Point of Work Risk Assessment Doc Ref: This Risk Assessment must be completed by a Supervisor/Manager prior to commencement of works and read in conjunction with the appropriate Work Package Plan. Site Details: Address: Date: Who could be harmed – Please tick all as appropriate Contractor Hazards Present Employee Member of Public Action to be taken to reduce the Risk Slips, Trips or Falls Other(s) Residual Risk H M L Falls From a Height H M L Falling Objects H M L Chemicals H M L Hot Works/Fire/Explosion H M L Members of Public H M L Asbestos H M L Stationary Objects H M L Overturn/Collapse H M L Manual Handling H M L Insecure Load H M L Vehicles H M L Confined Spaces H M L Dust/Fumes H M L Noise H M L Vibration H M L Electricity H M L Radiation H M L Contamination H M L Poor Lighting H M L Temperature H M L Adverse Weather H M L H M L Uncertified Equipment Additional Notes/Comments: This is a record of the Site Specific Risk Assessment conducted for the above job Supervisor/Manager Name: Signature: Date: Continuation, if this risk assessment is for more than one day on the same site and conditions have not changed, please sign and date for each day: Signature: Date: Signature: Date: Signature Date: Signature: Date: