srqorq^ro sallarcos aqlrapunparalsroar Alatcos 'uorlnlrlsu! ""t,,i3,%f Aue 1o sluapn$ orl] +o luaulu€Aog l Aq pazrubuocar leuollecnpe -:sng JooLtJS 1o abeureeaqf rol Alanrsn;cxapasn alcrqan rolol l Aue suea61 e patlecsr raqlo Aennqbrg Arepuocag ' l a q l o u e q l l n n u o r l e l nleJnU d o du e q n ' a u o s u i o t u e o l ] c u l s l p o u o b u r l c a u u o cA e s -:Aenq,lg fuepuocaS,ttnt qc!qM aprs Allunoc qDnorql 6urssedpeor v .n"^ -q6rqA.rer,uud lernU e pallecsr A:lunoc aql +o satlrcrofeur6utpauuocraqlo ue qtrnn auo 6urlcauuocAennqBrq lejnU y -:Aer,tqbrgAteur4 letng ;elrdeclercurnod ' A l r l e d r c r u n eu l s a u e p u n o qa q l u r q l l m l o u r o J a q l a q M ' u r a r apqa u t l a ps e lo ]clrlslp aJuaplsarro ssaursnqe ur papnl3urlou Alo]ulal AUV -:eatV letnA 'alcrqa^uMelp rue6urpnlcutpeol uo leu.r 8utlelado Jo4 palcnJlsuoc pue paublsapolclqan Jolotrl suean -: alilqaA peoA 't 'c llt+el] c11qndol uado ]aalls Jo AerrrAue +o acelJnsar!1uoaql sueol4 -: laills/peoA sluelbauo ssalunuol Joqlo aq] o] acuapacald --srlloc;o reDuepol oslrall6 o1 se AlrulxoJd pue paads'uollcallp,o sacuelsulncJlc qcns Japun 6urqceolddeueulsaped-lo alclqan Jaqloue o] aouaJalaldu1 lauueu.t -: Aea-Jo-lqfuA lnyurege ut paaco.rdol ueulsepod Jo alclqa^ auo ]o 1qbr.raq1 'suorlegn6al Josmelct++eJl+o ectlou an!6 ol pasn ubts 1 -: u619Atoleln0aA 'alclqa^ ]eq] lo, alqlssllurad se A1g:oqmeouuelsrbereql Aq pala}stbatpue pal+luac peol pue al3lqal aq] ]o -: lqblannleiol eql alclqen Aue +o pedsal ut suea6 ry6pyi uapel patalsr6ag 'elclqe^ leql Jo+alqtsstutladse Alt.toqlne6uualstberaqr Aq palalsrOalpue potJttuac lq6!e^ elxe oq] elclqa^ Aue ;o ]csdser ut sueotN-:ryb1a,pi alxy pdarybag' .Aennq6lq peleu6rsapp a^eal Jo Jalua Aeu sa;clqat WlqM uo 's1ana1 luara]+rpJo sarilltce+AennqorquaaMlaq uolloeuu@ Aue ro 'abueqc:e1u!ctlleJl e 1o Aennpeo:burlcauuoc-lalu! ue 'os1y 'sAennJaqlo qllrv\ suorlreuuoc a)qu ol se os 6urpuacsapJo Ourpuacse tro asodlnd A:eur.tdaql Jol sassedclgell qc!qMlano Aean+o uotlcaspautlcutuy -:duteg 'alcrqa^aql +o loJluoc+o ssol lnoqlr^ role.radoolcrqe^ e o] snor^qo luaurqceor"r. gi"qii A;;J;il-;*;"L+ -Jnslueuraned ieur.rouaq] anoqe 6urpualxa sJeq lo sallas V -:sJeg pasleA pup,pre rolouie sapnrcu! ^arro arlq,"iu:iiffiir?5l'il'.3fiiti"J;r"l:*"';j:; eq ol paldepe Jo pasn alclqan Jolot j Aue suea61-:aptqaA artAras rlgnd. 'a6eltlecabe$ e Aq urvroplas Jo dn pa>1crd qcrqrvr1e puels lo ace;d ate slebuassed Auesapnlcugpue'ssacce e aneq crlqnd arl] qctqM ol lq6!.r lou Jo arej q6no:oqt Jo e Jaqlaqm 'aoeld Jaqlo ro Aem'lealls 'peor e sueal4 -:aceld Jlpnd jr".tTY::r|"trt;tl:Sffittcno eqlAqasnrolerqerre^e ,trrrr"r+t3l,t ;e:auao 'Aerncr;qndraqlo crlqnd 'ace;dcrlqnd Aenn-anup 'Aa1;e'enuane'laeJls 'peot 'Aervrqbrq Aue opnlcul geqg -:Aer,rtt16111 cy1qn4 slerueluipue sa;cAcaulr] alnpaqcs paugl-eld uo salerado qc!q/v\ leubrs lo.rluoc ctlleJ] y -:1eu66 pa;rrn-ard EZ '$olcalap +o uollenlce aq] Aq paralsrbarse clller] ]o spueuropaql qlrn acueplocceu! pallen aJeslerualul aql qclr.fmul ;eubts lolluoc cl+lel] ,to adAl A -:1eu66 palenpv Jlj1e4 'laAel] Aue 6utsn a;tqnn'taqlabol .ro A;Durslaqlta sacueAanuoc 1o sasodrnd.rol Aennq6rq 'salclqan's1eru1ue paplaq Jo uapptJ'sueu6ape6-'JlgeJf Jaqlo pue slec ]aarls -ppol e apnlcur ]ou saop lnq :sur916.ll) 000't paacxalou saop qclqm t" ;;31!t; uopelunaql (uorslndord1o asodrndrb1 pasn lueudtnba ueq] Jaqlol peol Aue Alrec o] palcnllsuoc +las]l ]ou st qctLlMolctllan Jolol l suean -:lopeJf 1o acuanbasalalduroc auo ro+ partnbel pouad aurl oql 'actnap 'suorlectpr 1eu6rc -:a1cA3 aturl 'Mel Aq paPtnold se pslcala ale sacr^aplo su61sqcns uaqm loJluoc cl1+el] letct++oJoqlo o] qbnotqt q3ns uo salclLlan ro'ubrs p;erA'u6tsdols e ol acuorpaqout Aer'aq6tq ct]+ell parrnber 0urlcaslalut uloll pla1A lrlrel sAemq6rq o] Aq sr Aenn-1o-1qbr.r aqr relncrqanLlclqMo1 saouelluaaq] }e pue Aer,a-;o-lq61.r lellualaleld uaru0st ct+leJ] relncrqo^ qo!qM uo +oalaq] uot].tod to Aemqbrq Y -:AenqQg q6notql 'aslnap loJluoccl+,telllo laclllo ctl;el1e Aq palcarlpuaqnndols plnoqssalclqa^alaqmsaleclpuiq3!qmau!l V -:aut1 dols , 'spoob peolun Jo peol ol ro suosradunnoplas Jo dn lcrd ol papaaL aurll aq]lo1 Areuoltelss! li 11 6u;puer aq ol ples sl alclLla^y -:6u1pue1g 'uolle -:warAg pu61g -urplooc ur burle;ado suotlellelsut 1eu61s aJout 10 olu'L 'uotlecolle;nctuede -:Uoaary pu615 ur pa1;oddnssr ppaq ;eubtse Aqelaqnnsueaul leclsAqd eq1 'Aue 'Jopal+ars]t pue acJnosfq611aqr uo.rrtAlna.rrp 11 6ururoc1q6r1aqr slcaJ!palqclqm ltun lectldo aql +o r.reduq1 -:sual pu615 'lqubrs loluoe c.tJleJrq.Aq uotlcasJolu!auo ]e ct1lell lo lolluoc aq] ul pa^lonur lepaleur pue luaurdlnb5 oqr +o llV -:uo!lellelsul 1eu613 Jo suol ;eubrs ;o.t1uocct,t+PJ]e ,to uo!]eututnlll aql -lltotvclptrl pu619 'sace; leubtsoJoutlo euo 6uguteluocAlqutasseul -,'peafl leuQg 'acert leubtse ut papnlcul 'uorlcorp ct+leJl alotrt Jo sluaLuanou.t e u! aq Aeu suotlectpurbururnl leubrs ro+ paprno:dleubts1o1uoccl++el]e 1o ued a\L -:aJe! pu66 euo 6ur;1o.t1uoc 'uolloe ctrucads aurosa)el ol palcaJtpsr ro paulem u u t u l n q r t l l c a l a A p e a l s . t o ' l q b l ; b u l u l e r na p e c l l l e q s l c l + + B Jq] c l q m A q ' s d u e l 'aclnap palelado-lennod Auy -:1eu613 ct]+er] e .ro u6rs e ldacxa lolluoc sasJnocacellns pue eseq]o uoddns 'salctqan paddols 'asn pue to] Acuab:oqa ]o suollepoululocoeJol lelalel Jo+ Aennpelganellaql qllm snonbgluocAeanpeolaql lo uolllod aq! --'raplnoLls 'alcrqanloloul aql Aq auJoqsl peol slr sl! aql lo pue lq6!a/v1 1o tqbrarra yed e qcns yed Aervr pue loloul aq] uoslsal alctLlaA leq] e ]l 1o lelluelsqns ]eql 1o JallPll Aue sueayl -:JalteJl'tuas ul al3rqanroloru e o1 pagdnocaq ol pauOtsep nz .acellnsaq] uo ueupaped Jo+ pateorpui ,tlrculrslp sbur>1.retr Aq 6utsso.rc Jaqlo Jo saurl ssJa^sue.r1 oraqmaslalo uorlossralul ue 1e Aeanpeore 1o uorllod Auy -:6urssoJ7 uqaz 'o] 'uorleradocrgerl ol snoplezeqAlleriuelodore leq] laalls Jo Aemq0tqe 'uo suo!]lpuoc pasn u6rs anrb o] acr]ou ]uacelpelo +o V -.'u6156u1ute17 'pPou lelrouv ueq.lnue pallec .ro 0urpellocpue uotlelndod sr slaaJlsJolcalloc o] Jo uJoJl crJ+erl6urlnqulsrp oq] +o arluac q6norql butssed peor ueqrn uv -.' speoa PFalrv ueqrn 'loarls rolcalloc ueqln uplpallecsr cU+eJ]llaq] 6utAllec pue slaalls lefluoprsar Jo auo o].polcauugc laalls 1 -:laall$ JolJalp? ueqJn eaie lerluaprsel6urpunolJosaql uroll paleJauebcrl1e't} SurAecpeor Arer.ut.rd aql se 6ur1cepue ]! +o sopts qloq lo auo uo ]ltnq sasnoq 6utnbq]aols lerlusptsalllpuJse se paut+aps! ]l -:laa4s plluaplsaA ueqrn 'sseursnqol palonap saJnlcnlls qllm dn :sasnoLl0ur1;annp lo Arlsnpul lllnq sl qclqM leaJ$ Aue 6urpnlcur pue o] snonotluoc A.toillel Aul -:eatv ueqrn sau:ecA11eu.r -Jou alcrqe^aLl] qcrqn sloo] aql Lllrmpue lan,t]o Alddns lln, P qllm ]nq'peol ro 'nnarc sr'ebuassed lnoqlrm alctqon oLl] +o lq0tannai.l] sueal4 -:lt4Qag uapelun 'spoob.tosuoslad e6etllecaq] Jo+pasn 1o '6utnnelp Jo+lo peo.rAq spoo6 .to suoslad 6utAllec lo] pasn salcrqan'peoJaql uo 'sa;ctqanJanoc se qcns ]ou saop A1;eluaprcut Aluo aJe qctqA rs.tolcel]leln1;nct.tbe 'Aes o1 sl 'uroq-1tel palcauuoc ol salslqan pue lolcnpuoc culcala uP leq] ]ou ]l 'sasnq-Aa11oll socelqua uJal slrll :spoob .to suos:ad ,to abetrlec aql Jo+ pasn aql uo'burnnerpJo+Jo peo.rAq spoo6.tosuoslad0utAlleclo] posn salctqan'peo.r qc!qM A;1eu.rousl alctqan ua^lJFramod Aue sueal4 -:aptqaA I'todsuerJ s.rolrPr]-ruros sapnlcuI pue e Aq unnerpaq ol pauOlsapalcrqanAue sueeyl -.'JaltuJ alcrqal uanup-rannod ' '6utsso.rc ape.rbAennqbrq:per e ]e suterl peorppr ;o e6essedpue qceo.rddeaq]'ct+rre;i Aenn -:pu619 tlceotddy-u1e4 -q61qor saleclpu! qclqm ;eu6ts crge.rr Aennqblqy 'slerualutarotu Jo auo 6ullnp A;snoauel;nutsAenn-rto-lq0t.t aql 6urnracersluauanou cr]leJt +o uorlpurquoc Aue o1 lo Aenn-rro+qDt.r aq] 6ulnracel ]uaura^ou cllJerl Aue o] palecolle alcAc aurtl oq] +o tred y -.'aseLldaJ!Jlerf 'AenApeor burprnbro buru.renn Durlggnbar aq] o] *SitJttJJ 1o esod.rndaq] ro+ peceld Jo urq]rm sloalqo o1 .ro burQlnc Jo ]uauranedeql o] paqce]]e ro uodn patldde ro oceyns aql olu! las 'saclnop loJluoc cr++ellpalelado.raanodpue suOrs]decxa 'saclnop laLflo Jo 'srno;oc 'spronn 'sulaued 'seut; 11y -:s0ul.ytery c!#eJt 'saotnap6uruje^AAq pardnccoololaq] qceo.rddeoq] le eare Aue qllnn raqrcoo] papnlcxa aq o] papualul sl cr]+el] Jelnclqa^ qclqM uoll Aennpeore urLllrltneare ue lo slauueL{ca}lu!+apo} cl+}el} }o s}uauanou ctltcads , lcartp pue fo.lluoc ol eaJeAennpeore ut polecol puels! uv -;pueq c!]Jeu y.'il]]te.r]6urptnbrc 6u1u;enn'6utlelnbal 1o asodlnd aqlrol uorlclpunf burneqletct+lo ro Apoq c1lqnd aql ,to AlgroqtneAq lealls '6ug1reu .ro Aeanqbrqe ol luscelpe Jo uo paceld ro po]cara socr^aprsq]o pue ',su6rs 's1eu61s cl+lpr] c!]+ell Aemq6lq ct+]Pll llv -:sa7lAao lorluoc r!]le4 9Z '1oqu:As'u61s e -eld uJalsAs€ql o1 Durbuolaq0u1>1.reur Jo uollellelsut aq] seq l! qbnoql;e qclqm 6ur>1leurJo clollellelsul +o 'loquAs 'u61sAue 'settolt.t.tolilaq] ut uo!]uanuo3 slql to roclo1 olu! 'luaualddns ro aeeldag ( c ) fu1ue1o a]ep aql uo.t; sleaAJno+ueql lalel ]ou peol +o suoltrasuleuac uo 'Alllelodulal pue sasodlnd 'uotluanuo3 sLq] aql uoJ+ alebolap +o suolslnold leluatulladxa lol 'uo!]uo^uoC slql o] ]uaul o] sarlred 6urpelluo3 o] uedo aq lleqs ]! -puarle 0utsodo.rd eql oI aJolaqsluautlledxa lno 6utA.tJec +o ssaulnrtasn p.rebar6utneqpue 'sanbtuqcallolluoc cl++eJl6unoldtut ol MolAe q]!M ( q ) 'uo!]uanuoostqr Aq peqtnsald urelsAsaql ol stuJolu@ stq] ut butueautluaJo+,lpe peubtsse ]! leq] paplno.rdpue uotluonusJ 'qstnnAaql butlleut 'u61sqcns leql poplnold tou si 6urljeu ro loqtuAs 'ubrs Aue sasodlnd asaq] Jo+ asn ol saluPd butlcelluoC aql lo ;oquuAs 'slasn-peolo] uo!]eulJolul uleuoc.6utAanuocJo elnl o] uado aq lleLls1t 'ubts e eqtlcsald lou saop ureuac e 6utAlru6tslol Outlleu .ro loqurAs 'uo!]euJolul alnJ leql lsql 6utAanuoclo'gleuapun uortua^uoCs!q] araqm ]nB,r6ur>1reu.roloqutAs'u61slaqlo Aue asn ol lou 'sJasn'peol ol uolletrlJo+ul uleuao 6utAanuoc salir-e6 6u1p-e.r1uogaql 'u6ls e saqllcsald .ro1a1n.ruleuac e bulAltubts .to.t loqurAs 'a;qlssod se uoos se l1 ldope pue s6utlleu.t uorluonuoC slq] aleqM 's;eu6gs'subts peol pue pe6.r sloqurAs Jo tualsAs paelOeeql ldeccv (e) : o1 patlnbat ale uolluaAuoC atq ol sanuade dutpetluoc aq1 : serusd EurlcerluoC etll lo suotgefi;qg 'sleubrgpue subtgpeou uo uolluenuoo e elnleubts.to1pauadopue 'lelaueg:AJelelces 'suotlelaqllap s]! pa.reda.rd acuara+uo3eq] lo slseq aql uO 'uolssncslp r sleu6tgpue su6l5 peogl uo uolluanuoC Ullp e eqr Aq pa.reda.rd 'polJqd butueruelutaql u! ro,t stseqe sp asn Jol lt arolaq peq acuelaluoC aql ualef sabueqee!uouoJo-olcos pue slueulocuenpelecr6oioutlcelptde.l qtlm ac-e1d o] uo!]ua^uo3 6t6! aq] puaue pue fu11duteol sem aousJe; alep ol-dn 11'6ur.rq -uoC aql 1o asod.rndaq1 '896t 'laqua^oN ql8 o] reqolco qlz ttlloJ' eucaln le pou€auocsearrsleuoJspue su615peQu uq ?.ollqraluoc uolleN pallun lsPl €qI '6t61 ut e^auag paldope senns1eu615 pue subrgpeou uo uolluanuoC le '6ut1e@n papeau pue aplosqo sulq)sq uolleN pallun lsl4 eql'A;]uanbasuo3 'suolleN peq uorlua^uoC le6t ]eql lla] ra^amoq se^ ]l 6?6t Ag 1o enbeal pue su6tg peog patdope sleubtg senn aqr'Ag apeu.rsi.rolrteaqr qbnolql !t61. ul 1o anbeel aql ]o lo uorlecl+runuo uotlua1uoCJaqloue'Alluenbesqns_'suolleN uo!]uanuocleuolleu iaudsne aqllapun gZOt ul papnlcuocsem cll+ell o1 6ut1e1al -Jalu! ]sltl or.ll 'pleba.tstql ut slJo++a6utleul uaaq aneq satcuebeleuolleulalu! 'A1a1espeo; asealgul ol pue cl]teJl peoi snolJen leuolleulelul alellllce] o] JapJo 'sleubts'su61speol peol pue ur Alessacausr s6urlletlt ]o A1lulo+lun leuolleuJalul 'atut16uo1 e Jo+ plJoM oql +o sarllunoJ eql lle uasq seq 6ulzru6ocau lla+ ]er.ll Aq pamollo,taq ol saclnoploJluoc ct+lel] lo+ sprepuelsu.lJo]lunJol peeu aql 'otl+eJ]aqr aplnbJo ulP/6'aplnbalol uolrclpsllnl ro ]aalls e o] ]uacefpe 6urneqlptcr]lo .ro Apoq crlqnd e 1o Atl.roque Aq AennqDrq 'Jo uo peceldsburlJeulpue sleuDls'subts aJesactnaplolluoc cl+'eJI lo adAt 11e NOtrSnoourNl t urldvH3 scribedby this Convention,is usedwith a different meaningfrom that assigned to it in this Convention. (d) Replace,within fifteen years from the date of entry into force of this Conventionin their territories,any sign,symbol, installationor marking which does not conform to the system prescribedin this Convention. During this period, in order to familiarizeroad-users with the system prescribed in this Convention, previous signs and symbols may be retainedbesidethose prescribedin this Convention. ( e ) Nothing in this Conventionis to be contruedas requiringthe Contracting Partiesto adopt all types of sign and marking prescribedin this Convention. On the contrary, ContractingPartiesare free to limit the number of types of signs or marking they adopt to what is strictly necessary. (f) The contracting Partiesshall not affix to a sign, to or to any other traffic control device anything not related to the purposeof such sign or device. lf, however, Contracting Partiesor subdivisions -thereof, authorlze a nol-proflt-rnaking assoeiatjo.nto iLrstall inlormatiue .signs,they may permit the emblem of that associationto appear on the sign or on its support provided this does not make it lesseasy to understand the sign. ( g ) It shall be prohibited to install any notice, marking or device which might be confused with signs or other traffic control devices,might render them lessvisible or effect, or might dazzleroad-usersor distract their attention in a way prejudicialto traffic safety. ( h ) The Contracting Parties shall differentiate between the signs in the following manner:- ( i ) Danger warning signs:- Thesesingsare intendedto warn road. usersof a dangeron the roadand to inform them of its nature: ( i i ) Regulatory Signs:- These signsare intenededto inform roadusersof specialopligations, restrictions or prohibitionswith which they mustcomply; they arezubdividedinto : -Prioritysigns. -Prohibitorysigns. -Mandatorysigns. ( i i i ) Informative signs:- Thesesignsare intendedto guide road-users while they are travellingor to provid'€them with-other information which may be useful;they aresubdividedinto : -Advancedsigns; -Directionsigns; : -Road identification signs; -Placeidentificationsigns; -Confirmatorysigns; -ServicesSigns; -Other InformationSigns; 26 :f (i) W h e r e ' t h i sC o n v e n t i o na l l o w sc h o i c e b e t w e e ns e v e r asl i g n so r s e v e r a l symbois; (i) contracting Partiesundertake to adopt only. one of such signs oi symbols-forthe whole of their territories; (ii) ContractingPartiesshall endeavourto reach regionalagreements on the samechoice; U) The Convention requiresthat the signs shall be so placed that the drivers for whom ti-rey are intended can recognize them easily and in time. They shall normally be placed on the side of the road app-piiii. to the direction oi'traffic; they may, however,be placed br lepeated above the carriageway. AnV sig.nnlaqgd.on the side of the iouO rppropriate to the direction of traffic shall be.repeatedabove iirt other side of the carriagewayif local mnditions are such ";-;n it might not be seenin time by the driversfor whom it is intended' that ( k ) All signs shall apply to the road-usersfor whom they are intended ou"r ihe whole wiOtf' of the carriagewayopen to traffic. However, Sghs mat be made to apply !O OnF.oRe or to severallanes of the carriagewaywhen .lanesare defined by longitudinal markings. (l) Wherein the opinion of competentauthoritiesa signwould be ineffectiveif placedon the side of a road with separated.carriageway, neednot be| it may be placedon the dividingstrip.and in this rcase side' on the repeated shouldprovide that domesticlegislation (m) The Convention recommended (i) :' That signsshall be so placedthat they do not obstructvehicular and,-if placedon the sides,obstruct traffic 6n the carriageway, -as possible. The differencein levelbetween pedestriansas little a sign is placedand the lower where side the if,e carriagewayon as possiblefor signsof the uniform be as shall siin edgeof tfle sameclasson the sameroute; of sign panelsshallbe suchthat the signis (ii) That the dimensions and can be easilyunderstoodby a distance for a visible easily of sub-pa.ragraph personapproachingit, subjectto the provisio,ns hiii of ifiis paragriph,theie dimensionsshall be adaptedto the . normalspeedof vehicles. of regulatory (iii) That the dimensions of dangerwarningsigns-and in the territory of eachcontractinE signsshall be standardized pirty. As a general.rule, there shall be four sizes for each' type of siln; small,normal,largeand very.large'Small iigns snltt be used-where conditionsdo not permit the use of n|rmal signsor wheretraffic can only move slowly ; they may signsshallbe used alsobe usid to repeat a precedingsign. Lar_ge traffic. high-lpeed carrying roads wide very on -Verylargesigns traffic' shallbe usedon roadscarryingvery high-speed 27 8Z -ecuaurrroc aq].uor+ sreaA earql1opouad ]o alep. , ,", oi?lt"itigrlTi?lirt: oq].+o acJo+olul 6utu.tocol .to!.rdpalcoJa.ropace;du-ori'brrrle.rr rtue leqr pare -;ndr}sacueurproaql 'ra^oc ,,r"p Ajessacau aq]'su6rinnau'aqi'burnrn 1e6ri1 iJqi uo aqr Aq pansslsemaoueurpro luaprsard uV .6L61,ilrdV q]g! uo uorlua^uoC aql Aq papueu.rurooar sesu6rs;euorleu.ratu; aql pa-lo6!e'ireirl'ej.totuauulanogf 'salJlunoc anllcedsal oql +o sluaurula^o6 ler!lo+ e o1 ]cafqns 'uorlua^uoc ar.l_]eqr.Aq uollect+tleJ aql ol Aued B' auocaq or suorleN pallun ::l 1o!,}r.^usJ aql Jo salels Jaqulelru aqr Aq arn],rpeuedosem uor]uanuocaql : uotlua^uo3lo uollectltleH -,Yi' u 'o'ff .r.e nbuer 'os;.e. qr a o Incrriedur'saDe lrfl It i?r'r?31113 -? tt'tiii:n Aue6 6u1p:llqoCeql .r pue-,sa'oin6uel J! teirotrel'aqr1o orolu ro auo ur .roe6en6ue1 ol parralarsubrl-dr.rcsur leuolleuaql u! aq/lleLrs aql (s) paceld sloquAs_e.rou ro auoAqqaluerua;ddns ro *"r;lt"lt3ottntl# 'e .rein6uerca.rur u6rs'aqr'*o1aqpaoeto aq 'Aiesiacau :-d-!.r.1ty.!_!?,11_UbnoUr'1aued ue ';oqtuAsleuoruppe, lleqs_uorldricsu! ue Aq uorieurrolui aq] .Aanuoc ol alqlssodaq ]ou pjnonnrg era{nnpue ,spbriad,rrui, Jo srasn-peor u!euoc o] uorlecrldde.rraqriru.rrlol ,su6rs rto seuo0elec '.ro Arole;nbar goq'turts +oasecaLrlur lrcrldxea.rouu 16 u6rs'eib il,rr.., aq] a)eu o] alqesr^pe ]r Japtsuocsatlrjoqlne]ualadruoc-aqr araq6 (r) puplsrapun oq^ sJa^rrp louuec ro+puelsrapun r|} ol Inr,rlolir'lLi-,ffijill aleur ]ou sa^opslql_]l '1;estru6rsaq] uo pace;daq osie Aeur uorldr.rcsur ue qcns 'ubrsaql 6urureluoclaued:e;nDuelcale'ur .ro u6rsaql nnolacj laued le;nbuelcal e ug uogld;lcsutue 1o ,su6rs+o' uotlelalorbrul aqi ale]rlrce+ol JapJour 'uorlrppe aql ltqtqoJd lou saop uotlua^uoCaql (b) -reLrorerluassa ,oql .rai1erou lreqsappLUuotlecr+rpoLu -aros;oqurAs aqr Allpouro1 Alessaoau lr taplsuoolSrrre6"utiitJjii]:: nutrie.rruoc 'suorldr.rcsu! araqM Ueq]Jar{}els;oquuAs clqder6}o asnaq-r,o ,a;qrssod Ja^aroqm'pueub;s,to sselcqcea ]o scrlsualceleqcs.rno1<ic pue sadeqs +o asn aql uo paseqsr uotluslue3 stq] ut paqucsatds;eu6rspue su6is 'su0rs 1o urelsAsaql 1o burpue1slapun ol laplo ul ( d ) leuotleulalutale]tlt3e+ uolreurro+u! eqluaq,*Aluoe;q;s;n areLtcrq^ lffiltfi:ifl ::-T.1.:tl_ uleuac A;uo 6u1A1dde jo se;n.r iburu.reh',uorlpru !l:y:r".y.9]9 Tur!] 'asn re -x4ur DurAa^uoJ lo+ aql f!q!qo.rdlleqsuotluanuogsiqf ur 6u1tirol ( o ) 'pelzzep 6utaqs:asn-peoJ ,sactnap ut Unsal lou saop.slqt leql pepl^o.rd 6tir -}calJarro ,'seeJe 6t|!lce1,ral qrlnnpeddlnbero'parq6riaq 11eqs lerreleur cr; -llrnq pue 6u;pue'rs Jo-sleerlspelqbll u1 birriepridir'asoqr ueqr puesu6rs6uru.rean.re6uep regniru'eo ur ,suOiipecij ,11!l: :!blsljorelnber 'lr.lbru le elqroel_pup elqrsr^erou uJeLllarpur ol iapio ur r'eqr ap;ior plnoqs uonelsr6elc!$eulop reql spirauul@eJ osfe uolluenuoC aql ( u ) thesewereincorporated in To familiarizethe road userswith the new'signs, the PakistanHighwayCode. Largesizechartsdepictingthe new signswerealso printedin sufficientquantitiesfor distributionamongconccrned agencies. The Conventionwas formally ratified by Governmentof Pakistanon 5th August, 1979 and the instrumentof ratification depositedwith the SecretaryGeneralof the UnitedNationon 14thJanuary,1980. Needfor the Manual: To be effective,a traffic control deviceshouldmeetfive basicrequirements. Theyare : ( 1 ) F u l f i l la n e e d . (21 Commandattention. (3) Conveya clear,simplemeaning. (4) Commandrespectof road users. ra (5) Giveadequate time for properresponse. Five basieeonsiderations are employedto ensurethat theserequirements aremet. Theyare : design,placement, operation,maintenance and uniformity : Design:=Designof the deviceshouldassurethat suchfeaturesassize,contrast; colours,shape,mmpositionand lightingor reflestorization are combinedto draw attention to the device;that.shapesize,colours andsimplicityof message combinewith placementto perinitadequate and that uniformity,reasonableness of the regulation, time for response; sizeand legibilitycombineto commandrespect. In the designof a device,minor npdificationsof the specifieddesignelementsmay be necessaryunder certain conditions, provided that the essentialappearance characteristics.are met. Placement:-Placement that it is within the cone of the deviceshouldassure of visionof the userso that it will commandattention;that it is positioned with respectto the point, object,or situationto which it applies in conveyingthe proper meaning; and that its location, combined with suitablelegibility,is suchthat a drivertravellingat normalspeed hasadequate time to makethe properresponse. Opention:- Operationor applicationshouldassurethat appropriatedevices and relatedequipmentbe installedto meetthe traffic requirements at a givenlocation. Furthermore,the devicemust be operatedand placed in a uniform and consistentmannerto assure,to the extent posible, that the nrotorist can be expectd to properly respondto the device, basedon his previousexposure to similartraffic controlsituation. Manintenance:- Maintenanceof device should be to high standardsto assurethat legibilityis retained,that the deviceis visible,and that it is removedif no longer needed. Clean,legible,froperly mountd 29 0t 'uels^s eql olu! suo!lec!+!pour puespaplA eu oulsnpoJlu!Jo+puestuauJ -dolenapasaql 6urzru6oarro1 arnpeco.rd p o eq ol lueuodulr sl ll 'lpnueyllslql arlnbarAeu qclqrvrsuotlecllddeeclnapJol eslle 1o uoircgl;JelcJo uorlela.rd.ralur slrll ue4o suollenllsenblun'uo!l!ppeul 'elalosqoaut@aqA1;enpel6 lll^ lenueg\l lanllp u! pue la;clqan u! se3!^eplolluoo 'o ualsAseql lo suoluod pue Acua1c110.rd Jolor,uaql 'Aervrqblq Abolouqcelu! secuenpv eqr u1 sabueqcacnpold glgtvt : sprepuelsro uolslleu pue uollelardralu; 'acJnosluataduJooeql uoJI suelslsse>laasplnoqs'gels llaq1uo par;r1enb sJeeurbue aneqlou op leql '1or1uocc!+leJl.ro1Arllqsuodse.tqlun uoll -ezruebrg'luauralduocseclnapaql qcrqmsleeJlspue speol eql uElsappue alecol ol pepaauare Aeql se rnl 'secgnap lor]uoc c+]eJ] lo uollcelesaq] ul ]ueJequ! lueurabpnfbuuaeupbuaeql eslcJoxaol pepaeu eie $aeurbua pe!+llenp 'lueurabpnl 6uuaaur6ua lol alnl!$qnse 'saclnap uorrei!lobe uolsap io1 spiepuers crllerl lou s! lpnue4 ar.ll bye Jo lorluqr ue lo slseq saprnordlenue6 slql alrq^ 'snql 'uollecoleql lo Apnrs6ulraaut6ue aqt uo opeuleq plnoqsuollecol rBlnilued p le eclneplelnclued e asn ol uolstcep eql u! uolleJeplsu@ aql 'ranervro;-q'ocrnoprlcee +o uorlectlddepue uotlcalas ':seolnep fueu1.rduant6aq Aeql leql luellodtut 'eto4aleql/sgji1 loJluoo ollleJl cgseqeql quo+ les lenue4 aql a6esnpue uQsapeQt urano6leqt se;dgcu1.rd 1o 'uo!]clpspnf6u1neqAcuabe aqt Jo sselclo adAl ;o ssa;plebarsAe^ letueururenob -q6rqpuesleerlslle Jol sprepuelsect^eploJluoJc!+'eJlsluasaldlenue4 eql : ptnbag Apnls 6upaaul6ug 'p?peeu ut llnseJ Aeut esn-sluJ s! oclnapaql araqrnsuorlecol esoql lP padse.r-s1p qcnsleql u! 'e$ronn aq Aeruslql'ne; ul 'echep plepue$-uoue se alqeuollca[ ';1un -qo se s1awl.rdo.rdde lou s1l; a)aqm pesnec!^epprepue$ V '+lesl! urJollun+o esneql alnlllsuoo u! flou saopsecrnaploJluocc! 'uollerls!u!upe pue acueualuteu 'uollellelsu; 'elntcetrnueutul Atlouoce q6nolql sple ll 'uoglelaldlaluteuleseql c!++erlpue Aemq6;qc11qnd sleror++o euoA:ane6unrb Aq sunoo c!#eJI pue 'smeplo asuod rsJesRpeoJsPle 'bulpuer.rapunpue uollpubooalu! sple l! asnsceqresn peoJeql ll +o sec!^eplorluoo cl1le.t11o Ar1ul.tol;u6 'pe{lope eq Isel eqt sa11r1dtr.rls plnoqs ecueualuteurpue uolEJedo 'luautaceld'u61sapo1 p.le6a.tqllrvt 'atolalaql 's! 'sapuebe spJepuelsurlollun leql AJessaoau ll lecol pue Aq peugeluteupue poeld sle seclneploJluooc!#PJl lercutnordsnorJel 'suo!lc!ps!Jn[ e Lllltr^s]seJ ;o epnU]lnu 1;eA1;enu11 ]eluaulu.tanob 'Aem autes aql sec!^aplorluoc cl;lerl .ro1Aullqlsuodsaleql ecuts 'palels Aldttt;5-:Al1uto11u17 sueet! At1ut.to11un uf suofpn]ls JepurlsOu1lea.rl 'Ar1up1n eql u! sJeqloalenadap ol puelAeuua6lei. st leLll auo Aq sepasJo dno.rbe ut u6ts e lo lueul -aoeldar'alduexa ro3 'ecueleqlo lno utaql butrvrolqlAq seclneplo dno.r6e lo enlen aql Ao.rrap uec ecueualuleulPelncaxa Alsa;alec 'arowrequnl 'a6ueqc lo luauracegdalpapeau Dullapp Jol slseq e aq lou plnoqs uolllpuoc leclsAqdpoo6 u1 sl ec!^ape leql lce' aql 'sacrlep loJlum clllsl AJessecsuunenoureJ ol pue . suol1pu@ luaJJngol sec!^oploJlu@ cllJeJl pepesursn[peot! eoueual -urerrrleuorlcunl'acualu!rut lelsAqd ol uolllppe ul :suellfaped pue poo6 u; se9!^ep sri1.ror6r.r.r 1o nadsar eql pueurur@uolllpu@ 6ut>1lorn 1t {} 'ecr^appasodordaql +o slsal plar+rol pasn aq o] ejnpecoJd Apnls )olpue uollnlos aq] aq o] pajeplsuoo sl 'actnap etep 6utuoddns lenlcel Aue acllap posod0Jdaqt Aqlrlr6urr'aoqs 'pasn aq lou plnoJ Jo aJnpaJold pasodo.rdaql 6ursn 1o se6eluenpe uo uotleul pepuauJul@al .to e eclnep Aqnn eq] u! lenuep -rolu! ureluoo plnoqs spoqleu Jo sacrnaprvrau+o esn oL{}.ro1s}sanbag (Zl JADeul aql ur aclnpe pue ]senbereql MalAeJl1rrvroqnn (6utnnA1a;egAervrq6rgl o] passaJppeaq plnoqs lenuen aql u! suolleclunuuJoC +o Allsrul141 'uollec!]rJelcAue lol luaurlradxo ol uorssrr.uled lsanbal aq1 (t) 'suolleleld : lenue1!aql o1sabueqcpue suotleluatutladxa -.ratu!]o 6ur;pueq oq] ol Aldde Alletaua6 11tnn salnpaco.td6urnnol;o;aq1 C H A P T E RI I G E N E R A LS P E CFI I C A T I O N S F u n c t i o no f S i g n s: Signsshould be usedonly where warrantedby factsand field studies.Signs are essdntialwhere specialregulationsappl.yat specificplacesor at specifictimes only, or where hazardsare not self-evident. They also give information as to highway routes, directions,destinationsand points of interest. Signs,ordinarily are not neededto confirm rulesof the road. LegalAuthority : Traffic signs shall be placed only by the authority of a public.body,or official havingjurisdiction for the purposeof regulatingwarningor guidingtra.ffic. Un-authorizediigns placed on the highway right-of-way and non-essentialsigns shouldbe removed. U/ith proper authority being given construction contractors and public LltilitV Compa.ieSaie oeimitled tO'CreettempoTaTyconstructionand maintenance signsat *oik sites to protect the public, eq-uipment,and workmen; providedthat suih signsconfirm to the standardsof this Manual. Standardizationof Application l prescribed Eachstandardsign shall be displayedonly for the specificpurPos.e restrictions shall be or conditions by road for it in this Manual. Signsrequired or the restrictions exist to cease conditions wh-en those inrmediately removed are withdrawn. ldenticalconditionsshouldalwaysbe markedwith the sametype of sign, irrespectiveof where those particular conditions occur. Determinationof the particularsign or signsto be appliedto a specificcondition shall ordinarily be made in aeordance with.the criteria set forth in the Manual. However,engineeringjudgement is essentialto the proper use of sig.ns, in same manner aswitti otherliaffic control devices. Traffic engineeringstudies may indicate that signs would be un.necessaryat -certainlocations. -The-judgestudies of physical and traffic factors ment resulting from traffic engineerilrg -determine locations where signs are deemed should be dipended upon to necessary. of Signs: Classification as follows : Functionallysignsare classified Warning Signs:- Call attention to conditions on,9r adjacentto, a highway or streetthai are potentially hazardousto traffic operations' Regulatory Signs:- Give notice of traffic lawsor regulations. lnformation Signs:- Show route designations, destinations,.directions, distances,services,points of interest and other geographicalor cultural information. 33 tt slq] gl asoql a)ll A;letluassa aq sassclle ut lleqs uorsap,.,oqrrtfut^ : sloqu^s ']uauanedaq] uo suollcUlsaJ 6ur>1led 6uqleclpug sbuglleu.rpeoJJo+ pasnst rtnolla1 --.ltoila1 'subrsAloleulo;ur ur Aluopuno.rblceq pasn se st alng -:anlg '".H;#'^::l j8is:f ':$x'.i'3,iiulfr u, a os u r s u or r r"p ;ff ld :il,llt 'o o o, ?#":, -tqtqordpue6ululervr'Alolelnbal lo,r punolb)ceq se pasnsl allq^A-:al!qM ! '1rtur1 +o puapuesuotltqlqo.rd 1lerropua .cle'l!ul!l 6ur>leyeno peadslopuaseqcnsluqlcr;]sar e.+opu?slecrputo] posnaid sauijlceig 'l1uo pronnpue s;; pash Allsoursr .rnoloclce;g -:Welg .suorld!.rcsQp : 1t lnntarar pesn seo-s1e srpou 'subrs A.rolrqrqo.rd 3i'?l?T'=r?H#ri?:!'?X""3"1r"d': 1".,3! -e1n6ar ro 6ururenn ro] Alureu pasnst pa1 -:paA +osoutlraproqpue,sou!llno : smollo+ seaq lleqssubrsplepuelsuo pasnaq o] srnolocaqI : s.rnolo3su6rg 'se'esseu pro',olno^e'o'rr.oroffltiiJi^ti?3jfit1t"tilSi3; . puesadeqs re.]nq 's;oqutAs qlplm-alolls .rouir.uAq ruduranojcitur 1o uolpodo.rdeqt ur sa6ueqC 'lenuen slql u! papl^ raqlJn+apn;cerd]ou saopsubrcap asaq]+o uotleztpJepusls -old se'eql1eqs p 6urp:onn sr aql'alqeo!ldde a6essou.r pJoM eJaqmpue 'umor4s asoq] 'uotlezlJolcallal ot rplrrurs_Alqe)e$lut-un aq. sloquAs Jo uorleurrungir lleqs 11y pue spua6al'suorsuatrrp'srnoloc 'sadetpsapnlcuru6lsapir1 Ar;tl.roi1u1 : ubtseg 'uo11ssod 'ubrsap u! ^uLuroj!un pueArrcr;durs ;::l,jS3#liir::jl:l"Ht ru: subrscr1lel] lo sasselcleje^asaqr leq] os patttcadsele sadeqspue sJnoloc paztp -Jeplrels 'peadsq61qfe ubts e 6urqceolddeJantJpe Aq uorsuaqalduuoo >1crnb.rii1 puabaguoqs e pue'azrsalenbaperto 6uuaual 'Alrjrqlsrnqbrq-sueaur slq1 'asuodsellado.rde lrulad ol autl ut poolsJapunaq lr ]eq] pue']1 6ursn esoq}o}a1qt6a1aq}!}eq}eleu6tsAennq6rqeJos}u3ulaltnbal3|sPqaq1 prepuels au.tes aq]1osu6rs sernorocpueadeqs aueseql,o ,,"i311,fi$lT::l "o suotlen]ts ul paptnorduraraqesoql ueql Jaqlo palrnba: ale sabessaur alaqM : su6rg;o uo!lez!prepuels 'Aennpeo:aql ulol+ uolluaue stq 6utyentp ]noqlrM ranrlpaql ol sDuru.rem Jo suotleutJolutaql Aanuoc peog 'subrs.rosleubrsotl+ell se qons sactnapAq uanr6sburulennlo s6ur>;leur suolleln6araql luauJalddnsol pasn ate sburlteut peog -,'s6ur)pew peoA 9t 'Jopjoq pue abessaul 'pasn st pua6a1 to loquAs aql u! punolb>lceq p_olnoloolo >lcelq 'sOut}eoc ,9P 6ul}cal}au: (q) arr{nn e punolblceq u6ts aq} uo Joq}14 'abessau 1o ;oqruAsaLl]olul ]as sflun lellulls Jo sJolcalrteU (e) : 6utnno11o; ot.l],to Joqlla+o sueaulAq aq Aeu uotlezlJolcalloU : uollezlJoleelleulo sueau! ']q6tu alqtsl^A1.rea1c u0lEaq+a)eu ll!M leql s;aued]uac }e '; butleual -saururnllo 'sq;nq 1q611 luacsepuec-ul+o suleued 'saclnap alt]col+a laqlo auos aq] ot [adeqs 6urqn] snoutulnl se,'qcns (c) ro lubtsaql +o ace+aJ!}uaaql JaAouolleuluinlllulJo+lunAllelluessa parp ol paubtsapacrnos rq611patunoul A|]uapuadeputJo peqceu€ uV (q) .le|Ja}eu}uacn|suel}eq6nolql,q}oqlo,puno.t6>1cequ6rsoqlJo 'ecel ubts aqt pulqeq ]q6!l ';oqurAsjoabessar.uuter,rraql 6ur1eututng11 V (e) :uolleu!ulnlll aql -6utlaau : 6urnno11o; +o Jaqllalo sueaulAq eq AeuruotleulujnllL se pap.reba.r lou sl 6utfqBtl AennqbtqTfaallS ubrs.rolsluaub.rtnberaq+ : uolleulunlll lo sueell buriaaur6ue u, leq]s^oqsApnls ,rnnuorlezro]oar+ar 'rq61upue Aep Aq qroq"r"u#'0"#Jiti1i,il,,?Tl"fi: at!es eql lnoloc pue ad_eqs iuorreliersutubrspearl.ra^o llV 'su6rs dnol6 .to u6ts .telnclued aq Moqs o] poleurunllr ro pazrrolcallal ''subts ;o 'pefOac-ce llqqs 6utulennpue A'rolelnbeu ssa;i.rn e gprepuei'saql ul i uollezl.lolceDeupue uo!leultunll I ' , , O 3 1 - I V I S V N - I - I - V H ) , , u ! o q p l n o q s 6 u t . r a p a ;u b r s e q l ' S N g l S AUOIVI -UO.lNt np{n qq} 91 s1 uQls e g lo ]Sour ul asqg aql 9q leqs se qQenQqeL 'acedspadtuerce qlrm s.tallalJelle] pue leplm 6utsnAq ueql sla]lal A;anrlegale 6utsn Aq pesea.rcu!eq uec Alr!qtba1 uaanlaq 6urceds-aprrra 'lergdcur rellaj letl!ul qllm Dulraualasec-ramol aq] u! aq Aeuusaupu uorleurlsap]eq] ]dscxa lenuen s!ql u! umoqs se adAl aq] ]o sra]]al lelldec u! aq lleqs 6ur.raua;ubtsuaql'abenbue;qst16u3ut s1u6ts e 1; : 6urla$e'l 'perrnbaraq asrmJaqloproM ueql 6uualtol ralleursA11q6rgs 'q]6ual Jtaql Aq paztubocalA1;etyed ut uaq] tnd ol alqtssrr.ulad ssrlltaulos s1 l1 'poolslapun pue pezrubocalA;uouttloc aJe leq] oq ua4o uec saureu6uo1acutg asoqt Aluo apnlcut plnoqs pue 'uJntrllulr.ue ol lda>1aq plnoqs suotlelnaJqqv 'acuelslp Ar11;qgba1 aq plnoris aq] aprnold ol qbnouaa6.re1 Alessacau re pJoM 'spuabelu6ts lo1 6uuaua; aq] pup alqrssodse +euq se aq plnoqs sabessatu pasn bq lleqs lenuen s!L{}u! umorlsse s6urprorvrplepue}s'e;qecrlddearaL{M p"rb11 : sabessa6l 9t 'su6!spuno6lo4 eceds lua!c!++nsul 'sa6ueqclalu! ssllas q6no.tul e uo!]ecol eFssseutuOls1o AcuelslsuoC+o 'clJJerr peadSq6lH l0 '6uttq6t; laarls 1o puno.r$lcpg.-. .solcrqaA Aneaq;oaDeluaclad a6le1_ 'sl!xa auel-rllnru- ro "i::ilil'_fr,',';:jnH_ 'uol]ceJlpqceau! seuelalou..tJo eeJLll'ubrsap a0ueqclalur xalduo3 'AllcedecJeauJo autnloA cl+1eJlle 'l'f'l.;'3i'f^Ti'."t,'"li'X;:'fi i r?!i?ety?slcads',.iq1i',H;t:iH11Tff'f Dul^Jrlsn! sJope}eql 'suolleco1Aueu le anle^aneqAeu su61speaqle o aqr : suollelletsul u6;gppoq.te^O 'psadsqceorddeaplqe^ pepadxa eqr lq paleprp 'suorslceppe.rinber.aqr seeull +ollun u! peurur aq aiietl ol'uriq ro+ rr'ebeje+ lleqs bulcedsaq1 :jarep psoedseq lsnut Je^lJpeql Aq suorsrcep A;ruegclgns rua.rbglp6ur.rinbe.r'su6rg sretqo.aprsppolJeqloAq nnarn [uoJ+uap -p!q ale Jo Jeqlo qceeaJncsqotou op Aeqt leqt os pelecoleq plnoqs su6lg 'Aempeo.r sql reeu selcepqopax!' ol peleleJ sJolsp+Ale;es qllm eo^uetrltoluoc u! pue ralleds pnul ,o slcalla eqi aziurruiu -';e.reira6 ' pue Arll!Q!s!^ aurll rq61uazliugilo ol palecolaq plnorissu6rs u1 ''pedno.r6 eq pnu: su61s leuollceJlpJo e.lnoJaJaqMJo laqloue sluaurelddnsu61sauo eJeqMldecxe s6u! :1u!!!41.f to qqgEqrglqdegqo p?t,?qte4tpnpntpu!qq gnqqs s90!s Aleur.rqN .l+aleql ot M€!^eq] lcnJlsqoAeuteue;pueqq6;.t aql ut cl}lell eraqmpeol euel-lllnure uo 1n1 -d1aquarlo s1Aerrapeol 1qbr.r eql uo polscol u-6rsA.reruauelddns y- :peo.raqr'1o 1o Japlnoqspueu-lq6r.r aql uo peceldaq Aerl su6lssacuetsurni.rpaulos lapun 'suollecol ol A.retuanralddtrs seAluo pelaps leulJouer.llu! su6gs -uooaq .fuesiecsuuegb eri su'ois suollecol raqlo Aue su61g u1 'aplspeoJ peeqJeno sql le alqellenelou s! Jo elqeJlsapsl lo.rlud auel jo. eer6apeuos areu^^ro speoreplm uo ureql rol 6ui1bq sr r5nirp'aqt 'Aennpeor eql ,to aprs pueq-+a;arjr uo su61saiBcoi or'si sthr lemue'oa{i praqm -JaAaMoq'scllcetd u! paule$eaq sAennle louuecuorllsod+o uollpztplepuels : uollP:)ol lo uotlsz!plepuels 'a6paeql uro.l+ ,su6rg ulc gZ'! s!loproqslqel!nsV .rnoloCIIIHM u! eq plno^A ]g uorteuuolul ro, seareqrnabpaeql splsu!;snf lo fe pua0e1agl se rnogog g3g --aLll+oroproqe a^pql1eqssu61s pue oulurenn'suojdabxe nne+qrinn A.rou1n6a.r : ueprogu6rg The existanceof any one or more of the conditionslistedabovedoesnot signshave automaticallyjustify the use of overheadsigns. Rather,.overhead study applicationin lieu of or as an adjunctto groundsignswhen engineering indicatesthat they are needed. Someof the elementslisted"abovecan be made lesscriticalby closemordinationbetweendesignand operation. X Height: The heightof a signwill be the distancemeasuredfrom bottom of the sign to the nearedgeof the pavement. Signserectedat the side of the road in rural districtsshall be mountd at a heightof at least1.5 meters. In built up areas,where parkingand/or pedestrianmovementis likely to to the'bttom occur or wherethere are other obstructionsto view,the clearance of the sign shall be at least2.0 meters. The heightto the bottom of a secondary sign mounted below another sign 0.3 meterslessthan the appropriate height specifiedabove. The table below indicatesthe various recommended hqighgs.qf !ig!sbqth in rural and urbanareas: SIGN HEIGHT Sl. No. Heightof sign Typeof location Minimum 1. U r b a n: ( a ) Residential Streets (b) CollectorStreets (c) Arterial Roads 2. Rural: (a) SemndaryHighways ( b ) PrimaryHighways 2.00m 2.00m 2.00m 1.50m 1 . 