Build a Unit System Name: Group members: Today, we are going to build our own metric system. The metric system is a standardized system of units. SI (International System of Units) is a modified version of the metric system with slightly different base units based on what’s most commonly used instead of relying on prefixes. We convert between units in the metric system. We convert back to SI units afterwards. We will start by measuring our desks. With your group, take the material given to you and lay it across the desk. 1. Your group’s material: ______________________________________ 2. How big is the desk in your units? _____________________________ Now, discuss with two other groups nearby. 3. How big is the desk in Group 1’s units? _____________________________ 4. How big is the desk in Group 2’s units? _____________________________ 5. Think about all of the groups in the class and all of their units. Do you think it’s reasonable to keep up with everyone’s units? Why? Explain in 2-3 sentences. 6. How do you think using a standardized system of units could help? Explain in 2-3 sentences. Now, with the other two groups, measure the length of a desk in tulle. We will define this base unit as a desk (D). Take your tulle and divide it into 10. Using the metric prefixes, what would you call this unit? Take one of the 10 pieces of tulle and divide it into 10 again. What would you call this unit? Take a textbook and measure it using your pieces of tulle. What’s the length of the book in cD? What is the length of the book in D? As a class, we are going to measure the length of the entire room. We will call this unit room (r). Let’s divide the tulle into 10s and 100s again. This time, take a cr and divide it into 10. What would this unit be called? Measure your desk in rooms. What’s the conversion between room and desk?