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Scientific Method Practice: 6th Grade Worksheet

6th Grade Summer Practice
Scientific Method Practice
1. Go to the quizlet.com website to make flashcards or read the word file attached.
a. http://quizlet.com/25071514/steps-of-the-scientific-method-stepsdefinitions-and-examples-of-each-step-flash-cards/
2. Next, go to the following website to try a lab implementing the scientific method.
a. http://www.biologycorner.com/worksheets/sci_method_plop.html#.U4cvnK-2So
Scientific Method Review:
The steps of the scientific method with definitions of each step and an example.
Step one?
State the Problem: Find out what your problem is.
- Define the problem clearly as possible
Bad: Bike making a noise
Good: Front brakes making a loud noise. Luke's ipod stopped playing music in one earphone.
Step two?
Gather Information: Gather data about the problem.
- make good observations using the 5 senses:
ex: Touch, Taste, Smell, Sight, Hearing.
He checked all his other songs and found they all did the same thing.
Step three?
Form a Hypothesis: Form a logical idea of the answer to your problem.
- Hypothesis: A prediction that can be tested.
Luke decided he would try a different set of headphones and see if that helped.
Step four?
Test The Hypothesis: Use an experiment to test your logical answer to the problem.
- Use controlled conditions to test your hypothesis
A. Controlled experiment: Everything in an experiment that is the same except for the variable.
~ Variable: Something in an experiment that you change, only one per experiment.
~ Constant: Factors in an experiment that stay the same.
Luke asked his friends Calum, Michael, And Ashton to borrow there headphones. All of the
other boys had the same brand of headphones ( Beats) and the same iPod ( gen.5) Except he
switched ears. He found all the other headphones worked. Luke tried the headphones in
Calum's ipod, and found they didn't work either.
Step five?
Analyze Data: Go over all the data you have/ go over conclusions.
- Keep a journal of your records.
Luke wrote down his findings and read over all his notes.
Step six?
Draw a Conclusion: Based on data and observations, conclude the answer to your hypothesis.
- should be logical answers to the question based on data and observations.
- if needed, retest this theory ( possibly with a new hypothesis)
Luke concluded with his data and and observations that his headphones were broken and he
needed a new pair.
Step seven?
Share results: report journal to classmates, or publish a journal of findings.
Luke shared his findings with his mom and friends, and his mom bought him another pair for his
Measurement Practice