5 0m Maximuni 3.00m 3.00m 5.00m 4.00m 4.00m Overheadsignsshall provide a vertical clearanogof not lessthan 5 meters over the entire width of the pavementand shoulde'rCxceptwh6rea leser vertical clearanceis usedfor the designof other structures. In specialcaes, it may be necessary still further because to reducethe clearance of sub-standard dimensions in tunnelsand other majorstructuressuchasdoubledeckbridges. LateralClearance: Signsshouldhavethe maximum practicallateralclearancefrom the edgeof the travelledway for the safety of motoristswho.may leive the roadwayand strike the sign supports. Advantage shouldbe takenof existingguardrail,overheadstructuresand o-therconditionsto minimizethe exposureof signsupportsto taffic. 37 Normally,signsshouldnot be closerthan 2.0 metersfrom the edgeof the shoulder,or if none,3.5 metersfrom the edgeof the travlledway. In urb'an areasa lesserclearancemay be usedwherenecessary. As a specialcasea clearance of 0.3 meterfrom the kerb faceis permissible where footpath width is limited or where existingpolesare closeto the kerb. Table below givesthe lateralclearance for variouslocationsboth for Rural and UrbanAreas: S l .N o . _'i:":1:':1T: Typeof Location Minimum 1. 2. Urban R u r a l: Maximum ( a ) Residential Streets 0.5 m {bl CollectorStreets 1 . 0q 2.00m 3.50m (c) ArterialRoads' 1 . 0m 4.50 m ( a ) SecondaryHighways 1 . 5m 4.5Om ( b ) PrimaryHighways 1 . 5m 4.50 m Positionof Signs: A warningsignis placedin advanceof the conditionto which it callsattention. A regulatorysign normally is placedwhere its mandateor prohibition appliesor begins. lnformationsignsare placed,whereneeded,to keepdrivers well informedasto the routeto their destination Erection: ' I Normally,signsshould be mounted approxiryiately at fight anglesto the directionof and facing,:1hs traffic that they are intendedto serve. Wheremirror reflectionfrom the sign face is encounteredin suchdegreeas to reducelegibility,the sign shouldbe turnedslightlyawayfrom the road. At' curvedalignments, the angleof placementshouldbe determinedby the course of approachingtraffic rather than by the roadwayedgeat the point wtrerethe signis located. Signfacesnormallyarevertical,but on gradesit may be desirable to tilt a sign forwardor back from the verticalto improvethe viewingangle. Postsand Mountings: Sign Bostsand their foundationsand sign rnountingsshallbe so constructed as to hold signsin a properand r-esist swayingin the wind or displacement by vandalism. In some cases,especiallyin urban areassignscan be correctly placed on . existingsupportsusedfor other purposes, suchas traffic signals,streetlights, and publicutility poleswherepermitted,therebysavingexpense and minimizing footpath obstructions. 6t 'u6rsep ernsuao1 su61saql luled ol pesnsq loqurAspue s?6eur!]o Aeuslsrsuoo 'raded uto.r; plnoqsselelduralaseql 'lerJaleualqellnsJoqlo Aue Jo leels'c1lse1d 'su61s preda.rd pue 6uruJe^ eq plnot{ssele;durat'sourvrerp asaql6u!sn A.rolegnbe.r pJepuels .ro1Alrelncruedparedardaq plnoqsalecslln+ u! 'u61sqcee;o sourrvretp 'paleelc aq plnoLlssotlrllcP+oultuled pue uollec1lqelu61sAresacau q4rvrdoqs u61s;1eus'asodrndslql JoJ 'ace;dleJlueceuo ulor+subgs aseql acnpold plnoqs uollezluebro a6re1qcea'u61sep Ar;uuo1lun urnurlxeur ol raplo ul olnsue 4o : uolleolrqeJu6;g su.rspaieurlunplro+ srusurara bu;rq6;1 +olu€uiaoelde.i 1or,;?:t'*i'rt'Ht3l$tnou' 'seer1 'u6rsAue ace+aql erncsqo lou op slelJalguluollcnJlsuocpup fuaqqnrqs Jo lspaq legl aeqol uq>lelog, plro{-s. l|glpe_4lEEagU Bue uol}q€}.}eplqads 'Arlunrroddo lsJ!l aql le su61sparncsqo ro pabeurepAue lroder ol pabernocuaoq plnoL{ssAennqblq aLl} uo laner} Aaq} pue leqto ecr;od'luaurpedap leqt a.r;nbalsallnp esoq/v\saeAoldura lelueuuJenob 'paqsrlqera Aernq6rqaql ]o seaAo;dur3 eq plnoqssu61s1o luauracelderpue 'uorlcadsur 6upuealc ro+alnpaqcs alqellnse'acueuoluleur etenbapealnsuaoI 'Ae1ep pebeueO'saull anpunlnoqllm paceldaleq plnoqssu6gs 'uogllsod plnoqs ledo.rdul ldol aq su6rscglel1 ;1y lle le alqlgelpue uealc : oouPuelu|ew 'sabpllqeql uo subrseurosaceldol elqlsee+ eq Aetu11 'eldurexaro1 'pecedsA;aso;cere p'eaqrano eJeqnAerrnqbrq ueqJnue uO 'aplspeoJaLll 6uolsuoddns u61spue suorl?puno,eql Jo+poauaql aleulurle llur^ Durmaln apnbepp ap;nord;;;na uoddns u6rse seeJnlcnrlse +o esn qcns 'ecuelslp ',saluslsulnsJlc euos Japun pue 'su6s ler-ll uollnlos leclpeld Aluo eql eq Aetr.r peaqrelo ]o uoddns aLll Jo+ aruas saurlletxos ll!/rl aJnlcnJls peoqJanouV : suoddngu6;gro; saEptrg C H A P T E RI I I . ,/ \r W A R N I N GS I G N S Applicationof WarningSigns: . to warn traffic of existWarningsignsare is deemednecessary ing or potentiallyhazardouscondition'son or adjacentto a highwayor street. Warningsignsrequirecautionon the part of the driversand maycall for reduction of speedor a ,iranoeuvrein' the interestof his own safetyand that of other road to the vehicleoperatorsandare users.Adequatewarningsare of greatassistance valuablein safeguarding and expeditingtraffic. The useof warningsignsshould be kept to a minimum. Such signsshall be usedto give warningof possible with due careto percieve road hazardswhich are difficult for a driverproceeding which areapparent, warn of mnditions them to The use of un-neces$ary in time. tendsto breeddisrespectfor all signs. Evenon the most modernhighwaystheremay be someconditionsto which the drivercanbe alteredby the useof warningsignsare : - Changetin hoii zontaI a1i9h m-n-. - lntersections. - Advancewarningsof control devices. - Converging traffic lanes. - Narrowroadways. in highwaydesign. Changes ' o - Steepgradients. - Roadwaysurface'conditions. - Raih:oad crossings. - Entrances and crossing. - Miscellaneous. i Warningsignsspecifiedin this Manualcovermost conditionsthat are likely to be met. lf sther warningsare neededthe signsshallbe of standardshapeand mlour for warningsings,and the legendsshall be brief and easilyunderstood. The determinationof the signor signsto be erectedshallbe on the basisof an asguidelines. studyusingthe followingsections engineering Designof WarningSigns: triangleshavingone side All warningsignsshall be shapedin equilateral oppositevertexaboveit. The legendshallbe black with red borhorizontalanld der on a white background. and locationof the signcan Certainexceptionsare permittedif the message justify the variance. This provisionshall not be construedas permittingeither a general use of rectangularwarning signs or deviationsfrom the standard wherestandardmessages messages areapplicable. 41 duringthe hoursof darkness shallhave All warningsignshavingsignificance a fully reflectorized background or be illuminated hereinis shownwith the The standardsizefor eachwarningsignprescribed illustrationaccompanying the specification.Whereconditionsof speed,volume. or specialhazardrequiredgreatervisibility or emphasis,largersignsshouldbe used,w.ith symbol or legendenlargedapproximatelyin proportionto outside dimensions The size of the normal sign shall be 90 cm, that of a small sign 60 cm. To carry proper emphasisamong large signs for other purposes,all warning signson important roadsshouldbe not lessthan 75 cm . equilateraltriangle. To perniit the useof standarddies and templatesthe outsidedimensionsof warningsignsshouldordinarilybe in multiplesof 15 cm. Letterheightsshould be roundedto the nearestintegralcm. that will best fit the plate usedfor legibility andappearance. Placement of WarningSigns: Warningsignsshall be erectedin accordance with the generalrequirements for signposition. Sincewarning signsare primariiyfor the protectionof the driver who is unacquaintedwith the road, it is very important that care be given to their locations. Thesesignsshall be placedat suchdistancesfrom the dangerpoint as will make them most effectiveboth by day and by night, havingregardto road and traffic conditions,includingthe normalspeedof vehiclesand the distance at whichthe signis visible. +, ln rural areas,warningsignsshouldnormallybe placedabout250 metersin advanceof the hazardousccnditions. On high-speedroads,advancewarning distancesmay have to be as great as 450 metersor more. Wherespeedsare relativelylow in urban areas,the advancedistanceShouldbe only about 75 meter. The positionof the warningsignshavebeen indicatedin tablebelow-for' vari0uslocations: :'_T:_-_ _ :_ ______a15_l9l]ia9'_lil}lL" Positionof Signs S l .N o . Typeof Location Minimum Maximum 1. UrbanResidential Streets 30m 60m 2. UrbanCollectorStreets 60m 1 2 0m 3. UrbanArterialRoads 75m 1 5 0m 4. Highways RuralSecondary 250 m 275 m 5. RuralPrimaryHighways 450 m 550 m ? ..l I I The actualadvancewarningdistancewill be determinedby tryo factors.i.e. on the time the prevailingspeedand the trafiic condition. Thesebearrespectively and the time message the react to and comprehend ihe driver to to avaiiable manoeuvre. neededby him to performany nec€ssilry The effectivenes of the placementof any warning sign should be tested periodicallyunderboth day and night conditons. sectionof The distancebetweenthe signand the beginningof a dangerous This inforthe sign. panel mounted below in additiohal road may be shown an of the beoinning and the-sign between distance given the when must be mation the dangeioussedtionof road cannot be judged by driversand is not what they mightnormallyexpect. Dangerwarningsigns - may be repeated,pafticularly.onmotorwaysand roads treated ai moton*ays. Wherethey are repeated,the distancebetweenthe sigl sectionof road shallbe shownby an additional and th€ beginningof dangerous panelmountedbelowthe signs. The detailsof the varioussignsaregivenin following pages' 43 7- ( t, CURVESIGNS The CURVE SIGNS(W-l and W-2) are intendedfor usewhereengineering investigationsof roadway, geometric,and operatinq conOitions-ino*" ih;;;: ommended speed,onthe curveto be lessthan the speedlimit establisteO 6V fi* or b.y.regulation-for that section of h.ighway. RdAitional protection malvUe providedby useof appropriatespeedlimifsign.' The CurveSignsshallbe asshown in the figures, Theseare : (al cURVdTOWAffDS RtGHT,S|GN : (b ) C U R V E T OWA R DS LEFTSIGN: w-1 w-2 . .. Th. sign shall havestandardsize of g0 cm. No sign of lessthan 60 cm sttall be used.anywhere. The sizesrecommendedfor uaii6'rslocationsare oiuin in the table below. The position of border size and herght;i-rngse ;id,.,;;;; givenunderrespectiveheadings: TASLE: C1JRVE SI-GNS SIZES Sl. No. Type of Location SignSize 1. UrbanResidentialStreets 60 cm 2. UrbanCollectorStreets 75 cm 3. UrbanArteriatRoad 90 cm 4. RuralSecondary Highways 90 cm 5. RuralPrimaryHighways. 105 cm 6-: Motorway.s 120 cm The dimensionsof the legendfor varioussizesof trresig-ns are-given-;lig;-W; andW-2. 44 I l' RIGHTREVERSECURVE SIGN { C b TO LEGE ND SI PARTS G 60cm 75cm r 2.3 2.9 d 0.7 0.8 [? 5.4 { DIMENSION SI N 90cm 1n 2.5 3.0 z (cml E l05cm 1 2 0c m 4.1 u.7 1.2 aa l.-) /.o 8.7 ll .0 d 22 .0 27 .5 33.0 <X e u{ 1 1. 7 14.0 16.3 18.7 f 5.3 o? 10.7 I lt h ta qn ).o 'lA 1.1 /. 2 -9 I 'F 1 .l 6.7 ?q ?n rt.) 49 \ 4l{.0 8.2 tl 2.3 2.7 q.1 \.7 o.u S T E E PG R A D I E N TS I G N S The STEEPGRADIENTSIGNS (W-5 and W-6) are intendedfor use in advanceof a steepgradewherethe length,percentof grade,horizontalcurvature or combinationrequiresspecialprecautions on the part of drivers. The steep GradientSignmay be usedfor : ( a ) U PG R A D ES I G N w-5 ( b } D O W NG R A D ES I G N w-6 The standardsizeof thesesignsis 90 cm equilateraltriangle. Other recomnrendedsizesaregivenin table below. T A B L E - S T E EGPR A D I E N TS I G NS I Z E S SL. NO. Type of Location SignSize 1. UrbanResidentialStreets 60 cm. 2, UrbanGollectorStreets 75 cm. 3. UrbanArterial Roads 90 cm. 4. RuralSecondaryHighways 90 cm; 5. RuralPr,imaryl{ighways 105 cm. 6. Motorways 120 cm. The dimensionsof the legendfor varioussign sizesare given in figures W-5andW-6. 50 CURVETOWARDS RIGHTSIGN (w-t) LEGEND SI PARTS 60cm G 75cm r h S I N 90cm ?q lr .. qI o.) lrA d f.o e I C E | 05cm l20cm 4.1 hq 1? D'l ao I A7 I.O 13-lr /. 1q 't 1 ? ? lta CR 7.0 o.z o? !n (n 6.0 7.0 8.0 ?a 4.1 lt 1O.IJ 14.6 h R? "i z 1n NQ r- DIMENSION (cm) 45 n ro. / TOWARDS LEFT SIGN. CURVE ( w -21 .r LEGEND st PARTS 60cm G 7Scm DIMENSION (cml S I N gOcm z E | 05cm l20cm r 2.3 2.9 3.5 lt.1 4.7 a 0.7 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.3 b 4.3 5.4 6.5 7.6 8.7 c 2.7 3.3 l{.0 q.7 5.3 d 7.6 9.6 11.5 13.4 r5.3 e 5.7 7.1 8.5 9.9 11.3 f 4.7 5-8 7.0 8.2 9.3 I 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 h 2.3 2.9 3.5 q.l \.7 tl 8.3 r o.4 12.5 ll{.6 46 16.7 D C U R V ES I G N S REVERSE The REVERSECURVESIGNS(W-3and W-4)areintendedforuseto mark by atangentof lessthan200 two curvesin oppositedirectionsthat areseparated Meters. For additionalprotectionthe appropriatespeedlimit signmay be used. Thesesignsareof the two types l (a) LEFT.REVERS CEU R V E w-3 ( b } R I G H TR E V ER S EC UR V E w-4 The standardsizeof this sign*rall be 90 Cm equilateraltriangle. No sign of less than 75 Cm size frall be usedanywhere. The sizesrecommendedfor variouslocationsaregivenin the tablebelow. T A B L E- R E V E R S EC U R V ES I G NS I Z E Sl. No. -u;b* i. Type of Location SignSize. nr-r,0"^ri.isrr.* 75 Cm 2. UrbanCollectorStreets 7tr Crn 3. UrbanArterial Roads 90 Cm 4. RuralSecondaryHighways 90 Cm 5. RuralMainHighways 105 Cm 6. Motorways 120 Cm The dimensionsof the legendfor varioussizesare givenin figuresW-3 and w4. 47 7 LEFTREVERSECURVE SIGN (w-3) ] PARTS LECE ND OIMENSION st6 s tz N 90cm (cml E l05cm l20cm 60cm ?Scm r 2.3 2.9 3.5 4.1 t{.7 a 0.7 0.8 1.0 1.2 1:3 b 4.3 5.4 6.5 7.6 8.7 c 2.O 2.5 3.0 3.5 q.0 d 22 .0 27 .5 33.0 16. 5 114.0 11.7 1l{.0 16.3 r ' 8 .? e 9.3. g 5.3 6.7 8.0 9.3 10.7 I 4.7 5.8 7.0 8.2 9.3 h 1.3 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 I 2.3 2.9 3.5 l{.1 q.7 'l 3.0 3.7 4.5 5.2 6.0 48 w UP-GRADESIGN (w-s. I LEGEND SI G sazE N PARTS 60cm 75cm OIMENSION (cml 90cm | 05cm l20cm n 2.3 2.9 3.5 4.1 4.7 a 0.7 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.3 b 4.3 5.3 6.5 7.6 8.7 c 2.3 2-9 3.5 Il .1 I r. 7 d 15.7 r9.6 23.5 27.4 31.3 e 7.7 9 -6 11.5 13.4 15.3 f 22.O 27 .5 33.0 38.5 44.0 - r DOWNGRADESIGN (w 6) + LEGE N O sl PARTS 60cm o 75 cm DIMENSION (cml sazE N 90cm | 05 cm t20cm r 2.3 2.9 3.5 4.1 4.7 a 0.7 0.8 1.0 1.2 r.3 b 4.3 5-3 6.5 7.6 8.7 c 2.3 2.9 3.5 lt.1 4.7 d 15.7 1 9- 6 23.5 27 .4 31.3 e 7.7 9 -6 11.5 13.4 1( r 22 .0 27 -5 33.0 38.5 44.0 52 ? ? tPAVEMENTNARROWSSIGNS The PAVEMENTNARROWSSIcNS (W-7are W-8)and intendedto warn the driversthat road aheadis narrowerthan the one beingtraversedby them. The RoadNarrowsSignsareof two type : ( a ) L A N EE N D SS l c N w-7 ( b } R O A D W A YN A R R O W S I G N w-8 LaneEnd Sign: This Signis neededif advancenotice is to be givento warnof the reduction in the numberof lanesof pavementas from three lanesto two lanes,or from four lanesto two lanes, etc. on one-wayroadways wherethe width of the med-ianlslandwill permit,two such signsshould be placedfacingapproaching traffic, one on the right sideand the other on the medianisland.The inOication of lane givenon sign as endingshouldconfirm to astualconditionI.e. whether left or right laneends. RoadwayNarrowsSign: ls intendedfor use in advanceof transitionon two-laneroadswherethe pavementwidth is reducedabruptly to a width suchthat two carscannot pass safelywithout reducingspeed. The standardsize of the signsshall be 90 cm equilateraltrianqle. The varioussizesrecommended accordingto different locationsare givenin the table below: T A B L E_ P A V E M E N T N A R R O WS SI G NS I Z E S S1N . o. t Type of Location SignSize 1. UrbanResidential Streets 60 cm 2. UrbanGollectorStreets 75 cm 3. UrbanArterialRoads 90 cm 4. RuralSecondary Highways 9O cm 5. RuralPrimaryHighways 105 cm 6. Motorways 120 cm ---ih. d;;;;';1h' W-7andW-8. Gill;;;;'b,' 53 ;;;;;;;;6; LANE ENDS SIGN (w-7) c t o LEGE ND SI G PARTS 60cm r 75cm S N 90cm 20 d n'7 AQ b [? qJt c 2.0 2q ?n d Q? 11 -7 14.0 o-u 72 Jt Q f 7q alr o b 2? 20 h ,t a-L 1.0 z E 1 0 5c m 1 2 0c r n Jr l!7 r 1? 1- 9, I.O 11 a '7 rt.0 1q to.J 9.6 Qll ? 1? ?q )t qn qR 'l 2 I lta a.l ROADWAYNARROWSSIGN tw e 8) d c bT- {r+ \-_ r ft+/ LEGEND G SI SI N PARTS 60cm e \ i 75cm DIMENSION (cm) 90cm z E | 05cm l20cm I 2,3 2.9 3.5 4"1 4"7 d 0.7 0.8 1"0 r.2 1"3 b 4.3 s"4 6.5 7 "6 8.7 2.3 2"9 3.5 4 "L 4-7 d 6.7 8.3 10" 0 L\ "7 13.3 e 9.3 t7 .7 14 " 0 16 .3 18"7 f 17 2,r 2.5 )a 3.3 g 3"3 4"2 5"0 5"8 6.7 I t- ) 55 D R A WB R I D G ES I G N The DRAW BRIDGESIGN (W-9)is intendedto be placedat approaches to a Draw Bridgeto warn the driversto watch out for bridgesbeingliftedor swung to allow passage of boatsand shipsthrough the wateruvay.The sign shall be placedat least300 metersbeforethe bridge. The sizesfor varioustypesof roadsshallbe asunder: T A B L E_ D R A WB R I D G ES I G NS I Z E S S l .N o . Typeof Location SignSize. 1. UrbanResidential Streets 60 cm 2. UrbanCollectorStreets 75 c m 3. UrbanAnerialRoads 90 cm 4. RuralSecondary Highways 90 cm 5. RuralPrimaryHighways rl' 1 0 5 cm dimensionsof the legendfor varioussignsizesare givenin figureW-g. 56 DRAWBRIDGESIGN (w-s) I \_1 DIMENSION (cm) LEGEND SIG SIZE N PARTS 60cm 75cm ?q r 2? a i7 ^Q b !? hu C 1'7 t d e f 1.0 0? -'l 4.1 t -L 2q 2Q 70 8.2 27 .0 n '11 l05cm i.o n'l 1Q 90cm 'l 31.5 16.3 t20cm R I V E BB A N KS I G N The RIVER BANK SIGN (W-10)is intendedto warn the approaching traffic of the bank of the river or quay. The signshallbe placedat least300 metersbeforethe riverbankor quay. Thesizesof the signfor variousroadsshallbe asunder: TABEL_RIVER B A N KS I G NS I Z E S S l .N o . Typeof Location SignSize. 1. UrbanResidential Streets 60 cm 2. UrbanCollectorStreets 75 cm 3. UrbanArterialRoads 90 cm 4. RuralSecondary Highways 90 cm 5. RuralPrimaryHighwayi 1 0 5c m The dimensions of the legendfor varioussignsizesaregivenin FigureW-l0. 58 RIVER BANK SIGN (w t0 ) r+ D LEG G SI SI N z E PARTS 60cm 0.7 ^Q b ll? qT c 3.0 12 -7 e f I O h 4.7 1.0 n )-o 16.0 20.0 ti lt.l ? 6.0 7q 12 r.o q2 /lq 1q I 05cm 4.1 2a r U 90cm 75cm 10 {^J 7.0 22 .2 8.2 28.0 26"0 30"3 on 10.5 l20cm BUMPY ROAD SIGN A B U M p y R O A D S | G N ( W - 1 1 ) i s i n t e n d e df o r u s e t o q i v e w a r n i n oo f a sharp rise and fall in the profile of the road that is sufficientlyabrupt to-create a hazardouscondition and to causeconsiderablediscomfort to passengers, to causea shiftingof the cargoor to deflect a vehiclefrom its courseat the normal driving speedfor that road. A Bumpy RoadSignrequiresspeed reductionon the part of drivers. lt may be desirableat some locationsto supplementthe Bumpy Road Signwith an appropriatespeedsign. The standardsizeof this signshallbe 90 cm equilateraltriangle. The various sizesrecommendedare given in table below: T A B L E- B U M P YR O A DS I G NS I Z E S Sl.No. Type of Location SignSize. 1. Urban Residential Streets 60 cm 2. Urban Collector Streets 75 cm 3. UrbanAnerial Roads 90 cm 4. RuralSecondaryHighways 90 cm 5. Rural PrimaryHighways 105 cm 6. Motorways 120 cm The dimensions of the legendfor varioussignsizesaregivenin Figurew-11. }' 60 BUMPY ROAD SIGN (w-ll) r DIMENSION (cm) LEGEN SIG PARTS SIZE N g0cm 60cm 75 cm r 2.3 2"9 3"5 4"I A'l a 0.7 0"8 1.0 1.2 11 b 4.3 5.4 6.5 7.6 8.7 c 5"0 3 -7 4.5 5.2 o.u d 3.5 4.J. 5.0 5.8 6.7 e 4.7 5.8 7.Q c2 9"5 f 8.0 10"0 12. [') r4.0 16"0 g 6.7 8.3 10.0 rt "7 , 15.3 | 05 cm t20cm H U M PS I G N A HUMPSIGN (Wi12)is intendedfor useto givewarningof a sharprisein condition, the profileof the roadthat is sufficientlvabruptto createa hazardous to causea shiftingof the cargo, discomfortto passengers, to causeconsiderable or to deflect a vehiclefrom its true courseat the normaldrivingspeedsfor the 'road. for the purpose a HumpSignmayalsobe providedinternationally Sometimes where traffic areas, and school reiidential/commercial in reduction of speed tendencyis to movefast. ln suchlocationsthe HUMPSIGN may be positioned at least4.5 metersfrom the hump. lt may be desirableat some locationsto supplement the HUMPSignwith a SLOWSign. The standardsize of this sign shall be 90 cm equilateraltriangle. The sizesaregivenin tablebelow: other recommended T A B L E_ H U M PS I G NS I Z E S S l .N o . Sign Size. Type of Location 1. Urban ResidentialStreets 60 cm 2. UrbanCollectorStreets 75 cm 3. UrbanArterialRoads 90 cm 4. RuralSecondaryHighways 90 cm 5. RuralPrimaryHighways 105 cm 6. Motoruvays 120 cm The dimensionsof the legendfor varioussignsizesmay be seenin Figure w-12. 62 HUMP SIGN (w-12l T e T; f" LEGEND SIG N PARTS a DIMENSION (cm) SIZE 60cm 75cm r 2,3 2;9 3.5 4"7 A'f a 0.7 0.8 1.0 I,2 1.3 b 4,3 5"4 6.5 7.6 8 "7 )7 5.5 4.0 4.7 5.3 d 4.7 5.8 7.0 8.2 9.3 e 2t .3 26.7 32 .0 37 .3 42.7 90cm 63 | 05cm t20cm DIP SIGN in the A DIPSIGN(W-13)is intendedfor useto givewarningof a depression condition, profile of the road that is sufficientlyabrupt to createa hazardous to causea shiftingof the cargo,or discomfortto passengers, to causeconsiderable to deflect a vehiclefrom its true oourseat the normal driving speedsfor the road. lt may be desirableat somelocationsto supplementthe DIP SIGN with a SLOW Sign. The standardsizesof this sign shall be 90 cm equilateraltriangle. The for differentlocationsshallbe as givenin the variousother sizesrecommended tablebelor,v: T A B L E_ D I P S I G N S I Z E S S l .N o . SignSize Type of Location 1. Streets UrbanResidential 60 cm 2. UrbanCollectorStreets 75 cm 3. UrbanArterialRoads 90 cm 4. RuralSecondaryHighways 90 cm 5. RuralPrimaryHighways 105 cm 6. Motonruays 120 cm The dimensionsof legendfor varioussign sizesare given in FigureW-13. 64 DIP SI GN (w-13) e LEGE ND SIG PARTS a DTMENSION (cml SIZE N 90cm l05cm l20cm 2.9 3.5 4"7 4.7 0.7 0.8 1.0 1) 1.3 b 4 "3 5.4 6.5 7.6 8.7 c 4.0 5"0 6.0 7.0 8.0 d 3"3 4.2 5"0 5.8 6 "7 e 4.7 5.8 7.0 a') 9.3 60cm ?5cm r 2.3 a f t7 .3 )'t '7 26"0 65 30.3 S L I P P E R YR O A D S I G N T h e S L I P P E R YR O A D W H E Nw E T s t G N ( w - 1 4 )i s i n t e n d e df o r u s et o warn the driversof a conditionwherethe highwaysurfacebecomes extraordinary slipperywhen wet. lt shouldbe locatedat least300 metersbeforethe beoinnino of slipperysectionand at appropriateinterualson long sectionsof sucd pavel ments. The standardsizesof this sjOnshall be -9Ocm equilateral triangle. The variousother sizesrecommended for differentlocationsareqivenin tablebelow: T A B L E_ S L I P P E R Y R O A DW H E NW E TS I G NS I Z E S S l .N o . Typeof Location SignSize. 1. UrbanResidential Streets 60 cm 2. UrbanCollectorStreets 75 cm 3. UrbanArterialRoads 90 cm 4. RuralSecondary Highways 90 cm 5. RuralPrimaryHighways 105 cm 6. Motonrvay 120 cm ---;---The dimensionsof the legendfor varioussign sizesare given in FigureW-14. 66 SLIPPERYROAD SIGN (w t4 ) DIMENSION LECE ND e' 60cm rr , 2.3 2-9 a 0.7 0.8 b 4.3 5.4 3 ..0 3.8 d zt.l e 16.7 90cm 75cm an Ll - l05cm )r 1 (cm) 1 2 0c m Ln 1.2 t-u 'tA A'7 AA 4.5 43.3 1 | )q 20 .8 67 o lv . t L O O S EG R A V E LS I G N T h e L o o s E G R A V E Ls l G N ( w - 1 5 )i s i n t e n d e dt o w a r n t h e a p p r o a c h i n g traffic that on the road sectionaheadthey encounterinq t.iosefiau"f which is likelyto be throwl up in the air by vehiclegoingat a speed.ftreiaieti wouldrequireextraprecaution and reductionin speed. of actualhazardous . .Th"signshouldbe placedat least300 metersin advance location. The Standard sizeof the signshallbe g0 cm equilateral triangle. Theothersizesof the sigrtfor variousroadsareasunder: T A B L E_ L O O S EG R A V E LS I G NS I Z E S Sl.No. Type of Location SignSize. 1. UrbanResidential Streets 60 cm 2. UrbanCollectorStreets 75 cm 3. UrbanArterialRoads 90 cm 4. RuralSecondary Highways 90 cm 5. RuralPrimaryHighways 105 cm 6. Motorways 12O cm ---r-h-edi;ilil;li'-r'-g.JA;;;,'.;,,s;;;;-si;i"-rig,,,-w-is. 68 LOOSE G RAVEL S IGN (w-tsI a LEGE ND SIG PARTS 60cm C r d a't DIMENSION stzE N 90cm 75cm 2-9 ?q 0.8 1n 2-5 )6 d 1? O to -l e <t| { 3 7- 9 l05cm q- | 1 2 0c m lt ..1 1.3 8.7 5.4 h (cm) 4.0 ?n 1q q 26.0 60.7 FALLINGROCKSSIGN The FALLING ROCKSSIGN (W-16)is intendedto warnthe approaching traffic that the road aheadis subjectto rocksfallingfrom the uphill sideof the slopes. The signshallbe placedat least150 Metersaheadof the actuallocationof the hazard. The sizesof the signsfor variousroadsshallbe asunder: T A B L E_ F A L L I N GR O C K SS I G NS I Z E S Sl.No. SignSize Type of Location 1. Streets UrbanResidential 60 cm 2. UrbanCollectorStreets 75 cm 3. UrbanArterial Roads 90 cm 4. Hiohways RuralSeconadary .90 cm 5. RuralPrimaryHighways 105 cm 6. Motorways 120 cm The dimensions of the legendfor varioussignsizesaregivenin FigureW-l6. 70 IL 0'9r 0'hr. O'ZL 0'0 r n'o L' 09 : 0'Bt L- L€. a JL 6'z ac h'E Ln q e " L'n [n rh p \a L'B 9'L ['t z'I 0't B'0 L'0 L'h t'h JC 6'z L( t f urlozl urlsol 3 (ur3) rrJl06 Z tS NO|SN3NIO urrs4 N I u,log ts SIUVd 0N 3931 +" Lq e' (9r-/nt N9tS )t30u gNtllvJ P E D E S TIRA N C R O S S I NS GI G N S I G N ( W - 1 7 )i s i n t e n d e dt o w a r n t h e a p CROSSING The PEDESTRIAN proachingtraffic of the existingof a pedestrian crossingon the roadahead.The actuallocationof the crossingshouldbe indicatedeither by road markinoor by an appropriate sign. The signshallbe placedat least150 metersbeforethe actuallocationof the crossing.Thesizesfor variousroadsareasunder: T A B L E_ P E D E S T R I ACNR O S S I NSGI G NS I Z E S S i .N o . Typeof Location SignSize. 1. Urban ResidentialStreets 60 cm 2. U rban Collector Streets 75 cm 3. Urban Arterial Roads 90 cm 4. RuralSecondaryHighways 90 cm 6 Flr rral Pri rnarrr llinhrnrarrc 1OF nrn The demensionsof the legendfor varioussignsizesare givenin FigureW-l7. 72 PEDESTRIANC R O S S I N GS I G N (w - t7 ) e L---a-J DIMENSION (cm) LEGEND 5IG SIZE N PARTS 60cm J 7 5cm 90cm ll .1 2 -9 r 1.0 0.8 n7 qu h 17 aQ e 15.3 a 1) /.o ?1 d | 05cm 2., 2,9 35.s ,r3.0 50.2 1 9- z 23.O 26,8 73 t20cm CHILDREN CROSSING SIGN T h eC H I L D R E NC R O S S I N S GI G N( W - 1 8i)s i n t e n d e tdo w a r nt h ea p p r o a c h ing traffic of the existence of a roadcrossingmostfrequentlyusedby the children, suchasthe entrance/exit from a schoolor playground The signshallbe placed150 metersin advanceof the actuallocationof the crosing. T A B L E_ C H I L D R E N C R O S S I NSGI G NS I Z E S S l .N o . Typeof Location SignSize 1. UrbanResidential Streets. 60 cm 2. UrbanCollectorStreets 75 crn 3. UrbanArterialRoads 90 cm 4. RuralSecondary Highways 90 cm 5. RuralPrimaryHighways 105 cm The dimensions of the legendfor varioussignsizesaregivenin FigureW-18. B I C Y C L EC R O S S I N S GI G N The BICYCLECROSSING SIGN (W-19)is intendedfor usein advance of a point wherean officiallydesignated bicycletrackcrosses a roadway. The standardsize of this sign shall be 75 cm. equilateraltriangle. The varioussizesrecommended aregivenin tablebelow: T A B L E_ B I C Y C L E C R O S S I NSGI G NS I Z E S S1..No. Typeof Location. SignSize 1. UrbanResidential Streets 60 cm 2. UrbanCollectorStreets 75 c m 3. UrbanArterialRoads 90 cm 4. RuralSecondary Highways 90 cm 5. RuralPrimaryHighways 105 cm The sizesof the legendfor varioussignsizesaregivenin FigureW-19. 74 C H I L D R E N C R O S S I N GS I G N (w-lB) j; LEGE ND 5rG OIMENSION (cm) SlZE N PARTS 60cm r 75cm ?q L t. 1 'l 1) n7 nQ b T? ql.l ?n ?R e l05cm 2a a d 90cm .0 /.o ,r G q 10 n 23.B )A ,L, tl 5 r-J 7-t -J trq TJ. O 9 1 2 0c m B I C Y C L EC R O S S I N GS I G N ( w - l9 ) --T I II i -+I I c I b o -Tl J T DIMENSION (cm) LEGENO SI PARTS 60cm 75cm G SIZE N g0cm r a i'7 b a.J o,B ,' . < tt | 05cm ?q 4.',1 1.0 t.l 5.4 3.8 O l.o 4.5 q d 29.6 ?q e 3\ .2 ll 1.0 76 Ir l u7B lt t20cm D GI G N S A N I M A LC R O S S I N S for those T h e A N I M A LC R O S S I N S GI G N S ( W - 2 0a n d W - 2 1 )a r er e q u i r e d to warn roadswhich are subjectto crosing by animals. lt is thereforenecessary danger. trafficto the impeding the approaching Signmaybeof the followingforms: TheAnimalCrossing ( a ) C A T T L EC R O S S I NSGI G N w-20 ( b ) W I L DA N I M A LC R O S S I NSGI G N W_21 Signis,intendedto warn the approaching traffic of a designCattleCrossing duly atuthorizedby the competent'authoritv. atedcattlecrossing Wild Animal Crossing Signis intendedto warn the motoristswherethereis dangerof wild animalcrosingthe road. a particular to of the animalintended The symbolusedin the signshallbe the silhouette of the sectionof the be protected.The signshallbe placed300 metersin advance road usedby the animalsfor crossingthe road. The standardsizeof thesesigns for differshallbe 90 cm equilateraltriangle. Variousother sizesrecommended ent locations aregivenin tablebelow. T A B L E_ A N I M A LC R O S S I NSGI G N SS I Z E S Sl.No. SignSize Type of Location 1. Streets UrbanResidential 60 cm 2. UrbanCollectorStreets 75 cm 3. UrbanArterialRoads 90 cm 4. RuralSecondary Highways 90 cm 5. RuralPrimaryHighways 105 cm The dimensionsof the legendfor varioussign sizesare given in Figures W-20andW-21. 77 CATTLECROSSINGSIGN (w-20 1 + J +i rf l.-9 f 'l rl* LEGE ND DIMENSION SIZE N 5IG PARTS 60cm 90cm 75cm l05cm .l tr - r 0.7 ^Q b I.t.3 qu C 1? 1.7 d 1tt.7 13.3 c 1? 1 tr f 11 .7 ? (cm) r | i.0 (.o ,n ll 1R q 14.6 17 q 78 2q 7 an lr 1 2 0c m D WILD ANIMAL CROSSING SIGN ( w - 2l ) + DIMENSION (cm) LEGEND PARTS l05cm { r b 2.9 o.T 0.8 L.0 Ll .-1 5.4 o.) {.o 1.7 2.O ?? c A 4.r 2.3 ,> (:, -l e rr.1 1' o? ),n n -1 (-1.1 ry.o 11 \6 .7 7 r l, 79 n It). ), f l20cm R O A D W O R K SS I G N The ROAD WORKS SIGN (W-22) is intended to be used to warn the approachingtraffic that the road reprair/maintenancework is in progressahead. The sign $ould be placed at least 300 meters aheadof the actual location of the siteof road work. Varioussizesof the sign$all be as under : TABLE_ROAD W O R K SS I G NS I Z E S Sl.No. Type of Location SignSize 1. UrbanResidential Streets 60 cm 2. UrbanCollectorStreets 75 3. UrbanAnerial Roads 90 4. RuralSecondary Highways 90 5. RuralPrimaryHighways 105 6. Motorways 120 The dimensionsof the .legendfor varioussignare given in FigureW-22. S I G N A LA H E A DS I G N The SIGNAL AHEAD SIGN (W-23)is intendedfor usein advance of any signalizedlocation where physicalconditionsprevent drivers from havinga continuousview of at leasttwo signalindicationsfor distances specifiedbelow: T A B L E_ M I N I M U MV I S I B I L I T YD I S T A N C E 85 percentilespeed Distance 30 Km perhour 40 Km perhour 50 Km perhour 60 Km perhour 70 Km perhour 80 Km perhour 90 Km perhour 100 Km perhour 30 meters 50 meters 75 meters 100 meters 150 meters 170 meters 190 meters 215 meters The standardsizesfor the signshallbe 90 cm equilateral triangle. Theother sizesaregivenin the table. 80 ROAD WORKSSIGN (w - 22 1 rr *a + LEGE ND SI PARTS 60cm r G 75cm o7 0.8 T? 5.4 5.0 e 90cm 2.9 b A S N )a ') L L . ) ?n n a1 cl.1 1.0 AN z E 1 0 5c m 4.i 4.7 t.l 1? I.O 8.7 7n 8.0 n 3 7. 5 1 2 0c m 4ri.7 4s.o q2q 60.0 SIGNAL AHEAD SIGN (w -'231 I a. _- LEGE ND 5IG PARTS 60cm DIMENSION N (cm) SITE 75cm 90cm l05cm l20cm T 2"3 2"9 3.5 4"r 4 "7 a 0.7 0.8 1.0 r"2 t.3 b 4.3 5"4 6"5 7 "6 8.7 r "7 2"1 2.5 )a 3"3 4.3 5..1 6.5 7.6 8.7 1'I 82 l' T A B L E_ S I G N A LA H E A DS I G NS I Z E S SignSize Typeof Location S l .N o . Streets 1. . UrbanResidential 60 cm 2. UrbanCollectorStreets 75 cm 3. UrbanArterialRoads 90 cm 4. Highways RuralSecondary 90 cm 5. RuralPrimaryHighways 105 cm 6. Motorways 12O cm of the legendfor varioussignsizesaregivenin FigureW-23. The dimensions L O WF L Y I N GA I R C R A F TS ! G N The LOWFLYINGARCRAFTSIGN W-24) is intendedto be usedto traffic that the road sectionaheadis likely to be subjected warn the approaching rn lnrnr flvinn aireraftc tekinn :-'_"'J nff or landino on an adiacent --r------ airfield --- The sion shouldbe placedat least300 metersaheadof the actuallocationof the danger. The sizesof the signusedfor variousroadsshallbe asfollows: T A B L E_ L O WF L Y I N GA I R C R A F TS I G NS I Z E S S l .N o . SignSize Type of Location 1. Streets UrbanResidential 60 cm 2. UrbanCollectorStreets 75 cm 3. UrbanArterialRoads 90 c m 4" Highways RuralSecondary 90 cm 5. RuralPrimaryHighways 105 c m 6. Motorways 120 cm The sizesof the legendfor varioussignsizesaregivenin FigureW-24. 83 LOW FLYING AIRCRAFT SIGN (w-241- O" TL #. LEGEND SI PARTS 60cm r G 75cm N gOcm DIMENSION (cm) S I z E | 05cm l20cm 2.9 3.5 4.1 In 0.7 u-o 1.0 1-2 1.3 b r{.3 5.4 o.) c 1.7 z. 2q a ? I d 1A e 10.7 13.3 r '7n, A't 22 0 Qa )o JZ. I 16.0 1q 'l 1n 12-.2 84 JO. 2.t.5 i4.0 I C R O S SW I N D S I G N The CROSSWIND SIGN (W-25) is intendedto givewarningto approaching traffic that the road section ahead,at times, is subjectedto strong crosswind. The symbol may be reversed. The sign shor.ildbe placed at least 300 meters aheadof actuallocationof the danger. The sizesfor variousroadsshallbe as under : T A B L E_ C R O S W S I N DS I G NS I Z E S S l .N o . O 1. UrbanResidential Streets 60 cm 2. UrbanCollectorStreets 75 cm 3. UrbanArterialRoads 90 cm 4. Highways RuralSecondary 90 cm 5. RuralPrimaryHighways 105 cm A l\/lnf n nrrarrc ,rrv!vrrrqtJ 120 cm The dimensions of the legendfor varioussignsizesaregivenin FigureW-25. I I T W OW A Y T R A F F I CS I G N I i I I I I I SignSize Type of Location A TWOWAY TRAFFICSIGN (W-26)is intendedfor useto givewarningof from a separated one way roada change,whethertemporarilyor permanently, way to a roadwaycarryingtwo way traffic. This signmay be usedas required at intervalsto periodicallyremind driversthat they are on a two way roadway zones. exceptin no-passing The standardsize is to be a 90 cm equilateraltriangle. The varioussizes recommended to differentlocationsaregivenin tablebelow: according T A B L E_ T W OW A Y T R A F FI CS I G NS I Z E S S l .N o . SignSize Type of Location 1. Streets UrbanResidential 60 cm 2. UrbanCollectorStreets 75 cm 3. UrbanArterialRoads 90 cm 4. RuralSecondary Highways 90 cm 5. RuralPrimaryHighways 1 0 5c m 6. Motorways 120 cm. The dimensions of the legendfor varioussignsizesaregivenin FigureW-26. 85 CROSSWIND SIGN (w - zsl O ffi LEGEND SI PARTS 60cm G 75cm r b 90cm SI z E | 05cm ?q u1 l20cm 0.8 1.0 1.2 ll? tr 6.5 r.o p. 4.0 \.7 q? tr ?? 2) 7 28.3 l 5.1 o'7 C d N DIMENSION (cm) 34.0 39 .6 !q "/ ? e 6.0 ?q 9.0 10.5 12-0 r 4.0 qn 6.0 7.0 8.0 l).o 19.0 22 -2 1) '/ 86 2q ? TRAFFICSIGN TWO-WAYS (w - 26 ) O DIMENSION (cm) LEGEND SIG I SIZ E P ARTS I I 05cm 90cm 60cm 75cm I 2.3 2 "9 a 0.7 0.8 1n b 4.3 5"4 r- 2.7 3"3 d 6.0 7.5 (l r2 "7 15.8 II I N 4.r 2 _3 A7 t.2 7.6 p.'7 AA 4.7 5.3 ao 10.5 19.0 22 .2 q. t) R 6.7 A) f l20cm ?q 2"9 87 4.1 M I N O R R O A D C R O S SR O A D S I G N S , - 2 8 a n d W 2 9 ) a r e i n t e n d e df o r u s e o n T h e C R O S SR O A D S I G N S( W - 2 7 W a through highway to indicate the presenceof a minor crossroad intersection. The relativeimportanceof the intersectingroadsmay be show,rby different widths of line in the diagramsand tl-rejunction presentation on the signshould be geometricallyture i.e.the diagramfor a crossraod intersectionwith a sligfrtoffset should indicatethat the side roadsare not oppositeeachother. lf the crossroad occurs in the vicinity of a curve the symbol may be modified appropriately. Other diagramsmay be developedaccordingto the prevailingconditionson the road side,but with the samelegendand colour schemeas specifiedherein. The variouscrossroad signsare shown below : ' ( a ) M I N O R R O A DC R O S S I N G A T R I G H TA N G L E w-27 ( b ) M I N O RR O A DC R O S S I N G WITH AN OFFSET W-28 ( c ) M I N O R R O A D O N O N E S I D EO N L Y w-29 The standardsize of these signsshall be 90 cm equilateraltrianqle. The sizesrecommendedfor variouslocationsare givenin the table below : T A BL E _ C R O S S R O A DS I G NS I Z E S Sl.No. Type of Location S i g nS i z e 1. Urban Residential Streets 60 cm. 2. Urban CollectorStreets 75 cm. 3. Urban Arterial Roads 90 cm. 4. RuralSecondaryHighways 90 cm. 5. Rural PrimaryHighways 6. Motorways 105 cm. 12O cm. . f!t^ legenddimensionsfor varioussiqn sizesare givenin FiguresW-27,W-28 and W-29. 88 AT RIGHTANGLE MINORROAD CROSSING (w-27) LEGEND SIG DIMENSION (cm) SIZE N PARTS 60cm 7 5 cm 90cm | 05 cm l20cm r 2.3 2"9 3.5 4"r 4 -7 a A1 0-8 1.0 r.2 7"3 b 4 "3 5"4 6.5 7.6 L 2.7 3.3 4.0 4.7 -l Lt 10,0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 4"0 5-0 (r.0 7 "0 8.0 cl? 11.O 12"8 1 4. 7 11.2 15.5 15 "7 18.0 7"r 8.5 9.9 e g 9.0 h a1 89 IT.J MINOR ROAD CROSSINGWITH AN OFFSET (w 28 ) t e e e ffi DtMENSION (cm) LEGEND SI G SIZE N PARTS 75cm 90cm l05cm l20cm r 2? 2Q ?q 4l )JI a i'7 u-o 1.0 1) 1? b q< 2q 20 ?? 8.0 O? ]n? '7q AQ 10.0 1nq 12.O C 17 6.5 a, L- | q? o-/ e qn o-J f b.u d 9.0 90 I MINORROADON ONE SIDE ONLY (w - 29) Ic b -rF-o I DtMENStON (cm) LEGEND PARTS 60cm e 7 5 cm 2A ?q 0.7 0.8 1.0 !? 5.4 6.5 9.0 ?n '1 1 1q r0.0 q.R o lta a. h o? ] 7.0 qq l20cm u7 t< l2 '74 9. '7 ?q lr n 1tr ? 4.6 e I 05 cm 4.1 2? 2.O f 90cm A 18.0 6.4 20.0 n o? 7.0 8.2 11.7 1 l . t. 0 16.3 1R B.B ro.5 tz.5 1q.0 I '/ J U N C T I O NS I G N S T h e J U N C T T O NS I G N S ( W - 3 0 A N D W - 3 1 ) a r e u s e d t o w a r n t h e d r i v e r s that there is an intersectionaheadwhere the other road is of pqual importance to the one being travelledby them and the Right-of-Wayat the interseciionis g o v e r n e db y P R I o R I T Y R U L E i . e . t r a f f i c a p p r o a c h i n gf r o m t h e r i q h t h a s t h e right of way. The sign should not ordinarily be usedat intersectionthat is chan nelizedby traff ic islandsor a T-intersection. The shapeof the sign should depict the actual configurationof the intersection. The width of the lines indicatingthe variousapproachesto the inters e c t i o ni s k e p i e q u a l . The standardsize of this sign shall be 90 im equilateraltriangle. The size recommendedfor variouslocationsare qivenin the table below : T A BL E _ J U N C T I O N S I G N SS I Z E S S l .N o Type of Location SignSize i.- u'br;R;rid""-ri.tir*r[--- 60;- 2. UrbanCollectorStreets 75 cm. 3. Urban Arterial Roads 90 cm. 4. Rural SecondaryF.lighways 90 crrr. 5. R u r a lP r i m a r yH i g h w a y s 105 cm 6 Motorways 120 crn. T h e d i m e n s i o n so f t h e l e g e n df o r v a r i o u s ' s i g n s i z e s m a y b e s e e ni n F i g u r e W 3 0 a n dW 3 1 . 92 JUNCTION SIGN (w-30) a DIMENSION (cm) LEGEND SI PARTS G SIZE N 60cm 7 5 cm gOcrn 2.3 2"9 3.5 A1 a-r A1 0.8 1"0 1,2 1"3 4.3 5"4 6.5 7 "6 8.7 11.0 t5 .7 16.5 19 .2 22"5 d 8"7 10. 8 13.0 rs .2 17-3 e A'7 5.8 7.0 8.2 9"3 I b 93 I 05 cm t20cm n6 a t"6 cd UL 8"S L'V L' LT Z'SI 0'tI I'0r /"8 L' ZZ 8"6I 0"/I z "v r '"II s't 0't 5C vc L" I 9'L s'9 t"s t'v q t'I Z'I 0'I 8"0 L'0 e T'V s't 6"2 >L J LV urlozl 3 (ur3) tx3sl url06 urlsol t L s NO|SN3NIO I N J p trJlog IS SIUVd oN 3931 f'l e -L ( rE- /nl N9IS NOl13Nnr SIGNS L E V E LC R O S S I N G S I G N S( W 3 2 a n d W 3 3 ) a r ei n t e n d e tdo b e u s e do n T h e L E V E LC R O S S I N G o f r a i l a n d r o a d e x i s t s . T h e r a i l r o a d c r o s s i n sgh a l l l o c a t i o n sw h e r e l e v e lc r o s s i n g l r eo f t w o t y p e s : (a) LEVELCROSSING W I T H O U TG A T E (b) LEVELCROSSING WITHGATE W-32 ,W-33 T h e s i g n ss h a l lb e a s i l l u s t r a t e di n t h e f i g u r e ,a n d s h a l lb e u s e da t e v e r yr a i l r o a dc r o s s i n a g l o n eo r i n c o m b i n a t i o no f o t h e r p r o t e c t i v es i g n s . T h e s es i g n ss h o u l db e a t l e a s t3 0 m e t e r si n a d v a n c eo f t h e c r o s s i n gl t. t r e s i d e n t i a l o r b u s i n e s sd i s t r i c t s ,i f t h e r e i s a s t r e e t i n t e r s e c t i o nw i t h i n 3 0 m e t e r s ,a n a c l d i t i o n asl i g n m a y b y p l a c e dt o w a r n t r a f f i c a p p r o a c h i ntgh e c r o s s i n fgr o m e a c h intersectd streets. l f t h e r e a r e t w o m o r e t r a c k s i n c l u d i n gs i d i n g s t, h e n u m b e ro f t r a c k ss h a l l b e i n d i c a t e do n a p l a t eo f 3 0 c m X 7 0 c m s i z em o u n t e dh o r i z o n t a l l yb e l o w t h e s i g n w i t h t h e b l a c k l e g e n di n d i c a t i n gn u m b e r o f t r a c k s o n w h i t e b a c k g r o u n d . r a n e l h a v i n gi t s l o n g e r s i d e , T o p r o v i d e a d d i t i o n a l p r o t e c t i o n ,a r e c t a n g u l a p verticaland bearingthree oblique red bars on a white backgroundmay be placed below the level crossingsign providedthat additional panelsof the shapeand bearingone and two oblique red bars respectivelyare set up at about one third and two-thirds of the distancebetweenthe warningsign and the levelcrossing. T h e d i m e n s i o nos f t h e p a n e l sm a y b e s e e ni n F i g u r e s . s i g n ss h a l lb e o f s t a n d a r da n d m i n i m u m s i z e9 0 c m e q u i l Both the crossing ateral triangle. Various sizes recommendedaccordingto different locations a r eg i v e ni n t a b l eb e l o w : T A B L E _ L E V E L C R O S S I N G( S I G N SS I Z E S S l .N o . Type of Location S i g nS i z e 1. U r b a n R e s i d e n t i aSlt r e e t s 60 cm. 2. Urban CollectorStreets 75 cm. U r b a nA r t e r i a lR o a d s 90 cm. 4. R u r a lS e c o n d a r yH i g h w a y s 90 cm. 6 R u r a lP r i m a r yH i g h w a y s 105 cm. T h e d i m e n s i o n so f t h e l e g e n df o r v a r i o u ss i g ns i z e sm a y b e s e e ni n F i g u r e W - 3 2a n d W - 3 3 . GATES LEVEL CROSSINGWITHOUT ( w - 32 ) .l :+ DIMENSION (cm) LEGE SIG PARTS 60cm 75cm SIZE N 90cm l05cm r z.J ?o 3.5 4"I a 0.7 0.8 1"0 t.2 b .+.J 5.4 6.5 7.6 r "7 2.r a- 2.9 d ?1 0 e 29 "0 26-z 31 .5 36.7 36 .2 43.5 50.7 96 t20cm l WITH GATES LEVEL CROSSING (w -33 ) +{ I rf,/,t* LEG END SI G DIMENStON (cm) SIZE N PARTS 60cm 75cm 90cm | 05cm r 2,3 2"9 3.5 4.r (t 0.7 0.8 1.0 1) b 4.3 5.4 (r.5 7.6 1.0 1.3 1.S 1.8 '1 7 2.7 2.5 ?a e 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 f .5.0 6.3 7.5 8.8 c () 2.3 2"9 h 1"3 7 "7 t 2"7 d 4.1 g7 an 2.3 4.0 4.7 l20cm U . T U R NS I G N The U-TURN SIGN (W-34) is intendedfor use at or bettveenintersections where u-TURNS are permitted. on a divided highway,the sign may be erected on the left sideof the median. lf erectedin the median,the minimum heightof this sign may be kept as 1.5 meters. The standardsize of this sign shall be g0 cm equilateraltriangle. Various other sizesfor different locationsare givenin table below : T A B L E_ U - T U R NS I G NS I Z E S S l .N o . 1. Type of Location SignSize UrbanResidential Streets 60 cm. UrbanCollectorStreets 75 cm. 3. UrbanArterialRoads 90 cm. 4. RuralSecondaryHighways 90 cm. 5. RuralPrimaryHighways 105cm. 6. Motorways 120 cm. The dimensions of the legend for various sign sizesmay be seen in Figure w-34. NARROWBRIDGE SIGN A N A R R O W B R I D G E S I G N ( W - 3 5 ) i s i n t e n d e df o r u s e i n a d v a n c eo f a bridgehavinga clear two-way-roadwaywidth of lessthan7 metersorany bridge having a road-way clearanceless than the width of the approach pavement. Additional protection may be providedby the useof reflector markers. l f t h e b r i d g ei s o f o n e l a n eo n l y , a O N E L A N E B R I D G E l e g e n dm a y b e u s e d in addition to this sign on a rectangularplate below the sign on both sidesof roadway. This legendmay be usedin advanceof the bridges: (i) Havinga clearroadwaywidth of lessthan5 meters. (ii) When the alignment is poor on the approachto a structurehavinga clearroadwaywidth of 5.5 metersor less. The standardsize of the sign shall be 90 cm. equilateraltriangle. The various sizes recommendedaccording to different locations are given in the table below : SIGN U-TURN (w - 34 ) + E lb LA T-I I II I II DIMENSION (cm) ! 5l PARTS r b G st7 N tr 90cm 1 0 5c m 1 2 0c m 2.9 3.5 4"1 4 "7 0.7 0.8 1.0 I-Z 1.J 4 "3 5"4 6.5 7.6 8.7 4.6 qq 6.4 7 "3 60cm 75cm 2.3 d 4.7 5.8 /.u 8.2 9 "3 e 3,3 4.2 5.0 5"8 6.7 t t.7 2.1 ?q 26. 8 . 1U - / 7.5 8.8 10.0 12.0 14"0 16.0 o 15.3 r9 .2 23 .0 h 5.0 6.5 i 8.0 10."0 99 NARROWBRIDGESIGN (w - 3s) e d d c b dfg LEGE ND SIG PARTS 60cm DIMENSION SIZE N 75cm 90cm l05cm r 2,3 2.9 3.5 4.1 a 0.7 0.8 1.0 r "2 b 4 "3 J-.+ 6"5 7.6 c 4.0 5.0 6.0 7 "0 d 7.2 2.7 2 "5 )C) e 10"0 + 2 "7 g 2"0 r2 . s (cm) 15.0 17.5 4.0 4.7 3,0 3.5 5.3 100 t 2 0c m ? I B R I D G ES I G NS I Z E S T A B L E_ N A R R O W Sl.No. SignSize Type of Location 1. Streets UrbanResidential 60 cm. 2. UrbanCollectorStreets 75 cm. 3. UrbanAnerialRoads 90 cm. 4. Highways RuralSecondary 90 cm. 5. RuralPrimaryHighways 105 cm. The dimensionsfor the legendfor varioussign stzesare given in Figure w-35. ROUND-ABOUTSIGN The ROUND-ABOUTSIGN tW-36)is intendedto indicatean intersection of approaching of roads where right-of-wayis to a vehicle on the right-side vehicle. distanceon eachroadleadThe signstrouldbe ercctedat a suitablyadvance ing towards the round-about. The standardsizeof this signsshall be 90 cm aquilateral triangle.Variousother sizesaregivenin tablebelow: T A B L E_ R O U N DA B O U TS I G NS I Z E S Sl.No. SignSize Type of Location 1. UrbanResidential Streets 60 cm. 2. UrbanCollectorStreets 75 cm. 3. UrbanArterialRoads 90 cm. 4. RuralSecondary Highways 90 cm. 5. RuralPrimaryHighways 105 cm. 6. Motorways 120 cm. for varioussignsizesaregivenin FigureW-36. Thelegenddimensions 101 ROUNO ABOUT SI GN (w-36) LEGEND SI G N PARTS 60cm 75cm 90cm r 2? )o ?q a 0.7 ^Q 1.0 b !? trtl c 2 -O )q 3.0 d 6.0 AE 9.0 "1 "Z 8.0 10.7 1n n DIMENSION S I z (cm) E I 05cm l20cm u1 u7 l -a '74 8.7 ?q 4.0 1n tr 12.0 12-O 1 ,r n 16.0 16.0 iq 'l 21 .3 192 MERGESIGN T h e M E R G E S I G N ( W - 3 7 ) i s i n t e n d e df o r u s e t o w a r n t h e a p p r o a c h i n g traffic that mergingmovementsmay be encounteredwhere two roadwaysconvergeand no turning conflict occurs. The Sign should be erectedon the side of the major roadway on which mergingtraffic will be encounteredand in such a position as not to obstructthe driver'sview of vehicleson the roadway. Ordinarily the driverson the minor or ramp roadwayare awarethat they may haveto mergewith other traffic, but an additionalsign may be placedon the enteringroadwayas a reminder. Wheretwo r o a d w a y so f a p p r o x i m a t e l ye q u a l i m p o r t a n c ec o n v e r g e as i g n ' s h o u l db e p l a c e d on eachroadway. The symbol usedfor the side road should be on the side on which the side road actuallymergesi.e. merqeonthe left or mergeon the right. The Merge Sign should not be used in place of a"PavementNarrowsSign" where linesof traffic movingon a singleroadway must mergedue to a reduction in the actualor usablepavementwidth. The standaredsize of this sign shall be 90 cm. equilateraltriangle. The otlrersizesare as indicatedin the table below: T A B L E _ M E R G ES I G N S I Z E S S l .N o . S i g nS i z e . Type of Location 1. Urban ResidentialStreets 60 cm. 2. UrbanCollectorStreets 75 cm. 3. UrbanArterial Roads 90 cm. 4. RuralSecondaryHighways 90 cm. tr Rural PrimaryHighways 105cm. 6. Motorways 120cm. The dimensionsof the legendfor various s i g nsizesare givenin Figure. w 37. r03 MERGE SIGN (w-37) -l; j c b "T l'=DtMENSION (cm) LEGEND SI PARTS 50 c m r a 75cm stz N 9 0c m AA n'7 v . l ir c 22 )) - c ,l 20 n 2't q f A h t u7 1.0 12 ,1 6.5 7.6 R7 ?q 4.1 r).7 n 7.0 o? 1n 11 n 7 ta-) l20cm q.1 ?? e E l05cm 2A b d G ?R q 6.t ? r 14 . 0 a? '7 1ll .0 r6.3 1Q 1C 17"5 20"0 n lrn 3.0 )A 4.6 liq 104 6.4 74. M A J O R R O A D A H E A DS I G N S The MAJORROADAHEAD SIGNS (W-38and W-39)are intendedfor use with a majorroad. The signshould an intersection to warn-trafficapproaching generallybe usedon an apbroachwheretraffic is requiredto stop beforeentering the intersection. roadsmaybe shownby different The relativeimportanceof the intersecting ,represent the, widthsof line in the diagram. The signshoulddiagramatically staggered T-intersection, i.e. intersection true geometricconfigurationof the junctionetc. The standardsize of this sign shall be 90 cm equilateraltriangle. The varioussizes recommendedaccordingto different locationsare given in the tablebelow: T A B L E_ M A ^ ' O RR O A DA H E A DS I G NS I Z E S S l .N o . Typeof Location SignSize 1. UrbanReCideniialStreets 6O em= 2. UrbanCollectorStreets 75 cm. 3. UrbanArterialRoads 90 cm. 4. Highways RuralSecondary 90 cm. 5. RuralPrimaryHighways 105 cm. 6. Motorways 120 cm. The dimensions of the legendfor varioussizesmay be seenin FiguresW-38 andW-39. MAJORROADAHEADSIGN (w-38) c b TO h'd LEGE ND G SI DIMENSION 5 N PARTS 60cm 75cm 90cm r 2? )a ?q a o.7 0-B 1.0 0 !? 5.ll 6q 2.0 2q 3.0 1n C R'7 e U7 qR 7.0 I 6.V R? 10.0 17 21 ?? 4-a lr tr 1 0 5c m t.a 1.3 '74 8.7 ?q l . t. 0 1 7. 3 8.2 11 20 a 5.0 106 1 2 0c m u'7 u1 13.0 o h z (cm) 'l o? 13.3 ?? 6.7 LOJ oc 9'Z 'B'ZL 0't ,'o B'E 0'E LO c6 0'L r.hl l 'i2 r'8t 0'h Y L ll t'7 J.l (o .L 7'h Lt o 0't \C r.B aL 9'9 Il f'l 7'I 0't ow t'h YC oc l'lr ct d J LN a C'nl n Y i'7 Lrf LC r.lr3S0t u r ?0 zI q q J SIUVd D q l (6r - /n) NgIS CV3HV OVQUUOTVhI l T U N N E LS I G N T h e T U N N E L S I G N ( W - 4 0 ) i s i n t e n d e dt o i n f o r m t h e d r i v e r so f a t u n n e l aheadwhich would requireextra care,reductionin speedbesideimposingrestrict i o n s o n c h a n g i n gl a n e sw i t h i n t h e t u n n e l . T h e s i g n s h o u l d b e p l a c e da t l e a s t 300 metersaheadof the tunnel. The standared s i z ef o r t h e s i g ns h a l lb e 9 0 c m e q u i l a t e r at rl i a n g l ew i t h s y r n b o l o f t h e t u n n e l p o r t a la s l e g e n d . T h e s i z e sf o r v a r i o u sr o a d sa r e g i v e nb e l o w : T A B L E _ T U N N E L S I G NS I Z E S SlNo. Type of Location S i g nS i z e 1. U r b a n R e s i d e n t i aSlt r e e t s 60 cm. 2. Urban CollectorStreets 75 cm. 3. U r b a nA r t e r i a lR o a d s 90 cm. 4 R u r a lS e c o n d a r H y ighways 90 cm. 5. R u r a lP r i m a r yH i g h w a y s 105 cm. 6. Motorways 120 cm. T h e d i m e n s i o n os f t h e l e g e n df o r v a r i o u ss i g ns i z e s a r e g i v einn F i g u r e W4 0 . r08 TUNNEL SIGN (w - 40 ) LEGE ND SIG PARTS 1- 60cm 75cm 2,s 2"9 DIMENSION (cm) SIZE N 90cm l05cm 1 2 0c m A1 A1 +"L 0"8 1"0 r.2 1.3 4.3 5.4 6.5 7.6 8.7 1"7 2.r 2.5 ?q 3.3 d 11.3 t4 .2 t7 .0 19.8 22 .7 e 6.0 7.5 9-0 10"5 t2 "o 1.3 T,7 2.0 2.5 )7 _f (t 2.7 3"3 4.0 4.7 s.5 a b O T H E RW A R N I N GS I G N S T h e O T H E R D A N G E RW A R N I N GS I G N S( W 4 1 a n d W - 4 2 )a r eu s e dw h e r e it is deemednecessary to warn traffic of existingor potentiallyhazardouscondit i o n s o n o r a d j a c e n t o a h i g h w a yo r s t r e e t . T h e s es i g n sr e q u i r ec a u t i o no n t h e p a r t o f t h e m o t o r i s t a n d m a y c a l l f o r r e d u c t i o no f s p e e do r a m a n o e u v r ien t h e interestof his own safetvand that of other road users. T h e O t h e rW a r n i n gS i g n sm a y b e o f t h e f o l l o w i n gt w o t y p e s : ( a ) O T H E RD A N G E RS I G N w- 41 ( b ) A D V A N C ED A N G E RS I G N w -42 Other DangerSign:-May be usedto warn the motorists of the dangerother than those already specifiedas warning signs. The nature of the danger may be indicatedon a plate of appropriatesize mounted below the sign. lf for a location, a proper warning sign exists that should be used insteadof "Other DangerSign". The use of "Other DangerSign" should be kept to a minimum. Advance Danger Sign:- May be used in advanceof the locationswith potentially hazardousconditions. In urbanareasthisshouldbe usedat least150 meters in advanceof the hazardouslocations. The standardsize of these signsshall be 90 cm. equilateraltriangle. The various other sizesrecommendedfor different locationsare given in the table below : T A B L E _ O T H E RW A R N I N GS I G N S S l .N o . Type of Location Sign Size 1. Urban ResidentialStreets 60 cm. 2, Urban CollectorStreets 75 cm. 3. Urban Arterial Roads 90 cm. 4. Rural SecondaryHighways 90 cm. 5. R u r a lP r i m a r yH i g h w a y s 105 cm. 6. Motorways 12O cm. T h e d i m e n s i o n so f t h e l e q e n df o r v a r i o u ss i g n s i z e sa r e g i v e n i n F i g u r e s W 4 1 a n dW - 4 2 . tll i'o U> vf e' 6e U o'e l'T n'T T.T €'e 0'a /'T LL /'rr 0'07 C s o' o ca 6'e JC I'Z l.T J L8 a'i q'q h'( t'h q 6L 0'T B'0 e J' o6 J C c LL aL q'T )'n T j ? ().n7 w9 o >(- urlsI url06 z I s NOISN 3l^,1 l0 q ri J o p 'j-r ullg0l D 2'h e'l N9 ilrr09 IS 0N 3931 I I P a 6 q NCIS ( t?- /Y\I U3HIO CNINUV/v\USONVO STUVd ADVANCEDANGER SIGN (w - t,zl LEGE ND SIG PARTS 60cm 75cm r 2? 2-9 a o.7 0.8 DIMENSION (cm) SIZE N 90cm l05cm )r I a- | 1.0 1a t -a 1 2 0c m ltn elt 'punolb)ceq a]!qMuo al6ue!l]lelale -l!nbepauo^urue uo aplsu!puerl e ueJbetp)celq pue lopJoq pal qllM .lelncltc, lo aq lleqs'u6rs dols aq1 'peor ror.{} 6ugla}ueoJolaq do1s ol palrnbal sr cr+JerlaroqM s^eMpeoruo asn roJ papualu! s! (t-u) Ngls doJ_s aqr : ubrg dolg S N 9 I S A U O I V I N 9 ] U A I I U O IU d 'peor lo uo!lcesre;ncryede 6ursnro] lUlnl lsnur Aaql uorlrpuoc raqlo Aue Jo osn ]snr! Jo uec Aaq] Allllce+ peor aq] 'paacold o] papluuod ro pebrlqo are sJasn peor aql qcrqm ur uorlcalp aql olecrpur su6tsasaql -: (Og-U o] yg-g1 su61gArcte1n6agAtolepueyl :Aldrlroclsnur Aeql qclqmq]rm suotltqrqordro suotloplsal 'suorle6rlqoletcadsJo srasn,peolaq] [!ro]ur o] papua]ura;e subtg A.roleln6agA.rotrqrqo.r6 oql -:(tt-U ol t-U) sudig fuote1n6agAtoyqtqou 'peor ol.ll uollcos e 6uo1e +o ro suorlcssralu!le Alq.ror.rd Jo salnr ;ercadsaql Jo sresn peor aql 6ururJo+ul .ro1Alueur.rd pasn are su6rsaq1 -:(t-U of 1-g1 su615tuolelnbaA lytoyt4 : sdnorb6urnnol;o1 aql ur par+lsselc are subrgA.rolelnbeg : su66 Arop;nbag lo uorleclllsselC 'subrs;odnorb .roubrslelncruede 6ur -Janocsprepuelsor.l]ur papedxe ssalun'lqbtu pue Aep Aq Apoq rnoloc pue adeqs aues atl] Moqs ol poleururnllrro pazrrolcalloraq l1eqssu6rgArorelnbeg11y 'aaarlrnrl gJvull lu .nraaAc lElveur 'punorblceq ra tv Irranrrr ,\l+tvw ara erE Iarrr t\eY+ rnn +r rY cr.lnrK eucYr trr^r4rrth +uersjJr l/ D e rn tv arn erE crrArc JuurJ eql +o auos IIIHM e uo puaba'1)CVl€ aql 6utpuno;rnsUIC -UOg p u e a d e q su ! U V I n C U I C a r e s u 6 t g A l o l e l n b a g+ o ] s o 6 a ^ e q OjU : subrgA.ro1e;nDag ;o ubtsa6 \ 'pouracuoc ]suolot! aql ol alqrbagpue alqel^Altseaaq lleqspup uotlelnbalaLlrAq 'A;dde suotl pasodr.ul slueuaJrnbareql alecrpurA;rea;c;1eqsabessauu6ts eq1 -e;nOeraraqMsuorlecolasoql le pa]oaJaaq lleqs A1;eurlousuOtsAlolelnbag 'dnol6 Alolelnbalaql ut popnlcutale auoz palclllsal pua aql 6utleut lo lo lo acrlou acueApe6urnrbsubrs'a;duexaroJ ' suollebtlqoAue asodrurlou op lnq slorluoc leuorleradool palelor are su6tsArole;nbalauJoS 'paproneeq plnoqsselepueurAressacau-un 'lualed lnq ltllnl ol popaaura^ajaqMpalcalaoq lleqssu6tsasaql -de aq estMlaqlo]ou plnoM leq] sluaurartnbarlebe11o Altltqectlddeaql alectput pue suorlelnbarro smel cr++el]]o slasn Aennqbtqtulolu! subtg Aroleln0eg 'asodlnd slql : subtgA.ro1e;nbag lo uotpctlddV S N D I SA U O I V ' I N C 3 U n I uttdvHc STOP SIGN ( R- I ) #-l LEGEND 5t G PARTS 60cm 75cm a i7 nQ b 4.J >.4 c 1n'7 d e 1 2.3 20.0 DIMENSION SI N gOcm 1n z (cm) E | 05cm l20cm r.2 1.3 r.o u.l -/ 2r .3 l+.6 6.)1 1.3 2.9 4,t \.r 3 5 .o l+O.O 1L.t) z\.'l r6.o ?q t).q o ?n n rQ E 114 rQ The standard-size sign shall be of 90 cm, diameter. Wheregreateremphasis on visibility is requireda largesize is recommended.On low volumelocal streets and secondaryroadswith low approachstreets,and on other roadway locations the sizesshown in the table below may be used : T A B L E _ S T O PS I G N S I Z E S SignSize Type of Location S l .N o . 1. Urban residentialStreets 60 cm.dia. 2. Urban CollectorStreets 7 5 c m .d i a . 3. Urban Arterial Roads 9 0 c m .d i a . 4. Rural SecondaryHighwaYs 90 cm. dia, 5. R u r a lP r i m a r yH i g h w a y s 1 0 5 c m .d i a . 6. MotorwaYs 1 2 0 c m .d i a . T h e d i m e n s i o nos f t h e l e g e n da r eg i v e ni n F i g u r eR - 1 . for Stop Sign:- A STOP SIGN should be used only where warLAlarrants ranted. A stop sign may be warrantedat an intersectionwhere one or more of t h e f o l l o w i n gc o n d i t i o n se x i s t : Intersectionof a lessimportant road with a main road where application of the normal right-of-wayrule is unduly hazardous. Streetenteringa through highwayor street. area. intersectionin a signalized Unsignalized where a combinationof high speed,restrictedview Other intersections record indicatesa need for control by the STOP accident and serious SIGN" Stop Signsshouldneverbe used. On the through roadways wheretraffic control signalsareoperating. at intersections For speedcontrol. Location of Stop Sign.- The sign should normally be posted on the minor street to stop the lesserflow of traffic. Traffic engineeringstudies,however, may justify a decisionto installa STOPSIGN or Signson the majorstreet,where may justify, stoppingthe greaterflow of traff ic. safetyconsiderations A Stop Sign shouldbe erectedat the point where the vehicleis to stop or as near thereto as possible,and may be supplementedwith a stop line and/or the stop signpaintedon the pavementasshown in FiguresM-15 and M-24. Where only one sign STOP is used it shall be on the left hand-sideof the traffic laneto of the which it applies.At an intersectionwhere a vide throat exists,observance the right the on side-of sign ercction of an additional signmay be improvedby the ---- --fapploilcn .-^^-r ludu, -.^r illlu L., uy tL^ ,,^^ ^l ^ Urtr uJtr \Jr o *^^ JruP li^^ rilrs, lArh^'^ +."n lanao aI vvrrErE Lvvv rorrLJ v, +L rraq{r(,i rav ua ,r vo subjectto the'STOP SIGN, a secondsign should be placedwhere it is visibleto the additionalsign traffic in the inner lane. At certainchannelizedintersections, p l a c e d a i s l a n d . o n c h a n n e l i z i n g maybe effectively 115 I n n o i n s t a n c es h a l lo n e S T O Ps i g n b e m o u n t e da b o v ea n o t h e ro n t h e s a m e post. Where two roads intersectedat an acute anglethe STOP Signsshould be positionedat an angleor shieldedso that the message is out of view of traffic t o w h i c h i t d o e sn o t a p p l y . In the event, visibility of a STOPSIGN at any locationis restriced,the sign shall be locatedas specified,and a SLOW SIGN shall be erectedin advanceof the S T O PS I G N . Give-waySiqn : I I , I .The Give-waySign shall be a dow.nwardpointing equilateraltrianglehaving a red border and a white interior and with no word inrlo"-trt" border. The various -izesrecommeded-arcordingtrdifferemlocEtion-sa;-giv;iotun-]et"il"-"u r A E L C _ G I V E - W A YS I G NS I Z E S -_._____ Sl. No. Type of Location 1.--u;;Ril;",rrr sisnsize sr;; 60-.*- 2. Urban CollectorStreets 75 cm. 3. Urban Anerial Roads 90 cm. 4. RuralSecondaryHighways 90 cm. 5. Rural Primary Highways 105 cm. warrantsfor Give-waysign:- The Give-waysign may be warranted: On a minor roadat the entranceto an intersection whereit is necessary to assign.rightof-way to the major road,but where, itop is not neces_ saryat all times,and wherethe safeapproachspeedon the mino, ioau e x c e e d1s5 K P H . within an intersection with a dividedhighway,wherea stop sign is presentat the entranceto the first roadway'ind further-conir;i ;; necessary at the entranceto the secondroadway,andwhere ' the median width betweenthe two roadwaysexceeds 1O#ier.s. - where there is a separate or channerizing right-turnrane,without an adequate acceleration lane. - At any intersectionwhere.a speciarprobremexistsand wherean engineering-study_indicatesthe froblem to be susC"ptioLto correction by useof the Give-way sign. 116 GIVEWAY S IGN (R-2) -L :r o b \-_, LEGEND DIMENS|ON (cm) PARTS l05cm r L) 117 l20cm Thesizeof the signfor variousroadsis asfollows: T A B L E_ P R I O R I T YR O A DS I G N S l .N o . SignSize Typeof Location 1. U r b a nR e s i d e n t i aSlt r e e t s 60 c m . 2. r treets U r b a nC o l l e c t o S 75 cm. 3. U r b a nA r t e r i a lR o a d s YU 4. R u r a lS e c o n d a r yH i g h w a Y s 90 cm. 5. RuralPrimaryHighwaYs 105 cm. cm" D i m e n s i o n so f t h e l e g e n df o r v a r i o u ss i g n s i z e sa r e g i v e n i n F i g u r e R - 3 . P R O H I B I T O R YR E G U L A T O R YS I G N ,l,} c t ^ . . , cg :r ^v -t r . oruvv . T h e S L O W S I G N ( R - 4 ) s h o u l db e u s e di n U r b a n / R u r aal r e a st o i n f o r m t h e motoristsreducedspeedzone when an advancenotice is neededto comply with the speed limit posted ahead. The sign is not ordinarily neededin urban areas wherespeedsare relativelylow. This signshallalwaysbe followedby a speedlimit signerectedat the beginnnot have ing of the ione where the altered speedlimit applies. This sign_shall diameter 60 cm not less than and less than 90 cm;diameterfor ruralareas a iize filr urban areas. lt shall,however,be of the samesizeas the Speedlimit Signat the beginningof the speedzone shall be erectedin the samemanner,and shall displaythe legendin Urban and Englishag given in the figure. The variousother for different locationsare givenin table below : sizesrecommended T A B L E _ S L O WS I G NS I Z E S S l .N o . S i g nS i z e Type of Location 1. Streets Urban Residential 6 0 c m .d i a . 2. UrbanCollectorStreets 7 5 c m .d i a . 3. Urban Arterial Roads 9 0 c m .d i a . 4. RuralSecondarYHighwaYs 9 0 c m ,d i a . 5. R u r a lP r i m a r yH i g h w a Y s 1 0 5 c m .d i a . The dimensionsof the legendfor varioussign sizesare given in FigureR-4. 120 ,'€t{ S LOW S IGN (R-4) LEG E N D SI PARTS G DIMENSION (cm) stz N E 60cm 75cm 90cm l05cm a 0"7 0.8 1.0 1.2 b 4.3 5.4 6.5 7.6 2.7 3"3 4.0 4.7 14.5 16.9 d 9 .7 e 1.3 L.7 2.O 2.3 f 16.0 2q.f 2\ .5 28.6 I r8.0 22.5 27.6 3L.5 t2.r l20cm Road ClosedSign : T h e R O A D C L O S E DS I G N ( R - 5 ) s h o u l db e u s e dt o m a r k r o a d s t h a ht a v e of construcbeen closedto all traffic (exceptauthorizedvehicles)either because tion or maintenanceoperationsor becauseof a temporary should not be used where traffic is maintainedor where a route is detoured several or blockade. k i l o m e t e r si n a d v a n c eo f t h e a c t u a lc o n s t r u c t i o n The Road Closed Sign shall have a standardsize of 90 cm diameterwith red border and two diagonal.linescrossingeach other at right angle. The size should not be lessthan 90 cm for rural areasand not lessthan 60 cm within urban areas. The variousother sizesrecommendedfor different locationsare o i v e ni n t h e t a b l eb e l o w : S I G NS I Z E T A B L E- R O A DC L O S E D S i g nS i z e Type of Location S l .N o . 60 cm.dia. 1. Urban ResidentialStreets a Z. I l.k^^ vt uot 3. Urban Arterial Roads 9 0 c m .d i a , 4. Rural SecondaryHighways 90 cm.dia. 5. R u r a lP r i m a r yH i g h w a y s /-^ll^a+^. I vurtcvLUt -l Q+.^^-^ 9tt EEtJ tr, nm rlia 1 0 5 c m .d i a . The dimensionsof the legendfor varioussizesare givenin FigureR-5. Entry ProhibitionSigns: T h e E N T R Y P R O H I B I T I O NS I G N S ( R - 6 t o R - 1 4 ) a r e i n t e n d e dt o p r o from any road sectionnot hibit the entry of all or any one classof road-users considered fit for their use in view of hazard created by such entry for the road usersthus prohibitedfor other road rusers. The laws permit the local authorities having jurisdiction to exclude any class of road usersfrom any road where signs have been placed giving this notice. Sign legendsshould be developedto meet requirementsestablishedby statuteor ordinance. To be effective,suchsignsmust clearlyindicatethe type of traffic that is admittedor the type that is excluded. Typical Entry ProhibitionSignsinclude: (a) No Entry R-6 ( b ) No Cars R-7 ( c ) No Bicycles R.B ( d ) No Motor-Cycles R-9 122 ROAD CLOSEDSIGN (R-sl LEGEND SI PARTS 60cm 75cm G DIMENSION (cm) SIZE N 90cm | 05cm a 0.7 0.8 1.0 t.2 b 4.3 5.4 6.5 7.6 c 3.7 4.6 5.5 6.4 123 t20cm (e) NoTrucks R-10 (f) No Pedestrians R-11 (g) No Tongas R-12 (h) No Handcarts R-13 (i) No Tractors R-14 lf prohibitionof any classof vehiclesis to be governedby vehicleweight, a WeightLimit Sign(R-18or R-l9) ratherthanan EntryProhibitionSignshould be used. The signshouldbe placedon the left-handsideof the roadwarT approximately7.5 meter from the intersectionso as to be clearlyvisibleto all deivers and other turning into the roadway. A slpplementarysignmay be necessary on the right-handsideof the restrictd roadway. Because for thesesigns,it is not practiof the varietyof possiblemessages e ignirecommended in most of the cases.ln all cases, the letteringor figuresshouldbe placedat largeenoughto giveadequatelegibility. They shouldbe conspicously all entrances to the restrictedroadway. The standardsi2eof the signsslrallbe a 90 cm diameterwith a Reddiagonal crossingthe Black upward arrow symbol of the road usersin black intended to be excluded. larger sizesare prescribed for useon majorstreetswith oneway roadwaydirections. The sizesrecommended for variouslocationsare ' given in tablebelow: T A BL E _ E N T R YP R O H I B I T I OSNI G NS I Z E S Sl.No. Typeof Location SignSize 1. UrbanResidential Streets 6 0 c m .d i a . 2. UrbanCollectorStreets 7 5 c m .d i a . 3. UrbanArterialRoads 9 0 c m .d i a . 4. RuralSecondary Highways 9 0 c m .d i a . 5. RuralPrimaryHighways 1 0 5 c m .d i a . Dimensions of the legendfor varioussign sizesmay be seenin Figures R - 6t o R - 1 4 . 124 NO ENTRY SIGN (R-6 ) I F FqFS+ DIMENSION (cm) LEGEND SI G S I N z E PARTS 60cm t a v. b 4.5 I 75cm 0.8 90cm | 05cm r.2 1n >,4 {.o c I +. 6 o.4 ^ o. f e An (.) f zu. 5 o t, -7 h rr.1 i 3.0 Q.n 9.3 9.0 ?n q "q q 6, 8.2 cR 19.5 1n D? J.l 12F q zl.+ l20cm NO CARS (R-7) LEGEND SIG stzE N PARTS 60cin 75cm DIMENSION (cm) gOcm | 05cm I 0.7 0.8 1.0 1.2 b 4.3 5.4 6.5 7.6 3.7 4.6 5.5 6.4 d 29 .7 37 .1 44. 5 51 .9 e 20 "7 2s"8 31.0 36 .2 126 t20cm LZI u r 30 z l 9'Et q'0t n ta v c( 9" 61 t'gt n'cl a t'or 0'hL, L LO p h'9 Y! 9'h 9'L s'9 h'E Z'L 0' r. B'0 r.lrtsol url06 3 Zt (ur3) s r' urssl N NOfSN3f,llO LL I ts oN 3931 I -t llll "l :L { (8-u ) s313A3tg ON J c Ll q e urlog SIUVd NO MOTOR CYCLES (R-9 ) DIMENSION (cM) LECEND SIG PARTS 60cm 75cm SIZE N 90cm 1.0 | 05cm a U.l 0-8 b 4.3 5.4 c 3.7 q.6 5.5 6.ll d 11.J 1\ .2 17.0 19.8 e 16.3 20.4 2U q 28 .6 f 20 .7 25.8 31.0 36.2 t.1 I.O t28 l20cm NO TRUCKS I R - l0 ) LEGEND SIG N DIMENSION (crn) SIZE PARTS 60cm 75cm 90cm lO5crn a o"7 0"8 1.0 7.2 b 4.3 5"4 6"5 7.6 J./ 4.6 5.5 6.4 d 20. 0 25 "O 30.0 35"0 e 11"0 t3 "7 16.5 19"2 l20cm NO PEOESTRIANS (R-lt I Tb f PARTS 60cm LEGE ND DIMENSION sr6 SIZE 75cm 90cm 'I a n'l 0.8 b u? qll c 4.6 o 12- 1 e 10.0 f 20.0 I 1a ? N .0 t05cm 1.2 7.6 qq 1lt q 16.9 15.0 1.7 25 -0 ?n n 35.0 2\ -2 2a n ?? r30 tr R (cm) 1 2 0c m NO TONGAS (R-12) OIMENS|ON (cm) LEGEND SIZE N SIG PARTS 60cm a b !? 75cm 90cm 0.8 t -u 1.2 qlr o.) f.o All 4.6 c I 05cm d ?2 ? 27 0 e 21 ? 26 .7 I 1n ? 12 ?) A r3l ?o 1 1Q 1 n l20cm NO HAN O CARTS ( R -13l LEGE NO DIMENSION PARTS 1 0 5c m 0.7 0.8 1.0 1.2 4.: 5.4 o.) 7.6 ?7 4.6 qq 6.1{ 18.3 2) o 27 .5 32. 1 19.3 2\ .2 29 .0 JJ.O I t.I t.{-o '1.7 132 tr 20.4 1 2 0c m NO TRACTORS (R -14 I T T 'nf PARTS 60cm +g,l LEGE ND OIMENSION ,srG stz 75cm N 90cm E 1 0 5c m a a7 0.8 1.0 b 4.3 5.4 o.) 7.6 4-6 qq 6.4 A ro. / e 18.3 22 I 21 7 al.1 s 10 ? 4q 0 - 1. (cm) 20.0 .27.5 32.1 32.5 37.9 29.O 5J.6 1 2 0c m VehicleSizeLimit Signs: T h e V E H I C L ES I Z E L I M I T S I G N S( R - 1 5t o R - 1 7 )a r ei n t e n d etdo p r o h i b i t the entry of certainvehicleexceeding the allowablelimits of dimensions from a givensectionof road,due to prevailingconditions. Typicalexamples of dimension limitingsignsare : ( a ) W I D T H L I M I TS I G N R - 15 ( b ) H EI G H T L I M I T S I G N R-16 ( c ) L E N G T HL I M I T S I G N R - 17 Width limit sigrr:- The Sign is intended to prohibitthe entryof any motor vehicle on a section of road or road structure havinqwidth exceeding the safe a l l o w a b l el i m i t f i x e d f o r t h a t s e c t i o n . Height Limit Sign:- The Sign is intendedfor useto prohibit motoristsfrom usinga sectionof the roadwith verticalclearances lessthan the maximumvehicle height permitted plus 30 cm. lt may be erectedon or in advanceof the structure. lf the sign is placedon the structure,it may be of rectangularshapewith appropriatelegend. Length Limit Sign:- The Sign prohibit entry of any vehicleor combination of vehicleshaving combined length exceedingthe safe allowablelimit fixed for the sectionof the road. The actual clearanceis normally shown on the sign to the nearestdecimal point of a meter not exceedingthe actual clearance.Where the clearanceis less than the legal limit, a sign to that effect should be placedat the nearestintersecting road or wide point in the road at which a vehicle can detour or turn around. ln the caseof an arch or other structurewhich the clearancevariesgreatly, two or more signsshould be used as necessaryon the structure itself, to give informationas to the clearance over the entire roadway. Clearanceshould be checkedperiodically,particularlyin areaswhere resurfacingoperationshavetaken place. All thesesignsshallhavelegnedindicatingthe classof vehicleto be excluded and shall be locatedimmediatelyin advanceof thb sectionof highwayor structure to which applies. The standardsizeof thesesignsshall be 90 cm. diamter. The varioussizesas recommendedaccordingto the different locationsare given in table below : TABLE_ DIMENSIONS L I M I T I N GS I G N S I Z E S sr. Type of Location SignSize 1. 2. 3. Urban Residential Streets 60 cm.dia Urban Collector Streets 7 5 c m .d i a . UrbanArterial Roads 9 0 c m .d i a . 4. RuralSecondaryHighways 90 cm.dia. 5. R u r a lP r i m a r yH i g h w a y s 1 0 5 c m ;d i a . b. Motorways 1 2 0 c m .d i a . T h e d i m e n s i o n os f l e g e n df o r v a r i o u ss i g ns i z e sa r e g i v e ni n F i g u r e sR - 1 5t o R - 17 . 