8/26/2019 General Physics: Mechanics PHYS 211 Today’s Material: Administration; Units Fall 2019 Penn State; University Park Dr. Daniel Costantino Office Hours: 123 Osmond; Tu 10AM – noon; Th 1PM – 5PM most other times (drop by or e-mail) Dr. C or similar is fine for addressing me djc321@psu.edu (use your PSU e-mail address) Welcome to Physics • Why take physics? – Studies everything – Generate theoretical models to analyze reality 1 8/26/2019 What’s going on in PHYS 211? _________ Motion of Objects Details in “Learning Objectives” in Canvas Kinematics ________ Motion of Objects Dynamics (forces) Energy Momentum Rotational Versions __________ of Types of Interactions Oscillations Gravity Course Info is at Canvas https://canvas.psu.edu/ PHYS 211: Mechanics (UP; Fall 2019) Syllabus is there (all policies will be followed) Class notes are posted so you don’t have to write everything My suggestion: print out and add notes during class 2 8/26/2019 Grade Calculation Class Segment Weight Class Participation (CP) 3% Quizzes (Q) 2% Recitation Activities (Rec) 10% Lab Activities (Lab) 10% Pre-Class Activities (PC) 2% Homework (HW) 8% Midterm 1 (MT1) 15% Midterm 2 (MT2) 15% Midterm 3 (MT3) 15% Final Exam (FNL) 20% Extra Credit (EC) 2% (Course Grade) = 0.03 × CP + 0.02 × Q + 0.10 × (Rec + Lab) + 0.02 × PC + 0.08 × HW + 0.15 × (MT1% + MT2% + MT3%) + 0.20 × FNL% + EC Course Materials Physics for Scientists and Engineers: A Strategic Approach with Modern Physics Knight (Fourth Edition / Revised Custom Edition for Penn State) Modified Mastering for Physics 211 ________day trial period available come bundled together at bookstore i>clicker 3 8/26/2019 Approaching the Material Non-ideal approach: I just want to get a *insert grade* often yields disappointing results Suggested approach: I want to understand the material exams test understanding so… to work on understanding… Practice & You minimize passive time when reading text (suggestions in Canvas) answer “Stop to Think” questions look at “Questions” in addition to assigned homework: Pre-Class Assignments: short Assignments on __________ material work on interesting looking “Problems” in class (119 Osmond, lab, & recitation) Clicker Questions participation questions throughout these help me gauge your progress and adjust class earn up to 1 point per day more opportunities to earn than necessary for full score must attend correct 211 section to earn any 4 8/26/2019 Clicker Check When you get to class in 119 Osmond, follow the directions on the back of your clicker to set its frequency to AD. Did you do that? A. Yes and the green light went on. B. I thought I did, but the green light isn’t going on. C. I decided against it. D. A red light keeps blinking. Recitation & Lab Work on detailed problems Get hands on observations main problem solving experience next to homework work in groups of up to 3 students time and room determined by your 211 section attend the ________ section (or you won’t get a grade) In the event of an unavoidable absence: if possible, speak with me beforehand or the week of the absence otherwise complete the makeup request form in Canvas and attend your makeup see syllabus for details 5 8/26/2019 Homework System All homework and pre-class assignments are online http://www.pearsonmylabandmastering.com/northamerica/ Course ID: costantino22549 Benefits of online homework include: instructors can spend more time helping rather than grading Grading is done by a computer Need to be within 1% of theoretical value (use three significant digits unless instructed otherwise) My Suggestion: work with variables; wait to plug in numbers as last step Must complete each part Must use correct symbols: vs. u to get credit for a problem Need correct ID; use your Penn State e-mail address Typical Schedule Week 1 ________: pre-class assignment due at midnight Monday & Wednesday: discuss material in 119 Osmond Week 2 Monday: discuss material in 119 Osmond Monday – Thursday: Look at material in Lab & Rec ____________: homework due at midnight Intro to System: 8/29 First Graded Assignment: 9/3 Don’t wait until last minute to work on activity You get multiple attempts on most problems Check with me or a TA (or a peer) if you are encountering trouble 6 8/26/2019 Exams all Multiple Choice Questions Midterm Exams 20 Questions Each Thursday 9/19 (8:00PM – 9:15PM) Thursday 10/17 (8:00PM – 9:15PM) Thursday 11/14 (8:00PM – 9:15PM) Have a class then? Request a Conflict (link in Canvas) Final Exam 25 Questions Sometime Monday 12/16 – Friday 12/20 Request a Conflict (in LionPATH) 9/23 – 10/13 Sheet of Formulae & Constants will be provided on each exam practice to prepare for time constraint Concept Quizzes Taken in Pollock Testing Center Pre-Quiz let’s me know where we stand to start off _____________ Wednesday (8/27 or 8/28) you’ll get an e-mail about this later today 1% of final grade for taking Post-Quiz last Tuesday or Wednesday of semester (12/10 or 12/11) 1% of final grade for taking If you take both: Extra Credit on final grade = 2% × (Post-Quiz Score) 7 8/26/2019 We’re Here to Help You My role includes present material as clearly as I can in class correct any errors I may make as quickly as possible My most important role: help address difficulties in class / in my office / via e-mail / on Piazza barring emergencies, I will always be in for TAs office hours appointments assist you in lab and recitation