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Effective Teamwork: Easier Said Than Done!

How Do We Get There from Here?


Engineering Design Firm

The Team Contract

© 2013 ENGR/ETGR 1201

Team Contract

Practice decision-making by consensus


• Characteristics of high performing teams

• Team Assessment 1

• Dealing with stages of team development

• Individual preferences

• Project requirements

Develop a team contract or “ground rules”

• Expectations

• Consequences

Each member must sign and date the contract

• Signature indicates that you will adhere to the terms and conditions of the contract

• HOMEWORK: Have one team member submit the contract via

Moodle then bring a copy to class


Engineering Design Firm

© 2013 ENGR/ETGR 1201

Decision-Making by Consensus

• All the team members find common ground

• Does not necessarily mean a unanimous vote

• Everyone has an opportunity to express their views and to hear the views of others

• Open sharing of ideas

• Often leads to better, more creative solutions, i.e. “synergy”

• It’s time consuming!


Engineering Design Firm

© 2013 ENGR/ETGR 1201

Successful Teams Checklist

Are effective communication channels in place?

Is the team committed to excellence?

Does everyone on the team know their specific role ?

Do the individuals on the team regularly operate out of their strengths as opposed to their weaknesses?

Do members understand – and share – the common goals and vision ?

Is there a detailed plan of action for success?

Do team members respect and appreciate one another?

Does the team take a break from time to time to just have fun together?


Engineering Design Firm

© 2013 ENGR/ETGR 1201

Sample Team Contract

Google ‘Sample Team Contract’


Engineering Design Firm

© 2013 ENGR/ETGR 1201