134 o- WIDTH LIMIT SI GN ( R - t5 ) I T" DIMENSION (cm) LEGEND S1 PARTS 50cm 75cm 4 0.7 0.8 b 4,s c G stz N g0cm E | 05cm l20cm 1.0 7"2 1.3 5.4 6.5 7.6 8.7 8.7 10.8 13.0 r5 .2 77.3 d t0 "7 13.3 16.0 18.7 2t .3 e 22.3 27"9 JJ. 5 39.1 44.7 f 5"0 6 "2 7 "5 8"7 10.0 z\ .3 ? o _L an - l 135 )r) 6 l+8.? HIGHT LIMIT SIGN ( R - 16 ) T; L *lo LEGE ND G SI PARTS 60cm 75cm i7 nO \.3 5. h DIMENSION S N 90cm z E t05cm 1.0 r.2 o.) f.o 11.0 .LJ. t6.s -lo I d. 1L In. lL, I z6.o 30.3 ao. { 20, o e J 136 1 2 0c m At c 2 (cml , 22.O 3\.7 z6.I LENGTH LIMIT S IGN ( R - t7 ) DIMENSION (cm) LEGEND SI G SIZE N PARTS a 60cm 75cm o.T o.B 90cm 'ln | 05cm L.2 2r.o ro. T c 1t..0 l+0.0 30.0 IO.U 22.5 1.3 8.7 ,.4 20.0 l20cm 27 137 10. n { )q r :5.0 V e h i c l eW e i g h tL i m i t S i g n s; Due to seasonalweakeningof the road surface,obsolescence of bridgesor pavementsor other impairmentof roadway,it is often necessary to limit the load p e r m i t t e do n a r o a d w a y . T h e V E H I C L EW E I G H TL I M I T S I G N S( R - 1 8A N D ) R - 1 9 )a r e i n t e n d e dt o p r o h i b i tt h e e n t r y o f c e r t a i nv e h i c l e se x c e e d i n g the allowa b l e l i m i t o f a x l eo r g r o s sw e i g h t . T h e s es i g n sa r eo f t w o k i n d s : ( a ) G R O SW S E I c H TL I M I TS l c N ( b ) A X L EW E I G H TL I M I TS I G N R-18 R-19 Grossweight limit sign:- The GrossWeight Limit Sign (R-18) carryingthe appropriatelegnedas shown in the Figure may be usedto indicaterestrictions pertainingto total vehicleweight includingload beingcarried. Axle weight limit sign:- Where the restriction appliesto axle weight rather t h a n g r o s sl o a dt h e s i g n( R - 1 9 )m a y b e u s e d , The areaswhere multiple regulationsof the type describedabove are applicable,the required sign combining the necessarymessages on a single post may be used. A Weight Limit Sign shall be loeatedimmectia'tely in advanceof the section of highwayor the structureto which it applies. The varioussizesrecommended a c c o r d i n gt o d i f f e r e n tl o c a t i o n a s r e g i v e ni n t h e t a b l eb e l o w . : T A B L E - _W E I G H T L I M I T S I G NS I Z E S S l .N o . Type of Location S i g nS i z e 1. Urban Residential Streets 60 cm.dia. 2. UrbanCollectorStreets 7 5 c m .d i a . 3. UrbanArterial Roads 90 cm.dia. 4. RuralSecondaryHighways 9 0 c m .d i a . 5. Rural PrimaryHighways 1 0 5 c m .d i a . 6. Motorways 1 2 0 c m .d i a . The dimensionsof the legend for varioussign sizesmay be seenin Figure R - 1 8a n d F i g u r eR - 1 9 . o- 138 GROSSWEIGHTLIMIT SIGN (a-ret { LEGEND SIG N DIM ENSION (cm) SIZE PARTS 60cm 75cm a 0.7 o.B b +.-1 Lr c d cA 'l r.0 )' )+O.B C 90cm I 05cm 12 l.o 49.0 ,7 .2 \o.o I+6.1 139 l20cm o. { o). _1 AXLEWEIGHTLIMIT SIGN (n-rg) O. PARTS 60cm LEGE ND DIMENSION 5IG SIZ g0cm 75cm i'7 0.8 .+.J 5.l+ l . ^ N 1.0 E t05cm 23.3 z B .o 32.7 LY.1 2? 25. B 26.7 32, O t40 t 2 0c m o. L,2 1 . .o n (cm) At ?n 7 +:, ( T u r n P r o h i b i t i o nS i g n s: T U R N P R O H I B I T I O NS I G N S ( R - 2 0 , R - 2 1 a n d R - 2 2 1a r e i n t e n d e dt o b e usedto indicatetheturns thatare prohibitedor restrictedat a particularintersection' Thesesignsare of the following three kinds : ( a ) N O R I G H TT U R N S I G N R-20 ( , b ) N O L E F TT U R N S I G N R-21 ( c ) N O U - T U R NS I G N R-22 No right turn siqn is piaced at the location where it is intende,jto pi'ohibit right turns of approchingvehicles. No left turn sign is placed at an intersectionwhere it is intended to prohibit left turns of approachingvehicles. No lJ-turn sign is intended to prohibit turning around of vehiclesat or betweenthe intersectionespeciallyon high speeddual carriageways at any median opening. The minimum sizeof the siqn shall be of 60 cm diameter' Other sizeswith respectto variousroadway locationsare given in the table below: P R O H I B I T I OSNI G NS I Z E S TABLE_TURN Type of location Sign Size 1. Streets UrbanResidential 60 cm dia. 2. UrbanCollectorStreets 75 cmdia. 3. UrbanArterialRoads 90 cm dia. 4. HighwaYs RuralSecondary 90 cm dia. 5. RuralPrimaryHighways 105cm.dia. 6. Motorways 1 2 0c m d i a . Sl.No, The dimensionsof the legendfor varioussignsizes may be seenin Figures R-20to R-22. Turn prohibitionsignsshould be placedwhere they will be most easilyseen by driversintendingto lurn. The NO LEFT TURN Sign shall be placedat the n6ar left hand corner of the intersection.Where no Right-TurnSign is required, two shall be used,one at the near left-handcorner and one at the far right'hand corner,facingtraffic approachingthe intersection.Wherethere is a traffic signal on the far left corner,the sign on the left-handside should be placednear that signal. When erpctingsigns,care should be taken that no alley or public drivewiy exists betwben them and the intersectionwhere the turning movement is orohibited. 141 NO RIGHT TURN SIGN ( R - 201 lo rL I G LEGEND 5l PARTS G OIMENSION (cm) stz N E 60cm 75cm 90cm | 05cm l20cm a 0.7 0.8 1.0 t.2 1.3 b 4.3 5.4 6.5 7.6 9'l c 3"7 4.6 5.5 6.4 7.3 d 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 e 6.7 8.3 10.0 11.6 1 , 3. 3 16.7 20.8 2 s. 0 29.2 33.3 t 3.3 4.2 s.0 5.8 6.7 h 20.0 2s.0 30.0 3s. 0 40.0 f 142 o. NO LEFT TURN SIGN ( R - 2t ) LEGEND SIG DIMENSION (cm) SIZE N PARTS 60cm 7 5 cm 90cm | 05 cm l20cm a 0.7 0.8 1"0 1.2 1.3 b 4.3 5.4 6.5 7.6 8.7 c 3.7 4.6 5.5 6.4 7.3 d 4.0 5"0 6.0 7 "O 8"0 8.3 10. 0 11"6 13.3 20"8 25 .0 ?a ) 5J.J 5.0 5.8 30.0 35.0 f 1A 1 s 3"3 h 20.a Aj ,{o 40" 0 NO U - TURN SIGN (R-22 1 oi LEGE ND 5l PARTS 6 (cm) DIMENSION 5tz N E 60cm 75cm a o.T 0.8 1.0 L.2 b )r? c). o. ) t.o o.l c ?7 )+.6 qq 6.1 72 d \< o.l B .o o? e O.U 9.O 10.5 f 1 0 5c m 1 2 0c m 1n G 7 L2.O 18.7 23.3 2B.o 32 .7 7.O 8.7 10.5 LZ.Z r l, n 23.5 zl.1 l'1 ? h 1 90crn 1Y.t) 3.0 1a ). t- 4.> t 1M c2 o. Lr , h e t h e rs i g n a l i z eodr n o t O N E A t a n i n t e r s e c t i o nw i t h a o n e w a y s t r e e t w W A Y S I G N ( R 3 6 ) s h a l lb e u s e d ,a n d m a y b e s u p p l e m e n t e bd y t h e a p p r o p r i a t e T u r n P r o h i b i t i o nS i g n . A t u r n p r o h i b i t i o ns i g n i s n o t n e e d e da t a r a m p e n t r a n c e to a high-waywhere the designis such as to indicateclearly the one-waytraffic m o v e m e n to n t h e r a m p . T h e D O N O T E N T E R S I G N ( R - 6 ) w i l l s e r v ei n l i e u en e w a y t r a f f i c o f t h e T u r n P r o h i b i t i o nS i g n ,w h e r e i t i s n e c e s s a rtyo e m p h a s i z o m o v e m e n ot n t h e r a m P . When the movement restrictionappliesduring certain periodsonly the use Turn Prohibition Signscall for specialtreatment. The following alternatives of are listedin order of preference. Variable message signsor internally illuminated signsthat are lighted hoursare particularlydesir. and made legibleonly during the regti-icted ableat signalizedintersections. Permanently mounted signs incorporating a supplementarylegend s h o w i n gt h e h o u r sd u r i n gw h i c h t h e p r o h i b i t i o ni s a p p l i c a b l e . Portablesignsplacedat each corner of the intersectionwhen required o n l y w h e n a p p l i c a b l ea n d a n d p u t i n p l a c eu n d e r p o l i c es u p e r v i s i o n removedat other hours. OvertakingProhibitionSigns: O V E R T A K I N G P R O H I B I T I O NS I G N S ( R - 2 3 a n d R - 2 4 )a r e i n t e n d e dt o be usedon locationswhere due to traffic congestion,width of pavementor alignment of roadway, overtakingis restricted. This sign shall normally be erected a t t h o s el o c a t i o n sw h e r eo v e r t a k i n gp r o h i b i t i o n sa p p l y . T h e s i g n m a y b e o f t w o forms. ( a ) ' A L L O V E R T A K I N GP R O H I B I T I O N S I G N: R 2 3 ( b ) H E A V Y V E H I C L EO V E R T A K I N GP R O H I B I T I O NS I G N : R - 2 4 T h e A l l O v e r t a k i n gP r o h i b i t i o nS i g ns h a l la p p l y t o a l l k i n d o f m o t o r v e h i c l e s w h i l e t h e h e v e yv e h i c l eo v e r t a k i n gp r o h i b i t i o ns i g na p p l i e st o o n l y t h o s ev e h i c l e s classedas heavyvehicle. For other situations,appropriatelegendmay be selected. The signs should be erectedon left-handside of the roadway facing the a p p r o a c h i n gt r a f f i c s u c h t h a t t h e r e s t r i c t i o ni m p o s e d i s c l e a r l vv i s i b l et o t h e d r i v e r s . T h e s es i g n s m a y b e s u p p l e m e n t e db y r o a d - m a r k i n gis. e . c o n t r i n u o u s w h i t e l i n e so r a c o m b i n a t i o no f w h i t e s o l i d l i n e a n d d o t t e d l i n ea c c o r d i n gt o t h e r u l e ss p e c i f i e di n s e c t i o nr o a d m a r k i n g s . The size of these signsrecommendedaccordingto different locationsare o i v e ni n t a b l eb e l o w : 145 ALL OVERTAKINGPROHIBITION SIGN (R -23 1 LEGE ND SIG PARTS DIMENSION (cm) SIZE N 60cm 75cm 90cm l05cm 1 2 0c m a u. / 0.8 1.0 t.2 1.3 b 4.3 5.4 6.5 7.6 97 3 "7 4.6 6.4 7.3 d 8.0 10. 0 14.0 16.0 e 2.Q ?q <n 5.5 4.0 r r9.7 24 .6 29.5 34.4 39.3 1) 146 n o. SIGN PROHIBITION HEAVYVEHICLEOVERTAKING (R -ztrl tEGE ND G SI PARTS DIMENSION S N I z (cm) E 60cm 75cm 90cm 1 0 5c m 1 2 0c m a o,7 0.8 1.0 T.2 1.3 b l'.3 S. l + 6., 7.6 8.? 3.7 4.6 ,.5 6.l+ 7.3 L\ ,2 1?.0 r9.8 22.7 3.3 \-2 5.0 i.8 6.7 17.3 2L.7 26.0 30.3 3l+.? 2.' 2.9 3.3 30.o 35.0 l + 0 .O d. f c h L2.7 1, I. I 20. o 2.L 25 .0 147 T A B L E_ O V E R T A K I N G P R O H I B I T I OSNI G NS I Z E S S l .N o . T y p eo f L o c a t i o n SignSize 1. Urban ResidentialStreets 60 cm dia. 2. UrbanCollectorStreets 75 cm dia. 3. Urban Arterial Roads 90 cm dia. 4. R u r a lS e c o n d a r yH i q h w a y s 90 cm dia. 5. R u r a iP r i m a r yH i o h w a y s 105 cm dia. 6. Motorways 1 2 0c m d i a . Dimensionsof the legendfor variouss r g nsizesmay be seenin Figure R-23 and R-24. SpeedLimit Sign : T h e S P E E D L I M I T S I G N ( R - 2 5 ) i s i n t e n d e dt o u s e w h e r e e n g i n e e r i n g investigationof roadway,qeometricor operatingconditionsshow the ieeessity of advisingdriversof the maximum allowablespeedon a road. The speed limit sign shall displaythe limit establishedby raw, or by regulation after an engineeringand traffic investigations has been madein accorda-nce with established practices. traffic engineering In order to determinethe proper numericalvalue for a speedzone,on the basisof an engineeringand traffic investigation, the following factorssl'rouldbe considered: Road surfacecharacteristics, shouldercondition, gradealignmentand sightdistance. The 85- Percentilespeedand pacespeed. Roadsidedevelopmentand culture,and roadsidefriction. Safespeedfor curvesfor hazardouslocationswithin the zone. Parkingpracticesand pedestrianactivity. Reportedaccidentexperiencefor a recent12-monthsperiod. Except in emergencies, or at constructionor maintenancesites,where the situationcallingfor a reduction in speedis temporary,speedlimit sign shall not be erecteduntil the recommendedspeedhas beendeterminedby acceptedtraffic engineeringprocedures. Becausechangesin surfacecharacteristics, sight distanct etc. may alter the recommendedspeed,each location should be periodically checkedand the speedsign correctedif necessary. The speedshown shall be a multiple of 5 Kms per hours. The sign may be used in conjunctionwith any standardwarning sign to indicate the maximum recommendedspeedaround a curve or through a hazardouslocation. lt shall not be usedin conjunctionwith any signother than a warningsign. 148 L'94 t'Ez o'oz L.9T t>l l'0 c g'92 0'Ez z'67 E.ET 0't :L 0'E E'z, o'z L6 q'J ilg f'h LV LL url0zl (urr) z'r 0'r B'0 urlgol url06 urtsl. NOfSN3hft0 oN 3931 l9z - u ) N9fS lthilt o33ds r.rrl0g n Y a € Two types of speedlimit signsmay be used:one to designatepassenger car speedsincludingany night-timeinformation or maximum speedlimit that might apply, and/or to show any specialspeed limit for busesand trucks. Where a specialspeed limit appliesto trucks or other vehicles,then appropriatemessage shall be shown on the standardmessageplate mounted below the speed limit sign. The sizesof this signrecommendedaccordingto different locationsare given i n t a b l eb e l o w : _11M _'ji:'__'y'I_'l9isrzEs Sl. fio, ^.-O:-,- Type of Location ^:-- blr Dtgn Dtze 1. UrbanResidential Streets 60 cmdia. 2. UrbanCollectorStreets 75cmdia. 3. UrbanArterialRoads 90 cmdia. 4. RuralSecondary Highways 90 cmdia. 5. RuralPrimaryHighways 1 0 5c m d i a . 6. Motorwavs 1 2 0c m c l i a Dimensionsof the legendfor varioussign sizesmay be seenin FigureR-25. Location of Speed Limit Sign:- Speed Limit Signsindicating speed limits for which posting is required by law, shall be locatedat the points of change from one speedlimit to another. Thesesignsshallnot be erecteduntil the speed limits are approvedand officially authorized. At the end of the sectionto which a speedlimit applies,aspeedlimit sign showingthe next speedlimit shall be erected. Additional signsshallbe installed beyond major intersectionsand at other locationswhere it is necessaryto remind motoristsof the limit that is applicable. The SLOW sign may be used to give advancenotice of a speed zone with a lower limit. Specialover sizesign is often desirableat theselocations. Night SpeedSign:- Where different speed limits are'prescribedfor day and night, both the limits shall be posted. This may be done in either of two ways, A panel of suitable size containing the numericalsindicating the night time speed limit may be erectedbelow the speed limit sign for the day time. In this casethe numeralsin the Night SpeedSign be reflectorized. The niqht speedsignshouldhaveits legendin white upon a black background. OR message sign may be usedso that only the appropriateregula. l changeable tion isvisibleat a giventime. The sign may haveinterchangeable panels,or reflectorization of the night time speed super imposedover the un-reflectorized numeralsof the day time speed,to permit only the night-timespeedto become legiblein the beamof motor vehiclehead-lamps at night. 15d Horn ProhibitionSign: H O R NP R O H I B I T I O S N I G N( R - 2 6 )i s i n t e n d e d t o u s em a i n l yi h m u n i c i p a l areas,aroundhospitals/schools or at placeswherehorn noiseis undesirable. The sign prohibit use of audiblewarningdeviceexceptto avoid an accident. This signshouldbe erectedat the startof the restrictedarea. The minimumsizeof this signshallbe 60 cm diameter.A,largesizeof 75 cm or 90 cm diametermay be usedat somelocations.The thicknessof the red diagonalline should not be lessthan HALF the thicknessof red borderline. Tablebelowgivessizesof this signfor variouslocations: T A B L E_ H O R NP R O H I B I T ] OSNI G NS I Z E S S l .N o . Type of Location SignSize 1. UrbanResidential Streets 60 cm dia. 2. UrbanCollectorStreets 75cmdia. 3. UrbanArterial Roads 90 cm dia. 4" Rrlral Seenndarv o n ^u t-t t ru :t g^. vv 5. RuralPrimaryHighways '6. . - Y . t Hinhrnrarrc . ' ! J ! ' r ' s t v 1 0 5c m d i a . Motoruvays 1 2 0 c m .d i a . Dinensionsof the legendfor varioussignsizesmay be seenat Figure-R-26. CheckPostSigns: The CHECKPosr slcNs (R-27and R-28) may be neededat municipal d.istrict,provincial,internationalboundariesor at any other locations. Thbse signsmay be of two types : (a) PoliceCheckPostSign : R -27 (b) CustomCheckPostSign: R - 28 The signsare intendedto notify of the proximity of Checkpostat which stop is -compulsory. and passing the point without stoppingis prohibited. The reasonfor which the driversare requiredto stop should be indicatedin black usingappropriateword message.: Thesesignsshall have standardsize of 90 cm diameter. lts legendand coloursshall be as shown. The dimensions of the legendof other sizesare shownin FiguresR-27and R-28. r5l HORN PROHIBITIONSIGN (R-26) LEGE ND SIG DIMENSION SIZE N PARTS 50cm 75cm (cm) 90cm l05cm l20cm a 0"7 0"8 1.0 r.2 :l"3 b 4"3 5.4 6.5 7 "6 8.7 d e f o 6"4 4.6 c 2r .0 26 .2 31. 5 s6 "7 42.0 '7 28.3 34. 0 39 .7 45 .3 72 .0 15.0 18.0 2r .0 24 "A a? 11.0 i2.8 14.7 ')) 152 o. POLICECHECKPOST SIGN tR-27 1 rh Fn{ -. DIMENSION (cm) LEGEND SI G stz N E PARTS 60cm a a 75cm g0cm l05cm 0.8 1.0 1.2 h q< q! 6 _5 l.o c 5.0 n< ?q B.B d 2.O e o,I f h 8.7 10.0 l 1. o 3.0 8.3 l20cm 10.0 11-7 13.3 q 32.1 36 .7 ? 22 .9 27 19.3 ?u.2 29 -O 33. B ?R 1 28.0 32 .7 27 ? 1R iQ '? 153 CHECKPOSTSIGN CUSTOM (R -28 ) :T CUSTOM e! \1.-/ I I LEGE ND SI PARTS 60cm G 75cm 90cm I z E n'l 0.8 b ll? 5.4 6.5 r.o q? 6.7 8.0 a? d ?? 4.0 u7 e a2 11.0 7 1 2 0c m l05cm a 2n (cm) DIMENSION 5 N o- 1.0 1- 1r 1? B_ 7 1o.T q? q 1\.7 a 31.0 36 .2 41.3 I 3 t t- 2 41.0 47.8 cI h 1r3.3 ')2 . o AA b.2 7r\ f 1 qn )q 154 '7 o. / 7 69 .3 10.0 G Sign: ParkingProhibition S I G N ( R - 2 9 )s h a l lb e u s e dt o p r o h i b i t h e T h e P A R K I N GP R O H I B I T I O N par.kingof vehiclealong a givensectionof the road. A panelshallbe mounted below thB signshowingan arrow and pointingtowardsthe directionsto which the signapplies. A singleheadedarrow pointingin the direction,the regulationis arrow pointing in effect if the sign is at the end of a zoneor a double-headed both ways,if the signis at an intermediatepoint in a zone. As an alternateto to the the arrow if the signsare postedfacingtraffic at an angleof 90 degrees curb line there may be includedon the sign,or on a separateplate belowthe s i g n ,s u c hl e g e n da s P A R K I N GH O U R S ,P A R K I N GT I M E ,P A R K I N GD A Y S O R E M E R G E N CPYA R K I N GO N L YE t C . Where parkingis prohibitedduring certain hours and permittedunder a time limit at other periodof the day,two parkingsignsshouldordinarilybe used. Placementof ParkingSrgns.'-Parkingsignswith arrowsare usedto indicate the extent of the'restrictedzones. The signsshouldbe at an angleof not less with the line of traffic flow to be visible than 30o and not morethan 45 degress to approaching traffic. that no personshall stop, Appropriatepanelsmay be usedto emphasize park or leavestandingany vehicleon the pavedor travelledpartof the roadway. The standardsize for parkingprohibitionsignsshall be 90 cm dia. The accordingto variouslocationsare givenin the table below: sizesrecommended T A B L E_ P A R K I N GP R O H I B I T I OSNI G NS I Z E S S l .N o . SignSize Typeof Location 1. Streets UrbanResidential 60 cmdia. 2. UrbanCollectorStreets 75 cmdia. 3. UrbanArterialRoads 90 cmdia. 4. Highways RuralSecondary 90 cm dia. 5. RuralPrimaryHighways 1 0 5 c md i a . 6. Motorways 120 cmdia. Dimensions of the legendfor varioussignsizesmay be seenin FigureR-29. 155 PARKINGPROHIBITION SIGN tR-29 ) ! T tt LEGE ND 5l PARTS G DIMENSION S I N z (cml E 1 0 5c m 1 2 0c m 1"0 t.2 1.3 5.4 6"5 7.6 8.7 3.7 4.6 5.5 6.4 7 "3 d 5.3 6.7 8.0 9"3 to.7 e 10.6 13.3 16.0 18 7 2t.s f 18.0 22 .5 270 31.5 36.0 b 60cm 75cm o"7 0.8 4 "3 90cm 156 G Endof RestrictionSigns: G N S( R - 3 0t o R - 3 3 )a r ei n t e n d e tdo g i v en o t i c e E N D - O F - R E S T R I C T ISOIN of end of a restrictionare relatedto operationalcontrol but do not imposeany on the partof the roadusers. obligations Signsare different in colour and legendschemes.ln Endof-Restriction thesesignsblack colour is usedfor legend,border and diagonallineson white background. signsmaybe of the followingfour types: The endof.restriction (a) Endof SpeedRestriction R-30 (b) End of OvertakingRestriction R-31 (c) End of Priority Road R - 32 (d) Endof all restrictions R-33 y A l l t h c s e ss r iuo. n' s s sv ' h a l l v by a distancein such a way that theselinesform borderof suitable separated thickness. The diagonallinesshall also be distributedappropriatelyas shown. All thesesignsshallhavethe standardsizeof 90 cm diameter.Variousother sizesaregivenin tablebelowfor differentlocations. S ING NS I Z E S T A B L E_ E N DO F R E S T R I C T . I O S l .N o . SignSize Typeof Location 1. Streets UrbanResidential 60 cm dia. 2. UrbanCollectorStreets 75 cmdia. 3. UrbanAnerialRoads 90 cm dia. 4. Highways RuralSecondary 9 0 c md i a . 5. RuralPrimaryHighways 1 0 5c m d i a . 6. Motorways 1 2 0c m d i a . of the legendfor varioussignssizesare givenin Figure R-30 Dimensions R-33. to 157 SIGN END OF SPEED RESTRICTION (R-30) DtMENSION (cm) LEGEND SIG N SIZ E PARTS 60cm b 75cm g0cm l05cm 0.8 1"0 1a t.c 1-4 1.7 ? -o l2Ocrn )? c 11 'f 1q.0 r6.3 1P. 't A 15-0 18.0 21.0 -),t n (l 25 .8 31.0 36.2 1 11 . 3 t58 RESTRICTIONSIGN END OF OVERTAKING ( R - 3l ) Jh LEGE ND SlG DIMENSION S.I N Z (cm) E PARTS 60cm 75cm 90cm l05cm 1 2 0c m r.J a 0.7 0.8 1.0 b 11 1.4 1 .7 a.v 6.7 8.3 10.0 r l.l d ro. / 20 .8 25 .0 zy.Z e 14.0 17 .5 21 .O z U. 5 28.0 END OF PRIORTTYROAD " SIGN (R-32) DIMENS|ON (cm) LEGEND SI G SIZE N PARTS 60cm ?5cm 90cm I 05cm 0.8 1n 1.4 17 2 -O 11-7 14.6 rf.) 20.t4 d 4.0 qn e to. r 20. B a u.{ 11 t- | o.u )q r60 n '7n. l20cm QN ?? ? END OF A LL'RESTRICTIONS SIGN ( R -33 l V LEGEND SIG DIMENSION StzE N PARTS 60cm i"f t b ?5cm (c m) 90cm l05cm 0.8 1n 1) 1.4 l.l 2.O 161 1 2 0c m 2? CompulsoryDirectionSigns: T h e c o M P U L S O R YD t R E c l o N s t G N S( R - 3 4 t o R - 4 3 )a r ei n t e n d e tdo . bq ugedin which the vehiclesare obligedtg pi'oceedor t|.,e-onivJirccti;; i; *!L.l !lg,Yglglqlmit-ted to pro.ceed. Trresignscanitso oduseoih *"l"lii,iidh' with traffic lightsignalsor on bollardson traffic islands. Someof the signsarelistedbelow : (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Ifl (i) (i) R-34 R-35 R-36 R-37 R-38 R-39 R40 R-41 R42 R-43 Keep Riqht Proieed'clockwise i:":t8i"ff n?'?f '18"'31'ffJ"; 'nu'"Jlu'no!ff lway. The sign R-34 to R-43 represent typicalsituations.AppropriatearroWsmaybeusedfdrothersituaiions. . Th" .signsshall havea standardsizeof g0 cm dia. On maior hiqhwavsthe signshouldbe at least90 cm dia. A smallersizeof 60 cm is admissi-ble ioi use on narrow medidnsand at medianopenings 'The to servecrosstraffiCt;d to reininJ of the regulation. iarious recommenoeo-sizei ir,i-givdi I!r^!u-gl-lt_.lfjg In the tablebelowi _Jjl_Llggyl1L_sg_qr REcrIoNsIc NsIzES S l .N o . Type of Location SignSize 1. UrbanResidential Streets 2. UrbanCollectorStreets 3. UrbanArterialRoads 90 cm.dia. 4. RuralSecondary Highways 90 cm.dia. 5. RuralPrimaryHighways 1 0 5c m .d i a . 6. Motoruvays 1 2 0c m d i a . 60 cm.dia. 75 cm.dia. The dimensionsof the legendfor varioussignsizesmay be seenin Figures R-34to FigureR-43. 162 PROCEED TOTHE RIGHT ONLY SIGN (R-3/, 1 '1t^. L U -F T -ll- LEGE ND SIG (cm) DIMENSION SIZE N PARTS l20cm l05cm 75cm 0,7 0.8 1.0 r.2 1.3 2"7 3.5 4.0 4.7 5.3 5.3 6.7 8.0 9.3 ro.7 d 6.0 7.5 9.0 10.5 12.0 e 2r.3 )(, 7 32.0 37 .3 A'' f 15.: 19"2 23"o 25.9 3 0.7 o 3.0 3.7 4"5 5-2 5.0 d 'e 90cm 60cm b 163 1 PROCEED TOTHELEFT ONLY SIGN ( R - 3s I (r _Eb -]E .s{Fq Ft.l l*. LEGE ND SIG PARTS + (cmi DIMENSION SIZE N 60cm 75cm d 0.7 0.8 1.0 L.2 1.3 b 2.7 J.J 4.0 4.7 ).J 5.3 6.7 8.0 9.3 r0.7 d 6.0 7.5 9.0 10.5 12.0 e 2r .3 )(^ 32.0 37.3 42.7 (: rs_3 19.2 23"C 25.8 30.7 3.0 3.7 4.5 5.2 6.0 o tr 90cm 7 r64 1 0 5c m 1 2 0c m ? PROCEEDSTRAIGHTAHEAO ONLYSIGN (R-36 ) TI lf -o ,i,Ft,+o{ DIMENSION LEGE ND PARTS 1 0 5c m (cm) l20cm a 0 "7 0.8 1.0 1"2 1.5 b 2.7 3.3 4.0 A'7 5.3 5.3 6..7 8"0 oi 10 .7 6.0 7,s 9.0 10.5 12"0 26.7 32.0 37 .3 42.7 ? 19 t2 23"O z 6" B .tu. t 3"0 3.7 4" 5 5"2 d zl.J lq. 165 6.0 TURNTOTHERIGHTONI-V SIGN (R-37 t lry LECEND SI PARTS G N DIM ENSION (cm) S I z E 60cm 75cm 90cm l05cm a 0.7 0.8 1.0 7.2 L "3 b 2.7 3.3 4.0 4.7 5.5 .- 6.7 8.3 10"0 1 , 7" 7 13 .3 d 5"3 6.7 8.0 9.3 10.7 4 ..0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 L5.7 19.6 23 .5 3.0 3.7 4.5 h r9 "7 24 "6 29"5 34 "4 t_ 3.3 1,. qn cA 5.3 '/ tr, 5.3 o, f I 6 r z/-4 q? l20cm 31"3 6.0 39.3 6.7 9,o r0.5 i2,0 B.o 9.3 10.7 166 G TURN TOTHE LEFT ONLY ( R-38 ) -o E { A t t LEGEND SI G DIMENSION (cm) sl N z E PARTS 60cm 75cm 90cm | 05cm l20cm d 0 "7 0.8 1.0 L.2 r.3 b 2"7 3.3 4.0 c o. t 8.5 10-0 rt.7 13.3 5.3 6.7 8.0 9.3 t0 .7 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 L5 .7 19-6 23 .5 27 .4 31.3 (r 3.0 3.7 4.5 h 79.7 24 .6 ;o 5.3 6.0 34 "4 39.3 t_ 3.3 \.2 5.o ,.8 6.1 j 6.3 T.5 9.0 LO. ' lz.o r 5.3 o.l g,o o? 10.7 167 PROCEEDSTRAIGHT OR RIGHTONLYSIGN (R-39 1 LEGE ND SIG PARTS 60cm 75cm OIMENSTON (cml SIZE N 90cm l05cm 1 2 0c m a 0.7 0.8 1.0 I.2 1.3 b a1 5.3 4.0 4.7 5.5 c 3.3 4.2 5.0 5.8 6.7 d 5.3 6.7 8.0 9.5 10. 7 6.0 7.5 9.0 10.5 t2 .0 2 2. 7 28.3 34.0 59.7 45.3 o 7"0 8.7 10.5 L .2.,:2 14.0 h 15.7 19.6 23.5 2 7. 4 31.3 3.0 3.7 4.5 5.2 6.0 6.7 8.0 9-3 ro-7 i I r tr PROCEEDSTRAIGHT ORLEFT ONLY ( R -40 ) -o LEGENID 5l G S I N PARTS 60cm 0.7 h 75cm 0.8 2.7 n l.n +.1 d o. f 6.0 f oD'7 o 7A b h rq l- 2A r q? 7 DIMENSION (cm) z E g0cm | 05cm l20cm 1.0 L.2 1.3 l+.0 Lz q? qn qR o. f 8.0 r0.T 9.0 1n q L2. A 28.3 3 l + .0 ?o i Ll.: A7 10.5 12.2 lir.C -1 31.3 L9.6 o. r l, t+. ) q2 Aa 8.0 o? i0.'tr r69 KEEP LEFT SIGN ( R -41 I J PARTS (cm) DIMENSION LEGE ND 90cm 1 0 5c m 1 2 0c m 60cm ?5cm a 0.7 0.8 1.0 t.2 1.3 b 2-7 5.3 4.0 4.7 5.3 c 5.5 6.7 8.0 9.3 10.7 d 6.0 7.5 9.0 10.5 t2 .0 2r.3 26.7 32.0 37.3 A1 e 1 5. 3 19;2 23"0 26. B 30.7 3.0 3.7 4.5 5.2 6.0 g 170 'l O{ KEEP RIGHT SIGN (R-t2l LEGE ND 5rG (cm) DIMENSION SIZE N PARTS 90cm l20cm l05cm 60cm ?5cm a 0.7 0.8 1.0 1? 1.5 b 2"7 3.3 4.0 4,7 5.3 5.3 6.7 8.0 9.3 10 .7 d 6.0 7.5 9.0 10.5 12.0 e 2L.3 26.7 32.0 .)/..) A1 f IJ.J ) o 3.0 1'! J.L n ntr 3.7 T-J 171 \a 5.2 1 q (r.0 PROCEEDCLOCKWISE ( R- 43 ) L lo lh t" TI o. -{Fe DIMENSION (cm) LEGEND SI G PARTS 60cm 75cm a 0"7 0"8 b )7 c N gOcm z E l20cm 1.0 7.2 1.5 3.3 4.0 4.7 s.3 4.7 5.8 7.0 .8 .2 9.3 d 4.0 5.0 6.0 7,0 8.0 e 1.3 7.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 q 21.0 24 .5 28.0 14"0 17 o 4"3 5.4 6.5 7.6 8"7 r 15.3 L9 .2 23,0 26 .8 3 C . .7 1't2 i I | 05cm I I s tr Lane Control Signs: T h e L A N E C O N T R O LS I G N S( R - 4 4a n d R - 4 5 )s h a l lb e u s e da t i n t e r s e c t i o n s wherevei n- is EeiiieO to require vehiclesin certain lanesto proceedo.nly in the Oii"ciion indicatedon the sign. The sign R-44and R-45 illustrateonly two exand designof arrows should be used to cover i1npies. Appropriate arrange-ment other situations. Lane controls permitting left (or right) turns from two (or more) lanesare norm-tty-*arranted'wheneveithe turning volume exceedsthe capacityof one irining'iane, anO when all movementsca'nbe accommodatedin the lanesavailableto them. frlhen multiple-laneriqht tui'.nsare tc be.permitted at.signalizedintersections, speciaisignal pfrasingshoulO be used-to allow the turning movementswithout interferencefrom op@sing or crosstrattlc. On multi lane hiqhwaysoverheadlane Control Signsare preferredbecause theV can be placed orier the lanes to which they. apply. . This fypq .of control, inO'piiticula'rly the multiple-laneturn, occurs where volumes are high and an overtieadinstallationcan be justified. used,.onesign should.beplaced When post-mountedlane Control Signs^are at the iniers'eiiion. A second Lane Controt Sign should be placedat a distanceof select the ap3b0 meters in advanceof the intersectionso that motorists can 'vehicles. Appropriate iane before reachingthe encisof the iines of waiting post-mounted signs. to supplement pavement used be may markinq brobriate The sizesof the signfor variousroadsshallbe as follows : L I G NS I Z E S T A B L E_ L A N EC O N T R O S S l .N o . Typeof Location SignSizes 1. Streets UfbanResidential 60 cm dia. 2. UrbanCollectorStreets 75 cm dia. 3. UrbanArterial Roads 90 cm dia. 4. Highways RuralSecondary' 90 cm dia. 5. RuralPrimaryHighways. 1 0 5c m d i a . 6. Motorways 120 cm dia. The dimensionsof the legendfor varioussignsizesmay be seenin Figures R-44and R45. LANE CONTROL SIGN (R - I.lrl LEGEND SIG DIMENSION (cm) SIZE N PARTS | 05cm 60cm 75cm 90cm a 0.7 o.8 1.0 1a L.L b 2.7 3.3 h.o Ln 6.o 7C l.) 9.0 d h.o qn 6.o E 3.3 +.1 f 20.o 2r.o 30.0 ?q n ho.o o o r0.3 L2.9 rj ., rA l 20 .7 h 9.7 12.L rL.5 L6.9 ]- 1.0 J-.2 J t+.f ).o 1, rl+.o 'rn r.3 5.3 q 12.0 ?.0 8.0 qn L.' 7n 2L. O 174 l20cm 6.7 r'f I. I 2.O o? 6.. o)' L9.3 q 28. 0 LANE CONTROLS I GN ( R -4s ) :i? LEGE ND StzE N SIG (cm) DTMENSION PARTS 60cm ro h .. c 6.o d. lrA e 90cm 0.8 1.0 r.2 l+.0 +. f 9.O 10.5 5.o f.u I qn ,.o 4.4 f 20.o )q g 10.3 L2.9 h o.7 T2.a I 1.0 r.2 1q j 4.7 cA 'tn 1, 14.0 l05cm 75cm 17 n q 21. 0 r75 q? 12. 0 Qn 6,2 l+0. 0 30.0 th.5 l20cm 1B.]. )0 a6.9 'lo L.7 7 ? 2.O 8.2 24.' oQ ^ DividedHighwaySigns: D l v l D E D H I G H W A Ys I G N S( R 4 6 a n d R - 4 7 )a r e i n t e n d e d f o r u s eo n t h e approaches to or at the end of a section9f highway(not an intersection or junction) where.the opposingflows of traffic are separated by a physicalbarrier, or by a median. The DividedHighwaySignsareof the followingtwo kinds : (a) DividedHighwayBeginsSign R-46 (b) DlvidedHighwayEndsSign R-47 . Dividd Highway Begins sign : This sign indicates start of' doubleca_rriageway, whereflow of traffic on eachcarriageway is intendedfor oNE-WAy ONLY. Divided Highwayends sign:- This sign is intendedfor useat the end of a sectionof ph-ysicaltv .9iui{gq highway (not an intersectionor junction). Th; Two-waytraffic-siqn(W-26) can be usedto giveadditionalwarnirrgand'notice just in advance of the transitionto the two-waysection. The standardsizeof this siqnshallbe 90 cm diameter.The varioussizesrecommended for differentlocationsaregivenin tablebelow: T A B L E_ D I V l D E DH I G H W A Y S I G N SS I Z E S Sl.No. Type of Location SignSize 1. UrbanResidential Streets 60 cm dia. 2. UrbanCollectorStreets 75 cm dia. 3. UrbanArterialRoads 90 cm dia. 4. RuralSecondary Highways 90 cm dia. 5. RuralPrimaryHighways 105 cmdia. 6. Motoruvays 120 cmdia. --1;-*.;;;;;-th"Gil;;*ri"*-rrg"-ri."r-r"7urr*";;G;; R46 and R-47. 176 HIGHWAYBEGINSSIGN DIVTDED ( R - /.6 ) t LEGE ND DIMENSION PARTS 1 0 5c m 1 2 0c m 4 0.7 0.8 1.0 b 2"7 J.5 4.0 c 9.5 IT.7 14. 0 16.3 18.7 d 20.7 25 .8 31.0 35.2 41.3 e 5.3 6.7 8.0 9.3 r0.7 f 4.7 s.B 7.O 8.2 9.3 o o 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 h 8.r 10.8 1 3. O 15.2 t7 .3 ]- 1.0 L.2 I.7 2.0 j 3.3 \,2 s.8 6.7 5.o 1.2 1.3 5.4 DIVIDEDHIGHWAYENDS SIGN (R-!,7 1 rll -{, LEGE ND G SI DIMENSION S N 7 (cm) E PARTS 60cm 75cm 90cm l05cm 1 2 0c m 0.7 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.3 D 2.7 3.3 4.0 4.7 ).+ c 9.3 T L. 7 14.0 t6 .3 18 .7 d 20 .7 2s.8 31" C 36 .2 47.3 e 5.3 6.7 8.0 I0 "7 f A1 s.8 7.0 9.3 4.0 5"0 o"u 7.0 8.0 8.7 ro- B 13.0 l5 "2 1-l,3 I 1"0 L.Z 1.5 1.7 l,^ Ll .a i.a s.B l la 178 'rn 6.7 CompulsoryTrackSigns: ( R - 4 9t o R - b 0 )a r e u s e dw h e r ea p a r t i c u l a r C O M P U L S O RTYR A C KS T G N S classof road usersare_required to useonly that part of the roadways specifically providedfor them. the signshalldepict the appropriaiesymbol .The leg-end--of for the classof road user,if different from those shown in n-+g to R-bbanJ thesesignsshould be providedat the start and intervalsalongthe track. st;; typicalexamples of thesesignsareasfollows: (a) Compulsory CycleTrackSign : R-48 (b) Compulsory Foot PathSign : R -49 (c) Compulsory Truck LaneSign :R-50 --.The.signmay be erectedon the left handsideof the motorwaysfacingthe traffic. The track shouldbe separated and distinguished from the main .rf -uv ' t h e h e l p o fr o a d m a r k i n g s ( c o n t i n u o u s w h i t eilfi nneo)t s e p a r a t e l y p r o v i d e J . - The sizesof the signsfor variousroadsareasfollows : >o T A BL E : C O M P U L S O R YT R A C KS I G N SS I Z E S Sl.No. Type of Loeation ql^^ srvtt (.:-^ otzg 1. UrbanResidential Streets 60 cm dia. 2. UrbanCollectorStreets 75cm dia. 3. UrbanArterialRoads 90 cm dia. 4. RuralSecondary Highways 90 cm dia. 5. RuralPrimaryHighways 1 0 5c m d i a . _-_il;;-r"rril;r*'a;r*;il-r,s.ri."r-.-r-y-6-.-rr*l;G;; R-48to firuresR-50. 179 .a COMPULSORY CYCLETRACK SIGN ( R - 48 ) (} LEGEND 60cm o.7 2.7 9.3 75cm 90cm l05cm l2Ocrn 0.8 t-u 1.2 1.3 3.3 r {. 0 4.6 5.3 r4.0 r6.3 18.? 11 7 13.0 16.3 19 .5 22 .8 26-O 2 0. 3 25.4 30.5 35.6 4Q.,7 180 -t DtMErqstolt (cm) 3 FOOTPATH SIGN COMPULSORY ( R - 49 ' 'rP+o;l LEGE ND SIG S IZ N E PARTS 60cm {t a 0.7 k 27 c 7 5c m 0.8 tz. (cm) OIMENSICN 90cm 1 0 5c m 1 2 0c m 1? 1.0 t -z 4.0 4.7 5.3 I 1q.5 1 6. 9 r9.3 d 10.0 12.5 15.0 1 7. 5 20.o e 20 .0 25 .0 30.0 35. o 40.0 f 10 2u .2 29 .0 33.8 38.? ? 18,l TRUCKLANE SIGN COMPULSORY ( R-s0 ) *+ -Tl r+jr LEGE ND SIG OIMENSION (cml SIZE N PARTS 60cm 75cm 90cm l05cm l20cm a 0"7 0.8 1.0 1.2 1"3 b 2.7 3.3 4.0 4.7 5.4 c t3"3 r6.7 20 .0 23 "3 26.7 d to .7 13.3 16.0 L8 .7 ZL.J 182 tJr C H A P T E R_ V INFORMATION SIGNS l nformation Signsare intendedto guidethe road usersto their destination andto providethemwith otherinformationwhich may be useful. -4 Colourof InformationSigns: For most informationsignsthe legendis so variablethat there can be no rigidly standardized size. The signsizemustbe fixed primarilyin termsof length the massage the sizeof the letteringand spacingnecessary and for proper 9f legibility. However,for slgnswith standardized designs,!t is practicable to fix standardsizes. particularlyfor overheadsigns,the available Under some circumstances, spacemay limit signwidth. A sign mountedover a particularroadwaylaneto which it appliesmay haveto be limitedin width to the width of the lane. Where verticalclearances are limited,andstandardsigndesigncannotbe used,a reduced letter height,interlineand edgespacingmay be used. when a reduciionin the standardsize is necessary, the designusedshould be as nearlymmparableto standards as posible. O:-^ ^3 ol'.,tt trl I-l^--^a:^- l!ll(rlllldtlUll | ^a^--:..- LUrleflllg , : For informationsignswith varyinglegend,signlegibilityis a directfunstion of lettersize. The legibilitydistancemust givethe driversufficienttime to read the sign before he has passedit. Althoughunderthe bestconditionsan information-signmessage can be readand understoodin a brief glance,a reasonable safetyfactor mustbe allowedfor inattention,blockingof viewby 6thervehicles, unfavourableweather,inferior eyesight,or other causesfor d'elayedor slow reading. On the other hand,the usualrepetitionof informationon successive signswhere conditionspermit, often givesa driver rnorethan one opportunity to obtainthe informationhe needs. Thoughthe readingtime for any givensignvariesgreatlywith the approach 'ciass of |Pe.ed,standardletteringsize should be consistenton any particular highways.The sameconditionsthat inducelower speed,heavytraffic, frequent intersections or inter-changes, unfavourable alignment,or extraneous diitractions, usuallycreatea needfor greaterlegibility. Hencethe sizestandardsset fortti are relatedto the type of highwayrather than to variablespeedson any qlass of highways. In rural districtson majorroutesthe principallegendon informationsigns shallbe in lettersat least15.0cm in height.On lessimportantruralroadsand-on urban streetsthe principal legendshall be in lettersat least 10.0 cm hiqh. Sign panelsshall be largeenoughto accommodate the requiredlegendwitho-ut crowding. b8L 'lenuelAslq] ul u/ otls seAllelluassa oq plnoLls '6urubrs;o adAl slql ol elqect;ddeoq ]ou Aeut suotlectldde su6rsoploqtuAsJaqlo a1qt0a1-acuel6 e ueduil ol. pue s6ulsapMorle pJepuelsaql 'aJolalaql 'ebessauu 'l!;o yed aq] lo'sculeuuoabAennpeo.t realce u! Alessacau Jouueula;qepuels.t'apun uorlcasralur oq] aleultxoldde plnoLls smolle 6utsn butubts ctleuuuelbelO 'lq6raq ra]]al oql seut] ]noqe 'ubts aqlt/t-uo[ slallol su6rspeeqronouo smorJe6urlurod pJemuMop]roqs lo+ pue aq] +o lq6raq aq] o] lenbelseel le aq Molle aLll ]o ieq aq] ssorceqlplm oql 1sa6.re1 alenbapeloJ 'u6ts aql +o acuecl+lubts sr 1r A1t;tqtDal ]eq] papuaururocoJ 1euot1 -caJrpaql eztseqduaol d;aq Aeruubtsaql lo aptsJeJoLl]}e n olle ue']!xa ue lV 'puebal u6ts leqlo aq] Molaq peceld aq Aetu smollv 'l! +o apts auo o1 .to 'u61saq1uo un oqs uo!]e -urlsapaql qceoJo] pesnaQ uec ]eq] ouel qcea o1 polutod aq uec MolJe ue ssalun pasn aq ]ou llpqs smore burlurod p.lemumo6 'smolle aseqr Aq pelsJlpu! alnoJ Jo/pup uolleu!]sop oql lo+ punoq clllell ol seuel c4tceds lo osn aql l,clllseJ qclqm subtsaprn6peaqlanouo Aluo pasnoq lleqs smolle OutlutodpJemurno6 'smorJebunutod ptemuMopAq patltluepl aq lll^ sauel 'Aennpeol AernpeorqOno.rqlaql pa.rlnba.r ]lxa aq] ,to lueuubtle aql +o anlle 1; -luasserdar a;6ueuele prenndn ]ulod lleqssMoJleeq]'saue1qbnorql aq] 6utnea;st Aenrrpeor e a;aqM 'auel leql +o alluac aq] pJemo] pleMuMqp lutod ;1eqsMoJJe 'pamollol aq o] auel e alectputot palrsaps! aJaqn subtspeaqlanouO aq] l! 'utn] aql ;o ssaudleqsoLllol polelal a16ueue 1e pue'uogFasralureql +o ubrsepoqlaqtJcsoplsaqlllM se plervrdnpalulod eq plnoqs Morle aql 'urn] e JoJ 'prervrdnlulod p;noqs ]ueuanou qbno.rqll!61el1s B 161 'suotl.cas MorJeleuorlcaJrpe'ubtsaptsppoJe uO 'plepoldde st MoJJeleluozlJoqe 'ua)e] -re1ura16ue-rq6;r bq ol uolrcaltp'aql+o uolsueqelduooleelc e Aenum ry 'suot}eu!