Recitation TAs hold office hours You’re Here to Learn Your role includes Being prepared to engage in the material Focusing on task at hand Looking for assistance if you require it If you have a question… 8 8/26/2019 One More Resource Forum for asking questions about the class Get answers from me or classmates 24/7 Help classmates and gain more understanding Keep all responses appropriate (PSU Principles, ECoS Code) Important Dates • • • • • • Mo 8/26: Class Meets in 119 Osmond; no PHYS 211 lab or recitation Tu 8/27: no PHYS 211 lab or recitation; possibly take pre-quiz We 8/28: Class Meets in 119 Osmond and lab and recitation might begin (if your section meets Wednesday) Th 8/29: Intro assignment for HW and lab and recitation might begin (if your section meets Thursday); GSG begins Sa 8/31: Regular Drop Ends Su 9/1: Regular Add Ends (sections now fixed for semester) • • • • Mo 9/2: No PHYS 211 Tu 9/3: No PHYS 211 lab or recitation; Pre-Class 01 due; AIP Survey due (linked to in Canvas starting on 8/26, one of two sources of extra credit) We 9/4: PHYS 211 meets as scheduled Th 9/5: HW01 due; PHYS meets as scheduled • Th 9/19: Midterm 1 • Th 10/17: Midterm 2 • Th 11/14: Midterm 3 • Fr 11/15: Late Drop Deadline • Mo 12/16 – Fr 12/20: Final Exams Week 9 8/26/2019 Any questions about any of that? Now, on to the material Units Scales used for different quantities We’ll mainly use SI (Le Système International d'Unités) Seven __________ which Define Seven Base Units Constant PHYS Quantity SI Unit Cs time c length meter (m) h mass kilogram (kg) e k NA Kcd electric current temperature English Unit second (s) inch, foot, yard, mile slug, pound-mass ampere (A) kelvin (K) amount mole (mol) luminous intensity candela (cd) other units are “derived” from base units: e.g. speed: meters per second (m/s) 10 8/26/2019 When to Include Units (unless if units are obvious) Mars Climate Orbiter Cautionary Tale http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/ms p98/gif/mars-mco-2-t.jpg Launched: December 11, 1998 Arrived at Mars: September 23,1999 : September 23,1999 $655.2 million dollar for total project Cause of error: two teams One group used English units; One group used SI units Sources: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msp98/orbiter/fact.html, http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msp98/news/mco990923.html, http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msp98/news/mco990930.html 11 8/26/2019 Unit Analysis A way to check an equation’s units Look at units of each part of equation units of length are [L] units of time are [T] units of mass are [M] Derived units for speed: [speed] [L] = [T] If a has units of [L]/[T]2, which of the following gives speed? at2 at Units: Unit Analysis and Checking an Equation Three basic things to check in an equation: 1) Left and right side have the same units Like on previous slide 2) Terms getting added/subtracted have the _____ units What is 5 feet + 1 pound? 3) Arguments of functions -trig functions’ arguments should be __________________ -exponents should be ____________ What is sin(1 m) or 21 s? 12 8/26/2019 Unit Conversions Always involves multiplying by ___ Definition of foot: 1 foot = 0.3048 meters So: . . 1 Writing out conversions formally makes life easier Converting miles per hour to meters per second: 1 mi = 5280 ft 1 hr = 3600 s 1 mph 1 mi hr 0.4470 m/s Summary • Check Syllabus for Policies • Always record units! – Unit analysis can check work – Write out unit conversions formally to avoid errors • If you have a question about anything ASK IT 13 8/26/2019 The following slides are provided for reference and will not be discussed in class Reporting Values Three basic things to consider 1) Appropriate Units (for quantity and size) my weight: pounds newborn’s weight: ounces 2) Scientific Notation 3) Significant Digits In formal use (e.g. HW) don’t use too many or too few (rules in book) In casual use, three is often enough (gives answer to 1%) 14 8/26/2019 Position Origin sets 0 point Coordinate axis sets what is positive x(t) = position at time t size is in meters sign gives which side of origin an object is on +x http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:London_2 012_Olympic_100m_final_start.jpg; Usain Bolt won and set Olympic Record Picture shows start of 100 m race x(0 s) = Usain Bolt ran race in 9.63 s: x(9.63 s) = For camera man xcamera(t) is ________ Change of Position (Change of any quantity) = (____ value) – (____ value) Displacement is the change of position over a time interval x = xf – xi Position at ____ of interval Position at ____ of interval 1800 Car A 1600 Position (m) 1400 1200 Car B 1000 Which car is faster? 800 600 400 200 0 0 10 20 30 Time (s) 40 50 60 15 8/26/2019 Average Velocity Δ Δ 1800 Car A 1600 1400 Position (m) Defined as: Average Velocity during interval Displacement during interval Car B 1200 1000 800 600 Car C 400 200 Change in Time of interval 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Time (s) Velocity = ______ of Change of Position SI Units: meters per second (m/s) Average Velocity 1800 Car A 1600 1400 Position (m) Δ Δ Car B 1200 1000 800 600 Car C 400 Average velocity for these cars from 20 – 40 s: A ; 1200 m 40 s 600 m 20 s C ; 200 m 40 s 1000 m 20 s 200 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Time (s) ________ since A moves to bigger positions _______ since C moves to smaller positions 16