}saplo sa}nol pe}eublsep o1 a16ueparsap Aue le palutod aie s{v\oJJV premo]suorlcarlpaq] alectputol su6!suo!]euJo+utAueu uo posnoJesMolJV ': sloquAg pue s^ 's]!rx!l alqeuoseoJ ulqll/'J^ pua6al+o saurl.raqlodn aleur Aeu'uotleutJo;u1'uollce'sloq -tuAg 'saueu laaJls pue auleu'ace1dAluo sepn;cu!oJaq,,pueba1;ed1cu1.t6,, 'puaDal;o pue ocnpol raqunl ol apeutaq plnoqs]lolita ellxe'Aledstp lunoure aqr Agggdrurs 'puabal peoqJanoauresaq] ut papnlcut ele su61saJoul lo on ] aJoqg ;edlcut.td1o 'peor aq] uol; saAeslq uJnl sourlaarq] o] pa]rut!laq plnoLlssubts'uotleulolu; uec Jonupe ]eq] sluetuoutn el aq] 6utlnp ecue;6e le alqtbalaq ol ulnululu e o] rde1 aci ]snuuubts uolleullolut ue uo puebe;aql'az1s Jauol +o sselp.rebag : pueOe'1 lo lunotuv of InformationSigns Categories : signscanbedividedinto the followingcategories The information AdvanceDirectionSigns DirectionSigns Signs Placeldentification ConfirmatorySigns Signs, OtherInformation SIGNS A D V A N C ED IR E C T I O N The AdvanceDirection Signs (l-1 to l-3) are intendedto give advance informationto the road usersof the be followed or route to be inforadoptedto reachtheir destinationor giveany other usefuland necessary mation.Theyareprimarilyof the followingtwo kinds: r ( a )D E S T I N A T I OSNI G N : | - 1 ( b ) ,A D V A N CE R O A DC L O S E D SIGNI - 2 A brief descriptionof theseSignsis asfollows : Sign(l - 1) : Destination the Destination Sign signingis prescribed, Exceptwherespecialinterchange or otherobshallbe horizontalrectanglecarryingthe nameof a city,town,village jective,and/ora directionalarrow. Thedistanceto the placemayalsobe shown. are to be placedon a singlepanelwith an arrow (andthe lf severaldestinations distance,if desired)for eachname. lf morethan one destinationliesin the same but in any direction,a singlearrow may be usedfor sucha groupof destinations, caseadequateseparationshould be made betweenany destinationor group in one directionand thosein other directions,by suitabledesign of destinations of the arrows,spacingof linesof legend,heavy linesentirelyacrossthe panel, panels. or separate An arrow pointingto the right shall be at the extremeright of the sign, and an arrow pointingleft shallbe at the extremeleft. The signsshallnormally be mountedon the left sideof the roadway. The distancefigures,if used,shall follow after the destinationname. As a generalrule, the directionalarrows a slopingarrow shouldbe horizontalor vertical,but at an irregularintersection conveya clearerindicationof the directionto be followed. will sometimes Warrants for DestinationSlgns;-These destination signs are generally warranted: 185 DESTINATION (r SIGN |) #t I -; l-- ld __t_ lnl F--- LEGEND SI PARTS (cm) DIMENSION S GN I Z E 120* 120 1 8 0x 1 8 0 Zl'Q,2t0 300 x 300 a 3.0 4.S 6.0 7 ,S b t,2 1.8 2.4 5.0 c 8.0 t2,0 16 .0 20.0 d 1S.0 22.5 30 .0 37.s 186 -'E! ln advanceof an intersectionfrom which roads emanatefor variousi mportantdestinations. At pointswherethey serveto directtraffic to variousdestinations. Not more than three namesshouldbe usedon the sign. The top narne shouldbe that of the next placeon the routehavinga postoffice,railroadstation, identity. The highway,or other significantgeogrdphical nameof an intersected or"Control maior destination City". of the lower most name should-bet.hat 'indicatecornare shown,.the middfe line shouldbe usedto lf threedestinations munitiesof generalinterestalongthe route,or importantroute junctions. fht mileagesigns choiceof namesfor this middle line can be variedon successive served by the communities concerning informations maximum to give motorists route. The "Control City" shouldramainthe sameon succesivesignsthroughout the lengthof the routeuntil that destinationis reached.Therearecircumstances, underwhich more than one distantpoint may properly.bedesignated, howeve-r, as for ei<ample,where the route dividesat some distanceaheadto servetwo of iimilar importance destinations As alreadyexplainedthe sizesfor the informationsignscannotbe standardized due to varietyof mesageand legends.However,the sizeof the signshould not be les than 60 cm x 90 cm for singledestination.Other suitablesizesmay for multidestinationsignswhere'necessary. bedeveloped Locationof DestinationSigns:- In rural districls. DestinationSignsshould be locatednot les than 60 meters in advanceof the intersection. In urban districts,shorterdistancesmay be justified. The destinationsign is of lesser importahcethan the Junction. Turn or DirectionalSigns,therefore,when sign spacing is critical,cahbe eliminated. : AdvanceRoadClosedSign : The AdvanceRoadClosedSign,(l-2) shouldbe usedto informthetraffig that the through traffic must detour'to avoid a road close for. constructionor maintenancewbrk or for a temporary emergencysome distancebeyond, but where the highway is open for traffic upto the point of closure. WhereSign facesthrough-traffic,it shall be precededby a RoadClosedWarningSign. Th,: sign may be usedat an inteniectionfrom where through traffic may adopt alternateroute. Appropriate legend may be developedaccordingto the prwailing conaregiven ditions. All thesesignsshallbe square.The varioussizesrecommended in the tablebelow: 187 ADVANCEROAD CLOSEDSIGN lt-2) Ll--n *p fD OOJ F!-'l LEGEND PARTS DIMENSION S I SIGN (cm ) Z E 60*60 90 x90 120x 120 a 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.5 b 1.2 1.8 2-4 3.0 c 9.S 14.3 19.0 23.8 d 6.S 9.8 li.0 r6,3 e 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 f 18.0 27.O 36.0 45.0 r88 150x150 * I I S I G NS I Z E S T A B L E_ A D V A N C ER O A DC L O S E D Sl.No. SignSize Type of Location 1. Streets UrbanResidential 60 cm Sq. 2. UrbanCollectorStreets 60 cm Sq. 3. UrbanArterialRoads 90 cm Sq. 4. HighwaYs RuralSecondary 90 cm Sq. 5. RuralPrimaryHighwaYs 90 cm Sq. | -2. The dimensionsof the symbol for varioussignsizesmay be seenin figure DirectionSigns: The DirectionSigns(l-3 and l-4) areintendedto informthe roadusersofthe loiation of turn which they haveto take to reachtheir destination. The apsi1e,hikingarea, propriatesTmboldepictingthd facility suchas airfield,ca.mping on the sign. may indicated be distance its approx. and etc.'atthe destination The signsare horizontalrectangularwith one end pointing towards the directionof the facilitybeingindicated. SIGNS P L A C EI D E N T F I ICATION andend beginning TheseSigns(l-5 to l-8) are primarilyusedto indicatethe placed reverse on the be may The motorway etc. signs of a built up areaor a sideof eachother for the traffic proceedingin oppositedirection. Most typical of thesesignsare : (a) Beginning of MunicipalLimit l-5 (b) Endof MunicipalLimit l-6 (c) Beginning of Motorway l-7 (d) Endof Motorway l-8 or extremitiesof the area Thesesignsdrould be placedon the boundaries beingindicated. C O N F I R M A T O RSYI G N S The Confirmatorysignsare intendedto inform motoristsof variousroad userservices alongthe highways.Thesesignsshallhaveblacklegendof the service on available whiie background.At the bottom of the legenda white arrow of service.lf ,appropriatesizemay be usedto indicatethe directionof the available more than one facilitiesare availableat a locationindividualsymbol-typesigns of the may be used. Thesesignsareto be erectedat a suitabled istancein advance highways. turnoff point or intersecting 189 DIRECTION SIGN (r-3 ! LEGEND S IG PARTS N D IM ENSION (cm) S I Z E l 5 0 x6 0 2 2 5x 9 0 3 0 0x 1 2 0 3 7 5x 1 5 0 120.0 180.0 240,A 300.0 45.0 60.0 15.0 1.8 2.4 1.0 t0.0 1.?_ r90 DIRECTION5.IEN ( r-4) Vqriqble . I thqn {, L EGE ND SIG PARTS l50x60 120.0 N DIMEN'SION SI ( c m) Z E 2 2 5x 9 0 3 0 0x 1 2 0 3 7 5x 1 5 0 l80.o ?40-c 500.0 30.0 45.0 60.0 15.0 1.2 1.8 2.4 3'O ,, 191 BEGINNINGOF MUNICIPAL LIMIT il- s) t+ Vqriqble LEGEND PARTS '.' DIMENSION ( c m) SI6NSIZE 150x90 225x135 300x180 375x225 a 3.0 4.5 6.0 1.5 b 1.2 i.B 2.4 J.0 '. l92 END OF MUNICIPALLIMIT (r-6) thqn Vqriqble t DIMENSION LEGEND SI PARTS re f 5 0 x9 0 I GN 225x 135 SIZ (cm) E 300xl8 0 375x225 t.0 4.5 6.C 1.5 t,? 1.8 2.4 3.0 20,3 21.0 l3.B 13.5 r93 BEGINNING OF MOTORWAY (r-7) f .+T u-+dl c--iF | :l_ bl b+ LEGEND PARTS s 60xgg I G N 90 x 135 DIMENSION S ' (cm I Z E I20 x 180 150x 225 a 5.0 4,S 6.0 7.5 b t.2 1.9 2.4 5.0 c 2.5 6.5 6.0 . 3.8 g,o 5.O d 12. $ 15.0 e 7.0 10.5 f 9.0 l5.s 18.0 c 22.s 3.8 40 .0 $.7 60 .0 7.6 h 9.s 80.0 s.0 7.5 10.0 100.0 t2-s rs.0 20. 0 25.0 i j 10.0 194 ll4.O 17.5 END OF MOTOR WAY ( r-8) fiSE F-q E c+'f s* b b ffi \ PARTS vt I DIMENSION LEGEND 90 x 135 ZE 1 2 0x 1 8 0 S SIGN 60x90 lcml l 5 0 x2 2 5 I 3.0 4.S 6.0 7.5 b L.2 1.8 2.4 3.0 c 2.5 s.8 5.0 6.3 d 6.0 12,0 15.0 e 7.O 9.0 10.s 14,0 17 .5 f 9.0 15.5 18.0 22. S g 3.8 5./ 7.6 9.5 h 4C.00 50.0 80.0 100.0 i 5.0 l.> 10.0 12.5 j 10.0 15.0 20.0 2 5. 0 k 77 .5 11.3 ! . 5. 0 18.8 195 The usualservicesignsrnay be of the following kinds : (a) 1-9 F irst A id Station ( b ) A u t o R e p a iS r hop 1- 1 0 ( c ) P h o n eS e r v i c e l-1 1 ( d) P e t r o lP u m p l-12 ( e) Hotel/Motel t-1 3 (f) Restauranr l-14 (S) Cafeteria t-15 ( h) P i c i n cS i t e t-16 (i) H i k i n gt r a i l l-17 (j) C a r v a ns i t e l-18 (k) Campingsite t--19 (l) t-20 Youth Hostel The signs shall have a variablesize. However.a size of 45 cm x 75 cm m a y b e u s e d a t r o a d _ s _ h a v idnogw a s r e c o m m e n d e sd p e e d . , A t m a i n h i g h w a y s , a b i g g e rs i z e6 0 c m x 9 0 c m i s r e c o m m e n d e d . T h e O t h 0 r I n f o r m a t i o nS i g n s( l - 2 1 t o l - 2 7 1 p r o v i d eo t h e r u s e f u li n f o r m ation not coveredunderother categories of informationsigns.The are : 't96 J FIRST AID STATION (r-s) T L LEGEND PARTS SI 60x90 GN 9 0x 1 3 5 DIMENSION lcm I s I z E 120x 180 150x 225 a 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.5 b t.2 1.ll 2,4 3.0 c 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 d 40.0 60 .0 I0.0 100.0 o 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 f 13.0 7.0 rv. ) 26. 0 14.0 32.5 17.5 g () 10.5 II I 197 l'--. FIRST AID STATION (r-9) LEGEND PARTS SI 60x90 GN 9 0 x1 3 5 D IMENSION lcm I s I z E 1 2 0x 1 8 0 150x 225 a 3.0 4,5 6.0 7.5 b t.2 1 .ll 2,4 3.0 c 10,0 rs.0 20.0 2 5. 0 d 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 6 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 f 13.0 lv.5 26. 0 14. 0 1 7. 5 o L1 7 (-l 10.5 Al .B t.- LEGEND PARTS s I G N DIM E NSION s I z tcml E 5Or9O 9 0 . x1 3 5 120r 180 150x225 a 3.O 4,5 t 6.O 7.5 b 1.2 l 8 2.4 3.0 c 10.0 15.0 20.o 25.A d rl0.0 60.0 I0.0 1 0 0. 0 e l5,o 22.5 30.0 57.5 f 7.S tl.5 I S.0 18.8 g 1 7. 5 26.3 5 5 .o 45.8 h 2.5 3.8 s.0 i s.s 8.5 11.0 13.8 j 3.5 5.3 7.0 8.8 k 1 22.4 i5.0 33.0 1 , 9 .5 44. O 26.0 n 7.0 10.5 14.0 5 S- 0 37.5 ri .5 r98 6.t PHONE SERVICE (I -ll l d {, l.c { "c bJ. bF PARTS LEGEND DIMENSION SION SIZE 60x90 90 x 135 120x 180 (cmI l50x225 a 5.0 4.5 6.0 '7.5 b t.2 1.8 2.1 3.0 c 10.0 15 .0 20.o 25.0 d 40.0 60.0 80.0 100. 0 e 13.0 19. 5 I 10.s 26,0 r4.0 32.5 1n 199 17.s PETROL PUMP (r-12) d Lct +c,l r *r LEGEND s lz SIGN PARTS DIMENSION 120x 180 ( cml E 150x 225 00x90 90 x 135 a 5.0 4.5 6.O 7.5 b 1.2 1.8 2.4 5.O c 10.0 ls.o 20.o 25.O d 40.0 60.0 80.0 r 00.0 g 2.0 3.0 4.0 50 f 30.0 4 S. 0 60.0 7s.0 g 4.0 6.0 8.0 10. 0 h 6.0 9.0 12. 0 1 s. 0 I 8.5 12.5 17.0 2L.3 I 15.0 J-5.J 26.0 32.5 v 7.O 1 Q .s 14. 0 ,'7.s 200 L0z lt S'/I 0'!I S'OI 0'L s'zt U s'67 0'tr 0'0t 0'zt o' iz 0'9I J t'rt 0' sz B'8I s'z r e o ' 0 0r 0'08 0'09 0'0e P s's7, 0'02 0'sr 0'0I a 0't t'z 8'I z'l q 5'L 0'9 s't 0's a 9ZZr 091 0 8 1x 0 z l 9L 0N3931 NOtSN3t^il0 t,l*. l.q P *3,l o. (il- r) r3roN / -t=roH RESTAURANT (r -14) l. OJ {cm } SI G N S ' Z E 3.O 4.S 6.O 7.5 b 1.2 1.8 2.1 3.0 c 10. 0 15 .0 20.0 2 s. 0 d /30.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 c 34.0 51.0 68.0 85.0 t 8.0 12.0 16.0 20.0 I 24.A 56.0 48 .0 60. 0 h i5.0 19.5 26. O JZ. 10.5 t4.o r/.) I 7.A 202 -') D- CAF E TERIA il -l5l .o LEGEND r-s tG N .C DIMENSION (cm I E slz a 3.0 4.S 6.0 7.5 b 1.2 1.8 2.1 3.0 c t0.0 15.0 20.0, 25.0 d 4 0. 0 60 .0 80.0 100.0 8.0 12.o 16.0 20.0 6 f 1 7. 0 25. S stl.0 42.5 g 4.0 6.0 80 ro.0 h 32.O 48 .0 64 .0 E0.0 13. 0 19. 5 26.O 52. 5 7.0 10.5 14. 0 1 7. 5 l j 203 PICNTCSITE ( r - 16) U o -/ lh* LEG END PARTS S x 90 i +ht DIMENSION G N 90 x135 Z SI l20xl lcm) E I t.0 4.S 6.0 7.5 b 1.2 1.8 2.1 3.0 c 10.0 15.0 20. o 25.0 d 40 .0 60 .0 80.0 100.0 c 2.4 3.0 4.0 s.0 t 28.0 12.4 s6 .0 70.0 7.S r1.5 15.0 18.8 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 32.0 48 .0 64 .0 I0.0 13.0 19.5 26. 0 32.5 7.0 10. 5 14.0 17.S 204 H IKING T RA IL ( I - t7 ) { DIMENSION LEGEND 90 x 135 fe 3.0 4.S 6.0 7,s 1.2 1.8 2.1 3.0 10.0 ts.0 20.o 2S.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100. 0 13.0 19.s 26.0 32.5 7.0 10.5 14.0 1 7. 5 + I, +b :Fb PARTS LEGEND DIMENSION N s I z E SIG 60x90 90 x 135 120x l8O cm 150x 225 e 3.O 4.5 6.0 7.8 b 1.2 1.8 2,1 3.0 G 10.0 13.0 20. 0 2S.0 d 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 € 9.0 13. S 18.0 22.5 f 1.5 2.5 3.0 3.9 g 2,5 t.8 s.0 6.3 h 14.0, 21.0 28.0 2.0 3.0 4,0 t 15.0 22.5 30.0 3s.0 s.0 37.0 k 6.0 9.0 t2.a 15.0 n 19.5 26.0 . .52 .5 7.0 10.s r4.0 -l I u l< 206 F CAMPINGSITE ( r - te) { I, fr ffi LEGEND SI PARTS { G N DIMENSION s lz l20xl80 (cmI E t50x225 e 3.0 tl .5 6.0 7.5 b l12 l.!l 2.4 3.0 c 10.0 ls.0 20. o 25.0 d 40.0 60.0 t00 e 8.5 12.9 17.0 21.3 f 1.5 2.3 3.0 3.8 g 2 0. 0 30.0 40.0 50.0 h s.s 5.3 7.0 8.8 I 16.S 22.0 27.g t 11.0 8.0 12.0 16.0 20.0 k ts .0 19 c 26. 0 32.5 I 7.0 10 5 14. 0 17.5 20.7 100.0 I YOUTI.IHOSTEL (r-201 rf. LEGEND sf G N PARTS OIMENSION S I Z E e 3.0 4.S 6.0 7.s b r.2 1.8 2.1 5,0 c 10.0 l5 .0 20.0 25.0 d 40.0 60.0 t8.0 100.0 e 8.0 12.0 16.0 20.0 f 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 g 6.0 9.0 12.0 15.0 h 9.0 13.5 18.0 22.t t 1.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 J 5.0 7,5 ! 0.0 12. 5 k 15.0 l9.S 26. A 32.5 I 7.0 10.5 14.0 17.5 (a) DeadEnd Sign l- 21 (b) HospitalSign t-22 (c) One-wayahead l:23 (d) Oneway to the right t-24 (e) BusStop Sign t-25 (f) 1-26 ParkingSign (g) GenerallnformationSign 1-27 Oneway Signs: The One-waySigns(l-23and l-24) $all be usedwhen requiredto indicate streetsor roadwaysupon which vehicular traffic is allowed to travel in one directiononly. The sign*rall beeither: A squareof standard, and minimumsizeof 60 cm x 60 cm with white up wardarrowon a Bluebackground. OR A lateral rectangleof standardand minimum sizeof l b0 cm x 60 cm with white border and white horizontal arrow on a blue background The various sizesrecommendedaccordingto different locationsare givenin the tablebelow: T A B L E_ O N EW A Y S I G N( G U I D ES I G NS E R I E SS) I Z E S sl. No. SignSize Type of Location Square Rectangular 1. Urban ResidentialStreets 60cmx60cm 150cm x 60 cm 2. UrbanCollectorStreets 60cmx60cm 150cm x 60 cm 3. UrbanArterial Roads 90cmx90cm 150cm x 60 cm 4. RuralSecondary Highway5 90cmx90cm 150cm x 60 cm 5. RuralPrimaryHighways 90cmx90cm 22Ocm x 90 cm 20s DEAD END SIGN il-2tt o' r.'F# e -'{ LEGEND PARTS SIG 60x60 N 90x90 DIMENSION s tz {cml E 120x 120 150i 150 a 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.s b 1.2 1.8 2.4 c 5.0 7.5 10.0 d 50.0 7S.0 100. 0 g 15.0 22.5 30.0 f 7.O 1 0 .s r4.0 3.0 l2.s 12s.0 i7.s 17.5 g 13.0 19.S 26.O 12.S h 23.O 34. S 46 .0 57 . S 210 l. HOSPITALSIGN (r -221 ', n +d { +B LEGEND PARTS -e S I SIGN 60x60 DIMENSION 90 x90 cm z E 120x 120 150x 150 a 3.0 4.5 6,0 7.5 b 1.2 1,8 2r4 3.0 c 4S.0 67 .5 90.0 112.s d l2.o 18 .0 24.O 30.0 o 15.0 22.5 3a.0 37.s f 2q-{) 30.0 40.0 5C.0 211 ONE-WAYAHEAD (i - 23 1 -+- b ---lu b rh, LEGEND PARTS S 60x60 GN DIMENSION z S 90x90 120x rZ0 (cm ) E 1 5 0x 1 5 0 a 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.5 b 1.2 1.8 2,4 3.0 c 6.4 q.0 t2.o 15.3 d z1--0 t1.5 42.0 52.5 o 2.0 3.0 4.0 s.0 r 26.q 39.0 52.0 65.0 o o 7.5 11.3 15.0 13 .8 AA 5 . 1. 0 O/.J 27.A C 212 O- l'--. FIRST AID STATION (r-9) LEGEND PARTS SI 60x90 GN 9 0 x1 3 5 D IMENSION lcm I s I z E 1 2 0x 1 8 0 150x 225 a 3.0 4,5 6.0 7.5 b t.2 1 .ll 2,4 3.0 c 10,0 rs.0 20.0 2 5. 0 d 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 6 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 f 13.0 lv.5 26. 0 14. 0 1 7. 5 o L1 7 (-l 10.5 Al .B t.- LEGEND PARTS s I G N DIM E NSION s I z tcml E 5Or9O 9 0 . x1 3 5 120r 180 150x225 a 3.O 4,5 t 6.O 7.5 b 1.2 l 8 2.4 3.0 c 10.0 15.0 20.o 25.A d rl0.0 60.0 I0.0 1 0 0. 0 e l5,o 22.5 30.0 57.5 f 7.S tl.5 I S.0 18.8 g 1 7. 5 26.3 5 5 .o 45.8 h 2.5 3.8 s.0 i s.s 8.5 11.0 13.8 j 3.5 5.3 7.0 8.8 k 1 22.4 i5.0 33.0 1 , 9 .5 44. O 26.0 n 7.0 10.5 14.0 5 S- 0 37.5 ri .5 r98 6.t PHONE SERVICE (I -ll l d {, l.c { "c bJ. bF PARTS LEGEND DIMENSION SION SIZE 60x90 90 x 135 120x 180 (cmI l50x225 a 5.0 4.5 6.0 '7.5 b t.2 1.8 2.1 3.0 c 10.0 15 .0 20.o 25.0 d 40.0 60.0 80.0 100. 0 e 13.0 19. 5 I 10.s 26,0 r4.0 32.5 1n 199 17.s PETROL PUMP (r-12) d Lct +c,l r *r LEGEND s lz SIGN PARTS DIMENSION 120x 180 ( cml E 150x 225 00x90 90 x 135 a 5.0 4.5 6.O 7.5 b 1.2 1.8 2.4 5.O c 10.0 ls.o 20.o 25.O d 40.0 60.0 80.0 r 00.0 g 2.0 3.0 4.0 50 f 30.0 4 S. 0 60.0 7s.0 g 4.0 6.0 8.0 10. 0 h 6.0 9.0 12. 0 1 s. 0 I 8.5 12.5 17.0 2L.3 I 15.0 J-5.J 26.0 32.5 v 7.O 1 Q .s 14. 0 ,'7.s 200 L0z lt S'/I 0'!I S'OI 0'L s'zt U s'67 0'tr 0'0t 0'zt o' iz 0'9I J t'rt 0' sz B'8I s'z r e o ' 0 0r 0'08 0'09 0'0e P s's7, 0'02 0'sr 0'0I a 0't t'z 8'I z'l q 5'L 0'9 s't 0's a 9ZZr 091 0 8 1x 0 z l 9L 0N3931 NOtSN3t^il0 t,l*. l.q P *3,l o. (il- r) r3roN / -t=roH RESTAURANT (r -14) l. OJ {cm } SI G N S ' Z E 3.O 4.S 6.O 7.5 b 1.2 1.8 2.1 3.0 c 10. 0 15 .0 20.0 2 s. 0 d /30.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 c 34.0 51.0 68.0 85.0 t 8.0 12.0 16.0 20.0 I 24.A 56.0 48 .0 60. 0 h i5.0 19.5 26. O JZ. 10.5 t4.o r/.) I 7.A 202 -') D- CAF E TERIA il -l5l .o LEGEND r-s tG N .C DIMENSION (cm I E slz a 3.0 4.S 6.0 7.5 b 1.2 1.8 2.1 3.0 c t0.0 15.0 20.0, 25.0 d 4 0. 0 60 .0 80.0 100.0 8.0 12.o 16.0 20.0 6 f 1 7. 0 25. S stl.0 42.5 g 4.0 6.0 80 ro.0 h 32.O 48 .0 64 .0 E0.0 13. 0 19. 5 26.O 52. 5 7.0 10.5 14. 0 1 7. 5 l j 203 PICNTCSITE ( r - 16) U o -/ lh* LEG END PARTS S x 90 i +ht DIMENSION G N 90 x135 Z SI l20xl lcm) E I t.0 4.S 6.0 7.5 b 1.2 1.8 2.1 3.0 c 10.0 15.0 20. o 25.0 d 40 .0 60 .0 80.0 100.0 c 2.4 3.0 4.0 s.0 t 28.0 12.4 s6 .0 70.0 7.S r1.5 15.0 18.8 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 32.0 48 .0 64 .0 I0.0 13.0 19.5 26. 0 32.5 7.0 10. 5 14.0 17.S 204 H IKING T RA IL ( I - t7 ) { DIMENSION LEGEND 90 x 135 fe 3.0 4.S 6.0 7,s 1.2 1.8 2.1 3.0 10.0 ts.0 20.o 2S.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100. 0 13.0 19.s 26.0 32.5 7.0 10.5 14.0 1 7. 5 + I, +b :Fb PARTS LEGEND DIMENSION N s I z E SIG 60x90 90 x 135 120x l8O cm 150x 225 e 3.O 4.5 6.0 7.8 b 1.2 1.8 2,1 3.0 G 10.0 13.0 20. 0 2S.0 d 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 € 9.0 13. S 18.0 22.5 f 1.5 2.5 3.0 3.9 g 2,5 t.8 s.0 6.3 h 14.0, 21.0 28.0 2.0 3.0 4,0 t 15.0 22.5 30.0 3s.0 s.0 37.0 k 6.0 9.0 t2.a 15.0 n 19.5 26.0 . .52 .5 7.0 10.s r4.0 -l I u l< 206 F CAMPINGSITE ( r - te) { I, fr ffi LEGEND SI PARTS { G N DIMENSION s lz l20xl80 (cmI E t50x225 e 3.0 tl .5 6.0 7.5 b l12 l.!l 2.4 3.0 c 10.0 ls.0 20. o 25.0 d 40.0 60.0 t00 e 8.5 12.9 17.0 21.3 f 1.5 2.3 3.0 3.8 g 2 0. 0 30.0 40.0 50.0 h s.s 5.3 7.0 8.8 I 16.S 22.0 27.g t 11.0 8.0 12.0 16.0 20.0 k ts .0 19 c 26. 0 32.5 I 7.0 10 5 14. 0 17.5 20.7 100.0 I YOUTI.IHOSTEL (r-201 rf. LEGEND sf G N PARTS OIMENSION S I Z E e 3.0 4.S 6.0 7.s b r.2 1.8 2.1 5,0 c 10.0 l5 .0 20.0 25.0 d 40.0 60.0 t8.0 100.0 e 8.0 12.0 16.0 20.0 f 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 g 6.0 9.0 12.0 15.0 h 9.0 13.5 18.0 22.t t 1.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 J 5.0 7,5 ! 0.0 12. 5 k 15.0 l9.S 26. A 32.5 I 7.0 10.5 14.0 17.5 (a) DeadEnd Sign l- 21 (b) HospitalSign t-22 (c) One-wayahead l:23 (d) Oneway to the right t-24 (e) BusStop Sign t-25 (f) 1-26 ParkingSign (g) GenerallnformationSign 1-27 Oneway Signs: The One-waySigns(l-23and l-24) $all be usedwhen requiredto indicate streetsor roadwaysupon which vehicular traffic is allowed to travel in one directiononly. The sign*rall beeither: A squareof standard, and minimumsizeof 60 cm x 60 cm with white up wardarrowon a Bluebackground. OR A lateral rectangleof standardand minimum sizeof l b0 cm x 60 cm with white border and white horizontal arrow on a blue background The various sizesrecommendedaccordingto different locationsare givenin the tablebelow: T A B L E_ O N EW A Y S I G N( G U I D ES I G NS E R I E SS) I Z E S sl. No. SignSize Type of Location Square Rectangular 1. Urban ResidentialStreets 60cmx60cm 150cm x 60 cm 2. UrbanCollectorStreets 60cmx60cm 150cm x 60 cm 3. UrbanArterial Roads 90cmx90cm 150cm x 60 cm 4. RuralSecondary Highway5 90cmx90cm 150cm x 60 cm 5. RuralPrimaryHighways 90cmx90cm 22Ocm x 90 cm 20s DEAD END SIGN il-2tt o' r.'F# e -'{ LEGEND PARTS SIG 60x60 N 90x90 DIMENSION s tz {cml E 120x 120 150i 150 a 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.s b 1.2 1.8 2.4 c 5.0 7.5 10.0 d 50.0 7S.0 100. 0 g 15.0 22.5 30.0 f 7.O 1 0 .s r4.0 3.0 l2.s 12s.0 i7.s 17.5 g 13.0 19.S 26.O 12.S h 23.O 34. S 46 .0 57 . S 210 l. HOSPITALSIGN (r -221 ', n +d { +B LEGEND PARTS -e S I SIGN 60x60 DIMENSION 90 x90 cm z E 120x 120 150x 150 a 3.0 4.5 6,0 7.5 b 1.2 1,8 2r4 3.0 c 4S.0 67 .5 90.0 112.s d l2.o 18 .0 24.O 30.0 o 15.0 22.5 3a.0 37.s f 2q-{) 30.0 40.0 5C.0 211 ONE-WAYAHEAD (i - 23 1 -+- b ---lu b rh, LEGEND PARTS S 60x60 GN DIMENSION z S 90x90 120x rZ0 (cm ) E 1 5 0x 1 5 0 a 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.5 b 1.2 1.8 2,4 3.0 c 6.4 q.0 t2.o 15.3 d z1--0 t1.5 42.0 52.5 o 2.0 3.0 4.0 s.0 r 26.q 39.0 52.0 65.0 o o 7.5 11.3 15.0 13 .8 AA 5 . 1. 0 O/.J 27.A C 212 O- =: ONE WAY TO TI.IERIGHT il -21, 1 h=t D -f' r i aJ LEGEND FARTS SIGN D IMENSION SIZ cm, E 150x 60 2 2 5x 9 0 a 3.0 4.5 6.O 7.s b 1.2 1.8 2.1 3.0 c l0 .8 16.2 2l .6 27.O d 38 .4 37.6 76.8 96.0 c t0.7 16. t 2l .4 26.8 f 26.0 39.0 52.0 65.0 g 99.6 149. rt 303.2 249.0 h 16.8 2 5. 2 33.6 2t3 300x120 375 x 150 42,0. ONE WAY TO THE RIGHT (r - 241 b+ D--F I AJ g te|' LEGEND FARTS SIGN +ot r #?{ DIMENSION SIZ cm, E 150x 60 ? 2 5x 9 0 300 x ln) 375 x 150 e 3.0 4.5 6.O 7.5 b 1.2 1.8 2.1 3.0 c l0 .8 16.2 21.6 27.0 d 38 .4 s7 .6 76.8 96.0 c 10.7 1 6 .r 21.4 26.8 f 26.0 39.0 s2.0 65.0 g 99.6 149.4 so'.2 249.0 h 16.8 2 5. 2 53 .6 { 213 42.0. One way signsshall be placedon the nearleft-handand the far right-hand cornersof the intersectionso as to face traffic enteringor crossingthe one-way the signsshouldbe placednearthe street. Wherethe intersectionis signalized, appropriatesignalfaces. One-waysignsshouldalsobe placedparallelto the oneway streetdirectlyoppositethe,exitsfromqalleysand,other publicway, A one by way siginbhouldalwaysbe used,whereapplicableand may be supplemented a turn prohibitionsign. BusStopSign: The BusStop Sign(l-25) is intendedto allow stoppageof publicserviceor These commercialvehiclealonga road sideto pick or disembarkthe passengers. signsshould be usedwhereextra provisionin the form of extendedshouldersor sheltershave been provided. Sometimes,it may be necessaryto separatethe stopsfor differentkindsof vehicles.ln that caseindividualsignsusingapproprivehiclesstopsignsmay be of the followate legendmay be used.The commercial ing forms : BusStop Sign Taxi Stop Sign Mini BusStop Sign. The mininromsize of suchsignsshall be 60 cm x 60 cm. Variousother for different locationsaregivenin table below : sizesrecommended T A B L E_ B U SS T O PS I G NS I Z E S Sl. No. Type of Location SignSize 1. UrbanResidential Streets 60 cm x 60 cm. 2. UrbanCollectorStreets 60 cm x 60 cm. 3. UrbanArterialRoads 90 cm x 90 cm. 4. RuralSecondary Highways 90 cm x 90 cm. 5. RuralPrimaryHighways 90 cm x 90 cm. ParkingSign: The ParkingArea Sign (l-26) may be usedwhereit is desiredto showthe directionto a nearbypublic parkingarea. lt shall carry the word "P" and a directionalarrow if any. The legendand bordershallbe white on a blue background. 214 -a fl+h-+-' LEGEND PARTS .f SI 60x 60 GN 9 0x 9 0 , +b Fb +nf+ D|MENS|oN st (cmt z E l2Ox 120 l50x t50 a 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.8 b 1.2 1.8 2.4 3.0 c 10. 0 ls.0 20.0 25.0 d 40.0 60.0 80.0 100. 0 c 4.0 6.0 8,0 10.0 f 13.0 19. s 26.O 32.5 g 2;O 5.0 4.0 5.0 h 6.0 9.0 12.o 15.0 I 21.0 36.0 rlE.0 60.0 215 PARKIN G SIGN (r-261 ) I, c +d+ I +d+ c t LEGEND DIMENSION (cml SIZE SIG,N PARTS a t.0 /t.S 6.0 7.5 b L.2 1.8 2.4 3.0 c I S.;0 22.5 10.0 s7 .5 d 6.5 9.8 13.0 16.3 e 17.0 2s.s 34 .0 42.5 f 14.5 21 .8 2 9. 0 36.3 g 20.o 50.0 40.0 s0.0 216 tu lf used,the ParkingArea Sign should be erectedon major thoroughfares at the nearestpoint of access to the parkingfacility and whereit canhelprelieve local seeking the signshouldnot the a placeto park. ln general, streetsof traffic be usedmorethan threeor four blocksfrom the parkingarea. lt shallbe mounfor the erectionof signs. with the generalspecifications ted in accordance The Parking;Area a squareand standardsize of 60 cm x 90 cm. For secondarylow speedstreeta smallersizemay be used.Various aregivenin tablebelow : sizesrecommended T A B L E - P A R K I NA GR E AS I G NS I Z E S Type qf Location -e SignSize 1. Streets UrbanResidential 60cmx60cm 2. UrbanCollectorStreets 60cmx60cm 3. UrbanArterial Roads 90cmx90cm 4. RuralSdcondaryHighways 90cmx90cm 5. RuralPrimaryHighways 90cmx90cm GeneralInformationSign(l-271: Of interestto the traveller,though not directly necessary for his guidance, are numerouskinds of informationthat may properly be mnveyd by information signssuch as politicalboundaries, streamnames,elevations, landmarksand similaritems of geographical interest. Suchsignsshouldnot be installedwithin a seriesof guide signsor at other equallycritical locations.. Unlessthere are specificreasonsfor activitiesthat areclerly in the public interest. On all such signsthe designshouldbe simpleand d.ignified, devoidof any advertising and in generalconformance with otherguidesigning. Suchsignsshallconformto the generalstandards for informationsigns,and shallbe reflectorized whererequiredto providenighttime visibility. Thesesignsshall be erectedin accordance with the generalspecifications. .C Theseinformationsignsshall be of variablesize and different legendsas applicableto a specificlocation. The other proportionatesizesfor different legnemay be developed. 217 t SIGN GENERALINFORMATON il -27 1 LEGEND PARTS 60x90 N SIG 90 x 135 s I z E lXlx 180 150x 225 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.s b 1.2 1.8 2;1 3.0 c 10.0 16.0 20;'0 25.0 d t10.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 6 8.0 12.0 16.0 20.0 f 13.5 '7 .O 20.3 27.0 33.8 10.5 14.0 17.5 h 19.0 2g.s 33.0 47 .5 I t2.o 18.0 2 4. 0 30.0 I I I (crnl a o I BIM ENg ION 218 ? 6LZ UOJNI U3HTO SN9ISNOIIVhI 0zz rl ! .a { ''J i CHAPTER_ VI R O A DM A R K I N G S Markingshave definite and important functions to perform in a proper the regulathey are usedto supplement schemeof traffic control. In somecases, tions or warningsof other devicessuchasParkingProhibition,OvertakingProhibition, etc. In other instances, they are usedalone and produceresultsthat cannot be obtainedby the use of any other device. ln such casesthey serve as a very effectivemeansof conveyingcertainregulationsand warningsthat muld not otherwisebe madeclearlyunderstandable. Pavementmarkingshavedefinitelimitations. They are obliteratedby snow and mud and may not be very durablewhen subjectedto heavytraffic. Inspite under favourableconditions.of of these limitations.they havethe advantage, conveyingwarningsor informationto the driverwithout divertinghis attention from the roadway. Standardization of Application: { Eachmarkingshallbe usedonly to conveythe meaningprescribed for it in this Manual. Markingrequiredby road conditionsor restrictionsshould be removedof obliteratedwhen those conditions ceaseto exist or the restrictions are with-drawn. Markingsno longerapplicablewhich may createconfusionin the mind of the motoristshallbe removedor obliterated. Markingwhich must be visibleat night shall be-reflectorized unless ambientilluminationassures adequate visibilitV. 7 growing Of importanceis the tendencyof traffic authoritiesto accommodate variabletraffic conditionswith differenttypes of operation. For this purFse,- signs and-ignals vvitliThe abilit[to disFla! Tariebldm6ssagEh:ve been developed. The use of variablemessages in the field of markingshowever,has beensomewhatrnorelimited and confinedto the manualplacementof flexible conesand posts,and to a few is to be expected that the future will brirrg forth new practical methodsof conveyingvariable messages by meansof markings. When such need and opportunity occur, extreme careshould be usedto adhereto the principlesset forth in this Manual. Materials: The most @mmon methodof placingpavement,kerb and object markings is by meansof paint. However, a wide varietyof othersuitablemarkingmaterials is available. Materialsusedshould providethe specificcolourthroughouttheir usefullife. Road surfacemarkingsshould be of non-skidmaterialsand should not protrudenpre than 6 mm abovethe levelof the carriageway.Studsor similar devicesusedfor markingshouldnot protrudemorethan 1.5 cm abovethe level (or more.than2.5cm in the caseof studsin mrporatingreof the carriageway flex reflectors). 223 vzz 'uraq]ueamlaqsdebaqt pue salorls aql t{}6uag Jo lo aql bururru.ralap ut ]unooceolu! ua>lpleq plnoqsuollsenbut poJeaql ur ro peol lo uotpas aql uo salctqen1o paadsaq1 'sde6uruolrun Aq paleredasql6ua; ;enba;o salorls lo lslsuoc lleqs aurl ualoJq V '6uo1sralau: ueqrssalaq lou 0Z V lleqsaurlsnonurluoo 'oprmulc B! o] urcg1 buunseeur acedse Aq paleredas sautlqlplm leuiJouoi t Jo stslsuoa eurl elqnopV aurlleuiJoue +oqlplivlaql aclmlAllensnsreurlap!/v1V 'aplmrrtcg! o] urc sq O! lleqseu!lleurpnlrDuol letlrouV : smollolseaq lleqsseurlleurpntrbuo; aql lo su:agedpuesqlpr^A : seut-l;eurpnlrOuo'l lo suragedpue qlpl6 'suollculsalurnurrxeuralsclpurseutlalqnoo srseqdua1oea.rbap eql seleclpur autllo qlpl6 JalceJeqc ur e^l]clJNar aje sautlptlos Jalcereqc ur anrssrulJad ale saul1ueloJg 'a : srr^ollolse ele seutl leutpnyouo;eql lo sadAl ,o s9tlsrFlcereqcaql 'palclJlsar srspeouuo burlred qclqm o] anp prezeq.relnciuedio sdorrecolre qted ;aner1aql ]o fuepunoq aqt lJeur seurl /v\ollaA- :saulj rtolp1 uollcaJrpallsoddoJo eusseql ul smol+ciJ+erl,to uotleredssaql aleautlapsau!'l ellqM -:sau!l atlLtt| : sldac -uoccrseq6urmo;1orr aq] o] utJoluoc;1eqssburl.reuJ lueutanedleurpnlrbuo-1 : s6urrye61 lusuaned;eurpnlrbuol'y 's6ur1re61 pues6urlley!lueulaned asJonsueJl ]uaulaned o/vuolut papl^lpaq upc 6ur1ley1lueue^pd ;eurpnlr6uolAlaueuseuobelec 'sluauanedpeJnoloc-lqbtl uo lselluoc6ul -i{alqce}osueeure seA;uoInq rnolor 6u;1leq }ueutanedpJepue}se se }! qsllqelse 'lserluoc luar5lgnsaprnoldlou seop+lct! tualanail lou saop>CVf g +oasnaql eqt araqr slnolooenoqeeql Llflmuotleutquocur pegrurradsg)CVlg lo esn aql 'A;uo srnogm 3IlHn UO /vlglll1 ul eq 1leqss6u11.reu luouJe^ed : srnoloc Outsidebuilt-up areasa broken line should consistof strokesbetween 2 meter and 10 meter long. The length of the strokesforming the approachline shouldbe from two to three timesthe lengthof the gaps. In built up areas,the lengthand spacingof strokesshouldbe lessthan they areoutsidebuilt-upareas.The strokesmay be reducedto 1 meter. On certain main urban artierieswhere traffic Inovesfast, however, of longitudinalmarkingsmay be the sameasoutside the characteristics built-upareas. Width of a broken line used to indicate the separationbetweena lane,a deceleration laneor a combinthroughlaneand an acceleration lane and a decelerationlane, shouldbe at ation of an aeeeleration leastdoublethanthat of a normalbrokenline. normally60 cm in length, A dotted line is formedby short segments, andgaps.normally120 cm or longer. , r.*/ Warrantsof LongitudinalLines: The following examplesillustratethe applicationof the principlesand setforth for longitudinallines: standards ,| Normal Broken White Line' is usedto delineatethe edgeof a travel path where travel is permitted in the samedirection or both sidesof the line. lts most frequentapplicationis as a lane line on a multilaneroadway. 2. is used to delineatethe edgeof a travel NormalSolid WhiteLine path wheretravelin the samedirectionor oppositedirectionsis permi'ted on both sidesof the line but crossingthe line is not permitted. an intersection and A frequentapplicationis as a laneline approaching a pavementedgemarking. A wide solidwhite line is usedfor emphasis where the crossingrequiresusualcare. lt is frequentlyusedas a line to delineateleft or rightturn lanes. 3. Double Sotid Whi.teLine is used to delineatea travel path where travel in the same or oppositedirectionsis permittedon both sidesof the line but crossingthe line is prohibited.-lt is frequentlyusedas a line in advanceof No-OvertakingLine on a curveor as a channelizing obsfiuctionswhich may be passedon either side but not encroached upon. 4. Combination of Normal Broken and blid White Lines delineates a separationbetweentravel paths in opposite directionswhere overtaking and passingis permitted with care for traffic adjacentto thp broken line and is prohibitedfor traffic adjacentto the solid line. This is a one direction no-pasingmarking. lt is usedon two-way, two and three lane roadwaysto regulatepassingand to delineatethq edgesof a lanein which travelin eitherdirectionis permitted. ln the latter application,the markingsare to be placedwith the solid lines on the outside and dashedlines to the insideof the lane. Traffic adjacentto the solid line may crossthis markingwith careonly as partof a right turn manoeuvre. t. .f 5. Normal Dotted Line, is used to delineatethe extensionof a line area. lt shall be'of the same through an intersectionor-int-erChange colourasthe line it extends. 6. btid Yellow Line delineatesthe left/right edgeof a travel path to indicatea restristionagainstparkingon tlie left br right sidesoi the roads. Doublefulid Yellow Lines:-A doublesolid yellow lineon the edgeof a roadindicatesarestrictionagainststoppingof any type of vehicldson the roadway. The doubleye'ilowsolicilinei nave'm6iimumemphaiis on the stoppingrestriction,evenfor disabledvehiclesor for making emergency,ete. .d Typeof LongitudinalLines: Thefollowingarethe typesof longitudinallinesusedfor guidingtraffic : (a) CentreLinewithout passing restriction M-1 (b) CentreLinewith Passing restriction: (i) In onedirectiononly M -2 (ii) In both directions only M-3 ( c ) LaneLine : (il (ii) Broken M-4 Continuous M-5 (d) PavementEdgeLine M-6 ( e ) ParkingControl Line M-7 (f) No StoppingMarking M-8 ( g ) MedianLine Marking M-9 ( h ) Obstruction Marking': (i) Two way Traffic M-10 (ii) Oneway Traffic M-11 (i) GuideMarking M-12 (j) Reversible LaneMarking M-13 ( k) Exclusive Turn Lane M-14 CentreLine : A Centre Line (M-1) separates traffic travellingin oppositedirections. lt needsnot to be at the geometricalcentreof the pavement.CentreLine with No PassingRestrictionsshall be a normal broken white line r.e. 10-15 cm wide not lessthan one meterlong with gapsfrom 2to'4 timesthe lengthof the stroke but not exceeding 12 meters" . , .Warrantsfor the CentreLine :. on pavedhighwaysunderthe followingmnditions: CentreLinesaredesirable In rural districts on two-lanepavements 5 metersor more in width with prevailing speeds of greaterthan 55 KPH. ln residenceor businessdistrictson all through highways,and on otherhighways wheretherearesignificanttraffic volumes. of four or mor"elanes; On all undividedpavenlents Centrelinesare alsodesirableat other locationswherean engineering studyindicatesa needfor them. No Passing Liries(M-2and M-3) : In orderto improvetraffic safety,the brokencentrelineat certainlocations shouldbe replacedor supplemented by a continuousline. The Linesindicating no-passing zonesshall be establishedat vertical and horizontal curvesand elsestudy indicates where on two and three lane highwayswhere an engineering that it,is necessary to prohibit the use of the part of the carriagewayreserved for on mming traffic at placeswherethe rangeof visionis restricted (hill crest, is narrow. bendin the road,etc.) or on sectionswherethe carriageway 227 lr 8ZZ I T u r z luJDtll l l raloar6 $= lou0 I nl n q a{orls aur! l l ?o17 l o, s a I I I I t f I I I rlrgl o l ls: I -ll-ul) sl-0t (r nl 3Nt-t 3urN33 NO PASSING One Side (M-2) - r l F D i s t q n c e b e t w e e nI i n e s t 0 - t B c m -l Stro*e 0fie I to6m t I O ql P ) == 22lot, t i m e s o f St r o k e greoter thon but n o t o t 2 m. a. I I -lF I w i d t h o f t i n e s l o - 1 5c m 229 N0 PASSIf$G (u 3) {l*l0 -15 cm 230 Both Sides Warran*for No-Passing Lines: . A no-pasing zone at a horizontalor vertical curve is warrantd wherethe rangeof vision(sightdistance) is lessthanthe minimumnecessary forsafepassing at the prevailingspeedof traffic. Rangeof Vision: Meansthedistanceat which an objectof a certianheight placedon the carriagewaycan be seenby an observeron the carriagewaywhose eye is at the sameheightor lower.'On a verticalcurve,it isthe distanceat which an_object1.0 metersabovethe pavementsurfacecan'justbe seenfrom a point 1.0 meters,.above the pavement.similarly,on horizontalcurve,is the distance measuredalongthe centre line (or left hand lane line of a three-lane highway) betweentwo points 1.0 meter abovethe pavementon a line tangentlo the embankmentor other obstructionthat cuts off the view on the iniide of the curve. when it is necessary !-o prohibit the use of the part of the carriageway reservedfor on-comingtraffic at ceftain intersections,or at placeswheie thb lange of vision is restricted (hill cr.est,bend in the r6ad, etc.) or on sections wherethe carriageway is narrowor hassomeother peculiarity,restrictions should be imposed,on sectionswhere the rangeof vision is lessthan minimum permissibleby meansof continuouslines. For other speedsthe valuesmay be calculatedby extra-polation. R A N G EO F V I S I O N Approach Speed 50 65" 80 100 Range Km/hr. 60 90 1 3 0160- '' " 120 meters. ', 190 260 " 320 " Wherethe distancebetweensuccessive no-passing zones is lessthan 1b0 metersthe appropriateno-passing markingshould connectthe zones. The nopassingmarkihgis also usedon two-way r6adwaysat pavementwidth transitions and orf approachesto obstructionswhich must be passedon the left. lt may also_beysed.o1 approaches'to railroadgradecrossin!and other locationswhere passing shouldbe prohibited. The indica-te a changein width of the availablecarriageway, which show obstaclesnecesitatinga deviationfrom the continuousline tdd inclinationof the linesshouldpreferablybe lessthan 1/50 on roadswherespeeds exceed50 Km/hr and less than 1l2O on roadswhere speedstlo not exceedb0 Km/hr. In addition,the obliquecontinuouslinesshould be preceded,in the directionto which they apply,by a continuousline parallelto the centreline of the roadwa.y, of the continuousline beingthe distancecoveredin one th-e.length secondat the drivingspeedadopted. 231 L A mntinuo;rsline on a normalroad sectionshallalwaysbe precedldby an approachline mnsistingof a broken line, for a distanceof at least50 meters, dependingon the normalspeedof the vehiclesusingthe roadwhetheror not the by traffic lanesare markedby brokenlines. The markingmay be supplemented oneor morearrowsshowingdriverswhich lanethey shouldtake. markingshall be parallelto and On a two-lanehighway,the no-passing' extendedalongthe centrelinethroughoutthe no-passing. On a three-lanehighwaywherevisibility is limited or wherethe no-passing marking is being moved from one dirction to the oppositedirection,the nozoneat thqleft handlane passingmarkingshallstart in advanceof .theno-passing line of the centre laneand shallextenddiagonallyacrossthe centrelaneto the zone,and henceextend right hand lane line at the beginningof the no-passing alongthe lanelineto the endof the zone. Traffic LaneMarkings: shall be markedby brokenlines,by conTaffic Lane Line (M4 and 1y1.5) tinuous linesor by other appropriatemeans.Traffic lanesshouldbe markedat pointswherewidth of the roadwayis reducedby.kerbsor islandsor wherethe two or morelanes. width is sufficientto accommodate OutsideEuilt-UpAreas; On two-way roadshavingtwo lanes,the centre , shouldindicatethe laneline whethermnsistingof broken line of the carriageway line. lineor continuous On three-laneroads,the lanesshould,as a generalrule, be indicatedby broken linesalongsectionswherevisibility is normal. ln specificcasesand in order to ensuregreatertraffic safety,continuouslinesor brokenlinesadjacent to continuouslinesmaybe used. havingmorethan three traffic lanes,the traffic lanesshall On carriageways be markedby brokenlinesand the two directionsof traffic shouldbe separated by one continuousline or by two continuouslines,exceptin caseswherethe directionof traffic in the centrallanescanbe reversed. Within built+rp areas,the recommendations made for outsidebuilt-up areasare 3lso applicableto two-way streetsand to one-waystreetswith at least two traffic lanes. 232 ttz T II uJ4 I I + u Jz _L ur st- gtJF (7-N) 3NII 3NVI SIJJVUI TRAFFIC LANE LINE (M-s) -!F 10-r5cm itz 'uorlceJtp JaL{}ra u! uJn}lq6u aq16u11euJarulpAq pesn 'u.rnt aq Aeurauel oql o)eut ol ldacxa ranllp e Aq ; Dutleuano pue burssed Jo+pasnaq lou llpLlspue salclqenbululnl rq6;t 1o esn anlsnlcxolo1 e lo arluocoqt u! paruasar auele s! (tl-t l) eue-luJnl e^lsnlcx3uV Aernqbrq : euel urnl a^lsnlcxS 'sbur>qleur tueulaned 'Jeqloue euo ol luacefpe eql tuauelddnsol pasnaq ;geqssleubrsloTpuesu6rg sluau6espue sdebeql qllm aurl attqm elqnop ua)oJq leuJou e +o asn aqr Aq pa)reuroq fleqsaueloLll1oebpaqlea -:(tl-yy) s0ur>peut euel aMBJa^erro! : 6ur1re61 auel elqlsre^eH 'suorlerado Alsnotn orl+?J]anordurrol popualu!suorlecrldde JoJpeqlJcsap ;etcads -ald lou suorpulquocuieuacu1s6ur>1leul esnol Alessacau saulllauosst ll : seul'l ;eurpnl6uo'l raqlo { .'uollecoluantbe u lqbt.tJo Uol aplng urn] o] Moq sl6 rrp Moqso1 pasnale saull asaql -:Et-w) 6u1>1rc61 'Aervraberrec rj:#:::; eqluouorlcnrrsqo -sf ue reaupesnare sburl:eu aLlL-:(lt'W pue0l-W sbur>pe141 uon?nJtsg1 : s6ur>pey1; uortcnllsqg o"::fi ir%:3l'o::fi, rlreuraqlorrffiiLtfo"stiff'.:',1T,:t#rTffi ueIpaueq]u!s6u 'seull rnollaA laqnop aJaqmspuelsruerpau snonu[uoc tulo] o] posn aq lleqs onnl/6ur1reuluauened Aq paulol puelsluelpoul)oJ -:6-W) sau!1 uelpaw : seu!'l uelpen 'JnolocaltqMu1st 6ut>;letu luautaned 1oabp3 pue Jo+ spuelsl pallglrlold Jeqlo_ pue alaqr/\ seuoz rvrol;aA s1 are .rnoloJ 'o 6urpeol'do1ssnq'luelpAqe.rr11o or iaqceo.rdde'seuoz saodoC ecuelealc'sJauroo aq1 Allurc4 aq] u! pasnere uorlrqlqo.rd6urddotspue butlled lol 6ut>1leul 6ur1ie4butddolgop '!!! : 8-t,l /-tA: 9-N: 6ur1le6op 6ut1.re61 'll '! 6ur1.rey1 luauta^ed 1oabp3 'AcuabJatua ue seesnuroll aul;abpa : Dutrvrolgorr aq] alectputsaurla6peaq1 peoJ aul uo aqt puoAaqeale aql lclJlsal ol lslxe suorlcnJFqoeJaqmlo Aer'a abpaaq1 'speor]_osesselc pa^ olle ou aJeqrnldacxaallllm aq lleqssau11 aq ;leqssautlabp3 ueqln lle uo peplno.rd raqlo uo pasnaq AetupuesAervrqbrq ' Jo+ualoJq eq panulluoc sautl a6p3 'lueq pue qbnoJLll aq plnoqs plnoqs suollcasralur ]ou lou -enediuaiefpe ueqt qlOuallslelnlcruls ra$al lo sealeabnlal Jo $aplnoqs pened s! uotleeutl?pa6peeJeqmpasnaq Aetuos;eAaql uo 6urnupicnpal ot'egqe.rrsep 'suoltipucrc pue .reqlearvr esJepe 6uunp sJerJp1o acueplnbeql Jol acue A11pq;s4 -ralerlpnst^e se enle^anblune a^eq (8-ruof 9-W)soullJewa6p3lueule^ed : 6ur>;rc6a6p3lueutane6 { gEZ ;f urgt-01 *l F (s hl) 9NIXUVN 3903 Ltz rrrrsr-0tJF ([-ht] 9N IXUVd ON qEZ I n t In I I nF-- u r rg l - 0 1 *tl-- urr8t-0t (8-l^l) CNIddOIS ON MEDIAN LINES ( M-s ) 10-l5 cm _{t _ Jf.- l0-18 cm MARKING OBSTRUCTION (M t0) Minimum d i stance between edges of Marking and o bst ruct i on shou I d be 30 c.m. -*fF l0- l5 cm 240 OBSTRUCTIONMARKING (u 30cm --{ l-- -"1f'- 1 0- l 5 c m 11 ) GUIDE MARKINGS (M -12 1 f REVERSIBLE LANE ( M -i MARKINGS t3 ) - q FlO - t5 cm F l o - 1 8c m EXCLUSIVE TURN LANE at IM t t4 t 244 Transverce Markings: Transverse Markingsincludepavernnt transitionrnarking,stop lines,cross walk lines,and parkingspacemarkings. Thesemarkingsshai'l'bewtrite6xcept for Box Junctionfor which colourshallbe yellow. Because of the low approachangleat which pavementmarkingsareviewed, it is necessary that all transverse linesbe wider than the longitudinallines,to avoid apparentdistortion where longitudinaland transverselines combine in symbolsor lettering linesareof the followingtype : Transverse (a) Stop Line M-15 {b) Give-wayline M-i6 (c) Cross-walks : (i) With Transverse Lines M-17 (iil With Longitudinal Lines M-18 (iii) With DiagcnalLines M-19 (d) Pavement ReductionMarkings M-20 (e) CyclistsCrossing M-21 (f) M -22 Box JunctionMarking (g) OtherTransverse Markings (i) Arrow Markings M-23 (ii) SymbolMarkings, (iii) StopSignMarkings M-24 (iv) GivewaySignMarkings M-25 (v) Word Markirgs M-26 Stop Line : Stop Line (M-15)shouldbe usedin both rural and urbanareaswhereit is intportantto indicatethe point, behind which vehiclesare requiredto stop, in compliancewith a stop sign,traffic signal,officer'sdirection,or other legai requirement. . The minumumwidth of a stop lineshallbe2o cm andthe maximum60 cm. A width of 30 cm is recommended. gnz urtrEl- 0t --1t l l*- ur.'09- 0zl- T (sr-N) 3Nn dors fiz 'uorttq!qord 6ur 1re6 Aq paptnordaq Allllqls!^ alenbapepue pallelsuraq plnoqs suorsoJr'ur'iin'irfroior""qi Aq petcadxaun A;;elaua6ale sburssolcueulsapad leuotlca$alut-uou aculs 'su6ts u++erl s;eubgs r.ttor+Aellnesuotlmol }e pallelsut ale Aaq] alo+aq paltnbal aq plnoqs Apnr 6u! 'Alaleurruucstpur -reautbua pasnaq lou plnoLlss6ur>;leu)lemssoJ3 In+elecy ')leMssolcaql qstlqelse s6urlreu A1;eba; 'ssoJc asaql'suotlecol leuorlcasJalu!-uou ol aceld lado.rd oq] azruBocal'asrnn ]V 'spue;sr -laLllolou plnoqs sueulsapadaJaqmJo pue'6ursso.riueupapad lcolq ptuJ 'uo1]eJluacuoc 6urpeol1e se qcns uelllsapad ;o slurod eleudoldde JeLllo le papr^od aq osle.plnoqs s)leMssoJcpalleN -:\pl^ssoJJ puollcasJatul-uoN 'lurod 6ursso.rcueupapad e +o lsrJolot! aql ulerlt pue sqled rado.rdsq] ut suer4sapadaplnb o1 Alueurr.rderues'ubrs dols lo leubls e Aq peglo.rluoolou Jo Jaqlaq6 'suotlca$alu1le sburlleu 1lem ssol3 'sluouJ -anourueulsepad pue alolqa^ uaaMlaq ]gliluoc lellue$qns s! ajoq] aJall^ suollcas ralu! fle ls pa)Jpuj aq plnoqs s)leMssoJc -:suolpaslatul te 4prL ssoJc 'suotlcasJelutoqt ueql Jaqlo saceld le Jo suotlcosjalut ]e qloq paprnold ale s6ur1reru >llpM ssoJc aql : (6!-n ol zL-l l) s6u;4re6;Ilern ssolc 'ubtg Aenn-a^rg aql q]!Mautl ur paceldaq A; plnoqs]! 'u6!5 Aervr-anr9 e q]l/vl uollcUn[uoc ul pasn st outl Aenn-anrge ,r; 'saur;do]s oq] sp uol]lsod aues aq] ur paceldare Aeql 'ubrsAenn-anlge ]e lo ]noQV punou e lp pesn Aluouturm 'alcrqa^ aql lo aprs tq6r.r aq] uloJl bulqceoldde cl]leJl lsour aJe saurl esaql aql ;o Aenn-1o-ry61J aLl] almlput o] luellodurr sr ]! aJaqm-seaJeueq/R pue leJnJ ur qloq uo!]coslalurue 6urqceolddeluauraned aq] Jo auel aql ssoJce6urpuelxa aprm rlc 0g o1 ruc OZ Alleur.rou'saull pallop are (g!-U\l) saut'l Aem-dnrg : saufl Ae6-a.a;9 'lulod 6utddols pellsap aLll ]e pace;doq plnoqs au!l dOIS oq] 'dols o] palcadxe oJe selctqa alaqrvrAl1ce -xa palecol aq ]ouuec u6rsaql;r 'tananno;1'u6rsdols aql ql!/vl outl ul pace;d eq Alueurp.roplnoLlslg 'u61sdols e qllm uotlcunfuoc ur pasn st eurl dols e 1; 'cltler] ueulsapadpue lelnctqanraqlo lo slueulallnbaiaq] qllM ]uolsts -uoo uorpas.talutaq] ]o suue Jaqlo aq] uo cU+BJlaq} +o rraalnalqlssodUaleep aqt ser1aurl eq] pulqaq Alalerpeuur sdols oq^ JaArJpe leql uorlrsod e t{cns ul peceldaq plnoqsaurldou oq]'NglS dOIS e q]ltvruorlcunluocu! pasnuaq6 'ABna -peol oupnesJalureqllo abpa lsajeeu aq] u,roJ+$eleuj O'l ueql ssalJo sjalaur 0! ueq] arour aspcou ur 'lurod burddolspeJrsapeql le paceldaq plnoqs aurl dols aq] 'lgervrssorc palleur e ,toacuosqeeq] ul 'aurl llemssorc ]saJeeueql 01 lagleredpue lo acuenpeur uc 971 paceldaq AlueurproplnoLls'pssnaJeqm'saur1dolg vnz a ( 9t - l^l) 3Nl1 AV/Y\SA|O LINES WALK WITH TRANSVERSE CROSS (M-17) a T 2m {,r"' t {'u.,- 249 CROSSWALK WITH LONGITUDINAL LINES (M -18 ) lScm -'l3 0c mF-- n F- T l. 2m I 250 WALK WITH DIAGONALLINES CROSS t M -19 ) I --l F 3 0c m -{ l* lScm The spacebetweenthe stripesmarkinga pedestriancrossingshouldbe at leastequalto the width of the stripesand not morethan twicethat width andthe width of a spaceand a stripe togethershouldbe'between1.0-1.4 meter. The minimumwidth recommended for pedestrian crossings is 2.5 meterson roadson whichthe speedlimit is 60 km/hr.and4 meteron roadsinwhichthe speedlimit is higheror thereis no speedlimit. The CrossWalksareof the followingtypes: (i) Crosswalk with Transverse Lines : M - 17 (ii) Crosswalk with Longitudinal Lines : M - lB (iii) Crosswalk with DiagonalLines :M-19 A briefdescriptionof thesemarkingsis asfollows: Crosswalkwith TransverseLines(M-\7):- Theselines shall be solid white lines,markingthe edgesof the croswalk. They shall not be lessthan 15 cm wide and shall not be spacedat,lessthan 2 meters,-Under.specialcir.cumstances whereno advancestop line is providedor wherevehiculartraffic speedexceeds 50 Km per hour, or wherethe crosswalksareunexpected, it may be desirable to increasethe width of the linesto 50 cm. The lineson both sidesofthe crosswalk shouldexterdthe full width of the pavement. Croswalk with tongitudinal lines(M-lg/;- This type cf markingis intended for use at locationswhere substantialnumbersof pedestrians crosswithout any other traffic controldevice,at locationswherephysicalconditionsare suchthai addedvisibility of the crosswalkis desiredor at placeswherea pedestriancrosiwalk might not be expected. The areaof the crosswalkmay be markedwith white longitudinallinesat a 90o angleto the line of the crosswalk.Theselines shouldbe approximately40 cm to 60 cm wide and spacedg0 cm to 120 cm ap?|t. Whenlongitudinallihesare usedto marka crosswalk,the transverse crosswalk linesmay be omitted. Careshouldbe takento ensurethatcrosswalkswith longitudinallinesusedat some locationsdo,not weakenor detractfrom other (wherespecialemphasismarkiirgsare not 'used).'When an exclusive crosswalks pedestrian phasesignal,which permitsdiagonalcrossing,is installedat an intersection,a uniquemarkingmay be usedfor the croswalk. Crosswalkwith Diagonal lines(M-lg):- Theseshall be solid lines, marking both edgesof the croswalk. They shall be not lessthan 40 cm in width anj shouldnot be spacedles than 80 cm apart. Theselinesare usuallyusedfor diagonal crossing. Pavement ReductionMarking: The PavementReductionMarking(M-zOlis usedto guidetraffic at points wherethe pavement width changes to a lessernumberof throughlanes.A number of situationsare possible, dependingon which lanemustbe offsetor terminated" 252 PAVEMENTREDUCTIONMARKING (u -2A ) 253 - centreand lane and the remaining Oneor morelanelinesmustbe discontinued, linesmust be connectedin sucha way asto mergetraffic into the reducednumrnarkingsshallbe usedto prohibit passingin the direcber of lanes. No-passing linesshould through-outthe transitionarea. Converging tion of the convergency, havea lengthof not lessthan that determinedby the formula: L - SxW where L - Lengthin meters S = the off-peak85 percentilespeedin kilometersper hour,and W = the offsetdistancein meters. the On new construction,where no 85 percentilespeedis established, designmay be used. Pavernent markingsat pavernent-widthtransitionssupplementthe standard signs. The pavementmarkingsfor laneclosureshallbe white soliddiagonallines at 45 degreesto the directionof traffic. Theselinesshouldbe approximately 30 cm to 60 Cm wide and spaced30 cm to 60 cm apart. The lengthof the lane reductiontransitionlines should not be lessthan 2 meters. The linesshould extendacrossthe full width of the lanewhich is in transition CyclistCrosings(M-21): should be indicatedby two broken lines. The broken Cyclist crossings linesshould preferablybe made up of squares of 40-60 cm. The distancebetweenthe squares shouldbe 40-60 cm (16-24in ). Thewidth of the crossings shouldbe not lessthan 2.0 meters. Studsand buttonsarenot recommended. BoxJunctionMarking: A Box Junction Marking(M-221:- indicatesa restrictionof the traffic enteringa junction unlessthe crossingis clearfrom all traffic obstructionsor unlesi a motorist is surethat his entrancein the junction would not causeobstructionsin the traffic. Box JunctionLinesare yellow solid linesin the form of a squarein the centreof the junctionand diagonallines(odd in numbers)crossing eachother at 90o,yThesizeof the centralyellow squareshallbe variableaccordingto the size of the junction. The width of the yellow solid linesshallbe 30 cm to 60 cm. Markings: Other Transverse A numberof other transverse markingsare alsousedto help the roadusers to proceedwith speedand safetyasdetailedbelow: Arrow Markings(M-23):- On roadshavingsufficienttraffic lanesto separate an intersection,the laneswhich traffic shouldusemay be vehiclesapproaching indicatedby arrow markingson the surfaceof the carriageway, Arrowsmay also be usedon a one-wayroadto confirmthe directionof traffic. The arrowsshould nst be lessthan 2 meterrinlength. 254 CYCLIST CROSSING (M 211 a_ W h i t e sq u o re s o f 4 0 - 60 cm wit h 40- 60cm s po ce . T*o, tess thqn m. -.,.1-t.a F,o 255 [--'- BOX JUNCTIONMARKING ( M - 221 256 ARROW MARKINGS ( M - 23 ) 5 0c m H T It I a I I I 4m I I I I I I l_ -*l F 30cm T + lm 1$nl ?5c I I I I 4m H 3 0cm . '9ymbol Maqkings(M-24 and M-25)t- /n some casesit may be necessaryto indicatea stop_signor Give-waycondition in advance of the approaching i'rtersection. For such.situationsa stop sign or a give-waysiEnmark may be placed" on_the pavement2 metersto 25 metersadvanceof the-stopline or give way line.The size of stop sign or give-waysignshould be proportionateriith the width of the laneor the pavement" . wo.rd.Markilgl M-26):- on the carriagewaymay be usedfor the purpose of regulatingtraffic or warningor guidingioad users. The word used'should preferablybe either placenames,highwaynumbersor words which aie easily (e.g.,,Stop,;,,,8us,,,,,Taxi,'). understandable internationally The letters'shotrld be considerablyelongatedin the direction of traffic movementbecauseof the small angle they are seenby approaching 'ul;i ir;i Itlurr. where approachspeedexceeds50 km/h, the letters sr,orito 2.5 metersin height. ObjectMarkings: when obstructions.wllftll _oqadjqcelt _tothe road_wayrequire ,markings, the.marker(M-271shallconsistof a siripedmarkerconsistingct'a venicaiiliangleapproximately30 cm to 90 cm in iize with alternatingb-lackinO r*Gcroiized white stripesslopingdownwardat an angleof 4so toward the sideof the obstructionin which_traffic is-to pass. The minlmumwidth of theverro* oi wh.itestripeshallbe 75 mm. A betterappearance can be achievedif til bHk stripesarewiderthan the whitestripes. For additionalemphasis a largesurfacesuchasa bridgepier may be painted with diagonalstripes,30cm or greaterin width, similarin-oesign.Wt"t.i. iig" is usedwith the diagonalstripes,the stripe 'themaikingsshouldbel discontinredio leavea 75 mm spacearoundthe outsideof sign. ". . AppropriateRegulatorysigns(R- 41.or l-4zl directingtraffic tooneor both sidesof the obstruction may-be used in lieu oi the objelt marrei. l;;_ dition to markings. on the face of an obss.uctionin trre-r6aowCt;;;;"i;;; gpproachto the obstruction shall be given by appropriatepavement,irRing ( M - 1 0o r M - 1 1 ) . Wherethe vertiqgtclearanceof an over.troad strtuctureis lessthan the maximum legal.height of. vehicle!v g0 cm, the clearancein first oe"i111.r point of a metershouldbe clearlymarkedon the structure. . objects not the. roadwaymay be so closeto the edgeof the road.that they needa marker. Theseincludednderpasspiers,bridgr iSrtr.nit. handrailsand culvertheadwalls.In somecases theremay not oe a p[,viicii;bi;; involved,but other roadsideconditionssuch as narrow strouider'J.p-;fli; gores,.sm.all_ islandsand abrupt.changesin roadwayalignmentmay make it undesirablefor a driver to leavethe roadway.The iniibe eote ot trre m'arteiir'aii be in linewith the inneredgeof the obstruction 258 - STOPSIGN SYMBOLMARKING ( u - Tt"l 2 m to 25 m . the stop t i { e s s th o n 2.5rn II I I II sYMBoLMARKTNG-oive wAY srGN (M-251 2m to25m Lgz (92-]^,1) 9NIXUVN OUO/v\ M- 26, Word Morkings t 262 / [. il M o r ki n g s M-tb M o r ki n g s Delineators: Road delineation markers are effective aids tor night driving and are consideredas guide markingsrather than warning devices. Delineatorsmay be usedon long continuoussectionsof highwayor through short stretcheswhere thereare changes in horizontalalignment,particularlywherethe alignmentmight be a confusion,or at -pavementwidth transitions. An important advantageof delineators,in certainareas,is that they remainvisiblewhen the roadwayis wet or snowcovered. Designof Delineators.'-Delineatorsshall consistof reflectorunits capable conditionsfrom a distanceof of clearlyreflectinglight undernormalatmospheric 300 meterswhen illuminatedb.ythe upperbeamof standardautomobilelights, shallhavea minimumdimensionof approxifor delineators Reflective elements units of appropriatesize may be usedin reflective 75 Elongated mately mm. placeof two reflectorsmountedasa unit. DetineatorApplications:- Delineatorsused on through two-lane,two-way roadwaysshall be singlewhite reflector units on the left side. Singlewhite reflector-units may -alsobe placedon the right side of t[e two-\ryay-roadways particularlyat sharpright-handcurves. On through roadwayssinglewhite delineatorsshall be placedon the left they shall.bewhite also. side. if usedon the right sidefor additionalguidance, useand where are providedfor official or emergency Wheremediancrossovers are to be marked,a doubleyellow delineatorshouldbe placed thesecrossovers on the left sideof the through roadwayon the far sideof the crossoverfor each roadway. Double or verticallyelongatedyellow delineatorsshall be spacedat 30 lanesand alongthe outsideor and deceleration metersintervalsalongacceleration ramp. On the curvedpart of the both sidesof tangentportionsof interchange shallbe placedon the outsideof the curve,with appropriate ramp,.thedelineators forth in table below : spacingasset D E L I N E A T O RS P A C I N G Radius of Curvein -meters Spacingon curvein meters Spacing in advanceand beyond Curve (ln meters) 1st 17 45 60 75 90 120 150 180 215 240 275 300 6 I 11 12 15 17 20 21 23 24 26 27 12 18 21 26 29 3r+ 38 43 46 50 53 56 2nd 20 27 34 3B 44 52 58 64 70 75 79 B4 3rd 38 55 66 76 88 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 direction,delineators shouldbe On curvedramps,wherethe curvesreverse usedon the outsideof eachcurveand shouldoverlapin the areaof the direction change. sideof any delineatorwhenever Reddelineatorsmay be usedon the reverse it would be viewedby a motoristtravellingin the wrong directionon that particularrampor roadway. Delineatorsof the appropriatecolour (white for through roadwaysand yellow for ramps)may be usedto indicatethe narrowingof the pavement where eitheran outsideor inside lane mergesinto an adjacentlane. The delineators shouldbe usedadjacentto the laneaffectedfor the full lengthof the convergency andshouldbe so placedand spacedto showthe width reduction. for the traffic movingin the directionof a wider Delineationis not necessary pavementor on the sideof the roadwaywherethe alignmentis not affectedby the convergency.On a highwaywith continuousdelineationon eitheror both sides,delineatorsshould be carriedthroughthe transitionand a closerspacing may be warranted. Delineationshall be optional on sectionof roadwaywhere fixed-source lightingis in operation. DelineatorPlacement:- Delineators,if usedshall be mounted on suitable supportsso that the top of the reflectingheadis about 1.00 r m&er abovethe near roadwayedge. They shall be placednot lessthan 60 cm to 2 metersoutside in the line of the guardrail. the outeredgeof the shoulder,or if appropriate, Delineators should be placedat a constantdistancefrom the edgeof the roadway exc€pt that, where a guardrailor other obstruction intrudes into the spacebetweenthe pavementedgeandthe extensionof the line with or,insidethe inner'mostedgeof the obstruction. Normally,delineatorsshould be spaced50 to 160 meters. When normal falling uniform spacingis interruptedby driveways, crossroads,etc. delineators within such areasmay be movedin either direction,a distancenot exceeding one qudrter of the' normal spacing. Delineators still falling within such areas shouldbe eliminated. and throughouthorizontalcurves Spacingshouldbe adjustedon approaches arealwaysvisibleto the driver. delineators sothat several 266 C H A P T E RV I I SIGNALS Traffic signals include traffice control signals,beacons,lane-usecontrol signals.drawbridge signals,emergencytraffic control signalsand train approach signals. Basisof Installation: ln most casesthe installationof a highwaytraffic control signalwill operate either to the advantageor disadvantageof the vehiclesand personscontrolled. A careful analysisof traffic operations and other factors at a large number of signalizedand unsignalizedintersections,coupled with the judgement of experienced engineers,have provided a seriesof warrantsthatdefine the minimum conditions under which signal installationsmay be justified. Consequently,the selection and use of this control device should be precededby a thorough engineeringstudy of roadwayand traffic conditions. Engineeringstudiesshould be made of opeqting slgnalqtq deleqmineif the type of installation and timing programme meet the current requirementsof traffic. Traffic Control Signals: There are two types of traffic control signalsi.e. Pre-timedand TrafficActuated. ; The features of traffic control signals in which vehicle operators and pedestriansare interestedrare the location, design,indications,and legalsignificanceof the signals. Theseare identicalfor all typesof traffic control signals. Uniformity in the design features that affect the traffic to be controlled (as set forth in this Manual) is especiallyimportant for safe and efficient traffic operations. Area of Control : A traffic control signalshall control traffic only at the intersectionor midblock.locationwherethe installationis placed. of Traffic Control Signals: Advantagesand Disadvantages Io Traffic control signalsare valuabledevicesfor the control of vehicle and pedestraintraffic. However,becausethey assignthe right-of-wayto the various traffic movements,traffic control signalsexert a profound influence on traffic f low. Traffic control signals,properly located and operated usually have one or more of the'following advantages: (i) They can providefor the orderly movementof traffic. (ii) Where proper physical layouts and control measuresare used,they the traffic handlingcapacityof the intersection. can increase 267 892 'uottoasjaluraql 6utsnA11ntrnne1 or]je:l raLllo ot pue )leMssorc]uoceJpeue u!qlrnn A;1n1ane1 sueupapad o] r{enn-rto-1qbr; aqt plarA lleqs ct+}er}relnctqanqcns 'alut} aulpsoq} }e uMoqs suotlectput;aqto Aq pautLurads! sp ]uaua^otu Jaqlo qsns Jo 'Mo;re qcns ,(q pale3tput luaua^oul aq] a)eul o1 Aluo uor1cosJalul aql Jalua AlsnorlnecAeu 'suorlectputJaqloue qltM uollputgutocu! lo auole umoqs 'MOUUV Nl jug e Burcerr'sueulsapad]decxe ct+JeJl (q) 'pal!q!qxa sr ;eu6rsqcns aulrl aql ]e')lemssoJc luacefpe ue lo uotlcoslalutaLll urr{}rMA11n1nne1 sueulsapado} pue 'salctqontaq}o o} Aenn-1o-lq6r.r aq+ plarAgleqs']+al Jo lqDr.r6uruln] salctqanaqf 'slueualout qcns loq]to sl!QlqordaceldqcnslB uOrse ssolun}+al Jo ]qbu uJnl Jo peaqp]q6tells peaco-rd Aeu 133UC UVInOUIC e 6ulce,rsueulsaped]dacxa 'c!+,teJl (e) aAPqlleqssuorlsJrpur : 6urueau6urnno1lo1aq] uaarg -:uaalj : sleubrsueupepad uo osoql ldaoxo 'suo1]ectput ol uanrbaq lleqssbutueau6urnnoglol aql leu6tsct;terl AerrrrqDrq : suorleclpul 1eu6rg;o 6utueayl 'acrnap '1enue141 loJluoc ct++el1pJepuelse se pazru6ocal]ou sr srr{}+o s}uauairnbaraq} lle Durlaau 1ou;eu6rs lol}uoc c4+el} olqe}lod V : s;eu6rglolluo3 ctllerl slqpyod A;luecrlrubrs aqueo(adlrpua-reor aq]AJlercedsa) l"r.nnrr; ?,13f,ii33 (^l) 's;eu6tsqcnsprone ot ldura]}e ue ur pacnpu! aq Aeu salnor alenbape ssal +o asn aq1 (rrr) 'pabe:nocue sr suorlectpurlqubrsaql ,toacualpaqostc(ll) rpasnecaq Aeu Aelap o^tssacxj fi) : suotlellelsur pat leu6ps -ueJJeMunro lado.rdurrutol+ uec sJolce+Durnno;1o; aq1 'pau!eluleul Al.rood Unsal 'peu6;sap-ll! )o 'palpJado A;:ado.rdul 'pace;d Alenrlce++eu1 sq uec 'suorUpuoc 'suotlellelsut Aervrpeorpue cr+ler] Aq paluel.renn qbnoqt uana ;eubrscrgell 'slstxo lueJJeMlenlce+aleurlrOalou aloqM suollecol+o JaquJnuebJel e l.e uorlellelsul llaql o] pol seq stql 'suotlcoslalur1e sura;qold c!++erllle o1 uo!]nlos aql eprnold sleubrsctlrrer] ]ell] anatlaqeldoad Aue61 'ssolcol 'suer;lsapad Jo Jelnc!qa^'cu+el] Jaqlo lturad ol slerualutlect++erlAneaqldnlralur o] pasn aq uec Aaql (^) 'alnoi uanrbe 6uo;e peeds alrur+epe ]p cr]+er] lo+ luauanoui snonutluoc Alleau lo snonutluoc lol aprnordo] paleurpJoocaq uec Aeq+'suorlrpuocalqejno^ejl' Japun (At) 'adAl a16ue-lqbr.r aqt A1;ercadsa'sluaplcce;o sadAl urelJocrro Auanbarlaql uei rtaqg 1rgr1 "cniar (c) Unless otherwise directed by an appropriate signal, pedestriansfacing any green indication, except when the sole green indication is a turn arrow, may proceed'acrossthe roadway within any marked or unmarked crosswalk. Yetlow:- steady yellow indicationsshall have the following meanings: ( a ) Traffic except pedestrians, facing a steady'CIRCULAR YELLOW OR YELLOWARROWsignalis therebywarnedthat the relatedgreen movementis beingterminatedor that a red indicationwill be exhibited immediatelythereafterwhen vehiculartraffic shallnot enterthe intersection. ( b ) P e d e s t r i a nf a s c i n g a s t e a d yC I R C U L A R Y E L L O W O R Y E L L O W signal,are ARROW Signal,unlessotherwisedirectedby a pedestrian thereby advisedthat there is insufficienttime to crossthe roadway shallthen start to beforea red indicatibnis shownand no pedestrian crossthe roadway. ( a ) Traffic, exceptpedestrians, facing a steadyCIRCULARRED signal alone shall stop at a clearly marked stop line, but if none,before or if none, on the nearsideof the intersection, enteringthe crosswalk then beforeenteringthe intersectionand shall remainstandinguntil an indicationto proceedis shown. ( b ) Whena signis in a placepermittinga turn, traffic, exceptpedestrians, facing a steadyCIRCULAR RED signalmay cautiouslyenter the intersectionto makb the turn indicatedby such sign after stopping as providedabove. Such vehiculartraffic shallyield the right-of-way to pedestrians lawafullywithin an adjacentcrosswalkand to other traffic, lawfullyusingthe intersection. facing ( c ) Unlessotherwisedirestedby a pedestriansignal,pedestrians a steadyCIRCULARRED signalaloneshallnot enterthe roadway. (b) Traffic, except pedestrians, facing a steadyRED ARROW indication may not enter the intersectionto makethe movementindicatedby such arrow, and unlessenteringthe intersectionto makesuchother movementas is permittedby other indicationsshownat the sametime, shallstop at a clearlymarkedstop line,but if none,beforeenteringthe or if none,then before crosswalkon the nearsideof the intersection, enteringthe intersectionand shall remainstandinguntil an indication to makethe movementindicatedby sucharrow is shown. facing (e) Unlessotherwisedirected'by a pedestriansignal,pedestrians a steadyREDARROWSIGNALindicationshallnot enterthe roadway. Flashingsignalindicationsshall have the following meanings: Flashing Red:- When a red lens is illuminated with rapid intermittent flashes, drivers of vehiclesshall stop at clearly marked stop line, but if none, before entering the crosswalkon the near side of the intersectionor if none, then at the point nearestthe intersectingroadway where the driver has a view of approachingtraffic on the intersectingroadway before entering the intersection, and the right to proceedshall be subjectto the rules applicableafter making a stop at a STOP sign. FtashingYellow:- Whena yellow lensis illuminatedwith rapid intermittent flashes,drivbrs of vehiclesmay proceedthrough the intersectionor passsuch signalonly with caution. Applicationof SignalIndications: Basicdisplaysused in signaloperationsare the steadyCIRCULAR RED, usedon eachof CIBCULARYELLOW AND CIRCULARGREENindications, the approaches.The applicationfor thesesignalindicationsshall be asfollows : circular Red:-A steadyclRcuLAR. RED indication: (a) Shallbe givenwhen it is intendedto prohibit traffic from enteringthe intersectionor other mntrolled area. (b) Should be displayedwith the appropriategreen arrow indications when it is intendedto perrnittraffic to make a specifiedturn or turns, and to prohibit traffic from proceedingstraight aheadthrough the @ntrolledarea. T.hedisplayis.optionalwhereit is physicallyimposible fsr-traffie ts go str,aightahead-asatthe headsf4 !'ff inteFsestisn. (c) Shall be given when it is intended to prohibit all traffic, except pedestriansdirectedby a pedestriansignal,from enteringthe intersbction or other controlledarea. CircularYellow:- A steadyCl RCULAR YE LLOW indication: (a) Shall be given following a CIRCULAR GREEN indicationin the samesignalface, (b) ls an optional alternativeto a yellow arrow indication following a greenarrow indicationin a separatesignalfaceusedexclusivelyto control a singledirectionalmovement. Circular Green:- A steadyCIRCULAR GREEN indicationshall be given only when it is intended to permit traffic to proceedin any direction which is lawful and practical. Arrow:- SteadyRED ARROW,YELLOWARROWAND GREENARROW indicationsmay be usedin lieu of the correspondingcircularindicationsat the followinglocations: (a) On an approachintersectinga one-waystreet. (b) Wherecertain movements areprohibited.' (c) Wherecertainmovements arephysicallyimposible (d) On an intersectionapproachwhich has an exclusivelanefor turning rnovements. 210 (e) Whereturning movementsare "protectd" from conflictingmovements by other indicationsor by the signalsequence. (f) Whereall the movementson the approachdo not beginor end at the same time and where the indication for the turning movementswill alsobe visibleto traffic with other allowablernovements. lf steadyarrow indicationsare used: {a) A steadyRED ARROW indicationshallbe used only in a sgparate signalfacewhichalsocontainssteadyYELLOW'ARROWAND GREEN AhROW indications. lt shall be used for controllingonly a single traffic movement. (b) A steady YELLOW ARROW indication shall be used following a GREENARROWindication(whichhasbeendisplayedsimultaneously in the samesignalface). with a CIRCULARREDindication (c) 'A steadyYELLOW ARROW indication may be used (in a separate when that face signal face) following a GREEN-ARBO!fl-indicatio-n, is usedexclusivlyto control a singledirectionalmovement. (d) A steadyYELLOW ARROW indicationmay be usedto indicatethe clearanceinterval following thc terminationof a GREEN ARROW indicatioh (when displayedsimultaneouslywith a continuingCIRCULARGREENindicationin thesamesignalface). (e) A streadyGREEN ARROW indicationshallbe usedonly when there crossing would be no conflict with other vehiclesor with pedestrians with the WALK indication. in conformance shallnot be simultaneously of signalindications The followingcombinations displayedon any one signalface, and shall not be simultaneouslydisplayedin different signalfaceson any one approachto an intersectionunlessthe signal faces are shielded,hooded, louvered,positionedor designedso that none of these prohibited combinationsof signalindicationsis.r:eadilyvisibleto drivers : (a) CIRCULAR YELLOW. G R E E Nw i t h C I R C U L A R ( b ) S t r a i g h t - t h r o uG gR h E E NA R R O Ww i t h C I R C U L A RR E D . ( c ) C I R C U L A RR E Dw i t h C I R C U L A RY E L L O W . (d) CIRCULAR RED. G R E E Nw i t h C I R C U L A R (e) CIRCULAR G R E E Nw i t h R E DA R R O W . Whena traffic control signalis put on flashingoperation,normallya yellow indicationshsuld be usedfor the major streetand a red indicationfor the other The followapproaches.Yellow indicationsshallnot be usedfor all approaches. areplacedin flashingoperation: signals shallapplywhenever ingapplications 271 (a) A CIRCULAR YELLOW indicationshall be flashedinsteadof any YELLOW ARROW indicationwhich may be includedin that signal face. ( b ) N o C I R C U L A RG R E E NO R G R E E NA R R O Wi n d i c a t i oonr f l a s h i n g yellow indicationshall be terminatedand immediatelyfollowedby a steadyred or flaShingred indicationwithout the displayof the steady yellow changeindication,however,transitionmay be madedirectly from a CIRCULAR G R E E NO R G R E E NA R R O Wi n d i c a t i o tno a yellow indication. flashing Numberof Lensespersignalface: Eachsignalface,exceptin pedestrian signals, shallhaveat leastthreelenses, but not more than five. The lensesshallbe red, yellow or greenin colour,and shallgive a circularor arrow type of indication. Allowableexceptionsto the aboveare : aeCtiongrbeht-iow leni ii uieit atonefo inuicitea ta) Wheiet ainglecontinuous movement. (b) As discussed underUnexpected ConflictsduringGreenInterval. (cl Whereone or more indicationsare repeatedfor reasonsof safety or impact. Sizeand Designof SignalLenses: The aspectof atl signallenses, exceptin pedestrian signals, shallbe circular. Thereshall be two sizesfor lenses, 20.00 cm. and 30.00 cm. nominaldiameter. 30.00cm. lenses normallyshouldbe used: (a) For intersectionswith 85 percentileapproachspeedsexceeding6b km/hr. (b) For intersections wheresignalizationmight be unexpected. (c) For specialproblemlocations,such as thosewith mnflicting or competingbackgroundlighting. (d) For intersections wheredriversmay view both traffic controland lanedirection-control signssimultaneously. (e) For all arrowindications. Arrows shall be pointed verticallyupward to indicatea straightthrough movement and in a horizontaldirectionto indicateaturnat approximately right angles. Whenthe angleof the turn is substantially different from a right angle, the arrow should be positionedon an upwardslopeat an angleapproximately equalto that of the turn. The arrowshallbe the only illuminatedpart of the lensvisible. 272 In no caseshall lettersor numbersbe displayedas part of a vehicularsignal indication. Normallyarrow lensshouldshow only one arrow direction. Arrangementof Lensesin Signal Faces: The lensesin a signalface shallbe arrangedi11a verticalline. In each signal face, red lense shall be located above the yellow and green tenses. A CIRCULAR YELLOW lens shall be locatedbetweenthe red lensor lenses and all other lenses. In vertically arrangedsignal faces, each YELLOW ARROW lens shall be locatedimmediatelyabovethe GREEN ARROW lensto which it applies. The relative positions of lenseswitnin the signal face shall be as follows : In a vertical signalface from top to bottom: UINLU LAN NtrL,. Left Turn RedArrow. Rightturn RedArrow. YELLOW, CIRCULAR StraightthroughYE LLOWAR ROW^ S t r a i g ht th r o u g hG R E E NA R R O W . CIRCULAR GREEN. Left turn YE LLOWARROW. L e f tt u r n G R E E NA R R O W . R i g h t u r n Y E L L O WA R R O W . R i g h t u r nG R E E NA R R O W . llluminationof Lenses: Each signal lens shall be illuminated independently. When a signal lens, except in a pedestriansignal, is illuminated and the view of such an indication is not otherwise physically obstructed, it shall be clearly visible {to drivers it controls)for a distanceof at least0.4 Km. under normalatmosphericconditions. 273 iLz qcee ,or'r#,o*",?t ueo]Lrceordde ;i'?";"X'J'l',i;l?",1;:fTil?t,i'ii'f'iiT"t"' 'saAJnc 'luatuece;dacel aq plnoqs leubrsur palaprsuoc 'pazr;eubrs aq ol uorlcas;olu!qcea +o leluozrJoqpue saperb lecrpan 6ulpn;cur Arlauoa0aql 'ace+leubrsaql lo uorlrsodlelalpl pue leutpnlr6uo;1ec1ua^ aq] pup 'u61sap salorqan'uo1]tsodaAarenup lecrdAlAq paururralapsp 'acel 1eu61s e preMol ']ueurubrsseAerrrr-rro lq6rs 1o sa;6ue lecruan pue leJolel are sluaulala lecrlrJC -lqbt.tltaqllo uotleotputolqe)els!uunpue JPolce uantbaq lleqs')lPmssolc lcolq -plt.t.t e se qcns'eale pazrleubtsraqlo Jo uollcas;alu! pazrleu6rse Dutqceordde uanuO 'Alrlrqrsrn aq lleqslueulaceldace; ;euDrs ul uorleraplsuocA;eurtd aq1 : socpJ leuDrglo uorlsJo'I pue rsqunN 'palcarp-srur aq o] JaArJp /peaqe snoouellnultsuaqm aql asnec plnoo suorlecrpur 1eu61sqloq ,ro Oulnnern laqunl suotlmtpur;eqlo 6uraesalolaq suotlec!pu!J!oq] aas lou saop lo^lJp aql ]eq] qcns sacel leubts lercads]o asn oq] apnloard tou saop 6uro6ero+aql 'sleubts6urOurnns-ear+ uo pasnaq ]ou ;leqsqr6ua1ururc ggg 6urpaacxasrost^lauurnf ']uouranousrq 6ur;1o.rluoc uollecrpuraql Aluo aas uec ranalp 6urqceolddeue leql os sueotrlJoqlo Jo'sJannol 'sroslnAq paplarqsaq'alqeupeld 1ua1xaaq] o+'llpqs uorl"ecrpur qcea'sasecasaql ul 1eu6rs 'suorlec!pu!J!aq] uaal laq albue ;1eus Alanrleledtuoce q1!M seqceoldde]aarls; s;eubrs6urceld saleltssocauAlluanbarl u6tsap ]eells rc1nbar; 's;eubtsburlecolpue Ourlcartpur paJaprsuoc aq plnoqssuo!]cnllsqopue 'sanJnc lsaper6 ,to acuangur al1+ :paads qeeoldde abelaRe-ue uro.t;dots e o1 alcrqonaq] burbuuq allqm paranoclpql se llam se leu6ts eql o1 Burlceet sllqrs paranoc]eql opnlcul plnoqs acuelsrpsrrll '6utddots altqM pasranel]acuelsrp aql o1 ;enbaautl dols ogl trloJ+acuelslple pa]ecol ranrJp6utqceolddeue ro1 ssau 'lelouab u; alrlca+,tor.rtnurxeuraneqo] paure aq plnoqssace;;eubtsJelnctqan 'luoua^our e slolluoc 's;eu6rS peaqranoAenn-onn1 acel ;eubrsauo uaqm pue )ceq-o}-)ceq pue Aeanauo uo pasnaq plnoqs A1;eu;ousaleld-Iceg 'sual aql 6urjalua 1q611 1eu;alxauol+ 6ur1;nsar uotl e.re16 aqt acnpar o] se llam sp'l+jeJ] 6utqceorddeo] Alleot+tcads -elpur pasn plnoqs pre aq srostn ol aq+ Durlcerrp ur sacerr uo leu6rs ;eu01slle 'papualurare Aaql LlclqMlo' cr++ell6urqceolddeaql o1ssauantlca++a urnurxeur+o aq lp^Asuorlmtputs]!1eq1palsntpeos aq lleqsacel leu6rsqce3 : secel 1eu6rg1o Durpgetqg '^^olla1 'uc aql ]o acue O0'0t 6urqse1l -rlprqaq] acnpalo] pasnaq plnoqsaunap 6utruurrpcrleu'tolneue 'are;6anlssacxa 6utqselrr aq] pue uorle;adoau!l-lq6!u asneco] se ]Ll6Uqos sr uotleorpurnno;1aA 'uc ;ol6urqse;1uo pecelda;e sdurelllenn69l q]lrvtsleubtssual 00'0t uaqM A minimum of two signalfacesfor through-trafficshall be providedand shouldbe mntinuouslyvisiblefrom a point at leastthe followingdistancesin advanceof and to the stop line, unlessphysicalobstructionof their visibility exists 85 percentile Speed 30 40 50 55 65 70 80 90 100 I o M i n i m u mV i s i b i l i t y Distance(meters) km/hr. 30 53 75 100 120 145 170 190 215 Where-physicalconditions preventdr-Lvers from havinga eontinuousview of at'leasttwo signalindications asspecifiedherein,a suitablisignshallbe erected to warn approaching traffic. lt may be supplemented by a Hazardldentification Beacon. A beaconutilized in this manner may be interconnectedwith the traffic signalcontrolierin such a manneras to flash yeiiow during the period when driverspassing this beacon,at the legalspeedfor this readway,may encountera red indicationuponarrivalat the signalized location. permissible for the control of an exclusive turn lane,such " A. signalface is a si-gnalfa-c.e shall be in addition to the minimum of two signalfacesfor thi-ough traffic. When the indicationsof a separatesignalface oifaces controllingin, exclusiveturn lanewill also.bevisibleto traffic with otherallowablemovemdnts. Exceptwherethe width of the intersectingstreetor other conditionsmake it physicallyimpracticql, .gt leastone and pr6ferablyboth of the signaiia;i requiredby paragraph shallbe locatednot bd lessthan 12 metersnor irorethan 35 metersbeyondthe stop line. Wlrer.gthe botfr of the signalfacesrequireUare post-mounted, they shallboth be on the far Sideof the intersection, one on the rightand oneon the left or on the medianislandif practical. Exceptwherethe width of the intersecting streetor other conditionsmake it physicallyimpractical,at leastone and preferablyboth of th6 signalfaces. shall be locatedbetweentwo linesintersecting with the centreof the-approach, lanesat the stop line, one makingan angleof approximately20 degreei'tothe right of the centreof the approachextended,and the other makingan angleof approximately20 degreesto the left of the centreof the approachexte;ded. Nearsidesignals shouldbe locatedasnearaspracticable to the stop line. wherea signal face controls a specific lane or lanesof approach,its transverse position should be unmistakablyin line with the pairr of that movement. 275 Required signal faces for any approach shall be not less than 2 meters apart measuredhorizontally betweencentresof faces. When the nearestsignal face is more than 35 metersbeyond the stop line, a supplementalnearsidesignalindicationshallbe provided. A signal face mounted on a span wire or mast arm should be located as nearas practicableto the line of the driver'snormal view. Supplemental signal faces should be used when an engineeringstudy has shown that they are neededto achieveboth advanceand immediateintersection visibility. When used, they should be located to provide optimum visibility for the movementto be controlled. The following limitations apply : (a) Left turn arrowsshall not be used in near-rightfaces. (b) Right turn arrowsshallnot be usedin far-leftfaces. A far-sidemedian mount signalshall be consideredas a far-rightsignalfor this application. At f;i-aide miO5ocf croiswalk,if,ere itrould be at leastone signalface over the travelled roadway for each approach. ln other respects,a traffic control signalat a mid-blocklocationshallmeet the requirements set forth herein. Supplementerypedestriansignalshall be usedwhere warranted. Height of Signal Faces: The bottom of the housing of a signal face, not mounted over a roadway, shall not be lessthan 2.50 meters nor more than 4.50 meters above the sidewalk or, if none abovethe pavementgradeat the centre of the highway. The bottom of the housingof a signal face suspendedover a roadway shall not be less than 4.50 meters nor more than 5.75 meters above the pavement gradeat the centre of the roadway., Within the above limits optimum visibility and adequateclearanceshould be the guiding consider:ations in deciding signal height. Tradeson approaching streets may be important factors, and should be consideredin determiningthe most appropriateheight. TransverseLocation of Traffic Signal : ln the placement of signal supports, primary consider6tionshall be given to ensuringthe proper visibility of signalfaces. Howeverin the interestof safety, signalsupports and controller cabinetsshould be placedas far as practicablefrom the edgeof the travelledway without adverselyaffecting signalvisibility. Supports for post-mountedsignal heads at the side of a street with kerbs shall have a horizontal clearanceof not lessthan 0.6 metersfrom the face of a vertical kerb. Where there is no kerb, supports for post-mounted5ignalheads shall have a horizontal clearanceof not lessthan 0.6 meter from the edge of a shoulder,within the limits of normal verticalclearance.A signalsupportshould not obstruct a crosswalk. 216 LLZ 'slcrlluocolcrqa^-slcrqa^ ol ss llaMseslcrl+uoc uerJlsopod salclqe^ol sa!ldde 'Jo u6rse Aq ueru6 6uroDalo; aq1 'uorlpsqpur leubrsoleudorddBup +o asnaql Aq elqlssod aq Aeu Dururenn slslxalcll+uocpalcadxeun +o suorlrpuocqcnsuoqM '+oaJaql peurenn A;an -llcajloarplcrlluoc palcadxaun sueupapadpue sra^tJo (!1!) aql oI palcelqns puellusutsnoul6u1lcr 11 -uoc aql oulurured Aq pecnpalA11eua1eu ale sAelapcl++pJlsnouas (!!) iprezeqfqO1gs Aluose^lou! luaula^ouraql (!) : ueqmldecxe 'gerualuluearbAue 6u;rnp peleclpu!eq plnoLlsol++sJlbutnou pelcadxeunue onlo ur Aeur teqt luaulanou oN 1o sAeanqled ;o bulssorc : : le rolul ueerg 6qrnq spllluog palcedxaup :luauro^or,rj cl++PJl aq] pup uotlpclput n OUUV OurlcrJluoc Aue o] uorleolpuluaarbe 1o 6u1r*oqs paplnoldaq lleqsleruetu!acupjeelcV eql uaa/vueq NllUg e +ouollpuluuat. 'paseolar s! cr++eJ] ssoJcaro+aq '1erualu!aouJealcpaJ reolc ol uorlcasJelu!aql llurJad ot uolle.rnp]uercl$ns 1o aq Aeu lerualu!a6ueqcalctqannnollaAaq1 Aem-11e uoqs e Aq pemo1lo1 spaeds qceordde.req6rqol eleudo.rdde ele slenJolulra6uo1aL{}Alletauag 'spuocesg e aneqplnoqsslenlelulabueqcalclLlan^ olla1 ol g Aleleurxordde1o abue.r 'tuautublsse ue 1o Aerut-1o-rq61J aq] u! a6eqc6ugpuedtul sql Apeauaql +o uotlcun+anlsnlcxa cl++eJ}uJe^ o1aq Ileqslelrolu! nnol;aA .SMOUHV N33U9 uaqmpasnaq plnoqssace;peuDts Aq pallo.rluoc are slueuanoul6urulnl ontsnlcxs eleredag 'Ng3Ug UVInCUIC ol C1SUUVI6CUIC ruorl a6ueqcaql Llllm uollcunfuoc u1paAeldstp aq uolleclpulMO-ll3A UVlnOUlS P lleLlsasecou ul 'le^ralur 11AOUUV NIiUg qoeara4e alqectlddeoraq^ pue lerualu!NSlUg y qcea pasnaq llpLlslprualuta6ueqcaplqe^ r'no11aA 6uttrlo;;o1 UVInCUIC : lerualulebueqgolclqen 'alqeclnerd 11e aLll,to aq plnoqs secuereolcpallnba.t le +! paprenbeq plnoqsro adAl Aervreleelq aleqM paulelqo eql qlr^ palecolaq louuec qc!q^,rl.roddnsAuy 'alqectlceld unutulur enoqeaLl} 'suelpeu uO aq plnoL{s l.roddnsleubrs.ro1sacuelealc 'lJoddns(Aenae-1earq-uou) ptbtl p ro1 eseqaloJcuooaql ol Aldde 'Luo slql Aue esop uorlelrulrl lou leql ldacxe'1u1od te lanalpunoJbeql anoqe O'01 ueql arqlt puolxo plnoqsl.roddnsleubtse Jo+aseqetralcuoce ;o ued o5 J- Coordinationof TrafficControlSignals: Traffic control signalsat 0.8 Km. of one anotheralong a majorrouteor in a net work of intersectingmajor routesshouldbe operatedin coordinbtion, preferablywith interconnected cohtrollers. However,coordinationneednot to be maintainedacrossboundariesbetweensignalsystemswhich operateon different time cycles. Coordinatedoperationnormally should includeboth pretimedsignalsandtraffic-actuated signals within the appropriatedistances. Flashing Operation: shall be providedwith an electricalflashing All traffic signalinstallations signal mechanism supplementary timer. A manualswitch or whereapto the propriate,automaticmeans,shallbe providedto actuatethe flashingmechanism. The signaltimer shall be removablewithout affectingthe flashingoperation. The mechanismshall operatein a mannersimilar to that of an Intersection ControlBeacon. The illuminatingelementin a flbshingsignalshallbe flashedcontinuously at a rate of not lessthan 50 nor-be morethan 60 timesper minute. The illuminating period of-aCh Tlasl ahdf nof lessthan ha;liand-noJmore than two-ihird of the total flashcycle. from flashingto stop-and-go operationshallbe madeat Adtomatlcchanges the beginningof the majorstreetgreeninterval;atthe beginningof the g_o-mmen major street green interval (i.e. when a green indication is both directionon the majorstreet). Automaticchanges from stop-and-go to flashing operationshall be niade at the end of the common major streetred interval, (i.e.a red indicationis shownin both directionson the majorstreet). The changefrom the flashingto stop-and{ooperation,or from stop-andgo to flashingoperationby manualswitchmay be madeat any time. Wherethere is no commonmajorstreetgreeninterval,the automaticchange from flashingto stop-and-go operationshall be madeat the beginningof the greenintervalfor the major traffic movementon the major street. lt may be necessary beto provide a short steadyall-redintervalfor the other approaches fore changingfrom flashingyellowor flashingred to greenon the majorapproach. Continuityof Operation: A traffic signalinstallation,exceptas providedbelow,shallbe operatedas a stop-andgodeviceor asa flashingdevice. ( a ) When a signalinstallationis not in operationsuchas prior to placing it in service,during seasonal to shutdown,or when it is not desirable operatethe signals,they shouldbe hoodedturned or takendown to clearlyindicatethat the signalis not in operation. ( b ) When a traffic singalinstallationis beingoperatedin the usual(stopandgo) mannerat leastone indicationin each signalface shall be illuminated 278 ] 6LZ 'bursso.rc aLlI1|.o sjalau 09 'sacuelsluncltc qlrnnsleubrscr,t+er1 aql 01 palrull aq plnoqs uorlcauuoJlatutaql 'urell e Aq palcolq st 6ursso-rc aq] aull aql 6uunp paacold lensnunrapun ldacx3 6urlcr;luoc-uou 01 cr++er]Aennq6lq ]rrurad o] alqeltsapaq AeuLsuollcaslalutpaz - r l e u b rlsu a c e l p ea L { }} o u o r } d L l a - a r d ' p a r r n b}ao;u a r p s l e u D r qs c e o l d d e - u t e }r e } q} utell ataqM sbulssolc]V lualxa aql o] paltLutlro pale;n6eiare sluaLuanoLu 'urel] e rLoacuaseldro qceolddeaq] ]o slslJolotxuleM o] sleubtsqceold -de-uter+leuorlua^Uoc+o narl ul pasnaq Aeu sleu6rslolluoc aljlel] '(uot1e:ado urerl olaqnnsaceldraqlo pue 6urqclrans ur se) Mols Aranale sluaLUaAoLU 'sactnapuotlcalold 6utsso-tc lanal peolllel ,to nat, )oerl lerJlsnput1e'ronannoll pasn peorlrer sleubts uo aq aurluretrr ur sbursso.rc ]ou 1;eqs lolluoc cl++ell ' aLl] +o srolaur 0g urll]tM sleu0tsct++el}aL{} o} pa}lLu!laq plnoqs uol}3auu03 'uotlelado ut a.le sleubts -talu! aql 'sacuelsulncltc lensn-un. lapun ldacxj qceo;dde-urel]aq] ]eql aul] aql 6uunp uotltpuoc paldua-ald aql uleluleuJpue qceoldde-utert aqt lo AelallolluoJ qstlqe$ao] Japrout rolduJo-aldaql pue sleuOts pasolce sattnbalaJnlea] uotldua-ald slql 'leubts aq] uoarvrlaq ]!nclc lectJ]oala ptone ol sutetl qceodde-urel]aq] pue leubrscr++ellaq] +o slcedse6u1r5111uoc paldute-ald plnoqs aq r.uor; qceotdde aqt uodn Jallorluoc lebutsct1;et1 ;o leubrs aql +o lolluoc aql'le6uls lorluoJ cl+]ell e Aq pallotluoc uollJaslalulue leau lo '6utsso;c Aq utq]rMst s;eubtsqceoldde-ute.rl la^al peol-lleJe uaqM : 6urssol3la^a-llpau sleubtgstllerl LaPeuJaq ',tantJp aql o} plnoqs seJl^ap6urult eleJncce+o asn er{l 6ulpnlcu! slcaqc lelnoel paAeidslps1 6u1u1r 6urpn1culurc$ed Gulleredo pa^ordde aLll leql alnsse oI 'Allelnbal patenle^+al pue pelepdn aq Plep Suueeurbuaeql leql -Aressoausr 1 lebueqc suratled pue c44qu c$}!f aqqs ';eu61se ro1 6utrurl pue 'luaurallnba.t aql aulrllalap ol pesn eq lleqs satptn$ 6utiseut0ua tuol+ ele6l c!+,ter]q1!M ]ustsrsuoc Jauueu e u! psle.tadoaq lleqs sleu6tsloJluoc gl#ell : rloll cl#eJl ol eleFl lsnu uotleradg leu6lg 'paqsel] arp uorlpllelsul ler6rs eql ur suotlsJlpu! ;eu6gs.reqto aql usqm paleul -uinlll Alsnonurluocaq Aeul 11'luanran'oulsnonulluoo e alectpu! ol euole pasn 'uotlcas-a16uls e uaq6 sr sual MOUUV Nl;1Ug peleuluinll! Alsnonutluoc 'slebutsc!$erl Acua6raure of Aldde lou op suotslnolda oqe aql "dols ol pargnbers! qclq^Auo qceoldde qcea partnbar sace+ orvrl.$eel lB u!\paqsell aq lleqs uolleclpul ]o 1eu6ts psl aql pue paddols lou s! et+leJl r.lclt{rnuo qceoldde qcea uo saoe} 1eu6rspa.rgnbeioml lseal le ul peqsplt aq llet{s uo!}Pc!pu! ano;;aAaql 'ac!^?p6u1qseg1 e se pelelado 6utaq s! uollellelsu! le6ulscllleJl e uaq6 (c) (}' 082 ,uo11sa6uocJoso|'!n|o^",',,,,'i.;T$J:]ffi"#ff*t?'ii'fj,.jlx'Ji*xj3 Aq uolrcellp c!1r+e:] 6urneqAq .ro 'A;;enueu lo qsel] uo Jaqlla 'ern;re,r pouad lenupul e 6uunp ;eubrsaql;o uorleladoaleuJa]lelo+ aplnoJd (e) rro : plnoqsAcuaOe aq] pua stql oI 'Jauueuja;qrsuod -sal e ut sacueueunddes1r pue aql 1o lle 'paqstlqelsa ;eu6rs +o acupualuteuaql lort aprnold plnoLlsAcuaoea;qtsuodsa.r aq1 A;.rea1c aq plnoLlsacueualuteusll .lo4A1;rqrsuodsar aql leubrs;o.r1uoo ot++eJ} Aue 1o uotlellelsulaql ol ropd : sleuFtslo ssueualulen 'paptoneaq ol alp sacuanbes Jo par-lle leubls6urqsel+ pabuolo.16"6urnotucrj+eJl dae) ol paubrseplauueu e ur pale.raOo'-eq plnoi.1s suotltpuoc Acuao;aula6uunp spaje palsabuoc ur 6ultreladosleubrsctJ.+eJl'asnec.raqtro Aue uoJ+ lo 'uo!]cun+leutlueuudrnbauo;1 'uo1trdula 'laalls -ald gter e Aq ssoJc aql uo olcrqan Acuablaure ue Aq uorlduua-e;d .rot.rd e uior+ sllnsol aJnlte+aq] Jaqlaqm uanrbaq o1 paubrsapaq lleqs uotlectput stql 'uo!]sasjsl_u! leq] le ;eu6rscr11el]aql ldua-eld o+ s;re1tuaulrdrnbaeql uaqM uotlcss -Jalu!ue 6urqceo.rdde alctqanAcueblaulaAue;o JaAtJpaq] ol uollectpul ue optn -o.td_olse os pollel.sutpue pau6rsapoq aie lleqssalotqa^AcuablaureAq paldrua-a.rd s;eubrslolluoc cl++el]qclqm ur suelsAg 'uotlecol paldula-e;daql le allqen Acua -6leua aqllo ot uiar6 uiori aoueqc le^pre aro+aq(par 6utqsel+ro) per o1 nnoglaA aq] 1! aceld e>;e1ol le^ralu! abueqc lerrrlou e lruuad o] alerado lleqs solctqo^ Acuebraua Aq pelduta-e;d a;e s;eu6rs lorluoc ct++el] Llc!qlvrur b'ru6rsAs : sleu6rg;o uogletedgAcueb.rau3 's)ceJ1eq1 6urssolc]uaulanou ctJlerl aLl]Alleullou 'aseqdpeleubrsap _ e o1 leu6rsaql ulnlal o] Atessacaus! l! Oursso.rc aql slealc utell aql uaqM 'eoJeuorloas;alut aql ol s>lcel]aql ,rodrqs :uoBeFr l€clsAqd aql uo- puadaplltm stq:I qsldtuoeee o1 sjeu6ls€gl lo uqleeol aq] pue Aeldsrpaq] lo ajnleu lcexa aqI 'aurl burlre/!\aq] aspojoutlilM stq] sasec auo^sut qbnoql uana slcel] aq] uo dols o] paltnbar lou ole salctqanleql os pauOtsapaq plnoqs s6ursso.rc lolol peorllel reau sleubrslolluoc ctjle;] 1o Dulurl pue 6urseqdponlonutsuter] ou-,lerrrJou aq] pue uotlecol aq] alqlspa+aJaqM 's)9er1aL{}Ja^o s}uaulo^ou] }!q!qojd sasec ut ssolc lnq's)oer] oql op leql sluaula^oulalotr.lan o] lou lleqs lle lru;ad poleradoaq Aeu ';eubrslolluoc ct]+ell aqt'aseqd 'acuetea;c)cel] aql laUV 's)cpl] aq] la^o luaula^oLuu;ano6qolqMs;eu6rs aql ur sosuolpa; ulc 00t ,to asn ol uanr6eq plnoqs uolleraptsuoo'uaa;6 ale s;eu6tslno-real3aq] lpq] auitl aql 6uunp uotlelaldlalut-sturplone 01 'Acualsls -uo3pue Ala+es lsojalut aql ut acuanbas +o ;eu6rsaq] ur pouasutaq lsnul le^Jalul abueqcnnollaAe'uorlelado urell Aq paldua-ardst uotlmtpur uaal6aL{}uaqM .ololaLll qceoldde Aue ro uotlcasjalu!aql saqoealu!er] aql oJo+aqsloerl aql jeal3 ol s o l c r q a n ; 11er u ; a d l p M q c t ^ A e l d s r p ; e u 6er sl c a ] + ao l u r 6 u r : q a o u o1 e l l e l l s' l t n c l r o qceorddeaq] s;alua]sJt+utell aql uaqM paletllul acuanbasuorldr-u3-a;( sq1 ( b ) Have properly skilled maintenanceavailable'without undue delay for all emergencycalls,includinglamp failures. ( c ) Provideproperlyskilledmaintenance for all components. ( d ) Maintain the appearanceof the installation in a manner consistent with the intention of this Manual,with particularemphasison painting and on cleaningof the optical system. ( e ) Serviceequipment and lamps as frequently as experienceprovesnecessary to preventundue failures. (f) Provideadequatestand-byequipmentto minimizethe interruptionof signaloperationdue to equipmentfailure. ( g ) Every controller should be kept in effective operation in strict accordancewith its predeterminedtiming schedule. (h) A careful check of the correctnessof time operation of the controller should be made freqLren+lyenough+o enzure itsoperating in aeeordanee with the plannedtiming schedule.Timing changes shouldbe made only by authorizedpersons.A written recordshouldbe madeof all timingchanges. (i) at leastasfrequenControllersshouldbe carefullycleanedandserviced and morefrequentlyif experience tly as specifiedby the manufacturer provesit necessary. Paintingof Signals: The insidesof visors(hoods)and the entire surfaceof louvers,and fine, and the front surfaceof backplates shall havea dull black finish to minimize light reflectionto the sideof the signals. VehicleDetectors: The placementof vehicle detectors in relationto the Stop Line is a very importantfactor in properoperationof Traffic ActuatedSignalsand shouldbe a factorin signaldesign. Wherethe total enteringtraffic on one streetis morethan twice that on the crossstreet,detectorson the crossstreetshouldbe placedcloserto the stop line than on the mainstreet. Additional "calling" detectorsmay be requiredon lowervolumestreetsto handletraffic enteringthe streetfrom drivewaysbetweenthe basicdetectorand the Stop Line. placementof detectorsshouldbe suchthat vehicles The transverse travelling away from the intersection do not register"false-calls".On narrowt\/o-way roadways this may requireuseof directionaldetectors. 7- Auxilliary Signs: Signalinstructionsignsused with traffic signalsshall be locatedadjacentto the signalface to which they apply. Stop signsshall not be usedin conjunction with any signaloperation,except when the indicationflashesred at all times or when a minor street or driveway is located within or adjacentto the controlled area,but does not warrant separatesignalcontrol dueto extremelylow potential for conflict. When used in conjunction with traffic signals,illuminated signsshall be designedand mounted in such a manner as to avoid glare and reflectionsthat seriouslydetract from the signal indications. The traffic control signalshall be given dominent position and brightnessto assureits target priority in the overalldisplay. Removalof ConfusingAdvertising Lights : The legal authority shall prohibit the display of any unauthorizedsign, of any official signal,marking,or devicewhich interfereswith the effectiveness traffic control device. Warrantsfor Signals: A comprehensiveinvestigationof traffic conditions and physical characteristicsof the location is required to determine the necessityfor a signal installation and to furnish necessarydata for the proper designand operation of a signalthat is found to be warranted. Such data desirablyshould include : (a) The number of vehiclesenteringthe intersectionin each hour from each approach during 16 consecutive hours of a representativeday. The 16 hours selectedshould contain the greatest percentageof the 24 hours traffic. (b) Vehicular volumes for each traffic movement from each approach, classifiedby vehicle tr/pe (heavy vehicles, light commercial vehicles cars) during each 15 minute period of the two hours in and passenger the morning and of the two hours in the afternoon during which total traffic enteringthe intersectionis greatest. (c) Pedestrianvolume counts on each crosswalkduring the sameperiods as the vehicularcounts in paragraph(b) above and also during hours volume. of highestpedestrian (d) The 8S-percentile speedof all vehicleson the uncontrolledapproaches to the location. (e) A site plan showing details of the physical layout, including such features as intersectionalgeometrics,channelization,grades,sightdistance restrictions,bus.stops and routings, parking conditons, pavement markings, street lighting, driveways, location of nearby rail level crossings,distance to nearestsignals,utility poles and fixtures, and adjacentland use. tf) A collision diagram showing accident experienceby type, location, direction of movement,severity,time of day, date and day of week for at leastone year. 282 I I of The following data are also desirablefor a more preciseunderstanding the operationof the intersectionand may be obtainedduring the periods.of highest volume: (i) Vehicle delaysin secondsdeterminedseparatelyfor eachapproach. (ii) The numberand distributionof gapsin vehiculartraffic on the major streetwhen minor streettraffic finds it possibleto usethe intersection safety. (iii) The 85-percentile at a point speedof vehicleson controlledapproaches nearto the intersectionbut unaffectedby the control. (iv) Pedestrain delay delaytime for at leasttwo 30 minutepeakpedestrian periodsof an average weekdayor like periodsof a Saturdayor a Sunday. intersectionis desirable.WidenAdequateroadwaycapacityat a signalized roadwaymay be warrantedto ing of both the main highwayand the intersecting of right-of-wayat intersections controlled reducethe delayscausedby assignment by *affi€ signals. Widening ef the intersecting-roadwayis often benefieialto operationon the main highwaybecauseit reducesthe signaltime that must traffic. In Urbanareas,the effect of wideningcan be be assigned to side-street is always achievedby eliminationof parkingat inter-sectional desirableto have at leasttwo lanesfor movingtraffic on eachapproachto a on the far sideof the signalized intersection.Additional.width may be necessary intersection, as well as the approachside,in order to cleartraffic throughthe intersectioneffectively. Beforean intersectionis widened,the additionalgreen time neededto pedestriansto crossthe widened streetsshould be checkedto ensurethat it will not exceedthe greentime savedthroughimprovedvehicular flow. Warrantsfor Traffic Signal: Traffic @ntrol signalsshouldnot be installedunlessone or more of the signalwarrantsin this Manualare met. Informationshould be obtainedby set forth meansof engineeringstudiesand comparedwith the requirements in the warrants. lf theserequirements arenot met,a traffic signalshouldneither be put into operationnor continuedin operation(if alreadyinstalled). Whena traffic control signalis indicatedas beingwarranted,it is presumed that the signaland all relatedtraffic control devicesand markingsare installed set forth in this Manual. lt is further presumed accordingto the standards that signalindicationsare properlyphased,that roadwaysare properlydesigned, that adjacenttraffic signalsare properlycoordinated,that there is adequatesupervisionof the operationand maintenance of the signalandall of its relateddevices and that the traffic signalcontrollerwill be selectedon the basisof engineering studyandjudgem6nt. An investigation of the needfor traffic signalcontrol shouldincludewhere of the factorscontainedin the followingwarrants: applicable, at leastan analysis W a r r a n t 1 - M i n i m u mv e h i c u l avro l u m e 283 Warrant2-lnterruption of continuoustraffic volume Warrant3-Minimum pedestrian Warrant4-School crossings Warrant5-Progressive movement Warrant6-Accident.experience Warrant7-Systernswarrant of warrants WarrantB-Combination Warrant1- Minimum VehicularVolume.- The minimumvehicularvolume traffic is warrant is intendedfor applicationwherethe volumeof intersecting of signal installation. The warrant is the principal reasonfor consideration satisfiedwh.en,for eachof any 8 hoursof an averageday, the traffic volumes given in the table below exist on the major streetand on the highervolume minorstreetapproachto the intersection : M I N I M U MV E H I C U L A R V O L U M E SF O RW A R R A N T1 No. of approachlenes Traffic Volume(Vehiclesperhour) Major Street (total of both approaches) Minor Street (onedirection only) Major Street Minor Street 1 1 500 150 2 or more 1 600 150 2 or more 2 or more 600 200 1 2 or more 500 200 These major-street and minor-street volumes are for the same 8 hours. During those 8 hours, the direction of higher volume on the minor street may be on one approach during some hours and on the opposite approachduring other hours. When the 85- percentile speed of major street traffic exceeds65 KPH or when the intersectionlies within the built-up-areaof an isolatedcommunity, the minimum vehicularvolume warrant is 70 percentof the requirementsabove to account for ihe differencesin the nature and operational characteristicsof traffic in urban and rural environments and smallermunicipalities. 284 o Warrant 2- (nterruptionof ContinueusTraffic:-. The interruption of ContinuousTraffic Warrantappliesto operatihgconditionswhere the iraffic volume on a maior street is so heavy that traffic bn a minor intersectingstreetsuffers exceFivedelay or hazardin enteringor crossingthe majorstreet.ihe warrantis satisfiedwhen,.for each of any 8 hoursof an averageday, the traffic volumes givenin the tablebelowexiston the majorstreetand on the'liigher-volume minorstreet approachto th9-_in!.ersection, and the signalinstallationwill not seriously disrupt progressive traffic flow. M I N I M U MV E H I C U L A R V O L U M E SF O RW A R R A N T2 No. of lanesfor eachapproach vehiclesperhour Majorstreet (total of both approaches) Minorstreet approach(one directiononly) Major street Minor street 1 1 750 75 2 or more 1 900 75 2 or more 2 or more 900 100 1 2 or more 750 100 fl,q major-streetand minor street volumesare for the same8 hours. During . those 8.hours.,the direction of higher volume on the minor street may be on onE approach during some hours and on the opposite approachduring other hours. . " when.the 85-percentile.speed.ofmajor-streettraffic exceeds65 KpH, or wh'en the intersection lies within the buiit-up area of an isolated community, the interruption of continuous traffic warrant is 70 percent of the requiremenii above. Warrant 3- Minimum Pedestrian Volume:- The minimum pedestrian Volume warrant is statisfied when, for each of any 8 hours of an averageday, the followingtraffic volumesexist : (a) On the major street 600 or more vehiclesper hour enter the intersection (total of both approaches),or where there is a raised median island 1.25 meters or more in width 1,000 or more vehictespei frour (total of both approaches)enter the intersectionon the maj6r street; and (b) During-the same 8 hours as in paragraph(a) there are 1b0 or more pedestrian per hour on the highesi volume crosswalk crossing the major street. when the B5-percentilespeed of major street traffic exceeds6 5 K P H o r when the intersectionlies within the built-up area of an isolatedcommunity, the minimum pedestrainvolume warrant is 70 percent of the requrrements above. A signalinstalledunder this warrant at an isolatedintersectionshouldbe of crossingthe main the traffic actuated type with push buttons for pesdestrians a signalsystem,it within intersection at signal is installed an lf a such street. should be equipped and operated with control deviceswhich provide proper coordination. locations(mid-block)provided Signalsmay be installedat non-intersection the requirementsof this warrant are met, and provided that the related crosscrosswalk.Kerb parking walk is not closerthan 45 metersto anotherestablished 7 meters beyond the of and should be prohibited for 30.0 meters in advance must conform to standards and installation coordination, crosswalk. Phasing set forth in this Manual. Speci'alattention should be given to the signal head placement ancl the signs and marking used at non-intersectionlocations to be suredriversare awareof this special-apolication. Warrant 4- School Crossing:- A traffic control signal may be warrantedat an establishedschool crossingwhen a traffic engineeringstudy of the frequency and adequacyof gaps in the vehicular traffic stream as related to the number and sizeof groupsof schoolchildrenat the schoolcrossingshowsthat the number of adequategaps in the traffic stream during the p-eriodwhen-the childre-nare usingthe crossingis lessthan the number of minutesin the sameperiod. When traffic control signalsare installedentirelyunderthis warrant : (ai Pedestrianindications shall be provided at ieast for each crosswalk establishedas a school crossing. (b) At an intersection,the signalnormally should be traffic-actuated.As a minimum it should be semi-trafficactuated,but full actuationwith detectorson all approaches.has may be desirable. Intersectioninstalla' tions that can be fitted into progressivesignal systemsmay have pretimed control. (c) At non-intersectioncrossing,the signalshould be pedestrian-actuated, parking and other obstructions to view should be prohibited for at least 30.0 meters in advanceof and 7 meters beyond the crosswalk, . and the installationshould include suitablestandardsignsand pavement markings. Specialpolice supervisionandlor enforcementshould be providedfor a lew non-intersectioninstallation, Warrant 5 - ProgressiveMovement:- Progressivemovement control sometraffic signalinstallationsat intersectionswhere they would not times necessitates otherwise be warranted, in order to maintain proper grouping of vehiclesand Movement warrant is effectiviely REGULAR group speed. The Progressive satisfiedwhen : (a) On a one-way street or a street which has pr€dominantlyuni-directional traffic the adjacent signalsare so far apart that they do not provide the necessarydegreeof vehicle platooning and speed control; or (b) On a two-way street, adjacentsignalsdo not provide the necessary degreeof platooningand speedcontrol and the proposedand adjacent signalsystem. signalscould constitutea progressive 286 The installationof a signalaccordingto this warrantshouldbe basedon the speedunlessan engineering 85-percentile study indicatesthat anotherspeedis moredesirable. The installationof a signa.laccordingto this warrantshouldnot be consideredwherethe resultantsignalspacingwould be lessthan 300 meters. Warrant }-Accident Experience.'- The Accident Experiencewarrant is satisfiedwhen : (a) Adequatetrial of lessrestrictiveremedieswith statisfactoryobservance . and eiiforcementllas failed to reduce the accidentfrequency ; and of typessusceptible {b) Fiveor more reportedaccidents, to correctionby traffic signalcontrol,haveoccurredwithin a 12 month period. (c) There existsa volumeof vehicularand pedestrian traffic not lessthan 80 percentof the requirements specifiedeitherin the minimumvehicular volume warrant,the interruptionof continuoustraffic warrant, pedestribn volumewarrant;and 911h1mi{T1m (d) The signal installationwill not seriouslydisrupt progressive traffic flow. Any traffic signalinstalledsolelyon the AccidentExperience warrantshould be semi'trafficactuated(with control deviceswhich providepropercoordination if installedat an intersection within a coordinatedsystem)and normallyshould be fully traffic actuatedif installedat an isolatedinteisection. Warrant 7- SystemsWarrant:- A traffic signalinstallationat some intersections,may be warranted to encourageconcentration and organizationof traffic flow networks. The systemswarrant is applicablewhenthe common intersectionof two or more major routes has a total existing,or immediately piojected,enteringvolumeof at least800 vehiclesduring the peak hour of a lypical weekday,or each of any five hoursor a Friday. A major route as used in the abovewarranthasone or moreof the following characterislics. (a) lt is part of the street or highwaysystemthat servesas the principal networkfor throughtraffic flow; (b) lt connectsareasof principaltraffic generation. (c) lt includesrural or sub-urbanhighwaysoutsideof, enteringor traversinga city; (d) lt hassurfacestreetwith motorwayrampterminals; -rO . (e) lt appearsas a major route on an offical plan suchas a majorstreet planin an urbanareatraffic andtransportation study. Warrant 8 - Combinationof Warrants:- In exceptionalcases,signals occasionallymay be justifiedwhereno signalwarrantis satisfiedbut wheretwo or more of warrants1,2 and 3 are satisfiedto the extent of 80 percentor more of the statedvalues. 287 882 'uorlecrpuraq] +o uotlcaltpaq] ul Aempeotoq] lalua ]ou 'poleulunllt AllpeaNuolleclpul OIU aq] lleqsueulsapade leql sueau (e) : smollo+sPale suotlectputleubts,suetlpepad,to 6utuearuaq1 -4, I suollecrpulueulspsd ;o 6utuea6; ']aaJlsaql6uuelua uo uo!l!q!r.lold.rort 0utralue C3U pue ]oalls suol}eclp pa}eululnll! qc!q/v\ ueu e a]lonol{las aq} sAlpCrpur }o}s!suo3 +o N3lU9 -ur asaql 'cr1+ellueulsaped 0ut11o.ttuoo ;o esodlnd antsnlcxaaql Jojt"papualul suorlpcrpurleubrsctge.rl ;o sedAl letcads ale suo!]ectput ;eubts ulellsapad : s;eu6;5uelllsapad liffJli"B .u* ',ruiiJ?j1?li# uotlerado aql,*ono]prnoLrs sura$ed qllAnuollounfuoc ur pollelsur pue paluerlem ale sleubtsuelllsapad uaq6 puesleubrs parplsu! eqreqssrolcalap (c) Bl,i "r,r$#5;t?iff;ffti::13 qclq/!\ slstxa luaulanout 6ur.rnpaur] 6utsson alenbapeaneq lou plnom ueulsapade ]nq paluelJemaslmJsqlolou ale sleuOtsuetrrepad uaqry1 (q) 'Ae1ap 'peqr;cse;dse paleradopue pollelsutaq lleqssJolcolapueu6epad anpun lnoq4m ssoJc ol Allunuoddo elenbapeugst oJaql pue slstxo }nq uot}ellPlsutleubts pa}en}cP luauenour uegrpapedleuorseccoaJaL{iA -cU+eJ]e qlr^ uotlcunfuoc u! pa]uel:em.]ouole s;eubtsuetl]sapaduaqM (e) : sAera6ur 'cUletl Jelnctqalse -Mollo+aql ur paqst;du.rocce aq uec stqf llam se suetllsapedtro spoauaq] uorl.eloptsuocolu! a>le}}sntu sleubtspalenlce-cu+Pr} +o uotlelado : lolluoc prelenlcv-uelJlsopad 'uo!]eco[ uot]casia]u!-uoue ]e sl uollelle]sulaql (a) 'cl++eJ] Ae ^-oml +o ]uouanoul Aenn-auolo+ aprnord ol st uortrellplsuloql (p) ']aur s! r.lclqm luerrpm Aluo aqr s! lueJJelvtluaplsce Jo ueplsaped aq1 (c) 'srnoq >1eed aql6uunp Aluo sAe;appue soulnloncl1+eJllaoJls epts qbtg (q) 'Mo-'l 'saurnlo^ 6u1]enlcnl+ (e) : opnlcur lolluoc ;eubts,toadAl or.ltlo uotlcalasaql u! lorluoc palenlce aLll ol peol Aeu leql sJolge+ledtculld aq1 cr++er]+o uorleJaprsuoc.alqerno^e+ : loJluoC 1o ad{1 }o uol}celas butulenog sro}cel ']uelleM slt{} Japunsgeubts uot}eJle}sutepace.rdplnoqs cUrLeJ} o} ocua!uonuocul +o pue Aelapsie; asnec qc!qnlr soJnseaullP!pauJal Jaqlo '+o 1etl1 alenbapy ( b ) The RED indicationwhileflashing,meansthat a pedestrian shall not start to cross the roadwayin the directionof the indication, but that any pedestrianwho has partly completedhis crossing shallproceedto a widewalk,or to a safetyisland. ( c ) The GREEN indicationsteadilyilluminated,meansthat pedes- triansfacingthe signalindicationmay proceedacrossthe roadway in the directionof the indication. (d) The GREENindicationwhileflashingmeansthat thereis a possible conflict of pedestrians with vehicles. SignalIndications: Applicationsof Pedestrian Pedestrian signalindicationsshall be installedin conjunctionwith vehiculartraffic signals(whichmeqtoneor moreof the traffic signalwarrant previously setforth) underanyof the followingconditions. (a) Whena traffic signalis installedunderthe pedestrian volumeor warrant. schoolcrossing ( b ) Whenan exclusiveintervalor phaseis providedor madeavailable for pedestrianmovementin 'one or more directions,with all beingstopped. conflictingvehicularmovements (c) When vehicularindicationsare not visibleto pedestrians suchas on one-waystreets,at "T" intersections; or when the vehicular indicationsare in a positionwhich would not adequatelyserve pedestrians. (d) At establishedschool crossings at intersections signalizedunder any warrant. Pedestrian signalindicationsalso may be installedunder any of the followingconditons: (a) When'any volume of pedestrianactivity requiresuse of a pedestrian cleaiance interval to minimize vehicle-pedestrianconflicts or when it is necessaryto assist pedestriansin making a safe crossing. ( b ) When multi-phaseindications(as with split-phasetiming) would guidedonly by vehiclesignalindicatend to confuse pedestrians tions . -(D (c) When pedestrianscross part of the street, to or from an island, during a particular interval (wherethey should not be permitted to cross another part of that street during any part of the same interval). Location : Pedestriansignal facesshall be mounted with the bottomof the housing not lessthan 2.0 meters nor more than 3.00 metersabove the,sidewalk level, so that there is a pedestrianindication in the line of pedestrian's vision which pertainsto the crosswalkbeingused. The DO NOT ENTER indication(RED) shall be mounteddirectly a b o v eo r i n t e g r awl i t h t h e E N T E Ri n d i c a t i o (nG R E E N ) . Pedestrian signalheadsmay be mountedseparatelyor on the same support with other signalheads. When mountedwith other signalheads betweenthe two heads. thereshallbe a physicalseparation The pedestriansignalheadshall be so positionedand adjustedas to provide maximumvisibilityat the beginningof the controlledcrossing. Detectorsi Pedestrian detectorsof the push-buttonor othertype shallbe designed to operateon a circuit not to exceed18 volts. They may be mounted on signalstandard,wood or steel poles.or individualposts. They should be convenientlylocated near each end of crosswalkwhere actuationis required. A mountingheightof 1-1.25metersabovethe sidewalkhasbeen usage. found bestadaptedto Eeneral -PermanenLt-ype signsshall be mounted-above or inrnit with the detectors,explainingtheir purposeand use. At certain locations,it may be desirableto supplementthis sign with a largersignsuspended overthe oriensidewalkto call attentionto the push-button.Wheretwo crosswalks, ted in differentdirections,end at or nearthe samelocation,the positioning of pedestrianpush-buttonsshouldclearlyindicatewhich crosswalksignal is actuatedby each push-button. Additional push-buttondetectors may be requiredon islandsor medians mightbecomestranded. wherea pedestrian Specialpurposepush-buttons(to be operatedonly by authorized persons)shouldincludea housingcapableof beinglookedto preventaccess in this case. by the generalpublic Instructionsignsarenot necessary A pilot light or other meansof indication may be installedwith a pedestrianpush-buttonwhi.chnormally shall not be illuminated. Upon actuation,it shall be illuminateduntil the indicationis displayed. Intervals: Pedestrian The four basic combinationsof pedestriansignal intervalswith vehicularsignaloperationareasfollows (a) CombinedPedestrian-Vehicular lnterval:- A signalphasingwherein pedestrianmay use certain crosswalks and vehiclesare per(the pedeitrianindication mitted to turn acrossthesecrosswalks s h a l bl ef l a s h i n sGR E E NL I G H T ) . (b) ExclusiveCrosswalklnterual:- A signal phasingwherein pedestrian may usecertaincrosswalks but vehiclesare not permittedto moveacrossthesecrosswalks duringthe pedestrian movement(the pedestrian shallbe steadyGREENLIGHT) indication o-- ( c ) Leading Pedestrian lnterval:- A signal phasing wherein .an exclusivepedestrianinterval, in advanceof the vehicularindication shall be steady green. when the leading pedestrianinterval is interval begins, terminated,and a combined pedestrian-vehicular flash. to begin the greenindication may (d) ExclusivePedestrianPhase:-A signalphasingwherein pedestrians may proceed to cross the intersection in any direction during an exclusivephase while all vehiclesare stopped (the pedestrian i n d i c a t i o ns h a l lb e s t e a d yG R E E N ) of sufficienttime to crossthe roadwayat shouldbe assured Pedestrians signalsare.of the actuatedtype, Where traffic a signalizedintersection. crossingtime.when conirol equipmentshouldprovidesufficientpedestrian actuationand the minimumvehicularis less there has'beena pedestrian than that neededby the pedestrians.Wheretraffic signalsare not of the to providesuffitype, pedestrianactuationmay be u_sed vehicle-actuated crossingtirne, or the vehiculartime shouldbe adjustedto cient pedestrian providethe crossing time neededby pedestrians. Undernormaleonditisnsrthegreenintervalshouldbe alleast 7 seconds pedestrians will haveddequateopportunityto leavethe ke-rb,before so that ' intervalis shown.' However,the greenintervalitself neednot the clearance equal or exceedthe total crossingtime calculatedfor the streetwidth,.as interval. crossinqduringthe clearance completetheir crossing manv oedestrianswill comPlete m'anypedestrians A pedestrianclearanceinterval shall alwaysbe providedwhere pedestrianssignalindicationsareused. lt shallconsistof a flashingred indication. The duiation should be sufficientto allow a pedestriancrossingin the crosswalkto leavethe kerb and travel to the centreof the farthesttravelled lane before opposingvehiclesreceivea greenindication(normalwal\!1S to be 1.25meter per second).On a streetwith a.median speedis assumed to allow only enoughpedesin width, it may be desirable meters least 2 at from the kerb time on b given phaseto clearthe crossing trian clearance an to the median. In the latter caseif the signalsare pedestrian-actuated, provided island. on the be additionaldetectorshall Whena traffic signalinstallaiionis beingoperatedas a flashingdevice, shallnot be illuminated., indications the pedestrian HazardldentificationBeacon: A HazardldentificationBeaconis one or moresections'ofa standard traffic signalheadwith a flashingCIRCULARYELLOW indicationin include: eachsection.Typicalapplications 1. in or immediatelyadjacentto the roadway. Obstructions 2. to advance warningsigns. Supplemental 3. At mid-blockcrosswalks. 4. wherewarningis required. At intersections 5. to regulatorysigns,exceptthe STOP,YIELD and Supplemental D O N O TE N T E Rs i g n s . 29l A H a z a r d l d e n t i f i c a t i o nB e a c o ns h a l l b e u s e do n l y t o s u p p l e m e n at n a p p r o p r i a t ew a r n i n go r r e g u l a t o r ys i g no r m a r k e r . T h e b e a c o ns h a l ln o t b e i n c l u d e d w i t h i n t h e b o r d e ro f t h e s i g n . Hazard ldentification Beacons,when used at intersectionsshall not face confIictingvehicularapproaches. SpeedLimit Sign Beacon: A SpeedLimit Sign Beaconis two CIRCULAR YELLOW lenssectionseach h a v i n ga v i s i b l ed i a m e t e ro f n o t l e s st h a n ' 1 5 c m . A s a n a l t e r n a t e o , ne clRC U L A R Y E L L o w l e n s , h a v i n g a v i s i b l ed i a m e t e ro f n o t l e s st h a n 2 0 . 0 c m . where two lensesare used, they shall be vertically aligned,and they shall be a l t e r n a t e l fyl a s h e d . l iI A Speed Limit Sign Beacon is intendedfor use with a fixed or variable speedlimit sign. where applicable,a flashingspeed limit beacon (with an appropriateaccompanyingsign) may be usedto indicatethat the speedlimit shown is in effect. ' I I An Intersection Control Beacon consists of one or more sections of a standard 'r.rafficsignal head, having flashing cIRCULAR YELLow oR clRCULAR RED indicationsin each face. They are installedand are usedonly at an intersectionto control two or more directions of travel. Supplementalindjcations may be neededon one or more approachesin order to provide adequate visibilityto approachingtraffic. Intersection Control Beaconsare intended for use at intersectionswhere traffic.or physical conditions do not justify conventionaltraffic signalsbut wherehigh accidentratesindicatea specialhazard. Applicationof IntersectionControl Beaconsshallbe limited to : "1. Yellow on one route (normally the major roadway) and red for the remainingapproaches 2. Red for all approaches(where all approachingtraffic is supposedto stop). Stop Sign Beacon : A Stop Sign Beaconis one or two sectionsof a standardtraffic signalhead with a flashingCIRCULAR RED indication in each section. Wheretwo lenses are.used,theyshallbeof the29.0 cm nominal diametersize,alignedhorizontally and they shall be flashedsimultaneously.where a signallens ii used,it may be either20.0 cm or 30.0 cm nominaldiameter. -^ ^ Thebottom of the, housing of a stop sign beacon shall be not lessthan 30.0 cm nor more than 60.0 cm 5bouethe top oi u ,top.iign. 292 A Stop should be used with a flashingred intersectioncontrol beacon. l GeneralDesignand Operationof Beacons: Flashingbeaconunits and their mountingshallfollow the generaldesign specificationsfor traffic control signals,which shall include the following essentials : ( 1 ) Each signalunits lens shall have a visiblediameterof not lessthan 20.0 cm exceptfor speedsignbeamns. ( 2 1 When illuminated,the beaconshall be clearlyvisible(to all driversit faces)for a distanceof at least 0.4 Km under normalatmospheric conditionsunlessotherwisephysicallyobstructed. (3 ) All flashingcontacts should be equippedwith filtersfor supperssion of radiointerference Beaconsshall be flashedat a rate of not lessthan 50 nor more than 60 per-iod-oI--each-flash tintes-permjn-ute. Ihe-il-Lumlna-te-d shall not he lessthan one-halfand not morethan two-tl"firds of the total cycle. Whenhazardidentification beaconshave more than one section,they may be flashedalternately. Beaconsshouldbe operatedonly during those hourswhen the hazardor regulationexists. A flashingyellow beaconinterconnected with a trafficsignalmntroller may be usedwith an advancetraffic signalwarningsign. lf a 150 watt. lamp is usedin a 30.0 cm lensflashingyellow beaconand the flashingyellow is so bright as to causeexcessive glareduringnightoperation, an automaticdimming deviceshould be used to reducethe brillianceduring nightoperation. HazardldentificationBeaconLocation : The hazardor other condition warrantingFlazardldentificationBeacons should largelygoverntheir location with respectto the roadway. ff usedalone and locatedat the roadside,the bottom of the beaconunit shall be at least 2.50 metersand not morethan 3.50 metersabovethe pavement.lf suspended over the roadway,the clearanceabovethe pavementshall not be more than 5.75 metersnor lessthan 4.50 meters. In no caseshouldthey be mounted on pedestals in the roadwayunles the pedestalis within the confinesof a traffic or pedestrianisland. Wherean obstructionis in or adjacentto the roadway, illuminationof the lower portion or the beginningof the obstruction,or a sign on or in front of the obstructionis desirable, in additionto the beacon. IntersectionControl BeaconLocation : An Intersection ControlBeaconis generallysuspended overthe centreof an intersection,howeverit may be usedat other suitablelocations. lf suspended over the roadwaythe clearanceabovethe pavementshall be at least4.50 meters but not morethan 5.75.meters. lf pedestalrnountingis used,the bbttom of the sign'alheadshall be at least2.50 metersbut not morethan.4.50metersabove the pavement. In no caseshould it be mountedon a pedestalin the roadway 293 island. unlessthepedestal is within the confinesof a trafficor pedestrian Lane-Use Control Signals: control signalsare specialoverheadsignalshavingindicationsused Lane-Use to permit or prohibitthe useof specificlanesof a streetor highwayor to indicate by placement are distinguished the impendingprohibitionsof use. Installations of thesespecialsignalsovera certainlaneor lanesof the roadwayand by their distinctiveshapesand symbols. Supplementary signsare often usedto explain their meaning andintent. Lane-use control signalsare most commonlyusedfor reversible-lane control. This type of control shouldbe usedonly when a competentengineering study showsthat there is need and also that the planhedoperationis practicable. Reversible-lane operationmay be appropriateat toll-boothareas. Lane-use-control signals alsomay be usedwherethereis no intentor needto reverselanes.Someapplications of this type are r 11). 9n a me-torwEy,-wberqi! L. dqslled !q keep lfqJllc ou! oJ qe4q!'r lanesat certainhoursto facilitatethe mergingof traffic from a ramp or anothermotorway. (2i On a motorway,nearits terminus, to indicatea lanethat ends. (3) On a motorway,or long bridge,to indicatea lanewhich may be temporarilyblockedby an accident,breakdown,etc. (4) On a multi-lanehighwaywhereit is necessary to control movementof trafficin eachlaneindividually. ControlSignalIndications: Meaningof Lane-Use of lane-use The meanings controlsignalsareasfollows: ( 1 ) A s t e a d yD O W N W A R D G R E E NA R R O Wm e a n st h a t a d r i v e ri s p e r mitted to drive in the lane over which the arrow signalis located. (21 A steadyYELLOW X meansthat a driver should prepareto vacate, in a safe manner,the lane over which the signalis locatedbecause a lanecontrolchangeis beingmadewhichwould prohibitoccupyingof that laneby vehicGs. (3) A flashingYELLOW X meansthat a driver is permittedto usea lane overwhichthe signalis located,usingpropercaution. (4) A steadyRED X meansthat a drivershallnot drivein the laneover which the signalis locqted,and that this indicationshall modify acmrdinglythe meaning of all othertraffic controlspresent. Designof Lane-useControlSignals: All lane-use control signalindicationsshall be in units with rectangular faces. Nominalminimumheightand width of eachfaceshallbe 30.0 cm for typical applications. However,other sizeswith message recognitiondistances appropriate to signalspacing maybe employedfor unusual applications. 294 Eachlaneto be reversed shallhavesignalfaceswith a DOWNWARDGREEN ARROWon an opaquebackground, and a RED X symbolon an Opaquebackground. lane immediatelyadjacentto a reversiblel'aneshall Each non-reversible GREEN ARROW displayedto traffic travellingin the have a DOW.NWARD permitteddireetionand a RED X symbol displayedin the oppositedirection. laneson any street so controlled may also be provided Other non-reversible with theseindications. The indicationsprovidedfor eachlanemay be in separateunitsor may be superimposed in the same unit. When in separateunits, the RED X symbol shallbe on the left, the YELLOWX symbolif usedshallbe in the middleandthe DOWNWARG D R E E NA R R O Ws y m b o l s h abl leo n t h e r i g h t . The colour of lane.usecontrol signalindicationsshallbe clearlyvisiblefor 0.4 Km. at all times under normal atmosphericconditons,unlessothenryise physically obstructed. control signalshallbe at leastasgreatas The visibilityangleof the lane-use that specifiedfor the standardcirculartraffic signal. Locationof Lane-use Control Signals: control signalunitsshallbe locatedapproximatelyoverthecentre Lane-use of the Ianecontrolled. . lf the areato be controlledis morethan 0.4 Km in length,or if the vertical lane-use contiol'signal or horizontalalignmentis curved,intermediate indications shallbe placedover eachcontrolledlane at frequentintervals.This placement shallbe suchthat a motoristwill at all timesbe ableto seeat leastone indication, and preferablytwo (due to the possibilityof a burn out of a signalindication) alongthe roadway,and will havea definite indicationof the lanesspecifically reserved for his use. All lane-use control indicationsshallbe locatedin a straightline acrossthe roadwayat right angleto the roadwayalignment The bottom of any lane-use control signalunit shallbe not lessthan 4.50 meters nor morethan 5.75 metersabovethe pavementgrade. e On roadway having intersectionscontrolled by traffic signals,the laneuse mntrol indicationshall be placedsufficientlyfor in advanceof or beyond such traffic signalsto preventthem from being misconstruedas traffic mntrol signals. 30.0 cm lensesmay be necessaryin the intersectiontraffic control signals to aid in distinguishing betweenthe two typesof signals. Operationof Lane-Use Signals: All reversible-lane controlsignalsshallbe coordinatedandwiredto a master control which will operateso as to permit signalindicationsfor eachdirection in any of the reversinglanesto changefrom a steadyRED X to a DOWNWARD G R E E N A R R O W o r f r o m a D O W N W A R DA R R O Wt o s t e a d yY E L L O WX GREEN whenusedandthento a steadyREDX. Theshowingof a DOWNWARD ARROWor steadyYELLOW X or any combinationthereof,in both directions overthe samelane,shallbe guardedagainstby electricalinterlock. 295 D u r i n g c h a n g eo v e r p e r i o d sa, s t e a d yY E L L O W X i n d i c a t i o n sm a y b e u s e d t o n o t i f y t r a f f i c i n a r e v e r s i b llea n et o p r e p a r et o v a c a t et h e l a n e . A l t e r n a t e l yt h e s t e a d y R E D X m a y i m m e d i a t e l vf o l l o w t h e t e r m i n a t i o no f t h e s t e a d yD O W N W A R D G R E E N A R R O W ,a n d i n t h i s c a s ea c l e a r a n c p e e r i o do f a p p r o p r i a t e length shall be shown in both directionsover the lane before the steady DOWNWARD G R E E N A R R O W i n d i c a t i o ni s s h o w n f o r t r a f f i c f r o m t h e o p p o s i t ed i r e c t i o n , Where feasible,a flashingYELLOW X for both directionsmay be usedover a laneto permit useof that lanefor right turns,with due caution. The type of control providedfor reversiblelane operationshould be such as to permit either automaticor manualoperationof the lane-use control signals. lf an automatic system is used, a manual control to over-ridethe automatic control shallbe provided. When used,lane-use signalsshallbe operatedcontinuousry. Taff ic Signalsat Draw Bridges: draw bridges a,rea s-p-e-cial SrgnalsinsaalLe-d-at type-of highway traffic signal, the purpose of which is to notify traffic to stop becauseof the road closure rather than alternately giving the right-bf-way to conf licting traffic movements. They are manuallyoperatedin coordinationwith the openingand closingof the draw bridges, and with the operation of gates, barriers,or other devicesused to warn, control and stop vehicles. Unlike traffic control signals,draw bridge signalsmay be operatedfrequently or at extremely infrequent intervalsdepending upon the nature of the physicalconditionsand water-waytraffic. Application of DrawbridgeSignals: Drawbridgesignalsshall alwaysbe used in conjunctionwith gatesand other typeEof protectioncommonly employedat drawbridges. Designof DrawbridgeSignals: The signal heads and mountings of drawbridge signalsshall follow the standard design specifications for traffic contrcl signals. Drawbridgesignals may be supplementedwith bells to provide additional warning to driversand pedestrians Nominal 20.0 cm. signal indicationsare standard. However,if prevailing approach speedsare in excessof 40 KPH or when considerationssuch as roadway width or geometrics,signal location, conflicting lights or objects in the background, etc. indicate the need for greater signal effectiveness,signal headswith 30.0 cm diameterlensesand 100 wa.ttor largerlampsshould be provided. Where physicalconditions preventa driver (travellingat the 85 percentile approachspeed)from havinga continuousview of at leastone signalindication for approximately10 secondsbefore reachingthe stop line, an auxilliarydevice shall be provided. This devicemay be eitheran auxilliarysignalor a DRAWBRIDGE warning sign with a Hazard ldentification Beacon interconnectedwith the drawbridgecontroller. C L6Z 'ponulluocslpoq lleqssuollecrpurleubrspar oq] 'pasgeruoaq pue pasolc uteOeuaaq seq abpuq aLll uaq6'palaMol a^eq sale0 eqt 'spuocas aq Aeu sale6 eq] OZ Alaleuttxo.tdde1o pouad unLululul e Jo]+V 'suotlecrpur par aLll;o 6urqselrr aql'alnpacotd 0utuedo aleurallelJels lleLls;eubts 'spolled Duluedo abpuq uoamlaq a6puq aql saler]rurJopual abpuq aql uaq11 paleu!unllroq ]ou 1;eqsleubrsaLl]'palcolas sr uorlelleputleubtstroedAr paJ-olqnop oq] uoseorJoqlo auos Jo+ a;aqm lo luanbe4 ssalaJe sbutuadoabpuq aJaqg 'lenralu! nnollaAaql 'uolleredo a6puq aqf Aq palloJluocaq'aro+aJoq] ]docxa lleqs '1erua1u1 'ulstueqcoul suorlecrpur 1eu61sqcea lo uorleJnp aqf lolluog abptlq ar.|}q}tm uorpeuuoolalur qbnolq}'c!}euo}ne oq llpqs uot}elado abpuq pue a}eo 'uaal6 Apealsol. unlar leubtsaql "pauado 1eu61s rtoecuanbaseq1 lleqssuotlectput 'uollec!put pol snonu!] uaaqaneqselebaql pue pasolc uaoq seq a6puq aq] Jol+V -uoc e Moqs lleqs sleu6tsoql pasolc a;e saleb aql altq1 'Aennpeoloq] esolc ol elerado o1 urbaqsactnapJaqlo Jo salebaql aJo+aqspuocasg! ueql ssollou pal ol abueqcllerlspue (spuocasg o] e Alateuxo.tddeAlleulou) lerualut paululalapald 'spouad 'pauado e.rol mo1laAo1 ebueqc 1;eqsleubrseq] aq o] s! abpuq aql uaqM aq lleqs geuDrs uaer6aql'pasn s1 leubts 6uruadouae/vuaq saurl lle le paleulu.rnllr pu.e sbutuedo ebpuq aJaq6 abpq.rq adAl ale rnoloc €aJql aLll luanbal,t 1o 'suorlrpuocsnopJezeqro uolsnluoc burlealc ptoneo] suotlellelsul peorltel oql uo qcns Euruueld ut pasn aq plnoqs aJBcauralx;1 ' 1eu61s paddolseq Aeu crge$ leql Alrlrqrssode sr aJaql pue apel6 peolltel e ol 'lolluoJ sLl] +l 'suolleraprsuoc6uueeutbueAq paleclput +! asolc sr a6pr.rqane.rp abpuqrrnerpaql q1!^ palcauuocralu! aq plnoqs sAennqbtqpue slaalls luecefpe uo sleubrg 'loJluoc bulqclyvrspa)collolut ue qbnolql Japual a0puq oqr Aq Al 'ueds alqeanou aq] -lenueu pollorluoc ale uedsalqenoulpue seleb's1eu61s leql os 'seclnep rlllm pue loJluoc .to 6ulureaniaqlo Jo sateb e6p!.tqmelple sleu0tg : s;eu6;5ebptrqnnerq;o uotleradg aql+oacue^pe ur$alor!9!-9tuor+aqAlteutpro 0,,",'u1"'i1ttT"1i:J;fi:1iJ# c4+ell raqlo Jo+ sluaualnber aql ol rlJoluoc plnoqs sabprtqnnerp 1e sleubts 'r.aolEslput,pueqlq6u,to sq rs.t-!r ul luauecetd pJalq p-uerqopq aL$legpoBpeJd 'Aennpeol aql urol+Aennpeoraql ssoJceAlnerlp aq] +o +lPqUol ol.{}Jo^olo apls }+ol 'ueds 'Aennpeol pue aql +o apls lqbu aq1 ]e aq lleqs leu6tsaug aLll ]e roqlo aql alqe^ou aq] ol qceordde qcea Jo+ peptnold oq 1leqssuotleclpu! leubtsoanl : s;eubggabpuqrne.r6lo uorleco'I ']uenb 'Aetse lecruan ur suollecrpurleubtspal oM] +o slslsuoc edAl puoces oqJ -ar+alrnb sr uo1]eradoa6puqanerpuaqm pasn oq ol A11eraua6'suotlectpul 1eu61s 'per) rnoloc aarql pJepuplsaql slstsuocedAl rltl cr++er](uaar6 pue nnol;aA +o 'sacuelsunclc relnctlled rapun asn o] qclqm buturtulalap u! pastcJoxa aql 'sbuluado aq ]snur luer.uabpnf6uuaeul6uapue popllold ale sleu0rs1o sedAt orvrl uoaMlaqspolrad aurll +o a6uel e aprn os sJanocuollelado abpuqnnelpacutg 'uoglemdoaDpuqnnelp o] uleM ol papoau uaqnnA;uo paqsel, aq lllm l! os uollels s,JapualabpuqaLll rxol+ uoceaqs!q] loJluoc ol alqerlsaps! ll 'suot]tpuocloqlo lo+ se llaM se a^oqe paqucsap suollpuoc aql rapun 'uoceag uollecry!]uapl plezeH e Aq peluaual -ddnsaq qcng 'alqrses+ oq lou plnoM 6utubtsqons oraqm suor]!puoo ;1eqssu0rs 'sl.slrolour o] Dururennaouenpeant6 o] a6puqnnelpaq} ulotl ueqJn ur l.dacxe uOtg6utulen4igOIUSMVUC V aq] le pasnoq sAennle 11eqs When a HazardldentificationBeamn is usedwith the DRAWBRIDGE WarningSign it should be interconnected with the drawbridgecontrollerin such a manneras to beginoperationsufficientlyin advanceoJ the beginning . of the bridgeopeningsignalsequence as to warn driversthat they will enCounter a red signalor vehiclesstoppedby the signal. lt may frequentlybe desirable to continuethis beaconin flashingoperationafter the draw bridgecyclehasbeen mmpleted until all stoppedvehicleshavestartedto move and traffic is again flowingfreely. for Emergency TrafficSignals Vehicles: An emergency traffic signalis a specialadaptationof a traffic controlsignal to gqtainthe right-of-wayfor an authorizedemergency vehicle. An emergencytraffic signal may be installedat a locationthat does not meet the warrants prescribed for the varioustypes of other traffic may be installedat an intersectionor at other locationswhere there is direct access from a buildinghousingthe emergency vehicle. Applicationsof Emergency-Traific Signals: - rAfan unsignalizedlosat-irnFn€rrrgenefrraffie signal may be justified if gapsin traffic do not existto permitsafeentranceof emergency adequate vehicles on the throughstreetis 9r thg stoppingsight distancefor vehiclesapproaching in-sufficientto permit safeentraneeof emergency vehicles. The sight distancedeterminationis basedon the locationof the visibility obstructionfor the critical approachlanefor eachstreetor drive,and the posted or 85th percentilespeedon the throughstreet,whicheveris higher. lf warrantsfor a traffic control signalare met, a signalnormallyshouldbe installedto the standards requiredfor that type of siinal. The useof emergencytraffic signalsto permit direct accessto a streetfrom a buildinghousingemergency equipmentis optional. Designof Emergency TrafficSignals: . Except as specifiedin this section,a traffic control signatfor emergency vehiclemovements shallmeetthe requirements of this Manual. At leastone signalfaceshouldbe locatedoverthe roadway. A HazardldentificationBeaconmay be installedin advance of an emergency traffic signal. such beaconshallbeaccompanied by an appropriate warningsign. The designand location of the beaconshall conform to the standardssp6cif-ications. A minimum of one signalface shall face the directionof approachof the vehicle. emergency Operationof Emergency-Traffic Signals: As a minimum,the indications, sequency and mannerof operationof an emergencytraffic control signalinstalledat a mid block locationshall be as follows: 298 ( 1 ) The signalindication,betweenemergencyvehicleactuations,shallbe eithera steadygreenor flashingyellow. Q I There shall alwaysbe a steady yellow changeindicatignshown to traffic on the street,but a changeindicationis not requiredfor the vehicledriverway. emergency (3 ) Thereshall be a steadyred signalindicationfor traffic on the street. The duration of the red period should be determinedon the basis of on-sitetegt run-timestuides,but shouldnormallynot exceed1.5 time.r or clearance vehiclepassage timesthe emergency (4) It has been found advantageous to use30.0 cm diameterfor red and steadyyellow indications,and 20.00 cm diameterfor flashingyellow andsteadygreenindications. indications ( 5 ) An interseciionalor mid'block emergency-traffic signalmay be actuated manuallyfrom a local control point suchas a fire station,police or civil defenceoffice, or from an emergencyvehicle headquarters equippedfor remoteoperationof the signal. ) (6) HazardldentificationBeacons,usedwith an emergencytraffic signal conditionat the sametime as shallbe actuatedfrom a non-illuminated to steadyyellow. traffic signalis changed the emergency (71 Emergency-traffic shouldbe operated signalsloqatedat intersections either in the flashingmode betweenemergencyactuationsor should . be semior fully traffic-actuatedto accommodaten-ortiralvehicular traffic on the streets. and pedestrian Train-ApproachSignalsand Gates: wherestudiesindicatethe needof protection At rail highwaylevelcrossings beyond that providedby signs,signalsshouldbe installedwhich indicatethe of trainl. The signalsmay be supplementdby gateswhich approachor presence traffic while traffic are apextend acrossthe laneor lanesof the approaching proachingand occupyingthe crossing. The followingsectionsapply only to with or without gates. signals, (1) Wheretraffic signalsare locatedat inter-sections in closeproximity signals,particularattentionmust be givento the to the train-approach mordinationof the two installations. A As useherein,the terms"train" and"rail" shallincludetransitvehicles right ofoperatingupon stationaryrailsor trackson privateor separate way, The applicabletechniquesof rail levelcrossingprotectionalso should be traffic usingexclusive of the pre-emptive-type for the level-crossings considered right-of-way. Applicationof Rail LevelCrosingSignals. of trains or-presence A flashinglightsignalis usedto indicatethe approach by meansof two horizontal red light flashingalternately6t pre-determined tt tLgt vqtJ, l. 299 , A rail high-waylevelcrossinggate (appearing to the driveras an arm being loweredor in a horizontalposition)is an effectiveadjunctto the flashinglight signal in indicating the approachor presenceof trains. When used,the gate should extented over the travelledroad-waya sufficient distanceto cover the crossing. lanesusedby traffic approaching,the -: Signalsand signsor signals,signsand gate of the type describedherein shallbe installedat rail-roadhighwaygrade-crossings wherea study of the crossing by competentengineersindicatesa needfor advancewarningof the approachof trains. These exact assemblies of devicesshall be used foi no other purpose. Whenevera clearlyvisibleelectricor mechanical signaldeviceis actlvated gateis lowered,or a humanflagmancontinuesto givea signalindicating a crossing the approachor pmsage of a train,thedriverof an approaching vehicleshould: (1) Stop within 15 meter but not les than 45 metersfrom the nearest rail of such rail-roadand shall not proceeduntil he can do so safely, and (21 no personshall.driveany vehiclethrough,aroundor underany crossing is slosed late- or-barr.ierara-ra-il.road--c-rossingwhilc=uehTeFdfbarr-ier or is beingopenedor closed. FCPPK-Lirho/1975/88Ag/NTRC- 300